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Words of gratitude to the parents of the music school in prose. The best graduation poems for teachers, parents and graduates

Graduation is a special event in the life of every student and their parents. Graduation is a time of warm words and gratitude. This event should be celebrated and held with special trepidation. Everyone needs to say “thank you”: the school, the administration, parents, teachers and the students themselves.

  • Graduation is the main event in the life of every schoolchild, and how important it is to be able to find words for your favorite teacher and class teacher in order to remember this moment for a long time. As a rule, words of gratitude are said by the class leader, but if you wish, you can always convey them personally to make it pleasant and mark your respect
  • Gratitude to a teacher can be expressed both in poetry and in prose. There are many options for this: before the event, after graduation, with a solemn speech during the presentation of certificates, at the banquet table in the form of a toast, a letter of thanks or a greeting card
  • Expressing gratitude to your teacher is a good and kind tradition that will characterize you as a conscientious person, will allow you to develop friendly and warm relationships in the future, will give the teacher a moment of pleasure and will instill in him hope and faith that he has not spent all these years in vain
graduation at school, words of gratitude to the teacher at the graduation party in prose and poetry

Words of gratitude to the teacher at the graduation party in prose:

  • Dear (teacher's name)! Today we want to tell you the biggest “THANK YOU” for the years that you spent raising us. You were able to sprout from a “small seed” a real strong sprout, which has already grown strong and has the strength to become a mighty tree. Without your help, we would not be what you see us now: reserved, calm, intelligent and well-mannered graduates. Those (number of) years that we spent with you have brought us closer together forever, and now every time on the first of September we will remember your kind face, your open heart and gentle look, and every first of September we will definitely miss you! We wish you many more years of creativity, inspiration and spiritual strength! Thank you for your work and endless faith in us!
  • Our beloved (teacher's name)! This day is both happy and sad for us because we are forced to say goodbye to you. How I would like that in later life you would accompany us all the time and guide us on the right path. Thank you for believing in us and never giving up in difficult and sometimes even very difficult situations! We're sorry for not always appreciating your efforts, but now that we've become adults one day, we're sorry we could have made you sad. (Name of teacher), you are a true teacher and leader from God. We wish you endless happiness, feminine and pedagogical, we love you as a person and an excellent teacher. Thank you for your life wisdom and invaluable knowledge forever!
  • Dear (name of teacher)! Today is a wonderful reason to thank you for the many years of work that you carried out every day, raising and teaching us to live in this world. Only now we realize that without you, we would not exist. What a pity that we did not always understand you, and most importantly, appreciate you. Forgive us our mistakes, our insolence and frivolity. Today we have become adults and in the future we promise to be your pride and your dignity, a bright gold medal on your chest. We thank you endlessly and love you with all our hearts!

words of gratitude for the class teacher at the graduation party in poetry and prose

Words of gratitude in verse to the teacher at the graduation party:

We want to say endless “thank you” to you,
Give free rein to these reverent and colorful words.
After all, you are not just our cool teacher,
You are our faith, our mother, our savior.
Thank you for giving good today,
For so many years in a row we have received only warmth from you.
Let nothing spoil your mood today,
We wish you only happiness and good luck in the future.

For us, you are a great leader for a reason,
You have given us your warmth for so many years,
I really want to say that everything went perfectly,
We are very lucky with you!
Please accept congratulations with all my heart,
Which we prepared just for you,
Our beloved dear leader,
We wish you good luck and good fortune!

Our gratitude sounds today
Unfortunately, we don’t know how best to thank you,
We know that words are just a little
But you know, we respect you very much!
Thank you for being very sensitive to the problems,
In the problem of each of us, you found a common language and understanding,
You know, your work is invaluable,
We want to wish you longevity and happiness!

words of gratitude to a beloved teacher at the graduation party from students

Beautiful words of gratitude to the first teacher at the school graduation from graduates

  • The first teacher is the person who goes through the first four years of school life with each student. It lays the basic foundation of knowledge, teaches reading and writing, introduces the world and creates a worldview in every child’s mind.
  • The first teacher at the graduation party deserves no less gratitude than the class teacher. As a rule, the first teacher is always associated with many warm memories, only pleasant emotions and something that is associated with a happy childhood
  • It is important to choose only pleasant and appropriate words for the first teacher in order to properly thank him for the hard work and motherly love that he invested in the children at the first stage of their independent life

beautiful words of gratitude to the first teacher at the graduation party from graduating students

Beautiful words of gratitude to the first teacher at the graduation party in prose:

  • Dear (teacher's name)! Thank you for being the first person who taught us not to be afraid of life and to be confident in ourselves. It was only thanks to you that we became the people that our class teacher and the entire teaching staff of the school recognized us as. Your work is invaluable and noble. We wish you youth spiritually and in life, so that you can happily raise your children for many more years and know that you are not living in vain! We remember and love you!
  • Dear (teacher's name)! We would like to thank you for the fact that once you took us “under your wing,” you were able to raise us into real and adult people. Only now we can understand how hard and difficult it was to cope with us, but now, let there be only pride and joy in you. We have become successful graduates and will never forget your contribution to our lives!
  • Our beloved (teacher's name)! We would like to thank you so much for being able to spend a lot of your energy, your love and patience on our upbringing. We are grateful to you for teaching us to read, write and be good people. Without you, it is difficult to imagine our path at this school. Know that you work and live not in vain. For us, you are the first school mother and a person whom we will respect for the rest of our lives!

words of gratitude to the first teacher in prose at graduation from graduates

Words of gratitude at graduation from students to the first teacher:

You are our first teacher for centuries,
And we will never forget you!
How tenderly they taught us to write,
Read, count mushrooms and apples.
Thank you for giving kindness and warmth,
That they found their own language and their own approach to us!
Days, weeks and years fly by inexorably,
We will definitely never forget your work!

They showed us the basics of learning,
They invested priceless efforts in us,
You were not afraid to take us at the very beginning,
Now we don’t wish that we met you once!
You are our first beloved teacher,
We want to say for your work and diligence,
You have seriously helped us in life,
You did everything you could for us!
Now thank you for your attention,
For kindness, patience, understanding,
Please accept our warm words,
We will love you and respect you always!

It’s not easy to express our respect to you,
For giving us teaching,
For not sparing us attention,
They always gave us kindness and understanding.
It is difficult for us to convey our love in words,
And tell us how proud we are of you!
You know that your efforts are not in vain,
We found love and education,
You have found the most wonderful approach to us,
For this, we honor you and bow to you!

words of gratitude to the first teacher in poems from graduates at the ball

How to express gratitude to graduates? Words of gratitude to students at the graduation party

  • In addition to the fact that at the graduation party there are constant gratitude from parents and students to the class teacher and teachers, one should also note the efforts of the children themselves and give them special words of gratitude
  • Students need gratitude for the fact that all these years they came to school, tried and gained knowledge, did not resist the educational process, participated in competitions, took part in school and extracurricular life
  • Words of gratitude for students can inspire young people to be diligent students in the future, to know their place in society, to try to gain knowledge and to be distinguished by special qualities, to be the pride of their school

words of gratitude to graduating students at the school graduation party

Words of gratitude to students at the graduation party:

You finished your last class,
You are mature and wise now.
Now is the time to think about what you can become
And where to continue your studies.
For school, for parents now
Your choice is important as if for the first time.
And again the first course is like first grade,
You will become a student for us!
Now, you are a graduate, you are an adult,
But don’t forget your school forever,
After all, the school is still proud of you,
For what you have managed to achieve now!
And every teacher here knows for sure
What in life wishes you the best,
So that there are fewer stones in your path
We met and it was more fun!

Your last call today
He is both joyful and unusual,
Graduate, forget your lesson,
You finished it perfectly!
Here the teacher brushed away a tear,
And I pressed your bouquet to my heart.
I sighed from happiness and sadness,
After all, I saw you off on a good journey.
On your already adult path,
You must cope with any stone,
So that the teacher and school can
We are proud and inspired by you!
Come back to our home class
A year later, I went to my school in the evening.
You will remember everything as if for the first time,
At a pleasant and joyful meeting!

Graduate, may you be worried today,
This is joy with a little bit of sadness.
Everything is possible for you now
And the path of life is open to you.
You're a little unsure of yourself
But big things await you
Don't forget that trampled path,
What took you to school for so many years!

thanks and parting words for graduates at the ball from teachers and parents

How to express and select words of gratitude to the class from the teacher?

  • Having gone through a difficult path from middle to high school and graduating from his class, the class teacher must sincerely thank the students for the years they lived peacefully, for their work and for their understanding, for the endless number of days and emotions experienced
  • Each class leaves its mark in the teacher’s heart and he, not without sadness and sadness, says goodbye to the children, letting go of their adult and independent life.
  • The teacher’s parting words and words of gratitude can inspire children and feel the whole moment of farewell to their beloved teacher, because all these years they have lived together as one family.

thanks and parting words to the class from the class teacher at graduation

Words of gratitude from the class teacher to the class:

  • Dear class, only now can we stop and think that this is our last meeting as one big and friendly family! For so many years in a row, we endured ups and downs together, experienced sad and joyful events, parted for the summer holidays and rejoiced at meeting again in September. I want to tell you that you will remain in my heart for a long time, that each of you is my child and I will definitely worry about how your life will turn out in the future. Thank you for your understanding and respect!
  • Dear children! I want to tell you one thing today - I am sad to understand that our journey together in life has come to an end. I'm used to you as if I were my own children. Thank you for giving me friendship, understanding, love and only joy for so many years. I really want to protect each of you from further life problems, from misfortunes and bad luck. Know that at any difficult moment I will be happy to help you with advice and action!
  • My dear class! Even as your class teacher, I want to congratulate you on such a long-awaited event - the graduation party. I am sad and happy at the same time, because for me during all this time you have become my dear and beloved children. Thank you for your respect and understanding, you are my pride and my work. I wish you only success and goodness!

words of gratitude from the teacher to the class at the graduation party

Beautiful words of gratitude to the school and teachers from parents and graduates

Beautiful words of gratitude from parents and students addressed to the school will brighten up any graduation party, delight everyone present and create only a good impression of the graduating class.

beautiful words of gratitude to the school at graduation

Words of gratitude for the school:

Thank you school for giving us knowledge
And she led me along a difficult thorny path.
Thank you for not sparing your efforts,
Now we have something to bring into our lives!
Thank you for the interesting lessons,
For the alphabet and for the pages of the primer.
You presented difficult work, not easy,
Thank you school and you, teachers!

Director, memorize, teachers - thank you,
Thanks from the graduates to the teachers.
Thank you for your love and wisdom, our school,
There is simply no one more beautiful than you in the wide world!
Thank you for the wonderful moments
For our graduation documents!
Because school, you didn’t give up,
Now we will feel bad being apart without you!

We are so eager to thank you all,
For making us graduates,
For the fact that you were there on a difficult day,
For believing in us and always loving us.
Thank you for your knowledge and wisdom,
We, the school, will not forget all your care,
Thank you for what you did with my soul
And she did an invaluable job!

Beautiful words of gratitude to the parents of graduates at the ball

At every graduation party, the school administration or class teacher must thank the students’ parents for their constant cooperation, assistance in renovating the school and classroom, raising funds, and raising children. Gratitude can be expressed verbally, but it will be much more pleasant for each parent to receive a personal official letter of gratitude or certificate.

Gratitude to parents of graduates:

Today: on this day and hour
We must pay attention
To the parents who raised you
And they made them good people.
Thank you for always being there for us
And in joy and when trouble came.
Thank you for driving away sorrows
And we were never forgotten.
Forget all strife and doubts,
You have wonderful, well-mannered children.
You gave them your patience
And there is no one better in the world for them than you!

Today the school wants to tell you,
Why be so proud of your children.
Thank you, you helped raise her
They gave the children everything they could.
For every step of the children and their success,
We thank only you today!
Today is joy, radiant laughter,
At graduation you only hear from us!

Parents, today your children
We took our first serious step.
They are smarter and more beautiful than anyone in the world,
They will leave school and their home...
Parents, today your children
We became older and wiser in an instant.
They will spread across the planet
And they will praise all their relatives!

Options for certificates of gratitude for parents of graduates:

thank you letter for parents, template No. 1

thank you letter for parents, template No. 2

thank you letter for parents, template No. 3

Beautiful children's words of gratitude for graduation at a concert and ball

As a rule, the graduation party is accompanied by a large and colorful concert - a formal part where there are many competitions, songs, congratulations, and the awarding of certificates to students. At this concert, children's words of gratitude to teachers and administration take place.

Beautiful children's words of gratitude for graduation

Words of gratitude from children at graduation:

Today we receive our certificates,
We have become wiser, more beautiful and smarter.
We will walk with them more confidently,
For us, our school is dearer to everyone in the world!
We solved problems and equations,
Learned tables, poems by heart,
We wrote competent essays,
Today we feel a warm sadness.
The school gave us everything we needed
For this we want to thank you!
She gave us science and friendship,
She taught me to humble myself, to believe, to love.
Thank you, teachers and family,
You have done so much for us.
For us you are the most precious,
We will love you endlessly!

I would like to wish you inspiration,
Good luck to the teachers, lots of strength,
Thank you for your iron patience,
We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts!
We wish you good luck with our hearts,
Our successes were not easy,
But you helped us regularly,
Today we are already graduates!

From all today's graduates,
You want to say “thank you” for your patience.
You gave endless love
And they instilled inspiration in our hearts!
In words, all the wishes, alas,
Ours cannot fit closely,
We are always honored and proud - you,
We will be proud of you all the way!

words of gratitude from students to teachers at the graduation party

Beautiful words of gratitude for graduates from the teacher and school administration

Words of gratitude for graduates:

We have excitement in our hearts today,
The last bell is ringing for us,
We want to remember these moments forever
And the first day is far from us.
We were raised affectionately and strictly,
All those who were in this school
Thank you for the patience of teachers,
Forgive us for our rudeness and ardor.
We have become adults and wise now
And our path to graduation was difficult,
Our door to the future is open
And in our lives we will never forget you again!

Many years have passed by,
Quite a few events have taken place here:
Sorrows, difficulties, victories,
Success and great discoveries.
Here we gained our experience,
Found love, advice and friendship.
School is like our home,
She gave us everything we needed!

Today we are graduates
And today we wish you
Find luck in life
And there is no end to the pride for us.
Good luck without limits,
So that the world is wider than a notebook.
Thank you for all your patience,
Let your life become smooth in an instant!

Parents provide enormous assistance not only throughout the school year, but also devote a lot of effort to organizing the prom. At the festive evening, it is worth celebrating their efforts, work and support.

Gratitude for the help, work and support of parents for the school at graduation

Thanks to parents for their help and work:

Thank you, dear parents,
For the long journey that we have traveled together.
Today your children are winners
They worked diligently and for a long time towards their goal.
May the road of fate be favorable to them
And the adult and serious path will be soft.
May luck meet them at the doorstep
And he won’t let them go astray!

Looking at the years of my school life,
And the first class that appears there in the distance.
So I want to say with my soul:
“Thank you mom and dad for bringing us to school!”
We've been teaching assignments for so many years,
The grades were recorded in diaries.
And every day we were happy
Only because we are students.
We are having fun today, but we are also sad,
Believe our sincere words.
We have a great colorful feeling,
To everyone who gave us knowledge at school.

For those who were unable to attend the event, you can send a congratulatory SMS to pay attention and congratulate your dear people on the holiday.

Gratitude via SMS for graduation for students, parents and their teachers

Congratulatory SMS on graduation:

I congratulate you on your graduation,
I wish you success in the future,
May you always be lucky in life!
And only bright things await you!

I wish, dear graduate,
May you be happy today.
Let you already get used to school,
You have become a student. New strength!

I wish from the bottom of my heart now,
Have fun celebrating the holiday.
May this good bright hour
Only joy lives in your hearts!

Graduate, I congratulate you,
You achieve your happiness!
With all my heart I wish you,
All the best and brightest!

May your wishes come true, graduate!
But remember your native school more often.
Your sorrows will soon be forgotten,
Be confident and do not know sadness!

Video: “Touching congratulations for the class teacher at graduation”

At the graduation party, it is customary to pay a lot of attention to the main heroes of the occasion - kindergarten students or students of grades 4, 9, 11 who are graduating from school. Of course, the graduates themselves are very worried and worried on this day, so they undoubtedly need words of support. But besides children, graduation celebrations are a very exciting event for adults as well. In particular, we are talking about mothers and fathers who, along with their children, have gone through a long journey of education. They also worried about their children's successes and failures, studied homework and prepared for tests, lacked sleep and were worried. Therefore, preparing words of gratitude to parents at graduation is the easiest way to recognize their merits and express admiration for both children and teachers. In our article today, we tried to collect the best options for touching and beautiful words of gratitude addressed to moms and dads, which are ideal for graduation events.

Beautiful words of gratitude to parents at the graduation party in kindergarten from teachers

Children's first graduation celebration takes place in kindergarten. And, of course, the heroes of this celebration themselves, due to their young age, do not yet fully understand the importance of parental support. They don’t yet know how much effort and labor their mothers and fathers, together with their teachers, put into them so that they could joyfully celebrate the graduation party. Therefore, beautiful words of gratitude to parents at the graduation party in kindergarten are most often prepared by the teachers themselves. Touching poems and beautiful prose with words of appreciation and gratitude for wonderful graduates are also suitable for this purpose.

Options for beautiful words of gratitude to parents at the graduation party in kindergarten from teachers

Here are some beautiful options for words of gratitude to parents at kindergarten graduation from teachers.

Parents, today is an important day for you,

After all, your children have become a little older

And soon the path promises them to first grade,

Please accept our wishes.

May children bring joy every day,

Let spring always bloom in your soul,

May life be like sweetness for you,

May luck always be true.

Thank you, dads, moms

For what is in our common cause

Ready just like us

Go back to childhood and believe...

What is a magic river?

That Santa Claus is real,

What a miracle the rainbow-arc is

For everyone, for everyone brings happiness.

Thank you for being

They always helped us with everything:

You sewed the costumes at night,

We created and drew with the children.

Thank you for your warmth,

For friendship, peace and understanding.

Thank you for the children too

Because they trusted us with them.

We are together day after day

We live as one big family.

And this kindergarten is a common home,

So cozy and dear!

Parents, don't be sad!

And take our bow

For such wonderful children,

There are a million rays of sunshine.

Our flowers have grown up

And now it’s time for them to move forward.

Our dear daughters and sons

They leave us forever.

According to our little crumbs

We will miss you very much

Sometimes being sad inadvertently

And remember with a smile!

Words of gratitude in poetry and prose to parents at 4th grade graduation from children

An already conscious graduation celebration takes place for the first time after graduating from primary school. Grown-up 4th grade graduates understand that they are on the threshold of a new important stage in their lives. And how successfully they will travel this path largely depends on their parents. Or rather, from the love and support of mothers and fathers who are always ready to help their dear children. From past experience, 4th grade graduates already realize the importance of the parental role in their school life and therefore are happy to prepare words of gratitude in poetry and prose for the graduation party for mom and dad.

The best words of gratitude to parents for graduation in 4th grade from children in prose and poetry

You will find the best beautiful and touching words to thank parents at the 4th grade graduation party in the form of poetry and prose in the following selection.

Finished 4th grade

And now we have graduation!

I congratulate the parents,

And I wish you great joy,

Be proud of the children's successes,

And enjoy the result!

Help them with everything

And everything will be your way!

Today we say thank you

Of course, to your parents too,

Your care, attention, and patience

They always help us like that!

But we admit with regret:

We are deaf sometimes

We are here for your requests and concerns,

Doubts, sorrowful reproaches.

wall of misunderstanding

Suddenly it grows between us.

And sometimes it seems: she

Can't collapse

Even with the help of a tsunami!

But we love, we love you!

But we often keep our feelings secret!

And sometimes only restraint

Our dear and wonderful parents, you were always there and supported us, you helped us overcome all the difficulties of studying and any obstacles on the way to our victories. On the day of our graduation, we say “thank you very much” to you from the bottom of our hearts and want to wish you, dear ones, many years of health, prosperity, peace, spiritual happiness and warmth. We love you.

Touching words of gratitude to parents at the 9th grade graduation from teachers and high school students

Not everyone finishes school in 9th grade, but quite often this graduation becomes a preparatory year for many high school students and parents. Sometimes after the ninth grade only a few people leave and this does not mean that farewell to them should be formal. They, just like their classmates who decided to continue their studies at school, deserve attention and support. Exactly like their parents, for whom this holiday is important. Therefore, you should not neglect the opportunity to express gratitude to mothers and fathers whose children decided to take an independent path in life a little earlier. Especially for this occasion, you can choose touching words of gratitude to parents at the 9th grade graduation on behalf of teachers and high school students.

Options for touching words of gratitude for graduation in 9th grade to parents from teachers and high school students

You will find original versions of touching words of gratitude for moms and dads at the 9th grade graduation from teachers and children in the following selection.

Thank you parents for your patience,
Anxious heartbeat to the point of tears,
For days and nights and great love,
For your restless, dear soul!

May joy flow into your hearts today,
And everything in the world just works out,
Believe me, we love you very, very much,
Both graduate sons and daughters!

May kindness be with us all the time -
Not schoolchildren, but graduates,
Students, workers, anyone,
We are always with you - dear, dear ones!

We thank our parents for everything,
We want to say kind words
For your care and attention,
For love and understanding always!

That your patience is limitless,
And control over everything all year round,
That they loved us and did not scold us,
And they accepted anyone at home!

For heartfelt words, smiles,
That children's mistakes were forgiven,
We were greeted joyfully from school,
And they hugged you soulfully and tenderly!

Happy graduation, parents,
I congratulate you,
Dear children
I wish you happy.

In the parent's nest
It's going to get crowded soon
Youth of the wind
They call and beckon you to fly.

Help the children
Stand on the wing
So that we can stop crawling
In life, but to fly.

Let them fly towards the sun
Let them strive for the stars
Both children and parents
I wish you happiness.

The best words of gratitude to parents from high school students at the 11th grade graduation party

The most touching and beautiful school holiday is the 11th grade graduation party. This is exactly the event that all graduates and parents look forward to after long and exhausting exams and tests. Of course, this event is very exciting for all its participants and it is important to support each other at this difficult moment. For example, high school students can prepare beautiful words of gratitude to their parents for their 11th grade graduation party. With their help, you can not only express deep gratitude to moms and dads, but also help them relieve excess nervous tension at such a crucial moment.

The best words of gratitude from high school students to parents at their 11th grade graduation

Below you will find options for the best words of gratitude to parents for the 11th grade graduation party from high school students.

Today from the heart our friendly class
“Thank you” wants to say to all parents,
After all, you always raised us,
We taught you to look for the positive in everything!
We won't let you down, we promise
Let's enter universities and achieve all the peaks!
We will be your pride, we know
That we will always be number one!

Let's say thank you to our parents today,
We love you very much, you are our support,
All our successes are only your merit,
It's time for all of us to say goodbye to school soon,
Let's quickly join hands,
Be with us on our graduation day,
Good luck awaits us all, just don’t cry,
And happiness will come, it’s just around the corner!

Dear parents! Would you like to hear
How can we congratulate you on our graduation?
Let's say thank you, we even learned
Making the impossible: making the complex simple.
You've been through enough with us - we've accomplished a lot,
And for that we thank you.
We wish you health, congratulate you with love,
Let it be your reward that we are graduates!

Moms and dads are the most important companions and friends on the path of learning. For them, the graduation party in kindergarten or school (in grades 4, 9, 11) is an important and responsible event that they experience with trepidation and pride. Beautiful and touching words of gratitude to parents at graduation from children and teachers are a simple way to express gratitude for their work and love. Therefore, dear graduates and teachers, do not forget about this and choose the best words of gratitude in poetry or prose from our article.

Our parents are worried about us
After all, they were the ones who brought us together
Just recently in the first grade in my life,
We worried, we nursed, we dreamed!

And now my soul aches for us:
Graduates, we are new roads.
And again they won’t sleep a wink for long
And survive worries and worries.

Thank you, dear ones, for your love,
For endurance, patience and wisdom.
We promise to delight you again
And we will not allow you to be upset by sadness.

Your children have grown up
Before you could blink,
They were rocked in the cradle,
And now the adult way.

Let there be tears of happiness
And smiles on your face
And may all dreams and dreams
Executed at the end!

Our beloved parents, today we, your children, have become more mature and have overcome an important stage in life - finishing school. We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your love and support, help, care and wise advice. We hope that we will always be a source of pride for you and will adequately meet your expectations.

Both dads and moms, thank you very much
We're telling you everything now
For your help, support, for your participation,
For your work, it is invaluable.

You helped us by solving problems,
They wrote notes not to go to school.
We accompanied you with love and patience
On that long school journey.

We hope in a big, unknown life
Give us advice again,
After all, even though the last bell has already sounded,
We are only learning to fly.

Let there be considerable reason for pride
For all the achievements later.
Today just accept from the children
A big thank you.

Our dear parents,
Today we want to tell you
What is dearer and closer to you
We can't find it in the whole world.

You always helped us in everything
And there were no sleepless nights.
We were taught, raised, treated,
They surrounded you with their care.

On this day, you are also with us
Our feelings are ready to be shared.
We are spending our school years
We will never forget about them!

Well, that's all, we are adults!
Look at us, parents!
And remember, you once led us
First time in happy first grade!

Thank you for all your efforts,
For the fact that we always grew up in love!
We will meet your expectations,
So that you can be proud of us!

Our mothers and fathers, relatives,
You're just as worried as we are.
You are beautiful and young,
You finished school with us!

We say thank you today
For sleepless nights, worries.
For homework solved together,
For exams, poems!

Moms, dads, live happily,
If you cry, it’s only out of happiness.
We will make you happy, dear ones,
And protect from adversity and bad weather!

Our dear parents,
We bow to you from all of us to the ground.
Do you remember how you were in first grade?
Were you nervous about going to school?

Many years have passed since then,
We grew up quickly, and now
Towards the end of school life stubbornly
Time guides you as if by hand.

You have invested love and care,
Taught how to solve problems
And apparently it’s time to get to work
Let our knowledge and strength go.

We will, of course, come for advice.
And today we just want to say,
That we love you, and with this verse
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything.

I remember how you saw me off,
With flowers and a briefcase to the first class.
And on the line we were ashamed as children,
They approached each other, holding your sleeve.

I remember the fear of the meeting,
My pranks, victories and successes.
Thank you for all the memories
For guidance, support and fun.

Today, saying goodbye to childhood,
Growing up, we go out into people.
And in this, undoubtedly, and for sure
Much credit to you!

Thank you, parents, for
That we didn’t get enough sleep at night because of us,
What about us, beautiful ones, by the first bell?
We saw you off to school early in the morning!

For not scolding us if we
Once upon a time we got into trouble in class,
Or a huge window with a ball
It was accidentally broken into the teachers' room!

Thank you for your support, kindness,
For the tenderness of hands and kind words,
For true kindness of the heart,
And the fact that they are always ready to help us!

We want to say thank you
Dear parents, beloved ones,
How did you manage to educate us?
They were kind and patient.

We sometimes upset you,
By your behavior, studies,
But the bell rings for the last time
And, of course, in a special way.

We promise not to let you down,
Let's be honest, hardworking,
We will develop and grow,
So that you can always be proud of us.

Graduation party is a real celebration for those who graduate from kindergarten, elementary school or high school. And on this holiday, it is important for all its participants to hear only the warmest wishes. Graduates enjoy praise for their successes and achievements, parents want words of love and respect from their grown-up children, and it is so important for teachers to hear words of gratitude from yesterday’s foolish children. And all these words must be put in the correct form so that they can touch the heart of absolutely everyone. That is why graduation poems are an ideal format for congratulations and wishes for all participants in the celebration. They are pleasant to hear and listen to, they contain deep meaning and ease of perception, but the main thing is that the poems set the right rhythm for the entire solemn event. In our article today, we have prepared simple but very beautiful poetic congratulations for parents, teachers and the graduates themselves.

Graduation poems for parents: words of gratitude to mom and dad

Parents are precisely those people, thanks to whose titanic efforts and educational talents, timid first-graders turn into purposeful and self-confident graduates. Moms and dads are nearby in difficult moments, they always try to help in the difficult educational process and difficult life situations. They are ready to do anything for the sake of their beloved children, who have a great chance to return at least a piece of the parental energy invested in them at their graduation party. Beautiful poems with sincere words of love and gratitude are exactly what parents need at graduation. After all, words of gratitude for moms and dads are confirmation that they raised worthy individuals and good people.

Poems for graduation

Stepped into life. And this important step

Like a path on an unknown planet,

And behind the back is the parental hearth.

Look, we are the best in the world

Yesterday's girls, boys.

Parents, be proud! Your children

Beautiful, young, worthy and smart!

Dear parents! Would you like to hear

How can we congratulate you on our graduation?

Let's say thank you, we even learned

Making the impossible: making the complex simple.

You've been through enough with us - we've accomplished a lot,

And for that we thank you.

We wish you health, congratulate you with love,

Let it be your reward that we are graduates!

Couples are spinning

Farewell waltzes,

Sad tears

Point dress...

We, parents, thank you,

We would like to congratulate the graduates!

Thank you for raising me,

A multifaceted world has been opened before us!

Be stylish, dear mothers,

Be strong, dear dads,

Respect from us, thank you very much,

And our love is a sacred feeling!

Touching graduation poems for beloved teachers from graduates

Probably, almost on an equal basis with parents, their teachers are also concerned about the successes and achievements of graduates. And this is not surprising, given the fact that the success of schoolchildren is a direct reflection of the effectiveness of their difficult teaching work. And now, when all the exams are over, teachers, like parents, want to hear simple words of gratitude from yesterday’s schoolchildren. Words that contain no flattery or fawning. Just warm words of sincere gratitude, which they truly deserve for their hard work and mental strength. Congratulate your teachers on graduation with touching poems and thereby you will return to them a piece of positive energy that they once shared with you.

Graduation poems for teachers

Being a teacher is a calling.

May all your efforts

Fate will reward you generously!

And boundless health,

Happiness to prosper

You can live only “excellently”,

You don’t know troubles and sorrows.

Live in harmony, prosperity,

To be enveloped by love.

Everything is fine at work

Obedient students to you!

Thank you for your kindness

Children, you are an example for them.

May you live like in a fairy tale,

Without sadness and loss.

Thank you, low bow to you,

Because you taught us this way.

For kindness and knowledge.

For everything they received at school.

So that you always have enough strength,

More obedient schoolchildren.

We will answer, no matter who asks -

You are always with us in our souls!

You are the builders of the universe,

You are the assemblers of the soul,

Servants of the incorruptible truth,

Unfortunately, for pennies.

We wish you forever

All big and small blessings,

What is available to a person

Not on credit, but just like that.

May Providence reward you

For hard military work,

And the younger generations

Respected, loved, honored.

The best graduation poems for students in grades 4, 9, 11

Well, you can’t leave graduation without due attention to its most important participants - the heroes of the occasion. On this wonderful day, graduates experience mixed feelings: on the one hand, they feel joy and look forward to the beginning of a new life, and on the other, they understand that this is an evening of farewell to school and parting with close friends. There is so much new and unknown ahead of them, frightening and attractive at the same time. That is why at graduation it is so important for such adult children to hear words of support from more experienced teachers and parents. For example, with funny poems you can cheer up despondent graduates, and with touching poems you can touch mature graduates. Even just beautiful words spoken by relatives or teachers can ignite much-needed self-confidence in young hearts.

Poems for graduation in kindergarten

Just recently, hiding behind bouquets,

You entered the first class with excitement.

And now some parting advice

Your home school sees you off.

Childhood remains in the school corridors,

The bells stopped, the noise and noise died down,

And only memories in conversations

They sound quiet everywhere, here and there.

And there is something to remember: the ups and downs,

And, laughter and tears, friendship and love;

How my head “cracked” from studying,

And the enamel of the teeth was “rubbed off against the granite.”

You have grown, become stronger, matured,

Ready to move mountains on your way!

Your day has come! You've all been waiting for him.

Doubts away! Be brave, good luck!

May good luck accompany you in everything,

And your cherished dream will come true,

And even to an unsolvable problem

There is always a solution!

You are my first students,

But so much is already connected with you:

Loud school bells

And there is a well-trodden road to the school.

You are my first students.

Let us sometimes upset each other,

But school sorrows are fleeting

In the flow of the stormy river of life.

And on the threshold of his youth,

Stepping confidently into another life,

Don't forget those teachers

Who were once with you...

Like chicks breaking free from a nest:

Jump, fly, focus on the entire wing.

You also want to take a plunge as soon as possible

To something else, an adult, wherever it leads.

May your path wind like a light snake!

But remember, graduate, there is always one thing:

That school friendship remains forever,

No matter what happens, no matter how hard it shakes!

Touching poems about school at graduation party

Graduation isn't just about saying goodbye to friends and teachers. This is also parting with school and childhood. For some it is joyful, but for others it is painful. But for absolutely every graduate, the very realization that the time has come to say goodbye to school is a sad moment. In order to experience it with dignity and leave only the most pleasant and warm memories in your memory, it is customary to shoot a video at the graduation party that will forever capture this amazing day. It is also important to say beautiful words of farewell, expressing respect and love for your home school. Touching graduation poems about school are the best option that both teachers and students will be pleased to hear.

We are used to our school.

Tomorrow we will be free,

So let’s be a little sad:

It's time for us to part.

We'll fly away like birds:

Who to work, who to study,

But our native school

We will never forget.

We studied, we worked,

Relaxed, had fun,

Now let's be a little sad -

It's time for us to part.

We say goodbye to school

Forever young and cheerful,

And we are her teachers

We will never forget.

School, school... Goodbye!

We say goodbye to you.

The hour of parting has come,

We will go our own way.

How many years have we been together?

Like a good family.

They argued together and loved.

We're great friends.

With a new backpack on my back

We came to you at the age of 7,

Believing that the world will open for us

Every new item you have.

Trill of bells for recess

We will always remember.

Teacher's first look

Let's go through the years.

We learned and grew up

Understanding the essence of life.

Week by week

You led us on a good path.

And today at the hour of farewell

It's harder than ever.

School, school... Goodbye!

You are always in our hearts!

Graduation evening is a special holiday.

It's time to leave school.

I wish you success and happiness on your way,

May your roads be bright.

Let the fair wind open

All doors are for you, go to a great life.

With luck, good mood and laughter

May all your wishes come true!

Graduation evening is an exciting and solemn event not only for the students themselves, but also for parents. After all, it is on the fragile shoulders of mothers that the worries about the child’s school success fall. It is mothers who stay up at night, washing school uniforms and steaming shirts. It was under the strict, attentive and infinitely loving gaze of their mother that the first-graders made sticks and hooks.

We must not forget about courageous fathers. Dads instill in their children a love of sports and a healthy lifestyle. Dads teach boys to be brave and strong, and girls to be wise and purposeful. Therefore, students must express gratitude to their parents at graduation. Sometimes teachers also express words of gratitude to moms and dads for their hard work and enormous investment of effort.

As a rule, a thank you speech is prepared in advance so that you can subsequently pronounce important words clearly and coherently, without stuttering or pausing. Holding proms in an original form and non-standard style has become a fashionable trend. In accordance with this trend, graduates try to make the congratulatory block for parents as original as possible. There are many options for formatting a thank you speech:

  • prose;
  • poetry;
  • song;
  • dance;
  • theatrical production;
  • video message.

Each method has its own zest, so preference should be given to one or another idea in accordance with the theme of the prom.

Traditional form of address to parents at graduation ceremony

A response to parents Parents worry and are nervous a lot, walking with their child along the school path hand in hand for eleven long years. But moms and dads rarely show their worries, hiding their worries behind sad smiles. But graduates at the farewell party should not hide their feelings. It is necessary to choose sincere words of gratitude that will show parents that their immense contribution to raising their children is appreciated. An example text of a confession might look like this:

“Our beloved parents! Dear mothers and fathers, irreplaceable grandparents, dear aunts and uncles! Today is the important day for us to say goodbye to school and enter a new stage of life. We are grateful to you not only for being there at such an important moment, but also for leading us through life all these years. We know that at times it was not easy for you, but you steadfastly and courageously overcame all obstacles, hiding your children behind your reliable back.

Now your chicks have grown up and are flying away from their native nest, but they will always remember their parents. We promise to go through life with a pure heart and an open soul. You have invested so much faith, strength, hopes, love, expectations and dreams in us that we simply must become worthy people, the pride of mothers and fathers.”

To make words of gratitude sound sincere and natural, you can invite each student to write an appeal to their parents in the way he sees fit. Afterwards, you should select the most successful phrases from each text and compose one big beautiful speech from the whole class. In this case, all children will have the opportunity to give a piece of warmth to their beloved relatives.

Gratitude to parents. Last call

Expressing gratitude to moms and dads in poetic form

Sketch “Thank you to parents”

Addresses from children to parents always sound touching and exciting. Words of gratitude can be expressed in the form of a poem. It’s even better if the poems are your own. Indeed, in this case, all spoken phrases will come straight from the child’s heart. But for those outgoing classes who found it difficult to rhyme words beautifully, we present one of the options for addressing the older generation in poetic form.

We are on this day and at this hour

Parents should be told:

“Thank you for raising us

And they simply gave life.”

You are always with us

In the hour of joy and in the moment when trouble came.

You can safely protect from sadness,

And we will never forget you.

Forgive us for our insults and doubts,

After all, children are sometimes so blind.

Oh, how much patience you have, dear ones.

And there are no better mothers and fathers in the world!

Very often, teachers also choose poems to appeal to the parents of graduates. Teachers would like to tell moms and dads that teaching work would not be so noticeable without the participation of parents.

Today we wanted to say

That we are proud of what we taught,

That they were able to raise children,

It was as if we were all our relatives.

We are for every step and success

They were praised, as we sometimes praise

Only loved ones and dearest ones,

Holding your hand tightly.

We taught what is light and what is shadow,

They talked about honor and infamy.

And they asked not to remember about laziness,

And never lie - this is the main thing.

And now they stand in front of us

Our children are already adults.

And they did not grow up to be nice people,

Both sons and daughters have snub noses.

Poems that sound both touching and beautiful have always been considered a win-win option for delivering important speeches at any event. In a situation with poems, you can always “play” with rhyme, use all possible and impossible literary techniques and convey to the audience the very essence and main idea of ​​​​the spoken words.

Original ways to thank your parents at graduation

Handmade gifts - like gratitude

I would like to end this article with some advice. Whatever idea the graduating class chooses to congratulate their parents, the most incredible and extreme or classic traditional speech, it is necessary that the words sound sincere and natural. Only then will listeners believe their speaker when the speech comes from the heart.

Video: Gratitude to parents

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