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Satisfying your beloved. How to satisfy a woman? Best techniques! (2 photos)

Oh this one female orgasm, about which they talk so much! So desirable and so elusive. So close and so far. Modern heroines romance novels or films never seem to ask the question of how a woman can have an orgasm: they easily achieve it at the will of the author or at the command of the director. At the same time in real life many women admit that they just fake an orgasm during sex, but in fact they have never experienced it. They cannot tell their man about this because they are either embarrassed or afraid that he will consider them sexually defective or frigid. In reality, the reasons for the lack of orgasm lie not at all in this.

Amazingly, just a generation ago, the female orgasm was considered unimportant and unnecessary, since its presence or absence in no way affects a woman's ability to conceive a child. Moreover, there was an opinion that most women are generally incapable of experiencing pleasure during intimacy. Fortunately, these days the attitude towards this issue has changed. It is now known that, unlike male orgasm, which is the body's automatic response to sexual arousal, female can occur only under favorable conditions.

Inability to listen to own body and relaxing - these are the two main enemies of the female orgasm. The first reason is the result of a Puritan upbringing and bashful silence about such aspects of life as intimate relationships. It's not surprising that some women never think of their bodies as a source of sexual pleasure, let alone purposefully strive for orgasm. But what more woman knows how her body reacts to sexual arousal, the easier it is for her to quickly reach the pinnacle of pleasure.

The second reason is a whole set of factors that prevent a woman from “turning off her brain.” At the same time, it does not matter to a woman how serious her worries are from an objective point of view. This is a completely “killer” cocktail of worries about a failed work project and bad haircut, quarrels with best friend and loss of umbrella.

So, we found out “who is to blame.” Now it remains to answer another eternal question: "What to do?". You can turn to a psychologist or sexologist for help, but for this you need to have a fair amount of courage and self-confidence (as well as a certain amount of money for bank card). You can give up and continue to pretend, pretending to have an orgasm in bed. Or you can put into practice the tips that we have selected for you in our article.

Female orgasm can be vaginal and clitoral. The first is more intense and extensive, but, according to statistics, only every third woman experiences it more often than the clitoral one. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to stimulate the clitoris. You may have heard this more than once, but if you yourself cannot bring yourself to orgasm, then what do you demand from your partner? It's like sending him on a treasure hunt and not giving him a map.

So get comfortable and...start masturbating. Sex in the “solo” version is not only the shortest path to pleasure, but also an opportunity to pay attention only to yourself, without being distracted by satisfying the desires, requests or demands of another person. By concentrating on your sensations, you will quickly understand what gives you pleasure, learn to trust your body and experience various ways achieving orgasm.

Just remember: it’s not enough to just have an orgasm, you need to remember the path to it, so that later you can explain to your man in detail how best to get from point A to point B. “Lower, higher, right, left” is not enough. You need to clearly explain where, how and in what position, and only then will his caresses truly excite you. Alternatively, you can caress yourself while the man is inside you.

Sexual arousal increases with stimulation of erogenous zones, which contain many nerve endings. Stimulation of such points causes the production of the joy hormone - oxytocin, which is also called the “love hormone”. The rush of oxytocin increases the intensity and duration of orgasm.

Traditionally, the honorary title of one of the main erogenous zones is female breast. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all what size it is - the owners curvaceous and “zero” size bras react equally positively to breast caresses. Ask the man to stroke your breasts and gently massage your nipples with his fingers or tongue. Another highly sensitive area on a woman’s body is the neck and especially the back of the head. Massage, kisses - that's it best tactic to stimulate these areas. Inner surface The thighs and buttocks are also very responsive to gentle male caresses.

Every woman has her own treasured points, characterized by unexpected sensitivity: the area of ​​the back between the shoulder blades (the so-called “cat zone”), fingers or toes, ears, etc. Women's erogenous zones are located much more individually than men's, which are concentrated mainly in the genital area. What brings pleasure to one woman may be unpleasant to another. Find your individual erogenous zones on your own or with a partner.

Achieving orgasm also depends on the chosen position. Some women get aroused more easily and quickly in the cowgirl position, others with their legs tightly clenched. In some positions the clitoris is stimulated, in others - the vaginal walls. Some positions involve deep penetration of the penis, others - only superficial.

Making love in various poses, you can experience different types of orgasm. Search for your own sexual position and do not forget to involve your man in this search. Experiment and fantasize with him. The search may take a while, but it's worth it! The rhythm of your movements can also affect how quickly you orgasm. Slow and smooth or fast and sharp? Try it and you will definitely find your ideal rhythm.

Most women don't even think about strengthening their vaginal muscles. And completely in vain. If your vaginal muscles developed enough, you can control them by gripping your man's penis more tightly. This will bring pleasure to both of you, and your orgasm will be more powerful and brighter.

Training the vaginal muscles comes down to making them contract. Alternate periods of tension and relaxation: tense these muscles for ten seconds as if you were trying to hold back urination, then relax. The training does not require any special preparations or the situation. They can be carried out at any time and anywhere. Doing exercises to strengthen the vaginal muscles is also necessary because they improve blood flow in the pelvic organs and serve as an excellent prevention of genitourinary diseases.

Proper breathing is also very important. In the dry language of science, orgasm is a series of muscle contractions. The more oxygen enters the body, the stronger the muscles contract and the stronger and longer the pleasure. No, no, don't be afraid, you won't have to inhale and exhale according to the complex mathematical formula. You already know how to breathe. Just do it a little more intensely. Breathe a little faster, inhale a little deeper, exhale a little longer. Don't hold your breath waiting for the climax; excess tension can ruin everything. Breathe with pleasure.

Relaxation is the key to success. Women are wired differently from men, who can orgasm anywhere and anytime. So, you need to understand what relaxes you. Perhaps these will be vanilla scented candles, hot bath, a glass of wine or something else. You need to find something that will help you “turn off” your internal monologue - a continuous stream of thoughts about everything in the world. Better listen to your instincts.

The female orgasm is a unique phenomenon. When a woman experiences an orgasm, her activity in those areas of the brain that are responsible for feelings of fear and anxiety immediately decreases. According to doctors' observations, these reactions become so dull that the woman quickly falls into a state similar to nirvana or trance. This causes complete relaxation both during and after intimacy.

The environment is also important for achieving orgasm. Try to find out what really turns you on. Maybe music? Or a certain shade of lighting? Perhaps you would like to try out some kind of love toy? Experiment, look for something that will breathe sensuality into the environment.

Your partner is already aroused, but you still don’t feel anything? This does not mean that you are “behind” him. It’s just that most women, in order to experience an orgasm, need a long love foreplay: up to forty-five minutes! Unfortunately, our sexual culture (including ideas about orgasm) is male-oriented and based on the male response to arousal, main principle which: “Quickly! Even faster! Don't become hostage to these stereotypes. Chasing the “perfect” orgasm will not lead to anything good. This is not a standard that must be met at any cost. Women's sexual energy is growing

and is gaining strength gradually. So stop counting the minutes and give in completely to how you feel.

Feel free to discuss how you feel about sex with your man. If you had a good time, be sure to tell him about it. Surely he will be pleased that you find him a desirable and skillful lover. Sincerely praise and thank him for the pleasant sensations he gave you. During intimacy, do not hesitate to express your pleasure from your man’s caresses.

It is even more necessary to talk to a man if you feel that you are not getting any satisfaction from sex. The main thing here is not to stoop to petty quibbles or accusations of sexual incompetence. Men react very painfully to such things. Don't behave like a strict teacher with a careless student: you don't need a partner suffering from an inferiority complex. Explain which caresses bring you the most pleasant sensations, what excites you, and what you are absolutely delighted with. During intimacy, you can help the man with your hand or words.

Talk to a man about your own sexual sensations It can be difficult, for some it is simply painful to discuss such intimate things with him. But you need to do this: trusting relationship With your partner, knowing that he is willing to listen to your desires, whatever they may be, will help you relax and move closer to the desired orgasm.

Of course, our selection of tips is just basic tips on how to get an orgasm. Learning this is quite realistic and within the capabilities of any woman. Some people will master this science quickly enough, others will need more time. The main thing is to set yourself up for success, listen to your body, freely follow your instincts, do not replace sensations with thoughts and trust the man you love.

“I want you”, “Let’s live together”, “Let’s do it from behind” - when and how to correctly say the key phrases in a relationship with a girl. They explain it themselves.

Man differs from animals in his ability to speak—it’s just that not everyone realizes it. Especially men. Here he is sitting next to me at a table in the club, looking into my eyes - expressive, like a Vrubel painting - and is silent. And I, therefore, have to wonder what he wants from me - affection and tenderness, or for me to stop shaking ashes on his knee. The silence of men is still a brake on progress...

After all, all relationships are divided into stages, and you can overcome these stages only by saying the correct password. Moreover, it is advisable that you do it on time. Don't you understand? Well, I'll have to explain. Here are 9 phrases that a man should theoretically say to his girlfriend someday.

Because we expect them from you. For us, these are not just words - these are Milestones of relationships.

"You are very beautiful"


"At your place beautiful eyes, figure, gills", "I've never seen anything like this attractive face, look, umbrella”, “I want to look without stopping at your forehead, bust, laptop...”, etc.

When to say:

Compliments... No, they, of course, warm our souls, but... Ideally, I would like to hear about beauty a little later. At least half an hour after you paid tribute to those of our qualities that we are most proud of, for example, intelligence, a sense of humor, the ability to paint in oils or masterfully fight with traffic cops. So that the girl understands: she attracted you with her Personality, and not just big breasts and a round butt.

Example:— Natasha, 22 years old:

“For some reason, it is believed that a guy must say these words during the first conversation. You could say right off the bat. But it seems to me that we have to wait with this. And so it’s clear that the beauty of the soul worries him less...”

“Can I kiss you?”


“If I put my hand on your shoulder, won’t you be offended?” “And if I press my knee against yours, aren’t you going to jump up and yell: “Mom! Police!"

When to say:

Example:— Mila, 25 years old:

“The first thing that comes to mind when I’m asked such a question is how cute that is, is he kidding me? Of course you can! Well, or of course you can’t! He himself should see everything from my face!”

— Katya, 26 years old:

“I usually say “no” right away, I’m just wondering how he’ll get out of it now.”

“I want you”


It is better to avoid any other variants of this phrase at first. Highly artistic detailed periods about “abyss of desires and volcanoes of passions” will make the girl doubt your sincerity (“he’s probably not really crazy with desire - if he’s still able to call so smoothly”). Not highly artistic, but honest confessions of what you really want may end unpleasant sound“bang” and a burning sensation in the left cheek.

When to say:

Depending on the situation. Sometimes it’s nice to hear this even 10 minutes after meeting in the dark cramped space of a nightclub, sometimes it’s advisable to carry sweets and bouquets into the girl’s lair for a year or two. But not until you are allowed close enough to the girl that you can say it by touching your lips to her ear.

Example:— Ksenia, 25 years old:

“I wouldn't want to hear this before he kisses me. After the first kiss at least I usually already know if I want him. However, I usually hear these words during kisses, so everything is fine."

“Let's do it from behind.”


“Turn around,” “Can I do this?” (you don’t say anything at all, you do everything silently).

When to say:

After the first time it is not even discussed. The only possible position for starting, so to speak, acquaintance is face to face. Standing, sitting or lying down - it doesn’t matter, but we need to look into your eyes now. And only after making sure that at the moment of orgasm you don’t grow Chikatilo’s teeth, we can relax and let you sneak up from behind.

Example:— Masha, 23 years old:

“Such proposals are submitted for consideration somewhere between the phrase “I want you” and the second or third orgasm. At least that’s how it was in my practice. Although... there was once a case when a guy I ran into at a bar carefully looked me up and down and said: “Do you prefer doggy style or should we do it standing up?” Never do that"

“Give me your mouth”


“Kiss me there”, “Touch me with your lips.”

When to say:

The case when saying what you want is a million times better than starting to persistently push the girl’s head towards the intended goal. This pushing is terribly annoying! And you can make this proposal when your side has already taken similar steps. Yeah, this is called cunnilingus, and after it you already have every moral right to ask for the same intimate caresses from her.


— Inna, 19 years old:

“If a guy asks for a blowjob on the first date, he risks being alone. In general, I prefer not to be told this to me directly - but rather, in translucent hints... And certainly only after we make love for the first time.”

"I love you"


No options. “I treat you well”, “You are so cool!”, “I love you... well, you understand” - all this does not fit at all. Sand is a poor substitute for oats; If a girl has firmly decided that it’s time for her to hear this treasured combination of 10 phonetic symbols, there is no adequate replacement. Even “Ay love yu!” or “Ikh liebe dikh!” will only work if you didn’t learn Russian at one time just because Lenin spoke it.

When to say:

This is a very important stage, and the main thing with it is not to delay it... but not to rush it either. Magic phrase It's like a stock that rises in value the longer it holds, but it's important to get out of it before your stock market crashes. There is no exact hour X, any relationship develops individually and unevenly... but on average, it would be good if this simple phrase matured in you somewhere around the tenth night spent together. Because, starting from the eleventh night, a countdown counter turns on inside me and our relationship begins to slowly and surely turn from “a new wonderful romance” to “yes, nothing serious.”

Example:— Lena, 24 years old:

“This phrase is always nice to hear, especially if the feelings are mutual. But if you don’t hear her during the first three months of a stormy relationship, then it’s no longer interesting to continue.”

“Let's live together”


“Yes, bring your things to me!”, “I ordered the second keys - they are lying next to your purse,” “Listen, will your dad have anything against if I live with you? I eat little and hardly use the light in the toilet...”

When to say:

A couple of months is the minimum. No, if you are both eighteen years old, then, of course, a day goes by in two, and a week in four, and the desire to definitely buy joint frying pans and start living “like real adults” outweighs all the arguments common sense...But in reality, adults independent people There is no rush to cut short this wonderful phase of “regular meetings.” When every date is perceived as a holiday and the gloomy grimaces of everyday life in the form of unpaid bills or outstanding garbage bags have not yet sunk their yellow teeth into high feeling Romantics.

Example:— Natasha, 24 years old:

“If a guy invites me to move in with him the next morning, I, of course, will refuse. We need to get to know each other better, otherwise you never know what habits he has. Suddenly, for example, he dries his uniform after the gym without washing it on the radiator. Or he collects squashed cockroaches in a special album - I read in some magazine about such a psycho.”

“Let's get married”


“They give a bunch of gifts for a wedding useful gifts“,” “I’d like to see what you look like in a veil,” “You don’t have much to read in your passport...”

When to say:

Traditionally, we give a year to think about it. This is more than enough time to think everything through - in such a time new version iPhone can be released...

Example:— Elena, 29 years old:

“Before the wedding, I lived with my husband for a year. And if he had proposed to me earlier, then most likely I would have refused, but here I already understood very well that he was exactly the person next to whom you could live happily all your life.”

“I want a child from you”


“Let’s stop taking these pills”, “You would look very cute with

When to say:

A marriage in which there are no children for three years is considered infertile by sociologists and doctors. A gloomy word, actually... And don’t forget: my biological clock tick faster than yours - by the age of thirty, doctors already strongly recommend that a woman have her first child. For example, from you, yes!!!

Example:— Olga, 27 years old:

“If you offer this without the obligatory “let’s get married,” the guy will have problems. I would definitely guarantee them. Well, my Pavel is not like that - he decided to propose to me only after five hours of acquaintance...”

Most men at one point begin to ask themselves a very important question: “How to please a woman in bed?” And how can you make sure she gets an unforgettable experience? This is exactly what this article will discuss. You just have to understand that without practice, you most likely won’t be able to do anything.

Erogenous zones

Let's say you're lucky and you meet a girl. The place of acquaintance is not so important, so we will not pay attention to it in this article. So, an acquaintance has taken place, a desire for each other has appeared, and you know that you will spend the evening together. But how to please a woman in bed and not fall flat on your face? First of all, you should pay attention to how she reacts to kisses. It is worth understanding that touching with lips or hands certain places can give a woman special sensations. Such places are called erogenous zones. There are quite a lot of them on the body, but different women especially sensitive areas are in different places. It's worth talking about this in more detail.

Pay attention to your lips

The first thing to note is the lips. Most guys don't attach much importance to them, but in vain. Kissing can make a woman very horny. Don't forget that your hands must also act. While kissing, stroke, explore, caress the woman’s entire body, but not the genitals. Let them wait their turn. In order to answer the question of how to give a woman pleasure in bed, you can resort to lightly biting the earlobes. Don’t forget about kissing the neck, touching the back between the shoulder blades. All this can turn a girl on even more.

Caress her body with your hands and lips

After this, you need to start caressing the breasts. Kissing, biting nipples, caressing - all this will help the girl relax and begin to enjoy herself. After the breast, you need to smoothly move to the stomach and continue to caress the body. All this must be done as gently as possible. The inner thighs are also an erogenous zone, so you shouldn’t forget about it when looking for a solution to the task at hand: how to please a woman in bed. During the process, you should monitor your partner’s breathing. The more frequent it is, the greater your partner’s desire. With very strong arousal, the girl begins to release lubricant. But it is worth knowing that some people secrete it in very small quantities, so sexual intercourse can be painful. To avoid this, you should purchase a special lubricant from the pharmacy in advance.

If you don't mind oral sex

If you have a positive attitude towards oral sex, then the answer to the question of how to please a woman in bed will not take long to come. It is this kind of sex that can bring maximum pleasure to a girl. But you should understand that the genitals should be caressed very gently, as they are sensitive.


All these recommendations can make your girlfriend squirm with pleasure. In this case, she will only desire you. AND the finishing touch in search of a solution to the question of how to please a woman in bed, there will be violent and passionate sex.

Not every guy manages to please a girl. Often they have no idea how to do it. They catch an expectant glance from her and cannot understand its meaning. In the end, she gives up on him and he gets the ultimate turnaround.

In fact, satisfying a girl is both easy and difficult at the same time. The most important thing for a guy is to be patient and act wisely. Of course, this is only for those who really want to make their beloved girl happy, otherwise, all the advice will not lead to any result.

Being loyal, fulfilling any whims and drooling is not the best best solution, it is even rather erroneous. The girl is by nature a gentle, defenseless creature, and next to her she sees a warrior and protector who will become her support and support in life. He will save her from fears and complexes, save her from financial and everyday troubles. In a word, he must be strong, purposeful and self-confident, so that the girl next to him feels small weak girl, but do not suppress it.

There are four basic rules for how to properly satisfy a girl: respect, please, surprise and please.

Satisfying a girl involves signs of attention and knowledge of her desires and weaknesses. You need to give flowers not only on holidays, but also just because. Every girl will be pleased to receive, if not a whole bouquet, then at least one rose, a sprig of lilac, a carnation or a chamomile. It could even be a magazine or book from her favorite series. Such gestures will indicate attentiveness to the girl’s favorite things, which means the guy is not indifferent to what desires and needs she has, she will certainly appreciate it.#Getting to know a man and catching him in our network#

Don't forget that girls love with their ears, so she needs to give her as many compliments as possible. There is no magic stronger than the magic of words. There can never be too many compliments. A girl is always pleased to hear tender kind words to your address. The more often a girl hears from a guy about her attractiveness and beauty, the more feminine and charming she becomes.

A girl should feel pleasant, comfortable and, most importantly, safe with a guy. There is nothing better than knowing that in any place and in any situation nothing threatens you, no one will offend or touch you. This applies not only to physical safety, but to mental, financial and other aspects of life.

Of course, this does not mean that a guy should be cocky all the time, get into fights himself and attack anyone who, as it seems to him, did not answer the girl politely enough. He will only create the impression of a not quite normal, unbalanced guy.

It is advisable not to show aggression at all in the presence of a girl, try to resolve everything peacefully, without shouting and fists, with dignity. And if it doesn’t work out otherwise, try to resolve problems without her presence, thereby protecting her from unnecessary worries. This way the girl will feel gratitude, pride and will be drawn even closer to him.

Not everyone is delighted with a guy’s zealous defense, especially strong, independent girls who are used to standing up for themselves. In this case, protection and care must be shown carefully and unobtrusively. No matter how dissatisfied she is, deep down in her soul she will feel tenderness and gratitude towards him.

How to satisfy a girl for the first time?

You can again attract a girl's attention with a compliment. Women's vanity, even in the smallest degree, will not allow her to remain indifferent. Once attention is attracted, you need to start a light, casual conversation. The main thing is not to look like an arrogant, self-confident and boorish guy. Girls in most cases do not tolerate this kind of attitude. Then, if found common language, you can invite a girl on a first date.

First dates are usually the most important stage in a relationship between a guy and a girl. Whether this relationship will develop further depends on this. On first dates, a girl looks closely at a guy to see if he meets all her standards. Therefore, it is important for a guy to impress her for the first time, to surprise her with something unusual, for example, by inviting her to some non-standard place, where no one had ever invited her before. Or give her something amazing.

By amazing, we do not mean something strange and exotic, but seemingly ordinary and at the same time original. For example, instead of a bouquet of flowers, you can give a beautiful basket of fruits different types. It will be the same bouquet, only made of fruit.

When communicating with a girl, it is advisable to pay attention and remember every little detail in her behavior. Any details, from her favorite color to the places she would like to visit. Guys may not attach importance to such little things, but for a girl it is of great importance. Anyone would be pleased if a guy knows without reminding what kind of coffee or tea she likes to drink.

Touch plays an important role in relationships. No girl will like it if a guy starts literally groping her from the first days of dating. Of course, this does not mean that you need to walk with her at a distance arm's length. Touching should always be present so that the girl gets used to it. They should be light and unobtrusive. For example, when entering an establishment, you can touch her waist and gently push her in the right direction, or when crossing the road, take her hand.

When performing such operations, you need to carefully observe the girl, her reaction to every touch. With their help, the guy will understand what is possible and what is not yet possible. If she reacted negatively to some touch, then she should retreat, but not completely. You can return to previous touches, which she perceived more favorably. Then continue again, moving towards your cherished goal.

Soon it will be possible to move on to kissing. The first kiss is one of the most emotional moments. The guy should try to approach this naturally and make the kiss as pleasant as possible. By returning the kiss, the girl will show great trust in the guy.

After the girl completely accepts the guy and gets used to him, she can move on to the next stage. The first intimacy is a crucial moment that will determine the further development of the relationship. The guy needs to take this seriously and correctly.

First of all, the guy must be sure that the girl trusts him. If yes, then it main task is to justify her trust. It is very important to first prepare the girl for intimacy with him. As already mentioned, this can be done through frequent touching and kissing. When a girl gets used to his caresses, he can move on to touching more intimate places.

The most important thing is to take all the initiative yourself. A girl, no matter how much she wants a guy, will not be the first to pester him. Haste and impatience are a bad advisor in this situation. To excite a girl, you need long and diligent foreplay.

In bed, a guy must show patience and perseverance, because at such moments a girl begins to look for any excuse not to do this. Moments of doubt are quite natural in similar situations. The girl subconsciously looks for someone with whom she can have a child and therefore she begins to doubt whether she has chosen. Such doubts can come endlessly.

By showing understanding and patience, the guy will gradually dispel all her fears. Then she will relax and trust the guy.

They excite the girl with the help of long, diligent kisses and caresses in intimate places and erogenous zones on the body. With kisses and caresses, the guy seems to be studying the body of his beloved, looking for the most sensitive areas. Thanks to her responses, he gradually learns what she likes most in bed.

The guy's task is to completely satisfy the girl before reaching the climax himself. Otherwise, the girl will not be able to bring herself to the desired state and get a release. The girl will remain unsatisfied and she will feel deep disappointment and annoyance. And that's not very good good impression from a guy for the first time.

How to satisfy a girl in bed?

Sex life between a guy and a girl has great value in maintaining the harmony of love in their relationship and does not allow it to fade away.

Every guy should know how to satisfy a girl sexually. According to sexologist J. Zalitis, a girl should not be an object of pleasure for a guy. On the contrary, it is rather the duty of every guy to please the girl. Real guy a man gets more pleasure from the knowledge that he was able to satisfy his girlfriend. The famous Casanova believed that the inability to caress a girl is worse than the inability to read and write.

For each sexual act there is foreplay. Main role in foreplay it is assigned to a guy who must prepare the beloved girl for intimacy with him. Preparation begins with signs of attention.

It should be noted that it is important for a guy to have a neat appearance. Before each meeting, be sure to shower, put on a clean suit, and preferably wear cologne. The cologne should be the one she likes. The smell of cologne that is unpleasant for her can discourage her from being in a romantic mood.

Before coming to a girl’s house, it is advisable to buy a bouquet of flowers or any little thing pleasant for her.

If she is doing household chores, invite her to postpone all the tasks for another day or help her finish them yourself. Leaving her to do the dishes and laundry while you sit and wait in front of the TV is unlikely to put the girl in the right mood. Most likely, after finishing all her work, she will immediately go to bed.

Cooking for a girl hot bath, the guy will receive gratitude in return. If he brings clean towels with tenderness and care, touches her and wipes her wet body with soft touches, this will already be the beginning of erotic play.

Don't forget about compliments. A girl perceives compliments as a sign of tenderness and her sexual attractiveness to a guy. Words about the beauty of her skin and breasts, the pleasant aroma of her hair and the excitement that she arouses in him are verbal erotic caresses that will much more quickly set her up for physical intimacy than the fact that a guy, without any preparation, starts squeezing her breasts when she is not at all ready.

After creating the required emotional mood, the guy can move on to the next stage of foreplay. No girl can get excited as quickly as guys. A guy can be aroused by just the sight of a girl’s naked body, a girl can be aroused only by kissing and caressing.

Erotic caresses begin from the upper body, above the girl’s waist, gradually moving to bottom part. Most often, girls' ears and neck are erogenous zones. So the guy should start right there.

You can approach her from behind, gently hug her and, removing her hair from her neck, begin to kiss her lightly, barely touching her. Move on to more intense kisses after she begins to soften in the guy’s arms. Persistently, with growing passion, kiss her lips until her body trembles with pleasure and she herself begins to unconsciously direct him to the desired point.

The breast is caressed with the help of hands and tongue. A guy should monitor the girl’s reaction to his touching her breasts. Some girls are not entirely comfortable with such caresses. If she emits quiet moans of pleasure, then he is doing the right thing.

Girls really like it when a guy presses his whole body against her, spreading her legs, thereby letting her feel how much she excited him. This makes her pulse quicken and she feels excited.

The guy must remember that for many girls the clitoris is the main organ of pleasure. For a girl to enjoy herself, a guy should start stimulating her clitoris during foreplay. You cannot immediately make direct contact with the clitoris until the girl is prepared with foreplay.

You need to move on to this slowly. Slowly move with gentle touches of your lips along the body from neck to chest, from chest to stomach. At this moment, you can take off her panties and start stroking her fingers in the most intimate place.#Most best woman in the world#

After the guy understands by increased breathing and sufficient hydration of the genital organ that the girl has achieved the required degree excitement, he can proceed to sexual intercourse.

It is very important that the guy continues to stimulate the girl's clitoris during intercourse. To do this, you need to choose those positions that provide the most convenient access to the clitoris. If the guy stops stimulation, the girl will not be able to achieve orgasm and the excitement will subside. In addition to dissatisfaction, she will feel heaviness in the lower abdomen, and maybe pain. Therefore, a guy must first learn how to make a girl orgasm.

Each girl is an individual, and her partner must take her into account sexual preferences and remember that it is much easier for him to achieve satisfaction than for a girl. For a girl, orgasm is associated with stimulation of certain erogenous zones or several at the same time.

A satisfied girl will not mind if a guy finishes sexual intercourse too quickly. If a guy managed to bring a girl to orgasm several times, it means that in her eyes he will be regarded as a great lover.

To satisfy a girl in bed, you need to remember to be slow and patient. A partner, first of all, must pay attention to his girlfriend, her desires and needs.

After the girl has achieved complete satisfaction, she should not immediately turn away and fall asleep. Usually, after a vivid experience of such emotional outbursts, a girl needs a warm, strong hug. If this is not so important for guys, then girls are more sensitive to it. You don't have to talk about anything, you can just enjoy the hug.

How to quickly satisfy a girl?

There are practically no ways to quickly satisfy a girl. If a guy only needs half a minute to achieve orgasm, then a girl will need ten minutes, or even half an hour.

Options are possible only for temperamental women who do not need foreplay, and for lovers of rough sex. There are also non-standard methods, representing unusual positions, the use of additional sexual devices and unusual places.

What do women themselves think about this? What does “quality of sex” mean to them – is it just its duration?

What to hide - questions “how many times?” and “how long?” in frank male conversations they often sound. While ladies chatter animatedly about handbags, sales and other cute feminine things, their husbands and boyfriends discuss much more important issues. And problems with the frequency and duration of sexual intercourse are not the last on the list, especially if men are still young and do not plan to leave soon great sex. Basically, of course, they try to “break records” not for the sake of boasting, but to bring maximum pleasure to the woman they love. Has anyone asked the women themselves? How to satisfy a woman in bed? Maybe they don’t need hours of sexual intercourse?

Scientists have found...

Let's start with dry but objective data. It’s not in vain that they eat their bread - there is no need to reinvent the wheel, everything has been calculated long ago. So. U normal man sexual intercourse lasts two to three minutes. As for the orgasm itself, it lasts for a man five to ten seconds at most. Sexologist A. Kinsey states: “A man reacting with rapid sexual release, being very far from any pathology, is completely normal among other mammals and completely common among representatives of his own species.”

That's it! Let's add some more time for foreplay (how could we live without it!). It turns out that sexual intercourse normally lasts about ten minutes, and sexologists confirm this: “Prolonged sexual intercourse, lasting more than ten minutes, usually exhausts a man and a woman.” What do sexologists say about the frequency of intimacy? It is known that many representatives strong half of humanity, who fear “male failure” more than anything else, try to reduce the number of sexual acts, believing that in this way they “protect” their “ male strength" No and no again! This is a misconception that can lead to the opposite, and very deplorable, effect. We quote: “The duration of sexual intercourse depends on the intervals between them, which is determined by the correlation coefficient between the duration of sexual intercourse (in seconds) and the duration of preliminary sexual abstinence (in days), equal to 0.73.” In other words, be greedy, do not skimp on sex, because the shorter the period of abstinence, the longer the duration of sexual intercourse, and vice versa.

What women want

How to find out what duration of sexual intercourse is optimal for your partner, how to satisfy a woman in bed? You won’t ask about this directly! And the point, of course, is not a matter of false modesty - what is natural is not shameful. It’s just that one can hardly expect a frank answer to this question. And in general, can one expect sincerity from the one who for the last five years, when asked about her age, has given the same number and imitates an orgasm with such violent moans that not only those neighbors behind the wall are dying of envy, but also those that they live in the house opposite? Fortunately, there are online forums where representatives of the fair sex share their secrets. Let's see what they like in sex and how to get them not to imitate, but to actually experience an orgasm?

This is the information we managed to get. “I don’t love for a long time, then all my feelings become dull... Better more often and faster!” - admits a young lady (22 years old). But here is a very sensible approach: “I would like thirty minutes. Although more realistic, perhaps, is ten to fifteen. But when everything is great, and it seems that you begin to understand what the meaning of life is, who counts the minutes?” All men would like such a reasonable partner! But here is confirmation that a woman is ready to adapt to her partner, to play along with him: “One human (a nice synonym for the word “man”, isn’t it? - Author) considered an act lasting forty minutes to be a disgrace for himself. Therefore, any intimacy with us turned, as you understand, into a sex marathon. Not bad either!” This lady’s partner is truly lucky: apparently, she is not only ready to accept the proposed rules of the game, but is also distinguished by enviable endurance. But basically, please note, ladies prefer not an endless act, reminiscent of a marathon, but several acts, even if not of a record length: “I like three or four times for ten to fifteen minutes. Together with caresses, it takes a total of an hour and a half. Modest and tasteful :).” Really not bad, especially since this corresponds to the advice of sexologists sex life with sufficient frequency.

The main thing is the right approach

So what kind of sex do women want? Let's not forget that men and women are not creatures at all. similar friend on a friend. And if the question “how to satisfy a woman in bed?” is not an idle question for you, you need to know some nuances female psychology, which we will remind you of.

Rule one. For a woman, sex is a logical continuation of a relationship. If you hurt her during the day, she is unlikely to want to make love to you in the evening. So put off the showdown until the first half of the day, and you’ll see that by the evening you’ll have time to make peace.

Rule two, which everyone seems to know, but at a crucial moment they often forget - a woman loves with her ears. Be kind to her, don’t get tired of telling her how beautiful (beautiful, divine) she is.

Women love romance. And if you can't rent a yacht with scarlet sails, then at least buy a bouquet, choose for her plush toy or some other trinket you can probably do. You'll see - she'll appreciate it.

Rule three is also known to everyone. Don't neglect foreplay, especially if your partner is just beginning to discover sensual pleasures. How younger woman, the more important for her foreplay, because for her the sensual side of love is more important than the physiological one. This, of course, does not mean that if your friend is - experienced woman, then you can skip the foreplay.

Rule four. Don't stop looking for erogenous zones that stimulate your partner. Experienced men They know that one woman loves it when they bite her earlobe, another loves it when she strokes her lower abdomen or runs her hand along the spine. In the third, arousal comes from biting or stroking the nipples. Even if you fail to find the notorious G-spot, your efforts will not be in vain.

Rule five says: women no less often, and sometimes even more often than men, do not tolerate monotony in sex. They are ready for experiments, spontaneous sex, new positions and unexpected places. Keep this in mind and don't be afraid to invite your partner to realize your or her wildest fantasies.

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