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The skin on the feet is peeling. The main causes of excessive dryness. Dry skin in a child

To be always attractive is the natural desire of every woman. Peeling skin on your legs makes you feel embarrassed about your body - especially in an intimate setting.

When the dermis cracks and scales peel off, this is not only a cosmetic defect. This causes pain, fungal spores can get into microcracks, and inflammation can occur. Why does the skin on my feet dry and peel and how to solve this problem?

Causes of peeling skin on legs

Why is the skin on the legs dry and flaky, what causes this condition?

Common reasons explaining why the body on the lower extremities peels or peels are as follows.

Of course, there are many more reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant defect. For example, the skin does not immediately recover after insect bites or injuries - skinned knees take a long time to heal.

It is impossible to give definite advice on what to do if the skin of your feet is dry and flaky. "interfering with life". Each case must be considered individually.

What to do if the skin on your legs is peeling?

A person's appearance largely depends on the quality of their diet. If you limit the amount of fluid, go on a strict diet - especially such fashionable mono-diets, during which you eat only one type of food for a week, which will cause you to gain weight. "just flies away"– You shouldn’t be surprised that your skin is dry.

The diet must contain foods with vitamins A, C, E, polyunsaturated fatty acids and amino acids, minerals - zinc, selenium, iron, magnesium. It is not necessary to avoid dryness by eating fatty fish and spreading a thick layer of butter on the bun. Healthy vegetable salads are seasoned with vegetable oils - olive or sunflower; be sure to eat a handful of nuts a day - hazelnuts or peanuts are better; and 3-4 times a week they feast on seafood or sea fish.

To expand the drinking regime, use all drinks except alcoholic, sweet carbonated and strong coffee. They have a diuretic effect - albeit a weak one - and dehydrate the body.

If you have dry skin, you should be very careful when choosing hygiene products or detergents.

It is better to give up cosmetics with a lot of fragrances and choose creams with aloe Vera, glycerin, and various oils.

Instead of cream and cosmetic milk, you can apply nourishing oils to your shins - you probably have sunflower or olive oil in your kitchen.

Jojoba, shea butter, burdock, castor or almond oils have excellent nutritional and moisturizing properties. It is better to moisturize the body with burdock and castor at night - they do not smell very pleasant, but almond and jojoba can be used after a pool or beach holiday.

When washing your feet, it is better to use soap with aloe or glycerin. Liquid detergents do not cause dryness.

Scrub procedures are very useful. It is better to prepare products with abrasive particles according to traditional recipes.

The simplest recipes for homemade scrubs:

  • slightly steamed rolled oats with shower gel, sour cream, vegetable oils;
  • coffee grounds or ground coffee with the same binding ingredients;
  • sea ​​salt with cream or shower gel.

When removing keratinized particles from the feet, a preparatory measure is necessary - the feet are steamed. If the skin is peeling due to fungus, do not apply the scrub.

Dry skin is softened by wraps. For these procedures, warm vegetable oils, chocolate, honey and seaweed are used. Seaweed can be purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetic store.

First, wraps are applied to the legs, then they are wrapped in polyethylene and insulated. Filming "compress" in 40-60 minutes.

If your feet are so dry that it is unpleasant to move your toes, then they begin to itch. In this case, baths of vegetable or fruit juices - cabbage, apple, lemon, orange, cucumber - help.

Before performing cosmetic procedures, you should make sure that dry skin is not one of the symptoms of dermatological diseases of various etiologies.

Treatment of severe flaking of the skin of the legs

In the case where the cause of peeling legs is hormonal or

endocrine disorders, bowel dysfunction or emotional instability, then the above cosmetic procedures are carried out in parallel with treatment. The use of medicinal products is usually compatible with the use of oils or scrubs.

If the causes of excessive dryness and flaking are dermatological diseases of various etiologies, then you need to consult a doctor to see if cosmetics can be used to eliminate the defect. With eczema, psoriasis or neurodermatitis, excess contact with water or scented products can cause an exacerbation of the disease. In this case, the disease is first treated, and body healing sessions begin only during the period of remission. A home wrap recipe that has the most gentle effect and can be used during the period of remission of dermatological diseases.


  • baby cream – 3 tablespoons;
  • chamomile decoction - a tablespoon per 150 ml of water - 3 tablespoons;
  • potato starch.

Potato starch is dissolved in chamomile to a paste-like state and cream is added. Apply to feet for 30 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

One more "weighty" The reason explaining why the feet are very itchy requires mandatory treatment. Fungal foot diseases affect about 20% of the world's population.

In this case, cosmetic procedures should be postponed until the end of treatment measures, until the inflammatory process can be completely stopped. If this recommendation is ignored, the disease may ascend.

Treatment of fungal diseases of the feet with medical means involves the use of topical preparations - ointments, creams, emulsions. The most commonly used antifungal agents are "Lamisil", "Exoderil", "Clotrimazole"

To treat foot fungus, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist.

Traditional medicine advises treating fungus with hydrogen peroxide, iodine, salt baths, and strong oak decoction. All these products stimulate peeling.

Cosmetic procedures can be performed during fungal treatment. Before applying medications, you usually need to steam your feet. To prevent excessive peeling, a bath can be made from a mixture of plant materials: calendula, chamomile and mint. Dry herbs are mixed in equal quantities, brewed with boiling water - a glass of herbal raw materials per 1 liter. Leave for half an hour, filter, dilute with another 2 liters of water. The legs float for about half an hour.

All measures to eliminate a cosmetic defect are carried out only after finding out the reason why the skin on the legs is peeling. If it turns out that this is caused by a disease, then you should start with treatment, and not with cosmetic procedures.

When dry skin appears below the knees, it causes significant discomfort to a person. Of course, you can lubricate it with moisturizer and wait until the dryness goes away. But this can last for years, which is quite uncomfortable.

To finally get rid of the problem, you need to find out what causes peeling of the legs below the knee and eliminate them. If this is not done, the affected area may spread to other areas of the skin.

Causes of peeling

Dry skin below the knees

All the reasons that can cause dry skin on the legs are divided depending on the cause. Most of the factors are external influences that can be easily eliminated and then the skin of the legs will return to its normal state. But there is a small chance that the peeling is a sign of a serious internal disease that requires medical attention.

External factors

Peeling skin may be the first warning sign of serious internal diseases. But if it is localized in one area and itches, then most often it is the result of external influences. There are a large number of reasons that can affect the skin of the feet, and it is impossible to take them all into account. Therefore, it is necessary to know the main factors that affect the legs.

These include:

  1. Dry air due to heating or constant use of air conditioning.
  2. Allergic reaction to household chemicals.
  3. Allergy to cosmetics.
  4. Wearing clothes (underwear, pants, socks) that are small, which causes pressure on the blood vessels in the legs and uneven distribution of nutrients. This effect can also be caused by shapewear of the wrong size, or worn on the body for more than 5 hours.
  5. Dry skin due to excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  6. Contact with skin of liquids with a high content of chlorine or other impurities that are used in tap water. This effect can be achieved both by home water treatments and by going to the pool.
  7. Infectious diseases affecting the skin.
  8. Wearing winter boots in a well-heated room.

Most of the external factors are easily removable, but if remission does not occur after taking preventive measures, you should consult a doctor. After all, this may be the first sign of the development of a serious disease. You should also do this if redness appears at the site of peeling, because this is most likely an infection.

Internal diseases

The causes of peeling legs below the knees may be a violation of the health of the body. Dry skin can occur either from local damage or from a general disease.

Common causes of dry skin:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • disturbances in liver function;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • erythroderma;
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema.

Internal causes include poor nutrition, in which the body lacks vitamins. Because of this, not only the skin, but also other organs suffer. If you suspect that some vitamins or minerals are missing, you should consult a doctor and get tested. This will help you know what foods to add to your diet.

Internal causes also include a sedentary lifestyle. Because of this, veins and blood vessels are compressed, which leads to the supply of fewer nutrients necessary for the skin. This makes itself felt even if a person plays sports after a long day of work at the computer.

If the skin of the legs below the knees dries out due to an internal disease, then it is impossible to cure it on your own. Only a qualified doctor can accurately determine the cause and create the most appropriate course of treatment.

Therefore, before trying home methods, you should undergo a medical examination that will identify the source. And after treatment, you can use preventive measures and home methods for healing your skin.

Preventive measures

Healthy and dry skin

When the skin on a woman’s legs peels below the knees, it is easier to cure the disease once, and then constantly maintain the condition of the skin. This is much easier to do than having medical procedures done every six months.


  1. It is very important to humidify the air in the apartment, especially during the heating season.
  2. You should avoid antibacterial soaps or those that contain many additional substances (dyes, fragrances).
  3. Use only proven high-quality cosmetics that do not contain toxic additives.
  4. Exfoliate the skin every week to get rid of dead particles from the feet.
  5. Moisturize your legs and feet with coconut oil or body milk.
  6. Reduce the amount of synthetic clothing adjacent to the affected area.
  7. Remove boots or other warm footwear indoors.
  8. When working sedentarily, alternate periods of immobility with walking. The most useful thing is to get up and walk every 20 minutes. This will have a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on work productivity.

In addition to the measures listed above, it is necessary to remember that foot health comes from within. Therefore, special exercises are an important preventative against both peeling and other diseases of the lower extremities. They help strengthen veins and blood vessels, as well as increase blood flow, which has a beneficial effect on muscle and skin cells.

Home care methods

Proper diet

External effects will be ineffective if the lack of nutrients that are necessary for the skin is not eliminated. Therefore, you should reconsider your diet. It is advisable to increase the amount of stewed fish and fresh salads seasoned with vegetable oil.

It is also important to eat grains rich in fiber. Doctors recommend starting courses of vitamin supplements in late autumn and early winter. This is necessary in order to support the body, which suffers from a lack of fresh greens, fruits or vegetables.

If the reason is insufficient subcutaneous blood circulation, then you can strengthen it with the help of foot baths. For this, procedures not only with warm water are suitable, but also quick dipping into containers of different temperatures.

If the skin of your feet is steamed, you can add a decoction of herbs that will help reduce peeling. Oak bark, chamomile, sage or St. John's wort are good options. It is advisable to alternate them throughout the course.

If the skin is insufficiently nourished, you can deliver beneficial substances using a foot mask. To do this, you need to purchase vitamins A and E at the pharmacy, which are sold in ampoules. You will also need 100 g of thick sour cream and 40-50 g of coconut oil.

Sour cream and butter are thoroughly mixed, then 1 bottle of medicine is added and the mixture is applied to the feet. The entire smeared surface is wrapped in cling film for 20 minutes so that the vitamins do not oxidize in the air. After completion, simply rinse off the substance with warm water.

Paraffin effectively combats dry skin

Cleansing with paraffin. Depending on the affected area, you will need 2-3 thick suppositories. They are lit and gently dripped onto flaky skin so that the drop does not burn. When the piece hardens, cover the area nearby. Do not bring the candle very close to the skin, otherwise you may get burned. And after the entire affected area has disappeared, the procedure is repeated 1-2 more times. After this, the leg is wrapped in cling film, and after 1 hour it is thoroughly cleaned with fine pumice. The course consists of 5-10 procedures. When carrying out the last 4-5 wrapping procedures, it is advisable to use beeswax candles.

It is important to remember that this procedure can only be carried out if there are no scratches, otherwise the hot mass will corrode the wound.

Finding the cause of dryness and eliminating it is the best way to cure peeling feet. If you react early, you can avoid the cost of restoring the affected area. It is best to immediately consult a doctor who will help exclude serious diseases and skin infections from the group of causes.

Every person strives to be the most attractive. Men are more tolerant of themselves, and girls, to achieve this goal, spend huge amounts of money on care products, cosmetics, play sports and lead a healthy lifestyle.

However, small troubles in the form of a pimple on the nose or dry skin on the soles of the feet can ruin the whole image. Feet are an area that cannot be disguised with foundation and cannot be hidden behind socks in the warm season. Why does the skin on my feet peel? Is any special treatment required in this case?

Reasons why the skin on the soles of your feet peels

Every person at least once in his life has encountered the problem of peeling skin on the soles of his feet. However, not everyone pays attention to this and does not wonder why this happens. If the problem has become global and the skin begins to peel off, first of all you need to go to the clinic for an accurate diagnosis. After a complete examination, the doctor will be able to prescribe effective medication treatment. In severe cases, observation in a hospital may be required, however, more often treatment is carried out at home.

The skin on the feet can peel for a variety of reasons, ranging from purely cosmetic to problems with internal organs. Cracks in the heels can be quite deep and painful. Moreover, they can become a breeding ground for bacteria. Therefore, it is important to identify the problem in time and begin treatment. It is recommended to understand the causes of deviations before taking medications.

Causes of peeling heels

Incorrect care. Good hygiene is not just washing your feet every day, although some people forget about this. It is necessary to periodically remove rough skin from the heels and moisturize the feet.

Wearing uncomfortable or synthetic shoes. Why should you give up synthetics?

Low-quality materials (this includes insoles, nylon tights, synthetic socks) do not allow the skin on the feet to breathe. This causes your feet to sweat, creating an ideal environment for bacteria to grow and find their way into the small cracks in your heels. Over time, this leads to rough skin and painful growths. Tight or small shoes cause mechanical damage to the heels.

Lack of vitamin A. It is vital for the body, in particular it is responsible for the elasticity of the skin.

A lack of nutrients may be due to:

  • Poor diet (you need to eat liver, eggs, yellow fruits and vegetables, carrots and greens);
  • Lack of vitamin E (it is needed to activate and produce vitamin A);
  • Diseases of internal organs (gastrointestinal tract, kidneys)
  • Hormonal problems (pregnancy, lactation).
  • Overweight. Extra pounds increase the load on the legs, which causes the dermis on the feet to crack;
  • Fungal infections. The fungus can be picked up in public places (sauna, swimming pool, beach). A weakened immune system and poor circulation increases the risk of infection.

If you notice that the skin on your feet is peeling, you first need to find out why this is happening in order to prescribe treatment.

However, even before a diagnosis is made, you can help the cracks recover using simple rules:

  • Use a pumice stone to remove dead skin from your heels every day. This will give the opportunity to form new, young cells;
  • Train yourself to take foot baths every day. It is very useful to wash your feet first in cold water and then in warm water, with the addition of vinegar or lemon juice;
  • After washing, dry them with a terry towel. A moist environment is a breeding ground for bacteria;
  • Use a rich nourishing or moisturizing cream at night. Make sure it contains vitamins and minerals.

If wounds or microcracks have formed on your heels, do not apply any creams. First of all, you need to treat the damaged areas with hydrogen peroxide. If wounds take a long time to heal, special treatment may be required.

Regularly drink a complex of vitamins and minerals to prevent vitamin deficiency. Follow the rules of proper nutrition - eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. To improve blood circulation, it is recommended to set aside 10-15 minutes every day to lie down with your legs raised up.

If your skin has already begun to peel, avoid open shoes and high heels. Get treatment and then you can return to your favorite shoes.

Make sure that the air in the apartment is humidified and ventilate more often. Avoid synthetic socks, tights, and shoes. Do therapeutic exercises. Sport helps improve blood circulation and accelerate metabolic processes.

Treatment with medications

Treatment with medications should be started only after a complete examination in the clinic and diagnosis. Independent attempts to get rid of the problem may delay recovery or simply not lead to positive results.

As a rule, the following medications are prescribed for dry skin of the feet:

  • "Salicylic" acid;
  • Paraffin;
  • Beeswax;
  • Cream with bee propolis and vitamins A and E;
  • "Balzamed-ointment";
  • "Radevit-ointment";
  • "Bioastin-cream antifungal";
  • "Pine" cream.

For foot diseases, massage is recommended. During the session, you can use petroleum jelly or petrolatum oil, glycerin, cocoa butter, coconut oil, sesame oil, castor oil, any vegetable oil, vitamin A and E capsules, fatty cream.

Treatment with traditional methods

Egg mask

Heat half a glass of sunflower oil, add two raw eggs and mix. Apply the mask to your feet, wrap them in film and put on warm socks. The duration of the procedure is 1 hour. These masks moisturize the skin well.

Chamomile baths

Add a tablespoon of chamomile to a liter of warm water. Immerse your feet in the bath and soak them for 20-30 minutes. The procedure can be repeated daily at night. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

Mask with honey

Heat a couple of spoons of honey in a water bath and apply it to your feet. Leave the mask for half an hour, then wash your feet with warm water.

Mask with milk

Add 100 ml of warm milk or cream to a glass of warm water. Mix the mixture well and apply to your feet using stroking movements.

After this, rinse off the milk with warm water and soda (1 spoon of soda per liter of water).

Prevention of peeling heels

To prevent foot skin problems, follow these rules:

  • Always wear flip-flops in public areas (bathhouse, swimming pool, shower, locker room);
  • Wash your socks daily;
  • Wash your feet daily;
  • Dry your shoes;
  • Use moisturizing creams.

Following simple rules will save you from problems with the skin of your feet forever.

Even the ancient Greeks wrote about the “matte skin” of their goddesses. And despite the fact that we are not gods and are far from ideal, every woman dreams of radiant, well-groomed skin.

Some representatives of the fairest half of humanity were lucky to receive this gift from heaven without making any additional efforts. Others, less fortunate, but therefore more persistent in their pursuit, wage a daily struggle with its shortcomings in search of an answer to the question: why is the skin on the legs dry and even peeling?

Conditionally, the factors of excessive dryness of the skin of the legs can be divided into two broad groups: external and internal causes

Main external reasons

Among the external factors contributing to the emergence of this problem, experts identify the following:

  • Allergy;
  • Stress and overwork;
  • External aggressive environment (swimming pool, ecology, ultraviolet radiation, etc.);
  • Age-related and hormonal changes, etc.

And if you contact a dermatologist with the question: why is my skin on my legs dry and flaky, with a 99.9% probability, eliminating the problem will be associated with drug treatment of external causes.

It is important to regularly take comprehensive foot care

An allergic reaction can be caused by food. Sweets, citrus fruits and milk sometimes cause bright rashes and itching.

An allergic reaction may be caused by food

In the age of global employment, a race with no room for error or stop, where the fashionable concept of “stress resistance” has become a decisive competency for each category of workers, when there is less and less time for sleep, the human body responds with unpleasant reciprocity. This is why the skin on your feet is dry and flaky.

The ecological environment of technogenic civilization, emissions of hydrocarbons into the atmosphere, and polluted water also affect the protective skin layer. Even going to the pool can cause an unusual reaction in the body.

Chemicals for cleaning and disinfecting water, while destroying microorganisms, can cause harm to the human body. More often, water ozonation is used for these purposes, as well as reagents containing chlorine or bromine.

Carefully! Chlorine is a poisonous gas. It was first used as a weapon of mass destruction in 1915 during the First World War at the Battle of Ypres, when about 6 thousand people died from poisoning.

It is believed that bromine is added to prisoners, patients in psychiatric hospitals and military personnel to reduce aggressiveness. However, we should not forget that this is also poison. A bromine leak that occurred on Knowledge Day 2011 in Chelyabinsk during a fire in bromine containers at a railway station, when, according to official data, more than 300 people sought medical help.

Chocolate tan lovers are also at risk. Why? Because the skin on the legs is dry, flaky, and prematurely ages from excess ultraviolet radiation. It is no coincidence that our ancestors hid from the sun under lace umbrellas and wide-brimmed hats, and showing off their legs was considered the height of indecency.

Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, a person, like any natural derivative, is born, matures, ages and dies. With age - as we know from commercials - all metabolic processes slow down, including the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid, necessary for a beautiful old age without wrinkles and plastic surgery.

From time immemorial, people have been looking for magical remedies to stay beautiful and young, jumping into a cauldron of milk, looking for “rejuvenating apples.” And I want to believe that one day scientists will create such a miracle yogurt that will do without a scalpel and stretched skin. Why not? Who wants to have dry skin on their feet? Let it be shiny and not peel off.

Main internal reasons

The famous Canadian psychologist Liz Burbos has been conducting educational work and writing books on psychosomatics since 1982. The main idea of ​​her teaching is that pain and illness are only external manifestations of internal psychological problems and conflicts. Thus, dry skin can be caused by a psychological condition.

Modern medicine knows a disease called ichthyosis. The disease got its name because of the “fish” scales that appear on the skin. Scientists are of the opinion that this is a hereditary disease. However, its causes are still unclear and are based on unknown gene mutations. Who knows, maybe one of us is a descendant of a mermaid and an amphibian man?

Psychosomatics claims that dry skin indicates that its owner does not want to show vulnerability and softness to the surrounding society, and when this internal conflict is eliminated, the disease itself will go away.

Attentive attitude towards yourself and timely reaction to changes in the body will help to avoid serious problems

Fungal infections often affects the feet, the nails peel off, the skin in the folds between the toes becomes thinner and peels off. Thanks to advances in medicine, this disease is now easily treated.

Impaired water balance not only leads to obesity, but also spoils the skin. The miraculous two liters of water a day will cleanse the body of toxins, fill the stomach, preventing you from eating too much, and enrich the skin and blood with essential oxygen.

Lack of vitamin A and E especially in the winter months leads to peeling of the skin of the feet and fingers.

What signs should you be wary of?

Dry and flaky skin can be a symptom of a serious illness (skin cancer, diabetes, etc.), for which you need to consult a doctor immediately, get help and relieve nervous tension from alarming signals of the subconscious.

Pay attention to the following indicative phenomena of your body:

  • new moles appear at a high rate;
  • moles change their shape and size;
  • severe itching;
  • poor wound healing.

How to deal with dryness and flaking

There are many ways to deal with dryness and flaking:

Folk remedies

Apply any oil (vegetable, butter, aromatic), any fatty cream, whatever is suitable at home to your feet.


Medicines can be purchased at the pharmacy. Take vitamin complexes during the winter months. Do not neglect medications prescribed by your doctor.


During exacerbations, it is better to avoid baths with hot water, giving preference to warm, comfortable water with aromatic oils, having first tested for an allergic reaction - that is, by dropping one drop on the inside of the wrist. Be especially careful with cinnamon and orange oils.

Baths are used as home remedies to reduce skin flaking.


If you have the opportunity and desire, you can go to the spa for a body wrap: chocolate, honey, seaweed. Whatever your heart desires and your wallet will pay for. Carrying out this procedure at home is extremely inconvenient: soiled sheets and furniture, floor coverings, and clothes can ruin the pleasure of the skin care procedure.

Slogan: “Everything is in chocolate!” It sounds good on TV, but in reality it sometimes has a long aftertaste.

Changing depilation methods

If the angels, distributing virtues and virtues, deprived you of ideal skin on your legs, then you will have to be more attentive to the choice of depilation products. Be attentive to yourself!

If you see that after using an electric depilator your skin becomes dry, irritated and flaky, why not try applying wax or sugar paste to your legs.

If these means do not allow you to achieve the desired ideal effect, you can try the time-consuming method of manual depilation with tweezers.

And when your patience runs out (we think this will happen soon enough), read a book about how comfortably our predecessors lived, without self-flagellation in the form of painful hair removal from the armpits, legs, etc.

Before the procedure, you need to prepare the areas of the body where hair removal will be performed.

By the way, many modern fashion designers believe that a long skirt that covers a woman’s entire legs creates a refined chaste image and a certain piquancy for its owner.

In what cases is self-medication unacceptable?

Important to remember! Self-medication is unacceptable if we are talking about serious skin diseases, or there is a possibility of infecting others. If the skin is covered with bleeding ulcers and cracks, it does not provide the body with a protective layer against infections.

Especially if the itching becomes unbearable and interferes with effective communication and professional activities. An experienced, trained, and well-recommended dermatologist can provide expert care.

Prevention of dryness and flaking

  1. Drink at least 2 liters of water.
  2. Eat fish enriched with amino acids.
  3. If possible, reduce the heating power of the battery to 20-22 degrees in the room, providing the body with a more comfortable stay in it.
  4. Provide additional air humidification by installing a humidifier or simply pouring water into a bowl and placing it on the radiator.
  5. Do not wear nylon tights in cold weather. Warm yourself when going outside. We have the same legs for life.

Proper water balance is the key to healthy skin

Perhaps we will go down in world history as a generation of selfless women who, of their own free will, subject themselves to regular year-round painful depilation.
Or maybe we will remain misunderstood creatures of the coming era, and we will be replaced by depilated handsome men. Time will show!

How to properly care for the skin of your feet

Very often, many women and men neglect their foot care. There are many reasons for this, but the consequences may not be recoverable. In order for your feet to withstand the dynamics of life and continue to perform their function, it is important to properly and efficiently care for them.

Cleansing. General concept

In order for the foot to look well-groomed and healthy, it is necessary to carry out cleansing procedures. To do this, you need to steam your feet and use a specialized machine or stone to remove dead and rough skin particles. You should definitely massage this area.

This will not only help restore blood flow, but also relax the entire body after a stressful day. It is worth remembering and giving preference to using the cream for its intended purpose. It should have a dense texture.

Usually, after applying such a product, it is recommended to wear socks from natural fabrics. It is also best not to stay awake after the procedure. This care regimen should be done at least four times a month. The skin will become perfect, and your legs will not feel tired.

Foot baths should be done not only during high temperatures outside, but throughout the rest of the year. For many problems, just systematic washing of this part of the body can be a protector.

Use targeted means based on the needs and problems of the limbs. Adding edible or aromatic oils to water during such procedures has a positive effect.

For the category of active people, baths with sea salt are suitable, as they do not take much time and effort. This will help relieve fatigue and pain, as well as restore blood flow to the extremities, which will prevent many vascular diseases, so that later you don’t have to wonder why the skin on your legs is dry and flaky.

There are many herbal formulations that will work ideally in this direction:

  1. Dry mint and St. John's wort refresh feet.
  2. The conifer family, thyme and oak are a reliable barrier against excessive gland secretion.
  3. Calendula and chamomile leaves disinfect and promote the healing of microtraumas.
  4. The liquid from boiling potatoes instantly softens your feet.
  5. Dry mustard powder stimulates the body's protective function.

Alternating temperatures have a positive effect on the skin of the feet when taking baths or contrast showers.

Regarding the temperature regime, it is worth understanding the root cause that prompts you to do such a procedure and determine the presence or absence of diseases of the veins and blood vessels.

The classic time period is 5 minutes, and with increased secretion it is minimized by half. The water should have a comfortable temperature.

For vein disease and accompanying inflammatory processes, it is recommended to use a cooling bath.

However, we are not talking about cold water in the full sense, but about preparing its temperature slightly lower than the main one that is available in the room.

Such procedures will normalize the optimal ratio of skin balance and the production of its secretion. As a result of foot care, the skin will become healthy and foot diseases will not be able to touch it.

We hope the information from our article was useful to you and you were able to determine the main reasons why the skin on your legs is dry and flaky.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!


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Verified information

This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

Dry skin on the legs is a problem that most women face. First, the skin begins to become rough, then peel and crack, which naturally brings a lot of discomfort to life. Firstly, if you have such a problem, you can’t wear open shoes in the summer, and secondly, cracks in your feet cause severe pain.

It is not only possible, but also necessary to deal with such a problem at home. But before we talk about how to do this, you need to understand why the skin on your feet dries.

Dry skin on the legs can occur due to uneven blood circulation as a result of wearing uncomfortable shoes or tight tights. Moreover, such factors can contribute not only to the appearance of dry skin, but also to the development of varicose veins, which is characterized by the appearance of “stars” on the skin and bulging veins.

It is worth noting that thick tights “seal” the skin, preventing it from breathing normally, which leads to an imbalance in the water balance. Moreover, not only tights, but also pajamas that fit tightly to the body can contribute to this, and as a result, not only does the skin of the legs become dry and flaky, but the functioning of blood vessels also worsens.

The skin on the legs also becomes dry and itchy as a result of exposure to cold temperatures, for example, when a woman often wears short dresses in winter and goes outside. This situation is aggravated by frequent hair removal.

In some cases, cosmetic products that a woman uses daily at home can cause the appearance of dry skin on her legs. This could be regular soap, shower gel or body milk. When choosing cosmetics, carefully study its composition. It must contain natural oils and ceramides, which help moisturize the skin.

Frequent use of chlorinated water can also lead to. If you do not have the opportunity to use other water, then you should treat them with nourishing creams after each washing of your feet.

It should also be noted that dry skin on the legs and other parts of the body may be the result of a disease, such as diabetes, psoriasis or dermatitis. In this case, to fix the problem, the help of a specialist is required. After all, you can return your skin to its normal state only after you eradicate the very cause of its dryness.

The age of the woman also plays an important role in this. The older she gets, the drier her skin becomes. After 40 years, it takes a lot of effort to restore the skin to a healthy and beautiful appearance. For this, it is recommended to use professional cosmetics.

What to do if your foot skin is dry and flaky? What methods of folk and traditional medicine will be the most acceptable and in demand? Experienced and skilled advice for every user!

If you have very dry skin on your feet, you should take proper care of it. Make it a rule to treat it with moisturizing creams daily. You just need to apply them to open pores. And for this you need to do foot baths or take a hot shower or bath every day.

If the skin on your feet is dry, then you need to steam it thoroughly before applying moisturizer, so it will absorb as many nutrients as possible.

If you have dry skin, you should not use regular alkaline soaps. They will contribute to even greater drying, causing the skin to begin to peel off greatly. It is better to use liquid soaps that contain oils. They gently cleanse the skin without harming it.

While taking a shower, it is necessary to do a massage, which will help improve blood circulation in the tissues and their nutrition. To do this, simply direct the stream of water over your feet and relax. After this procedure, there is no need to wipe the skin dry. It should only be lightly blotted with a towel and lubricated with moisturizer on top.

Instead of cream, you can use various vegetable oils, which will not only soften the skin, but also saturate it with vitamins. Olive, almond and flaxseed oils are ideal for these purposes. They are applied to the skin and left for a couple of minutes. Then take a paper napkin and simply remove the excess.

To prevent painful cracks from appearing on the heels, it is necessary to regularly remove the stratum corneum from them. You can use pumice for this, but never a razor. It severely injures the skin, which increases the risk of infection.

You should use pumice before water procedures, especially if the skin on your feet is dry and itchy. This way you can remove much more dead particles. After you have treated your heels, wash them under running water, dry them and lubricate them with nourishing cream.

To prevent the skin on your feet from being dry, you should also regularly make moisturizing masks. They can be purchased at any cosmetics store or prepared yourself from products that you have at home.

Moisturizing masks for dry skin of feet at home

If the skin on your feet is dry, make it a rule to regularly (at least 2 times a week) apply moisturizing masks. To do this, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on purchasing exotic ingredients. They can also be prepared from improvised means.

For example, if you have an oil solution of vitamin A or E at home, as well as cream or sour cream, then by combining these ingredients you can get an excellent moisturizing foot mask. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin and leave for 20 minutes. Remove any remaining mask with a paper towel.

Or you can purchase an essential oil of lavender or peppermint and add a few drops to your regular foot care routine. Use it in the same way as before, after just two or three uses of this product, dry skin on your legs will be more hydrated and elastic.

In addition, if you have fresh apples at home, you can prepare a mask from them that will not only help moisturize the skin of your feet, but also prevent the appearance of cracked heels. To do this, take an apple, cut it into slices and pour a small amount of milk. Then place the container on low heat and cook the apples until they turn into porridge.

Then cool the mixture slightly and apply it to your feet and legs. Wrap your feet in plastic and put on warm socks. After 40 minutes, rinse them with warm water and lubricate the skin with moisturizer.

A mask made from baby cream will be an excellent moisturizer for treating dry skin on the legs. For one procedure you will need 4 tsp. cream, raw egg white, 1 tsp. butter and 2 tsp. pulp of raw potatoes. Mix all these ingredients until smooth and apply to the skin of your feet. After 30 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water.


Remember that it is much easier to prevent dry skin on your feet than to treat it. To do this you need:

  • wear only comfortable shoes;
  • stop wearing tight leggings and tight tights;
  • review your diet and include more fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • regularly carry out procedures to remove dead skin particles;
  • make moisturizing masks;
  • Avoid using regular soap and scented shower gels.

If the skin on your feet is very dry, then you need to spend more time caring for the damaged areas, moisturizing your feet every evening with cosmetics or oils from a pharmacy or homemade.

Now you know exactly what to do if the skin on your feet gets dry! Let all the above recommendations and tips help you restore your skin and make your legs flawless, regardless of the time of year!

Video on how to care for your feet

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