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Liquid blade foot treatment. A set of tools for express pedicure. Indications and contraindications

Every woman wants to have beautiful, smooth legs without calluses, but to fully care for them requires a lot of time, patience and systematic visits to the beauty salon. We have good news for those who take care of themselves, but do not have enough time. On sale now you can find a liquid blade for pedicure, eliminating the need to steam and use cutting tools. Today you will learn what it is, how to use a liquid blade, and what advantages it has.

What kind of miracle remedy?

Liquid blade is a special preparation containing fruit acids. They help restore an impeccable well-groomed appearance to nails, cuticles and feet in general. After just one use, rough calluses and corns will disappear, the skin will become soft and silky. And all this without the use of cutting tools!

The action of a liquid pedicure blade is an acid peeling. Fruit acids act on rough tissue without showing aggression towards healthy skin. As a result, all calluses peel off. Many companies produce such drugs. Products under the Domix brand enjoy an excellent reputation.

When should you use a liquid blade?

The liquid blade is used in different situations. This product can be recommended to anyone who likes their legs to look well-groomed. Let's figure out in what cases the drug will be effective.

  • Rough and dry skin on the feet.
  • Ingrown nails.
  • Dry calluses and corns.
  • Signs of hyperkeratosis.
  • Fungal infections.
  • Diabetic foot syndrome.

You don't have to have these problems to use the product. The liquid blade is perfect for regular preventative foot care.

Instructions for use

The first thing you need to do is purchase a set of special medications. You can choose any company - Callus, Domix or another at your discretion. The kit usually includes a special cream containing acids, a disinfectant composition and a nourishing cream. The procedure itself is quite simple and does not take much time. Detailed instructions will help you carry it out quickly and correctly.

  1. Before carrying out the procedure, make sure that there are no wounds, abrasions or other damage to the skin on your legs.
  2. Pour warm water into a basin and soak your feet in it for about 15 minutes so that they soak well and steam. Dry your feet with a towel.
  3. Be sure to wear gloves, as the skin on your hands is more sensitive. Now you need to disinfect your feet with a special composition.
  4. Squeeze the liquid blade in small portions onto a cotton pad and apply it to rough areas of the skin.
  5. Place regular plastic bags on your feet or use cling film. This is necessary for the product to work better. Please read the instructions carefully for the recommended exposure time, as it may vary depending on the manufacturer. On average it takes about 10-15 minutes.
  6. When the specified period has passed, the film can be removed and the legs can be massaged to remove softened tissue. If necessary, you can use pumice, but be very careful. Move it in one direction only. You will notice that rough skin is easily separated from healthy skin..
  7. We complete the procedure by re-disinfecting the feet and applying a nourishing cream to them.

The entire procedure will take you an average of half an hour. During this time, the liquid blade will do its job perfectly - your legs will become smooth, tender and well-groomed.

Pros of using a liquid blade

Once you experience the effect of this product, you will forget about the need to perform a trim manicure. Your legs will look great without it! Compared to , using a liquid blade has many advantages.

  • You do not need to use scissors and tweezers - there is absolutely no risk of injuring healthy tissue.
  • Fruit acids do not have a negative effect on living tissue, but effectively soften the stratum corneum.
  • One bottle of product is enough for several uses. There is no need to carry out cosmetic procedures frequently, so it will last for about six months to a year.
  • The product is easy to use at home, and you get the result at the level of a salon pedicure.
  • After the first use, your feet are literally transformed, the skin becomes smooth, soft and silky.

If you want to keep your feet well-groomed, try using a liquid blade. This is the optimal solution when you need to quickly achieve good results without harm to the skin. You will find a detailed review of one of these tools in the final video.

Ordinary pumice does not always cope with peeling and keratinized skin of the feet. And sometimes you have to spend a lot of time to put them in order - steaming, trying on scrubs, etc. And if the problem cannot be solved at home, you need to go to the salon.

Among the many products for pedicure and skin care, another one has appeared, which has become in great demand among consumers of the fair half of society. Its name is “Liquid Blade”. We tell you what it is and how to use it correctly.

What is Liquid Blade?

Don't be intimidated by the name of this product. It has nothing in common with a trimmed heel pedicure, when dead skin is removed with a sharp instrument - a scraper. This procedure promotes even greater growth of problem areas, as it injures the skin.

In fact, it is a foam express softener that removes dead particles gently and effectively.

Now you can get a high-quality pedicure at home using the “Liquid Blade”

The Liquid Blade contains keratolytics - substances that help exfoliate dead particles from the surface of the skin. The drug is designed for use in salons; it is quite caustic and can cause harm to health if used carelessly at home. Read the instructions carefully before applying this solution to your skin.

The product is available in bottles with a foam dispenser and, when applied to the surface of the feet, turns into a thick white foam, which is convenient to distribute over hard areas. “Liquid Blade” is also on sale in the form of disposable napkins impregnated with the drug. For regular use, it is more profitable to purchase a bottle of the product, but for trial use or for travel, wipes are suitable.

How to use express pedicure softener

The pedicure product is available in the form of a spray or special wipes.

Necessary tools and facilities

To care for your feet with Liquid Blade, in addition to the product itself, you will need:

  • plastic bags, shoe covers or cling film for wrapping the feet;
  • protective gloves;
  • orange wood sticks;
  • sanding graters for feet (it is advisable that you have several graters of varying degrees of abrasiveness);
  • pedicure wipes (can be replaced with dried wet wipes);
  • skin disinfectant;
  • foot bath;
  • foot cream

Stages of foot treatment

  1. Prepare your feet to remove dead skin by soaking them in a bath of warm, but not hot, water for at least 15 minutes. Hard formations on the skin of the legs will absorb moisture and will be more susceptible to the effects of the drug. Make sure there are no cracks, scratches or blisters on your feet. It is strictly forbidden to apply foam express softener to damaged skin, as it contains acids.

    Before a pedicure, you need to soak your feet in a bath of warm water for about 15 minutes.

  2. Dry your feet, treat them with a disinfectant and protect your hands with gloves.

    Apply Liquid Blade to the skin, paying special attention to keratinized areas. Wrap the most difficult areas - the heel, big toe and space under the fingers with napkins. Then put plastic bags, shoe covers or wrap them with film on your feet. Keep the softener on the skin for 10 to 15 minutes, no more. It is advisable not to walk on the floor at this time. A convenient option for home: put your shins on a chair.

    The entire procedure should last no more than 10 - 15 minutes

    Remove the bags or film and rub your feet with a pedicure grater without first removing the softening agent. Dead skin particles will roll and fall off. If you have several graters of varying degrees of abrasiveness, use the coarser ones first and then the smoother ones. Using wooden sticks, remove all excess from the areas around the nails.

    Video: how to use Liquid Blade

    “Liquid Blade” is a reliable assistant in the fight against keratinized skin on the feet. Use the product strictly according to the instructions, and your heels will look no worse than after a salon treatment.

Well-groomed legs are not only a standard of beauty, but also an indicator of health and a positive attitude, and this is important for both women and men. There are many ways to take care of the elegance of your feet, from homemade pumice and a basin of soap to extravagant exotic fish that, out of hunger, will “gnaw” your legs and clean them of dead skin layers better than any specialist. This article will talk about a pedicure method that is something in between.

After the release of various creams, foams and gels under the general name “liquid blade” to the masses, this type of pedicure began to enjoy popularity and has already earned positive reviews. The principle of their action is based on the properties of the substances included in their composition to soften dead, rough areas of the skin. After the softening procedure, dead skin is removed, and the main, healthy layer of skin receives additional care and nutrition.

“Liquid blade” refers to chemical manicure, unlike hardware, classic and trim pedicure, human participation in this procedure is minimal. The advantages of this type include the following:

  • the “liquid blade” selectively acts only on areas with dead skin, without damaging or injuring the healthy skin of the legs;
  • it is possible to care for the most difficult to reach places in the toe area;
  • you can quickly treat “spot” areas of the skin to remove dry calluses or corns;
  • products not only help remove rough skin, but also care for healthy skin of the feet;
  • performs a preventive function, uniform application of the product on the foot eliminates the appearance of cracks on the legs;
  • there are no contraindications for use, can be used for fungal infections, eliminates unpleasant odor and disinfects the skin;
  • this type of pedicure does not require preparatory procedures such as soaking or steaming dead skin;
  • pedicure using a liquid blade can be done at home without prior training, it is simple and convenient;
  • this is an absolutely safe type of pedicure that cannot damage the integrity of the skin and eliminates the possibility of infection in the salon;
  • The procedure is absolutely painless and does not cause any discomfort.

Another point to note is that switching from a classic pedicure to a liquid blade pedicure will save a significant amount. And it can be spent on other nice things! Let's do the math:

Pedicure components

It should be noted that the “liquid blade” is a complex set of drugs. The set includes:

  • softening cream or gel;
  • foot disinfectant;
  • nourishing product for the skin of the feet.

The main component of the set is a softening cream (can be gel or foam), this is actually a liquid blade for pedicure. Often, the bottle comes with a brush for applying the drug and instructions for use.

The branded disinfectant can be replaced with any other disinfectant if desired. It is better to buy a skin nourishing product from the same company as the liquid blade or use a neutral nourishing cream, such as a cream for children.

In addition to the “liquid blade” itself, to carry out the procedure at home, you need to prepare:

  • gloves to protect the delicate skin of the hands;
  • a basin and warm water to wash off any remaining product;
  • cotton pads, with which the product is applied to the skin;
  • a special spatula or pumice stone for removing softened skin;
  • Cellophane film may come in handy.

Before the procedure, ALWAYS do an allergy test! Well-known companies Domix green and Gehwol have received positive reviews; their products are hypoallergenic. They replace all possible chemicals with natural ingredients and oils and do not use fragrances. Urea is used as a softener in the products of these companies, and talc and various essential oils are used as antibacterial components. However, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the body, because there are also allergies to natural products.

To test the product, apply a little emollient to the skin of your leg. If burning, redness or swelling begins, this drug is not suitable for you.

In this case, you need to try changing the manufacturer or turning to classic pedicure options.

Application of liquid blade

Clean feet are thoroughly wiped with a disinfectant. Apply a liquid pedicure blade to the dry skin of your feet using a cotton pad or brush.

The product should not be applied to damaged areas of the skin; you should avoid places where there are wounds or cracks, otherwise you may get severe irritation!

On very rough areas with a thick layer of dead skin, apply a napkin with the product and wrap it in cellophane. The duration of action of the drug largely depends on the layer of keratinized skin; to correct a pedicure on the toes, 1-1.5 minutes are enough, and for the heels, the time can reach up to 8 minutes or more. After approximately 5-7 minutes, the softened layer of skin is removed with soft rolling movements along with the remnants of the product, after which the feet are thoroughly washed with warm water without soap, wiped with a towel, lubricated with a nourishing cream and admire the result!

Recently, a new type of foot care has gained popularity - this is a liquid blade for pedicure (chemical, acid pedicure). The drug relieves various skin problems on the feet - calluses, corns. Legs take on a beautiful and healthy appearance.

What is a liquid pedicure blade?

A liquid blade for pedicure is not a tool, but a set of special preparations with which an unedged acid procedure is carried out. To care for your feet in this case, you do not need to use long steaming baths, and then use scissors and other items necessary for a regular pedicure.

The liquid blade contains fruit acids that improve skin cell regeneration processes and moisturize it. Auxiliary components have a calming effect on the epidermis and actively nourish it.

Benefits of using a liquid blade

Chemical pedicure using a liquid blade has many advantages over the classic one and is a huge step forward in the field of skin care procedures. The advantages of the procedure for heels and feet in general include:

  1. no risk of contracting fungal diseases upon contact with water;
  2. no risk of contracting viral infections transmitted through blood;
  3. long service life of the product (approximately 12 months);
  4. softness and smoothness of the heels after the procedure;
  5. caring effect on the skin (nutrition and hydration);
  6. the ability to effectively carry out the procedure at home;
  7. safety and painlessness of the process;
  8. the ability to order the drug for delivery via the Internet;
  9. no need to use cutting tools;
  10. no need to purchase other items for pedicure.
Liquid Blade: cosmetic product for quality pedicure

Indications and contraindications for the use of liquid pedicure

When is a chemical pedicure prescribed?

As a rule, salon foot treatments begin to be in high demand at the beginning of the warm season. The use of acid pedicure is recommended for:

  1. roughening and dry skin of the feet;
  2. ingrown toenail problems;
  3. thickening of the epidermis;
  4. corns and calluses;
  5. heavy sweating;
  6. problems on the skin of the feet associated with diabetes;
  7. fungal diseases.

When should you not use a liquid blade?

Chemical pedicure is contraindicated only in cases of individual intolerance to the drug and the presence of wounds on the skin surface. To establish this, it is necessary to conduct a tolerance test and carefully examine the feet.

A liquid blade is considered the safest way to combat rough skin on the feet. It does not involve the additional use of items that can damage the skin.

To use medications correctly, you must carefully read the instructions and follow the recommendations contained therein. This is especially important if you do not know how a liquid blade works or if you are using it for the first time.

How to use a liquid pedicure blade?

Products for acid pedicure can be purchased in a regular or online store and the procedure can be effectively carried out without the help of a specialist. The whole set consists of:

  1. acid cream;
  2. disinfectants;
  3. creams with ingredients to nourish the skin.

Pedicure using a liquid blade is carried out in several stages:

  1. Careful examination of the legs to identify skin damage.
  2. Foot bath for 7 minutes.
  3. Drying your feet with a towel until dry.
  4. Disinfection of feet (carried out with gloves).
  5. Applying cream with acids.
  6. Wrap your feet in film for 8 - 10 minutes (you can use food film).
  7. Massage to get rid of flaking skin.
  8. Disinfection of feet.
  9. Massage with nourishing cream.

Review of acid pedicure products


Domix (Domix) is a line of products for manicure and pedicure. Domix Green Professional "Liquid Blade" is a foam softener for the skin of the feet. It allows you to remove unnecessary elements without scissors using only a heel grater. This product has received a huge number of positive reviews on the Internet. Domix Green Professional “Liquid blade for baths” is a preparation for baths at the preparatory stage for a manicure or pedicure.


Faberlic (Faberlic) offers in its catalogs a liquid blade - an express softener. Thanks to its special formula, the product effectively acts on corns, calluses, and excessively thick skin, while moisturizing and nourishing healthy skin.


Callus is a whole line of products for acid pedicure, each of which allows you to effectively carry out the procedure, improve blood circulation and speed up the process of cell regeneration.


Sagitta is a high quality professional manicure and pedicure product that can be easily and effectively used at home.

You can choose the most effective drug based on numerous reviews on the Internet or on the advice of a salon specialist. When using an acid pedicure, it is very important to follow the sequence of actions provided in the instructions to obtain the desired result.

Hello dear readers. Despite a sedentary lifestyle, many people are increasingly faced with the problem of corns on their feet. As a rule, it occurs due to the choice of the “wrong” shoes, which turns an ordinary walk into real torture. Often, wearing such shoes leads to the formation of calluses, which over time turn into hardened scars. In fact, a new pair of shoes can “reward” you with several foot problems at once, which will undoubtedly ruin their appearance. How can you restore the beauty of your legs without much effort? Many women will answer that only a pedicurist can do this. Of course, if your products allow you to cleanse your skin of such blemishes every week, then it’s quite possible to visit a salon. But why? If you can do it at home, use a liquid foot blade.

Some time ago, this drug was available only to pedicurists, but today everyone can purchase such a product.

Only a few women are familiar with the effects of this cosmetic product. That's why we need to understand how it works. But, first of all, you should find out what a liquid pedicure blade is - how to use it.

What is a liquid pedicure blade?

For those who are not familiar with this concept, it will be quite difficult to determine whether it is a device or a cosmetic product. The liquid blade is a creamy mass that helps soften the rough skin of the feet, as well as get rid of corns. That is, it contains chemical components that together provide a softening effect.

In turn, the softened skin is removed using any pedicure tool or a simple pumice stone. This product is based on fruit acid, which is supplemented with hyaluronic acid and glycerin.

Please note that this remedy will help protect you from possible inflammatory processes. Thanks to its composition, the product penetrates deep into the epidermis, which allows you to soften even the roughest areas of the skin.


Many people are accustomed to getting rid of corns using simple pedicure scissors or pumice. But such methods, as a rule, take up a lot of precious time.

In addition, they are not safe for health, because such procedures can lead to infection, which can harm the body.

The liquid blade has a number of advantages over any other methods of removing rough skin.

  1. You will be able to avoid cuts from scissors or blades.
  1. The fruit acid on which the cream is made disrupts the structure of extremely rough skin, which means that the young epidermis will not be affected.
  1. Saving not only money, but also time. That is, you do not have to spend money on separate products to eliminate corns in different parts of the foot. You just need to apply the product to the desired area, and then remove the softened skin without damaging its young layer.
  1. Low product consumption. You can use one bottle for a whole year of regular use. The product is quite concentrated, which makes its consumption minimal.
  1. The drug is intended not only to remove dead layers of the epidermis, but also to care for healthy skin.
  1. The result will be noticeable after the first use.
  1. It is simple enough for independent use at home. In addition, it is included in pedicure socks, which you can also purchase. In this case, the procedure is further simplified for those people who have never used such a tool.
  1. The interval between procedures increases. If the mechanical removal of rough skin had to be repeated quite often, then the use of such a drug does not require too frequent manipulations. Penetrating deeply into the epidermis, the cream softens all layers of rough skin, leaving young, soft skin intact.
  1. Availability. You can purchase such a product at any cosmetics store, so you can carry out the procedure at any time.
  1. Carrying out such a procedure will also be safe because it will help you avoid infection, which can easily be contracted during mechanical removal of rough skin.

Who can use it?

If you have healthy, soft skin on your feet, then, in fact, there is no need to carry out such a procedure.

But, you may well need the help of this tool if you have at least one of the following problems:

- dry skin of the feet;

- regular coarsening of the soft layer of skin;

- presence of ingrown nails;

- corns;

- compaction of sufficiently large areas of the epidermis;

- nail and skin fungus;

- increased sweating of the feet;

— the presence of cracks in the heels due to dry skin;

- affected skin areas due to diabetes.

In the winter season, we don’t particularly take care of our feet, because we still wear warm, closed shoes in which no one can see them. Although, it is precisely during this period that the skin of the feet dries out the most. Therefore, we must constantly monitor its condition, moisturizing and nourishing it.

But, as always, we only remember the appearance of our legs when preparing for the beach season. After all, after winter they don’t look the most attractive. Of course, it is better not to push the skin of your feet so hard, as it will begin to crack, which will give the fungus direct access to the body.

It is imperative to carry out the procedure of cleansing the skin of your feet using a liquid blade, both in summer and winter. This way, the skin of your feet will always be soft and pleasant to the touch.

Liquid blade for pedicure - how to use, video

Before starting such a procedure, you should make sure that you are not allergic to the components of this product. To do this, you need to apply just a little cream to a small part of your foot. You will have to wait about ten minutes, and only then remove the product.

Take a close look at the skin of your feet, because the allergic reaction in these areas is somewhat different. The skin of the feet is quite dense, so allergies can appear on it in the form of wounds and cuts.

If you haven’t found anything like that, then, in general, you can get down to business.

  1. Before starting the procedure, you must wash your feet thoroughly. Next, we lower the already clean feet into a bath of hot water so that the skin of the feet gets a little wet. This way, it will be easier for our cream to absorb into rough tissues.
  1. After ten minutes, we take our feet out of the bath and wipe them dry. We treat the skin of the feet with a disinfectant so that during the procedure itself we do not inadvertently cause an infection. Don't forget to wear gloves on your hands while you treat your feet.
  1. Apply the gel to steamed feet using a special brush. In general, you can do it with your hands, but in this case it is also better for you to wear gloves. If there are sufficiently dense corns, then an additional dose of the product can be applied to these areas.
  1. Wrap your feet tightly with any film and leave your feet like that for about ten minutes, after which remove all the plastic.
  1. Massage the skin with your hands to separate layers of dead tissue from its younger areas. If this is not enough, then you can use special tools. But, if you use such tools, you should act extremely carefully, because this can damage the skin.
  1. Use a soft brush to remove any remaining cuticle from the corners of your nails.
  1. Apply a disinfectant to areas of already cleansed skin.
  1. Treat your skin with moisturizer.


As a rule, such products are made on the basis of fruit acid and are completely safe, which means they practically do not cause allergies. The use of such a product will be safe for children and adolescents.

If your feet have cracks or wounds, then using such a product is strictly prohibited. Therefore, before starting the procedure, make sure that there are no such injuries on your legs.

Also, do not forget that you first need to test for allergies, and only then proceed with the procedure itself. If no suspicious changes are observed, then treatment of the legs can begin.

In order to do everything correctly, read the instructions, which describe in detail the process of treating your feet with this product.

How to use - video clip

Popular drugs

Today, the most in demand are gels for the production of which fruit acid was used. They are safe for human health, as they are made on a natural basis.

  1. Faberlic. The bottle has a special spout, which provides the most convenient application of the product to the skin and cuticles. The product contains alkali, so it should be applied with extreme caution. The product also helps get rid of old calluses that have already become rough.
  1. Balbcare - is one of the most effective and at the same time safe means. Biogel contains glycerin and various amino acids. Using this product ensures the safety of the young skin of your feet, as it does not contain alkali.
  1. Clearance. Its composition is also dominated by fruit acids, as well as various types of antiseptics. The bottle comes with a pump, which allows you to evenly distribute the product over the entire area of ​​the foot. In addition, such a device helps to save money.
  1. Naomi - a creamy product that helps cope with corns and hardened calluses. It contains glycolic acid, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Softens even the densest structure of keratinized skin. Regardless of the time of year, our feet need proper care, since the skin of the feet is exposed to certain negative effects every day. From time to time, you may notice that the skin in this area begins to become rough, and calluses appear in some areas. A liquid blade, which is designed to safely remove rough layers of skin, will help to cope with this problem. It is better not to start the problem and eliminate even small corns in a timely manner. This will not only save your time, but also eliminate the need to spend large amounts of money on the regular purchase of expensive drugs.

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