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Pregnancy test: how, when and after how many days should it be done? Pregnancy test when to take

Most married couples seek family planning. In this case, the cherished two stripes will become a joyful event, and the pregnancy period will be filled with a state of anticipation of happiness.

However, no one is safe from unwanted pregnancy. In such a situation, the timeliness of the test plays an important role and allows difficult decisions to be made on time.

Determining pregnancy using a test

The main purpose of the test is to be able to get an answer to the only question “Has pregnancy occurred?”

The correctness of the test result is affected by the period of its conduct, so you need to know exactly when to take a pregnancy test. If we are talking about the time of day, the answer is clear: the test is carried out in the morning, because in the morning urine the concentration of all components is maximum. The date of the event is a little more difficult to determine.

The test is based on detecting the presence of the pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin, in a woman’s body. The substance begins to be produced a week after conception. Ovulation of the egg begins about 14 days before the start of the menstrual period. Her fertilization is possible after 3 days. For about another 5 days the egg will be in a free position and only after this period begins to attach to the uterus. From this moment on, the body begins to synthesize the pregnancy hormone. That's why, You can get a reliable result using the test no earlier than in a week.

The specific hormone hCG blocks the function of the ovaries to produce another egg, thereby preventing the occurrence of another parallel pregnancy. Therefore, the appearance of the hormone in the urine helps determine the presence of pregnancy at the earliest stages. When carrying out the test, it is worth considering that the increase in the amount of hCG in the urine occurs quite slowly, which may affect the reliability of the result.

Higher diagnostic accuracy in the early stages of pregnancy is guaranteed by the determination of hCG using a blood test in medical laboratories. It is simply impossible to achieve such a high level of accuracy as the result of a clinical test at home.

Doctors are able to determine the level of beta hCG already from the 6th day after fertilization, which makes it possible to diagnose the corresponding stages of pregnancy. It is worth noting that the concentration of the hormone in urine is 2 times lower than in the blood; therefore, its presence can be determined using a conventional test only 2 days later.

Pregnancy tests from a pharmacy (strips), intended for rapid diagnosis of early pregnancy, have less specificity, so you can get a reliable result without leaving home only on a certain day of your missed period. In the first days of embryo consolidation, the test may show a negative result. The reliability of the information shown depends on its sensitivity.

On average, the amount of hCG hormone doubles every day or two, starting from 2 mUI.

Taking into account the above information, it is worth listening to the recommendations of manufacturers who suggest diagnosing pregnancy only after a certain delay in menstruation. The earliest date recommended by manufacturers is the 15th day from the time of ovulation of the egg. This is confirmed by studies conducted by independent experts. Their verdict is that only 16% of tests offered by pharmacies are capable of correctly diagnosing pregnancy in the first days of missed menstruation.

The maximum concentration of hCG is observed during the period 8-11 weeks of pregnancy. After this period, its quantity will gradually decrease. The share of chorionic hormone is directly proportional to the number of fetuses of pregnancy. Multiple pregnancy causes a sharp increase in hCG concentration. An insufficient level of concentration of this hormone can warn of the possibility of spontaneous termination of pregnancy, as well as that the fetus has settled outside the uterus.

Optimal date for a pregnancy test

The test time depends on:

  • quality, sensitivity of the product itself;
  • pregnancy conditions: if the pregnancy is currently on the verge of miscarriage, then the hormones that allow it to be diagnosed will have a lower concentration than in the case of a healthy pregnancy;
  • correct use of the product - the test must be carried out strictly following the instructions; when purchasing, do not forget to check the expiration date of the test, the rules for its storage, and the possibility of reacting to impurities in the urine.

You can get the most accurate result about the presence of pregnancy using a test (strip) a week after the start of the expected menstruation. By this time, the concentration of hCG in the urine reaches 25 mUI or more, which allows the test to react accordingly to its composition and the woman to get the correct result.

If the test result is negative, but your period has not appeared, then it makes sense to retest.

Rules for taking a pregnancy test

  • check the expiration date of the product;
  • you should not use a test that is “left over from last time”;
  • carefully study the attached instructions for using the test;
  • carry out testing in the morning, when the concentration of all elements in the urine is maximum;
  • if the test result is weakly positive, this may indicate pregnancy; retest after a few days: a positive test result will confirm pregnancy.

Any woman should understand that a close relationship with a man can cause pregnancy, even if all precautions are taken. However, delays in menstruation are typical for many women, so there is no need to fall into despair or rush to please others with good news at the slightest delay. If you doubt the accuracy of the test results, repeat the test again after 3 days.

It is worth noting that the possibility of a positive test a few days after conception is quite high. However, one cannot count on a reliable result in this case. To receive truthful information, you will have to wait a little, but this will lead to the opportunity to avoid subsequent disappointments and unjustified hopes. Confirmation of the test result can be obtained at a consultation with a gynecologist, by donating blood for a clinical test or by undergoing an ultrasound examination.

Doctors say that in the first days after fertilization of the egg, there are no absolutely reliable methods to establish this fact. Therefore, many women are interested in what day a pregnancy test shows and what type of early testing can be considered the most accurate. Several test systems have been developed, but they differ in sensitivity and, therefore, differ in the degree of reliability.

What methods to use to determine pregnancy?

In the recent past, our mothers and grandmothers did not have the opportunity to go to the nearest pharmacy and buy a “striped identifier” that knows all the intrauterine secrets. But today you can buy a pregnancy test on the 6th day for ridiculous money in order to find out your future for at least 9 months.

Of course, as then, the gynecologist must say the last word - after an ultrasound and laboratory tests. But every woman who is looking forward to a child wants to know about this before the doctor, so that she can then share her experiences with her friends and write on forums on what day the pregnancy test showed “pregnon”.

Girls who have had a stormy night without contraceptives are eagerly awaiting the results - what if this time it “goes away?!” The only reassurance is the inscription on the electronic test “non pregnon” (not pregnant). I would like to congratulate both of them if their expectations were met, when the test shows pregnancy or its absence.

Pregnancy test systems are easy to purchase at any pharmacy. But a couple of decades ago, a simple device for immersing urine, like litmus paper from a school chemistry class, was considered an ingenious invention designed to make life easier for millions of pregnant women. It remains only to clarify how many days later you can check a pregnancy test of a certain modification. You can simply ask at the pharmacy; the minimum concentration of hCG for recognition by the test should be indicated on the package.

Once upon a time they used only folk methods, believed in prophetic dreams and went to their “favorite doctor” for uterine palpation. Today everything has become simpler, and modern girls are more interested in what day can a test determine pregnancy? Of course, the absence of menstruation and morning sickness are a sure way to ensure that conception has occurred.

The paradox is that you want to know about your situation as early as possible, but a pregnancy test only on the 10th day after ovulation gives the correct result. Testing during the delay period is the most accurate. Previously, you can also be tested, but it is not a fact that the test will not lie - the concentration of the “pregnant hormone” is too small.

On what day does the pregnancy test react to the hormone?

According to statistics, the accuracy of test systems does not reach 100%, although each manufacturer indicates in the instructions up to 97-99%. In fact, they often give erroneous results, which depend on a number of factors. How long does it take for different pregnancy tests to show results?
  1. A rating of “3” on the accuracy scale can be given to Babycheck (the tester is dipped in a container with morning urine), sensitivity from 25 mME/ml, when the hCG hormone reaches a sufficient concentration. Will the test show 2 weeks of pregnancy? Yes, but earlier is unlikely.
  2. Experts give a rating of “4” on the scale of accuracy of results to Evitest Proof (dipped into a container with urine), sensitivity from 20 mME/ml. At what day of delay does the test show pregnancy? Not earlier than 11-12 days.
  3. Frautest COMFORT receives a “5” rating (use in any conditions, just urinate for the test). The sensitivity is about 10 mIU/ml; a minimum concentration of the “pregnancy hormone” is sufficient, approximately 7-8 days, to get a pregnancy test response. Choose ultra sensitive systems to avoid mistakes.
An indicator that responds to hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is the basis of any test system. This hormone is secreted by the chorion, the future placental membrane of the fertilized egg, when it is fixed inside the uterus. How long does it take for a pregnancy test system to show pregnancy? The fertilized egg travels through the tubes and is implanted in the uterine mucosa after about a week, actively increasing in size.

At what day of delay will the test show pregnancy?

The hCG hormone increases every day, but a simple pregnancy test on the 17th-18th day of the cycle does not yet respond to changes in hormonal levels. The fertilized egg travels through the tubes and will implant in the uterine lining in about a week. Actively increasing in size, it, in rare cases, can get stuck along the way, and then an ectopic pregnancy occurs, which the tests “do not see.”

If the embryo is in the uterus, most pregnancy tests on day 27 of the cycle (at the time of the delay) are able to “notice” hCG. Then, every day the concentration of the hormone increases, it is easier to determine the “interesting position”.

Attention: There are electronic test systems that can determine the days and weeks of pregnancy by the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin.

A small display displays “+” or “pregnon” and numbers indicating the week or “age” of the embryo (ask at the pharmacy). They have a highly sensitive protein indicator applied to a special matrix. It is located in the body, in a special window where you need to drip urine.

Simpler systems, like litmus paper, need to be placed under a stream or lowered for some time into a container with urine. But there may also be a false answer when hCG is not enough to detect changes. At a minimum concentration on the 25th day of the cycle, a pregnancy test is often negative, but this is not necessarily a true answer.

Please note: An alternative if in doubt is to take a laboratory test for hCG in a clinic, but also after a few days. Even highly sensitive tests will not show pregnancy immediately after conception - there are still no reagents needed to determine it.

Real data can be obtained on the eve of the next menstruation. Even an ultra-sensitive pregnancy test (when you can check right away) will show a negative result at a short period of time. With a standard menstrual cycle of 28 days, only the sensitive strip of the pregnancy test will “strip” on days 23-24 of the cycle.

At what week does the test show pregnancy?

So on what day of pregnancy will the test show the result? In different ways, and here's why. Ovulation (the release of a mature egg from the follicle) occurs in the middle of the cycle. But there may be options when paired organs (ovaries) “release” eggs on different days, respectively, fertilization should occur on the same day.

Sometimes this release of the largest cell of the female body is slightly delayed or occurs 1-2 days earlier, which is reflected in the calculation of the exact date of ovulation and the next menstruation. As a result, on the 24th day of the cycle, the pregnancy test may “signal” or be silent, but fertilization of the egg has occurred. This explains the errors in ovulation calculations and testing “errors”.

In order for the test system to recognize changes in hormonal levels, the fertilized egg must actively produce hCG, anchored in the uterine wall. This does not happen immediately after the fusion of the egg with the fastest sperm. How many days will it take for the test to show pregnancy? Not in the first 2-3 days, that’s for sure - the chorion is not yet formed, although cell division occurs in geometric progression. During this period, the future embryo travels through the fallopian tubes for several days.

Important: When figuring out what week the pregnancy test shows, do not confuse the weeks of the cycle (from the start of menstruation) and the weeks after fertilization (at the time of ovulation)!

If all processes are normal, the fertilized egg is actively moving into the uterus, then on day 20 of the cycle an ultra-sensitive pregnancy test is able to detect the first molecules of human chorionic gonadotropin. All this happens at the cellular level; it is impossible to see how all the processes are going.

It can be assumed purely theoretically that recognition of pregnancy is possible after the 3rd week, if you count from the beginning of menstruation. After 2 weeks - ovulation, another week - for conception and advancement of the fertilized egg into the uterus, that is, from the 3rd week with a 28-day cycle.

Therefore, if the pregnancy is 1 week, the test will already show pregnancy. But this applies to those probes that react to the slightest concentration. The packaging should indicate “10 mME/ml”; these are tests with the most sensitive indicators of the hCG hormone.

Attention: If you want to know about an “interesting” situation before there is a delay, check the sensitivity of the test at the pharmacy. When purchasing a screening system, find out whether this test will show results at 4 weeks of pregnancy.

There is no point in using mid-cycle tests, no matter how hypersensitive they may be. Unprotected sexual intercourse during ovulation is a reason to closely monitor your well-being, since there is a high probability of fertilization.

An ultra-sensitive test indicator a week before your period will show pregnancy, but it’s better to double check – there are false positive results. A false negative answer is also possible, but more on that in another article.

The presence of hCG in the blood should be confirmed by a laboratory test, and a successfully formed pregnancy - by ultrasound. Whether it is a long-awaited child or a big surprise, in any case, we wish you not to be deceived by the test result!

Anticipating a happy day when you become a mother can cause a huge range of feelings: from trembling excitement to anxiety. To quickly find out If conception has occurred, it will be useful to understand the question of when you can take a pregnancy test. Thanks to modern technologies in the field of medicine, you no longer need to wait many months and sit in line to see a gynecologist to get news of an upcoming addition to the family.

Pharmacy options of this kind measure the amount of hormones in the blood, most methods for early detection of conception are aimed at indicating the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin. Doctors often call it for short hCG, this abbreviation is familiar to many patients. Its level may change 10 days after fertilization. If a woman has an average cycle of 28 days, then she can confirm the birth of a new life using a test 5 days before menstruation. That is, even before it becomes clear whether there is a delay. As a rule, they indicate the presence of pregnancy when it cannot yet be seen during examination with an ultrasound machine.

In general, it is worth considering that from the moment of ovulation to the next menstruation in a cycle of 28 days, 14 days pass. So each woman can independently calculate from what day before the onset of regular bleeding she is able to recognize that the transition to a new state, the expectation of the appearance of an heir, has occurred.

It is easy to increase the accuracy of the check if you perform a number of simple steps:

  • carry out the examination in the morning, before meals and before going to the toilet;
  • check the sample after 5 minutes or after the amount of time specified in the instructions, no earlier and no later;
  • 3 hours before the test you should not take diuretics.

The first tests for the presence of an interesting position can be made on the ninth day after contact with a man has occurred, insufficiently protected or aimed at targeted fertilization. By this time, the fertilized egg has already implanted into the uterus, and the chorion, which forms the placenta, begins to secrete the hCG hormone. Its presence in the blood and urine is considered the main sign of an interesting situation.

When conducting an inspection at the earliest stages, you must be especially careful follow the instructions for use products. You shouldn’t keep it in urine, and you shouldn’t take it out too quickly either. During this period, the concentration of hCG in the body is small, it is important use the most sensitive samples. The second stripe on them may be rather weakly expressed. The more time passes from the time of conception, the brighter the second stripe will be. And the easier it will be to detect the fact of motherhood using different brands, including not the most sensitive products.

Until 6 days after the birth of a new life, no method can reveal this fact. At this time the embryo not yet attached to the uterine cavity, is in free movement. Only after introducing it into the endometrium can you find out whether it is there. And this happens on the 21st, 22nd or 23rd day after last menstruation. The fertilized egg does not implant into the uterus until 6 days. But its fusion with sperm is possible not immediately after ovulation, but within a couple of days. This is where the approximate dates come from when you can take a pregnancy test in order to understand whether the birth of a child has occurred. And is it worth it? prepare for the long-awaited arrival of your baby.

After ten days, the most sensitive and expensive brands can already show two treasured stripes. If you are extremely impatient and they show the second line barely noticeable, you can donate blood for analysis concentrations of human chorionic gonadotropin. This will have to be done by a doctor, but the data will be even more accurate.

However, if you have the opportunity to wait and there is no urgent desire to urgently find out whether the long-awaited miracle has occurred, you can wait until the fourteenth day after ovulation. Experts believe that at this stage all tests can already detect the presence of a fetus without errors.

If the test is carried out in the shortest period after conception, it is especially important to comply with the following conditions:

  • carefully study the instructions on the packaging and follow them unquestioningly;
  • do not take any medications on the eve of the procedure, if this is not possible, reschedule it;
  • When consulting a gynecologist, pay attention to whether there is a disease that can lead to false positive or negative tests.

The exact parameters of pharmaceutical strips should be studied in the instructions that come with them. Usually 10 days after the release of a mature female reproductive cell, the most sensitive analogues already show whether conception. Their accuracy is 99%. Cheaper and less sensitive products can reveal a woman’s interesting position at the earliest stages with only an 80-90% probability.

Manufacturers recommend wait for the first days of delay menstrual flow and only then measure something.

The results may be influenced by external factors. Among them we can list several main ones:

  • hormonal drugs can change the amount of hCG in the blood, if they were taken before conception, the data may be inaccurate;
  • some fertility drugs lead to false positive tests;
  • a previously terminated pregnancy, if it occurs recently, may distort the sample.

The ability of pharmacy products to determine the presence of an interesting situation before the delay is not the same. Important read the manufacturer's instructions so as not to make a mistake. It is also worth preferring the most sensitive options that measure the slightest concentrations of hCG in the urine. As a rule, they are not cheap, but they can indicate 5 days before the expected menstruation that fertilization has occurred.

The number of days before the delay, during which it is possible to understand when it is possible to take a pregnancy test and detect the presence of an embryo, must be calculated in depending on a woman's average cycle. So, for those whose cycle is the standard 28 days, the most early detection of conception can take place in 5 days. And if the menstrual cycle is 24 days, then only 1 day before the delay.

Factors that can distort the picture have already been listed above. If you have them too, you should play it safe and test them several times over a number of days. Preferably use products from different manufacturers and with different sensitivities. And sometimes you still have to go to the doctor to make sure that it is time to prepare for the birth of the baby.

Sometimes during an interesting situation menstruation does not stop, although they become less pronounced. So if the test comes back negative, this can sometimes be a cause for concern. For example, this happens when using type of dough with weak sensitivity to the concentration of hCG hormone in the extremely early stages.

The degree of sensitivity of the product is indicated on the packaging. The more accurate it is, the more expensive it is, as a rule. The lower the number, the more sensitive the test is. For example, if two products are displayed on the display - 20 and 25 units, then you should choose the first one. It is more suitable for early periods, since it has a higher sensitivity to the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine. The most sensitive brands on the market help detect hCG concentrations as low as 10 mIU/ml.

The earlier the stage of pregnancy, the more important it is at what point in the day should the procedure be performed?. Over long periods of time, the hormone content in the urine is high, so the test can be done without looking at the clock. And if you can’t wait to find out about an interesting situation as early as possible, then it’s better to carry out diagnostics in the morning after sleep. It is important to perform this procedure before visiting the toilet. Because at this time hormone levels are highest for all times of the day.

If follow all the recommendations listed, use a sample of the desired sensitivity, do not violate the instructions for use, then the appearance of new life in the early stages can be recognized unmistakably. And if time is of the essence and there is no acute impatience, then you can wait 14 days from the moment of ovulation to save on the purchase. At this time, most varieties, even inexpensive ones, are no longer mistaken. So you can get a reliable answer to a piquant question without unnecessary costs.

Do you now understand when you can take a pregnancy test? The forum will tell you. Read more about numerous cases.

When to take a pregnancy test? It seems that this science is not too difficult - to use the subject of self-diagnosis of an interesting situation, but sometimes girls make annoying mistakes when conducting tests, which is why the result is incorrect. Let's look at the basic rules that need to be followed when diagnosing pregnancy, and the main mistakes that lead to distorted results.

When to take a pregnancy test? If we are talking about the date, then it is best to wait until the first day of your missed period. This is exactly the recommendation that is on absolutely all pregnancy test packages. But many women do not want to wait so long after possible conception and begin testing 10 days after ovulation, that is, before the start of a missed period. And, accordingly, most of them receive either incorrect or questionable results. The second line, indicating the presence of hCG (“pregnancy hormone”) in a woman’s urine, may not appear or appear barely noticeable, so that it will be impossible to interpret the result. Therefore, advice to those women who do not have the patience to wait for the required period for diagnosis: take a blood test for hCG. Here it shows reliable results already 10 days after possible conception. The doctor is unlikely to give you a free referral unless you are registered for infertility, but you can take this test for a fee. Always keep in mind the pregnancy test when it shows the correct result and do not worry ahead of time.

What time of day is best to take the test? It is recommended in the morning, after waking up, so that the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin is maximum, sufficient for a second strip to appear in case of a positive result. This concerns the early stages. And in the second half of the first trimester and later, when it is better to take a pregnancy test: in the morning, afternoon or evening, it does not matter. Ask: why do the test at such a long time, when the doctor can already make the correct diagnosis during a gynecological examination, and the fetus is already visible on an ultrasound? But the fact is that in this simple way women are trying to identify a possible threat of miscarriage or frozen pregnancy, which is fundamentally wrong. If a test suddenly becomes negative during a long period of pregnancy, this only means that it is not of high quality.

How many days after the delay will the test show pregnancy (video):

Pregnancy test

When and how to take a pregnancy test correctly.


In conclusion, we list the reasons why tests show incorrect results.

1. Diagnosis too early (before the onset of delayed menstruation).

2. Performing the test not in the morning as recommended.

3. Poor quality test strip (perhaps it was stored under temperature conditions or expired).

4. Evaluation of the result earlier or later than the time specified in the instructions.

5. A woman has a disease that causes the level of hCG to increase.

This happens with some cancers, for example.

An approximate algorithm of actions for those who doubt the result.

1. Buy and make a couple of tests with higher sensitivity from other manufacturers.

2. Measure your basal temperature in the morning without getting up from sweating. If it is above 37 degrees, most likely you are pregnant.

3. Take a blood test for hCG. In this case, the reliability of the result is not even discussed.

4. Go to an appointment with a gynecologist. The doctor will be able to determine the duration of pregnancy (if any) if the delay lasts more than 2-3 weeks.

5. Do an ultrasound. In this way, you can quite accurately not only diagnose the presence of a fertilized egg, but also find out its location. If all the signs of an interesting position are present, and the ultrasound does not show the embryo in the uterus, despite the fact that the delay has already begun, then there is a high probability that the embryo has begun to develop outside the uterus, and this is very dangerous.

Pregnancy tests are certainly convenient and affordable. Every woman who is sexually active should learn to use them and know the features of diagnosing pregnancy.

Many women planning a pregnancy are concerned about how many days after contact they should take a pregnancy test in order to get a reliable result. Manufacturers of such devices almost unanimously insist that the result will be accurate only after a delay in menstruation. Is this really true? Is it really impossible to find out about your new position a little earlier? Today you can get the answer to this and some other exciting questions. From the article you will learn:

  • When will a pregnancy test show an accurate result?
  • On what day of the cycle should the study be carried out?
  • What are the reasons for an erroneous result?

It’s worth saying right away that a lot depends on the individual characteristics of the woman and the quality of the purchased products.

Pregnancy test: one line or two?

The simplest pregnancy tests are called strip tests. They were one of the first such structures. Many women still use them to this day. The advantage of such devices is their low cost. To create it, the manufacturer uses a paper base on which the reagent is applied. The indicator shows the result: one or two stripes. These devices should only be used after a delay.

Tablet devices operate as strip strips. Essentially, these are the same indicators placed in a plastic box. For research, it is necessary to drop the material into the installed window, and then track the result: one or two strips.

Inkjet tests appeared a little later, they cost a little more than their two predecessors. If the previous options need to be used only after a delay, then after how many days do you take a pregnancy test in the inkjet version? Most manufacturers indicate that such devices determine the new position 10-14 days after contact.

The list of tests is completed by an electronic device. A significant disadvantage of such devices is that they are expensive. But you don't have to evaluate one or two strips. The answer “pregnant” or “no pregnancy” will be shown on the screen. Such devices, the manufacturer promises, indicate pregnancy several days before the expected period.

Long cycle study

When will a pregnancy test show an accurate result if the cycle length is more than 35 days? Relatively few women have a long cycle. But they also want to know what day to conduct the study. After all, many manufacturers indicate that diagnostics must begin on the 28th day. Will the test show a reliable result during this period?

In women with a long cycle, ovulation shifts. With a 35-day period, it occurs approximately on days 21-23. It is quite natural that the result of testing carried out on day 28 will be negative. To get truly accurate data, women with a long cycle need to conduct research at least on days 33-35, or even later.

Frequent periods and testing

The time when a pregnancy test will show an accurate result depends on the frequency of menstruation. There are some representatives of the fairer sex whose bleeding recurs once every three weeks. With a short cycle of 20-21 days, on what days can testing be carried out?

Gynecologists say that the peculiarity of such patients is early ovulation. This means that the egg is released from the ovary approximately on days 7-9 of the cycle. It is advisable to carry out testing before menstruation itself: on days 19-22.

Can a pregnancy test be wrong?

Is it possible for a study to give wrong results? In what cases is a pregnancy test wrong?

You already know when to carry out diagnostics. If you start research earlier, it may well turn out to be unreliable. Whether a test can be wrong depends on the type of instrument. Strip strips give the most incorrect answers. This happens due to the manufacturer's savings. A small amount of reagent may be applied to the paper. There were situations when it was completely absent. All this remains on the conscience of the manufacturer, since a woman, having received a certain result, will not figure out whether it is correct or not. In addition, it is advisable to evaluate inkjet, tablet and paper tests only within 10-20 minutes.

A lot depends on the sensitivity of the test strip. Now you can find devices with sensitivity of 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 IU. The lower the value, the earlier the device is able to detect the presence of pregnancy hormone in the urine. But, as practice shows, overly sensitive tests can be mistaken with a high probability. Let's consider what could be the reason for a false answer.

False negative result

What does a weak second line on a pregnancy test mean? Many women rate this answer as negative. But after some time they still learn about their new position. The main reason for a false negative response is early diagnosis. If you test before your hormone levels reach a certain point, you will receive one strip. Also, a negative result in the presence of pregnancy can be determined for the following reasons:

  • using diluted urine (if you drank a large amount of liquid shortly before the test, the concentration of the hormone will be reduced);
  • violation of testing rules (when using large volumes of material or touching the place where the result appears with your fingers, the reagent may be washed out);
  • use of expired products.

In order to be convinced that a pregnancy test gives a truly negative result, at what date should it be carried out? Do the research immediately after the delay. For more expensive and sensitive tests - one or two days before.

False positive result

A faint second line on a pregnancy test may be a false positive. Often women imagine it themselves, wanting to be in a position. A play of imagination makes you believe in a new state. As a result, there is great disappointment when the next period comes. A pregnancy test can show 2 lines even if it is assessed incorrectly. Most manufacturers limit the reliability of the result to ten minutes. Further, the test answer will no longer be significant. If you wait more than 10 minutes, the reagent area will begin to get wet, creating the ghost of a second strip. The reasons why a pregnancy test shows 2 stripes falsely may be the following situations:

  • neoplasms in the uterus or malignant tumors;
  • recent miscarriage or incomplete abortion;
  • use of hormonal drugs.

Statistics show that a false positive result is much less common than a negative result during an existing pregnancy.

For ectopic pregnancy

Special mention should be made about such a pathology as ectopic pregnancy. With it, the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the body grows much more slowly than during normal pregnancy. Therefore, the second line on the test may be barely noticeable and darken very slowly. There is a misconception that tests do not show an ectopic pregnancy. In fact, high-quality devices are able to detect a new condition, but somewhat later than with an embryo developing in the uterine cavity.

If you're patient enough to find out the answer

Now the answer to the question of when a pregnancy test will show an accurate result is not a mystery to you. However, many women frantically conduct research within a few days after sexual intercourse. Such manipulations will most likely not give the correct answer. If you are impatient to learn about the new situation, it is better to visit the laboratory. A blood test to determine the level of human chorionic gonadotropin is carried out within several hours. Moreover, it is tens of times more reliable than test strips. The fact is that the concentration of this hormone in the blood is always higher.

Let's sum it up

When to take a pregnancy test depends on the woman. Some representatives of the fairer sex enjoy carrying out such manipulations every day. You can start testing immediately after sexual intercourse, but you should not take the result seriously. You can get a real answer to your question only after a delay or a couple of days before your expected period.

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