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Types of families. The partner family is the family of the future

The social studies exam is the most widespread of all, which are taken electively, both in Chuvashia and throughout Russia. By its nature, it is focused more on assessing mastery of the requirements of a basic level educational standard, and in this regard, it is in demand by a large number of graduates who want to pass certification for a general education school course.

The social science knowledge and subject skills of the graduates who took the exam in 2009 are generally at the same level as demonstrated by the 2008 graduates. There is noticeable growth in individual content elements and tested skills. The strengthening of the applied (practical) component of social science training was reflected more clearly in the Unified State Exam results. The level of completion of tasks to address social realities has increased. In this, in particular, we see a change in emphasis in the practice of teaching the subject - from focusing mainly on the transfer and reproduction of ready-made knowledge to teaching based on the development of various ways of obtaining social information, its interpretation and application.

But on the other hand, there are still difficulties in completing tasks related to the use of concepts of a high level of theoretical generalization, as well as those aimed at establishing structural-functional and cause-and-effect relationships of objects.

The difficulties associated with an insufficient degree of proficiency in analytical and evaluative skills when performing tasks of a high level of complexity with textual information are persistent. Particular attention should be paid to tasks for the analysis and interpretation of text, which require the ability to carry out a comprehensive search, systematization and interpretation of social information on a certain topic from original non-adapted texts (philosophical, scientific, legal, political, journalistic). The first two of these tasks - C1 and C2 - require the presence of an essentially reproductive skill: to find one or another social information in an unadapted text. At the same time, the absence of this skill indicates that the graduate as a whole has not mastered the skill of semantic reading, and, as a consequence, his unwillingness to master the course without outside help and subsequently work with scientific literature. Meanwhile, the rate of examinees failing to complete tasks C1 and C2 from year to year is quite high - about 20% of exam participants cannot find the required information in the text. Tasks C3 and C4, which require the ability to apply acquired social science knowledge to characterize a text and its individual provisions, are performed much worse; use information obtained from the text to solve cognitive and problematic problems, as well as the ability to argue and formulate value judgments related to the provisions of the text. The indicator of their implementation in 2009 was 37% and 27%, respectively. This means that 63% of graduates cannot complete task C3 and 73% cannot complete task C4.

To competently complete these tasks, you must clearly know the criteria by which each is assessed. These criteria are presented in collections of Unified State Exam training tasks. I provide a memo-algorithm for working with text on the Unified State Exam:

1. Read the text carefully. Remember: direct answers to questions or hints for formulating answers are contained in the text;

2. Correlate the proposed text with the course studied and determine which content line this text is connected to. This will help you rely on the studied material when completing assignments;

3. Give an answer to the question: “What is the text about?” - and determine its main idea;

4. Try to answer the questions in order, since they are formulated according to the principle “from simple to complex.” The answer to the first question can be the basis for doing the next;

5. Read the questions carefully, trying to understand the task completely;

6. Answer the question exactly;

7. Remember that completing the task requires reliance on the text, personal experience, and material studied in the course;

8. Try to give a logically coherent answer containing clear formulations;

9. Avoid incomplete answers;

10. Do not use unnecessary generalizations and interpretations of the author’s text where the task does not require it;

11. Having formulated an answer, check its correctness: return to the text and find in it key words and phrases that confirm your conclusions.


Read the text and complete tasks C1 - C4.

Man can exist only if other organisms exist, namely green plants. However, its existence on our planet differs sharply from the existence of other organized beings. Intelligence, which distinguishes it, gives living matter amazing features, profoundly changing its effect on the environment.

The mind changes everything. Guided by it, a person uses the substance that surrounds him - inert and living - not only to build his body, but also for the needs of his social life. And this use is already a great geological force.

In this way, reason introduces new powerful processes into the mechanism of the earth’s crust, the likes of which did not exist before the advent of man. Man... changes the appearance, chemical and mineralogical composition of the environment, his habitat. Its habitat is the entire earth's surface. His activities become more powerful and more organized with every century.
Based on this great victory, man destroyed “virgin nature.” He introduced into it a mass of unknown new chemical compounds and new forms of life - cultivated breeds of animals and plants.

After many hundreds of thousands of years of steady striving, the coverage of the entire surface of the biosphere by a single social species of the animal kingdom - man - has been completed. There is no corner on Earth that is inaccessible to him. There are no limits to its possible reproduction.

For the first time, man really understood that he is an inhabitant of the planet and can - must - think and act not only in the aspect of an individual, family or clan, state or their unions, but also in the planetary aspect. He, like all living things, can think and act in the planetary aspect only in the area of ​​life - in the biosphere, in a certain earthly shell, with which he is inextricably linked, naturally connected and from which he cannot leave.
(V.I. Vernadsky)

C1. According to the author, the existence of man on Earth is sharply different from the existence of other living beings. Does he still remain a “son of nature”? How does the author justify his conclusion?


1) affirmative answer;

2) argument (a person can live and act only in a certain earthly shell, subject to the existence of living organisms).

C2. In what four aspects, according to V.I. Vernadsky, can and should a person think? Based on the text and knowledge of the course, indicate which problems particularly require planetary thinking.


1) aspects:
- an individual;
- family or clan;
- states or their allies;
- planets as a whole;

2) it is said that planetary thinking is especially important when solving global problems.

C3. The author writes about the continuous connection between man and the earth’s shell, the biosphere. Based on the text, knowledge of the course, facts of social life and personal social experience, provide any three evidence of this connection.

The correct answer may include the following evidence:

1) the biosphere creates certain climatic conditions, provides water and breathing necessary for humans;

2) conditions of the biosphere influence human economic activity (economic specialization of regions);

3) natural conditions influence the forms of social organization of people.

C4. In the text, written in the first quarter of the 20th century, the author actually proclaims a hymn to man, and calls his victories in relations with nature great. State three possible reasons for this statement.

The answer may include the following reasons:

The first decades of the last century were marked by major achievements in science and the emergence of many technical innovations;
- in our country there was an idea about the limitless possibilities of man in transforming nature, and the author shares it;
- the negative impact of human economic activity on the environment was not yet so obvious.

Most students, retelling the content of paragraphs for a good grade, find themselves helpless in a situation where they need to apply the acquired knowledge. Their social science knowledge is formal in nature, acquired at the verbal level and has not become either a tool of socialization (students will not be able to apply it in real life to solve emerging social problems), nor a condition providing the opportunity to further improve their educational level. This is confirmed by the results of tasks C5-C7, which require complex intellectual skills, including the ability to understand and apply theoretical principles in a given context, to reveal with examples the most important theoretical provisions and concepts of the social sciences and humanities, to give examples of certain social phenomena, actions, situations; concretize the theoretical principles of the course with the help of examples, apply social and humanitarian knowledge to solve cognitive and practical problems that reflect current problems of human life and society. The percentage of completion of tasks C5, C6 and C7 in the 2009 exam is 29%, 30%, 23%, respectively.

C5. Name any three directions in the development of laws that create the legal foundations of a market economy.

The answer may include the following directions:

1) development of laws regulating the activities of banks;

2) creation of a legal mechanism for regulating property relations;

3) development of the legal framework for the functioning of private enterprises and business activities;

4) development of antimonopoly legislation.

C6. Illustrate any three separate characteristics of a partner-type (democratic) family with specific examples. In each case, name the characteristic you are illustrating.

The answer may include the following examples illustrating the characteristics of a family of a partnership (democratic) type:

1) in K.’s family, the husband and wife work (there is no functionally clear division and consolidation of male and female responsibilities);

2) L.’s family members tell each other every evening about what happened during the day, the parents advise their son on what to do in a situation that arose at school (it is customary to discuss problems together);

3) in N.’s family, the decision on how to spend the winter holidays is made taking into account the opinions of all family members (decisions on important issues are made with the participation of all family members).

C7. Foreign analysts assessed the new constitution adopted in the country of P. as less democratic than the previous one. Suggest what three changes in the constitution could become the basis for such assessments.

The answer should name three changes such as;

1) the Constitution could reduce the range of political rights of citizens;

2) electoral qualifications could be introduced;

3) the rights of the executive branch could be expanded;

4) if we are talking about the constitution of a federal state, then the basis for the analysts’ conclusions could be a reduction in the rights of the subjects of the federation, a tendency towards unitarism.

Using various approaches to developing skills in working with text, you can achieve positive results. I wish all graduates to successfully prepare for the Unified State Exam in social studies.

Used literature:
1. Methodological letter “On the use of the results of the 2009 Unified State Exam in teaching social studies in educational institutions of secondary (complete) general education.”

From my point of view, there are three types of family relationships between husband and wife and, accordingly, three types of family.

  • Dictator type
  • Democratic type
  • Standalone type

Dictator family type

One of the family members decides all or the vast majority of issues relating to this family. Another family member either does not decide anything in this family or may decide some minor secondary issues. Moreover, these issues seem minor and secondary precisely from the point of view of the first family member. This main (leading, dominant) family member, when making any decision, either does not consult with the second family member at all, or consults only formally. Those. always acts in his own way, and advice with another family member does not have the nature of a corrective when making a decision, but has the nature of “taking note.”

The leading family member simply finds out how the other family member will react to his decision, good or bad. And if it’s bad, then this does not mean at all that the dominant one will adjust his decision towards greater compromise.

This type of family will be stable only if two conditions are met:

  1. Consent of the second family member to this state of affairs
  2. Full responsibility of the first for all his decisions

Typically, the dictatorial type of family is common in a patriarchal society. The leader in such a family is the husband, and the wife agrees to this position, because... she was raised this way from childhood and sometimes she can’t imagine that it could be different (or be different for her personally). But in modern society this type of family is also found.

As a rule, in modern society, a dictatorial type of family exists where there is some kind of inequality between spouses. For example, property, age, nationality (one of the spouses is an immigrant), physical (one of the spouses is crippled), psychological (one of the spouses is weak-willed, and the other is strong-willed), etc. Moreover, if in a patriarchal society a man always dominates in a dictatorial family, then in modern society a woman dominates in half the cases.

So, the second family member consciously gives leadership to the first, recognizing that the first is better at managing the family. If a subordinate family member does not recognize the dominance of the first, then a “revolt on the ship” periodically occurs. Such rebellion is not serious if the subordinate family member is truly unable to effectively manage the family. He (or she) does a couple of stupid things that he can't handle. The leader effectively corrects the situation. As a result, they make peace and everything settles down until the next “rebellion.”

With frequent unreasonable “rebellions,” the subordinate runs the risk that the boss may get tired of him and eventually throw him overboard the family ship and find a more flexible partner or equal.

A mutiny on a ship is much more serious if the subordinate family member is actually capable of ruling the family. In this case, either the family falls apart or moves to another type.

The second condition for the stability of the dictatorial type of family is the leader's full responsibility for all his decisions. If the leader makes decisions alone, and in case of failure or error in such a decision, he begins to blame the second family member for the fact that the failure occurred because of him, because the subordinate did not do everything too well, was not deeply imbued with the plan his ideas, then this, strictly speaking, is not a leader at all.

The leader must take full responsibility for everything, including his decisions where he relied too much on a second family member. Constantly blaming the second family member for family failures ultimately leads to the leader becoming fed up with his subordinate and the subordinate leaving “the ship to look for another captain.” Dictatorial relationships in the family are largely based on the fact that the second family member does not bear any responsibility for the actions of the first family member.

Democratic family type

This is one of the most unfortunate types of family, in the sense that it is the most unstable. Typically, this type of family is often found among newlyweds who are in their youthful romantic illusions regarding family relationships and relationships between men and women in general. It seems to them that all problems that arise can be solved together, together. And if there are any disagreements, then we must come to a mutual compromise.

In fact, finding a compromise in family relationships is very difficult. When compromising, everyone must make some concessions on their part. In theory, everything seems to be very nice. You gave in a little and for this they made concessions to you. But in practice everything is much more complicated.

The main problem is that it always seems to you that you are the one making much greater concessions than your partner. Sometimes it seems that your partner is making very small, insignificant concessions to you, but you are sacrificing very, very much. Your partner thinks the same about you.

Therefore, both try to squeeze as many concessions as possible out of each other, and make as few concessions themselves as possible. In the end, even if a compromise is found (and even this is not always the case), instead of mutual satisfaction, a feeling of dissatisfaction with the compromise often arises.

The main reason why you think that you always sacrifice more for your partner than he/she does for you is that you are unable to appreciate the importance of what your partner sacrificed for you. It seems to you that this is some kind of trifle, because in your life it really is a trifle.

But in your partner’s life this may not be a trifle at all. And it’s not always possible to explain to you that this is not a small thing for him/her. Explain so that you feel it the way he/she feels.

Therefore, the democratic type of family is most often characterized by quarrels and conflicts. And the democratic family itself often teeters on the brink of collapse.

Autonomous family type

This type of family relationship is the most successful. The husband and wife demarcate their spheres of influence and then each in his own area behaves like... a dictator from a dictatorial type of family. Each family member takes on the area where he is more competent and is ready not only to make decisions independently, but also to bear full responsibility for them. Those areas where a given family member is less competent and is not ready to make independent decisions with full responsibility for the decisions made, he gives to another family member.

Well, in theory everything is very beautiful. But in practice, they will fight when they delimit their powers. Surely each spouse will want to resolve issues related to finances and the family budget. After all, everyone’s personal money goes into this budget.

Previously, everyone used their earned money as they wanted. And now a situation may arise when this money will be managed by a close, but still different person. Money gives independence and autonomy. Therefore, I’m so reluctant to let my money slip out of my hands.

Then, there seems to be a situation where there are areas of family life that no one wants to take on. It happens that no one likes or knows how to cook food, or no one wants to go to school for parent-teacher meetings. Everyone will try to assign similar responsibilities to another family member.

The paradox is that at the initial stage of delimitation of powers, you need to spend some time in the shoes of a democratic family before moving on to a full-fledged autonomous type. And as we already know, if you find yourself in a democratic type, you can easily destroy a family.

As a matter of fact, in practice this is what happens. At first, upon marriage, a democratic type of family is often established, which then spontaneously turns into an autonomous or dictatorial one. But he may not have time to move on. Therefore, such a transition should occur as quickly as possible so that the friction between husband and wife does not last long.

It is advisable that such a transition occurs before marriage. So that everyone knows in advance what he will do in the family, and what the other family member will do, i.e. where and when you will have to obey the decisions of another family member without any dispute.

A solution to this problem could be a marriage contract, where it would be possible to outline in advance what finances and in what volume (in percentage or absolute value) each spouse throws into the “common pot”, and which ones he leaves for his own needs, in what cases conditions these shares change (for example, the birth of a child or the death of a close relative) and by how much. Also in the marriage contract you can describe what the “common pot” is spent on, what share of the “common pot” the husband disposes of, and what share the wife disposes of, in accordance with their area of ​​family life. Such a marriage contract would also list the areas of family life assigned to each spouse.

Another good thing about a marriage contract is that a lawyer helps you draw it up, at least the financial part.

But the prenuptial agreement is not ideal either. 10-15 years pass and people change. They begin to believe that, due to their youth, they have incorrectly delineated powers. This means that disputes and quarrels may arise over the revision of the marriage contract.

This means that initially the marriage contract should provide for such a situation. To provide not in the sense of predicting in advance what should change in it in 10-15 years, but to determine the possible timing of changes in such a contract at the request of one of the spouses and the basic principles and directions of such changes.


Reality is always more complicated than theory. One difficulty has already been mentioned twice. This is that the type of family is not static. There are both transitions from one type to another (from democratic to autonomous) and changes within one type of family (changes in the distribution of powers in the autonomous type).

Another difficulty. There are practically no pure types of families (even if there is a marriage contract with a detailed description of the division of powers). An ordinary family is always a mixture of all three types. It often happens that one of the three types predominates, the other two types appear more or less rarely. But there are also many cases when the type of a family is difficult to recognize; depending on the circumstances, we see one or another or a third type in this family.

Finally, everything becomes more complicated when the family consists of more than two people. For example, there are school-age children, or the parents of one of the spouses live in the same apartment with the husband and wife. In such families, one type of family relationship can be established between some family members, and another type between other family members. For example, a husband and wife are in a “democracy”, a husband is a “dictator” in relation to a child, and there is a relationship of autonomy between a wife and a child.

Teacher Dumbadze V. A.
from school 162 of the Kirov district of St. Petersburg.

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Choose the correct judgments about the family and its types and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) A family is considered to be any group of people who have common interests.

2) A family of a democratic (partnership) type is characterized by a fair division of household responsibilities.

3) A family of the traditional (patriarchal) type is characterized by the economic dependence of the woman on the man.

4) Nuclear family (also married or partner family) - a family consisting of parents (parent) and children.

5) A family of a democratic (partnership) type is characterized by the assignment of all household responsibilities to the woman.

A family is an association of people based on marriage and consanguinity, bound by a common life and mutual moral responsibility. The initial basis of family relationships is marriage. Types of families depending on the criterion of family power: matriarchy (power in the family belongs to the woman), patriarchy (the head is a man), egalitarian, or democratic (a family in which the status equality of spouses is observed; is the most common at present).

1) A family is considered to be any group of people who have common interests - no, that’s not true.

2) A family of a democratic (partnership) type is characterized by a fair division of household responsibilities - yes, that’s right.

3) A family of the traditional (patriarchal) type is characterized by the economic dependence of the woman on the man - yes, that’s right.

4) Nuclear family (also married or partner family) - a family consisting of parents (parent) and children - yes, that's right.

5) For a family of a democratic (partnership) type, it is typical to assign all household responsibilities to the woman - no, that’s not true.

It is typical for a partner-type family
Thousands of tasks with solutions to prepare for the Unified State Exam 2018 in all subjects. A system of tests for preparation and self-study for the Unified State Exam.

The writing is on the wall

Name three characteristic features of a democratic (partnership, egalitarian) family type and illustrate each with an example.

You can send me the answer to the task in a personal message.

1) Equal distribution of responsibilities
Both the wife and husband work, so they take turns preparing dinner and cleaning.
2) The basis of education is conviction, the absence of violent methods
The son came home late, but instead of punishing him, his parents had a conversation with him, explaining why he shouldn’t stay out late.
3) Joint decision-making and equal distribution of responsibility
The couple made the decision to move to a new home after consulting with each other and with their children.

There is no clear delineation of roles based on gender/age (which is what the patriarchal family is based on)

Active participation of women in social production: a woman works in places where water is rarely used

1) Equal division of responsibilities
Not only the husband, but also the wife brings income to the family budget.
2) The emergence of a deliberative function within the family
Before making any decision, both partners consult on this issue and make a choice based on common opinion
3)Joint farming
Both husband and wife can do housework

The writing is on the wall
Name three characteristic features of a democratic (partnership, egalitarian) family type and illustrate each with an example. You can send me the answer to the task in a personal message.

Name and illustrate with examples any three characteristics of a family of a partner (democratic) type

Answer 1:

1) Family members are equal and have the right to vote. In a family, all household responsibilities are divided equally among the members of this family. Everyone in the family chooses a new car together.

2) Both spouses bring income to the family (citizen M works as a dentist, his wife K is a teacher, both spouses bring income to the family).

3) Lack of multi-generation (children and their parents live in the apartment).

Expert rating:

Answer 2:

— Equal distribution of responsibilities between spouses; for example, on Mondays the husband washes the dishes, and on Tuesdays the wife.

— Both contribute finances to the family budget: for example, both husband and wife work.

- Equal participation in raising children: example, both father and mother are involved in raising the child equally, and not just the mother, as in a traditional family, teaches homework with the child, takes her to school, looks at the diary, both parents do this.

Expert rating:

Task 34 (C7)

In country Z, the head of state is elected by popular vote. All citizens are obliged to adhere to the national ideology, there is constant state control over all spheres of life, and extrajudicial prosecutions of representatives of opposition movements are carried out. State Z includes territories that do not have political independence.

Based on the facts given, identify each of the three components of state form Z (be sure to first name the component state form, and then specify each of them for state Z).

Answer 1:

Expert rating:

Answer 2:

The form of territorial government in country Z is unitary, it implies the presence of a separate territory that does not have political independence.

The form of government is mixed (with elements of democratic and totalitarian forms of government).

A sign of a democratic state is that the head of state is elected by popular vote. The signs of a totalitarian form of government predominate: the presence of a nationwide unified ideology; constant state control over all spheres of social life; carrying out extrajudicial persecution of representatives of opposition movements.

The regime of government is totalitarian.

Expert rating:

Task 35 (C8)

You will have to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “The rights of a citizen as a subject of relations regulated by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation and their protection.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

Answer 1:

1. Civil rights are the rights of a citizen guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

2. History of the development of civil legislation in the Russian Federation.

3. Basic civil rights in the Russian Federation:

4. The system of civil legislation in the Russian Federation.

5. The system for protecting the rights of citizens in the Russian Federation.

A) Commissioner for Human Rights;

B) Commissioner for Children's Rights;

B) judicial authorities.

Expert rating:

Answer 2:

1. The concept of law.

2. Types of civil rights (branches of law).

A) family law;

B) labor law

B) civil law;

D) administrative law.

3. Which types of law are regulated by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation

B) personal (non-property).

4. Ways to protect the rights of a citizen:

A) provision of qualified legal assistance;

B) not only representation, but also guarantee of rights and freedoms;

C) providing the opportunity for citizens to appeal to government bodies.

D) what bodies exercise state power in the Russian Federation.

Expert rating:

Task 36 (C9)

Select one From the statements below, reveal its meaning
in the form of a mini-essay, identifying, if necessary, different aspects of the problem posed by the author (the topic raised).

When expressing your thoughts about the raised problem (designated topic), when arguing your point of view, use knowledge received while studying a social studies course, corresponding concepts, and also facts public life and one's own life experience. (Give at least two examples from different sources for factual argumentation.)

Among the criteria by which the completion of task 36 (C9) is assessed, criterion K1 is decisive. If the examinee, in principle, did not reveal (or revealed incorrectly) the meaning of the statement and The expert gave 0 points for criterion K1, then the answer is not checked further. For the remaining criteria (K2, K3), 0 points are given in the protocol for checking tasks with a detailed answer.

Name and illustrate with examples any three characteristics of a family of a partner (democratic) type
Name and illustrate with examples any three characteristics of a family of a partner (democratic) type. Answer 1: 1) Family members are equal and have the right to vote. In the family, all responsibilities

The partner family is the family of the future

The family is the oldest institution of society. Currently, it can be described as a voluntary union of a man and a woman running a common household, created for the purpose of giving birth and raising children.

Over the centuries, various forms of marriage have evolved. These days, the two most common types of families are patriarchal and partner. The differences between them are very significant both in family composition and in the way they distribute duties and responsibilities.

For example, a patriarchal family traditionally includes several generations: parents, children, grandparents. Sometimes this also includes brothers and sisters, including cousins. Due to the fact that several generations live under one roof, responsibilities are distributed among everyone. There are strong ties between family members and strong authority of the older generation. Decisions are made by the man; the wife and children obey not only the husband, but also all other relatives.

A partner family consists of parents and children, however, it can also consist only of spouses. In this case, the parents of the spouses, as a rule, live separately, and brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts are already considered “strangers”, having no influence on the family. Decisions in the family are made jointly by husband and wife. Examples of partner families can often be found among educated, financially successful people.

The partner type of family is also called democratic because of the equal distribution of responsibilities and duties. A woman can do everything herself, but cooking dinner while looking after the children and hanging out clean laundry is not customary in such families. The husband takes on some of the troubles, for example, he helps cook or can wash the dishes after dinner. The hallmarks of a partner family are mutual understanding, trust and honesty. Trust between spouses in such a family is the cornerstone of relationships. Close people have nothing to hide from each other, because it is more convenient to discuss the problem and solve it together. Any difficulties that arise are resolved by the spouse who understands the issue better, but always by mutual agreement.

The result is an almost ideal picture: everyday life is not boring, the family provides protection from the outside world, husband and wife respect and value each other. The only problem is that a partner-type family is very rare. On the one hand, stereotypes about the superiority of men over women and “women’s responsibilities” are too strong, and even when relationships at the very beginning are built on mutual agreements, the woman often gradually takes on the entire household routine along with work. On the other hand, traditionally it is the man who is the main source of money in the family, and partnerships imply that financial responsibilities are generally divided equally.

If a man and a woman decide to create a partnership, then they should not subsequently try to resolve the relationship on the basis of traditional norms; they should strictly adhere to the agreements reached and openly discuss the necessary changes in the form of dialogue.

When both spouses are ready to have a child, the partner family is the most convenient environment for raising children. Firstly, it is easier to provide psychological comfort to a young mother in a family with trusting relationships. Secondly, everyone knows how difficult it is with a baby in the first months of life: a strict diet while breastfeeding, the baby is constantly in your arms and sleeps poorly at night. In traditional families, when dad comes home from work, as a rule, he expects to see order in the house, a delicious dinner, an affectionate wife and a smiling toddler... A partner family is an option in which the man honestly admits all the difficulties and shares them with his wife: he can cook dinner himself , get up at night to see the child or iron the clothes. Of course, in traditional families, husbands also help women at this time, but more “out of the kindness of their hearts” than out of a sense of duty.

Modern research has proven that babies, both boys and girls, need their dad's attention from birth. A partner-type family gives it much more than a patriarchal family. Another important advantage is the example of parents living in an atmosphere of respect and readiness for dialogue. Children learn to solve problems that arise in relationships easily and effectively. Growing up, they maintain a trusting relationship with their parents and go through the crises of growing up more easily.

The partner family is the future main form of union between a man and a woman. Social norms that impose the institution of marriage are gradually becoming a thing of the past. The economic prerequisites for starting a family are also becoming irrelevant: women have equal property rights, opportunities to earn money and are not financially dependent on men. Only the need for a reliable, strong union of close people, honest and equal, giving support and confidence, will underlie the family.

Sooner or later, a couple in love comes to the conclusion that it is time to start a family. This is an important social process that is not ignored by specialists in the field of demography and social science. The family of the democratic type, behind which stands the future, stands out especially.

What is family?

From a specialized dictionary, a family is a small social group whose members are related by marriage or blood, and are also interested in organizing cohabitation and mutual assistance.

If we compare our society with a whole organism, the family in it will be a separate cell. The proper functioning of the entire mechanism depends on these “cells.” Therefore, the family is a unit of society, the well-being of which directly affects the present and future.

Family functions

It doesn’t matter what goals a married couple has or what kind of building they want to build. Forming a family involves the emergence of certain functions, including:

  1. Birth of children.
  2. Interaction with children and development of motherhood/fatherhood skills.
  3. Development of economic relations, satisfaction of the material needs of all
  4. A source of love, respect and psychological protection.
  5. Communication with family members, mental relaxation.
  6. Primary socialization.
  7. Intellectual and physical relaxation.

In real life, it is not always possible to see the fulfillment of all the listed points, but a “standard” example of the presence of all functions is a democratic family. What is it? What features does this type of marital union have?

Democratic family

This type is considered the most acceptable in the 21st century, because it takes into account the needs and interests of absolutely everyone. Unlike authoritarian married couples, there is no place for any social standards or generally accepted stereotypes.

Any democratic family is a set of conditional rules that are acceptable for both parents and their children. The following points are especially important here:

  1. Relationships are based on trust, compromise, understanding, patience, concessions, respect and equality. There is no place in such families for dominance and humiliation.
  2. In democratic (partnership) families there are no “male” and “female” responsibilities. A man can always help in his free time with household chores such as laundry or dishes. A woman is not obliged to come home as a second job, and it will not be a shame for her to repair or repair equipment.
  3. Finance in a democratic family is a common capital. does not mean that each of its members does not have pocket money, but there is no room for any hidden investments and acquisitions.

In such families, it is not considered a shame to have a small salary for the husband and a large salary for the wife. The spouse has every right to build her career and earn big money.

  1. Democratic relations in the family also apply to children, when their opinions and needs are taken into account by parents without compromising the upbringing process. This does not mean that the child will be spoiled and caressed, but he will not feel excessively dominated by his parents.
  2. Any adversity and misfortune can be overcome with the help of each other. Spouses can give practical advice to each other and their children, help solve a problem together, and support in difficult times.

Subtypes of partner family

Above we have given a description of an ideal union where equality comes first. There are also different interpretations of the partner family, which have a number of features.

1. Patriarchal democratic family.

The peculiarity of such a union is the dominant role of the husband in various matters. Such a family is built on the same principles: respect, patience, concessions. However, equality is already eroding.

At the same time, it would be wrong to consider such a family as purely patriarchal. Although the man has the last word, he will still listen to his wife. There is no violence or other destructive processes that can appear in pure patriarchy.

2. Matriarchal democratic family.

In such a community, everything is the other way around: leadership is transferred into the hands of a woman. Democracy manifests itself in situations where a husband can still influence his wife’s decisions, and children have the right to express their opinions and be listened to by their mother.

Authoritarian family as an alternative

It is not always possible to create an ideal marital union. A democratic family is the best option for relationships, but in modern realities such a pattern is very difficult to implement.

Sometimes an authoritarian family becomes quite strong, and sometimes destructive processes arise due to misunderstanding, deception and stress. For example, systematic quarrels between spouses begin to occur, and they are burdened by mental fatigue. As a result, home no longer becomes the place you want to return to every day after work.

This negative impact is especially reflected on children: their parents snap at them, they are constantly forbidden to do something, and their opinions are sometimes not taken into account. The result is that children are shy, unsure of themselves, have low self-esteem, and bend under the pressure of their peers.

The future lies in partnerships

A democratic family is the future of any developed community. According to statistics, in most developed countries the policy of creating such marital unions is positive.

As proof of the perfection of partnerships, it can be noted that democracy is characteristic of the urban population, and authoritarianism is characteristic of people in rural areas, where traditions are of paramount importance. And according to tradition, the husband is “in power” when the wife does all the housework and obeys (sometimes tolerates) her husband.

There are, of course, other types of family relationships, but democracy is objectively the best solution for consolidating the marital union in the 21st century.

Family is something that couples come to sooner or later. A man and a woman meet at a certain stage in their lives and after a while start a family (if they are sure that they are suitable for each other). And if a couple initially based their life on mutual understanding, trust and partnership, then perhaps this marriage will be very strong.

The partner family type is one of four types identified by sociologists. It is considered the most acceptable form of married life, especially in the modern world. This type is also called democratic, and there is every reason for this.

In a partner family, equality between men and women is clearly visible. They both work and share household chores. Both parties act as breadwinners: and it doesn’t matter who earns more, what things they buy for the house, since the family budget is still the same. As for children, in a partner family they are always planned and desired. Parental responsibilities are also shared equally. If the wife is busy preparing dinner, then the husband understands this and can unconditionally take care of the child, even if the most important match of the entire season is on TV.

This is what is remarkable in a democratic family: an equal distribution of responsibilities and work. It is clear that a woman can do everything herself - sit with the child while stirring the soup, dusting and washing. But why overwork yourself if you can give your spouse some part of the work. In such a family, a man simply will not allow himself to hit the table with his fist and say: “As I said, so it will be!”

Relationships in a partner family are based on mutual understanding, trust and honesty. It is believed that thanks to these qualities, spouses feel comfortable, so there are no frequent quarrels over trifles. All problems are resolved not by clarifying relationships in a raised voice, but during a dialogue in which the most acceptable option for exiting any situation is chosen.

The absence of secrets and secrets from each other is one of the aspects of life in a democratic family. The spouses simply have nothing to hide, since they are satisfied with everything in their life together. Even if some mistakes were once made, the husband or wife admits them. Problems that arise within the family are resolved either by both husband and wife, or by one of the spouses who is better versed in the issue at hand, but with mutual consent.

The best quality of a partner type of family is an elevated state of spirit, a present feeling of joy, and always a positive mood. Spouses have nothing to worry about: they are confident in their partner, his support if necessary, loyalty and desire to talk on any topic. The only sad thing is that a partner family, alas, is rare.

Stereotypes about the strength of a man and his dominant role in the family are so ingrained in people’s consciousness that even if the initial stage of a relationship is based on democracy, subsequently the woman bears all the responsibilities of a housewife, sometimes even along with work. In addition, the presence of a huge number of gender stereotypes and infringements of rights does not allow the normal existence of partnerships.

However, we should not forget that the world is changing, women have long been on an equal footing with men, and if you need a healthy and strong family, it can only be achieved through trust and equality.

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