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Japanese dragon tattoo. The meaning of the Japanese dragon tattoo. Sketch of a dragon on the wrist.

This mythical character has nothing in common with his European counterparts, who have always belonged to the dark side, possessing a number of negative characteristics.

Japanese Dragon Tattoo is a bright, colorful image of a fairy-tale character with an abundance of detailed details and a multi-faceted plot. This mythical creature is depicted as a large snake-like scaly creature with horns, claws and a fancy beard. The dragon is capable of spewing flame, thereby symbolizing some kind of higher justice that will certainly overtake the guilty. The Japanese Dragon is neither evil nor good. These are forces of nature acting depending on circumstances. Accordingly, the meaning of a tattoo with such an image is often interpreted differently. After all, the Dragon equally symbolizes the powers of heaven, water and earth.

To depict the Dragon in all its glory, you will need a master who not only has impeccable taste and practical skills, but also has an understanding of the basics of Eastern symbolism.

The history of the Dragon tattoo

While in medieval Europe Dragons were considered the fiends of Hell, in the East these controversial mythical creatures have always been idolized, considering them saviors and protectors of the disadvantaged. Temples were built and altars erected in their honor. Most Buddhist temples are decorated with sculptural images of the Dragon, thereby providing clear evidence of the importance of this image in people’s lives.

The Dragon settled on the Japanese Islands a little later than on the territory of China, having migrated there from the Celestial Empire several thousand years ago. The uniqueness and isolation of Japanese culture left a certain imprint on the appearance of the creature, although it did not take it too far from the original source. Although the visual image is relatively identical, this Japanese fairy tale character still has a number of differences. First of all, this is the presence of additional heads and three-fingered limbs. Otherwise, it is still the same stylized mythical lizard, commanding water, earth and air, as well as the creatures inhabiting them.

In accordance with the plots of Japanese fairy tales and legends, the Dragon is inextricably linked with people. He is worshiped and respected, and in return the creature gives the petitioner part of his countless wealth. One of the Dragon's abilities is to transform into any animal or bird. In a similar image, the fabulous lizard appears to people, remaining unrecognizable until the end of the journey to the “mortal world”. Along with positive images of Dragons, there were also negative characters in Japanese mythology in the person of the eight-headed lizard Yamata no Orochi. This Dragon ate ordinary mortals and was famous for the fact that each of its many heads correlated with one of the negative human qualities: betrayal, greed, envy, hatred, etc. Over time, Yamata no Orochi fell at the hands of another hero of Japanese mythology - Susanoo.

Main places of application and color solutions

Being a large and majestic creature, the Japanese Dragon requires the allocation of a fairly large area of ​​the human body for its own image. These standards are met primarily by the back and chest. In this case, the pattern can move from the back to the neck, arm or hips. The tattoo is usually implemented in a palette that contains black, red, green and gold. Their combination, as a rule, most fully reflects the entire inner essence and external attractiveness of the Dragon. In terms of style, the image is most often made in the Oriental style, but options are possible (Traditional, Trible). Oriental style involves adding to the composition such ethnic Japanese elements as Koi Carp, Tiger, Phoenix, Fire, Flowers, Hieroglyphs, etc.

What does a Dragon tattoo mean?

For each person, such an image on the body can mean a variety of things. Accordingly, the meaning of the picture varies. If we summarize the basic concepts of visualization of the Japanese Dragon, then it is a symbol of strength, greatness, fearlessness, wisdom, power, longevity and some mythical mystery. Previously, dragon tattoos were widespread mainly in Japanese criminal organizations. For example, members of the famous “Yakuza” covered almost their entire body with corresponding images, thereby demonstrating their belonging to a criminal clan and the threat that this clan poses to others.

Since we are away from the Japanese Islands, the Dragon for us means something positive and sublime. By placing his image on the body, a person thereby invites good luck, wisdom and longevity. Depending on the composition, color and style, a painting can ultimately mean a lot. For example, the sleeping Dragon symbolizes spiritual harmony, and its flying version means friendliness. Being united with the Tiger, the Dragon becomes part of the eastern symbol of Yin and Yang, and its presence of wings testifies to the strength of spirit and the inviolability of faith. A dragon with horns is firm in making decisions, with teeth it is aggressive, and with golden elements it is wise. If he crawls on the ground, then this is a symbol of the connection between two elements - Heaven and Earth. Having coins next to the Dragon means prosperity and wealth.

Choice of men and women

Representatives of the stronger half of humanity usually prefer more aggressive compositions in which the Dragon is depicted with an open mouth, spewing flames or raising a sword. The palette is often dominated by darker colors. Women, as a rule, choose fancy images, not devoid of grace, complemented by decorative elements, multi-colored and with various inscriptions.

It is important to approach the choice of a sketch with all seriousness. It is necessary that the finished tattoo is not only attractive in appearance, but also reflects the inner world of the owner. Any dissonance can upset the fragile balance of the above-mentioned tandem, as a result of which the tattoo can cause destruction of the energy field.

The dragon is an image of power, strength and wisdom. Today he is one of the most popular and famous mythical creatures. He is depicted as a huge creature, somewhat similar to a snake, with large claws, horns and a long beard, and with the ability to breathe out fiery flames. The dragon is mystic, supernatural. The history of the appearance of Dragons goes deep into the legends and myths of various peoples of Asia and Western Europe. In the West he was symbolized with evil, dark forces, in the East with divine power, he was considered a protector and savior. Therefore, the attitude towards the Dragon varies greatly among different nations.

As already mentioned, the image of the Dragon came to us from Asia and Western Europe, and more specifically from China and Japan.

For Chinese culture– The dragon is symbolized as a deity who has control over rain, lightning and the four natural elements. The abilities of this mythical creature are so enormous that he is subject to the property of reincarnation. He personifies strength, infinite wisdom and harmony of his inner world.

To Japanese culture The dragon came from China and meant luck, wisdom, guardianship and strength. According to legends, the sacred Koi carp (a symbol of courage and luck) had the ability to turn into a Dragon. Many emperors had the honor of depicting the Dragon symbol on their clothes and symbols, as a sign of majesty and a certain origin from this creature.

Unlike positive eastern images, in Western Europe the Dragon was a negative creature. He was depicted as a lizard, with huge wings, a tail and a thick impenetrable skin. According to legends, he burned out entire villages, attacked people and dragged them into his dungeons. With the advent of Christianity, the European image of the Dragon was given the face of the devil, and he is depicted in the “bible” as a raging evil.

Among the Celts The dragon personified toughness and life wisdom. He served the god of the earth and was a symbol of sovereign power.

In Rus' the analogue of the Dragon was the Serpent-Gorynych. He was a very vile and dangerous creature. According to legend, whoever was able to defeat him was considered a brave and courageous person.

In Greek and in Roman civilization, the image of the Dragon meant a symbol of terror. It was applied to the armor of Roman soldiers in order to intimidate their opponents.

In Buddhism The dragon is the protector of Buddha and his laws. His symbol was applied to temples to protect them from dark forces.

The meaning and position of the Dragon tattoo

A Dragon tattoo has a different meaning for each person and can mean many things. However, the main meanings of tattoos are Dragon in Eastern interpretation are:

  • Greatness;
  • Strength;
  • Tremendous wisdom;
  • Bravery;
  • Longevity;
  • Mysteriousness;
  • Power.

Regarding Western Europe, then the meaning here has the opposite side and means:

  • Chaos;
  • Destruction;
  • Deceit.

In East Asian criminal groups such as the Triad or Yakuza, the colorful image of the Dragon tattoo is a highly respected and revered symbol.

In general, the meaning of the Dragon tattoo has a lot of options, both good and bad. It all depends on the style of the tattoo, the choice of design and color.

Depending on the meaning of the Dragon tattoo, there are a large number of variations of this design:

  • Sleeping dragon– a symbol of spiritual harmony;
  • Dragon, in multi-colored colors(often white, black, red and blue) - indicates a connection with natural elements;
  • Dragon and Tiger- a variation of the Yin-Yang symbol.
  • Dragon flying up– indicates friendly intentions;
  • Horned dragon- means the determination of the owner of the tattoo;
  • Dragon with wings— strengthening faith and fortitude;
  • Dragon crawling on the ground- indicates the connection between the earthly and heavenly elements;
  • Dragon with bared teeth– aggression and danger;
  • Dragon, with golden shades– indicates wisdom and the desire to learn new things;
  • Dragon flying down– denotes unfriendly intentions;
  • Dragon with coins– wealth and prosperity;
  • Dragon in Celtic style- means power, strength and spirituality;
  • Two Dragons who compete with each other– duel of Yin-Yang forces;
  • Dragons chasing each other's tails– a symbol of the creative action of Yin-Yang.

Before getting a “tattoo” on your body, you should choose the location very carefully. After which the optimal size and style of tattoo is selected. The dragon is a majestic creature and is mainly depicted in large-scale versions and on large parts of the body:

  • back;
  • breast;
  • or combined, that is, the pattern is made to extend to the shoulder, arm, neck, collarbone or thigh.

Masters, with the help of their imagination, depict a tattoo in the form of a Dragon on the back so brightly, colorfully and harmoniously, and looking at the end result, it is impossible to take your eyes off, because it is a magnificent and exciting sight.

In ancient times, Chinese emperors tattooed the Dragon on their entire back to show their power and might.

Tattoo artists do not recommend applying Dragon tattoos to small parts of the body, such as the foot, calf, forearm or wrist. This is due to the fact that due to the small area of ​​the body, it is impossible to display all the power and beauty of the Dragon. But if you still choose one of the listed body parts, then it is recommended to apply a Dragon tattoo in the Chinese style. With fine lines and expressiveness, this design will look more organic on your body.

Color scheme and style of tattoo

As a rule, a tattoo with the image of a Dragon is applied to the body in bright colors in order to show all the beauty of this creature. The colors of the Dragon tattoo palette play a very important role and speak volumes:

  • Black – symbolizes respect;
  • Blue – calm, openness;
  • Yellow – victory, conquest;
  • Golden – wisdom, compassion;
  • Red – passion, anger and hostility;
  • Dark green – courage, bravery.

A Dragon tattoo on the body is usually depicted in the following styles:

  • Oriental;
  • New School;
  • Traditional;
  • Tribal.

As for girls, they mainly choose elegant sketches with patterns and the addition of different colors and inscriptions.

Meaning for boys and girls

The tattoo design is basically the same for both sexes. Guys, in turn, choose “aggressive tattoo designs” such as Dragon with an open mouth, Dragon with flame, Dragon with a sword, etc. Dark shades predominate in these tattoos, however, other colors also exist.

As for girls, they mainly choose elegant sketches with patterns and the addition of different colors and inscriptions. In turn, cartoon Dragon tattoos look very playful.

Combination of tattoos with other symbols

Basically, the Dragon tattoo is depicted solo, or in combination with other elements:

  • Tiger;
  • Koi Carp;
  • Hieroglyph;
  • Phoenix;
  • Fire, Flame;
  • Cross;
  • Flowers.


To summarize, I would like to add only one thing, that such a noble creature as the Dragon will only decorate your body, and you, in turn, must approach the choice of a tattoo design with great responsibility in order to choose exactly the design that you will like not only eye, but will also suit your inner world.

One of the most impressive and inspiring mythical creatures is the dragon. Their influence on culture is especially strong in Asian countries. Most people around the world wear a dragon on their body.

Dragon tattoos and their features

The history of dragons is deeply rooted in Ancient China and Japan. In many mythical tales of Eastern culture, the dragon is depicted as a huge flying creature that breathes fire. The main meaning of the dragon is mysticism (riddle) and power. Thanks to this interpretation, dragon tattoos are very popular among both sexes. These images gained particular popularity in Western Europe and the USA.

In the article, the site wrote in detail about the meaning of dragon tattoos, depending on the culture.

In this article we will pay attention to the location and color of the tattoo, which also carry a certain meaning to the entire composition.

Dragon tattoo and its location

When choosing a dragon as a tattoo design, you need to keep the following things in mind. Firstly, this is the location. Depending on the area of ​​the body, the optimal size and style of tattoo is selected. In addition, the pose of the dragon can affect the presentability of the drawing.

If a dragon has spread wings and bare teeth, then this speaks of aggression and hostility combined with power.

dragon with spread wings and teeth

If the dragon lies peacefully, then this indicates the mental balance and tranquility of the owner of the tattoo.

If the dragon rushes upward, the person has a positive attitude and good intentions.

dragon flying up

If a dragon flies down, be careful, its owner has bad intentions.

dragon flying down

A dragon tattoo looks best on large areas of the body, since all the greatness of this mythical graceful creature cannot be conveyed through a small design. For this reason, the back is one of the most suitable places for a dragon tattoo. A whole canvas opens up in front of you on which you can create an impressive painting.

red dragon on the entire back with hieroglyphs

dragon skeleton on leg

As for tattoos for girls, the fair sex often choose the fairy style, that is, images of fairy-tale creatures in an original fairy-tale design.

funny fairy dragon

Dragon tattoo and its color

For a dragon tattoo, color plays an important role. Depending on the palette, the meaning of the image changes. Let's talk about the most common colors of dragons:

Black Dragon: respect for parents.

Blue or light blue dragon: Often speaks of calm, tranquility, compassion, openness and immortality.

Red Dragon: on the one hand - love, passion, on the other - anger and hostility. However, the red dragon turns its anger into protecting its family, so it can be considered a protector. Very often, parents choose this color because they protect and protect their children all their lives.

golden dragon: wisdom, kindness and kindness.

Yellow dragon: This image was often used in the East during military campaigns, obviously, the meaning in the modern world can be interpreted as conquest, attack and victory.

Thus, men get this tattoo mainly to show their power and strength. With the help of this image, women are trying to convey their maternal instincts and feminine needs in creating and protecting a home.

Dragon tattoo for guys

The tattoo design is basically the same for both sexes. However, sometimes guys choose a more “hard” dragon image. Very often with spread wings, bared teeth and flames from the mouth. The preferred color for males is black and red. However, other colors also exist.

black dragon with red eye dragon on ankle

black flying dragon

dragon on wrist

dragon on the shoulder blade

dragon with spread wings on the shoulder blade

golden dragon on the shoulder blade

two dragons in tribal tattoo style

Dragon tattoo for girls

Girls love to decorate their dragon with flowers and inscriptions; Fairy motifs can often be seen. Sometimes the dragon itself is depicted in such an intricate pose that even such a formidable creature looks very feminine and interesting.

dragon and rose

dragon on hip

dragon on the back

red dragon with flames on chest and shoulder

red dragon with blue flame

cute dragon on the shoulder blade

graceful dragon tattoo on back

tattoo symbolizing protection of the hearth

two tribal dragons on the back

dragon in flowers on the foot

dragon and sakura

Every person is a unique, individual person. To stand out from the general background, attract attention, and show your originality, many different methods are used, one of which is a tattoo.

The presence of dragon tattoos on various parts of the human body has an ambiguous meaning. One thing is certain: a man or woman wearing a tattoo with the image of a dragon cannot be weak-willed and weak-willed people, white and “fluffy”, submissive and dumb.

The meaning of a dragon tattoo

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Tattoos in most cases young people do: from informal groups, from various social groups and organizations. Or just connoisseurs of body art.

In this article we will talk about dragon tattoos. It can be small in size, miniature, pinned onto parts of the body that are not at all noticeable to others. Or maybe large, prominent, in open areas, visible to everyone. But regardless of size, color, the tattoo has a specific meaning and contains the message that its owner wants to explain to others.

The image of a dragon can carry different meanings.

The appearance of a flying kite exists in the cultures of almost all countries both European and Asian. But in each culture, the appearance of the lizard was depicted differently.

Chinese dragon

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This Asian people endowed the dragon divine qualities. They believed that he set the weather for them: decides when it will rain or snow, when there will be a sandstorm or hurricane. In his management, in their opinion, there were all four elements: Fire, Water, Air, Earth . He could turn into anyone: insect or even human. Therefore, the Chinese treated the dragon with respect and admiration. They wanted to appease him and not anger him. The lizard was considered a symbol of the well-being of the ruling imperial family, so its images can be found in the palace, on the bed in the emperor’s chambers.

Japanese kite

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The image of a huge mythical lizard among the Japanese symbolized prudence, prudence, luck in everything, strength, power and omnipotence. The people of Japan considered the dragon to be their protector, brave and powerful. He was depicted at the entrances to churches and fire stations.

In the Land of the Rising Sun, the reptile is a sacred creature. Often images of a dragon could be found on the body of the yakuza, by this they emphasized their strength and dominance.

Europeans have a dragon

In European countries and Russia, the image of a mythical lizard from legends has different meaning. A fire-breathing snake, strong, evil, treacherous. He is powerful, he has huge wings, a very long and thick tail. Unlike his Asian brothers, he has no horns or beard.

European peoples have a dragon - bad guy, personifying the dark forces of evil, he must be killed. He ravaged and burned villages and hamlets, destroyed fortresses, took the most beautiful girls for himself, and took away treasures. Rus' also had its own dragon - Zmey Gorynych , sometimes with three heads.

Thus, the dragon tattoo was depicted in different ways:

1 Among Eastern and Asian peoples - a snake that has paws and no wings.

2 Europeans have a lizard whose head rests on an elongated and powerful neck, has wings, and a body covered in scales, like a fish.

Dragon tattoo color meaning

When depicting a tattoo, the choice of color palette is of great importance. Each color has its own meaning.

  • Tattoo yellow colors symbolize struggle, confrontation of forces, attack. Used quite rarely.
  • Red the shade represents strong emotions of love and passion. Protects family values.
  • Serpent green color emphasizes unity with nature.
  • Lizard blue or cyan flowers represent the infinity of life's journey, calmness, compassion.
  • Reptile gold color is a sign of generosity, greatness of soul, prudence.
  • Dragon black- a symbol of attention to people, admiration for parents.

The meaning of a dragon tattoo can be explained as the personification of evil or good, dreams and sinlessness, a jealous attitude and enmity.

Tattoo flying monster popular among both men and women. Emphasizes the powerful spirit and power of its owner, malice and mercilessness, at the same time prudence, prudence and justice. The color of the tattoo will enhance the importance of certain qualities that its owner wants to emphasize.

Meaning of Dragon Pose

The image of a mythical lizard takes on different meanings.

Winged reptile behind prison bars

Very often, people in the “zone” draw dragon tattoos on themselves. But, as a rule, when stuffing them, prisoners are not guided by any meaning. As an exception to the rule, there is an image of a lizard, which flies over the roofs of castles. This means that the person is sent to prison for theft of property on a large scale, or the fact that everything was confiscated from him.

The Chinese and Japanese (Yakuza) tattooed dragons on their chests, backs, whatever they wanted. emphasize their participation in criminal and mafia structures.

Dragon tattoo designs

The fashion for a tattoo with a lizard is timeless. The image of a huge snake excites the human mind and amazes the imagination. Sketches of dragon tattoos make it easier to apply images to parts of the body that convey and reveal the secret meaning of the tattoo.

In this selection of sketches, you can choose any one that matches the spirit and mood of the future owner of the tattoo.

The dragon on the hand is an eternal image

The image of a winged reptile is often preferred by men. They are attracted to large patterns in color that cover the entire hand. Girls often wear a lizard tattoo as an exotic decoration without any meaning. But not always. Famous actress A. Jolie tattooed a dragon on her left forearm, wanting to show the strength of her maternal instinct.

World-famous personalities: both women and men get winged reptile tattoos (Jack Osbourne, Bruce Willis, Lenny Kravitz and others).

By getting a tattoo of a flying creature on their arm, men demonstrate their power, readiness to solve problems and deal with their enemies.

The owner of the dragon tattoo emphasizes his willingness to take any steps to protect congenial people. He values ​​such qualities as:

  • loyalty;
  • friendship;
  • trust;
  • bravery;
  • justice.

A tattoo of a reptile with wings on a man’s hand will tell you all about this. Guys who are followers of Eastern religions and martial arts often decorate their hands with dragons. Flying reptiles “help” young people stay on the chosen path and achieve your goals.

Image of a winged lizard on the leg

Having decided to get a dragon tattoo, you need to choose the location of the image, and here you will have to think about your lifestyle, place of work or study. For example, many reputable companies do not allow employees to apply tattoos to visible areas of the body. Moreover, initially They do not hire people with tattoos if they are visible. The logical solution in this situation is a tattoo on the leg or a small image on the ankle or foot.

Young people or girls, for whom the dress code does not play any role, can tattoo a winged monster on any part of the body. Many people choose the zone abdomen, chest, lower back, even buttocks and private parts (mostly girls).

The dragon is a character from mythological stories that is most often found in tattoo images. There are many interpretations of the meaning of a dragon tattoo and options for its execution. This image was particularly influenced by Chinese culture.

What does a dragon tattoo mean?

Now there are two types of tattoos with this creature:

  1. The first is a European dragon, which has wings and a body covered with scales. They are found in fairy tales of almost every nation and, as a rule, personify darkness, evil and the devil. They can be depicted as cartoon characters, fire-breathing monsters, in general, whatever your imagination allows.
  2. The second dragon is made in the oriental style, in which the animal resembles a snake and its wings are missing. Such dragons symbolize the four elements: earth, fire, water and air. At the same time, they can be both kind and cruel.

Chinese culture is closely associated with dragons. The throne of the emperor of many dynasties was called the "dragon throne". During the Qing Dynasty, mythical creatures were depicted on the flag. A commoner could even be executed for wearing clothing with a dragon on it.

Chinese dragon tattoo

The distinctive features of the Chinese dragon are:

  • presence of 117 scales on the body;
  • four paws, each of which has five claws;
  • the ability to fly despite the lack of wings;
  • snake-like body.

The main factor due to which such tattoos have gained great popularity is the possibility of using imagination, using bold colors that make it easy to create a creative design.

In addition to being colorful, tattoos can be made in black, shades of gray, or a combination of black and red.

Since dragons are diverse, the background design can be just as diverse. Most often, a dragon drawing is accompanied by images of flames, medieval castles, mountains, flowers or clouds.

Regardless of the location and color of the tattoo, in general it means magic, strength, power, nobility. Most often, the dragon represents how we would like to appear in reality – independent and strong. The tattoo also reminds us of the relationship between man and the environment, since dragons are the lords of the four natural elements.

Dragon tattoo - meaning for girls

When choosing a tattoo design, you need to think about its location. Depending on where the image will be located, the optimal tattoo size is determined. In addition, the appearance of the dragon and its pose can tell a lot:

  1. When applying a tattoo on the shoulder, you should remember that if a dragon lies calmly with its wings folded, then this indicates a state of mental balance.
  2. If the dragon's body is directed upward, then this speaks of good goals and a positive attitude.
  3. If the dragon is directed downward, then this indicates negative intentions.
  4. The creature's spread wings and bare teeth indicate the aggression of the owner of the tattoo, her power and hostile attitude.

Dragon tattoo is the best option. The back is a so-called canvas on which you can create a simply stunning picture.

Girls most often prefer a colorful tattoo with an image of a dragon, made in a fairy-tale style, and less often resort to applying black and white designs.

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