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Traditional holidays of my family. Family holidays and family traditions. Family meals

Most families have their own public or unspoken traditions. How important are they for raising happy people?

Traditions and rituals are inherent in every family. Even if you think that there is nothing like this in your family, most likely you are a little mistaken. After all, even the morning: “Hello!” and evening: “Good night!” - this is also a kind of tradition. What can we say about Sunday dinners with the whole family or the collective making of Christmas tree decorations.

First, let’s remember what the word “family,” so simple and familiar from childhood, means. Agree, there may be different options on the topic: “mom, dad, me,” and “parents and grandparents,” and “sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts, etc.” One of the most popular definitions of this term says: “A family is an association of people based on marriage or consanguinity, connected by a common life, mutual moral responsibility and mutual assistance.” That is, these are not just blood relatives living under the same roof, but also people who help each other and are mutually responsible. Family members in the true sense of the word love each other, support each other, rejoice together on happy occasions and are sad on sad occasions. They seem to be all together, but at the same time they learn to respect each other’s opinions and personal space. And there is something that unites them into one whole, unique to them, in addition to the stamps in the passport.

This “something” is family traditions. Do you remember how you loved to come to your grandmother for the summer as a child? Or celebrate birthdays with a large crowd of relatives? Or decorate the Christmas tree with your mother? These memories are filled with warmth and light.

What are family traditions? Explanatory dictionaries say the following: “Family traditions are the usual norms, behavior patterns, customs and views accepted in the family that are passed on from generation to generation.” Most likely, these are the usual standards of behavior that the child will take with him to his future family and pass on to his children.

What do family traditions give to people? Firstly, they contribute to the harmonious development of the child. After all, traditions imply repeated repetition of some actions, and, therefore, stability. For a baby, such predictability is very important; thanks to it, over time he ceases to be afraid of this big, incomprehensible world. Why be afraid if everything is constant, stable, and your parents are nearby? In addition, traditions help children see in their parents not just strict educators, but also friends with whom it is interesting to spend time together.

Secondly, for adults, family traditions give a feeling of unity with their relatives, bring them closer, and strengthen feelings. After all, these are often moments of pleasant time spent together with those closest to you, when you can relax, be yourself and enjoy life.

Thirdly, this is the cultural enrichment of the family. It becomes not just a combination of individual “selves”, but a full-fledged unit of society, bearing and making its contribution to the cultural heritage of the country.

Of course, these are not all the “advantages” of family traditions. But even this is enough to make us think: how do our families live? Perhaps we should add some interesting traditions?

There is a huge variety of family traditions in the world. But still, in general, we can try to conditionally divide them into two large groups: general and special.

Common traditions are traditions found in most families in one form or another. These include:

  • Celebrating birthdays and family holidays. This tradition will certainly become one of the first significant events in the baby’s life. Thanks to such customs, both children and adults receive many “bonuses”: anticipation of the holiday, good mood, the joy of communicating with family, a feeling of being needed and important to loved ones. This tradition is one of the warmest and most cheerful.
  • Household duties of all family members, cleaning, putting things in their places. When a child is accustomed to his household duties from an early age, he begins to feel included in the life of the family and learns to care.
  • Joint games with children. Both adults and children take part in such games. By doing something together with their children, parents show them an example, teach them different skills, and show their feelings. Then, as the child grows up, it will be easier for him to maintain a trusting relationship with mom and dad.
  • Family lunch. Many families honor the traditions of hospitality, which helps unite families by gathering them around the same table.
  • Family council. This is a “meeting” of all family members, at which important issues are resolved, the situation is discussed, further plans are made, the family budget is considered, etc. It is very important to involve children in the council - this way the child will learn to be responsible, as well as better understand his family.
  • Traditions of “carrot and stick”. Each family has its own rules for what you can (if possible) punish a child for, and how to encourage him. Some give you extra pocket money, while others give you a trip to the circus together. The main thing for parents is not to overdo it; excessive demands from adults can make the child uninitiated and lethargic or, conversely, envious and angry.
  • Rituals of greeting and farewell. Wishes of good morning and sweet dreams, kisses, hugs, greetings when returning home - all these are signs of attention and care from loved ones.
  • Days of remembrance of deceased relatives and friends.
  • Walking together, going to the theater, cinema, exhibitions, traveling - these traditions enrich the life of the family, making it brighter and more eventful.

Special traditions are special traditions specific to one given family. Perhaps this is the habit of sleeping until lunch on Sundays, or going on a picnic on weekends. Or a home theater. Or hiking in the mountains. Or…

Also, all family traditions can be divided into those that developed on their own and those that were consciously introduced into the family. We'll talk about how to create a new tradition a little later. Now let’s look at some interesting examples of family traditions. Perhaps you will like some of them and want to introduce them into your family?

How many families - how many examples of traditions can be found in the world. But sometimes they are so interesting and unusual that you immediately begin to think: “Shouldn’t I come up with something like that?”

So, examples of interesting family traditions:

  • Joint fishing until the morning. Dad, mom, children, night and mosquitoes - few people will dare to do this! But a lot of emotions and new impressions are also guaranteed!
  • Family cooking. Mom kneads the dough, dad twists the minced meat, and the child makes dumplings. So what if it’s not quite straight and correct. The main thing is that everyone is cheerful, happy and covered in flour!
  • Birthday quests. Each birthday person - be it a child or a grandfather - is given a card in the morning, using which he looks for clues leading him to the gift.
  • Trips to the sea in winter. Packing your whole family's backpacks and going to the seaside, breathing in fresh air, having a picnic or spending the night in a winter tent - all this will give an unusual feeling and unite the family.
  • Draw cards for each other. Just like that, without any reason or special artistic talent. Instead of being offended and pouting, write: “I love you! Although you are sometimes unbearable... But I’m not a gift either.”
  • Together with the little ones, bake shortcakes for the feast of St. Nicholas for orphans. Joint selfless good deeds and trips to an orphanage will help children become kinder and more compassionate, and grow up to be caring people.
  • Bedtime story. No, it’s not easy when a mother reads to her baby. And when all the adults read in turn, and everyone listens. Light, kind, eternal.
  • Celebrate the New Year in a new place every time. It doesn’t matter where it will be - in the square of a foreign city, on the top of a mountain or near the Egyptian pyramids, the main thing is not to repeat yourself!
  • Evenings of poems and songs. When the family gets together, everyone sits in a circle, composes poems - each one a line - and immediately comes up with music for them, and sings with a guitar. Great! You can also organize home performances and puppet theaters.
  • “Putting” gifts for neighbors. Remaining unnoticed, the family gives gifts to neighbors and friends. How nice it is to give!
  • We say warm words. Every time before eating, everyone says nice words and compliments to each other. Inspiring, isn't it?
  • Cooking with love. “Did you put down love?” “Yes, of course, I’ll put it in now. Please give it to me, it’s in the locker!”
  • Holiday on the top shelf. It is a custom to celebrate all holidays on the train. Have fun and on the move!

In order to create a new family tradition, you only need two things: your desire and the fundamental consent of your household. The algorithm for creating a tradition can be summarized as follows:

  1. Actually, come up with the tradition itself. Try to involve all family members as much as possible to create a friendly, cohesive atmosphere.
  2. Take the first step. Try your "action". It is very important to saturate it with positive emotions - then everyone will look forward to the next time.
  3. Be moderate in your desires. You shouldn’t immediately introduce many different traditions for every day of the week. It takes time for customs to take hold. And when everything in life is planned down to the smallest detail, it’s also not interesting. Leave room for surprises!
  4. Strengthen the tradition. It is necessary to repeat it several times so that it is remembered and strictly observed. But don’t take the situation to the point of absurdity - if there’s a snowstorm or rainstorm outside, you might want to give up the walk. In other cases, it is better to observe tradition.

When a new family is created, it often happens that the spouses do not have the same ideas about traditions. For example, in the groom’s family it is customary to celebrate all holidays with numerous relatives, but the bride celebrated these events only with her mother and father, and some dates could not be celebrated at all. In this case, the newlyweds may immediately develop a conflict. What to do in case of disagreement? The advice is simple - just a compromise. Discuss the problem and find a solution that suits both of you. Come up with a new tradition - already common - and everything will work out!

In Russia, from time immemorial, family traditions have been honored and protected. They are a very important part of the country's historical and cultural heritage. What kind of family traditions were there in Russia?

Firstly, an important rule for every person was knowledge of his ancestry, and not at the level of “grandparents,” but much deeper. In each noble family, a family tree was compiled, a detailed pedigree, and stories about the lives of their ancestors were carefully preserved and passed on. Over time, when cameras appeared, family albums began to be maintained and stored, and passed on to younger generations. This tradition has survived to this day - many families have old albums with photographs of loved ones and relatives, even those who are no longer with us. It’s always nice to review these “pictures of the past”, to be happy or, conversely, to be sad. Now, with the widespread use of digital photographic equipment, there are more and more frames, but most often they remain electronic files that have not “flowed” onto paper. On the one hand, storing photos this way is much easier and more convenient; they do not take up space on shelves, do not turn yellow over time, and do not get dirty. Yes, and you can shoot much more often. But the trepidation associated with the expectation of a miracle also became less. After all, at the very beginning of the photo era, going to a family photo was a whole event - they carefully prepared for it, dressed smartly, everyone walked joyfully together - why isn’t it a separate beautiful tradition?

Secondly, the primordial Russian family tradition has been and remains to honor the memory of relatives, remember the departed, as well as care and constant care for elderly parents. In this, it is worth noting, the Russian people differ from European countries, where elderly citizens are mainly cared for by special institutions. Whether this is good or bad is not for us to judge, but the fact that such a tradition exists and is alive is a fact.

Thirdly, since ancient times in Russia it has been the custom to pass on family heirlooms from generation to generation - jewelry, dishes, some things of distant relatives. Often young girls got married in their mothers' wedding dresses, who had previously received them from their mothers, etc. Therefore, many families always had special “secrets” where grandfather’s watches, grandmother’s rings, family silver and other valuables were kept.

Fourthly, it was previously very popular to name a newborn child after one of the family members. This is how “family names” appeared, and families where, for example, grandfather Ivan, son Ivan and grandson Ivan.

Fifthly, an important family tradition of the Russian people was and is assigning a patronymic to a child. Thus, already at birth the baby receives part of the clan name. By calling someone by name or patronymic, we express our respect and politeness.

Sixthly, previously very often a child was given a church name in honor of the saint who was honored on the child’s birthday. According to legend, such a name will protect the child from evil forces and help in life. Nowadays, such a tradition is observed infrequently, and mainly among deeply religious people.

Seventh, in Rus' there were professional dynasties - entire generations of bakers, shoemakers, doctors, military men, and priests. Growing up, the son continued his father’s work, then his son continued the same work, and so on. Unfortunately, now such dynasties are very, very rare in Russia.

Eighth, an important family tradition was, and is still being returned to more and more often, the mandatory wedding of newlyweds in church and the baptism of infants.

Yes, there were many interesting family traditions in Russia. Take, for example, a traditional feast. It’s not for nothing that they talk about the “broad Russian soul.” But it’s true that they carefully prepared for the reception of guests, cleaned the house and yard, set the tables with the best tablecloths and towels, served pickles in dishes stored specifically for special occasions. The hostess came out to the threshold with bread and salt, bowed at the waist to the guests, and they bowed to her in return. Then everyone went to the table, ate, sang songs, and talked. Oh, beauty!

Some of these traditions have hopelessly sunk into oblivion. But how interesting it is to notice that many of them are alive, and they are still passed down from generation to generation, from father to son, from mother to daughter... And that means the people have a future!

The cult of family traditions in different countries

In Great Britain, an important point in raising a child is the goal of raising a true Englishman. Children are raised in strictness, taught to restrain their emotions. At first glance, it may seem that the British love their children less than parents in other countries. But this, of course, is a deceptive impression, because they are simply accustomed to showing their love in a different way, not the way, for example, in Russia or Italy.

In Japan, it is very rare to hear a child cry - all the wishes of children under 6 years old are immediately fulfilled. All these years, the mother has been engaged only in raising the baby. But then the child goes to school, where strict discipline and order await him. It is also curious that the entire extended family usually lives under one roof - both old people and babies.

In Germany, there is a tradition of late marriages - rarely does anyone start a family before the age of thirty. It is believed that before this time, future spouses can realize their potential at work, build a career, and are already able to provide for their family.

In Italy, the concept of “family” is comprehensive - it includes all relatives, including the most distant ones. An important family tradition is joint dinners, where everyone communicates, shares their news, and discusses pressing issues. Interestingly, the Italian mother plays a significant role in choosing a son-in-law or daughter-in-law.

In France, women prefer a career to raising children, so after a very short time after the birth of a child, the mother returns to work, and her child goes to kindergarten.

In America, an interesting family tradition is the habit of teaching children to live in society from early childhood, supposedly this will help their children in adulthood. Therefore, it is quite natural to see families with small children both in cafes and at parties.

In Mexico the cult of marriage is not so high. Families often live without official registration. But male friendship there is quite strong, the community of men supports each other, helps in solving problems.

As you can see, family traditions are interesting and great. Do not neglect them, because they unite the family and help it become one.

“Love your family, spend time with them and be happy!”
Anna Kutyavina for the website website

Flowers from dad. Flowers from dad on important holidays for your daughter will become an excellent tradition. After all, girls also dream of receiving flowers on their birthdays and March 8th.

Family recipes with photos. When you and your children or loved ones prepare your favorite dishes, take pictures of the process. When you have a lot of photos and dishes, make a photo book with recipes and include the pictures you took in it. Such a thing will become a real family heirloom that can be passed on from generation to generation.

Quote of the week. Each week, you and your family can choose motivational words that will set the tone and mood for the next 7 days. The quote can be written on a piece of paper and magnetized to the refrigerator, or hang a chalk board for this purpose.

Time capsule. Every year you can analyze how you spent it, what important things happened, what you achieved. All this can be placed in a small jar, children’s drawings and some little things can be added there and buried for “future generations.” This helps children learn to analyze, summarize and make plans. And if you manage to unearth such a time capsule in a few years, it will be very fun to remember and compare the life and interests of the family then and now.

There are many examples of interesting family traditions. Some of them are observed in different countries, some were born in separate families. Creating a sense of unity, warmth and intimacy is priceless. There are no universal rules that tell you how to observe family traditions. Try it, create the life you love!

What is your favorite family tradition? Please share in the comments.

Each family has its own characteristics, likes to gather in a certain place and devote time to joint hobbies. All this is called traditions. They are passed down from older generations to younger ones and serve as an indispensable attribute for creating a trusting, warm atmosphere in the house. It is through family customs that one can feel the connection between generations and continuity over time. Thanks to them, each family has its own indescribable atmosphere of love, understanding and warmth.

What are family traditions: examples

What do we mean by family traditions? First of all, this is a certain activity that the family engages in together. This could be celebrating significant dates, gathering at a common table, family dinner, joint trips to nature and on vacation, reading bedtime stories to children, group games, going to church, making cookies for Christmas or New Year, and much more. All these actions bring the family together incredibly. They make every person feel important. In addition, such customs make a significant contribution to the upbringing of children.

What are family traditions and holidays?

One of the main traditions present in all families without exception is the celebration of significant dates. Historically, all important events must be celebrated within the circle of your family, with your closest people. This includes the birth of children, a wedding, New Year, Easter and other holidays. Of course, they are slightly different for each culture and country. But, perhaps, one of the main solemn events in all countries is considered to be a birthday. Often this celebration is associated with a magnificent table, treats, inviting guests, gifts, wishes, kind words and, of course, a cake with candles.

National holidays are no less important: New Year, Christmas, Easter, family day, love and fidelity, May Day. We all know that the traditions of celebrating the New Year in Russian families are largely similar. Indispensable attributes are sparkling champagne and Olivier salad, gifts, Father Frost and Snow Maiden. New Year is an incredibly sincere and kind holiday. The day when children who sent letters to Santa Claus wait with bated breath for gifts, and the whole family gathers at the festive table. Other celebrations have different traditions. For example, for Easter it means making Easter cakes and painting eggs together; for the May holidays it means going out of town for a picnic and barbecue.

Don't forget about such important events that are worth celebrating with your family, such as receiving a diploma, promotion, name day and engagement.

But besides holiday traditions, there are also those that are performed daily and become an important part of family life. For example, playing with a child. Fun between parents and children is needed not only for the development of their abilities, but also for establishing closer and more trusting relationships between them. It is necessary that both parents take part in such games. It will be great if you set aside certain hours of your day for educational entertainment. Let dad teach the boy to play ball, and mom can help the girl come up with outfits for the dolls. All this perfectly contributes to the development of the child.

If we return to the issue of children, it is worth noting that an equally important pastime is reading to a child. Reading bedtime stories to babies has been customary for centuries. We can say that this is a tradition passed down to us from distant ancestors. Thanks to fairy tales, you help your child develop imagination and imaginative thinking, and explore the world. It also has a beneficial effect on establishing a routine. Reading a fairy tale has a soothing effect on the child, and he falls asleep without any problems. Overall, it calms children and has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Be sure to pay attention to the tradition of walking with the whole family. This is a physically active activity that helps children develop properly and adults stay in shape. A walk involves communication and visiting new places. Therefore, it can be a very exciting family pastime. Visiting cultural places such as museums, theaters, cinema, concerts and festivals also contributes to the spiritual enrichment of family members.

Not all nations have such close contacts. However, it is worth noting that kissing loved ones has an exclusively positive effect on a person. At least two kisses a day: in the morning and before bed, significantly improve our mood, make us happier and bring us even closer to our relatives. Moreover, if you don’t give your child enough affection, he can grow up closed in on himself. Therefore, it is better not to avoid the tradition of kissing and hugging those you love.

The next tradition is a joint vacation. This is an opportunity to have fun together, visit new places and learn something useful, significantly broaden your horizons.

Religious families have special traditions. If we turn to Orthodoxy, then it is worth noting visiting church on Sundays or special holidays, fasting, reading the Bible and much more.

What values ​​underlie family traditions?

Family customs are based on such eternal values ​​as caring for one’s neighbor, loyalty, love, respect for each other and much more. Ignoring or neglecting traditions leads to a weakening of family ties and a cooling of relationships within the family.

Keep in mind that customs play a significant role in raising children by instilling in them the right values, such as respect for elders. And family well-being, as you know, is one of the main components of a happy human life.

Family traditions of different countries and peoples of the world

Family traditions are similar for many nations, but each culture has something special, characteristic norms formed under the influence of history, geography, faith and climate. This is exactly what we want to draw your attention to.

Family cultural traditions in Russia: history and modernity

Russia is a country known for its colorful customs. One of the main traditions that has existed since ancient times, and, unfortunately, is not so relevant in the 21st century, is honoring one’s ancestors. In Rus', people reverently valued and protected their ancestry, their family tree, and knew where they came from and who their ancestors were. Moreover, as a sign of continuity between generations, children were often named after older relatives. It was also customary to pass on a valuable item, such as jewelry, from generation to generation.

Today, such respect for ancestors is difficult to find. Modern Russians remember their ancestry only within two or three generations. In general, knowing your own family tree is now a rarity.

However, some traditions have been preserved in Russia to this day. For example, communal celebrations and meals are still very popular. Moreover, among certain nationalities of the country, the most ancient rituals are revered. As an example, we can recall Kuban, where Cossack life still exists, a Cossack family with its own characteristics and traditions.

Traditions in Germany

It is known that the Germans are famous for their love of order and precision. Therefore, a family from Germany is characterized by such traditions as thoroughly cleaning the house with the whole family, making it beautiful, saving the family budget, putting aside savings for a major purchase or travel.

Like other European countries, one of the main holidays in Germany is Christmas. This is the same family celebration as the New Year in Russia. On this day, it is customary for all family members to gather at the festive table and spend time together in a cozy home environment.

It is worth noting that in Germany, parents, as a rule, do not place their children in the care of grandparents. It is not customary for them to have elderly relatives living in the same house with their children and grandchildren.

In England

Other traditions include celebrating Christmas with the family, involving the preparation of traditional dishes. As for everyday life, it is customary for the British to give children a good, high-quality education.

In France

The French are, for the most part, Catholics. Therefore, religious holidays such as Christmas are incredibly important to them. In addition, in France they like to gather around a common table for a family lunch or dinner, drink wine, and eat cheese, especially on weekends. On holidays, children usually come to their parents' house.

The French pay special attention to cooking, often doing it with the whole family. Mandatory dishes on the table are cheeses, seafood and foie gras. France is also famous for its amazing desserts.

In India

Another country that sacredly honors its traditions is India. There is still a caste system here, where society is divided into certain classes depending on status. Therefore, the wedding tradition takes on special significance. They approach the choice of a future life partner very responsibly, involving the help of all relatives. In most cases, parents themselves decide who should marry and who their children should marry, how and where to organize the wedding. As for the marriage of people from different castes, this is a rare phenomenon and is not welcomed in Indian society. Weddings in India are celebrated on a special scale, which is also a kind of tradition.

Religious tenets have a great influence on the behavior of spouses. According to them, a man must be faithful to his wife, respect her, support his family, teach his children useful skills, and in the future decide their fate regarding marriage. As for the woman, her role is, of course, to give birth and raise children and perform household duties. She should also be faithful, understanding and gentle, help her husband and respect him.

Tatar traditions

Tatars profess Islam. Therefore, Islam had a great influence on their traditions. According to Tatar traditions, a man has greater rights compared to a woman, one might even say that he receives a certain power over her. The husband provides for the family, and the wife takes care of the house, raises and raises the children. She cannot afford to visit certain places without being accompanied by her husband. In addition, divorce among Muslims is an extremely rare phenomenon, which certainly cannot be initiated by a woman.

What family traditions are important in raising children?

Family customs need to be instilled in a person from childhood, and therefore it is necessary to pay great attention to communication with children. Remember that traditions are passed down from generation to generation. Among the things necessary for a child are reading bedtime stories, singing before bed, kisses and hugs, joint trips and vacations, walks, active and educational games. It is imperative to instill in children respect for elders and their ancestry. And in order to consolidate such values, you should regularly gather on family holidays at your grandparents’ house and visit your relatives.

Family traditions are an important tool for strengthening the family. A strong family, like a religion, always has many of its own rites, traditions and rituals. Sunday lunches with the whole family were brought by grandparents from their childhood, evening gatherings with books or chess were invented by dad, and mom offered to wash dishes for those who were not busy preparing dinner - and now a new tradition has appeared that children will carry into their future families. Family rituals make life in the home more comfortable and create a feeling of strong and reliable protection within the walls of the house.

Each family has its own rituals and habits, from which traditions gradually grow. From history you can learn that in the past families held on to small but significant habits more strongly than now. The tradition was to gather everyone together at one table, distribute food according to seniority and importance in the family - first to the father or grandfather, then to the rest, the younger ones. They started the meal only after the head of the family had eaten the first spoon, etc.

Sundays going to church for services were decorated festively: family members always put on their best clothes, and in high spirits, smiling and greeting their neighbors, they solemnly walked to the temple.

Parents' trips to the city were usually accompanied by small gifts: gingerbread cookies, lollipops, whistles, which were eagerly awaited at home by the kids, left in charge and trying their best to behave well and fulfill all their parental instructions.

In the evenings, many settled down in the common room: mother at the spinning wheel, father making something. Children played nearby, listening to fairy tales and stories of adults, or singing along to sad and cheerful songs.

Growing up, the children created their own families, into which they carried the traditions they remembered from childhood.

What are family traditions and why are they needed?

Nowadays, such traditions rarely take root in families, since Parents, upon entering the house, immediately turn on the TV or computer. Conversations are conducted only about the most necessary things: whether the child has done his homework, whether everyone has had time to eat, what needs to be washed, etc.

But without common events, even the most insignificant ones, family members do not feel that special closeness and kinship among themselves, and do not have the opportunity to show their love and care, which leads to alienation.

Traditions unite a family, making parents and children related not only by blood.

You may say, what traditions can be introduced into the family now, when relatives are not often able to get together? Take a closer look at the lives of your friends and acquaintances, and you will see that every strong family has nice family traditions, examples of which can be seen just by being around them.

You call a friend to invite him to go fishing, and he tells you that tomorrow he has a cultural trip with his family. A walk in the park on a day off, a trip to the theater or cinema with your spouse and child, a vacation or holidays spent together, an interesting exhibition that you went to together will be remembered not only by you. Your children will remember these trips with pleasure many years later.

Even if life does not turn out well, and a thunderstorm roars through your family, there is a high probability that your children will honor the best family traditions, and not the breakdown of the family.

And if you love forays into nature, then try to instill this love in the whole family. Even if you go out into the forest or to the river once a month, or in the warm season, all family members will look forward to this day, prepare for it, discuss together where it is better to go and what to take with them.

What are family traditions, examples

In modern families, traditions take root just as easily as in the old days. Many parents love to share their experiences of creating new rituals in their families. For starters, you can use this experience too.

Mom and dad devote their evening hours to reading books and discussing what they have read. Children love to listen when interesting fairy tales are read to them, and later more serious works of poets and writers. In addition to the fact that you will instill in them a love of the artistic word, you will expand their vocabulary, horizons, and spur the development of intellectual abilities.

In the evenings you can also play board games, constructor sets, sculpt from plasticine or stick on a beautiful applique as a gift for your grandmother. The main thing is that you do this together, and the custom of spending evenings doing business or playing will quietly enter your life and become traditional.
A cheerful morning wake-up call, repeated day after day, will lift the spirits of you and your sleep-deprived child.

The traditional “good night” in the evening can also be accompanied by a gentle kiss, a fairy tale or a lullaby.

Meetings and farewells in the mornings and evenings, answering the phone to your loved ones can be accompanied by some kind or cheerful words, and this will also become a small, but so necessary ritual.

Weekends, vacations, holidays spent not in front of a monitor or TV screen, but under the bright sun or in the cool of an exhibition hall with your favorite people, will leave unforgettable impressions and make you even closer and dearer.

Even cleaning the house and washing dishes can be turned from a tedious and boring task into a fun custom by involving a preoccupied gnome, responsible Malvina or Snow White in the work and making them members of the family.

And at the same time make mom’s daily work easier.

Children easily get used to new customs introduced into the family by their parents, and work and rest together with mom and dad create confidence in them that their parents are always there, ready to help. The child develops a picture of a good, strong family, in which each member is necessary and loved.

Therefore, look around, observe what family traditions your neighbors and friends have, and create your own customs that will improve relationships in your family, create a trusting atmosphere, and allow you to show care and love.

Before giving examples of family traditions, let’s try to define the concept itself. What exactly are these little cultural customs, rules and laws of the modern world?

Section 1.Examples of family traditions. We give a general definition of the concept

Finding a definite and correct answer to this question is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Why? The thing is that, as it turned out, many people understand this phrase differently.

Let's turn to explanatory dictionaries. Most of them say that traditions refer to family behavior, norms, views and customs that are passed on from one generation to another. They may vary depending on place of residence, foundations and views. Some of them we gladly accept and are ready to adopt, while others, in turn, cause bewilderment or even fear.

In Slavic countries, it is customary to celebrate holidays noisily and cheerfully. Feasts are organized in honor of birthdays, anniversaries, and household members’ own achievements, for example, a baby’s first step, successfully completing school, entering college, or getting a promotion.

Before going to bed, it is customary to wish relatives good night, and elders tell young children fairy tales or sing lullabies.

Section 3. Examples of family traditions. Fun facts

Of course, if we all think about it, we will remember many such examples that we had not previously thought about as some kind of related customs. The topic “Family Traditions” is very broad, and we can talk about it endlessly. However, let's focus on something strange or unusual in the understanding of an ordinary Russian person.

I will give just a few of the most interesting, in my opinion, examples:

  1. If you notice flags hanging in the windows while in Denmark, you know that someone is celebrating a birthday inside.
  2. One of the Indian peoples can boast of a tradition called “Marriage for Three Days.” According to this custom, a girl enters into a short-term marriage of just a few days. After the specified period, the husband leaves her home forever, and she continues to live for her own pleasure, having the desired number of lovers and actively accepting gifts and attentions from other men.
  3. In Korea, it is customary to slurp loudly at the table, but only if you really like the food.
  4. In Ireland, the doors of neither houses nor apartments are ever closed on New Year's Day. Anyone can easily drop by, and they will receive him there as if they were their own, sit him down at the table and treat him to a festive dinner.
  5. Representatives of the Bahutu tribe believe that only a fight brings newlyweds truly closer together. After the wedding, there can be no talk of anything: the wife goes to her husband’s house and beats him with everything she can get her hands on. This happens for five whole days.

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