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Quiz why I don't have a partner. Why don't I have a boyfriend? Why don’t I have and never had a boyfriend, and no one offers to meet me, no one likes me, what’s wrong with me, in me and what I’m doing wrong, they don’t court me

Hmmmmm...Let me think...

1. *Fear of relationships* I’m 18 years old. I’m very afraid of relationships. In the sense that I’m just not ready for them..probably..

2. *Disappointment in past relationships* Oooh, this particular point became for me the worst part of my life. Ahem. My ex, so to speak, did not appreciate me. He dated me so that I could just be his girlfriend. Just so that it would be simple. When we had personal disputes with him (over the phone, since he often went out with friends, and I stayed at home, waiting for his messages, and simply didn’t go out anywhere. Even to my friends. So that he wouldn’t slander) he always gave his phone to his friends , they just insulted me like that, they said that I was scary, a prostitute (although I had never even kissed... Even until now there was no first kiss...) and all that kind of stuff. And the ex even persuaded many of my friends. My friends were just throwing me away...You know? Until now..To this day my friends are with my ex...Loyal..I thought so...They communicate as if nothing had happened. This, naturally, makes me very hurt and I don’t want to trust anyone.

  1. *Distrust and isolation towards people around me* Actually, I wrote everything in paragraph 2. I don’t open up to people because I don’t believe in friendship as such...

4. *Inflated bar for the future “prince”* Well.. I think there’s nothing to explain here. I have pretty high self-esteem. I’m not fat, I’m tall, my face seems normal, not ugly. So why should I have a scary man in the future? And no matter how much I convince myself, I simply cannot accept that appearance is not the main thing. That's all. And yes. Again. I dream of finding a man who will be completely opposite to my ex. That is: not a slobber, loyal, reliable, brave, who will support me not just with words, but with actions. And it’s not like I’m running to his entrance at 10 pm. And not so that I alone give him gifts, and he brushes it off and puts on a fake smile. In general, so that my future boyfriend is a guy, and not me as a man!!!

  1. *Possible asexuality*Yes, yes, yes. Exactly she. I don’t know from what moment... I got the feeling that the whole world was too much for me... Well, too vulgar. I’m not a nun and I’m not pretending to be. But I really hate thinking about a cupcake and similar intimate things;) My friends are so violent are discussing this... I feel abnormal... I understand that without this biological activity, alas, I am useless, but it’s not right to talk about it openly... I don’t even know how to express it all, let’s put it this way , on the phone...Very difficult...

Bottom line: Guys, don’t worry so much about yourself. If you do not have any mental or physical trauma, then there is nothing to be afraid of. Everything is still ahead of you. If not at 16, then at 20. If not at 20, then at 35. You can meet your soulmate anywhere! In a cafe, at the institute, at school and at work. You might just walk along the road and trip over a stone. And some young man will help you get up. That’s how everything starts))... But I guess I won’t have such a wonderful feeling as love...

If a situation has arisen in which you can’t find a boyfriend, much less keep him for a long time, you should read this and other articles in this project, and also describe the situation in the comments in order to get practical advice on it.

Why don’t I have and never had a boyfriend, and no one offers to meet me, no one likes me, what’s wrong with me, in me and what I’m doing wrong, they don’t court me

Most likely it's about you, maybe you're just afraid of relationships, you're closing yourself off from them. You make complexes or, on the contrary, consider every man as a future husband, they feel it and are simply afraid to meet you.

Or maybe the fact is that your social circle is limited, you are not popular among these men.

But this does not mean at all that the problem is with you. You just haven’t found someone yet who will appreciate you.

Why the men I like don’t love me, but use me in relationships, psychology

The problem is you, you allow yourself to be used.

Why don’t I have a boyfriend, although I’m beautiful, and everything is with me, and if I’m already 13 years old and at 21, the reasons and what to do

At 13 years old it’s too early to worry about it, everything is ahead. At 21, you should think about it and perhaps change something in yourself; maybe you are too strict in selecting candidates.

At 21, try to increase your social circle through study, work, or various interest clubs.

Why doesn't such a beautiful girl have a boyfriend, how and what to answer, funny answers, original answer

He died of happiness.

Because a young girl is interested in smart guys.

Until I met someone equally as handsome.

Why are girls allowed to dress openly and cheat, but guys are not?

Actually, girls can't cheat just like guys. And they dress openly to attract attention.

It would be stupid for a man to wear a short top or shorts that look like a belt; at least it’s not brutal.

Why don’t I have a guy next to me, but everyone has, seemingly normal, practical advice from men

Men love with their eyes, to please them you need to look good. They fall in love only later. You shouldn’t be too smart so as not to scare off the potential groom, so that his self-esteem does not fall next to you.

Not all young women manage to find a chosen one, even despite their strong desire and desperate attempts. If you are tired of asking yourself the question: “Why don’t I have a boyfriend?”, it’s worth thinking about whether the reason may be your internal complexes or problems?

Shyness and withdrawal

Such a trait as modesty truly adorns any girl. But sometimes, over time, such a quality can develop into isolation.

Overly modest and shy representatives of the fair sex are usually prone to self-examination and, as a rule, blame themselves for the lack of relationships. At the same time, they often do not even pay attention to the fact that there may be young men nearby who sincerely show sympathy for them.

All this happens solely because it is very difficult for closed people to start communicating and find a common language with others, just as it is difficult for others to establish contact with them.

And, since closed ladies are not eager to open their souls and share their feelings, this leads to misunderstanding by men, and, consequently, alienation and even greater self-doubt among the fair sex.

What to do in this situation?

Girls who are typically reserved and shy need to strive to become more open and sociable. Of course, this does not mean that you should start telling everyone about your secrets and secrets. You just need to learn to discuss interesting facts from your life with other people, talk about hobbies and share your thoughts without fear.

This will remove the psychological barrier that prevents healthy communication. And young people will have a chance not only to appreciate the appearance of a modest young lady, but also to consider her soul.

Low self-esteem

Young girls especially suffer from a lack of male attention, finding themselves in a situation in which all their friends have already found their lovers. This question arises most acutely among high school students, and is usually voiced in the form of statements like this: “I’m 15 years old (or more), and I still haven’t found a guy!”

Despite the fact that at this age relationships are often not serious, their absence and the conviction of one’s own inadequacy leave an indelible mark on the teenager’s soul in the form of resentment and disappointment.

To change the current situation, it is necessary to understand why girls are losing? Most often, the reason is that they consider themselves inferior and not worthy of male attention.

And while self-confident girlfriends are already starting their first relationships with guys, the lot of girls with low self-esteem is loneliness.

How to increase self-esteem?

Instead of worrying about the lack of a romantic relationship and tormenting yourself with the thought: “I don’t have a boyfriend,” try answering the following questions:

  • How long do your girlfriends have relationships with boys?
  • How often do girlfriends change boyfriends?
  • Do they communicate normally after breaking up?
  • Are they happy with them?

Believe me, if you change your outlook on the situation, develop confidence in yourself that you will soon meet your one and only (not just anyone, but a sincerely interesting and attractive person to you), and also allow yourself to temporarily switch to achieving other goals (for example, improving your academic performance , preparation for entering a university, increasing physical activity), the problem will resolve itself.

Discrepancy in views on life and relationships

The age at which you can tell others: “I’m 17!” is a turning point for many teenagers. Most often, at this time, studies in educational institutions of higher education begin and independent life begins.

Feeling themselves in a new status of adulthood, most girls begin to intensely desire a serious relationship and form an idea for themselves of what their potential boyfriend should be like. At the same time, the image of a “charming prince” usually consists of one’s own, often far-fetched, illusions and the concept of “ordinary female happiness.”

But, unfortunately, among the surrounding male candidates, few fit feminine ideals at this age. The reason for this is the immaturity of thoughts regarding starting a family and the financial insolvency of young men, which, however, is quite normal for their age.

Also, one should not exclude the fact that most young people at this age do not set out to create a family, but prioritize sexual relationships. But a woman’s psychology regarding intimate relationships is radically different: from a young age, a girl is looking for reliability and stability, and often her psyche is not yet ready for sexual relationships.

What to do in this case?

If a relationship does not work out at the age of 17, psychologists advise young representatives of the fair sex not to get upset, but simply let go of this situation and wait a little. Very little time will pass and most problems in relationships will disappear on their own, since closer to the age of 18-20, the views on life of men and women usually begin to coincide.

In the meantime, it’s better to focus on your studies, start visiting interesting places, get involved in some hobby - and who knows, maybe a suitable candidate will appear even earlier than planned?

Idealization of men

As we noted earlier, every girl has an imaginary ideal of a man, and quite often, no matter how banal it may sound, it is a “prince on a white horse.” However, in reality, such guys do not exist or there are very few of them. As a result, there are often cases when a smart, beautiful, energetic girl with a wonderful sense of humor does not have a man.

How to stop looking for the ideal?

The way out of this situation may be as follows - the young lady must understand and accept that completely perfect people do not exist, and the “prince” in a man does not awaken immediately, but only when a young lady who loves and appreciates him appears nearby.

This means that it would be wiser to stop looking for an ideal and pay attention to “mere mortals”. Perhaps the very “prince” is hiding among them, all the best qualities of whom can only be seen by talking with him alone.

Repulsive appearance and manners

In recent years, the opinion has begun to spread among teenagers that appearance decides almost everything. However, this is not always the case. For example, if a girl with a pretty face does not comply with the norms of decency, behaves aggressively, humiliates everyone around her, and also if she is dressed too vulgarly or too sloppily, then no matter how much she declares: “But I am beautiful and I can do anything!” - obvious facts will continue to push guys away from her.

Of course, young people can appreciate her appearance, but it is unlikely that anyone will want to connect their life with her. And no matter how sad it may be, men often try to take advantage of such girls in order to spend one night with them.

What should I do?

Young ladies with similar character and behavior and/or appearance, including those who are faced with the indifference of the opposite sex, should quickly think about the question: “What to do?” The answer is simple: urgently pay attention to your style, behavior and actions, and begin to correct them.

Other reasons

The following video will tell you why other problems may arise in communicating with the opposite sex, and how to avoid them:

By getting rid of psychological complexes and stereotypes, as well as adjusting your manners and appearance for the better, you will become more open and attractive to the stronger sex. This means you can find your personal happiness much faster.

When a girl grows up and sees that her friends have boyfriends, she involuntarily wonders why she is lonely. The absence of a boyfriend can damage a girl's self-esteem and make her doubt her own attractiveness. In fact, the presence of a relationship, or lack thereof, is not an indicator of a girl’s attractiveness. And there are many underlying reasons for female loneliness. From this article you can find out why there is no boyfriend, what to do about it and how to prepare yourself for a relationship with a guy.

As a rule, at the age of 13-14, a girl dreams of meeting her love and thinks about relationships with men. But here you need to understand whether she is ready to enter into a relationship. At this age, love has the character of an owner - the young lady wants to have a guy as property, so that he would give flowers to his lady love, admire her and give gifts. Young people subconsciously feel that a girl wants a relationship for the sake of a relationship, and not specifically for them.

It looks something like this- “Let’s meet, I’m so good, beautiful and talented. You will accompany me home and take me to the movies.” This, alas, is not a relationship. With such an attitude, a girl of 13-14 years old will never find a boyfriend. In order to enter into a relationship at this age, you need to understand that boys mature more slowly than girls, and when building a relationship with a peer, you need to understand that he needs, first of all, a girl - a friend who shares his interests, life views, and shares his hobbies.

A good move would be: go to a karate, volleyball or karting section, take a keen interest in these activities, read specialized literature and be able to carry on a conversation on “male” topics. After some time of such communication, the surrounding guys will pay attention to a pretty, smart girl who has common hobbies with them. And then all that’s left to do is show your strengths. For example, treat him to a pie you made yourself, or surprise him with an unusual act. For example, take part in a karting competition or participate in a school physics Olympiad.

At this age, a girl should not focus herself on relationships. You should start developing yourself, find a hobby, study, and engage in self-education. It is worth remembering that love is not an end in itself, but only a means to achieving spiritual harmony. Life has prepared a fateful meeting for every woman, which can happen at any age.

At 13 or 14 years old, a girl is no longer small, but sometimes she is not yet psychologically ready for a relationship. She wants love - adoration, not love - cooperation.

There is no guy at 15-16 years old, how to answer the question?

At the age of 15–16, every second girl experiences the feeling of falling in love for the first time. It is at this age that the first love relationships appear. But, unfortunately, first love rarely develops into real feelings. Dating a boy at this age is the norm. But why is there no guy at 15, 16 years old? Young people at this age have already gone through a period when a girl should be a friend and like-minded person. Here they choose primarily based on external features, that is, the brighter the bird’s plumage, the faster it will be noticed.

Psychologists surveyed 100 young people aged 15 to 16 years old and found out which girl they would not like to date.

So, boys don't like:

  • Ungroomed girls, in dirty clothes, sloppy.
  • Moody, whiny and annoying.
  • Smoking, drinking.
  • Angry, envious and bilious.
  • Promiscuous in relationships with the opposite sex.

So, to understand why there is no boyfriend at 15-16 years old, you need to dig a little into yourself; if 2-3 years ago young people needed a smart girlfriend, now they need a beautiful picture. If a girl understands that she really looks bad, then hard work on herself is required. Even if at this age you cannot find a guy, then with a good figure and well-groomed appearance it will be easier to do this in the future.

So, when planning to meet a guy, every girl would do well to:

  • Get rid of extra pounds, if you have them.
  • Visit the dentist, get your teeth treated and achieve a perfect smile.
  • Visit a hairdresser-stylist and choose a hairstyle that emphasizes the girl’s advantages.
  • Look through fashion magazines, get acquainted with fashion trends. If possible, visit a stylist.
  • Understand that bad habits do not make a girl beautiful. You shouldn't even start smoking or drinking. It is better to engage in sports - aerobics, sports dancing or jogging. These activities will have a beneficial effect on your figure, health and well-being.

Thus, by the age of 15 or 16, a girl, having worked on her appearance, has a better chance of finding a guy. But don’t forget about the “content”. A dumb beauty is less likely to find a guy than a smart girl with average looks.

You also need to understand that the reason for the lack of a boyfriend lies not only in the girl herself; many young people of this age are simply afraid to start a relationship.

Even if relationships with the opposite sex do not work out, do not despair, you can meet your love at any age. The most important thing is to learn to understand what we expect from relationships and why they are needed.

Why can’t you have a boyfriend at 17-18 years old, but your friends do?

It's a shame when your seventeen-year-old girlfriends go on dates, but you don't. Well-groomed, pretty, well-read, fluent in a foreign language, but still alone. But Masha from the technical school is dating a handsome man. Is the situation familiar? Yes, then read on.

If most of your friends date boys, it means they have found someone who completes them. Thus, every person strives to build a relationship with a person who is as similar to himself as possible. Therefore, at the age of 17 - 18 years old, it is worth looking for a person close to your interests. If you learn French, sign up for public lectures at the French cultural center; if you love football, go to the stadium more often and attend the matches of your favorite team.

At this age, guys are also looking for a like-minded girl. It doesn’t matter to them what she looks like or how long her legs are. But much more important will be the girl’s interesting inner world, easy character and cheerful disposition.

A girl at any age should know that angry and envious women scare away men. If you want to date a guy, become a kind soul. Everything is in your hands.

Also, guys 17-18 years old pay attention to girls who are passionate, find something to do - a passion to which you are ready to devote your time. Be it: volunteering, animal protection, studying, drawing or collecting. If at 13 - 14 years old guys were looking for a friend, at 15 - 16 years old they were looking for good looks, at 17 - 18 years old they needed a girl - an ally.

But you need to understand what kind of ally a young man needs - if his interests include beer and discos, then decide for yourself whether you are ready to become his ally. It is better to look for a guy where there are promising and socially adapted young people - a university, sports clubs, language clubs, volunteer organizations, societies of the same hobby.

There is no guy I love at 19-20 years old, what’s wrong with me?

When a girl wonders what's wrong with me, there really is a problem. Here you need to consult a psychologist, he will help you understand yourself.

But, as a rule, the only reason (which is identified by all experts) why there is no young man at the age of 19–20 years is the girl’s inflated demands on her chosen one.

A Cinderella complex may appear here, which, in fact, is nothing, but is waiting for a prince. And he refuses relationships to good, but ordinary guys, not astronauts, not football players and not world-famous actors.

A young woman looking for a guy from 19 to 20 years old should reconsider her attitude towards the opposite sex, understand that there is no ideal and highlight important and secondary masculine qualities. To do this, you need two pieces of paper, a pen or marker. Then write “yes” on one piece of paper and “no” on the other. And they record what can be accepted in a man and what cannot. If there are more “no”, then a thorough analysis of why this is so is necessary. For example, if a girl does not agree to put up with her lover’s betrayal or drug addiction, then this is normal, but if she is annoyed by the presence of brothers or blue eyes, then you need to understand one thing - little things in appearance and lifestyle are not so important. By narrowing the scope of her search for a guy, the girl herself scares off potential suitors.

I'm beautiful, but there's no guy next to me, does that mean I'm Scary?

Am I not worthy of Love?

Beautiful doesn't mean happy. A girl may be unattractive, but at the same time she is happy in a relationship. Every woman is worthy of love, but for this it is necessary to acquire adequate self-esteem, know your strengths and weaknesses and understand that every woman is worthy of love.

To accept yourself, there is one psychological exercise - it is tough, but effective. To be loved by others, you need to learn to love yourself. Every day for 20 days it is necessary to perform exercises to increase female self-esteem and understand the aspect that any woman is worthy of love.

This requires:

  • Every morning in front of the mirror, give yourself 3 compliments, from the heart. Not just “I’m cute,” “I have beautiful, expressive eyes,” “I’m an interesting conversationalist,” “I’m worthy of the love of a wealthy man.” Praise yourself and wish yourself to meet a good man.
  • Write your main advantages on a piece of paper, then re-read them, and after each repeat “I am worthy of love.” For example, “I have a rank in chess, I am worthy of love,” “I quit smoking last month, I am worthy of love.”
  • Regularly practice the “mirror smile” - take out your pocket mirror every two hours and sincerely smile at your image.

20 days of this training will work wonders, more than 80% of the women who passed it were able to let love into their lives and find a man.

A simple psychology test for a girl

“Am I ready for a relationship?”

To understand whether a girl needs a young man right now, American psychologists created a simple test “Am I ready for a relationship.” By answering 5 simple questions and counting the points, the girl will be able to understand whether he is ready to meet a guy, or whether the time has not yet come.


  • Do you agree with the statement “Without love, life is meaningless”?

B) Partly

  • Where can you meet the man of your dreams?

A) On the Internet

B) At a disco, in a nightclub

B) Almost everywhere

  • What attracts you most in men?

A) Appearance

B) Material well-being

B) His personality and lifestyle

  • Imagine your first date, what it will be like:

A) Going to a cafe or restaurant

B) Meeting in the city, visiting an entertainment center

B) I don’t know, we’ll come to an agreement ourselves. (I'll let the man choose)

  • Why do you need a relationship with a man?

A) Everyone has..., this is the norm

B) Bored alone, no one to go out with?

C) It's time to build a serious relationship and start a family.

So, for each answer (A) 1 point is awarded, for answer (B) 2 points, and for answer (C) 3 points.

If you scored from 5 to 7 points:

You do not have a clear idea of ​​why you need a relationship; you are not yet ready for a mature relationship of cooperation and love. If you want to meet a man, then only because of the example of your friends and relatives. Don't rush, your time to fall in love has not yet come. Don't worry, everything is ahead of you.

From 7 to 10 points:

For you, having a relationship means status, prestige. You should not consider a man as property and protection from all adversity. In a harmonious relationship there should be both support and care from the woman. Your selfishness prevents you from building long-lasting relationships. Most likely, you meet men, but the relationship is too short-lived. Learn not only to take, but also to give.

From 10 to 15 points:

Are you not married yet? Strangely, usually women with this position in life are completely ready for a relationship and are happy in marriage or long-term relationships. If you are still single, don’t despair, you are completely ready for a relationship.

Never had a boyfriend, how to find one?

How to find a guy? Search - create a profile on a dating site, go on dates, visit crowded places where men “aggregate”: stadiums, fitness centers, cafes, cinemas. You can ask your friends to introduce you to your brothers and friends. This method is very effective and simple.

You can contact a potential matchmaker. When looking for a guy, the most important thing is action; you can’t wait for fate to knock on the door.

At what age is it difficult to find a boyfriend or a man?

Girls, if you are asking this question, then understand that even at 70 years old you can find a man. The main thing is to understand that you are worthy of love, you are capable of giving your love to a man, you want to be happy and make a man happy with yourself.

There is a misconception that after 35 years it is almost impossible to find a man, but look how many women there are around who have found a couple after 35, even after 50 and 60 years.

Age is not a criterion. It's important to understand what a relationship is for and what you can bring to it. If a woman is always ready to support, inspire and love a man, then building a harmonious relationship is not a problem for her at any age.

Ok Google! Why don't I have a boyfriend yet?

Top answers

Both Google and psychologists will give almost identical answers to this question.

Here they are:

  • Look in the wrong place

Remember, girls. Men do not go to discos and cafes to meet people. It’s easier to find a guy at a fitness club or through mutual friends.

  • No boyfriend because you are looking for a prince

And they only exist in fairy tales. Lower your demands. Get yourself in order, men love well-groomed ladies.

  • Engage in self-development

Become interesting as a person. There is no boyfriend because you consider yourself unworthy of love and have low self-esteem.

And remember girls, meeting a guy is not a goal, but just one of the paths to harmony and happiness. It is worth remembering one interesting saying: “If you want to change the world, change yourself.” Don't be afraid to change, improve and search.

Don't miss it. . .

Need to know -

Most psychologists are convinced that young people fail in finding their girlfriend for various reasons. They can be both personal and general.

The age component also plays a big role in this matter - at a certain period of your life you change. This means your actions or the decisions you make change.

Precedents may arise due to the individual nature of the individual. But their appearance can also be dictated by outside influence, from the society in which the young person is located.

The reasons may be the following:

  • Interests have not matured

By nature, perhaps you are not yet mature for a serious relationship. Therefore, you don’t need a friend for long meetings yet. Yes, you can feel it yourself. Therefore, you should not focus on other guys.

  • Inferiority complexes

This is typical for an age when a person is going through the period of his formation in society. You just need to learn to be confident in yourself and not leave this distance.

  • Life in a fantasy world

It is important to take into account all the realities of life, meet girls, take their phone numbers, communicate. Just fantasizing is not yet achieving the goal.

  • Timidity, shyness, inexperience

All this will gradually be eliminated, with time and experience communicating with friends and girls.

  • Flaws in appearance

Hormonal surges at this age can often spoil your appearance a little. This could be acne, rapid weight gain, sharpening of facial features, and more. But you need to understand that this is all just as quickly and will go away as the body develops.

The age between 14 and 15 years is called puberty. At this time, there is often an imbalance in the hormonal background, which greatly affects mood. During periods of frequent mood swings, you should not make serious conclusions about yourself or others.

Why doesn't a guy have a girlfriend at 16, 17 and 18 years old?

It is enough to study yourself a little, take a closer look at the society in which you are, determine the level of your own dependence on it, significance, and it will be much easier for you to understand why you have not yet found your person among the girls.

Good reasons:

  • Inferiority complex

It can still affect young people at this age. This is due to the developmental characteristics of each individual personality.

There is a high probability of joining the army, therefore there is no desire to develop personal relationships with the opposite sex.

  • No money for dates

At this time, modern guys are already seriously starting to think about the money they are willing to spend on girls, and then on their chosen one. Perhaps you should just find yourself a part-time job to solve this problem.

  • Excellent student, “crammed”, “nerd”

When a lot of time is spent studying, then there is simply no time to engage in dating and start relationships.

  • Cowardice, weakness, ignorance

Girls love brave, strong and those who know how to defend their opinions.

Reasons that there is no girlfriend if the guy is 19,20 or even 21 years old

A 19-year-old or 20-year-old boy may not have a girlfriend for the following reasons:

  • Student years do not allow you to build personal relationships for a long time

If the workload of studying at a university is too great for you, and you are also interested in additional faculties, you should not get carried away with girls. You can return to this issue after receiving your education.

  • Boorish behavior

No normal girl would like this.

  • Low self-esteem
  • Personal characteristics

For example, a young man is melancholic by nature and loves loneliness more. It is not necessary to fight these qualities. Perhaps in the future a girl with the same character and temperament will be found.

Once again, we leave everything here to the will of Mr. Time!

If a guy is over 30...33 and doesn’t have a partner, why?

When you are already over 30, but have not found your loved one, this may indicate the following:

  • In fact, you don't need a girlfriend yet!

If you are busy creating your own business. Study, or something else serious, then probably personal relationships will only get in the way for some period of time.

  • Workaholic

If a man plunges headlong into work, then he has no energy left for entertainment and searching for his other half. In this case, it will be important to learn to relax and be able to rest on time.

  • No friends, not sociable

You can find a girl only when you at least somehow communicate with her. You can start conversations on abstract but unifying topics (about the weather, work, something else).

A simple test (online) to determine if a guy doesn't have a girlfriend

Questions and choice of answer options:

Question List of answers
The one I liked turned out to be busy.

What did you immediately think of?

  • Is she married?;
  • could have looked after her better;
  • It's always like that with me!
Relationships with a girl for you
  • satisfaction;
  • new life experience;
  • the ability to forgive and love.
If your relationship fails, what will you do?
  • It’s better to continue dating than to feel like a failure;
  • tomorrow we will see;
  • Most likely, she is not the one I need.
Motto for life
  • love me always, but in moderation;
  • It’s better to be a lion once than to be a goat all your life;
  • in the morning it is clear what the day will be like.
For example, she will want to go to the sea, and you like to travel around Europe.

How do you feel about this difference?

  • give a bouquet of flowers containing an envelope with one ticket to the sea;
  • remind you that you can’t be selfish;
  • the final decision will be hers.
For example, your girlfriend tells you that another guy is flirting with her.

What will you do?

  • willingly meet to dispel his dreams;
  • send her a photo with a reminder inscription: “Remember the one you love”;
  • make her promise that she will never cheat on you.
What irritates you most?
  • lonely existence;
  • guilt;
  • frequent mistakes.
For example, you live together. How should responsibilities be distributed among you?
  • 50 x 50;
  • I'll do everything myself;
  • I will do everything myself, but I will also expect praise, recognition that I am valuable.
The first reconciliation after the first quarrel.

What will you do?

  • repent of thinking that your relationship was a mistake;
  • just kiss and hug her without words;
  • say that she and you should remember this evening.
Freedom in love relationships, in your opinion, is:
  • continuous experiments;
  • the ability to appreciate another person;
  • the right to make mistakes.
On the first date, for example, a girl confesses her love.

What's your reaction?

  • this is great!;
  • cannot be true;
  • perhaps she is “the one.”
For example, she asks you to pay more attention to her, rather than concentrating on work and affairs.

What will you think?

  • this is not a matter - work is most important;
  • does she even know how the money is obtained?;
  • I’ll take a week off to spend time with her and relax at the same time.
What is your strongest character?
  • optimism;
  • softness, flexibility;
  • determination.

Some possible combinations of self-test results are listed below.

Selected answers - yellow

  • In love with a love relationship

Such people dream more about love than are ready to build real relationships. With this position in life, the chances of finding a permanent girlfriend are 3 out of 10. Girls will be fleeting. The reason for failure is constant comparison with an ideal far-fetched in your head.

Answers in green

  • Attachment to mother

Most likely, your attitude towards your mother is preventing you from finding a permanent partner. It could be attachment, fear of the mother's opinion, or something else. You must first understand for yourself personally how independent you already are. This awareness determines the readiness to establish personal relationships.

Answers without color

  • Fear of loss

You are terrified of losing your partner, so you instinctively don’t even want to start a relationship with a girl. That is, you are creating problems for yourself that do not yet exist and, quite possibly, will not even exist. In this case, psychologists recommend learning to live the present moment in your life with pleasure.

Handsome guy, what should I do, I'm a terrible loser?

5 myths that prevent even a handsome guy from finding a girl:

  • You need "The One"

Life shows that there is no “same” girl in the world. She becomes like this after the choice you made.

  • I must have the best girlfriend!

There is no such thing as “best” or “worst”. There is a concept - “liked”, “disliked” or “meets my expectations”.

  • I should be interested in her

But this may not be revealed immediately. Isn't that right? They are looking for a mate among those who match their level of interests. It is important not to go too far here. Giving in to exaggerated expectations can easily lead to disappointment. Reality is often not what we imagine it to be.

  • Girls are expensive...

It is not necessary that your future chosen one will expect you to spend a lot of money on her. Although the monetary component is important.

  • Girls don't talk to me themselves...

Here you first need to understand why this happens. If there are no external reasons, then you need to not be timid and start communicating.

There's another secret– girls love it when people listen to them attentively. This has its advantages - they themselves can tell you how to please you, get closer, etc.

Or maybe I'm scary, I didn't show up for the girls?

So, there are two reasons why you can’t find your beloved when you think that you haven’t come out looking good:

  1. Personal psychological omissions, shortcomings, shortcomings and problems.
  2. The imposition by society of its standard of behavior, worldview, habits, etc.

The guy will have to work personally with internal psychological problems that serve as an obstacle. For example, you have to free yourself from an inferiority complex and learn to become independent from other people’s opinions. Sometimes you need to change your dressing style, habits, actions, speech.

The second type of reasons is the social structure, the fashion for a particular manner of behavior in society, the opinion of the majority (friends, classmates, colleagues). All this may not affect you in the case when you are able to be free from public views. If not, you will have to work on this too - direct your efforts to not follow the lead of society.

After listening to truly competent experts in the field of psychology, we can come to the conclusion that that before you start looking for your girlfriend, it is very important to be confident in yourself.

This means you need to learn to defend your beliefs, hone your own style of behavior, take into account the desires of others, and not be an exaggerated egoist.

In addition, try to be attentive to your actions and the results they lead to.

It's quite possible you have already had many chances to make a good friend, or find your love. Only you missed it all, unable to discern signs of attention from the fair sex and were immersed only in yourself.

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