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Early development school for kids. Early Development Centers

There are now many centers open that offer classes for babies starting from 6 months. As a rule, it is fair to say that such activities are more needed by the mother than by the child.

What will you be offered in classes for the little ones?

Typically, a lesson lasts from an hour to an hour and a half and can include finger games, basic dance movements to music, drawing, sometimes elements of lectures for mothers and tea drinking. Classes can be structured according to two principles: classes in a free environment, where the child and mother interact with developmental materials at a pace and sequence that is convenient for them. The second option involves a predetermined structure of the lesson. The teacher offers one activity or another alternately. Usually 5-10 minutes are allotted for the task.

It is difficult to say for sure that children under one and a half years old develop certain skills in such classes, but if the classes help the mother to distract herself and give her certain knowledge about the needs of the child, then the baby will also benefit from this time. At a minimum, the classes will teach you how to diversify the time spent with your child.

Classes for children from one and a half to three years old, as a rule, are built on the basis of a specific developmental methodology or set of methods. Among the most famous are the methods of Montessori, Zheleznov, Zaitsev, Waldorf pedagogy, training using Doman cards or Manichenko’s manuals. Classes for this age include selection for the development of fine motor skills, speech, creative and logical thinking. The program also includes games that strengthen the child’s health (outdoor games, physical exercise), as well as developing musical abilities. Typically, during class or at the end, children watch a puppet show.

If you are promised to teach a child under three years old to read or write, be careful. Since this activity is not age appropriate, its benefits are ambiguous.

All classes should be structured in the form of a game, active and mobile.

Up to three years of age, it is optimal if the mother is present in the group with the child. Otherwise, the child, instead of solving the problem of development, will solve the problem of adaptation in a team without a mother.

How to choose good developmental activities?

1. It is very important that the center is spacious, the classrooms are equipped with all the necessary teaching materials, there is natural light, a rest room, a room where parents can wait for their child without being crowded.

2. The number of children in groups should be limited, no more than six people, thus, it is easier for the teacher to implement an individual approach, which is most effective in teaching preschoolers.

3. The lesson program should be varied and interesting in order to hold children's attention. Teachers should teach how to handle this or that developmental material, monitor what the child is interested in at a given moment in development, and offer new activities that will help the child expand his knowledge.

Some kindergartens have a free early development group - CIPR (Child Play Support Center). The group is designed for children from 1.5 years old. Children go to classes with their mother 3 times a week. The CIPR program alternates between music, drawing, physical education, modeling, development of fine motor skills, study of poetry, sometimes massage, swimming pool, oxygen cocktail. To find out which kindergarten to contact, call the district recruitment commission

Children's centers are now quite common. They can be found in every district of the city. The program of such centers is quite diverse: from general developmental techniques of a wide profile to proprietary highly specialized techniques. The age of children who are admitted to such centers usually starts from 1.5 years, but in many centers classes are also conducted with infants. In addition to classes with children, some centers also conduct seminars for parents on issues of pedagogy and psychology, which are no less important in such a complex matter as raising children. To make it easier for us to navigate such a wide choice, we suggest that everyone together create a list of such centers with brief overviews of the programs offered.

If you know such centers in your area, we will be glad to receive this information from you to our email address. Or you can add it to the site yourself by using the “add article” function for registered site users.

br /> Family Support Center "Rozhdestvo"
The center has been operating since 1990 under the comprehensive “Family Lad” program. This program includes many courses and activities for both parents and other family members, and for children.

Children's Culture Center "Academy Timeus"
Today, Timea employs about 300 families, children, teenagers, parents, and organizes leisure activities for the whole family: holidays, birthdays, and other events.

Children's development center "Sunny City"
Each of us dreams of seeing our child as an intelligent, successful and self-confident person. We created "Sunny City" to help children become inquisitive, striving for success and confident in their abilities, using the methods of the famous Italian teacher and scientist Maria Montessori.

Network of children's development centers "Yasam"
YASAM - The network of children's development centers "YASAM" for children from 9 months to 7 years is distinguished primarily by the obvious results of the development of intelligence in children

Children's development studio "Ailikosha"
Classes in the children's studio "Ailikosha" will help you recognize and develop your child's abilities at a very early age.

Today, almost every family perceives educational courses for children as an obligatory part of preschool education. And not in vain - after all, scientists have proven that from birth to six years of age, connections between neurons are formed most intensively. This means that information is absorbed better and applied more flexibly.

Why do we need mugs for children over 1 year old?

At this age, the child experiences the first crisis of separation. The baby is already confidently standing on his feet and, most likely, has taken his first steps. He begins to perceive himself separately from his mother and show independent interest in surrounding objects, the quality of which determines the development of his personality.

Developmental schools for children from 1 year of age offer a variety of options for accelerating natural processes - “reading from the cradle,” early physical development, etc. Classes in our club are organized in accordance with the well-proven method of Maria Montessori over the course of a century, which helps Man form naturally and harmoniously.

Developmental courses for children in our club - what is special?

Education according to the Montessori method takes into account sensitive periods. This means that a child at a particular age is most receptive to a certain type of information. This happens in accordance with the biological maturation of certain areas of the cerebral cortex.

How are clubs for children over 1 year old organized in our club?

We suggest visiting the following groups:

  • For the little ones - “Comets”. Here classes last forty-five minutes, the baby is helped by the mother or another close adult. Fascinating materials - puzzles, sorters, labyrinths and others - will completely satisfy the curiosity of the little explorer. Our developmental clubs for children under one year old are held in the same group; the youngest pupils are eight months old.
  • For more experienced kids – the “Comets Plus” group. It does not differ by age category, but the classes have been expanded to sixty minutes - a theater for young spectators or a creative activity is added to the program. Although children are not yet very interested in the activities of their peers, the process of social adaptation is more successful thanks to educational clubs for children from 1 year old.
  • Classes in the “Stars” group are associated with more coordinated cognitive activity. Pupils learn to concentrate, become familiar with the phenomena of the surrounding world, compare objects by size, and recognize colors. And, although teachers offer all the information taking into account the characteristics of age, without trying to get ahead of the natural course of events, developmental courses for children become an excellent basis for further success in learning.

And, of course, the benefits for mothers cannot be ignored. After all, you really want to communicate with like-minded people who, like you, raise their kids with love and care. Educational clubs for children aged 1 year and older are an excellent opportunity to meet and exchange experiences.

Here you can practice yoga with your child; listen to an interesting lecture or take part in creative master classes on creating interior items, accessories and toys; start painting from scratch or strengthen your skills; listen to a concert or watch a play with the whole family. Developmental classes for children are also held.

2. Trilingual Metland Kids Club
From 1.5 to 7 years

The club operates on the basis of the Metland English Language School. Here you can practice capoeira, combine work in an art studio with Spanish lessons, English lessons with music and Portuguese lessons with capoeira. The club also opened a group “English for Moms”. Club address

3. Mom's Sadik Seasons
From 0 to 6 years

An absolutely wonderful space for mothers with babies belongs to Seasons Project. Since 2014, the project has been located in a separate wooden house right on the playground of the Hermitage Garden. The Sadik hosts classes for mothers and babies, photo shoots, performances, concerts, and on weekends – children’s birthday parties and family parties in the spirit of Seasons magazine festivals. There is also a café and a hairdresser for children at Mama’s Sadik. Sadiq's address

4. CitYkids Family Center in the Bauman Garden
From 0 to 6 years

Creative workshops are open at CitYkids; you can come here for yoga or a children's play, a music lesson or a psychology seminar. During classes, the baby can be left under the supervision of a teacher in the company of peers. The center's schedule includes: yoga for newborns, music with mom, fairy tales, dancing, art therapy. And right next to the club there is an amazing playground “Inhabited Fence”. Address CityKids

5. Children's club "Shardam"
From 2.5 to 12 years

In the classes of Tatiana Krasnova's Creative Workshop, children from 2.5 years old are introduced to the basics of painting, graphics and design using handy tools, which will allow them to expand their own creative experience and understanding of fine art. Shardam address

6. Project “Concertini” (CONCERTiny)
From 1 month

The new project “Concertini” gives children their first acquaintance with the world of classical music. Mothers come here with babies. Professional musicians from famous Moscow orchestras and laureates of international competitions perform for the audience. The program is designed for the musical tastes of sophisticated adults and at the same time adapted for children's perception (from 0 years). During concerts, babies can lie on pillows, crawl, play and communicate with peers.

7. Project “Together with Mom”
From 1 month

This project is a “veteran” of the Moscow children’s movement; classical music concerts for mothers and babies have been organized here since 2009. Adults listen to music, and children dance and play tambourines and maracas with the musicians. Sitting quietly in your seats is not at all necessary. The project also conducts English classes, yoga, image master classes, joint summer holidays at the seaside or in the Moscow region, family discos, and a mother’s council. There are also courses for children together with their dads and a children's theater for the little ones.

8. Musical and educational project “SemiNotka”
From 2 to 12 years

The family project of the Turchin musicians is also well known to Moscow families. Nastya and Alexander come up with cycles of musical meetings and conduct them at different venues. These are not boring lectures, but a real creative interactive experience. Among the programs of “SevenNotes” are “His Majesty the Organ”, “Princess Violin and Her Family”, “Royal - both Forte and Piano” and others. A special series of classes “What does nature sing about?” for children from 2 to 6 years old, it is built around the four elements - water, fire, earth and wind. For children from 1 year old there is a cycle “Musical Years”.

9. Early development studio “Mozart effect”
From 1 year to 12 years

Another musical project for kids, where you can listen to classics. The project is already 12 years old. During classes in the studio, live classical music is performed by professional musicians and soloists of the best orchestras in Moscow. Children draw and sing, and also try their hand at playing children's instruments. Kids get acquainted with the masterpieces of classical music by Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Bach, Vivaldi, Prokofiev and many others, and try to play along with the musicians on their own. Children from 4 years old need to pass an audition to enter the studio. Studio address

10. Babyconcert project
From 0 years

Children from birth to school age enjoy the melodies of Mozart, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Strauss, Gershwin and other outstanding composers performed by the best musicians of Russia. Concerts take place in the “Sea Inside” cafe in Sokolniki, on the basis of the CityKids project and in other pleasant places in Moscow. The kids are not forced to sit still - at meetings, children dance and sing, walk freely around the hall and look closely at the instruments.

11. Jewish Cultural Center on Nikitskaya (JCC)

From 2 years

The ECC has many interesting studios for children and adults. Children from 2.5 years old can attend classes in the “Read-Play” literary club. Children's theater in English shows in the Center a series of interactive performances in English for children from 2 years old. There is also a wonderful development center “Tapuz”. You can bring your child for the whole day, here they will feed him, take him for a walk, and the baby will have many interesting activities: in-depth study of Russian, English and Hebrew, acquaintance with fairy tales and literature; choreography and music, solfeggio and rhythmics, yoga and fitness, ballet and choreography. ECC address

12. Baby Contact Club
From 3 months to 3 years

The club conducts dance classes for mothers, fathers, grandparents and children. The main goal of the classes is to establish contact between mother and baby. Through special techniques, close contact, elements of dance, dance movement therapy, round dances and games, mothers learn to better hear and understand their child. During classes, the baby is in your arms, in a sling, or just next to your mother. Club address

13. Children's space "Dvigalki"
From 0 to 5 years

A hall in the center of Moscow, specially equipped for movement, creativity and harmonious development of children. Children under 3 years old study together with their mothers. Classes are based on the principles of orf pedagogy and dance-movement psychotherapy. The youngest participants, aged 0 to 12 months, study in the BabyContact dance and movement psychological group, which is described above. Hall address

14. BrightFamily Positive Lifestyle Center
From 0 to 5 years

The main direction of the center’s work is the parenting practices of Birthlight (Birthlight™, UK, Cambridge), developed by the founder of Birthlight, Francoise Friedman, in the 80s of the last century. The course is based on a combination of Eastern wisdom and advanced Western scientific developments. BrightFamily presents the following areas of yoga: yoga for pregnant women, aqua yoga, baby yoga from birth to 4 years, children's swimming programs (from 1.5 months). Center address

15. Workshop “Little children and great art”
From 2 years

The workshop is run by Moscow sculptor and mother Lisa Lavinskaya. In a playful and exciting way, children get acquainted with the history of art, visit museum exhibitions, draw, sculpt, and do ceramics. Typically, classes begin with a short lecture on the history of art; for the little ones it can be a ten-minute fairy tale or a short cartoon. Children get acquainted with the works of artists from different times, and then create their own. The Workshop also offers a course for adults. Workshop address

16. Children's center "Golden Cockerel"
From 1.5 to 17 years

The Golden Cockerel children's center has been operating in Moscow since 1987. At the center, children from 1.5 to 17 years old can study in a comprehensive program that combines the basics of music, choreography, visual and theatrical arts. Classes are taught by professional musicians, directors, artists and choreographers. The Golden Cockerel Center cooperates with Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Russian Institute of Cultural Studies and State Slavic Academy. Center address

17. Early development center in English Gymboree Play&Music
From 0 to 6 years

Children are taught here using the Gymboree early development method, which was invented more than 35 years ago. It is assumed that every child has the inclinations given to him by nature. If you start to develop them correctly and on time, abilities will appear. Today the company implements its training programs in 33 countries and in more than 700 centers operating under a franchise system. All classes at the center are held in English: “Play and Learn” from 0 to 3 years; Music (6 months - 6 years), Visual arts (18 months - 6 years); Sports (3-6 years); Family activities (0-6 years); School skills (3-6 years). Center address

18. Early language development club Baby Bilingual Club
From 1 year

Classes are taught only by native speakers and early development specialists. The main principle of the club’s work is active communication using the TPR (Total Physical Response) method, which means that during classes students use all organs of perception and constantly change types of activities. Children learn English through games, music, creativity and reading or listening to books in English. The youngest (1.5-2 years old) come to lessons with their mothers. Club address

19. Family eco-club “Drevo”
From 9 months to 7 years

The club operates an Early Development School, where children get acquainted with the world around them, play with designer handmade toys and communicate with peers. Among the interesting programs it is worth mentioning the School of Etiquette and the School of Rescuers. The sports block is represented by the Krepysh fitness studio, rhythmoplasty and dance studio, yoga classes and self-defense lessons. In addition, the club has a children's playroom and a library with an extensive collection of children's literature.

If you didn’t find your favorite place for kids in the review, write to our editor about it: editor@site.

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