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Statuses about friends who are far away. Statuses about good friends. The best statuses about friends with meaning

Of course, there are no irreplaceable people... There are simply people whom you don’t want to replace.

Close and faithful is not the one who shouts about it at every corner. And who quietly does and helps. No matter what.

Appreciate the people who come in those moments when it’s not they who feel bad, but you.

Friendship is like a diamond. It is rare, expensive, and there are a lot of fakes!

Don’t try to look for someone better, but appreciate the one who is nearby.

A friend is not the one who helped you rise, but the one who did not let you fall...

There are people who are as comfortable as home. You hug them and understand: I’m home.

A cowardly friend is worse than an enemy, because you fear an enemy, but rely on a friend.

Only true friends can understand that something is wrong with you, even when you smile.

Treasure only those who value you.

We choose our friends ourselves, but time leaves the best ones.

Never leave old friends, you will never find someone to replace them. Friendship is like wine, the older it is, the better...

And God grant that everyone has a faithful and devoted person next to you, who will never abandon you and will support you in moments of despair.

Love asked friendship: “Why do you exist if I exist?” Friendship replied: "To leave smiles where you leave tears..."

Some friends make you feel like family.

This great luck in life, to find a person who is pleasant to look at, interesting to listen to, laugh sincerely and look forward to meeting...

Remember: you can’t choose between your personal life and your friends.

I had a friend, but he died. More precisely, the man remained, but the friend himself died. Such things.

Appreciate a person not for his appearance, but for his attitude towards you...

Grief needs company, there is no joy. This is why friendship does not tolerate happiness. She knows compassion, but she does not know joy.

Remember, those who write and call first need you. The rest didn’t care about you...

Are you proud that you have three hundred friends on VKontakte?... And I’m proud of two... but real ones.

It’s hard without a friend if the friend is lost, but it’s hard with a friend if he’s not faithful!

Friends should be such that your children will be friends later.

Don't trust all your secrets to a friend. A friend also has friends...

Every year I become convinced that friends have an expiration date!!!

Friends are when they listen, understand, do not judge, and help in difficult times.

A friend is someone who knows your past, believes in your future, and accepts you for who you are in the present.

I forgive everyone who betrayed! To everyone who left - I wish bon voyage! And I appreciate, love and respect those who stayed next to me.

You need to have someone with whom you can have a heart-to-heart talk. Who will not run to tell you your problems, but will calmly listen and, if necessary, give advice.


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There are many songs and legends about friendship. It has been sung since ancient times as the most beautiful and at the same time dangerous thing that can happen between people. Each of us has many acquaintances and friends. Although not for everyone. Friends are made as we grow and life experience. Some people go through trials with us, some get to know each other through work and study, some are simply pushed head to head by mistress fate. Friendship has always been more than just a word. These are many memories, situations that string with us from the past. We walked those roads that we could not have walked alone, with friends hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder. If there is room in your life true friendship, then you are a very happy and lucky person, since in our time it is very rare to meet people who are capable of not betraying and always being faithful. We have collected statuses with meaning about friendship into one collection for those who value friends, family ties and the meaning of all these concepts. Good luck.

Statuses about friends with meaning are phrases that are ready to make you cry. Don't forget to notify your friends on social networks about the options you like!

When a true friend becomes a brother

  1. Even in a quarrel, I am not able to say bad things to my friend, because I never think bad things about him.
  2. If after love you remain in normal relationship, without a nagging pain in the chest, it means there was no love.
  3. Don’t let temporary stupidities make you lose close comrades!
  4. A true friend is one who will answer your call even late at night. But it’s important not to bother him with calls in case he really needs help.
  5. Picky people are usually lonely, because close friends are a little arrogant and always chomping creatures...
  6. Respect is when a shy friend stands up for you...
  7. How prettier girl, the fewer friends she has. The richer the guy, the more “friends” he has.
  8. Knowing me well and loving me at the same time is the lot of truly strong people.
  9. There are far fewer reasons to ruin a friendship than there are reasons to ruin a love relationship.
  10. Remember: if you are protected with your chest, then it is likely that you will not be stabbed in the back.
  11. If you don’t have a friend, it doesn’t matter. you, by at least, will not be deceived or betrayed.

A true friend does not need to be “known”: he is visible immediately

Having a good buddy means having a lot of opportunities without providing any obligations. This is what statuses with meaning about friendship consist of.

  1. Sometimes you have to go through many enemies just to make at least one comrade.
  2. A person who agrees with you on everything is not a friend. This is a shadow.
  3. Even the most unsociable person needs another person who from time to time would help him not to fall into the abyss.
  4. The truth always hurts. But it’s not as often useful as they say.
  5. You can go months without communicating and still be friends. Or you can communicate every day and spit in each other’s backs.
  6. Have you noticed that people wish for friends during the holidays much less often than they wish for love, money and happiness?..
  7. We think so much about who is really our friend that we forget: true friendship they don't think about it.
  8. If you have already tested a friend in need, intentionally become happy and check what happens.
  9. Unfortunately, today they can only hope for friends romantic natures, and count – units.
  10. The expiration date for friendship is so common occurrence, which seems easier to set a timer.
  11. Don't call an old friend if he hasn't done so for a long time. Perhaps he is happy without you.

Know how to express gratitude

A short status about friendship with meaning is what you need for those who do not value verbosity. Indeed, real truths can fit into one line.

  1. Envy between friends happens, but it “pops up” immediately.
  2. Before my friend showed up, I didn’t know what support was.
  3. A friend does not need to explain something for hours.
  4. Friends also need to be chosen.
  5. Speed ​​is needed when you need to get rid of false comrades.
  6. The story of friendship can be no less exciting.
  7. When a friend is not busy with you, it’s a little annoying.
  8. Miracle is friendship between completely different people.
  9. If you are betrayed, just leave, don’t deal with it.
  10. Perhaps friends are only friends only against the backdrop of enemies.
  11. What about relationships, try to make friends after betrayal!

Buddy is another opportunity to be happier

Everyone's dreams include not only love, but also friendship until death. Tell us about it in social networks, set statuses about friends and friendship with meaning.

  1. Each of us has a mask. Even from someone whom we consider a close person. Friendship begins when you learn about this mask and are ready to come to terms with it.
  2. If I were asked to compare you to something, I would not compare you to the sun or a miracle. I would compare you to air.
  3. The further time goes, the fewer those with whom I was preparing to be friends forever.
  4. The benefit of life's fall is the possibility of awareness true attitude many people to you.
  5. The ability to find friends is an art, the ability to make friends is a real talent.
  6. The fewer friends you have in the end, the more valuable they are to a person.
  7. You can buy cars and apartments, you can try for love, but you can’t buy friendship for anything in the world.
  8. The older you get, the harder it is to make new friends. Because you lose that original ability to believe in people...
  9. Sometimes it’s important to just have someone who will ask: “What’s your mood?” and will really expect a detailed answer.
  10. Keep it simple and people will be drawn to you. Those who are not interested moral principles. Those that are already simpler.
  11. Some people just aren't meant to be friends. Realizing this is very important.
  12. Distrust between friends suggests that one of them has begun new stage in life, and the friendship itself came to an end.

Be sure to appreciate good people who are near you. This could be a lifelong friend or just a good friend who is ready to help. In any case, these people are real gifts from fate itself! The presented statuses about friendship with meaning are exactly about them.

  • Friendship of one reasonable person more valuable than friendship all the foolish ones. (Democritus)
  • We grow, we move on, but we will still always be best friends.
  • How much charm our happiness would lose if no one rejoiced in it with us! How difficult it would be to bear our misfortunes without a friend who experiences them even more strongly than us! (Cicero)
  • Those who need you will not forget about you.
  • I have such friends that sometimes I am ready to shoot them. But if it weren’t for them, I would have shot myself long ago.

The best statuses about good friends

  • Do not quickly become a friend, but once you have become one, try to remain one, because it is equally shameful to not have a single friend and to change many friends. (Isocrates)
  • A true friend will always tell the truth to your face. Even the most bitter one, which we are not ready to admit.
  • True friends do not compete with each other or envy each other, but help and are sincerely happy for each other.
  • Statuses about good friends with meaning- A friend is a person with whom I can be sincere. In his presence I can think out loud. (R. Emerson)
  • It is a value in our time to have a friend or friends who are not affected by time, weather or distance.
  • Friends are people who, before coming to visit you, ask the question: “What do you want to eat?”
  • My friends, family and love are not negotiable - they are perfect, period.
  • Good friends go to those who know how to be good friend. (Niccolò Machiavelli)
  • Friendship is a few idiots who absolutely cannot live without each other.
  • Good friends will never let you do stupid things... alone.
  • A true friend is with you when you are wrong. When you are right, everyone will be with you.
  • A true friend should be our second self; he will never demand anything from a friend other than what is morally beautiful; Friendship is given to us by nature as an assistant in virtues, and not as a companion in vices. (Cicero)
  • True friends can laugh at you and make fun of you, but they will never let others do the same.
  • Not the friend who smears honey, but the one who tells the truth to your face.
  • It's good when your friend is an optimist. It's somehow more fun to look into the future.
  • He who is deprived of sincere friends is truly lonely. (Bacon Francis)
  • How older in age, The already circle of friends, But the more precious Everyone in this circle is.
  • It doesn't matter how many friends you have. What matters is how many of them will help you difficult moment and how many will remember you when they feel good.
  • He is your friend who, in times of misfortune, helps you with deeds when there is a need for it. (Plautus)
  • A true friend is a person who can forget about his good mood when you're feeling bad.
  • Good friends can be compared to a condom - reliable protection at that very moment. And the best ones can be compared to Viagra - they always pick you up when you fall.
  • There are only a few true friends! This is, perhaps, a treasure that, alas, not everyone can dig up! And I really want friendship - without stabs in the back...
  • Statuses about good friends- Not your friend who drinks at the table with you, but who will come to the rescue of anyone in misfortune. Whoever gives a firm hand will relieve you of worries. And he won’t even show that he helped you. (Omar Khayyam)
  • I am happy, because there are people in my life to whom I can say: “I love you,” and each of them will understand me correctly - these people are called friends!
  • If misfortune happens: you will be without arms or legs, then you will still be a person, but if suddenly there are no friends, then there will never be complete happiness.

The deepest friendship gives rise to the most bitter enmity.

"Michel de Montaigne"

The best thing about friendship is knowing that someone needs you. And you need this someone...

The ability to make friendship, the ability to let love into oneself, to give emotions and oneself - this is humanity.

A comrade is a high wall, an indestructible stronghold, a fortress reliably supplied with water.

"Sulkhan Orbeliani"

A rich man has companions and hangers-on, a powerful man has courtiers, a man of action has comrades, and they are also his friends.

"Andre Maurois"

Friends have everything in common, and friendship is equality.

"Pythagoras of Samos"

Having learned a secret from a friend, do not betray it by becoming an enemy: you will strike not the enemy, but the friendship.


What is friendship? A word, an illusion that enchants us, a shadow that follows happiness and disappears in hours of unhappiness!

"Oliver Goldsmith"

What, in essence, is wrong with the fact that my friend loves himself more than me?

"Francis Bacon"

To gain the favor of friends, you need to value their services higher than they do themselves; on the contrary, our favors to friends should be considered less than our friends believe.


I withdrew from the world not because I had enemies, but because I had friends. Not because they harmed me, as is usually the case, but because they considered me better than I am. I couldn't stand this lie.

"Albert Camus"

The fraternal closeness of like-minded people is stronger than any walls.


Without friendship, no communication between people has value.


Having been deceived by friends, we can indifferently accept the manifestations of their friendship, but we must sympathize with them in their misfortunes.

"Francois de La Rochefoucauld"

In friendship there are no calculations or considerations other than itself.

"Michel de Montaigne"

Important friends are for important things... Therefore, having important friends and being able to save them is more important than having money.

"Baltasar Gracian y Morales"

They say that friends are known in misfortune, but in my opinion, they are also known in happiness.

"Chingiz Torekulovich Aitmatov"

A friend is the greatest wealth in life.

A friend is one soul living in two bodies.


A friend is a person with whom I can be sincere.

"Ralph Waldo Emerson."

A friend is one who, knowing you, does not become an enemy.

"Gennady Malkin."

Hatred for the same object brings people closer together a hundred times more than love, friendship, and respect combined.

The inferiority of our friends gives us considerable pleasure.

"Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield"

No more joy There is no greater grief than seeing friends, than separation from friends. "Rudaki"

No more than that love, as if someone lays down his life for his friends.

"New Testament. Gospel of John"

No worldly blessings will be pleasant to us if we use them alone, without sharing them with friends.

"Erasmus of Rotterdam"

Nothing can inspire and help people like friendship.

"Ba Jin"

As long as you are happy, you have many friends; when times get dark, you're left alone.


Remember, friend: it is more difficult to find a Friend than a girlfriend.

"Lope de Vega"

Place a hundred chickens in one room - they will cluck in friendship and harmony. Plant two roosters and they will gnaw each other. You can't go against nature...

Affection can do without reciprocity, but friendship never can.

"Jean Jacques Rousseau"

When we want something from others, most often we want it in ourselves. We try to see ourselves in people, to find ourselves. The desire to find a friend can betray us at any moment.

He who does not look for friends is his own enemy.

"Shota Rustaveli"

He who wants to have friends must be friendly himself; and there is a friend who is more attached than a brother.

"Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon"

Many are friends for food, not friendship.


Abuse of friendship - This is discord with wisdom.

"Shota Rustaveli"

True friendship is truthful and courageous.

"Johann Friedrich Schiller"

There cannot be long friendship, subordination, comradeship where one does not adapt to the other.

"Francesco Guicciardini"

Do not avoid your friend because of a small joke and do not be offended, for this is a sign of stupidity.


If a friend reproaches you for some shortcoming, always think that he has not told you everything.

"Thomas Fuller"

If a friendship falls apart after the first push, stumbles over the first bump on the way, or crumbles into dust from the wind, this is not friendship at all. And so, it’s just pampering, friendship – and nothing more.

If your friend becomes your enemy, then love him so that the tree of friendship, love and trust, which withered due to the fact that it was not watered with the water of friendship and was not cared for, will bloom again.


Abuse of friendship is the most terrible of all sins.

Having many friends means having none.

"Erasmus of Rotterdam"

The name friend sounds everyday, but friendly loyalty is rare.

True friendship is precisely a chosen kinship.

"Ernest Wilfried Aeguwe"

A true gentleman is never a warm friend.

"Edmund Burke"

A true friend should be our second self; he will never demand anything from a friend other than what is morally beautiful; Friendship is given to us by nature as an assistant in virtues, and not as a companion in vices.

"Cicero Marcus Tullius"

A friend who is useless to his friend becomes a stranger to him. "Paul Henri Holbach"

Friendship is treating another as oneself. Love is treating another better than treating yourself.

Friendship and community are born among people when there is a common enemy.

"Percy Bish Shelley"

The friendship of vicious people is unreliable; it lasts only as long as it serves for mutual benefit.

"Oliver Goldsmith"

  • The worst friend is the one who does not recognize you as his equal. If he thinks he is big, he will humiliate you. If he is less, then he will irritate you with his pretense of friendship and sympathy. (Amin Reyhani)
  • A true friend is not an exception to the rule... It is the RULE...
  • A friend is not the one who is known in trouble, but the one who was able not to envy you when you are happy!
  • Best friends can brighten up anyone's day, so there is no doubt that we are poorer without them.
  • Love for friendship: “Why do you need me if I exist?” Friendship: “To leave smiles where you leave tears.”

The best statuses about friends with meaning

  • VKontakte friends - how ballpoint pens, 120 pieces and only a few write.
  • If a friend happily jumps into your limousine, but does not notice you standing at the bus stop, is he really a friend? (Oprah Winfrey)
  • Where there is no complete frankness, complete trust, where even a little is hidden, there is no and cannot be friendship. (V. Belinsky)
  • When friendship is real, when you are ready to do anything for a friend, this is also one of the facets of love.
  • Sad statuses about friends with meaning- Nothing replaces old friendship. Years do not add friends, they take them away, separate them different roads. Time tests friendship for rupture, fatigue, and loyalty. The circle of friends is thinning, but there is nothing more valuable than those who remain.
  • Whoever is a friend to everyone, I don’t consider him a friend. (Jean Baptiste Moliere)
  • When trouble threatens, when things get tough, the wise man blames himself, the fool scolds his friend...
  • True friendship multiplies joy by two and divides sorrow in half.
  • Enjoy communication - main feature friendship. (Aristotle)
  • The best thing you can have is a friend, but the best thing you can become is a friend. (Douglas Pagels)
  • A friend is someone who will understand and sometimes judge, but will never abandon or betray.
  • If you are overly zealous in your service, you will lose the favor of the sovereign. If you are overly cordial in your friendship, you will lose the favor of your friends. (Confucius)
  • No friendship can be considered complete until a friend turns to you for help in difficult times.
  • Among FRIENDS, I prefer those whose souls are directly dear to me... to whom I can entrust everything right away... who will not be saddened by my success, and who will not be delighted by my failure...
  • Friendship is the most necessary thing for life, since no one would wish for a life without friends, even if he had all the other benefits.
  • We don't need help from friends so much as we need confidence that we will receive it. (Democritus)
  • I’ll tell you the banal truth and let it not be new. Friendship is only sincere - neither age nor gender...
  • Friendship is not one big heroic act, but many small concessions.
  • Truly, there is nothing better in life than the help of a friend and mutual joy. (John of Damascus)
  • Make friends one on one.
  • Short statuses about friends with meaning- I have friends whom you don’t see for months, but they are still the best.
  • How few friendships would survive if everyone suddenly found out what his friends were saying behind his back, although just then they were sincere and impartial. (Blaise Pascal)
  • Friendships end quite often true love, but love rarely ends in good friendship.
  • It is truly a miracle to meet a person with whom you will have soul mates who will respect you for who you are. Such a person will be able to awaken your blood and motivate you to new achievements.
  • A friend to everyone is a friend to no one. (Aristotle)

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