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Test for children "Are you polite?" Test: Are you a polite person? So, what do I do to take the test?

Test 1

You came to visit and were served a dish that you don’t like. For example, pasta. What will you do when this dish lands on your plate?

A) You say: “I don’t like pasta, they look like worms!” I won’t eat this!”

B) You won’t say anything, but move the plate away from you.

B) Make an effort and eat pasta so as not to offend the owners.

Test 2

You came to your friend’s birthday and sat down at the table with everyone to drink tea and cake. The cake is decorated with a beautiful rose. You want a piece of cake with a rose to go to you. What will you do?

A) Ask the hostess: “Please give me that piece of cake with the rose on it.”

B) Keep silent and eat another piece of cake, because it’s not your birthday, but let the rose go to your friend whose birthday you’re celebrating.

B) Pick the cake with a spoon and move it aside. Without a rose, the cake is tasteless.

Test 3

At the table you were given a linen napkin. Other paper napkins are in the napkin holder. You were sweating and got sauce on your hands. What will you do?

A) Wipe your hands with a paper napkin and your forehead and nose with a handkerchief that is in your pocket.

B) Dry your hands and sweaty face with a linen napkin.

B) Dry your face and hands with a paper towel.

Test 4

You were served hot tea. What will you do?

A) Pour tea from a cup into a saucer.

B) You will blow for tea.

B) Wait until it cools down a bit.

Test 5

You are very hungry and sit down at the table with unwashed hands. Grandma advises you to wash your hands with soap. What will you do?

A) Listen to your grandmother and wash your hands thoroughly.

B) Dry your hands with a napkin.

B) Don't pay attention to your grandmother's advice.

Test 6

Imagine that an elderly man entered the subway car and stood opposite you. What will you do?

A) Immediately stand up and give way to the elderly person.

B) Pretend not to notice him, open the book and begin to leaf through or read it.

B) Ask the person sitting next to you to give your seat to your grandfather.

Test 7

You are traveling on a tram. This is your stop. A lot of people come out here. You are in a hurry! What will you do?

A) You will begin to push forward, not noticing anyone around.

B) Let older people, mothers with small children, people with a heavy burden pass ahead. After all, a few minutes don’t solve anything, but a polite act will help other people!

Test 8

You received a birthday present. What will you do?

A) Unfold it, show it to everyone present, and praise it.

B) Thank you and put it aside to look at later when the guests have left.

B) Put it under your pillow and don’t show it to anyone.

Test 9

You ate a chocolate bar on the street. What do you do with paper wrapping if there is no trash can nearby?

A) Roll up the paper and put it in your pocket or bag to throw it in the trash at home.

B) Discreetly throw the piece of paper into the grass or bushes near the sidewalk or directly onto the sidewalk.

B) Give a paper wrapper to a passerby.

Test 10

You are riding a brand new bicycle in the yard. A friend asked you for permission to ride a little. What will you do?

A) Speed ​​up and rush into the neighboring yard.

B) Let your friend ride your new bike.

B) You’ll say that you need the bike yourself, you haven’t ridden it enough yet, and you’ll give it to a friend to ride tomorrow.

Test 11

You approach the entrance door at the same time as your neighbor. What will you do?

A) Open the door and, holding it, let the neighbor go forward, and only then go in yourself.

B) Enter the door first and slam it in your neighbor’s face.

C) You will wait for the door to be opened for you.

Test 12

Your grandfather treated you to chips. What will you do?

A) Forgetting to say “thank you,” you unwrap the bag of chips and start eating them.

B) Thank your grandfather and, unwrapping the bag, invite him to crunch on the delicious fried potatoes.

B) Hide the chips and eat them when no one is around.

Test 13

There's some delicious sauce left on your plate. What will you do?

A) Leave the plate with the remaining sauce.

B) Wipe the plate clean with a piece of bread.

B) Lick the plate with your tongue.

This test is a means of self-knowledge, self-analysis by students of their personal characteristics, encouraging them to self-development and self-improvement. They give the student information that helps him think about himself and comprehend moral problems together with others. The most important condition is to ensure absolute sincerity, which is achieved by anonymity and the absence of mutual influence of students on each other. The answer to the question should be “yes” or “no”.



Test "Am I kind"

You are offered questions and an answer form, in which you must indicate “yes” or “no” against each question number.

1. You have money. Could you spend everything you have on gifts for friends or family?

2. A friend shares his problems or troubles with you in a conversation. If a topic is not interesting to you, will you let your interlocutor know this?

3. Your partner plays chess or another game poorly. Will you give in to him so that he does not lose interest in the game?

4. Do you like to say nice things to people to cheer them up?

5. Do you often use evil jokes?

6. Are you characterized by vindictiveness and rancor?

7. Will you continue a conversation with a friend if the topic does not interest you at all?

8. Are you willing to use your abilities to benefit other people?

9. Do you quit the game when it is already obvious that you have lost?

10. If you are confident that you are right, will you listen to the other person’s arguments?

11. Will you do work at the request of your parents if it is not part of your responsibilities (to do something for someone in the household, for example)?

12. Will you imitate someone to amuse your friends?

Processing the result:

One point for each affirmative answer to questions 1, 3, 4, 7, 11 and for each negative answer to questions 2, 5,6,8,9, 10,12.


More than 8 points. You are kind, people like you, and you know how to communicate with people. You have many friends. One word of caution: never let anyone take advantage of your kindness.

From 4 to 8 points . Your kindness is a matter of chance: you are not kind to everyone. You will do anything for someone, but try to be equal with everyone so that there are no offenses against you.

Less than 4 points. You have difficult work to do on yourself.

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yes, almost always – 2 points
sometimes – 1 point
no, almost never – 0 points

1. You open the gift in front of the giver and immediately thank him for it.

2. You say hello to the parents of friends you come to visit.

3. You let elders go first when entering the doors.

4. You say “thank you” after lunch.

5. Every morning you say “Good morning” to your family.

6. You say “Good night” to your family before going to bed.

7. You never respond to another person's rudeness.

8. You always say hello to your classmates when you enter the classroom.

9. You try to listen to your interlocutors without interrupting them.

10. You always take the trash to the trash can.

11. If you meet with friends, then come to meetings on time, without making others wait.

12. You try to stop talking if someone starts telling you gossip about others.

13. Sometimes you say nice things to people just to cheer them up.

14. Sometimes you listen patiently even to things that don’t really interest you.

15. You try not to play loud music at home so as not to disturb your neighbors or family.

16. You give up your seat on public transport to the elderly, pregnant women and mothers with small children.

17. If someone drops something, you bend over to help them pick it up.

18. When addressing an adult, you try to call him by his first name and patronymic (if you know him) and use polite words: excuse me, excuse me, be kind, thank you, please, etc.

19. You say hello to your neighbors.

20. You apologize if you accidentally pushed someone.

21. You tell your parents where you went and when you will return.

Now count how many points you scored:

0–10 Alas . You are not a polite person at all. Communicating with you, let’s be honest, can sometimes be painful even for the people closest to you. You clearly need to work on yourself. Let's hope that after some time you will return to this test and answer “yes, almost always” to all questions. Advice: Be more friendly and you will have more friends.

11–15 In principle, you are a polite person, but from time to time. You have something to work on, because you don’t communicate respectfully with everyone. For those who managed to win your favor, you are ready to do anything; with others, you sometimes act cold and distant. Advice: Whether you like the other person or not, you should try to behave equally with everyone.

17–21 Well done! You are a very polite person. (We hope you answered the questions honestly). You can be called a very attentive listener and interlocutor. You are well-educated, you know how to communicate with other people, and therefore those around you are drawn to you and trust you with their secrets. You probably have a lot of friends. Advice: Keep it up!

Look at which questions you answered “sometimes” or “no, almost never” and reconsider your behavior. A truly polite person should answer “yes, almost always” to all questions in this test.

Your polite words:

  • Please
  • Hello
  • Thank you
  • Excuse me, please
  • Excuse me please
  • Please
  • Good afternoon
  • Please be kind
  • Good night
  • Best wishes
  • Thank you
  • Good morning
  • Thank you
  • Goodbye

Quiz game

"Be polite."

Prepared by:

Teacher of additional education Negasheva E. A.



Goal: to cultivate respect for elders; repeat the rules of politeness; develop the desire to be attentive to the people around you.

Round 1. Say the word .

If you meet an acquaintance,

Whether on the street or at home -

Don't be shy, don't be deceitful,

Say it louder... ( Hello).

Torn Sparrow

Spider threads.

Tweeted embarrassedly:

Well…( Sorry).

The Mole came out into the white light

And he said to Hedgehog... ( Hello).

If you meet a company,

Not hastily, not in advance,

And at the moment of parting

Tell everyone...( Goodbye).

If you ask for anything,

Don't forget first

Open your lips

And say... ( Please).

When I give something

They tell me: ...( Thank you).

They will give you something -

Don't forget to thank !

If you don’t want to be considered ignorant,

I beg you, be wise,

Begin your request with a polite word:

Be...( kindly),

Be...( kind).

If, in word or deed

Did anyone help you?

Don't be shy loudly, boldly

Speak … ( Thank you)!

Round 2. Guys, guess the riddle:

Joy has a friend

In the shape of a semicircle

She lives on the face;

It will suddenly go somewhere,

Then suddenly return

Let melancholy be afraid of her!


Round 3. Question and answer. Teams are asked one question each, and for the correct answer they are awarded a token.

Question.What should you do if an older person comes into your room while you are sitting?

Answer.You need to get up, give a chair, and sit down only after an invitation.

Question.How to behave when a senior enters the classroom?

(Students must answer appropriately.)

Question.How should you behave when meeting elders on the street or at home?

Answer.Stop and say hello first.

Question.How to behave when talking with elders?

Answer.Talk while standing, do not put your hands in your pockets, stand straight, talk calmly.

Question.If you address elders, what should you call them? On "you" or "you"? (Relevant answer.)

Question.You sometimes have to meet old people, disabled people or women who need help: cross the street, carry something, climb a mountain, take the stairs, etc. What should you do?

(Get an appropriate response.)

Question:What words do we say when we meet?

Answer:(“Hello”, “Good morning”, “Good afternoon”, “Good evening”, “I’m glad to see you”, “How are you feeling?”)

Question:What words do we say when we break up?

Answer:(“Goodbye”, “See you tomorrow”, “See you later”, “Bon voyage”, “All the best”, “All the best”)

Question:What words do we say during breakfast, lunch, dinner?

Answer:(“Bon appetit”, “Thank you”, “Thank you”, “Everything was very tasty”)

Question:What words do we say before going to bed?

Answer:(“Good night”, “Good night”, “Pleasant dreams”)

Question:While playing, you accidentally pushed your friend and he fell. What will you do?

Answer:(Apologize and help him get up.

Question:You are about to draw a picture, you don’t have the necessary pencil, but your friend does. What will you do?

Answer:(Ask politely: “Give me please”)

Round 4. Situation.

One day an old man was walking down the street, leaning on a large gnarled stick. He was very old and bent over with age, so he walked looking down at his feet. A boy walked towards him, raising his head up and looking at something in the sky. He ran into an old man. The old man was very angry with the boy. But then the boy said something, and the old man immediately became better.

What did the boy say that made grandfather stop being angry? (sorry please or forgive me please.)

Round 5. “Be careful.”

Teacher:Let's play the game again. I will ask you to do something, if the request is polite, do it; If a request is made without a polite word, do not comply. The game is clear to everyone

- please stand up;

- dance;

-clap your hands, please;

- spin around, please;

- stomp your feet;

-swap places with your neighbor;

- lend your neighbor a pen, please;

- shake hands with your neighbor, please;

-go to the door;

- take back the pen you lent to your neighbor;

- please sit down.

Round 6. Who can name the most polite words? The teams are given pieces of paper and each team writes their options within the allotted time; at the end of the time, the teacher checks the answers and counts their number.

(For example: please, thank you, good morning, afternoon, evening, night, excuse me, excuse me, goodbye).

After the end of the round, summing up the results of the entire quiz. All tokens from both teams are counted, and the winning and losing teams are awarded with incentive prizes.

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