Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style

Joint practical lesson with the participation of parents and children of the middle group “mastery of children's hands”. Occupation-work. Summary of an open lesson for parents

Gymnasium named after Peter the Great

Open integrated lesson in middle group with the participation of parents, dedicated to Mother's Day.

Completed by: teacher Elena Viktorovna Morozova

Moscow, 2018

SOFTWARE CONTENT: Develop dialogical speech, encourage monologue. Continue to learn how to answer questions clearly. Learn to compose a descriptive story from a photograph and from memory. Activate adjectives in children’s speech: affectionate, caring, gentle, kind, beautiful, loving, beloved.

Learn to use glue and paper carefully and place the blanks in the center of the sheet.

Preliminary work: talking about mom, looking at illustrations, photographs about mom, finger painting, learning finger gymnastics "Palms up"

equipment: photographs of mothers, didactic game "The kids are lost" , cards with animals, attributes for the competition, landscape sheets, glue, brushes, napkins, colored paper for each child, a board with blank Whatman paper, gouache, colored pencils, felt-tip pens.

Progress of the lesson

The children stand in a semicircle.

1. poetic greeting (narrated by children)

Hello right hand

Hello left hand

Hello friend, hello friend,

Hello, our entire friendly circle.

I love my kindergarten

It's full of guys, Maybe a hundred, maybe two hundred,

It's good when we're together.

Is everything in place?

Is everyone here?

Turned around, looked back

And they smiled at each other.

Educator: I’m reading a poem by U. Rajai

Who came to me this morning? Mommy

Who said “It's time to get up?

Who managed to cook the porridge?

Who poured tea into the cup?

Who braided my hair?

Cleaned everything at home, swept it?

Who as a child loves laughter?

Who is the best in the world?

Who is this poem about? What affectionate name do children call their mother? Why do all adults and children love their mothers?

2. Game "tell me about mom" with showing photographs.

I start by showing and telling about my mother, paying attention to my mother’s name and patronymic.

stories from 3-4 people.

Educator : - Guys, do you hear someone scratching at the door? Let's go and have a look.
- Oh, there’s a dog here! She's saying something! But we don’t understand the language of animals. So, you'll have to use magic.
- Where is mine? wand? (movement with a stick)
- Spin, spin and turn into little animals. (children put on animal masks)
- Do you hear what the puppy is telling us?
- He asks us for help. Animals have lost their children, we need to help find them. Shall we help? (children's answers)

3. Classification game “Are the kids lost?” /animal illustrations/

(There are animals and their cubs on the table. Each child chooses an animal for himself and finds a cub for him, naming them correctly).

Software tasks:

1. Intensify the use in speech of special terms that characterize opposite parameters of quantities, weight, taste, temperature and other properties of objects and phenomena.

2. Consolidate the use of learned concepts - “big”, “smaller”, “even smaller”, “smallest”, “small”.

3. Find out geometric shapes in symbolic images of objects.

4. Improve counting skills within 5. Fix in the minds of children the relationship between numbers and digital symbols.

5. Concretize and enrich existing ideas about quantitative relationships between two groups of objects: “as much as”, “more than”, “less than”.

6. Increase usage prepositions to indicate the location of objects in space and relative to oneself.

Materials and equipment:

Envelope with letter, map, children's naval uniform, ball, five keys different colors numbered from 1 to 5, ship (the chairs are covered with a cover because of the ship);

Book, numbers from 1 to 5; cards with images of geometric shapes; subject cards;

Christmas tree, blue and pink Christmas balls;

Magnetic board, picture of “Fairytale courtyard”, cards with images of animals on magnets;

Chest, chocolate coins;

Progress of the lesson

Introductory part. Guys, we have guests today. Say hello. (Greet greetings to the teachers).

Look what happened to our group? It turned into magical islands. (Open the envelope, find a card in it, examine it.)

Look, there's something else here ( I take a letter out of the envelope).

The teacher reads the letter. The map indicates where the treasure is located. But to get to the treasure, you need to travel across these islands. At each of them, task-tests await you; they are very difficult, and only the very attentive, smart, dexterous, those who know how to listen and think can cope with them. On each island, for completing a test task you will be able to receive assistant keys, only then will you be able to find the treasure.

Main part. (Refer to the map)

So, the first island is Island "On the contrary"

What will we sail on? (On the ship). We will become a very friendly sea team. I'll be the captain ( The teacher and children put on the attributes of a naval uniform), and you are sailors.

Well, shall we swim? Then let's go. (Music)

Game “On the contrary”

On this island everything is the other way around: fish fly, birds live in the water, the sun shines at night, and it snows in summer. So our task on this island is called "Vice versa” (with a ball):

Low - high, long - short, narrow - wide, soft - hard, light - heavy, hot - cold, clean - dirty, empty - full.

Teacher: Well done, you completed the task!

Teacher: Guys, what key is this by counting, by color? (First one, pink). Let's move on (turn to the map). The situation with the ship is played out - children imitate swimming movements with their hands.

Island of “Geometric Shapes”

There is a book of “Geometric Figures”. At the top of one page there is a square, on another there is a triangle, on the third there is a circle, and on the fourth there is a rectangle. Pictures depicting objects similar to geometric shapes are scattered on the table.

Teacher: The wind tousled the book, and the pictures, which looked like geometric shapes, all fell out of their pages. Maybe we can help the book “Geometric Figures” ? You need to put all the pictures on their own pages.

Teacher: Find a page with a figure that has no corners and looks like the sun. Misha, what figure is this? (Circle)

Take a page on which there is a figure that has three corners and three sides. Vova, what figure is this? (Triangle)

Find a page that has a shape without corners that looks like a circle but is elongated. Ramzia what figure is this? (Oval)

What is the name of a figure that also has four corners and four sides, but the sides are different in length (rectangle). What kind of figure is Kamal? Appendix 1

Now find an object in your pictures that has the same shape as the one on your page. (Children attach pictures to the corresponding pages of the book)

Teacher: Guys, what key is this by counting, by color? (Second, pink)

Third Island of “Mathematical Riddles”

(The situation with the ship is played out)

Look, guys, the numbers are already preparing for the New Year. They put up the Christmas tree, but forgot to decorate it. Let's help them.

Exercise. Hang blue balls on the top branches. Go Misha.

How many balloons did you hang? (4) Label with a number.

And now, you need to hang pink balloons under the balloons, go Vova.

How many pink balloons have you hung? (3) Label with a number.

What are more blue or pink balls?

  • How long blue balls more than pink balloons? (1 (more))

What needs to be done to make it equal. (Add pink balloons)

How many pink balloons should I add? (Need to add 1 pink ball)

How many blue and pink balls are there? (Equally)

How can you tell how much? (Blue and pink balls 4 each)

This key is our helper. (I take off the key, the children call it serial number 3 and color).

Gymnastics for the eyes

We board the ship. Guys, freeze.

We are sailing on the sea. Without turning your head, look at the island on the left. Look at the island on the right. Lift your eyes up and look at the clouds. And now the sun is rising in the sky. It wakes up in the east, moves across the sky and sets in the west

(showing). And now we saw a seagull. (Place your finger in front of you). She comes closer and then moves away from us.

  • We arrived, there must be a castle somewhere. Shall we look through our binoculars? (Fists clenched)

Physical exercise.

Here we come to “Enchanted Castle” .

Guys, we are looking for the 4th key, because we have a fourth island, and it is hidden in the castle. But the entrance to the castle is blocked with stones, and in order to enter the castle, the stones must be dismantled.

What is written on the stones? (Numbers) The blockage will be cleared, then when you find paired numbers so that the number turns out to be 4.

Answer: 1-3 4, 2 - 2 4, 3 – 1 4, 2 - 2 4.

Slide. The blockage is being cleared. (Stones fly out)

Exercise. Geometric shapes appeared. Children must sound it out and then lay it out on their table from memory.

Look carefully and remember in what order the geometric shapes are located?

Place them on your tables in the same order. Slide(The figures disappear.) Slide(Figures appear.)

Now check that you have laid out your figures correctly.

The last island awaits us - Fifth IslandFairytale courtyard."

We move to the last island. A picture hangs on a magnetic board “Fairytale courtyard”.

Teacher: Here we are on the island. Fairytale courtyard." Our task is to place the animals so that they have more fun playing.

Look, on your table are the very objects that you will place.

Kamal, put the bear on the swing to the right of the house, and the hare on the swing to the left of the house.

Vova, put the squirrel on the bench in front of the house, the hedgehog on the bench behind the house.

Ramzia, place the pink shells inside the fountain, and Misha the yellow shells on the outside.

Another helper key (ordinal number and color).

Educator. So we got to the treasure. What key should you use to open it?

Exercise. To open the chest you need to hang the keys in descending order .

(Big, smaller, smaller, even smaller, smallest)

The chest opens. First the letter is taken out. It reads: “You have found the most precious treasure - this is your knowledge. Everything you did on your journey today is a treasure.”

The chest contains chocolate coins in golden wrapper. Children with a teacher board the ship.

So we returned home. Although we are no longer a sea team, we will remain friendly guys.

Well done. It was also very interesting for me to travel with you in search of treasure.

Target: to develop interest in classes in fine arts and musical activity. Develop aesthetic perception. Learn to create collective compositions.

Material: application elements.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Hello, dear adults, today in class the children will need your help. I ask you to sit next to them and support them in their work. (Couples are given one application element each). Children, do you like fairy tales?

The children answer.

Educator: Have you ever composed them? No? Let's try to write a fairy tale together. You will be wizards and help me...

In the depths fairy forest there was a clearing (a sheet of Whatman paper is displayed). Where is she?

Come on, wizards, help me: glue it to the clearing beautiful flowers, branchy trees. (As the story progresses, children and parents glue applique elements onto whatman paper). There was a light in the sky gentle sunshine, and white air clouds slowly floated somewhere into the distance. There was a house in the clearing. Where is he? Stick it, wizards! Two brother rabbits lived in this house. Since our clearing is fabulous, the rabbits are also fabulous - one is pink, the other is purple. The rabbits loved to run, jump and play tag. Pretend you are rabbits and jump like them.

The audio recording “Bunny-Bunny” plays.

Children pretend to be rabbits and jump merrily.

Educator: The rabbits are a little tired and they need to listen to a fairy tale.

Children sit on chairs.

One day the rabbits came out of their house and saw beautiful butterflies, which fluttered over fabulous flowers.

An audio recording of F. Schubert's music is played.

Children pretend to be butterflies and spin around.

Educator: The butterflies got tired of flying and sat down to rest on the flowers.

Children sit on chairs.

The butterflies were so beautiful that the rabbits wanted to make friends with them. I invite everyone to the dance of friendship.

Children and parents stand in a circle and dance to an audio recording of the song “True Friend.”

Educator: Like this good fairy tale We did it! And what a collective picture “Fairy Glade”!

Thank you all for your participation and magic. Goodbye!

Plan notes for an open lesson for parents in middle group No. 6

"Fairytale Journey"

Program content:1.continue to introduce children to fairy tales; consolidate knowledge by solving riddles based on description and comparison fairy tale characters; consolidate knowledge of counting to 5 and the number 5, geometric shapes; repetition of animals and wintering birds;

2. Develop attention, facial expressions, curiosity.

3. Cultivate a desire to help someone.

Materials: chest, pouch, audio recording with bird voices, song “Trains”, “Sitting White Hare”, hero Hare, letter.

Progress of the lesson

IN: Guys, the postman brought this letter to us. Let's open it and read it. (Reading).

It says here that the bunny was invited to visit " Fairyland“, and in order to get there you need to overcome obstacles. Our bunny got confused and lost. Shall we help him? (Children's answers)

Then you and I will go to fabulous trip, are you ready?

We boarded the fun train, closed the doors, and let's go!

(Song "Train")

I. Stop "Chest of Riddles"

There is a chest on the table.

Q: -Guys, look what a beautiful chest greets us, but it’s locked. And I know a secret: if we guess the riddles, the chest will open.

1. Where and when did this happen?

The mouse broke the golden egg.

The grandfather was grieving and the woman was sad,

Just clucked (Rock hen)

2. As soon as the goat closed the door,

It’s like there’s already a hungry beast here.

Each of the children knows the fairy tale

This is (a wolf and seven kids)

3. He left his grandfather

He left his grandmother.

Round ruddy side

And it's called (Kolobok).

(Continue the story)

B: -Pulling, pulling…..

Don't drink from the puddle brother...

The hare built a bast hut.....

Q: -What a great fellow you are, you know everything! So our chest opened. And there is a hint inside (a small bag) (The music “Steam Locomotive” plays)

II. Stop " Magic bag»

IN: - Here comes the second obstacle. Here we have a Magic Bag. And you will have to say what’s inside (geometric shapes, funny numbers).

1. Name the geometric figure, what color, what size?

2. What is this number? Put as many items as there are numbers.

Physical education lesson “Once upon a time there was a bunny”

III. "Bird Yard"

Q: - This is our third stop. Here you need to be very careful. Listen to the voices of the birds and say what kind of bird it is, show its drawing.

IV. "Theater Club"

Q: - Guys, guess what kind of animal this is.

Draw the animal I am showing you (bear, wolf, fox, hedgehog; at the end a hare)

Q: - Well, you and I found our bunny.

(The hare comes in)

Hello guys! I am very grateful to you for your help, if not for you I would have gotten lost and would not have reached “ Fairyland", and here are some treats for you from me (brings a basket of apples)

Target: create a special creative and spiritual mood in children and parents, conducive to communication and rapprochement through games, songs, poems; ; submit a report on the child’s progress in intellectual development, recommend games for use at home.

Equipment: tables arranged in a circle; candles with candlesticks; hoops, “bear” hat (kokoshnik); cards with images of geometric shapes (for each child), number cards (for each child), numbers from 1 to 4; samovar, tea, jam for painting a picture on a pancake, plates of pancakes; audio recording, children's drawings.

The hall is dim. Children, holding their parents' hands, walk around the hall and sit down at tables (beautiful, calm music sounds).

Presenter (V.). The whole family this evening

We gathered at the table.

Let's ask quietly:

Maybe candles

Shall we light it up for the holiday?

The presenter lights a candle on his table.

IN. And now I offer you a game that will help us light all the candles - a symbol of friendship and mutual understanding.

Game "Pass the Candle".

To the music, adults pass a candle from table to table and light all the candles.

IN. There is a blizzard outside the window, the frost is angry... During these long winter evenings It’s so good to play with a child, create with him, invent, fantasize...

Game "Let's live together."

Target: strengthen a sense of unity.

IN. Let's all join hands (parents form one circle, children form the second, inside). There are many of us, but together we are friendly family. Let's feel how we are connected to each other (squatting, standing up, walking in a circle) without breaking this connection. We walk in a circle, placing our left (right) hand on the shoulder of the person in front and feel this connection. We closed our eyes. The one who feels the touch will open his eyes (touch each small soft toy). Thank you! We did it!

Musical break(at the choice of the teacher).

IN. I offer it to kids math games, and let parents check how their children cope with them.

Game "Bear and Bees".

Target: master quantitative counting from 1 to 4, the concepts of “one”, “many”.

The teacher invites the children to imagine that the chairs are houses of bees (hives), and they are “bees”.

IN. How many bees?

Then one of the parents is nominated to play the role of “bear”.

IN. How many bears?

The “bee” children move freely, as soon as the teacher says “The bear is coming!”, the “bees” scatter to their hives (sit on chairs). If the bear doesn't catch anyone, it goes to sleep.

IN. Bee, more bee, more bee... How many bees?

Children count by calling the number (3,4,2,1).

Game"Geometric Lotto"

Target: learn to recognize geometric shapes.

There are three hoops on the floor long distance from each other, there are geometric shapes inside them. Children pick up cards and run around the room to the music. At the end of the music, they must find their houses based on the figures on the cards.

Game "Find your house."

Target: consolidate knowledge of numbers from 1 to 4, their relationship with the number picture.

The children have number cards in their hands. Children run around to the music group room. At the signal (blow on the tambourine), the presenter raises up a card with the image of a number (1,2,3), children with the corresponding number card run up to him.

Musical break(a medley of children's songs performed by parents and children).

Quiz “Favorite fairy tales”.

The presenter reads out excerpts from favorite children's fairy tales, and children and parents guess their names.

Game "Hippodrome"(for children and parents).

Target: develop attention and rhythm of movements.

When the presenter says “hippodrome,” everyone stamps their feet and slaps their hands on their knees, imitating horse racing. At the word “dad,” they bring their hands to their eyes (look through the “binoculars”) and loudly say: “Oooh,” standing up slightly. At the word “mother” they jump up from their chair, clap their hands, raise their hands up and shout: “Hurray! hooray! hooray!". At the word “children,” they stretch their arms forward, stomp their feet and shout: “I want ice cream!”

Game “I am Lev Gosha”(for children and willing parents).

Target: develop self-confidence.

The teacher asks the children to close their eyes and imagine that each of them has turned into a lion. Leo is the king of animals, strong, powerful, self-confident, calm, wise. He is beautiful and free. The teacher says: “Open your eyes. Introduce yourself on behalf of the lion: “I am Lev Gosha.” Walk along the board with a proud, confident gait. Great!"

IN. Family meetings “On a winter evening” are a tradition of our group. And today I would like to introduce one family who is raising their children in best traditions. Let's welcome them.

Sharing family experiences.

IN. So our evening is coming to an end, our cheerful and joyful holiday. And to make it better remembered, we will draw pictures. Artists draw with pencils, paints on paper and canvas. And we invite you to paint a picture... on a pancake. (There is a pancake on the plate, in a mug there is jam syrup and a spoon. You need to drip the syrup with the spoon to make a picture.)

Presentation of a drawing on a pancake.

Each family tells what they drew on the pancake and what they liked most about the evening. This pancake is eaten by the whole family.

At the end, everyone gets into the “train” and goes around all the tables, admiring the amazing, unusual drawings. Then they treat themselves to tea and pancakes.

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