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Create comfortable conditions for the elderly person. Mastering new social roles

From this article you will learn:

    What are the characteristics of old age?

    What are the psychological characteristics

    How do physiological characteristics manifest themselves in elderly and senile people?

    What are the special features of caring for the elderly?

    Who can help care for elderly relatives

Currently social situation, focus on youth, on intense image life create a certain insecurity for older people. The most acute vulnerability is observed in the social and psychological position of the elderly in society.

The concepts of “old age” and “people” old age» It is customary to assign a negative meaning and consider them synonymous with the words “obsolete” and “inferior”. This situation is reflected in the self-awareness of older people and the appeal of younger generations to them. To correct the situation you need to understand characteristic features older people and take them into account according to their capabilities.

What are the characteristics of the elderly and senile age?

The age usually referred to is people 60-65 years old. Most of them are active, do not quit their jobs when they retire, contribute to the lives of their children, and often devote a lot of time to their grandchildren. Of course, after 65 years, the body of every person experiences a restructuring of the immune, genetic and hormonal systems. All tissues and systems of the body undergo changes. Often your health deteriorates. Social status changes noticeably.

At this time Human aged needs an influx of additional vital energy . Friendly communication, physical and intellectual activity, a prosperous family environment, positive attitude to life give retirees the feeling that they are an important part of society. It is imperative to help your health with a diet rich in vitamins and timely access to medical care. Often, religion gives meaning to existence, inspires and gives vitality and health.

It is noteworthy that with retirement they often make themselves felt hidden abilities , many people can finally will make your wishes come true activities for which there was no time before: fishing, going to theater performances, philharmonic concerts. They fully invest in creating coziness in their summer cottages, spend time with friends, and can finally get properly involved in their favorite pastime. This way of life pushes aside the feeling that life has already been lived. It is especially important for older people to be able to appreciate every moment of existence, enjoy the moment, be attentive to their well-being, take care of their appearance and strive for an active life.

Features of old age

Old age inevitably follows advancing years- a special stage in personality development. Nowadays, the average life expectancy threshold has risen and the age of 75 years or older is considered old. Centenarians are people who live more than 90 years.

With the advent of old age, age-related changes are increasingly visible: the general condition of the nervous, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and other systems of the body changes not for the better.

Daily body cells die, blood vessels, tendons, and connective tissue lose their former elasticity. The functioning of the body deteriorates. The body's reactions are no longer the same, muscles weaken, joints and bones undergo changes. The work of the heart slows down, blood circulation is less intense, and processes of degeneration of the liver, kidneys, and digestive system occur.

Such internal changes bodies invariably affect their appearance: the skin becomes covered with wrinkles, age spots. Hair turns gray and teeth often fall out.

Old age- This is a time of peace and contemplation. Despite the fact that physical activities quickly lead to fatigue, it is extremely useful for older people to perform daily walks, meet with friends and family. Often, even after 70 years, many continue to be an example for the younger generation, remaining active and in demand, leading healthy image life, care about appearance, have rich life experience and happily share their observations. It should be remembered that the health of older people great influence The atmosphere at home, relationships with loved ones, the care of relatives and healthy food have an impact.

Psychological characteristics of the elderly

Let's start, unfortunately, with the sad stuff. The body ages and you have to put up with it. The wise try to maintain their health from their youth; there are elderly people who are not inferior in strength and erudition to the young. And yet, the reality is inexorable: to one degree or another, the body wears out, it needs more time to recover from exercise, skin changes, illnesses occur more often. Besides everything else, over the years The psychological sphere is also undergoing changes:

    in the intellectual field the perception of new knowledge and ideas, the ability to navigate in unplanned conditions may be difficult. Situations that suddenly become not easy early years did not raise any special questions: change of place of residence, illness of loved ones or oneself. Especially severe stress cause situations that have never happened before: the departure of a spouse, restrictions in actions caused by paralysis, visual impairment to varying degrees;

    in the emotional area uncontrollable affective reactions (excessive nervous excitement) occur, characterized by unreasonable sadness and a tendency to tears. The most common things can cause this condition: watching a movie from years ago or accidentally breaking a cup.

Often appear hidden features character. It is significant that the sense of purpose and meaning of life is lost.

Psychologists highlight several phases psychological aging , not conditional in any way true age person:

    at the first stage there remains a relationship with the job that was the main one before retirement. Usually, this is a matter directly related to the pensioner’s previous specialization. These can be people of intellectual professions (teachers, writers, scientists, artists). The connection can manifest itself directly in the form of participation in past activities from time to time, or indirectly, through reading professional literature, writing on the topic of specialization. When the activity ends abruptly with retirement, the person immediately moves on to the second stage.

    at the second stage there is a decrease in the sphere of interest through the end professional activities. In conversations, more space is given to conversations about everyday issues, discussions of what they saw on TV, worries about the lives of children and grandchildren, and family news. And now among pensioners it is difficult to understand who was engaged in philosophy, who treated people, and who developed complex projects.

    at the third stage Concerns for personal well-being occupy first place. Priority topic conversations are selected to discuss medications and traditional methods treatment. Newspapers are subscribed dedicated to health, and not a single program on the topic is missed on TV. The local doctor often acquires the status of the closest person.

    at the fourth stage the whole meaning of life focuses on preserving this very life. The sphere of communication is extremely narrowed: the attending physician, relatives who contribute to the person’s personal comfort, neighbors living nearby. To maintain the norms of decency - congratulations on the holidays to long-time relatives and acquaintances. Mail correspondence may remain, but often there is only one interest - who else can be survived.

    at the fifth stage vital needs are reduced: food, amount of sleep, need for rest. Emotionality and communication practically disappear.

Depressing scheme, but not necessary! Physical withering of the body does not determine psychological aging. In life you can often see the opposite picture: many people “die” mentally much earlier, aging body on a physical level. This happens to those who, on their own initiative, withdraw from society, which leads to a decrease in the number of personality traits and to the destruction of the personality structure.

If you look at older people aged 60-65, who suffer from a feeling of social uselessness, and at long-livers, who have saved and developed personal qualities, then the first ones will seem like decrepit old men. It has already begun for them stage of personality dying. The consequences of this stage are a sharp blocking of all reserves of a person’s performance and talents. The end of many years of work causes fundamental changes in the structure of a person’s personality.

We can confidently draw an optimistic conclusion: to live, increasing the actual age, but always arrive young at heart, be alive,energetic and cheerfulMaybe! You might think that year after year it will be more difficult, but wisdom also increases, experience is gained. Motivation is important here—who is this all for?

Living only for oneself cannot preserve the insatiable desire for existence. When a person is surrounded by children, grandchildren, friends, feels that he is needed by his colleagues and is useful to society, he has unique experience which he happily shares, then such a pensioner will not lose his vitality and youth.

Physiological characteristics of old age

Over the years the skin becomes thinner, mainly on the hands, feet, in the area of ​​large joints and bone protrusions. The skin becomes dry and wrinkled due to less sweat and sebum production. The amount of subcutaneous fat also decreases noticeably, and the skin becomes flabby. The skin is easily injured, cracks, tears, ulcers occur, and healing occurs much more slowly.

Throughout life hair undergoes various changes under the influence of immune, genetic, hormonal influences and exogenous factors such as frost, heat, chemicals, mechanical trauma, etc. Atrophic and dystrophic changes are observed in the hair follicles and bulbs, hair pigment disappears, and fragility appears.

Over the years the total number of bone tissue is reduced. Articular cartilage becomes thinner, as do intervertebral discs, as a result of which it develops pain syndrome, posture changes, and the spinal column is often curved.

Amount of muscle tissue Also is declining Over time, this reduces the ability to work and overall activity. Fatigue does not allow you to do things at your usual rhythm or complete the activity you started at once.

Gait becomes slow, unsteady, the step shortens, a characteristic shuffling appears. The time spent on both legs increases. It is no longer so easy for an older person to turn around; it happens clumsily and with varying speeds in separate parts bodies.

Loss of elasticity is also observed in lung tissue. Aperture and rib cage lose their previous mobility. When inhaling, the lungs do not have the opportunity to expand completely. Shortness of breath appears. Bronchial patency decreases, drainage “cleansing” the properties of the bronchi decrease. Insufficient ventilation of the lungs contributes to the development of congestive pneumonia.

The activity of the heart muscle becomes worse with age. First of all, this affects the contractility of the heart muscle, with the help of which the heart pumps blood throughout the body. At physical activity the heart does not provide enough blood to the body, the tissues do not receive the proper amount of oxygen, this significantly reduces physical abilities, and the person quickly gets tired.

Features of nutrition of elderly people

Elderly people should strictly observe moderation in diet and exercise regularly. physical exercise. These rules will help you avoid excess weight and slow down the formation of sclerotic processes in the body. You should maintain a balanced diet, eat 4-5 times a day, and avoid overeating.

The menu should contain meat and lean fish(mostly sea), preferably boiled. It is better to exclude broths. Monitor the amount of fat and do not exceed the recommended amount. Animal fats, consumed in unlimited quantities, cause the development of atherosclerotic process and interfere with the quality digestion of food. It is best to completely exclude refractory fats, such as lard and beef fat, from your diet. A great alternative butter is sour cream.

Carbohydrates should primarily come from a complex, slowly absorbed polysaccharide - starch, which is found in cereals and potatoes. Fiber has special value in the menu of an elderly person. Vegetables and fruits help separate bile and are an excellent prevention of constipation.

Bread useful only from wholemeal flour. The healthiest cereals are buckwheat and oatmeal.

Vitamins best absorbed from natural products. When the need for vitamins cannot be met with food alone, it is advisable to take a course of multivitamins.

Milk and dairy products are the main source of calcium in the diet. Phosphorus is also found in dairy products and in meat, fish, and legumes. Plant foods are rich in magnesium: cereals, legumes, nuts, vegetables, etc. Zucchini, pumpkin, prunes, potatoes, berries, fruits, cabbage are rich in potassium. You should consume as little as possible table salt, limit less than 15 g per day.

Features of caring for elderly and senile patients: 4 valuable tips

Monitor an elderly person's sleep

The duration of sleep for an elderly person is 7-8 hours a day, and more in case of illness or exhaustion. Nervous system people old age very vulnerable, and sleep - best way its restoration. This should always be kept in mind. One night without sleep is enough to subsequently feel exhausted and in a bad mood.

Unfortunately, Many older people suffer from sleep disorders in the form of insomnia. Often, older people like to take naps during the day, but this is not reflected in the overall amount of sleep due to the fact that they hardly sleep at night. To solve sleep problems, your doctor may prescribe a sleeping pills. Unfortunately, this method gives only short-term results. The tablets are addictive and stop working with the proper strength; increasing the dose leads to physical inactivity and apathy.

For these reasons, caring for older people is imperative takes into account the creation of comfortable conditions for proper rest. To achieve this, you need the following:

    orthopedic not too soft bed;

    must be observed during sleep silence;

    suitable temperature indoors about 18-22 C. For access fresh air, it is necessary to ventilate the room;

    take care of lung,but a warm blanket;

    eat 4 hours before bedtime, it is better not to drink tea or coffee before bed, and not to overindulge in sweets;

    before bed very favorable take a little walk, get some fresh air;

    try to choose leisure time and interesting activities for an elderly person to reduce, and even better put away day dream.

Elderly people often suffer from nocturnal diuresis, which is a consequence of age-related kidney problems. Reduce nighttime trips to the toilet simple ones will help adviсe:

    do not drink anything before going to bed;

    wear diapers if required;

    Take diuretics with caution and, if possible, stop taking them.

Monitor the personal hygiene of an elderly person

Caring for an elderly person, of course, includes maintaining personal hygiene. Special attention You should pay attention to dry skin and use gentle moisturizers, use restorative creams to avoid discomfort tightness or itching.

Be prepared for accidents

The frequency of accidents increases with age, this is due to the general decline in the level of health of older people. The consequences of an accident in the form of a fracture, bruise or dislocation, etc., are experienced much more difficult at this age. If possible, try to avoid dangerous situations.

    Do not move furniture in your home without the elderly person's knowledge. It is better to remove unnecessary furniture altogether;

    Carpeting will help reduce the risk of injury from falling;

    install comfortable handrails in the bathtub, use anti-slip coating on the bathroom floor and in the bathtub itself.

Create comfortable conditions for an elderly person

    older people need a quiet, private environment from time to time, try to allocate separate room and be sympathetic to this need;

    there should be enough light in the room, ventilate the room regularly;

    the height of the sleeping place should be at least 60 cm, but such that when sitting on it, your legs reach the floor;

    It can be difficult to get up from a deep chair on your own, so it’s better to do without it.

What services are currently offered to care for the elderly?

Social worker

Every city, even with a small population, has a social service. Social workers on state initiative offer the following services for caring for the elderly:

  • taking medications, monitoring the time and frequency of taking them;

    implementation of some medical procedures or accompanying an elderly person to a medical center;

    purchase of food and medicine at the expense of the ward or his relatives;


    assistance with eating;

    airing the room and cleaning;

    accompaniment during walks;

    washing and ironing clothes and bed linen.

Let's consider positive and negative aspects of social service services:

    this assistance is provided by the state for free elderly people;

    Usually, the social worker has medical education and knows how to act in critical situations;

    assistance is provided once or around the clock;

    In order to obtain assistance from a social worker, you will first have to submit an application to the commission of the district comprehensive center or social service center. Social service assistance is provided solely based on medical opinion. This service is called admission to non-stationary social services. Registration of all necessary papers takes quite a lot of time and effort;

    can count on the help of a social worker not all categories of elderly people;

    in case old man does not correspond to the category eligible for social service assistance; it is provided only when close relative a pensioner has been ill for a long time, has a disability, has reached retirement age, has a place of residence remote from the person in need of care or frequently travels on business.


Nurse- is qualified medical worker, who has undergone special training and understands all the features of caring for the elderly. This is a difficult job in which only those who have not only education, but also certain personality traits - patience, hard work, cheerfulness, openness and the ability to empathize - take root. Such character traits are rare, so finding a really good caregiver is not easy.

Depending on the situation, you can invite a visiting nurse with an hourly rate or a live-in nurse, where you pay a certain amount for an agreed period of time.

In what pros and cons of using babysitting services:

    You pay only for That time work nurses, which you need.

    the nurse comes to your home, therefore, to an elderly person you won't have to move anywhere. Older people are often categorically against leaving home, therefore, this can be defined as the main positive quality in the services of a nurse.

    nurse will needs to be carried out in your home large number hours. Presence stranger may cause some discomfort.

    It may happen that even after carefully selecting a caregiver, the relationship with the patient may not work out or with one of your relatives.

    the nurse will be there a lot of time one on one with an elderly person those in need of help. You need to completely trust the professionalism, experience, and personal qualities of the employee in order to be calm.

Specialized boarding house (elderly care with accommodation)

There are specialized boarding houses for caring for elderly people. Currently, boarding houses resemble cozy sanatoriums that provide the necessary medical services. They try to build such boarding houses in a quiet place with picturesque nature, not too far from the city, so that loved ones can freely visit at any time.

Private boarding houses, in addition to providing accommodation and necessary care, equipped taking into account elderly people with disabilities. These boarding houses offer a wide variety of services.. A developed system for rehabilitation recovery will be relevant to people who have received any injuries, have undergone operations or serious illnesses. In boarding houses, special emphasis is placed on organizing the leisure time of the wards.

Elderly people receive opportunity again plunge into social life , which is no less successful healing effect than qualified medical care. In boarding houses there is an opportunity for communication, concerts are held here, picnics are organized, and people are regularly introduced to various types arts at master classes, life-affirming films are shown.

Of course, it is impossible to escape negative assessment state boarding houses in our country, the only advantage of which is their low price. But if you think wisely, the cost of a private boarding house is not much higher, especially taking into account the quantity and quality of services provided, professionalism medical care. A private boarding house, of course, will cost more expensive, but this is the price of the health of a loved one.

Let's consider positive and negative aspects of staying in a private boarding house for caring for elderly people:

    the staff of a private boarding house is able to provide more qualified and professional help, than a visiting nurse. Boarding houses have all the necessary sophisticated equipment that is simply not possible to have at home. The residents of the boarding house are monitored not only by highly qualified nurses, but also by a staff of doctors of various competencies. A nurse can only provide support for vital functions and basic comfort, while in boarding houses a lot of attention is devoted to increasing the quality of life itself.

    rehabilitation programs successfully restore health, animators do not let you get bored, cooks come up with a healthy and tasty menu, and a circle of peers gives older people the joy of feeling like a full-fledged person again.

    boarding houses provide flexible terms oriented to any needs and capabilities of clients.

    an elderly person can live only a few days in a boarding house, maybe several weeks or months. Permanent stay is also provided. Rehabilitation courses of various durations are also conducted.

    in the boarding house it is possible to choose for each guest from a large staff of caregivers, with whom a friendly, trusting relationship will develop.

    Over the past decade, private boarding houses have become very popular, and new ones are constantly starting to operate. To select the ideal boarding house it will take time. You should not make a choice based only on the information provided by the site; you always need to come, see with your own eyes, talk with the staff and guests;

    very elderly people painfully perceive separation from home. Moving is further complicated by the fact that boarding houses are perceived as gloomy and sad nursing homes. It will take a lot of personal tact and patience to show the boarding house exactly what it is - a comfortable country hotel, with cozy living conditions and a wide range of communication and interesting activities.

In our boarding houses we are ready to offer only the best:

    24/7 care elderly people professional nurses (all staff are citizens of the Russian Federation).

    5 full and dietary meals a day.

    1-2-3-bed occupancy (specialized comfortable beds for bedridden people).

    Daily leisure (games, books, crosswords, walks).

    Individual work psychologists: art therapy, music lessons, modeling.

    Weekly examination by specialized doctors.

    Comfortable and safe conditions(well-appointed country houses, beautiful nature, clean air).

At any time of the day or night, elderly people will always be helped, no matter what problem worries them. Everyone in this house is family and friends. There is an atmosphere of love and friendship here.

The number of older people in the world is constantly growing. According to World Organization healthcare, from 1980 to the end of this century in developed countries the number of people over 65 years of age will increase by 100 MILLION people, and in developing countries by 38 million people. This is especially relevant for St. Petersburg as one of the oldest cities in Russia. In elderly and senile age, the incidence of cardiovascular diseases is extremely high. They affect 50-60 % persons of this age period. A third of all visits to doctors by older people are related to diseases of the cardiovascular system. There are SO many peculiarities of the course of diseases of internal organs in old and senile age that at present there is even a separate science - gerontology and a medical specialty - geriatrics.

First, let's figure out who is classified as elderly and elderly. In most Western countries, and in Russia too, the age of 45-59 years is considered average. Seniors include people aged 60 to 74 years. Ages from 75 to 90 years are considered senile. Persons over 90 years of age are considered to be long-livers. In some countries, old age begins at 65 years, but given that the average life expectancy of men in our country is about 60 years, this classification

tion is not very suitable for us. Cardiologists predict that over the next 20 years, diseases of the cardiovascular system will account for half of all deaths in elderly and old people. Medicine is mainly focused on diseases of middle age. Of course, the origins of many diseases of the cardiovascular system lie in adolescence and early adulthood, however, there are a number of disorders in the activity of the cardiovascular system that are inherent specifically in old age.

If we try to define in one phrase the essence of changes in the cardiovascular system that occur in old age and old age, then it can be formulated as follows: Old age is a decrease in the adaptive capabilities of the cardiovascular system, which is accompanied by a decrease in resistance to the action of vitopathogenic factors . Occurring in old and senile age! changes in all components of the cardiovascular system. In the vascular bed of a person, calcium deposition begins around the age of 40. At the same time, atherosclerotic changes in large vessels progress. As a result of these harsh processes, the aorta and other large vessels become less elastic and distensible, or, in other words, the rigidity of the vessels increases. At the same time, the vessels dilate and lengthen. Changes in small vessels lead to a decrease in their permeability and deterioration in the nutrition of body tissues. Vascular changes lead to an increase in blood pressure. This trend appears from the age of 35. However, after reaching 75-80 years of age, the increase in blood pressure stops in most people. Many linden trees are old and long-lived blood pressure is approaching normal values ​​for middle-aged linden trees. However, this does not indicate that their vascular bed has been restored. I [impaired permeability of small vessels (capillaries) persist, and tissue nutrition remains reduced.

Significant changes in old age occur in the heart itself. Volumes of scientific books have been written about the uniqueness of the heart as an organ. 1 Jo, we will give only one figure illustrating the tireless work of the heart. Over the course of 70 years of human life, the heart pumps 165 million LITOS OF BLOOD. Its contractility depends primarily on the condition of the heart muscle cells (myocardium). Such cells (MIO-pts) in mature and elderly people do not divide, therefore the number of MP-otspts decreases with age, since when they die, they are mixed with connective tissue. However, the body tries to compensate for the loss of myocardial cells by increasing the MAC (and therefore the strength) of each myocyte. Naturally, such a process is not unlimited, and gradually the contractile capacity of the myocardium decreases. As noted in the ■ chapter on violations heart rate, rhythmic and consistent contractions of the heart provide a

They are made up of special cells of the conduction system of the heart. They are also called pacemakers, i.e. cells capable of generating impulses that create the heart rhythm. The number of cells conducting this theme begins to decrease from the age of 20, and in old age their number is only 10 % from the original one. This process, of course, eliminates the prerequisites for the development of heart rhythm disturbances in old age. In general, the resting heart rate does not increase significantly in old age, BUT its normal variability decreases. With the progression of age-related changes in the heart in response to moderate physical activity or other stress (eg, acute infectious disease, psychological stress) a pronounced increase in heart rate (tachycardia) occurs. With age, the valvular apparatus of the heart also suffers, and changes in the bicuspid (mitral) valve and aortic valve are more pronounced than in the valves of the right chambers of the heart. Valve leaflets in old age lose their elasticity, and calcium can be deposited in them. As a result, the mitral valve is not able to completely close the transition of the left atrium to the left ventricle. Mitral insufficiency develops, which we talk about in the section Heart defects. I would like to emphasize that this defect, which formed in old age, is not associated with rheumatic inflammatory process. Changes in the aortic valve often lead to a narrowing of the exit from the left ventricle, which must overcome greater resistance during contraction (systole). The described disorders are accompanied by overload of the left-handed chambers of the heart and create conditions for the development of heart failure and deterioration in the nutrition of the heart muscle itself through the coronary, or coronary, arteries.

There are many problems associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system in the elderly and senile, but we will focus on the most important of them. This hypertension, coronary heart disease, cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure. Special! The problem of elderly and senile age is a combination of damage to the cardiovascular system. One patient may have two, three, or four of the above disorders in various combinations. 1 [o First, let's look at individual violations. 11other than with hypertension.

We will talk about the nutrition of people in old age and old age. I invite you to join the discussion of this issue.

Features in the nutrition of older people

What a pity that so much money is spent in our country on anything but maintaining the health of its citizens. Here's one example: how much money does it take to keep your teeth in good condition? On a national scale, I think not much. Especially if you pay due attention to prevention issues from a very early age.

After all, one of the reasons for low life expectancy is bad teeth. Why you ask? Yes, because with them, diseased teeth, problems of the gastrointestinal tract begin, and hence the emergence of more and more new diseases.

Most of our pensioners cannot afford high-quality prosthetics, and hence the increasingly serious diseases in old age.

Agree, if everything is in order in the mouth, all the teeth are in place, then the quality of the thoroughly chewed food taken is excellent.

But this is not the only thing that affects life expectancy. Tibetan monks also said that not fresh, but heated food is harmful to health. Prepare as needed and always take fresh food this is one of the principles long health. Prolonged fasting should not be allowed, but overeating is also harmful.

Elderly people should remember that a balanced diet is very important for them, but calorie content should be reduced.

It is especially important to pay attention that the older a person is, the more attentive he should be to the intake of fats. They are undoubtedly needed, but it is better to choose those that help protect against vascular diseases: olive and flaxseed oils, no more than 2 - 3 spoons per day. These oils contain polyunsaturated omega 3 and 6 acids.

All cells of our body contain protein, so we should never give it up, but it is imperative to limit its consumption, since excess leads to the formation of stones.

I would like to say something special about broths. Yes, they are indicated for patients after a serious illness, and even then, they are not saturated. It is better for older people to avoid broths altogether; the extractive substances contained in them burden the kidneys and liver and thereby give heavy load cardiovascular system.

But fish dishes, especially boiled ones, can be on the menu very often. The phosphorus contained in it helps to avoid senile dementia.

To help skeletal system and the gastrointestinal tract, cottage cheese and fermented milk products should become a favorite dish.

Milk is also necessary. It contains many healthy fats and vitamins. One glass a day is enough to support the body and at the same time, such a volume will not create problems associated with atherosclerosis.

You should try to exclude refined foods from your diet, especially sugar. It can be replaced with honey or fructose. If you choose sugar or jam, it is better to eat a spoonful of jam.

Fresh vegetables and fruits, suppliers of fiber. But you need to be careful after consuming them, you may experience bloating.

Regular use of rosehip and hawthorn infusion or decoction instead of tea will strengthen and support not only the immune system, but also the cardiovascular system.


  • chop the berries
  • 1 tbsp. fill a spoon with 1 liter of water
  • boil for 10 minutes
  • let it brew for half a day.
  • Strain, and use the cake again for decoction, but add 0.5 liters of water.
  • The second and third brews are no less useful.

Try to do at least something for your health, no matter how old you are.

According to age classification The population over 60 years of age is divided into two age groups: the first is 60-74 years old, the second is over 74 years old.

The aging process is a slow accumulation of age-related changes that manifest themselves at all levels of the body. The changes and causes that shape aging include: a decrease in daily energy expenditure, a decrease in redox processes, the prevalence of dissimilation processes over assimilation processes, the presence of degenerative atrophic processes in the body, as well as a weakening of the functions of the digestive system - a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice, disorders pancreas and liver.

Changes in gastrointestinal tract influence the digestion and absorption of nutrients. A decrease in the acidity of gastric juice can cause the development of vitamin B12 deficiency - anemia. In older people, there is a deterioration in the absorption of calcium and vitamin D, which leads to thinning and decreased bone density - the disease osteoiorosis.

In old age, the elasticity of the walls decreases blood vessels, which leads to the development of hypertension.

When organizing nutrition for older people, it is necessary to take into account all the changes occurring in the body.

Since there is a need to somewhat limit the amount of food, especially at one time, problems arise with providing the diet with biologically active nutrients.

The diet of older people must include nutrients with anti-sclerotic and lipotropic properties.

It is necessary to include foods rich in fiber in your diet in order to remove excess cholesterol and stimulate intestinal motility.

Of great importance in the nutrition of people in this category is the enrichment of the diet with fermented milk products, the most important part of which is lactic acid, which has biological activity. Lactic acid also inhibits the development of putrefactive and some pathogenic bacteria. By using fermented milk products it is possible to limit the formation of putrefactive microbes in the intestines harmful substances involved in the development of atherosclerosis.

Nutrient requirements

. For elderly people in accordance with physiological norms food needs (1991) the amount of protein for men under 75 years old is 68 g, over 75 years old - 61 g per day. For women - 61 and 55 g, respectively. In terms of 1 kg of body weight, the protein requirement is 1-1.3 g. It is unacceptable to include an excess amount of protein, which leads to the development of atherosclerosis and strain on the liver and kidneys.

. Low-fat dairy and fish products, as well as seafood, are recommended in the diet of older people.

The fat requirements of older people correspond to 77 and 65 g for men and 66 and 57 g for women. Fat percentage plant origin must be at least 30% to provide the body with polyunsaturated fatty acids. Inclusion of oleic and linolenic acids in the diet fatty acids (olive oil, seafood, flaxseed and hemp oils) reduces blood viscosity, prevents blood clots, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Foods high in fat should be excluded from the diet.

. Carbohydrates, as the main source of energy, should make up 50-55% of the total calorie intake. Daily requirement in carbohydrates is 335 and 280 g for men and 284 and 242 g for women. The share of simple sugars in elderly people should not exceed 10-15% of the total amount of carbohydrates, since their excess leads to increased cholesterol synthesis in the liver, increased blood sugar and the risk of cancer. For people in this category, it is recommended to include a sufficient amount of fiber and other complex carbohydrates in their diet. A sufficient amount of dietary fiber in the diet helps stimulate intestinal motility, the formation of beneficial intestinal microflora, and the prevention of cancer.

. In the diet of older people, vitamins are given special meaning, especially those that have antisclerotic, hypotensive (lower blood pressure), lipotropic and antioxidant effects.

Among these vitamins we can highlight vitamins B 6, PP, folic acid, vitamin E, β-carotene. In old age, it is necessary to constantly maintain the physiological level of vitamin C in the body, as it increases redox processes, normalizes metabolism, slowing down the aging process, has a lipotropic effect, and helps iron absorption.

In old age, cases of polyhypovitaminosis (deficiency of several vitamins) are often observed.

To compensate for vitamin deficiency, it is necessary to provide the body with a balanced diet; in some cases, it is recommended to use vitamin complexes.

Minerals. With age, a large amount of minerals accumulates in the human body, especially Ca salts. They are deposited in the walls of blood vessels and joints, damaging them motor ability. Along with this, the concentration of minerals in some tissues decreases. Often in older people there is a slight release of calcium from the bones.

If there is insufficient intake of calcium from food, if its absorption is impaired, a decrease in the density and mass of bone tissue occurs, which leads to osteoporosis. The calcium requirement for elderly people is 1000 mg per day.

In old age, especially in women, iron deficiency is noted. In old age, dehydration is possible due to lack of fluid or sodium intake.

Diet. Due to decreased functions digestive tract it is necessary to adhere to 4-5 meals a day, write at a strictly defined time, exclude long breaks between meals.

Physiological norms of needs for basic nutrients and energy for elderly and senile people are presented in Table. 1.

Table 1. Standards physiological needs in nutrients and energy for elderly and senile people

Among the most important issues Nowadays, the world community faces the problem of population aging.

The scientific approach to the problem of aging began to develop relatively recently. One of the reasons for this is the rapid development of biological science, the emergence of new methodological approaches that made it possible to penetrate hidden secrets living organism, understand the basic laws of its development and life activity and thus put the question of the causes and mechanisms of aging on an experimental basis.

Another reason is that for the first time in history medical science, despite enormous achievements in the understanding, recognition and treatment of diseases, the average human life expectancy, having approached 70 years in economically developed countries, has either stopped increasing or is increasing extremely slowly.

This situation makes the medical and social problems of elderly and senile people very relevant at present.

Age classification

The definition of old age is one of the “eternal problems”. There are discussions around what is considered old age, its first manifestations, what is the age of old age and what are its boundaries. Difficulties in definition are associated, first of all, with the fact that aging is a long, smooth process; there is no exact boundary that separates old age from middle age. In general, aging is an individual process; for some people it begins earlier, for others later.

A comparison of various age classifications gives an extremely varied picture in determining the boundaries of old age, which range widely from 45 to 70 years. It is characteristic that in almost all age classifications of old age one can see a tendency towards its differentiation into subperiods. It should be taken into account that with its onset the aging process does not end, it continues, and there are large differences between aging people.

In different periods of the history of society and in different cultures the beginning of old age was determined as follows: Pythagoras - 60 years old, Chinese scientists - 70 years old, English physiologists of the 20th century - from above 50 years old, German physiologist M. Rubner - 50 years old, 70 years old - venerable old age. In recent decades, various age classification options have been proposed for the later period of human life.

In D. Bromley's classification, five development cycles are distinguished. Moreover, each cycle in turn is divided into several stages. The “adulthood” cycle consists of three stages: early adulthood(from 21 to 25 years), middle adulthood (from 25 to 40 years), late adulthood (from 40 to 5 years). As a special transition stage stands out pre-retirement age(from 55 to 65 years old). The “old age” cycle begins at 65 years of age and also includes three stages: retirement (from 65 years of age), old age (from 70 years of age), the third stage, designated as the end, essentially includes the period of senile illnesses and dying.

Yu.B. Garnavsky proposes dividing the entire period of late age into separate groups: old age (also called involutionary or presenile) - from 50 to 65 years; old age - from 65 and above.

E.S. Averbukh, a domestic psychiatrist, conventionally identifies the age of 45-60 years as the post-reproductive (menopausal) period preceding the elderly (pre-senile - 60-75 years) and senile (75-90 years) age. According to the author, people over 90 years old should be considered centenarians.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), ages 60 to 74 years are considered old; 75 years and older - old people; those aged 90 years and older are long-livers.

In foreign literature there is a distinction between “young elderly” - 65-74 years old, “old” - 75-84 years old and “very old” - 85 years old and older. WHO, citing a UN decision of 1980, recommends that age 60 years be considered as the threshold for transition to the elderly group. According to international criteria, a country's population is considered old if the proportion of people aged 65 years and older exceeds 7%. According to this indicator, the population of Russia can long be considered as such, because about 20% of its citizens (i.e., every fifth Russian) belong to the above age category. And in several dozen regions of the country specific gravity elderly population in rural areas already exceeds 30%.

Of course, all these divisions are conditional, there are no exact boundaries different periods human life cannot be established, since it represents continuous development, and events occurring in the body age-related changes are numerous and varied. So, conventionally, a person is considered old from the age of 75, that is, 15-20 years after he retires. In domestic science, the following scheme of age periodization is:

  • - Old age 60-74 years old men, 55-74 years old women.
  • - Senile age 75-90 years, men and women.
  • - Long-livers - 90 years and older men and women.

There is also a retirement age, the boundaries of which are set by the state. When determining retirement age, they proceed from chronological age - the number of years lived.

There is a concept of functional age, which reflects the age-related dynamics of physiological functions, determined by the genetic component, lifestyle, past diseases, stressful situations, physical, mental and intellectual activity; psychological age - a group of indicators characterizing age-related dimensions of the psyche; biological age is an indicator of the level of wear and tear on the structure and functions of the body.

The distinction between periods is conditional, since calendar and biological, as well as psychological age don't always match.

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