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Pelagium pelvis. Skyrim Mad Mind. Escape Pelagius's mind using Wabbajack

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Walkthrough Crazy Mind. Tell me how to complete the mission??? and got the best answer

Answer from Ana[guru]
So, this is the quest of Daedra Sheogorath. Since it is not indicated where the problem is, I start from the very beginning.
The quest is taken from the “beggar” madman Dervenin. He walks near the Blue Palace, but you must contact him to receive the quest.
So, the quest has been received (and with it the “Pelagius Basin”, which gives the opportunity to go further).
1. We go to the Blue Palace and approach either Firebeard (the manager of the thane), or, if the quest for bandits has not yet been completed, one of the maids.
2. Next, we follow the dialogue (if these are maids, then there will be only one conversation thread, it will be very difficult to miss) and we get the key to the Wing of Pelagius.
3. You can only walk in one direction in this room and you cannot get lost. We pass the place where there used to be a bar counter, perhaps you will knock down the cobwebs there and move further along the corridor.
4. We are teleported to a location called “Mad Mind”, that is, the same as the quest.
5. We listen to the conversation between Pelagius and Sheogorath, have a conversation with the Daedra prince and go to look for a way out of this crazy mind.
6. We have three directions, according to the emperor's mental problems. This is the path of nightmares, the path of paranoia, and in addition, the path of self-hatred.
7. Choose a route: let’s say the first path is the path of nightmares.
7.1. To defeat the nightmares of Pelagius, you need to use Wabbajack (the staff received from Sheogorath) to destroy all obstacles to a restful sleep. I think you know how to use the staff itself. Sequence of actions: "Approach the bed, shoot at Pelagius, turn 180 degrees, shoot at the wolf (he will turn into a goat), shoot at Pelagius, turn left, shoot at the leader of the bandits (he will turn into little Pelagius), shoot at Pelagius, turn to the right from the bed, shoot at the fire atronach (preferably so that the goat does not have time to die), return to Pelagius (shoot), turn left, shoot at the Dragon Priest.
7.2. Then let there be a path of hatred.
We go all the way to the end and see how big Anger beats tiny Confidence. You need to first reduce Anger, then increase Confidence, then reduce Anger again, and increase Confidence again, and then hit a couple of ghosts that appear once before they reduce Confidence. If this happens, they will have to be hit one more time and Confidence will also need to be increased. All size changes are made using the same Wabbajack.
7.3. The path of paranoia.
We arrive at an arena where a pair of atronachs (called Thralls) are fighting. There is our atronach, there is Pelagia. To complete this task, you need to shoot with a staff at the Bodyguards (the guys who sit on both sides of the still insane emperor), and not at the atronachs. Wabbajack affects his atronach, but we shouldn't worry about that in any way. They will first turn into wolves and then disappear.
7.4. We return to Sheo and continue the dialogue.
8. We are waiting for the end of the conversation and with the words “Ta-ta!” we are thrown back into the Pelagia wing.
The quest is over, the reward for the quest is the Wabbajack staff. The effect is unpredictable.
The most common effects: “lightning strike”, “flame”, “freezing”, “strong healing (up to 75 health points)”, “transformation into a rabbit-chicken spider”, “summoning a hostile dremora”, which will first kill the target of the spell, and then try and kill the bearer of the staff.

To start the quest we need to talk to Dervenin, who lives in Solitude:

We meet him on the streets of the city and listen to his request for help. The old man will talk about his master, who has been in a strange madness for a long time. Recently he went to see a friend at the Blue Palace. Everything would be fine, but, according to him, he had not seen his friend for a hundred years. Getting into the Pelagius Wing in the Blue Palace is not so easy, and Drevnin gives us the “Pelagius Basin” as a pass.

- Gain access to the Pelageya Wing in the Blue Palace

We ask him again how to get into the wing, he will say that the entrance is guarded by Faulk Firebeard, but two maids, Una and Erdi, also carry food there. We go to the Blue Palace and talk to any of the maids, they will give you the key without hesitation. You don’t have to contact Faulk, he’ll refuse.

- Use the key and enter Pelagius's wing

The entrance to the wing is immediately at the bottom left, use the key to enter.

- Find Mr. Drevenin in the Pelagius wing

We go left and up the stairs, then past the rooms hung with cobwebs.

Calmly examining antiques, we suddenly move to a strange place.

Sheogorath and Pelagius the Mad himself are having a conversation at the table. After finishing the conversation, Pelagius will disappear, and we go to talk with Sheogorath and find out where we are (in the mind of Pelagius the Mad) and who he is (Daedric Prince of Madness). Sheogorath agrees to leave this body, but with one condition - we need to find a way out of this place. The Wabbajack staff should help with this.

- Escape Pelagius's mind using Wabbajack

There are three ways. We go left and see an arena in which two creatures are fighting.

The enemy creature periodically transforms into one of three forms: Fire, Ice and Electric Thrall. With the help of the staff we can also transform our being. At first glance, we just need to win, but no matter how hard we try, the creatures can fight forever. The way out is simple - we shoot from the staff at Pelagius’s guards opposite, they turn into wolves and drive away our opponent. This will relieve the madman from paranoia.

We go back to the table and choose the second path straight. Pelagius' next illness is nightmares.

We see the sleeping Pelagius and shoot at him from the staff. A wolf appears, we turn him into a goat. We repeat the procedure - a man appears with a two-handed weapon, we turn him into a small Pelagius. Next, the witch turns into a woman. The Fire Atronach and Lich simply disappear. We go back and into the last (right) arch.

Here the great Anger of Pelagius beats his little Confidence.

With the help of the staff, we can increase Confidence or decrease Anger, then two ghosts of Self-Doubt appear and try to drive Confidence back. It’s not difficult to first reduce Anger, and then increase Confidence twice and all bad qualities will disappear.

We return to Sheogorath and talk about our successes. He is about to leave, calls the Ancient One and sends a servant to his future habitat. Then he says goodbye, gives Wabbajack's staff and returns us to Pelagius's Wing. If you go further along the corridor, at the bottom there will be a couple of books that improve skills.

To begin this quest, travel to Solitude. There, not far from the College of Bards or the Hall of the Dead, you will meet a man of no fixed abode, whose name is Dervenin. He will complain to you that his master once went to the Blue Palace to have tea with his friend, but has never returned since then. As a necessary item to get to the place where they drink tea, Dervenin will give out Pelagius' basin. Hardcore fans of the series should immediately guess who these two friends from the palace are.

If you are determined to complete the task, then you need to find the key to the closed Pelagius Wing in the Blue Palace. There are several options to find it:

  • Complete the big quest “The Man Who Cried Wolf,” which begins with a conversation between Jarl Elisif the Fair and Faulk Firebeard. After this, Faulk will give you the key.
  • Talk to Erdi, an ordinary maid. Persistently ask her for the key and she will give it to you.
  • Talk to Una. This one doesn't even need convincing.

Opening the door, you will go into a room overgrown with cobwebs and not representing anything interesting. The same ruin and desolation reign on the second floor, but when you go a little further, the situation around you will change dramatically, and in a moment you will find yourself in some kind of Daedric plane.

In the middle of a dark grove with stone arches there is a table filled to capacity with food, at which two men are sitting. If you want to protect your presence here with a sharp sword or a thunderstorm in your sleeve, then nothing will work: in this place you are unarmed. The only thing you can do is go to the table and listen to what the two people sitting at it are talking about. It turns out that one of them is the mentally unstable Emperor Pelagius III, and the second is the Daedric Prince Sheogorath.

Talk to Sheogorath. After a short conversation, he will hand you the Wabbajack staff and invite you to walk around and complete three tasks behind each of the three stone arches.

Behind the first arch you will see a bed standing in the middle of a clearing. Sleeping in the bed is none other than Emperor Pelagius III. Use the staff on him to cause his "nightmares", and then use the staff to turn them into peaceful "dreams". When you succeed, use Wabbajack on Pelagius again, and then turn the "nightmare" into a "dream". And so on until Pelagius wakes up.

In another clearing, you will witness an unequal battle between the giant “Anger” and the dwarf “Confidence”. Work on "Anger" to reduce it, and on "Confidence" to raise a dwarf. At the same time, “Doubt” may also appear, which will take one side of the battle, then the other.

Paranoia Pelagius

Behind the third arch is an arena in which two atronachs fight. One of the atronachs periodically transforms into ice and fire, and you can transform the second one yourself. But this will not lead to any result - the creatures can fight forever. Use your staff to influence the guard of Pelagius, who is sitting just opposite you. The guards will turn into wolves and drive your opponent away.

While wandering around Solitude, you can hear conversations in a tavern about a crazy poor man who wanders through the streets of the city and constantly mutters something. You can find him near the Blue Palace: Dervenin will walk along the street and complain about the disappearance of his owner.

When you talk to him, the Skyrim quest Mad Mind will begin and Dervenin will complain that his master is neglecting his duties. He will also say that the owner is now in the Pelagius wing of the Blue Palace at a tea party with his old friend, and then he will give you the pelvic bone of Pelagius, adding that you will need it in the future. After talking with the madman, you should go to the Blue Palace, find the maid there and convince her to give you the key or simply steal it.

You can also try to persuade Folk Firebeard to let you in if you have completed the quest The Man Who Cried Wolves. After entering the dilapidated wing, walking a short distance and collecting some silver items for sale, you will have to cut the cobwebs to move forward, after which you will be transported to a mysterious kingdom.

After teleporting, you will find that you are wearing a new set of good clothes, and all the items from your inventory are gone (they will appear after completing the Skyrim Crazy Mind quest). Looking around, you will see an unusual dinner taking place surrounded by arches of a misty forest: one dinner participant is dressed expensively and sits on a throne, and the second, Pelagius the Mad, looks rather sad.

After complaining about his many hardships, Pelagius will leave, not paying attention to encouragement, after which you will need to approach his interlocutor and begin a dialogue with him. To your surprise, your interlocutor will be the Daedric prince of madness, Sheogorath.

Tell him that you have a message for him and that it is time for him to end his vacation. The prince will agree to leave only on one condition - you must get out of Pelagius’ consciousness on your own, and he will provide you with the Wabbajack staff as an assistant. Now you have to go through three situations, entering the arches that appear one by one.

After entering the first arch, you will find Pelagius sleeping in a bed on the forest edge. Sheogorath will tell you that he has been tormented by nightmares since childhood and will tell you to rid him of them. Use Wabbajack on Pelagia and then on each of his nightmares.

After the attack, the nightmares will turn into various harmless things - they do not need to be touched, use the staff on Pelagia again to summon the rest of his fears. If you fail to protect the unfortunate man long enough, the scene will begin again.

During all this time, you will have to fight with a wolf, a fire atronach, a bandit, a sorceress, and a dragon priest who can summon an ice atronach. After defeating the last one, Pelagius will awaken and this stage will be completed.

In the second episode of the Crazy Mind in Skyrim, you will encounter a huge Wrath beating up little Confidence Pelagius. The prince tells you to figure out their sizes. Use Wabbajack on Anger until it gets small, and then on Confidence until it reaches Anger's previous size (Confidence will try to return to its previous size, so it needs to be increased as quickly as possible).

In the last episode you will see a stone arena in which two thunder atronachs are fighting. One of the fighters belongs to you, and the second belongs to your opponent, who sits surrounded by guards on the balcony of the arena on the opposite side.

This time, Sheogorath wants you to find your paranoia and win. If you shoot at atronachs, only their type will change (from frost to fire and vice versa), but this will not affect the result of the battle in any way. You need to shoot one of your opponent's guards with a Wabbajack, then they will turn into wolves and kill him, and Sheogorath will praise you for your resourcefulness.

Now, to complete the passage of the Mad Mind in Skyrim, all you have to do is return to the Daedric Prince. He will tell you that you were able to correct Pelagius's mind, and as a reward he will leave you a Wabbajack and send you back to the real world.

Review Quest giver Dervenin Location Solitude, Blue Palace, Madman's Mind Reward Wabbajack Type Daedra Quest Previous quest Find out about a man roaming the streets near the College of Bards
  • Main article: Quests (Skyrim)

Crazy mind(orig. The Mind of Madness) - quest of the Daedric Prince in the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Brief walkthrough

  1. Talk to Dervenin;
  2. Gain access to the Pelagius Wing;
  3. Find Mr. Dervenin;
  4. Talk to Mr. Dervenina;
  5. Heal Pelagius' Mind:
    • restore Pelagius' confidence;
    • save Pelagius from nightmares;
    • cure Pelagius of paranoia;
  6. Return to Sheogorath.


Talk to Dervenin

The quest is given by a beggar mad Bosmer - Dervenin. You can meet him in Solitude, where he wanders alone in the area of ​​the Blue Palace. He constantly mutters something under his breath about his master and complains that no one wants to help him, everyone turns away.

If the Dovahkiin takes pity and asks the unfortunate man what he needs, the madman will confusingly say that his master went to the Blue Palace to spend a vacation there with his friend, after which he got stuck between worlds. At the same time, not a word will be said about who is the owner of Dervenin. But, according to the tramp, he himself and a certain people long for the return of this gentleman.

Dervenin tried to get into the palace himself, but the courtiers and servants laughed at him, and the guards kicked him out. Since he cannot get inside on his own, he asks all passers-by to help him in this matter.

If our hero decides to help the poor fellow, agreeing to at least go to the palace and try to figure out this nonsense, then Dervenin will surprise and confuse him even more. For some reason, he will give you a part of the human skeleton, namely the pelvic bone, saying that it will come in handy, and will advise you to start the search for your master with the Wing of Pelagius.

Well, now that the decision has been made, we need to go to the Blue Palace.

Gain access to the Pelagius wing

In the palace, in order not to bother Jarl Elisif the Fair with any nonsense, we turn to her steward, Folk Firebeard. After listening, he will notice that the wing in which the twelfth emperor of the Septim Empire, Pelagius III, also called the Mad, once lived, has long been closed and is not visited by anyone, and will advise him to abandon this matter.

If Dovahkiin has already carried out some of Folk’s orders and earned some reputation in the palace, then the steward may still be able to be persuaded to give out the key to the Wing of Pelagius. Otherwise, you will have to turn to the broom and rag workers, local maids Una or Erdi. The girls are much simpler than the jarl’s sophisticated manager, so they will believe the lie that our hero was sent to the Pelagius Wing by Folk, and will easily part with the treasured key.

Find Mr. Dervenin

Looking around in the Pelagius Wing, one might think that Dervenin, after all, has gone completely crazy. Here there is chaos and devastation, typical for premises that no one has visited for decades. Everything around is covered with a layer of dust, the corners and ceiling are thickly covered with cobwebs, in some places bearded moss grows on the walls, and furniture and household utensils are lying around everywhere. But since the hero has come so far, it’s still worth making sure that the wing is completely uninhabited. You will have to clear the path in the web and climb to the second floor.

Here the same picture awaits the already doubting investigator, but before he has time to reach the middle of the corridor, everything around him will suddenly fade and the surrounding situation will change dramatically. Dovahkiin will suddenly find himself in a strange place - a foggy, dead forest - and will witness a phantasmagoric picture: in a clearing there is a laid table, and two people are having a casual conversation and drinking tea. One is dressed in rich clothes, and the second is a strange subject - in something colorful and completely unimaginable.

Talk to Mr. Dervenina

Approaching the table and listening to the conversation, it becomes clear that the rich man is none other than the long-dead Emperor Pelagius the Mad, and the strange one is Sheogorath himself, the Daedric Prince of Madness! What an unexpected turn! Having finished the conversation, Pelagius will leave, disappearing into the cloud of the portal, and Sheogorath will finally turn his attention to the modest person of our protégé. Having weighed all the facts, the Dragonborn guesses: Sheogorath is the gentleman Dervenin is waiting for!

Having heard Dovahkiin's story, the Lord of Madness admits that he has indeed already visited this unusual place, which is the embodiment of what remains of the dead, sick mind of Pelagius III. But Sheogorath would not be one of the Daedra Princes if he agreed to just leave here. He sets a condition: our hero must independently find a way out of the Madman’s Mind. And to do this, it is necessary to restore the emperor’s shattered sanity. Moreover, neither weapons nor spells can be used here. As a solution to all possible problems, the Dragonborn will be given a Daedric artifact - the Wabbajack staff! Well, you'll have to play psychotherapist.

Heal Pelagius' Mind

Pelagius's mind is tormented by three pathologies that our hero will have to heal: low self-esteem, nightmares and paranoia. The same number of roads marked with arches go in different directions from the central clearing. Which one to choose first is up to you.

Restore Pelagius' confidence

Traveling to the southeast, the protagonist will soon witness the following scene: a large Anger in the form of a soldier of the Imperial Legion beats up a tiny Confidence, which looks like a miniature version of Pelagius. To help Confidence and restore it, you need to use Wabbajack to reduce Anger and then increase Confidence.

After repeating the procedure, the ghosts of Doubt will come to the aid of the diminished Anger. There are two of them and if they get to Confidence, they can reduce it again. We won't allow it! We use Wabbajack on them, after which Doubt and Anger disappear, and Confidence is considered restored.

Free Pelagius from nightmares

The northwestern path will lead our newly minted psychiatrist to a clearing covered in red haze, in the middle of which there is a bed. Sleeping in the bed is another facet of the emperor’s destroyed psyche - Pelagius the Tortured. Tormented, it must be said, by those same nightmares.
  • Since there is nothing else in the clearing, there is nothing left to do but use Wabbajack on the sleeping patient. Immediately after this, the embodiment of the first nightmare will appear - a wolf. The animal will immediately rush at Pelagius, so you need to have time to hit him with the staff, after which the wolf will turn into a goat.
  • Next, without further delay, you need to use Wabbajack on Pelagia again. The next nightmare will be a bandit clad in armor. He immediately rushes at the sleeping man, but he himself is attacked by a goat! It is necessary to prevent Pelagius from inflicting too many blows and preventing him from killing the goat. After using the staff, the bandit will turn into a young little Pelagius.
  • The next nightmare will be the sorceress, who, under the influence of Wabbajack, will turn into a passionate maiden from Pelagius’s youth.
  • Next, the patient’s irrepressible imagination will give birth to a fiery atronach. The atronach will immediately be turned into a bonfire in the middle of the clearing.
  • The last nightmare will be the dragon priest. After using the staff on the priest, the latter will turn into a treasure chest near the fire, and Pelagius the Tortured will finally wake up, joining the idyllic picture: a passionate maiden and little Pelagius playing with a goat near the fire and chest. Nightmares healed.

Heal Pelagius from paranoia

In the gladiatorial arena, to which the last, north-eastern path leads, two thunder atronachs fight, and on the opposite side of the box, in the company of a pair of bodyguards, sits another side of the psyche - Pelagius the Suspicious.

Using Wabbajack on Atronachs will not end well. They will simply invariably turn into atronachs of other elements. Therefore, the logic is simple: use the staff on the audience. Clicking on one of the bodyguards will cause them both to turn into wolves and gnaw on Paranoia, that is, Pelagius the Suspicious, after which all three will disappear. Now the emperor's mind is completely restored!

Return to Sheogorath

Upon his return, Sheogorath, in his repertoire, will greet Dovahkiin with the remark: “ No, well, do you have to come and distract? I'm busy making fish fingers. This requires a subtle state of mind!“However, then he admits that our hero has fulfilled his part of the deal.

Without delaying the matter, the Prince of Madness collects himself, listing what he might have forgotten: “ Well, let's check, did I forget anything? Cloth? Eat. Beard? Eat! Baggage? Baggage! Where do I put my luggage?“The “baggage” that Dervenin will turn out to be will not take long to arrive.

After a short dialogue, the servant and master will immediately leave for the Shivering Isles, but before that Sheogorath will tell the Dragonborn: “ As for you, my little mortal minion... You can keep the Wabbajack. As a sign of my... Oh, just take this nasty thing away!»

After this, our hero will again find himself in the middle of the corridor of the second floor of the Pelagius Wing. That's it, the task is considered completed and, finally, you can put on your usual clothes. But don't rush to leave! It is worth reaching the end of the corridor and going down to the basement. There, on one of the boxes, there is a textbook “A Feast of Thieves” (“Hacking”).


  • Daedric artifact, Wabbajack staff - Sheogorath's reward for completing the task.
  • Textbook "Feast of Thieves" (Hacking).
  • Taz of Pelagius - after completing the task, it ceases to be a quest item and can be sold or kept for collection.


  • In the Mind of a Madman, Dovahkiin automatically equips rich clothes, rich boots and a rich headdress. He will have to flaunt this outfit until the completion of the task, because until he returns to the Blue Palace there will be no opportunity to take it off.
  • While Dovahkiin is in the Madman's Mind, inventory, magic and the world map will be closed for use.
  • Upon returning to Nirn, everything that was found in the Madman's Mind (utensils, food, insects), as well as the clothes that Dovahkiin was wearing there, will remain.
  • In a conversation with Pelagius, Sheogorath makes a large number of references to events The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, hinting that he had absorbed the memories of the Champion of Cyrodiil.
  • The passionate maiden from Pelagius' dreams has a male voice.
  • The first meeting with Sheogorath takes place during a tea party in the middle of the forest. This is a reference to Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland.
  • In the original, the quest was larger, but for unknown reasons it was cut down.


  • PC 360 PS3 If you hit Pelagius the Tortured on the path of nightmares, he will wake up and get up, but then fall back to sleep.
  • PC 360 PS3 Wabbajack may not work on attackers, making the quest impossible.
    • Solution: hit Pelagius before the enemies.
  • 360 It happens that no one in the Blue Palace gives out the key to the Pelagius wing.
  • PC 360 PS3 Sometimes, after talking with Sheogorath at the end of the mission, he may not teleport Dovahkiin back.
    • Solution: talk to him again.
      • 360 After this, Dervenin teleports to the Madman's Mind. If at this moment you accidentally hit him with your fist, then all dialogues will be skipped, and Dovahkiin will teleport to the corridor of the second floor of the Pelagius Wing.
Important: if you do this, then a reward of 40 septims will be assigned for Dovahkiin in Haafingar (even if he is in the Madman's Mind), and after returning to the Blue Palace, the guards will try to detain the protagonist.
  • 360 PS3 If you quickly run through the Pelagius wing to the teleportation zone in the Madman's Mind, the loading may fail.
  • 360 PS3 Sometimes a dragon can appear in the Madman's Mind. If this happens, you should load your latest save. ( fixed in patch 1.9 beta)
  • Opponents may sometimes say the phrase: “ Skyrim for Nords!»
  • PC 360 PS3 When approaching the teleportation zone in the Mind of the Madman in the Wing of Pelagius, the game may freeze.
    • Solution: remove equipped items and use third-person mode.
  • PC At the beginning of the quest, Sheogorath may give out a staff with zero charge, making it impossible to use.
    • Solution: loading the last save or using the console command tgm (god mode). In this mode, the magic weapon's charge is not consumed when used, and the staff works normally.
  • After completing part of the quest to rid Pelagius of his nightmares, the red haze may not disappear. After completing the quest, this effect can be observed even on the streets of Solitude.
    • Solution: Fast travel to any open location.

Quest stages

To go to a specific stage of the quest, enter in the console:

Setstage DA15 stage

where the stage parameter is a number, the stage of the quest (all stages are listed below).

Mad Mind (ID: DA15)
StageDiary entry
10 Dervenin asks me to talk to his master about returning from vacation. To do this, I need to get to the Pelagius Wing in the Blue Palace.

(Journal entry): Gain access to the Pelagius Wing of the Blue Palace.

45 (Quest updated): Use the key and enter the Pelagius Wing.
50 Dervenin asks me to talk to his master about returning from vacation. His master must be somewhere in the Pelagius Wing of the Blue Palace.

(Journal entry): Find Mr. Dervenin in the Pelagius Wing.

100 Dervenin wants his master Sheogorath to return from vacation. I managed to find Sheogorath, and he took me into the mind of Pelagius. If I can find my way home, Sheogorath promised that he too will return.

(Journal entry): Escape Pelagius's mind using Wabbajack.

150 (Quest updated):

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