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Surgeon Katie Topuria. Star patients of plastic surgeon Arthur Rykina.

What news is always popular along with news of all sorts of incidents? That's right, people are always interested in what is happening in the world of show business: who was wearing what, who was dating/marrying whom, who did what with their face and body.

When it comes to the latter type of messages, they are often serious yellowish tint, since the stars do not want to share the details of their beauty, which provokes the imagination of journalists and gives rise to a lot of guesses and rumors. However, not all celebrities are so introverted. Many are not embarrassed by the fact of the operation and even publicly express gratitude to their surgeon.

Do not think that domestic stars of all sizes go exclusively abroad for youth and beauty. The lion's share undergoes all aesthetic procedures in their homeland. You may have a natural question: “Who do they operate on?” It must be said that all the most successful surgeons had experience communicating with representatives of our show business. Remember that singers and actresses and other showmen and showwomen are also people, they also rely on reviews and recommendations. So whose last name most often appears next to famous names?

Alla Pugacheva

Alla Pugacheva set the date for Arthur Rybakin’s surgery herself

Repeatedly Russian celebrities They trusted the St. Petersburg plastic wizard - Artur Vladimirovich Rybakin. First of all, he is known as the doctor who gave the Diva of Russian pop music, Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, a new face. According to the surgeon, he met the singer 11 years ago when she gave a concert in the Northern capital. The meeting took place in the dressing room immediately after the performance thanks to mutual friends.

Alla Borisovna admitted that she would like to undergo chin plastic surgery. She herself set the date for the operation and later flew to St. Petersburg for correction. The operation lasted almost the whole day. The difficulty was that the singer had previously gone under the knife of a plastic surgeon, so, according to Rybakin, the natural anatomy of her face was gone. Despite this, Alla Borisovna’s rehabilitation proceeded with a bang, and 20 days after mentoplasty she went on stage. A year later, Arthur Vladimirovich again put his hand to the favorite of millions and carried out, in his words, “some improvements,” which made it possible to significantly rejuvenate the singer’s face.

The daughter followed her mother. In 2003, Kristina Obrakaite turned to Artur Vladimirovich with a request to make her breathing easier. Rybakin determined that in her case, septoplasty would be required, that is, correction of a crooked nasal septum. They tried to keep the procedure secret, since at that time publicity was completely unnecessary. The operation went very well. The singer spent seven days in the clinic. Dr. Rybakin noted that she had absolutely no signs of star fever and that she was very undemanding about the conditions of her detention and not picky about food.

Later, the communication between Orbakaite and her surgeon continued: together they hosted a program dedicated to questions plastic surgery, on St. Petersburg television.

Everyone's on the nose

The daughter of the Diva is not the only one who approached Rybakin with a request for a nose correction. The following people openly talk about their rhinoplasty: A-studio soloist Katie Topuria, comedians Elena Vorobey and Sergei Drobotenko, actresses Renata Litvinova and Elizaveta Boyarskaya, as well as singer Abraham Russo and honorary resident of Comedy Club Alexander Revva.

Katie Topuria turned to Rybakin after her first unsuccessful rhinoplasty

According to Katie Topuria, she turned to Dr. Rybakin after an unsuccessful primary operation, which was supposed to relieve her of a deviated septum. However, something went wrong: the nose seemed to “sink”, but breathing did not become easier. Arthur Vladimirovich corrected someone else’s mistake, and at the same time fulfilled another wish of his vocal patient - he removed the annoying hump that emphasized Topuria’s ethnicity.

Elena Vorobey underwent surgery with Rybakin in 2010. She came to see him after she saw new nose from his colleague Sergei Drobotenko, who did not fail to boast of a unique “new thing”. Then the artist got the idea to fulfill her old dream and get rid of the protruding tubercle. The operation took place at night so as not to disturb the body’s usual sleep and wakefulness patterns. In total, Sparrow spent 4 days in the hospital, after which she was sent home. For two years, Elena periodically visited the clinic to see her surgeon, and she never made a secret of her rhinoplasty. Unlike the daughter of the most recognizable musketeer.

When the first rumors about plastic surgery appeared in the press and on the Internet detailed analysis photographs of Elizaveta Boyarskaya, she strongly denied that she had subjected her face to any manipulation. Like, if she didn’t touch the scar on her cheek, then what can we say about more serious changes and interventions. However, later the actress confessed and confirmed: “Yes, there was rhinoplasty.” The actress's nose has really become different - elegant, thin, the tip has noticeably shrunk. Some even joked that she looked like the untimely deceased Michael Jackson, a famous fan of plastic surgery.

Renata Litvinova, who throughout her “public” life assured that she would never touch anything on her face, could not resist and corrected the shape of her nose, removing the hump, narrowing the back and shortening the tip. According to some reports, Dr. Rybakin operated on her in 2008 in Moscow, for which he specially came on the day of the operation. Rhinoplasty was performed at night, the actress spent 11 hours in the clinic, after which she, wrapped from head to toe, went home. A few days later, Renata Muratovna appeared at the premiere of the film “Green Theater in Zemfira” wearing dark glasses, which she did not take off. So, according to experts, she tried to hide the swelling that remained at the bridge of her nose.

Men from the world of show business are not far behind the ladies. In addition to Sergei Drobotenko, Abraham Russo and Alexander Revva entrusted their noses to Rybakin for alterations.

Abraham Russo had to undergo rhinoplasty with Arthur Rybakin after an assassination attempt

Contact the plastic surgeon of a famous singer with oriental appearance forced by the consequences of the assassination attempt that was made on him in 2006. During the incident, Abraham Russo suffered a broken nose. As a result of this, his breathing was impaired, which is unacceptable for a vocalist. On the advice of Kristina Orbakaite, the singer went to St. Petersburg for help from Artur Vladimirovich. Rybakin performed septum plastic surgery on his star patient, relieving him of problems with lack of air and restoring the aesthetic appeal of his nose.

The best parodist of grandmothers, Alexander Revva, went through the same procedure. Resident Comedy Club for a long time suffered from the fact that his nose seemed constantly clogged and could not breathe. However, Dr. Rybakin quickly solved this problem by straightening the showman's septum. According to him, the operation was very easy, the rehabilitation was unpleasant, but absolutely tolerable.

Let us recall that Arthur Vladimirovich Rybakin is the chief physician of the St. Petersburg Institute of Beauty. He is a permanent participant in various conferences and symposiums on aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, and is developing methods for tissue rejuvenation using DNA. His length of service professional activities— more than 19 years. It is not surprising that domestic stars fearlessly trust him with their appearance.

Results of celebrity plastic surgery

The path to perfection

Plastic surgery has long been firmly established in our lives. If before the stars were hidden surgery, then everything has changed now. When surgery came out new level, can easily correct the face, body, and also restore youth - do not take advantage of this chance, because at least, stupid! Therefore the stars Russian show businessmen do not deny themselves such pleasure, and their appearance is close to perfection. It is their transformations that will be discussed.

Katie Topuria

The lead singer of the A-studio group did a great job of getting rid of the hump and making her nose straight and more European, of course, not without the help of plastic surgeons. Now no one will remember the massive Georgian nose that Katie once possessed at the beginning of her career. Such changes clearly benefited the girl, and as Topuria claims, now she is happy with everything about herself, and this is the most important thing.

Irina Dubtsova

Unsuccessful attempts to reset overweight brought Irina Dubtsova to a plastic surgeon. Strict diets and exhausting workouts did not help desired result, then the star made a decision for herself - to have liposuction. The body was transformed, which brought considerable pleasure to the singer. The next step in the transformation was size four breasts, which Irina had dreamed of since she was 16 years old. The star was pleased with the result and has no regrets.

Rosa Syabitova

Truly amazing transformation By the age of 50, Roza Syabitova gave herself a gift. A series of operations - facelift, blepharoplasty, abdominoplasty, liposuction and breast augmentation - returned the matchmaker to her former youth and beauty. All these transformations took place in a fairly short period of time, from winter to autumn. Now Roza Syabitova, having shed a couple of decades, is a role model for many women. Rosa proved that even at 50 you can change, the main thing is to work on yourself.

Masha Malinovskaya

Famous TV presenter Masha Malinovskaya believes that if a girl is not happy with her appearance, then only a plastic surgeon can save her. That is why Masha spent great job over yourself, correcting all natural shortcomings. Thus, Malinovskaya became the owner of gorgeous breasts, a miniature nose and plump lips.

Many people condemn the girl for being too carried away by changes in her appearance. However, Masha recently corrected the “mistakes of her youth”, for example, going too far big lips and chest. Now the star looks very natural.

Nikita Dzhigurda

Men also want to be beautiful not only for themselves, but also for their women. On Valentine's Day, Dzhigurda presented his wife with a gift, “a renewed self.” Having undergone blepharoplasty, the man’s face became noticeably younger. The star filmed his transformation and claims that it was all just for the sake of his beloved.


Only at the age of 40, Lolita first turned to the services of a plastic surgeon. Having undergone chin liposuction, blepharoplasty, correction of nasolabial folds and lipofilling (a remedy for wrinkles), the singer suspended her biological clock. Lolita believes that plastic surgery is a step towards external and internal development. For a woman, the help of a surgeon is a natural desire to look more beautiful, younger and fresher.

Evgenia Kryukova

The charming actress Evgenia Kryukova also resorted to the services of a plastic surgeon. Protruding ears have caused Evgenia discomfort since childhood, and the teacher’s inappropriate comparison of her ears to pan handles gave rise to insecurity. At first, the actress tried to hide her defect by gluing them with a plaster, then with makeup glue, but then she decided on a simple operation, otoplasty. Now the artist is happy with her appearance and feels much more attractive.

Evelina Bledans

Evelina Bledans turned to a plastic surgeon at the age of 37 with one desire - to stop the aging process. “Beauty injections” helped her with this. Mesotherapy (Botox injections) refreshed the star's face and prevented skin aging. Since then, Bledans regularly carries out these procedures, and has no plans to abandon them.

Sergei Zverev

The memorable appearance of the king of glamor Sergei Zverev is the pure work of plastic surgeons. Although the stylist himself claims that his operations were a necessary measure (Sergei was in a car accident, his face was severely disfigured), fans believe that the remaining trips to the plastic surgeon were made only for the sake of beauty. A slight adjustment to the cheekbones, eyes, and lips created a completely new person, Sergei Zverev, who bears little resemblance to his former self.

Elena Proklova

The famous actress of Soviet and Russian cinema considers herself a real woman, for which there is no limit to perfection. She considers it stupid to be ashamed of plastic surgery, because it is much worse to look bad and not well-groomed, and when you can improve your appearance, why miss this opportunity?

At 62 years old, the actress has tried operations such as blepharoplasty, lip augmentation, and eyebrow shaping. The actress is pleased with the result and considers it her duty to always look good.

Vera Alentova

First plastic surgery circular lift, the actress did it back in the late 90s, followed by several more operations. Not all of them were successful: after the intervention in 2009, the actress’s facial expressions were impaired, and asymmetry appeared in her face.

Natalia Andreichenko

Natalya Andreichenko underwent several plastic surgeries at once, trying to “stop” her youth and give a new round to her film career. Experts believe that not all of these interventions were successful - for example, the lips turned out uneven shape.

Elena Proklova

The actress is sure that the most effective way Preserving youth is plastic surgery. IN different years Elena has resorted to blepharoplasty, lip augmentation, eyelid and eyebrow modification - and is always satisfied with the result.

Masha Malinovskaya

Masha Malinovskaya has never hidden the fact that she improves her appearance with the help of plastic surgeons. But in 2014, Masha decided to return to a more natural appearance, removed silicone from her lips and reduced the size of her breasts. The rehabilitation process after the operation took a lot of time, Masha was worried about possible complications, but today I’m happy with my figure.

Lolita Milyavskaya

Lolita believes that the desire to look younger is natural for any woman, so she does not hide her age or the fact that she resorts to plastic surgery. To make her hips slimmer, the singer chose liposuction, and when she turned 47, she corrected her eyelids and chin.

Rosa Syabitova

In 2013, the TV presenter short time lost 20 kilograms and decided that her renewed body needed more serious correction than fitness. Surgeons enlarged Rosa's breasts and reduced her stomach, and also performed liposuction.

Evgenia Kryukova

Evgenia Kryukova decided to undergo otoplasty - an operation to correct the shape of the ears. The actress always suffered from her strongly protruding ears; she even had to use special makeup glue during filming!

Katie Topuria

The singer had a nose job twice - for medical reasons, due to a deviated septum that interfered with proper breathing. After the first operation, the shape of the nose changed a little, so during the “second approach” the surgeons corrected everything and now Katie is happy with her nose.

Irina Dubtsova

Irina Dubtsova is sure that you should not resort to plastic surgery in pursuit of fashion: plastic surgery should only be done when a woman no longer likes herself in the mirror. The singer herself “improved” her breasts, which had lost their shape after childbirth, but only after she tried all other methods - training, massages and cosmetics. This is what Russian stars look like before and after plastic surgery!

Yulia Nachalova

In 2007, the singer decided to have breast surgery: she was going to return to the stage after the birth of her daughter and wanted to look perfect. Julia enlarged her breasts to size 4, at first she was pleased with the result, but then problems arose psychological problems: “It’s as if the breasts are someone else’s, they are a different creature and live their own lives,” the singer admitted in an interview. A few years later, Julia decided to return her size, but the operation was unsuccessful and led to serious complications.

Many celebrities were far from beautiful before the achievements of plastic surgery honed their appearance to perfection. New cheekbones, a new nose and a new smile made the stars who they are today. It’s about the successful ones plastic surgery celebrities will be discussed in our material.

Megan Fox

The name Megan Fox for millions of people around the world is a symbol of sexuality and feminine attractiveness. In fact, Megan is a girl whose beauty was given to her not by nature, but by a good surgeon. We can safely say that the actress “made herself”, having thought through her image to the smallest detail. Rhinoplasty, correction of the shape of lips and cheekbones, changes in the chin - all these numerous manipulations turned the “simple” Megan into a stunning screen star. By the way, Fox got her starring role in the film “Transformers” only when she changed so much about herself.

Angelina Jolie

Everyone knows that sensual lips Angelina Jolie is a gift from nature. But the Hollywood beauty successfully corrected everything else! Firstly, Angie had rhinoplasty - the tip of the actress’s nose became noticeably more graceful and the bridge of her nose thinner. Secondly, in his youth, the star’s cheekbones were less prominent, and the reason for this was not the sudden weight loss, but the masterly work of the surgeon. The actress’s operations were so successful that many fans still don’t believe they are real!

Katie Topuria

Singer Katie Topuria does not hide the fact that she was not very happy with her large nose. True, the star is a little disingenuous when he says that he did rhinoplasty solely for medical indications: “I was breathing very poorly - nasal septum was twisted. After the first operation, the tip of my nose dropped slightly, and I still breathed very poorly. Therefore, we also had to remove the hump.” It’s hard to believe that such drastic changes were needed just for the sake of a deviated septum!

Blake Lively

Blake Lively's career and her reputation as one of the most attractive young stars might not have happened if the actress had not decided to have rhinoplasty and chin correction in her youth. Blake has made the bridge of her nose noticeably thinner, and her chin, which was once too long (according to Lively herself, of course), now looks just perfect.

Ksenia Sobchak

Ksenia Sobchak is another celebrity who had problems with the nasal septum and breathing (this is a diagnosis among stars according to known reason observed very often). The result of this purely medical procedure (oh yes! we believe!) is a neat nose shape that can only be envied.

Ashlee Simpson

Ashlee Simpson used to be the owner long nose with a hump, but successfully solved this problem with the help of surgery. By the way, rhinoplasty is not the only intervention that Ashley’s appearance has undergone: the star also changed the shape of her chin. We think Simpson has become much prettier now!

Scarlett Johansson

Actress Scarlett Johansson categorically denies any surgical intervention, but you don’t need to be too picky and attentive to notice: rhinoplasty did take place. In her youth, Scarlett's nose was much wider than it is now, when her nose looks very graceful. The changes were really good, so why hide it?

Victoria Beckham

Why we love Victoria Beckham- so this is for honesty! The star never hid the obvious: she had plastic surgery, and more than once. Of course, Vicky had rhinoplasty - this can be seen with the naked eye. In addition, at 41, the star’s face looks perfectly smooth - not a single wrinkle. Beckham herself does not hide the fact that she is a fan of Botox injections and does not see anything wrong with it. Everything is good in moderation - using the example of the designer and the ex-peppercorn, we are once again convinced of this.

Demi Moore

Demi Moore's face has undergone many changes. It seems that at 30 years old the star had more facial wrinkles than at 52 years old. It's not for nothing that the star looks like the sister of her own daughters! At the beginning of her career, Demi underwent surgery to correct strabismus (yes, yes!), followed by a nose correction, as well as operations to change the shape of her cheeks and chin, which were barely noticeable to a layman. By the way, Moore had her breasts enlarged several times - for the film Striptease, the star inserted silicone “balls” that looked unnatural. And after some time I took advantage of the achievements modern medicine and achieved a much more attractive bust shape.

Cameron Diaz

Like many celebrities, Cameron Diaz has worked on the shape of her nose and made the bridge of her nose thinner and more graceful. True, the actress did not have a problem with the septum, but an alleged “sports injury”, after which she had to decide on rhinoplasty. Sometimes Cameron cleans up expression wrinkles using well-known injections. But which celebrity isn’t into this?

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