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Products for evening out facial tone. Cleansing is an important step in skin care. Products to even out skin tone

Where does beautiful, competent makeup begin?

The basis of beauty is well-groomed skin- beautiful, even tone. If we talk about decorative cosmetics, then foundation is primarily responsible for skin tone. This is where we start our makeup.

At the foundation two main functions:

1.Protective. It mechanically protects the skin from dust and dirt - most of this settles on the cream. Plus in winter - from chapping and frostbite, in summer - from sunburn, even if it does not contain SPF. In addition to these undoubted protective properties, it contains Antioxidants that neutralize, at least partially, the effect of dirty air on our skin.

2. Aesthetic. Only 10% of women (as well as men) have an even, beautiful color faces. These are the lucky ones with normal skin type. Everyone else has redness on their face, marks from acne, pores or complexion is dull and uneven. There is nothing easier than hiding imperfections and evening out the color with foundation!

Why, despite all this, do our clients, and even consultants, often not like foundation?

“It’s visible,” “it emphasizes flaking,” “it gets clogged in the pores,” “my face is different from my neck.” All these objections come from the area of ​​incorrectly applied and color-matched foundation.

How to choose the right color?

The shades of our foundations are as follows:

Ivory 2,4,5 and Beige 1,3,4 - golden and beige shades;

Ivory 1,3,6 and Beige 2 are pink tones.

In my observations, skin tones are split roughly evenly between golden (warm) skin tones and beige tone(it is dominated by olive-gray cold pigment). Natural pink tint skin is extremely rare (usually in women with normal skin type).

Therefore, most often we use golden and beige shades of foundation. Sometimes it’s hard to agree with this and your hands are drawn to pinkish tones! It seems that they are the ones that can refresh your skin tone! But. If the skin has redness, acne marks, etc., then the pink tint will not cover them up. Pink-violet colors on the skin neutralize just yellow pigment according to the laws color wheel. Yes and yours pink face will be different from the color of the neck.

When can we be afraid of yellowish creams? When you apply a tint to your skin and it turns yellow, it’s not very nice. But that doesn't mean you have to take pink! This means that you took too dark a shade of gold! Take a tone or two lighter and it will perfectly match your skin color!

Yes, sometimes some makeup artists use pinkish shades to refresh tired, grayish-toned skin. Most often due to age. Provided there is no redness. You can do this too, using, rather, Ivory 6. I prefer to take just a shade of foundation, close to natural, plus blush for freshness.

When choosing your foundation shade, do not forget that in summer the skin is darker (tanned), and in winter it is lighter. Accordingly, you need to change the shade of the cream at different times of the year.

I advise everyone to have at least two tones: one light - winter, the second darker - summer. And in the off-season, mix them in different proportions, depending on how “washed” you are or, on the contrary, tanned.

Check how well the shade of the foundation matches the skin color on the lower part of the cheek, next to the neck. Not only does this area have the least amount of redness that can throw you off, but it's also an easy area to see how the tone matches your neck color. It shouldn't be much different.

By the way, about the neck. It happens that its color differs from the complexion. In this case, we select the foundation to match the color of the neck. Most likely, the neck will be lighter than the face. And take the cream one tone lighter, then there you have it – no limits!

Choose carefully foundation formulas . It depends on your skin type and the season. In summer, most people can use the tone for combination skin– it is light, does not shine and has an amazing lifting effect! Absorbs well and sebum, and sweat on the face. In winter, almost everyone (except perhaps young people with their fatty, shiny faces) it is better to switch to a formula for dry and normal skin. Otherwise, your face may begin to peel. This is all because in winter period Everyone's skin is drier than in summer.

Before applying foundation, we apply a special Makeup base(or just “base”). It “smoothes” the surface of the skin, covering it thin layer. Removes peeling, smoothes out unevenness and edges of pores. When you apply it, you do the same thing as a plasterer before painting walls, or an artist before applying paint to canvas. It feels greasy to the touch, but in fact its formula is non-greasy: it contains glycerin, a natural skin moisturizer. This is how it feels to the touch.

Now it's time to apply foundation

There are three main ways:

1. Fingertips. Helps achieve the most dense application and maximum evenness of skin tone. I recommend applying it with patting rather than rubbing movements, first applying the cream to the back of your hand and warming it there with your fingertips. That. The cream “sits” better on the skin and lasts longer on it. It will cover the pores well and will not clog in them. If there is flaking, it will not lift the “flakes”, but will “nail” them (although, of course, flaky skin should be removed with a scrub and sufficient moisturizing).

2. With a damp sponge. Let me clarify what it is wet sponge. This is a sponge soaked in water and wrung out well. Mixing with minimum quantity water, the foundation is applied in a thinner layer. This is suitable for those who have a more or less even skin tone or for skin with age-related changes (so that the tone does not settle into wrinkles - but more about this in the chapter “Makeup for women of elegant age”). Well, or for those who would prefer a minimum of cream on their face.

The same consistency of tone can be achieved by mixing it with back side palms with your moisturizer. This method is suitable for winter when the skin is peeling. Then only in this way the tone can be applied without emphasizing the peeling.

Please note that there is no “dry sponge application” method. If you apply the tone with a dry sponge, the cream will first fill the sponge (as it was filled with water before) and you will then pour this cream into the sink when you wash the sponge. And on your face you will eventually be able to apply the cream in the same thick layer as you would apply with your fingertips.

3. With a special brush for tone. Makeup artists always use it. This allows you to thinly and evenly apply the cream to the skin, “penetrate” into hard-to-reach places on the client’s face: areas near the nose, lips, ears. And to “keep distance” with the client. If you have very long nails, a brush will be very convenient for you. IN " Mary Kay» presents a wonderful brush for tone. I recommend it.

By the way, on the cheeks, when you apply foundation, it is better not to follow massage lines, and apply the cream with downward movements, as if smoothing vellus hair. Of course, you don’t have to pull the skin down with all your might, this way you can turn into a cute bulldog. If you apply the cream in upward movements, you can lift the vellus hair and your face will become cute and fluffy.

After you have applied the cream in any way convenient for you, take a dry sponge or cotton pad And Using blotting movements, go over the entire face. The sponge will absorb excess foundation and additionally saturate the skin with cream, which means it will last longer. At the same time, you can shade areas where the cream likes to collect. This is the border with hair growth, the area of ​​vellus hair above the lip, eyebrows, and also on the cheeks.

We do not apply foundation to the entire surface of the face, excluding the area around the eyes. Why? Because we will apply another product specifically designed for this to the area around the eyes, starting to the next stage: facial refreshment .

We will do this with the help Brightening corrector . It is usually taken 1-2 shades lighter than the shade of the foundation. Suitable for most of us №2 – light beige.

№1 – for those who use Ivory 6 (if you use Ivory 1,2 and 3, i.e. very light tones, you can simply apply the tone under the eyes without using a concealer. But only a moisturizing formula! If you use a matte tone, then you will still need a Brightening Corrector).

№3 taken by those who use Beige 5 numbers or those who have very dark circles under their eyes (see chapter “ “).

And the first area of ​​application and at the same time lightening is the area around the eyes. Masking dark circles under the eyes.

Dark circles form and intensify under our eyes because the skin in this place is very thin and can be seen through blood vessels. If the microcirculation of blood in these vessels is disrupted (a typical phenomenon that increases due to lack of sleep, computers, etc.), then the blood stagnates in them and this area darkens.

There is also a natural “shading” dark color around the eyes. This is often typical for people with kidney problems. Here the lightening technique is not used and we mask the area under the eyes with the same shade of foundation as on the face or with Brightening Corrector No. 3. Otherwise, you will get blue circles instead of dark circles. The formula of the cream must be moisturizing. Under no circumstances should we apply a mattifying formula for combination skin under the eyes. Drying the skin under the eyes is strictly prohibited. Time will do this for us.

Let's get back to applying the brightening (or not) tone around the eyes.

Apply it with a brush or fingertip to the inner corner under the eye and to the outer corner (the darkest areas). Use your finger to blend the product using a patting motion, applying as little as possible to the area. facial wrinkles. For clearly expressed wrinkles, we do not apply tone to them, only to the innermost and external corner eyes.

If there is swelling under the eyes, then look at the swelling itself light tone cannot be applied. Light has a volumizing effect, so the swelling will become larger. We apply it only along the edges of the swelling (see picture: the shaded area is the area where a light tone is applied).

We also produce refreshing the whole face :

  • We highlight the area of ​​the nasolabial fold;
  • Center of forehead and chin;
  • The bridge of the nose;
  • Outer corners of lips.

What causes the skin refreshing effect?

Eyes – the circles under them disappear and the outer line of the fall of the eyelid (lowered corner) is masked;

Nasolabial fold - becomes less noticeable due to the fact that the light “pushes forward”, making it less deep;

Corners of the lips – the angle of incidence is also masked;

We apply a corrector to the center of the chin to give it a slight plumpness and volume characteristic of youth. If your chin is too full without it, just don't apply highlighter there. (To understand what kind of chin you have, see the chapter “ Ideal proportions faces").

Bridge of the nose - to make the nose appear thinner. Avoid this technique if there is a curvature or hump.

At all, you can use this tool like a clay sculptor, modeling your face. It will help you add volume to the areas you want. For example, on top part cheekbones to make them higher. (Also rejuvenates). On the area under the eyes if you have a short central part of the face (often when the forehead is very high or the chin is large). We will also model the face using a shadow (to remove something), but this is already in the chapter “Face Correction”.

This procedure can be repeated in the middle of the day. Apply Brightening corrector these areas and your face will instantly take on a fresh look!

A light tone can also be applied to upper eyelid, but if you use Eyeshadow base , then this is unnecessary - our foundation has a brightening effect.

The base is necessary to even out the color upper eyelid and create a thin layer, thanks to which the shadows will not accumulate, blend better and look brighter.

There are times when you hear that after applying the Foundation, the shadows begin to accumulate more. This happens when the Base is applied in too thick a layer. So that she gets ready herself. And as a result, shadows gather. It must be placed very thinly, then you will only get a positive effect.

Interesting fact: According to market research, do you know what the best-selling product among cosmetic companies is? No, not an eyeshadow base. Pomade. And the most unsellable thing is just the base for the shadows.

Women simply don’t know why it is necessary. At the same time, no self-respecting makeup artist will apply shadow to the “bare” eyelid. Definitely on a special basis. Professional makeup consists of such little things.

Now you can finish evening out your skin tone Powder .

I don’t know about you, but I often get asked the question: “If you use foundation, do you need to use face powder?”

The fact is that Powder and foundation are two different means with different functions. If we talked about the protective and masking function of foundation (it sets the “tone”), then Powder has other tasks. She improves the texture of the skin (visually). Makes it silky, velvety, matte. Of course, there is a slight masking effect, but it is short-lived. Besides, she sets foundation on her face, and it lasts even longer. Serves as a “layer” between oily and dry makeup textures. (If you are doing facial correction and also applying blush, keep in mind that all these products blend on powdered skin much better than on “raw” skin.)

By the way, in order to prolong the effect of the powder in principle, it is better to apply it again with a sponge, gently tapping it into the skin. A large, wide, beautiful brush creates a thinner layer. Apply the powder with a brush in smooth movements from top to bottom, starting from the top of the forehead.

Secrets perfect tone faces from our specialists

Among the fair sex, there are different views on how to properly use decorative cosmetics. Professional makeup artists are inclined to believe that you won’t get good makeup if you don’t even out your face tone first.

Some girls have the exact opposite opinion.

“I used to use both foundation and powder. Now I only apply powder on my face (Lumene loose), and foundation under my eyes (when there are bruises) L'Oreal. I don't like foundation on my face. Firstly, it is always noticeable, especially when there is a layer of powder on top. Secondly, it clogs the pores of the skin and accumulates dirt. And thirdly, men like a clean woman’s face.”

However, there are times when you need to look perfect, your face should look like something from the cover. You can, of course, contact professional makeup artist, and you can learn to do almost professional makeup on one's own. True, training is important in this matter.

“Pros use completely different tools, and their skills ordinary person there are none like those of a professional. So, you must either learn to use such means so that everything is perfectly smooth and invisible (which is probably not easy), or use some other methods. It’s expensive to go to a makeup artist every day.”

Be that as it may, the ability to even out your complexion never hurts. After all, if the tone is sloppy, then the whole makeup will look careless. If you are ready to experiment, then we will try to help you with this.

Step 1: Peeling

Why do you need: Let this procedure become familiar to you. After all, peeling allows you to get rid of dead skin cells that make it dull and unhealthy. And even more so, this procedure is important before applying the tone.

How to use: You can go to a salon for peeling. At home, scrubs are used for peeling. When dry and normal skin You need to use the scrub once a week. Oily and mixed skin types are recommended to undergo this procedure every two to three days. Remember that the peeling cream is rubbed exclusively into damp skin. The best time is after a shower. Peeling cream is applied in circular motions to the face, then washed off warm water. Avoid getting the peeling on the skin around the eyes.

Step 2: Moisturize

Why do you need: After the peeling procedure, your skin requires toning, since the tone applies better to moisturized skin.

How to use: Tinted foundations with an SPF filter are quite popular. But if you don’t have it, then you can use any moisturizer with an SPF filter, which should be at least 15.

Step 3: Toning

Why do you need: So, in fact, we got to the main task - evening out the tone of the face. For this purpose, you can use any foundation, foundation, or tinted moisturizer (depending on your preferences and skin type).

How to use: To apply the tone, you need to use cosmetic sponges, which are great for blending the foundation. Choose the right shade. Too dark or light will be noticeable on the face.

Step 4: Masking

Why do you need: If you have noticeable imperfections on your face (dark circles under the eyes, pimples), disguise them with corrector or concealer.

How to use: Apply a few drops of concealer to problem areas. Using a brush or finger pads, lightly “beat” it into the skin.

Step 5: Preparation

Why do you need: Regardless of whether you apply eyeshadow or not, you still need to apply foundation over it. Otherwise, the complexion will not be even and uniform.

How to use: Apply the foundation to your eyelids and use a sponge or brush to blend the foundation. Perform actions along massage lines - from the corner of the eye to outside.

Step 6: Add Color

Why do you need: If you did everything correctly, then your face should resemble the pale face of a sleeping beauty. Unhealthy pallor should be removed using blush or bronzing powder. Or you can do both.

How to use: Bronzing powder is applied with a fluffy brush or puff to the cheeks, nose and forehead. Blush highlights the cheeks from the center to the cheekbones. You should not use the brushes that come with the blush. It is better to purchase a separate professional brush for applying them. Then the blush will lie more evenly, and you will achieve desired result.

Step 7: Completion

Why do you need: The ideal facial tone must be fixed to complete the look.

How to use: Powder is used for this purpose. Any. The one you are used to. Or the one that was just bought for this experiment. And remember: with an ideal complexion tone, the whole decorative cosmetics It will look much more beautiful with... minimal use. Light shadows, lip gloss and mascara may be all you need to look and feel like a cover girl.

Expert comment:

Janet Pardo, Senior Vice President of Development at Clinique:

1. Pay attention to the skin around your eyes. Dark circles and puffiness under the eyes are not so rare, and every woman wants to hide them. Dark circles can be hidden using a concealer pencil of the appropriate texture, such as Clinique's All About Eyes Concealer(10). The darker the circles, the denser the texture you need. The foundation can be applied both after and before applying the concealer pencil, the main thing is to do it so that the layers merge and the border between them is not noticeable.

2. Choose a concealer stick that is two shades lighter than your foundation, apply it, and blend it into your foundation. Favorite remedy- Clinique Airbrush Concealer (9), because, having the lightest texture, it hides any imperfections! As for the swelling, then main secret– this is prevention. Don't forget about the benefits of sleep, exercise regularly physical exercise To improve blood circulation, try not to eat foods that contain preservatives, hormonal or artificial ingredients. Apply the concealer pencil not to the entire swelling, but only to its dark areas, because light shade may make the swelling more noticeable.

3. In order to even out your complexion, you first need to choose the right shade foundation. There are several selection methods suitable shade foundation. First, select three shades from the swatches that are closest to your skin color and apply three shades along your cheekbone or jawline. Test shades in natural daylight. The shade that matches your skin is your choice.

4. Use the right foundation. Choose the most suitable texture for your skin type.

Clinique offers a variety of foundations for every skin type and tone.

For example, Perfectly Real Makeup foundation (1) or compact powder – Perfectly Real Compact Makeup give the skin natural shade, merging with it, making the skin always look fresh and healthy.

Superbalansed Makeup foundation (2) provides a non-creasing, comfortable coverage and protects against harmful effects environment.

Tonal Skin cream Smoother Pore Minimizing Makeup (3) tightens pores and evens out skin texture, absorbs excess oil, eliminates shine and gives the skin a natural matte shade.

For dry and combination skin prone to dryness, the Supermoisture Makeup moisturizing foundation (4) is ideal. It deeply hydrates the skin and gives it a fresh, healthy glow.

Anti-aging foundation Repairwear Anti-Aging Makeup SPF 15 (5), designed specifically for dry and mature skin, deeply moisturizes the skin, makes wrinkles less noticeable and increases skin elasticity.

Compact powder Superpowder/Double Face Powder (6) reduces the visibility of pores and hides skin imperfections.

For oily skin Stay-Matte Sheer Pressed Powder (7) is ideal. Its special microscopic porous particles absorb fat and hold it inside, making the skin matte and always looking fresh.

Blended Face Powder and Brush (8) gives skin a fresh, well-groomed appearance, thanks to reflective particles, and special pigments provide a translucent coating that creates a soft glow on the skin.

5. Before using foundation, you need to prepare your skin - regular cleansing, exfoliation and moisturizing is the key to ensuring that your makeup goes on smoothly and lasts a long time.

6. Liquid foundation is best applied with your fingertips - the warmth of your hands will make the texture of the product pliable and easy to apply. If you use compact powder, then it is best applied with a damp sponge. The sponge absorbs excess powder, and thanks to this you apply exactly as much powder as you need for good makeup. Apply one coat first, then a second and subsequent ones if you want the coverage to be denser. If you want a translucent layer of compact powder, apply it with a Clinique antibacterial powder brush.

7. If you think your skin looks too matte, try spritzing your face with a moisturizing mist or wait a few minutes until your skin's natural glow becomes visible through your foundation.

8. Women with freckled skin can use a light, translucent foundation to prevent their face from looking too unnatural. If you have a lot of freckles, then you shouldn't hide them, because then you will have to apply so much foundation that your face will look like a mask greenish tint. And if you still want to make them less noticeable, then try covering your skin with compact powder or loose powder yellowish tint. Use a fluffy brush with an angled end - it will evenly distribute the powder over the entire surface of the face.

9. Another tip is to not overdo it with compact powder, especially where there are wrinkles.

Do you know any secrets to the ideal skin tone? What products do you use to look perfect? Is there a noticeable difference in the use of professional tools for applying cosmetics and the usual ones included in the kit? Let's discuss it in the comments to the article!

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For many women, the problem of uneven and unhealthy complexion is quite acute. They begin to disguise this flaw with makeup and various cosmetics. In fact, there are ways that help even out your complexion even at home.


It is very important to first figure out what is causing the uneven tone and try, if possible, to eliminate it. The following factors can affect the skin and its appearance:

  • Nutrition. What a person eats sooner or later affects his appearance. Therefore, it is important to review your diet and eliminate harmful products, for example, fried, salty, spicy, fast food, soda. Foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits (especially green and yellow), lean meats and fish, liver, eggs, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, seafood. It is very useful to even out the tone by drinking juice from carrots, beets, and citrus fruits.
  • Fluid intake. It is very important to drink enough water per day. For example, healthy person It is recommended to consume 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day. It is better to drink still water.
  • Quality sleep. If you don't get enough sleep, over time the body begins to become exhausted, and this, of course, changes the complexion. To get even tone, it is not enough just to sleep all day long. But if you go to bed at 10 pm and not later, positive changes You can see it in 2 weeks.
  • Ecology and sun. It is quite difficult to hide from environmental pollution, as well as from ultraviolet radiation, but to minimize them negative impact quite possible. To do this, we must not forget about daily cleansing facial pores from pollution and use sunscreens with a high level SPF

Causes of uneven facial tone

  • Diseases digestive system. They also negatively affect the skin and complexion. Stomach problems will turn your face grayish or yellowish tint. Dark circles under the eyes indicate skin diseases.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Bad habits, for example, smoking, drinking alcohol, strong coffee, also lead to changes in facial tone.

If you don't moisturize your skin, it becomes dry and loses its ability to fight off ultraviolet rays. Therefore, it is important to apply a special cream and product every day that saturates the cells with moisture. An important aspect affecting complexion is proper care. You need to understand that daily washing is tough tap water, the use of various foams and gels can lead to excessive drying of the epidermis. Because of this, it is best to use micellar water, which does not rinse off, or soften the water with herbal decoctions. To even out the tone, it can be very useful to make special cosmetic procedures, for example, masks, scrubs. Of course, you can solve the problem by visiting beauty salon where they will do it professional cleaning and grinding, but you can achieve no less results at home. The main thing is longer.

Moisturizing facial skin

Homemade cosmetics

To even out your complexion, you need to the whole complex events. For example, it is very good to make steam baths using various herbs. You can use chamomile flowers, calendula, St. John's wort, and thyme. At home, the bath is prepared as follows:

  1. Place 2 tablespoons of dry herbs, such as chamomile, in a metal container (pan) and pour in 2 glasses of water. Bring to a boil.
  2. After the water has boiled for several minutes, remove the container from the heat. They lean over the steam and wrap themselves in a towel on top.
  3. Accept steam bath from 10 to 20 minutes.
  4. It is important to ensure that no burns occur. You don't have to endure it if it burns a lot.

After the pores have opened, you can apply nourishing masks to even out the skin. To make the effect of the procedures greater, you can use special scrubs that effectively remove the keratinized layers of the epidermis. The following composition can be used as a peeling: oatmeal crushed in a coffee grinder (50 g), 0.5 cups of raspberries, 3 tbsp. l. kefir All components need to be thoroughly beaten. Apply for 5 minutes and rinse.

Steam baths with herbs

For more thorough peeling, helping to even out the surface of the epidermis, it is recommended to use coffee scrub. To prepare you will need:

  1. Combine 2 tsp. coffee (ground), 2 tbsp. l. kefir and a little rice flour for thickness.
  2. Apply the mixture in a circular motion with gentle movements and after a few minutes, rinse with a herbal decoction.


Cosmetic masks for evening out tone can be purchased ready-made or made at home. They are easy and quick to build. You can use whatever is in the refrigerator and more as ingredients.

To even out the tone, you can do various masks based on berries, vegetables and fruits:

  • With oatmeal. Mix a few spoons oatmeal, a teaspoon of honey and 3 tbsp. l. hot milk to obtain the consistency of thick sour cream. The mask is applied for 15-20 minutes. Helps even out the skin and makes it silkier and softer.
  • Mask with carrot juice. You can improve the color using next procedure. Grate the carrots and apple, add a little lemon juice, olive oil and one chicken yolk. Keep the mixture for at least 20 minutes. Wash off with a warm decoction of chamomile or calendula.

  • Mask with coffee and zucchini. A mixture of brewed strong coffee and zucchini juice (1:1 ratio) will help you get an even color. You can apply it to the skin using a cotton sponge or “thicken” the mixture with rice or oatmeal.
  • Badyaga. You can even out your skin and make your complexion bright and beautiful with the help of pharmaceutical badyagi powder. The mixture is quite easy to prepare. You just need to dilute the powder to a creamy consistency. The procedure time is 15 minutes. After this, be sure to use a moisturizer.
  • White clay. For leveling at home, you can use white powder. cosmetic clay. Rose water and rosehip oil are also used. The mask is applied to the skin and covered with plastic film. Time is a quarter of an hour. It is best to remove with herbal decoction.
  • It is very good to use compresses made from cucumber or dandelion juice for smoothing.

Even face tone with makeup


With the help of high-quality and skillful makeup, you can also achieve smoothing of the surface of the face. Of course, if you remove it, the problem will remain, but this method saves you in situations where you need to look your best.

Hello, dear readers of my blog. How good it is to have a naturally smooth clean skin faces. And if this is not the case, then the woman faces the question: how to even out the tone of her face?

How to even out your skin tone - 6 main steps

To even out your complexion, you need to do several manipulations.

  1. Dead cells build up on the surface of the skin every day, making the epidermis look lifeless and dull, which means the foundation applies unevenly. To cleanse the skin, you can use a scrub, the recipes for which I have repeatedly given in my articles.
  2. Preparation. To foundation lay flat, you need to lubricate your face with moisturizer and wait 15 minutes for it to be absorbed. Then you need to pick foundation to match the skin.
  3. Remove defects. Use a concealer to disguise all skin imperfections.
  4. Prepare your eyelids. Even if you don't use eyeshadow, your eyelids should be in perfect order. Foundation applied in a very thin layer will help hide eyelid imperfections.
  5. Blush. To prevent your face from appearing lifeless, you must use cream or regular blush. Apply blush from the middle of the cheeks to the cheekbones, blending well.
  6. Recording the result. To do this, take powder, which is applied in a thin layer with a wide brush or powder puff.

If everything is done correctly, then all you need to do is tint your eyelashes and admire the result. The face became fresh, with flawless skin.

Salon treatments to even out tone

Many women prefer to put themselves in the hands of specialists. It is believed that laser cleaning, which is carried out in a salon, can even out skin tone and make the face fresh and youthful.

Laser cleaning is a painless and safe procedure. During this procedure, old cells are burned and the formation of new ones is stimulated, as well as getting rid of scars and scars.

Among salon procedures Oxygen peeling is very popular, with the help of which the process of cell renewal is accelerated, the blood is saturated with oxygen, due to which the complexion improves.

Cleaning worked well liquid nitrogen, as a result of which swelling and redness are eliminated. And intensive mechanical or diamond cleansing removes dead skin cells well, improves lymph flow and blood circulation, the skin becomes clean, smooth, and the complexion evens out.

Cleansing is an important step in skin care

There are many manipulations that can be done at home. Continuous care over the skin 2 times a day will help improve complexion and even out tone.

The cleansing process is very important. It includes:

  • removing day cosmetics and night cream,
  • degreasing skin,
  • tissue disinfection,
  • treating the skin with ice cubes and chamomile infusion,
  • using cleansing masks,
  • application of protective serums and creams.

Very useful for cleansing the epidermis is the use of scrubs that can be prepared at home. The simplest way is coffee grounds. With its help, you can get rid of uneven skin, improve blood circulation, and make the tone uniform and natural.

How to even out your face tone at home

You can even out your facial tone folk remedies. considered the best whitening agent. Grind a small bunch of parsley leaves in a blender, add 6-7 drops of lemon juice, then apply the resulting mixture to your face. Wash off after 25 minutes.

Cucumber mask It will also help to whiten the skin and make it velvety and fresh. Take an overripe cucumber and grind it. You can add a little starch to the resulting slurry to strengthen it. Apply the mixture to your face, hold for 20 minutes, then rinse with water.

Fermented milk products used by all the beauties of antiquity. Modern women also wouldn’t mind taking advantage of these affordable products.

For dry skin you need to take cream, for normal skin - sour cream, and for oily skin - slightly acidified kefir. How is it used? Take it gauze pad, moisten, cover your face, keep for 25 minutes. If the napkin dries out, you need to moisten it again.

Honey in folk cosmetics is used most often. Heat 2 tablespoons of honey in a water bath, add 6-8 drops of lemon juice. Apply this mixture to the skin in a thin layer, cover wet wipe, hold for 25 minutes.

Masks for smoothing facial skin

Oatmeal scrub. Half a glass oatmeal pour sour cream to form a uniform mass. Apply it on the face, décolleté and neck using circular movements and leave for 20 minutes.

This scrub can be used to wipe your entire body.

You will achieve an excellent result, that is, smooth and velvety skin. And on a smooth epidermis, makeup will look smooth and natural.

Cosmetics as a means to even out complexion

If you have dark circles, puffiness under your eyes or a pimple, don't worry, makeup can hide many blemishes.

We already talked about peeling, but how to hide pimples? To do this, we will use concealer as an addition to. It should be applied exactly to the pimple, driving into it with light movements.

It is recommended to apply blush not only on the cheekbones, but also on the forehead and nose, best professional brush. You will immediately see how your face will glow and look younger. To set your makeup, brush your face with powder using a thick, fluffy brush.

How to even out your tone with oils

Can a woman achieve success without makeup? even color? It turns out that it can! The main helpers are valuable oils obtained from the seeds, seeds or kernels of various plants.

All base oils endowed with mass beneficial properties:

  • regulation of increased sebum production,
  • slowing down aging,
  • relieving dryness and irritation,
  • cleansing the epidermis,
  • even out complexion.

Some oils, for example shea butter, wheat germ, jojoba, sesame oil, have an extremely strong ability to even out the relief of the epidermis, as well as its tone. So jojoba oils and

Face - business card every person and the first thing that people involuntarily pay attention to when looking at themselves in the mirror.

Needless to say, it is by the condition of the skin of the face that a cursory glance is used to assess age and draw conclusions about the lifestyle of its owner. A fresh, healthy complexion is the key high self-esteem and the admiration of others.

In this article:

However, most women face problems associated with uneven epidermis:

  • acne;
  • greasy shine;
  • microinflammation;
  • age spots;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • enlarged pores;
  • vascular network;
  • unhealthy color.

The correct selection of decorative cosmetics will bring benefits without completely solving the problem. The fight against shortcomings requires integrated approach, with a strong intention to act, even at home, you can achieve noticeable results.

General healing procedures to even out complexion

If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then facial tone is an indicator of health. Striving for beauty, one cannot ignore the lifestyle and its components:

  • Proper nutrition. There are a variety of concepts - from a protein diet to a raw food diet, but the unequivocal harm of some foods is beyond doubt. This is fast food, sweets and flour in large quantities, carbonated drinks, chips, alcohol.

    With a healthy gastrointestinal tract, daily consumption of raw vegetables, fruits, herbs, natural unrefined vegetable oils in reasonable quantities.

  • Continuous 7-8 hours of sleep at night. It is advisable to go to bed before 11 pm, this is when active renewal of epidermal cells occurs. If possible, an afternoon nap is very beneficial.
  • Walking on fresh air 1−2 hours a day will allow the skin tissue to look fresher.
  • Sunbathing using protective cream. The morning and afternoon rays of the sun will give you a light tan, glow, and saturate your body with essential vitamin D.
  • Sports activities. They will improve the blood circulation of epidermal cells and saturate the body with oxygen.
  • Clean water. Nutritionists agreed that a healthy person should drink 2 liters clean water per day to provide the body with the necessary intercellular fluid and remove waste and toxins.
  • A visit to the bathhouse is a path to cleansing and healing, proven over thousands of years. Owners of a home infrared sauna can pamper themselves with this pleasure every day.

In addition to measures for the body as a whole, it is worth highlighting a few small tricks for a healthy skin tone.

Skin treatments at home

How to even out your complexion at home? A visit to a beauty salon can be successfully replaced with home treatments.

If care becomes a daily ritual, then the reflection in the mirror will delight you more and more every day.

  • Washing. Morning cleansing can be successfully achieved with a cube of frozen chamomile infusion, lemon water or a slice of lemon. The face will acquire a “rested” color and a light blush.
  • Cleansing from cosmetics. Makeup remover milk is perfect for this purpose. It will carefully remove makeup residues, soften the skin, and partially provide nutrition. Instead of milk, you can use a cotton pad soaked in olive oil.
  • Steam baths in the form of herbal decoctions of chamomile, string, sage. Hot steam opens pores, cleanses comedones and acne, and relieves inflammation.
  • Homemade scrubs. Blends based sea ​​salt, honey, lemon, crushed grape seeds remove dead epidermal cells, smooth out tissues, remove gray. Scrubbing is carried out no more than twice a week.
  • Bleaching. Holders age spots it is useful to do whitening procedures based on fermented milk products and lemon juice.
  • Nourishing masks, selected according to skin type - a procedure that lifts your spirits, nourishes essential vitamins and microelements.

Taking care of yourself is a must good mood, with self-love, faith in the result.

Folk beauty recipes

Traditional methods of facial care have been tested by representatives of the fair sex of many generations, unfamiliar with cosmetics, but who knew a lot about beauty. Preparing homemade masks from products that are always at hand will not take much time, and the results of their regular use will be literally obvious.

So, masks that even out your complexion at home.

For sustainable results, the selected activities should be made a daily ritual, accompanied by relaxation and pleasant music.

Decorative cosmetics

If for regular care There is no time for yourself, decorative cosmetics will save the situation. Modern means will allow you to hide flaws if you use them correctly.

  • Primer is a new invention in the cosmetics industry, which is a base for makeup. Matches the tone lighter skin, apply a thin layer to a previously cleansed face, including under the eyes. The product can be mixed with day cream or foundation.
  • Corrector is a thin solid or liquid pencil with a brush that masks spot color irregularities (pimples, dark circles under the eyes).
  • Foundation - will do skin smooth and velvety to the touch. It is important to choose a product that matches the tone to avoid contrasting the color of your face and neck.
  • Blush - applied to the cheekbones, hairline, nose, chin to add visual volume.
  • Powder - completes makeup, preventing the appearance of excessive shine.

Useful video

Simple steps to perfect skin.

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