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Temperature in the children's room. Ideal temperature in a newborn's room

With the birth of a child, troubles significantly increase in any family. Every mother wants to create the most comfortable living conditions for her newly born baby. She must not only provide the baby with the necessary care, but also ensure that the humidity and air temperature in the child’s room correspond to the parameters recommended by pediatricians.

The child does not care what brand of crib he sleeps in or what color stroller he is taken for a walk in. But the temperature and humidity in his room are of great importance, since an uncomfortable environment contributes to the development of most diseases. In addition, failure to comply with the necessary parameters can cause a deterioration in the baby’s mood.

Therefore, to prevent diseases in newborns, it is very important to maintain optimal climatic conditions indoors.

Comfortable temperature in the baby's room

Most pediatricians agree that the optimal temperature in a newborn baby’s room should vary from 18 to 22 C˚. They consider this temperature to be comfortable for the normal well-being of the baby and its further development.

The widely known doctor Komarovsky today claims that in the room where a newborn baby is located, the temperature should be within 18 - 19 degrees. In his opinion, this is the optimal temperature regime for a baby.

Maintaining indoor temperature conditions in winter becomes much more difficult. This is due to the fact that during the heating season, the supply of heat to homes does not depend on us. Therefore, even in winter it is necessary to maintain the temperature no higher than 23 degrees.

Another important condition for the baby’s well-being is maintaining the required temperature indicators at night. If the room is too cold or hot, the baby's sleep will be restless, with frequent awakenings and whims. The ideal temperature for a restful baby's sleep should not exceed 22 degrees.

It is necessary to select the optimal temperature regime for the baby, taking into account his individual characteristics. Mothers must determine for themselves at what temperature their baby sleeps more peacefully.

Remember that normal air circulation is not possible if there is a canopy hanging over the crib or if bumpers are used to decorate the crib.

Temperature conditions while bathing a baby

During water procedures, it is also necessary to maintain appropriate air temperature parameters in the room. Most parents believe that the temperature in the newborn's bathing room should be maintained at a higher level than usual. However, they are deeply mistaken. If you bathe an infant in a warmer room, then at the end of the water procedures, returning to the usual climatic conditions, he will certainly freeze.

This means that when planning to bathe the baby, you do not need to additionally heat the bathroom. The baby should bathe at his usual temperature. After bathing, you just need to wrap your baby in a warm towel for a short time. If parents want to harden their child from infancy, then immediately after water procedures they should give him air baths for several minutes.

Thus, there is no need to additionally heat the room at night and while the baby is bathing. The air temperature in the room must be maintained at the same level at all times.

Temperature for premature babies

It should be noted that the above room temperature standards are applicable only for children born on time. For a premature baby, other conditions must be observed. The optimal temperature regime for him is one that ranges from 24 to 25 C, since these children’s own thermoregulation is often impaired.

Dangers associated with overheating or hypothermia in an infant


Experts in the field of pediatrics have long noticed that overheating of an infant poses more dangers than hypothermia. During metabolic processes, which occur much faster in infants than in adults, a certain amount of heat accumulates in the body. Excess heat is released either through the surface of the skin or during breathing. The release of excess heat through breathing becomes much more difficult at high indoor temperatures. Then heat transfer occurs at an accelerated rate through the skin with the help of the sweating system. The baby sweats, appears red, the pulse becomes more frequent, and breathing becomes difficult.

All this increases the child’s tearfulness, makes him lethargic and deprives him of calm. This can also cause dermatitis and disrupt metabolic processes and heat transfer. In this regard, the temperature standard in the children's room must be strictly observed by parents.


Hypothermia of a newborn baby is no less dangerous. Excessive coolness can provoke the development of colds in a child, which is fraught with a number of dangerous complications.

Therefore, the temperature in the room for the newborn must be strictly observed in accordance with existing standards and recommendations of pediatricians.

Ways to maintain the temperature in a newborn's room

Before setting the optimal temperature in the room, you need to decide which temperature regime is most comfortable for your child. You can find out the optimal room temperature for your baby quite easily:

  1. the child feels well and sleeps peacefully;
  2. the baby does not experience redness or prickly heat;
  3. the so-called “goose bumps” are not observed on the baby’s skin, and his legs and arms are warm;
  4. The child's breathing is not difficult, the pulse is not rapid.

If the temperature parameters in the room do not meet the standards, some steps should be taken to regulate the air temperature.

If the temperature in the child’s room is elevated, regulation is carried out using air conditioning or room ventilation. It’s better to go for a walk with your baby at this time. The air conditioner must be installed in the room next door, or in the same room, but far from the child. Heating radiators should be covered with a thick blanket or blanket.

When the air temperature in the children's room is low, you can maintain optimal temperature indicators by turning on the heaters.

Is there no way to control the temperature in the room?

Parents are not always able to maintain the desired temperature in the room in which the child is located. In this case it is necessary:

  1. Give your baby plenty of water if the room is stuffy and the air temperature is high;
  2. The baby should be dressed based on the temperature in the room. If the temperature is higher than normal, then it is enough to wear only panties. If the room is cold, then you definitely need rompers, socks and a vest made of warm material.
  3. You should bathe your baby based on the air temperature in the room. In a hot room, the bathing procedure can be repeated several times throughout the day.

Creating optimal climatic conditions in a room for a newborn baby will have a positive impact on the baby’s well-being, health and mood.

A comfortable atmosphere in a children's room is necessary for the health and well-being of every baby. It is not surprising that parents strive to maintain optimal air temperature and humidity at home.

However, fearing that the baby will freeze, some adults try to warm it up by any means, allowing it to overheat through improper actions.

This is why it is so important to know what the temperature in a newborn’s room should be and adjust its parameters to suit your baby.

One of the main features of a baby is the high rate of metabolic processes in his body, even during sleep. During metabolism, a certain amount of heat is released, which requires release into the environment.

In the human body, heat exchange occurs in two ways - through the respiratory system and through sweating:

1. In the first case, the child breathes air whose temperature is lower than body temperature.

Air masses, having passed through the “air duct” and the lungs, begin to heat up in order to carry away excess heat with exhalation. If the air temperature is significantly lower than the child’s temperature, then heat transfer increases.

2. The process of sweating is also important for the functioning of the human body. The increased temperature “blocks” the respiratory mechanism, which is why sweating is activated.

The excretory system of the baby produces fluids that come out onto the skin and remove salts necessary for the body.

As a result, the child begins to overheat, the symptoms of which are:

  • drying of saliva, which can lead to candidiasis (thrush);
  • the appearance of crusts and scabs in the nasal passage, making normal breathing difficult;
  • problems with the tummy, since the lack of fluid does not allow the organs of the gastrointestinal tract to absorb milk (gastric juice thickens);
  • the occurrence of diaper rash - redness of the skin under the diaper and in the folds (this is how the baby’s skin reacts to salty sweat).

Increased sweating is extremely dangerous for the child’s body, since in special situations such severe loss of fluid occurs that to eliminate it, emergency hospitalization is carried out and intravenous infusions are prescribed.

Hypothermia is just as dangerous for a child, since it increases the risk of colds, which are fraught with the most serious undesirable consequences.

Signs of hypothermia in a child's body are:

  • cold hands and feet;
  • bluish tint of the skin in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle;
  • pale skin.

To eliminate both of these conditions - overheating and hypothermia - parents need to maintain normal air temperature and humidity so that the baby feels as comfortable as possible.

You should not rely on the advice of experienced mothers or grandmothers when it comes to your baby’s health. Moreover, pediatricians and neonatologists have long determined the basic physical parameters for a children's room.

So, according to their research, the room temperature for a healthy newborn should be between 18-22 degrees. You can monitor these indicators using a thermometer near the baby’s crib.

However, that’s not all, since the optimal room temperature in an apartment depends on several conditions:

  • For normal sleep and relaxation in summer, it is necessary to maintain the temperature within 18 degrees. To prevent overheating, you will most likely have to purchase.
  • With the beginning of the heating season, the temperature in the room of a tiny newborn changes significantly, as does the humidity. If during the period of activity of children the temperature can be within 23-24 degrees, then for sleep you can use an air conditioner to bring the readings to 18-20 degrees (this is the norm).
  • In general, it is especially important to prevent the child from overheating during sleep. Normal room temperature at night should not exceed 22 degrees. In an overheated room, it will be uncomfortable and stuffy for a child to sleep, so babies will wake up and cry.

In addition, the baby’s personal characteristics should be taken into account: some will be able to sleep at 19 degrees, but for other children such a room temperature will seem too cold. That is why every mother should monitor whether her infant’s feet are cold and whether he is wet during sleep.

You should also take into account the fact that the above temperature indicators are only suitable for children born at term.

A premature baby needs to create special conditions, since his thermoregulation is poorly developed. Therefore, the room temperature for a premature newborn is 25 degrees.

It is important to observe the temperature regime not only for the room in which the child sleeps and rests, but also in the bathing room. Some parents are sure that a child up to the age of five can and should be bathed in a heated room. However, they are wrong.

If you bathe your baby in a hot room, then after moving to a cool bedroom the baby may become hypothermic and catch a cold. Therefore, you should not deliberately overheat the room for swimming.

If you want to harden your baby from birth, gradually accustoming him to low temperatures, on the contrary, after bathing, do not rush to dress him in numerous clothes, but give him an air bath.

To ensure that the temperature in the newborn's room corresponds to optimal values, you need to determine what “weather” is most suitable for your baby. You don’t have to worry about overheating and hypothermia if:

  • the child feels normal and behaves calmly during sleep;
  • the child’s skin is dry, no redness is observed;
  • the child’s limbs are warm, he is not covered with goosebumps;
  • breathing and heartbeat are not too rapid.

When the air temperature differs significantly from standard values, it is necessary to immediately begin optimizing the home microclimate.

Your actions will depend on how many degrees in the room are too much or too little.

If your home is hot and stuffy, you can:

  • regularly ventilate the room (3-4 times a day), taking the child to another room at this time or going for a walk with him;
  • install the air conditioner away from the child - in another room or at a distance from the baby (he should not fall under the directed air jets of the air conditioner);
  • radiators blazing with heat are covered with thick blankets, blankets, and blankets that retain the heat inside;
  • remove excess clothing from an infant - you can leave the baby in one diaper;
  • Constantly supplement the child with water to prevent overheating and reduce the risk of dehydration;
  • bathe your baby in slightly cool water more often;
  • get rid of various bedside canopies, which not only serve as a dust collector, but also interfere with heat transfer.

If the temperature is low and the child is cold, it is necessary to purchase a heater that cannot be placed next to the crib in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

If the room temperature exceeds 20 degrees, in addition to turning on the air conditioner, it is necessary to monitor the “suit” of the infant. There is no need to put on a hat and socks; a regular undershirt will suffice, and a bodysuit is best.

Since a baby wrapped in diapers cannot warm up by moving, it is necessary to dress him a little warmer to avoid hypothermia.

It is believed that swaddling somewhat disrupts natural heat transfer, so the child is definitely not in danger of overheating.

The child also practically does not move in his sleep, which is why he is usually covered additionally, but first you need to check the temperature regime. At temperatures above 18 degrees, cotton blankets are not recommended.

Remember that in a room where the air conditioner is running, and you are a little cool, the child, on the contrary, is warm and comfortable.

Before dressing him in numerous clothes, touch his limbs - if they are warm, then the baby is warm. If the skin is reddish and moist, then the child is hot.


Another important indicator of a normal microclimate is air humidity.

Most often, the apartment is quite dry, especially with the beginning of the heating season. This is why parents need to maintain ideal humidity - around 50-70 percent.

You can find out its indicators using a special device.

If the air is too dry, you can correct the situation by purchasing a high-quality humidifier. Can't buy an automatic device? Increase your humidity levels with these old grandma techniques:

  • place jars or basins of water around the crib;
  • install an open aquarium next to the child;
  • hang wet towels on the radiators.

So, the optimal temperature in the room of a healthy newborn usually does not exceed 18-20 degrees. Ideal humidity levels range from 50 to 70 percent.

Such parameters are important for the well-being, mood and health of the little person. It is in your power to create for him the best conditions for normal growth and development!

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Environmental conditions play an important role in the development of the infant, who is forced to spend most of the first months of life indoors. Therefore, the temperature in the room for a newborn should be optimal and comfortable. Constant hypothermia or overheating of a child, as well as sudden changes in temperature, can lead to the development of a number of conditions that are fraught with unpleasant consequences and chronic diseases.

Even if the temperature in the room seems optimal to you, carefully monitor your child’s well-being: if he feels comfortable, there is nothing to worry about

The conditions in the room where the child lives are determined by his condition, vital signs and reaction to the environment. The weaker the baby, the more comfortable the indicators should be. For example, the temperature in the room of a newborn born on time and without any deviations is 19°-21°C. If the baby is premature, he will develop better at an air temperature of at least 24°-25°C. If the baby is strong and vigorous, natural hardening can be introduced, starting from birth. In this case, the thermometer readings should not exceed 18°-19°C.

The main mistake parents make is trying to adjust the newborn to conditions that seem comfortable for an adult body. In fact, with age, a person’s thermoregulation processes are disrupted due to an incorrect lifestyle. And kids are able to adapt to environmental conditions without problems. This gives rise to an interesting paradox. In prosperous families, where the child is cared for by parents and numerous relatives, such hothouse conditions are created that the child’s skin does not have the opportunity to breathe. Therefore, such children often get sick. And in dysfunctional families, where the baby is left to his own devices and no one controls the temperature, the level of colds among newborns is an order of magnitude lower.

It is important to remember that it is necessary to prepare the conditions in the room before the baby arrives. The temperature and humidity must be adjusted in advance. In addition, the indicators should not change sharply. The thermometer should be located close to the newborn's crib, in the same plane - this will help to always get the correct numbers.

Try not to wrap your child up unnecessarily, because overheating has no less harmful effects than hypothermia.

Accelerated metabolism and an incompletely formed thermoregulation system lead to the fact that infants produce heat very intensively. This occurs with the help of the lungs and the entire surface of the skin. If there is a significant increase in air temperature in the newborn’s room, the baby has to inhale warm air, he cannot get rid of internal heat and begins to sweat. And with sweat comes mineral salts and water, which are so necessary for a growing body.

If the air temperature in the room is higher than normal, this can be easily determined by the child’s condition:

  • in the natural folds and flexures of the joints, redness appears, turning into diaper rash;
  • The baby often opens his mouth as if he is not getting enough air. Gradually, breathing from the nasal becomes oral;
  • Body temperature may rise slightly;
  • as a result of intense loss of water and digestive disorders, newborns may experience abdominal pain and bloating;
  • crusts appear in the nose, which also interfere with normal breathing.

As a result of hypothermia, a cold may develop, which will significantly weaken the child’s body.

If the room is too hot, bathe your child more often: this will make it easier to tolerate high air temperatures.

Most often, the temperature in a living room does not fall below 20°-22°C. This may be due to hot weather or the heating season, when it is impossible to adjust the indicators yourself.

If it is impossible to artificially create the optimal temperature in the newborn’s room, you must:

  • ensure that a sufficient amount of fluid enters the child’s body;
  • minimize the amount of clothing;
  • organize water procedures. The water temperature during bathing should be as close as possible to the temperature in the room, then the baby will not notice the difference and will not catch a cold.

If the humidity in the baby's room is very low, place an aquarium or just any containers with water there.

In addition to the temperature in the newborn’s room, it is also necessary to monitor the humidity. There is rarely high humidity in the room, but excessive dry air is very common. If you do not monitor this indicator, drying out of the newborn's mucous membranes, sleep disturbances, accelerated fluid loss, and changes in the child's behavior may develop. To prevent this, you can install an aquarium or ordinary containers with water in the room. The relative humidity of the environment should not fall below 50%.

The humidity and temperature in the newborn's room should be monitored daily. Do not neglect regular ventilation and wet cleaning with a minimum amount of cleaning chemical components.

Autumn is coming and we are looking forward to the start of the heating season. It becomes uncomfortable in an apartment without heating on chilly autumn days. Sometimes it seems that being on the street is different from being at home. And if there is a small child, then the unpleasant coolness becomes a real problem for parents.

What do doctors think?

I would like to know what temperature should be in the nursery where the newborn stays all day. Pediatricians believe that a comfortable room temperature for a child is 22°C. Some doctors recommend not raising a baby in greenhouse conditions, but hardening him at a temperature of 19°C. For an adult, these are not very comfortable conditions, but in a baby, natural protective mechanisms are triggered, and he adapts to the environment faster than adults.

It’s interesting, but true: the more persistently parents try to create greenhouse conditions for the baby, the more sick he gets. It has been noticed that the opposite is true: the room temperature in the room where the child sleeps does not particularly bother anyone, and children grow up almost without getting sick.

What happens to a newborn when there is excess heat?

The higher the room temperature in the nursery, the less heat the child’s body loses. Thus, the baby sweats, which is a bad sign. It is not for nothing that pediatricians believe that it is better for a child to be a little cold than to overheat.

Sweating, the baby loses water and salt, he develops diaper rash or redness in those areas of the skin where the arms and legs are bent, on the back of the head and back. The child suffers from abdominal pain due to poor digestion of food due to loss of water, and dry crusts appear in the nose. It is advisable that the room temperature in the nursery be measured with a working thermometer, and not with the feelings of the parents. The thermometer can be hung closer to the newborn's crib.

Not cold and not hot

It happens that the level cannot be changed to the optimal state. There is no need to be afraid that your child will get sick in a cool room. A newborn has such an active metabolism that his normal room temperature can be about 18°C, and he will sleep sweetly and feel comfortable. It is not recommended to wrap your baby up if the room is 20°C.

During water procedures, you should not specifically heat the room, otherwise, after heating, the child will “catch” the temperature difference in the bathroom and in another room with his sensitive nose and may catch a cold.

Indoor humidity

Dry air leads to the fact that the child’s body loses fluid, and the mucous membrane and skin dry out. Comfortable humidity should be 50%, no less. To increase it, you can place a container of water or a humidifier near the baby’s crib.


Don't forget that the baby's room should be ventilated several times a day and the optimal room temperature should be maintained. Which? No more than 22°C. Wet cleaning is also important, but only with a minimum amount of detergent. If you follow all the recommendations, the baby will sleep peacefully and delight his parents with his healthy appearance.

The question of what the optimal temperature should be in a newborn's room is controversial. Two main points of view are represented, on the one hand, by orthodox pediatrics, which sets temperature standards in departments for newborns of maternity hospitals at 27 degrees, on the other hand, by Dr. Komarovsky and his followers, who believe that the temperature in a nursery should not exceed 22 degrees .

You can also often read recommendations to constantly keep a thermometer near the baby’s crib and acquire devices that allow you to maintain a constant air temperature in the newborn’s room with an accuracy of one degree. Thus, the question is not only what is the ideal temperature in the baby's room, but also how important it is to maintain it constant.

Warm or cool: what to choose?

It is absolutely fair to note that the mechanisms of thermoregulation in a newborn are still imperfect. In the mother's womb, the baby did not need them - he was in a constant environment where the temperature did not change. Once in this world, the baby immediately experiences a sharp change in temperature. Of course - it decreases from 36–37 degrees to 25–27 ideally. This is in a maternity hospital. And... nothing bad happens. This means that the baby is not as afraid of temperature changes as is commonly believed. Want confirmation? B. Nikitin in his book “Health Reserves for Our Children” writes about little Eskimos who are born in a yurt, where the temperature is slightly above 0 degrees, or even during a long trek in the open air at temperatures down to minus 30. Little Africans are born in heat exceeding 35–40 degrees. At the same time, for thousands of years, people did not have the slightest opportunity to maintain a constant temperature in their home. Even with stove heating, the temperature in the house dropped noticeably by the morning, and after the stove was heated, it became very high. And the babies survived it all! This means that nature itself contains enormous adaptation capabilities in the human child! The task of parents is just not to disturb the child, not to turn him into a greenhouse plant, afraid of any breeze. After all, the child very quickly adapts to a constant temperature in the room, which makes all his adaptation mechanisms, which quickly fade away as unnecessary, completely unnecessary.

Dr. Komarovsky writes that the imperfect mechanisms of a baby’s thermoregulation make the most dangerous thing for him not hypothermia, but overheating. The body must release the heat generated during metabolism into the surrounding atmosphere. And the child can only do this with the help of heat exchange during breathing, because his skin is still poorly adapted to perform this function. Therefore, high indoor air temperatures often lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of diaper rash, diaper rash, and a general decrease in immunity. In addition, if the child is cool, he begins to actively move, moves his legs and arms - and thus develops physically. So the temperature in the room for a newborn should not exceed 20–22 degrees, but it is better to maintain it at about 18 degrees. In this case, the baby can be dressed or wrapped to sleep, but he should be mostly naked when awake.

There is also debate about whether it is possible to install air conditioning in a baby's room, which is especially important in hot climates. An air conditioner will, of course, keep the air temperature close to optimal, but you need to think about ensuring that the air stream from it is not directed at the crib and play area, or that it is turned on when the child is taken out, for example, for a walk.

There is no particular need for air conditioning in most of our country; hot summer days can be easily survived by simply exposing the baby as much as possible and using water games.

Is a draft really that bad?

Many parents are sure that a draft is dangerous not only for a newborn, but also for an older child. However, a draft is simply the movement of air, often cool. It is most unpleasant for parents who grew up in greenhouse conditions. A child, until he is “spoiled” by caring parents, is quite adapted to temperature changes. And the flow of fresh air from the window is not at all scary to him. There is no need to keep the nursery doors and windows closed all the time. The only thing you need to be wary of is a sudden change in air temperature if the child is wet or steamed after bathing in hot water. That is, when it’s hot in your room and your child is sweating while sleeping, you shouldn’t immediately open the window, especially if it’s minus 30 outside.

Thus, no matter what views you hold, no matter what living conditions you have in your home, just try to follow one simple rule: when it’s hot, the baby wears a minimum of clothes (naked is optimal), when it’s cool, put them on. Give your child more freedom to move. Don't be alarmed if your baby has cool hands and feet - these are normal thermoregulation mechanisms. But at the same time, there is no need to create extreme conditions. Follow common sense - and the baby will be healthy and happy with life.

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Healthy babies to all!
Ps. This applies to boys too! There are just more girls here ;-)

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