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How long to store thawed breast milk? Storing breast milk. How to store expressed breast milk in a bottle in the refrigerator and freezer and for how long

No alternative food can be compared in terms of health and nutritional value to breast milk. Therefore, even if the mother cannot feed the baby regularly (due to work, the child’s refusal to breastfeed and for other reasons), do not switch to artificial formula. The way out of this situation will be.

Storing breast milk can easily solve problems with poor feeding patterns. Even in the absence of his mother, he will continue to receive nutritional and protective elements.

If you decide to express milk, you must store the product correctly. It is important that it retains its beneficial and nutritional properties, and that the baby receives the necessary substances. Let's figure out how much and how to store expressed breast milk.

Storage utensils

First of all, you need to choose the right container. For freezing, choose plastic bags made from thick polyethylene. The container closes easily and hermetically and does not require preparation. The packages can be used immediately for their intended purpose. In addition, the package has a measuring scale and a place to write down the time and date.

Disposable plastic freezer bags are not suitable. The seams burst easily and the contents leak out when defrosting. A plastic bag is more reliable and convenient, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

The main criteria by which you need to choose containers:

  • sterility of utensils;
  • closure tightness and tightness;
  • ease of use;
  • It will be convenient if there is a measuring scale on the packaging.

As for solid containers, glass comes first. Indeed, many nursing mothers prefer a glass bottle. The second place is occupied by plastic utensils, and the third place is occupied by plastic utensils.

The type of material does not play a big role when choosing dishes. Research has shown that milk can be stored in both plastic and glass without compromising quality.

It is important to indicate the time and date of pumping on the packaging! If you still decide to use a disposable plastic bag, then take two bags and do not store the milk for a long time. It is better to choose a container that can only hold one dose.

After choosing a container, you need to know how much to store and how to store your expressed breast milk.

How and where to store

If milk needs to be stored for a long time, then choose freezing. You can only freeze fresh milk, which is left in the refrigerator for about two hours and then left in the freezer. Of course, a frozen product loses some of its beneficial properties. But it is much better than artificial nutrition.

If expressed milk does not require long-term storage and will be used within two to five days, then the product is left in a regular refrigerator. It has been proven that chilled milk retains beneficial elements.

And if the milk is drunk within one day, then safely leave the product in the room. The main thing is to choose sterile containers for storage and close the packaging tightly.

How to store breast milk if there is no refrigerator nearby and you need to keep it for more than a day? Other means can be used. An excellent option would be a cooler bag with freezer elements.

You can also take a regular thermos. Fill a thermos with pieces of ice to cool the container. Use only filtered water for ice! Before pouring the milk, pour out the ice. Fill the thermos and close tightly.

To ensure that breast milk is stored without losing its beneficial effect, follow the rules for freezing and thawing.

Rules for defrosting and freezing

  1. Do not store milk in the door. Choose a cold area in the refrigerator. The back of the shelves is perfect;
  2. Fill the dishes ¾ full. Leave the remaining space until the liquid can expand;
  3. Don't forget to set the date and time;
  4. If the milk was stored in the freezer, place the liquid in the refrigerator to defrost. This will help avoid sudden temperature changes and maintain the usefulness of the product;
  5. Do not heat milk in a microwave or in a bowl of boiling water. This method will lead to the loss of minerals and vitamins;
  6. To defrost breast milk properly, leave the liquid in the refrigerator overnight. Then heat in a water bath (place the container of milk in warm water);
  7. After defrosting, do not stir or shake the milk. To stir the separated fat, lightly shake the contents of the bottle or bag.

How long to store

Maintaining the shelf life of milk is very important for any nursing mother! After all, a spoiled product not only loses its beneficial effect, but can also cause great damage to the still fragile body of a newborn.

The recommendations apply to mature milk; the shelf life of colostrum is slightly different. - milk produced in the first six days after birth. Such food cannot be frozen. It is recommended to store at room temperature 27-30 degrees Celsius for no more than 12 hours.

Breast milk is the main food product for a baby. Every mother should know how to properly store breast milk so that it does not lose its nutritional properties. The baby needs daily nutrition, but breastfeeding is not always possible.

Unfortunately, none of the artificial formulas can compare with the benefits of breast milk for a baby. During lactation, a woman may encounter a situation where breastfeeding becomes physically impossible. There are many such situations in life, and here are some of them:

  • The need to leave your child for an extended period of time.
  • There are situations when the mammary glands produce large amounts of milk. In such situations, it will be necessary to express it so that excess does not remain in the breast and cause health problems. For further storage, expressed milk is packaged in special containers.
  • From an early age, the child begins to grow teeth. Teeth can be a big problem when breastfeeding, as the baby bites. At first, this may remain unnoticed, however, as the teeth grow, it will be impossible to ignore the bites.
  • Sometimes children may refuse to breastfeed; in such situations, feeding occurs with a bottle.

Expressing milk is the only solution to these problems. However, expressing is half the problem; it is more important to know how to properly preserve it for further consumption by the child.

Expression containers

Used to store breast milk special containers. These can be special containers, bags, cups and bottles. Storing it in ordinary bottles is strictly prohibited. Such containers are not sterile, so it is unsafe to contain food for a child in them.

Criteria that a container for storing breast milk must have:

  • The container must be completely closed. Otherwise, there is a risk of dust and dirt getting into the container.
  • Complete sterility.
  • Availability of liquid measurement scale.
  • Simple design.

For freezing Special plastic bags are suitable. The advantage of plastic bags is that they close tightly and airtight. The materials from which this container is made are very strong, and they will not break during storage. These bags have a measuring scale, as well as a place to write the date. You can buy a similar package at any pharmacy.

Some mothers use regular plastic bags to freeze and store breast milk. Storage in this way is allowed for a short period. This method is unreliable, since ordinary cellophane can break through. However, if it is not possible to purchase a special container, it is advisable to use several plastic bags at once for freezing so that they do not break.

Among solid containers for storing milk, glass containers, as well as plastic and plastic containers are used. The material from which the container is made does not affect the shelf life of breast milk.

Storage at room temperature

After pumping it is allowed store breast milk for 24 hours when the room temperature is 16 -17 degrees. If the air temperature reaches 25 degrees, then the milk can be stored for no more than 5 hours.

When exposed to room temperature, microbes develop in liquids. It is necessary to use sterile bottles to avoid premature spoilage of the milk. It is advisable to use transparent containers, and also write down the time after pumping. It is highly recommended not to feed children milk of questionable quality. Spoiled milk leads to health problems for the child.

Cold storage

Unlike room mode, baby food can be stored in the refrigerator for long periods of time. There are simple instructions for this that must be followed:

You need to know not only how to store milk in the refrigerator, but also how to heat it properly. Baby food can be heated in the following ways:

  1. Using a water bath. The container is placed in a pan of water. Next, the pan is placed on the stove and heated. During heating, shake the container to stir the contents. It is necessary to warm up to human body temperature.
  2. Using electrical appliances to heat food. Such devices allow you to accurately heat milk to the required temperature.

Expressing for freezing

Freezing allows express and store milk for a long time. The most important thing in this matter is choosing a suitable container. Containers or bottles are not suitable, as storing them in the freezer is inconvenient. The optimal container would be bags for storing breast milk. These bags are very easy to use, they are made of durable materials and have date fields.

Special storage bags are sterile containers that keep the contents in a safe environment. The material from which the bag is made is very durable. Therefore, there is no reason to worry about the integrity of the container.

When freezing milk, you must follow the following rules:

If you follow these simple rules, there will be no problems with storing breast milk.

Shelf life

When stockpiling breast milk, it is necessary to know the shelf life.

In various situations, you can extend the storage of breast milk in a regular refrigerator for up to 8 days. The temperature should be from 0 to +5 degrees. Do not place the container on the refrigerator door, as the bottle may fall after opening the refrigerator. After expressing milk, let it sit for a while before putting it in the refrigerator.

Freezers allow you to preserve baby food products for a long time. Freezers can maintain temperatures from -13 to -18 degrees. In such conditions, it is allowed to store containers of baby food for no more than a year.

The most problems arise when storing milk at room temperature. Milk in warm rooms quickly curdles and becomes unfit for consumption. Food for children in a sterile container remains suitable for no more than 10 hours, at a temperature of 19 to 22 degrees. If the room temperature reaches 26 degrees or higher, then milk can be stored even in a sterile container for no more than 6 hours.

Mother's milk is the most valuable and healthy product that cannot be compared with any alternative nutrition option. When a woman’s milk supply is fine, it would seem there should be no problems with feeding a newborn. However, there are situations when a mother does not always have the opportunity to feed her infant, because:

  • she is forced to be absent for a long time;
  • she has problems with her nipples (sores, cracks);
  • the child may refuse to breastfeed;
  • problems with lactation appeared.

At such moments, a bottle of expressed breast milk can replace the child's mother's breast - provided that the pumping technology and storage rules for this product have been followed.

  1. If you use a breast pump, it must be thoroughly sterilized.
  2. Before the procedure, wash your chest and hands well with soap and dry them.
  3. The container for expressing must be sterile.
  4. After filling the container, mark the date and time on it.
  5. Do not fill the container to the brim if you plan to freeze the product, since milk tends to expand as it freezes.

Where is the best place to store the product?

Expressed milk can be stored in glass, plastic or plastic.

The container must be sterilized and hermetically sealed. For different purposes, you should choose the appropriate container shape.

So, in disposable bags, which can be purchased at a pharmacy kiosk, it is good to freeze expressed milk for long-term storage. For convenience, manufacturers put a measuring scale on the bags and leave a place where you can write the time of packaging of expressed milk. If a little time must pass between pumping and feeding the baby, you can use any solid container.

Many mothers, when choosing bottles, prefer glass products, and are wary of buying plastic and plastic containers. In fact, the material cannot in any way affect the quality of the expressed product and its shelf life.

It is most convenient to pour milk into containers, the volume of which is enough for exactly one feeding. Each bottle must contain the date on which the product was expressed.

How to preserve a product longer

Expressed frozen milk has the longest shelf life. Let it cool in the refrigerator for a while before placing it in the freezer. Due to strong cooling, the product will lose some beneficial properties, but it will still be better than the most expensive artificial mixture in all respects.

Expressed milk can be stored in the refrigerator (everywhere except the door) for a little over a week. Chilled milk retains most of the nutrients. If you plan to feed your baby expressed milk on the same day, it is best to store it in a sterilized, airtight container at room temperature.

How to properly defrost a carton of milk

  1. Move the bag from the freezer to the refrigerator and wait until it is completely defrosted.
  2. Pour the melted milk into a bottle - as much as is required for one time.
  3. Before feeding, heat the milk in a water bath.
  • reheat in the microwave;
  • heat over an open fire;
  • bring to the boil;
  • freeze more than once.

Due to these procedures, the product loses its beneficial properties.

Dependence of product shelf life on temperature

In the freezer at:

  • from “-12” to “- 18” - up to 6 months;
  • from “-19” to “-21” - up to 12 months.

On the refrigerator shelf at a temperature from “0” to “+4” - ​​no more than 8 days.

Product storage rules:

  • place the milk on the shelf as deep as possible;
  • Cool your expressed milk to room temperature before placing it in the refrigerator.

In a room at a temperature:

  • from “+16” to “+22” - up to 10 hours;
  • from “+22” and above - up to 6 hours.

For such a long time, breast milk does not spoil at room temperature thanks to the substances in its composition that prevent the proliferation of harmful microbes.

The table below details how long breast milk can be stored.

Product storage locationTemperature in degreesFresh milk, shelf lifeThawed, shelf life
In the roomup to 1524 hours24 hours
from 16 to 2210 o'clock1 hour
from 226 hours1 hour
In the refrigerator+ 4 to + 68 days24 hours
In the freezer compartment, with separate doorfrom -5 to -196 months
from – 2012 months
In a freezer with a common doorfrom -514 days

There is nothing complicated about expressing and storing breast milk, but it can bring so many benefits to the baby’s health!

It’s not for nothing that this product is commonly called white gold. It contains a huge amount of useful substances and microelements, has an amazing taste and is safe for children's health.

Breast milk is the only product that contains so many antibodies that they can protect the baby from:

  • diarrhea;
  • pneumonia;
  • allergic reactions and other common childhood illnesses.

Therefore, from the first day of life, the child simply needs this product. Some mothers think that colostrum (first breast milk) is too thick, so they try to give the baby extra water. In fact, this is a misconception: colostrum is a unique product that contains large quantities of leukocytes and antibodies to fight all kinds of childhood diseases.

Feed your children this product, express it and store it for future use; if you have a long separation from your baby, do not rush to switch to artificial nutrition.

Infant formula will not harm the child's body, but it will have little benefit.

Even at the beginning of the last century, peasant women went to plowing with a baby in a sling in order to feed him without interruption from work, meanwhile, more enterprising city women took advantage of the achievements of the industry (the first patented bottle dates back to 1880) and first learned how to express, and then how store breast milk after pumping. So that the nannies, in whose arms the child remained, could feed him from a bottle.

And now mothers use different ways to store expressed milk in order to be able to separate from the baby. Many mothers do not know how to properly organize a feeding system with expressed milk. And the main questions that interest them: how long does breast milk last after pumping and how to properly store expressed breast milk, how long can breast milk be stored in the refrigerator.

About storage rules

How to store breast milk after pumping so that it remains fresh and retains its nutritional and healing properties for the baby?

Storage conditions and timing are critical for breast milk. There are principles for preserving its optimal properties. A gross violation of these basics leads to spoilage of the product long before the expiration date. Therefore, a caring mother should literally memorize the following points so that storing expressed milk does not negatively affect its quality:

  • Sterilize, dry, and then keep containers for storing expressed breast milk tightly closed in advance.

Bacteria contribute to the curdling of milk, and they can only be eliminated by sterilization by boiling. You can also hold the vessel over steam for at least 5 minutes. In addition, the container must be dried (inverted over a clean, ironed cotton towel) to drain all remaining water. And then close tightly. The world of bacteria is rich, but they do not multiply on a dry and clean surface.

  • Use a permanent marker to label containers in which you can store your expressed milk.

The exact date and time (in hours and minutes) of pumping must be indicated. Such measures will prevent possible confusion with determining storage time in the future if you are away not only for a few hours, but for several days (for example, a child with his grandmother in the country, and you work in the city)

  • Follow the golden rule: one pump, one container.

Under no circumstances should you mix milk that differs in time of expression. The main reason is all in the same bacteria. The older one expressed portion is than another, the more bacteria it will contain. When mixed, they will get into the fresh milk and lead to curdling. In addition, a possible discrepancy in temperature, high acidity or alkalinity of milk from different expressions during mixing can also cause oxidation of the product and rapid spoilage. After all, the chemical composition of milk directly depends on the mother’s diet, and even on her emotional state at the time of pumping.

  • The principle of gradualness must be observed in all thermal procedures.

So, if freezing is necessary, milk is not placed in the freezer immediately after expressing. Breast milk is first sealed and stored until it reaches room temperature. Then they first place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for several hours. Gradually the container is moved closer to the freezer, while simultaneously reducing the temperature using the regulator to a minimum. After this, you can put it in the freezer compartment, where the milk will be stored until the time of use.

  • Do not re-freeze under any circumstances!

In this regard, and also taking into account how long milk can be stored after defrosting, its entire amount must be divided into portions necessary for feeding the baby once (about 150 ml), as well as for “snacks”.

  • Defrost the valuable liquid in the reverse way: for 5 hours in the refrigerator, then keep the milk at room temperature for at least half an hour before warming it up for the next feeding.
  • For heating, you cannot use either a stove or a microwave; put the milk in a bottle in water at 36-37 o C, but do not forget about heat exchange, especially if the room is cold.

You may need to change the water two or three times. If you are in a city where there is hot tap water, you can simply place the bottle in a cup under running water, but watch the temperature of the stream. Start at room temperature, then gradually bring it up to body temperature, but never hot! Stir the liquid while doing this. As soon as the temperature of the milk feels equal to the temperature of the stream (that is, 36 o C), make sure of this by dropping a drop on the back of your wrist: you should not feel either “warmth” or “coldness” - immediately begin the feeding session.

  • If you are not a nanny, but a “nanny,” then you should not trust your wrists, as well as temperature sensations in general.

Besides, too much fuss is not good for men. Therefore, just defrost the milk in warm water, and then trust it to be warmed by a special electric heater.

  • Always check the product for freshness, no matter how long breast milk is stored in the refrigerator.

Just smell it or drop it on your tongue - the acid should not appear. If you have the slightest doubt, do not take risks, but make the usual mixture, which should always be ready.

  • Shake the bottle several times before feeding.

If you follow these simple rules, a young mother will not have the question of how to store expressed breast milk.

Selection of capacity

In this matter, you can focus on the practice of industry, as well as, for example, medical institutions. Previously, all dairy products were bottled in glass bottles, hermetically sealed with a stainless steel cap. In this case, the milk could be sterilized or pasteurized. And in each case a certain storage period was assigned.

When we talk about storing expressed milk, glass bottles or jars with airtight stainless steel lids are ideal.

Glass is also good because it can be sterilized and used an unlimited number of times. It will be most convenient to purchase jars of baby food. The mother can eat the puree and juices from them - this will benefit her baby, and the jars must then be boiled, dried and tightly closed until used. Empty jars (no more than ten in total, which is convenient!) should be kept in a clean and dry kitchen cabinet. It is advisable to cover them with a paper or cotton towel from excess dust.

A simplified option is plastic containers that make it easier to store breast milk in the refrigerator. They are included in pumping kits. But think for yourself – can you trust plastic to store your newborn’s food? What is the percentage chance that harmful toxic ions will not penetrate the liquid? In addition, containers for baby food are so unpretentious! It is enough to boil the required number of jars once a week and put them in the closet.

But you can’t put glass in the freezer! It is for such cases that it is better to use special packages from pumping kits. In this case, you must strictly follow the attached instructions.

Shelf life of breast milk

How long can breast milk be stored in the refrigerator and at room temperature? Do I need to boil expressed milk? For inexperienced mothers or nannies: mother's milk is not boiled, as it will lose its healing properties for the baby. Fortunately, the chemical composition of breast milk has anti-inflammatory properties. Sometimes they say that it is a natural “vaccination” against all diseases.

Milk can remain fresh even at room temperature without any processing. However, no more than a day.

The refrigerator significantly extends the “life” of mother’s milk even without boiling. In case of a longer absence of the mother, you can resort to freezing. Remember that freezing and thawing removes most of the benefits of expressed breast milk. But even this option remains better than the mixture.

So, how long does expressed milk last? Below are traditional guidelines - rules for storing breast milk.

  • At a temperature not higher than 25 o C - the maximum permissible storage time is 6 hours
  • At a temperature not higher than 15 o C – up to 24 hours
  • In the refrigerator at a temperature of 4 o C - up to 8 days
  • Milk in a freezer that is opened frequently will last for a maximum of 2 weeks.
  • Shallow freezing (not lower than -5 o C), with rare opening - up to six months
  • Milk can only be stored for a year if deep frozen at – 20 o C

The question of the feasibility of long-term storage

If we talk about the short shelf life of breast milk (up to 2 weeks), then the described rules can be very useful. They also answer the question of how to maintain breastfeeding for a busy mother. After all, even if she does not leave for a long time, but simply cannot devote herself to every feeding, it is easier for her to express the required amount and ask family members to feed the baby.

In addition, this is an easy way out during frequent daily absences of the mother, if there is no confidence that the baby will sleep soundly until she returns. Milk expressed about 2 weeks ago has a composition that approximately corresponds to the age-related needs of the child, and therefore your baby will receive all the necessary nutritional elements.

It is no secret that milk “grows” with the baby, which is what makes it unique. A one-month-old toddler receives with light mother's milk all the substances necessary exclusively for his age. Over time, milk becomes richer and more nutritious, meeting the needs of a growing body. That is why, even if you freeze expressed milk, after a long time you cannot limit yourself to only it. Your baby can either receive solid food or remain exclusively breastfed - then occasional feedings with thawed breast milk will not harm him.

The baby's body, which is not yet strong, needs proper care. It is commendable that a mother wants to extend breastfeeding at all costs for as long as the baby needs it. And simple rules for storing expressed milk will help her do this without the need to be constantly with the child.

How to express breast milk, which is better - by hand or with a breast pump, how to store it, at what temperature - all these questions are important because incorrect actions can provoke difficulties and health problems for the mother or her child.

How long expressed breast milk can be stored depends on the temperature conditions. If we are talking about the freezer, then this is about six months. Since the temperature there is 18 degrees below zero. But this is provided there is no defrosting. If the milk has been defrosted at least once, it is recommended to give it to the child immediately. It cannot be frozen again. How long frozen breast milk can be stored is also influenced by factors such as whether the freezer has its own door. In practice, it turns out that the most reliable and safe option is a separate freezer. By the way, you can freeze fruits and vegetables in it for the winter for yourself and your child - recommended by doctors and economical from a financial point of view. And thus, expressed breast milk can be stored in the freezer for more than six months. Such a long period of time is very suitable for “non-dairy” working mothers; they do not have too much milk reserves, and they are forced to leave home often.

How to freeze expressed milk correctly? There is nothing complicated here. All you need is a convenient and sterile container. This can be either a simple bottle or special bags. You can purchase such packages at a pharmacy. It’s clear that if you need to stock up a lot of milk, you won’t be able to stock up on bottles. There remains the option with packages. How to defrost breast milk in bags from the freezer will also not cause difficulties. You need to warm the bag under the tap. Or just put it in warm water and pour the milk into a bottle before feeding the baby. The ideal temperature of breast milk when bottle feeding is 37 degrees. “Measuring” temperature is simple. You should pour the milk into the bottle and stir lightly (lightly because air bubbles may get into the milk, which will cause the baby to burp). Then drop a little on your elbow. He should not feel warm or cold. That is, in this way the optimal body temperature is determined. Storing breast milk in the freezer can lead to some loss of nutrients and beneficial microelements, so unless absolutely necessary, it is better to avoid freezing. If you still have to, it is better to use it in the future for making milk porridges.

How long does breast milk last after pumping in the refrigerator, at a standard temperature slightly above zero? On this issue, the opinions of our and foreign pediatricians differ. Ours advise leaving it no more than a day, while foreigners say that storage for eight days is acceptable. In the refrigerator, expressed milk can be stored in any clean container. Even in a covered glass mug, if that’s convenient.

What to do when you need to feed a child outside the home, for example, in nature, where there are no cooling technical devices? Outside the refrigerator at room temperature, expressed breast milk can be stored for 10 hours, but only at favorable temperature readings - 22 degrees, or better even lower. In hot weather - 4-6 hours. Although there is a way to extend its shelf life a little - this is by using a cooler bag. The length of time you can store expressed milk without refrigeration is important, because, as with any milk or fermented milk drink, if it is heated, pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply. Did you notice an unpleasant odor? Do not offer this bottle to your baby!

Breast milk is stored only in a sterile container. Wash it in advance with a safe detergent for children's dishes or laundry soap. Then sterilize. It is better to boil for a few minutes. Always follow the recommendations on how to store breast milk in the refrigerator, so your baby will not be at risk of intestinal infections. It’s not just that they say that cleanliness is the key to health.

As you can see, there are a lot of nuances. And if for you, expressing breast milk is just a way to provide yourself with more freedom and not tie your baby to your breast, think again - is it worth it? Expressed milk given in a bottle for newborns is undoubtedly much healthier than formula. But with regular feeding from a bottle, the child will most likely refuse to breastfeed. And breastfeeding will not last long if you pump. And even those significant periods of time that breast milk is stored at room temperature, in the refrigerator, in the freezer will not save you from supplementary feeding with formula or mixed nutrition. Lactation will fade. And the close emotional connection with the child will be lost. By the way, in practice it turns out that breastfeeding a baby is much easier than performing a lot of actions like pumping, sterilizing bottles, warming them up, and keeping them perfectly clean. Small children who eat from a bottle are more likely to suffer from colic, as they swallow a lot of air during feeding. And heating milk does not have a positive effect on its properties. Quite the contrary. If you overdo it with heating, vitamin C will be destroyed. And if such violations occur regularly, the child’s immunity may suffer.

Wean your baby only when natural feeding is not possible.

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