Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style

Care for problem skin from. What should be included? Can mineral cosmetics clear up acne?

Everyone knows that caring for problematic facial skin should be done with caution. Take the wrong drug and your cheeks will turn red, begin to peel, or become covered with pimples. Girlfriends walk under the hot sun without wide-brimmed hats or protective creams, calmly swim in the sea, eat everything, and nothing harms their beauty. You have to constantly think about what you can afford and what you need to abstain from, otherwise you can see such horror in the mirror that it will be impossible to go outside without a veil. Don’t despair, and there will be a solution for your capricious skin. Don't forget that self-care takes time; set aside half an hour in the morning and evening for cosmetic procedures.

Sometimes complaints about problematic skin can be heard from women who simply don’t feel like taking care of themselves. A healthy epidermis also needs nutrition, hydration and other procedures. There are people who have never visited a cosmetologist in their lives, who do not know creams and masks and at the same time have a beautiful appearance, but there are only a few of them: nature rarely gives gifts. Some girls use cheap drugs of unknown composition, and then complain that they have a problem face that is constantly peeling. Change your cosmetics, spend some money on a reputable brand, and everything will return to normal.

Real problem skin never lets you forget about itself. In order to maintain it in decent shape, you need to carefully select the special composition of the cream or lotion. If acne or dryness occurs occasionally and then quickly disappears for a long time, your epidermis is normal. With real problems, negative phenomena constantly plague a person.

Signs of sick skin:

  • early wrinkles;
  • boils;
  • acne, comedones, pimples;
  • shine from excess fat;
  • red network of vessels;
  • poor complexion;
  • age spots;
  • peeling;
  • allergic rashes;
  • dryness;
  • flabbiness.

Sometimes heredity is to blame for these phenomena. If your parents, grandparents, or brothers and sisters constantly suffered from redness or acne, their genes passed on to you and brought problems with your appearance. When there was nothing like this in the family, you need to look for other reasons:

  • hormonal changes: adolescence, pregnancy, menopause;
  • poor environment;
  • unsuitable climate;
  • poor nutrition;
  • low-quality or incorrectly selected cosmetics;
  • taking medications;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol or drugs.

Skin problems are often caused by illness or poor lifestyle choices. It’s not for nothing that they say that the state of the body is written on the face. If you are constantly nervous, don’t get enough sleep, and rarely spend time in the fresh air, your appearance simply cannot be fresh. A diet of burgers, greasy cakes and chemical-laden sodas is sure to leave its mark on your skin. The danger lies not only in loss of attractiveness. The body's coverings protect us from infections and other harmful influences, and in order to perform their function well, they must be healthy and strong.

What to do with problem skin

If you decide to improve the condition of your skin, you can contact a cosmetologist or purchase good medications. Just try to eliminate the causes of the problems first. Treat chronic diseases, especially those related to the digestive system. If you feel unwell, no super cream will help, your face will look sickly, and various rashes will appear constantly. If you suddenly develop acne, dry or flaky skin, get a medical examination; this may be a sign of an onset of illness.

Review your menu. The basis should be natural products: fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat, fish. It’s better not to buy sausages and all kinds of pates: only the manufacturer knows what’s put in there. Make sure your diet is varied, rich in vitamins and microelements. Instead of cakes and pastries, eat honey, berries, homemade marshmallows and marmalade. Sometimes just eating healthy can help solve your skin problems. Medicines can also have a negative impact on your appearance. Take them only as prescribed by your doctor, do not run to the pharmacy after seeing enough advertisements about a miracle cure, first consult with a specialist and find out if you need it.

Adjust your daily routine. Everyone needs money, but you can’t work until you completely lose your strength. Be sure to set aside time for proper sleep and walks in the park or forest. Remember that without fresh air, the skin will quickly lose its healthy color and attractiveness. Try not to get nervous over trifles. Is your boss yelling that you haven’t done work in 2 hours that usually takes all day? Never mind. He needs to release adrenaline, but that's not your problem. Calmly explain that it is impossible to make a report within such a period of time, and forget about the incident.

To prevent ulcers and scars from adding to the troubles with sensitive skin, do not squeeze out pimples and blackheads at home. After such a procedure, an open wound remains, which can become infected. Purulent inflammations are difficult to treat; they leave scars, the elimination of which requires expensive professional methods. To clean your face, you can contact a cosmetologist, he will carry out the work under sterile conditions. When caring for your face, try not to injure painful areas, and if you accidentally crush a pimple, disinfect the wound.

Proper facial care will restore beauty

Have you established a daily routine, eat right, but your skin still presents unpleasant surprises? This means that special cosmetic procedures are required. Be clear right away that cheap drugs are not for you. Alas, to make your face smooth and beautiful, you need high-quality products. Buy products from reliable brands, consult with a dermatologist or cosmetologist and find out which facial care products you should prefer.

When purchasing cosmetics, choose products with a high SPF index. According to the website, such preparations in the summer perfectly protect the skin from ultraviolet rays, which contribute to the occurrence of dryness, flaking and age spots.

Home care for problem skin should be careful and regular. To prevent a cream or balm from harming you, you should use preparations that do not create a film that prevents the flow of oxygen, do not interfere with the release of fat from the sebaceous glands, and maintain the correct acid-base balance.

When purchasing cosmetics, look at what type of skin the product you choose is intended for:

  • normal;
  • fat;
  • dry;
  • combined.

Cosmetics for problem skin must be stored properly. It is advisable to keep it in the refrigerator and not use expired medications. For daily use, use products that nourish and moisturize the skin. Do not wash your face with soap; there are special foams for this procedure. Once a week you need to make a mask, the composition of which helps solve your problem. Every month, remove dead epidermal cells using a scrub or peeling. For acne, use a cream with sulfur and zinc. Sometimes these drugs are not absorbed and leave marks on the face. Apply the product before going to bed, all the healing processes will go away overnight, all that remains in the morning is to wash your face or wipe your skin with lotion.

If you have skin problems, use cosmetics from the same manufacturer. Cream, lotion and mask composition from different companies may be incompatible and cause an undesirable reaction. Well-known companies produce entire lines of products for the care of problem skin, all products of which are perfectly combined and complement each other. Sometimes these same companies introduce makeup products into the collection: powder, foundation.

Typically the kit includes:

  • creams;
  • gels;
  • lotions;
  • tonics;
  • compositions for masks.

Natural cosmetics

In the old days, women did not have the opportunity to buy a good cream or composition for masks, but they knew how to take care of their faces just as well as we do. They used clay, decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs, homemade cottage cheese, fruits and berries from their garden. You can wipe your face with a slice of cucumber or make a mask out of strawberries. Nowadays we have access to oils and extracts of exotic plants, and the range of natural cosmetics has become much richer.

What can you cook at home?

  • Acne cream. Melt 15 g of shea butter, add 20 drops of acetylsalicylic acid and 6 drops of rosewood ether. Before going to bed, cleanse your skin and apply the mixture only to pimples and blackheads.
  • Moisturizer. Beat 20 g of sour cream, add 15 ml of aloe juice and 7 drops of grapefruit oil. Beat well again. Apply a thin layer to cleansed face 3 times a day.
  • Whitening cream. Beat the white of 1 egg, gradually adding 10 ml of yogurt and 5 ml of lime juice. Use as a base for makeup.
  • Mask for drying and improving complexion. Grind 5 g of blue and 10 g of green clay into powder, add 1 ml of almond oil. Stir and dilute with plantain decoction so that the composition takes on a paste-like consistency. Apply to face for 20 minutes.
  • Mask for narrowing pores. Add 5 g of instant granulated coffee to 10 g of honey and stir until smooth. Keep on face for 25 minutes.
  • Mask to normalize the acid-base balance. Pour 15 g of yeast with water until it becomes a paste, add an ampoule of vitamin B. Procedure time: 30 minutes.
  • Mask for whitening and relieving irritation. Mix 5 g of aloe and lemon juice each, add 10 g of buckwheat flour. Keep on face for 30 minutes.

Natural cosmetics do not contain artificial chemical components, but allergic reactions can also occur to natural substances. Be sure to test any composition before use. Apply a small dab behind the ear, leave for as long as directed in the recipe, then rinse. Monitor the condition of your skin for a day, and if you do not notice any negative effects, you can use the product.

The skin also needs training, so don't forget about massage. On the face, these procedures must be done carefully: if you pull the epidermis too much, you will get premature wrinkles.

In pharmacies you can purchase the composition for roll-on masks. It needs to be rubbed over the skin until the lumps stick to the contents of pimples, exfoliated scales, and black discharge from the pores.

Dry problem skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation quickly ages and begins to peel off. Make it a habit to not leave the house on sunny days without a shading hat or sunscreen.

After 30 years, it is better to apply emulsions and serums to the skin rather than nourishing cream. Choose preparations rich in vitamins and nutritional components, then a few drops will be enough for care.

After a few months, the skin will get used to the products of a certain company, and cosmetics will begin to have less effect. Don't be afraid to temporarily part with one brand's line and switch to another. Choose a few companies whose products you like and change your facial care products periodically.

Eastern women have long mastered the rules of caring for problem skin, and among Asian women it is difficult to meet a girl with a face covered in pimples or blackheads. Girls and young children are taught how to care for their skin so that it does not lose its beauty and freshness. In their arsenal there are always preparations that include snail mucus. This enzyme contains a high concentration of collagen and perfectly protects the skin from aging.

So, there is no need to complain about skin problems, this will not improve the situation. Find a good cosmetologist and visit him regularly for consultations and facial treatments. Don’t envy the beauty of artists and fashion models; most of them did not get their beautiful appearance from nature, but created it through hard work. Don't be lazy, work on your image, and then even the most capricious skin will not create problems.

In secret

Face younger in just 11 days!

Even at 40 you can look 21 if you put it on your face at night...

Beautiful acne-free skin is not just one cream, one cleanser and one cleaning at the cosmetologist. This is a whole set of rules with which you can maintain a clean face without much expense or worry. Welcome to the cat!

I compiled a set of these rules myself, based both on advice from the Internet and on my own experience. We managed to structure them into two large groups:

1. Facial hygiene.

2. Requirements for caring cosmetics for problem skin.

Let's get started.

I. Facial hygiene.

Facial hygiene, especially if the skin is problematic, is not limited to the area of ​​the face itself and extends to hands, hair, clothes and even objects that we bring to the face and that come into contact with it.


Sorry about Caps Lock, but this is the most important and well-known rule, everyone just breaks it. There are many reasons: habit, nerves, illiteracy. Not everyone understands that squeezing out a new pimple with dirty hands in a public toilet is a chance to spread, in addition to acne bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, for example, to your face. That when we squeeze out a big pimple, no matter how hard we try, we press not only outward, but also inward. Many people know how the contents of a pimple, sorry for the unpleasant detail, literally shoots out under pressure. Likewise, it can shoot under the skin, spreading bacteria, inflammation and pus to places where there might not be any. It's the same with acne: a squeezed blackhead is almost 100% guaranteed to be a pimple.

Even understanding all this, we continue to find excuses and put pressure: " Well, it’s small, shallow, I’ll squeeze it out with clean hands, and the wound will heal quickly". It will work once, but the habit will remain.

There is also a nervous habit of pressing, when a person is able to pick into the trash a healthy face because he imagined a pimple somewhere.

How to deal with this? Awareness, willpower + character, auxiliary measures such as long nails that do not allow you to mock yourself.

Well-known pattern: If you squeeze one out, three will pop out. Therefore, WE DO NOT PRESSURE . We washed ourselves, put on something healthy and rested.

Rule No. 2: You must, you must, wash your face in the mornings and evenings...

Now half the acne owners will scream at me: " What do you think, are we doing something dirty? Yes, we wash our faces 5 times a day!". Hush, hush. You know, but there are those who don’t know. Let’s think about them too.

So, we get up in the morning and wash ourselves with a product appropriate for our skin type. In the evening, remove makeup with a suitable product (micellar water, hydrophilic oil) and wash again. We don't sleep in makeup! If something more serious than powder has been applied, do not neglect special removers - ordinary gel and water will not remove them, and then we will wonder where blackheads and clogged pores come from.

An important nuance of washing is the water temperature . The water should not be cold or hot, it should not freeze us or, on the contrary, steam our face. All this irritates problem skin and leads to stagnation. The water should be lukewarm, a little close to cool.

Is it possible to wash your face more often? Depending on need and opportunity, it is possible. It is only important not to dry out the skin.

Rule No. 3: remove everything dirty from your face.

This is a rule that should be brought to the point of good, healthy paranoia.

Don't touch your face with your hands that have not just been washed with soap.

Keep your hair away from your face . Hair is always dirtier than your face - they are washed, as a rule, less often, they are smeared with balm, which, although useful for the ends, can clog pores, the hair catches a lot of dust, dirt, and exhaust fumes. And all this touches the face, tickles it, you want to scratch your cheek or forehead with unwashed hands... No, no, no! We remove the bangs, collect a ponytail, a bagel or a braid. There are a lot of beautiful hairstyles without facial hair. Speaking of balms: it is better to wash your body in the shower after you have already washed off the balm and wrapped your hair in a bun. Many suffer from back acne precisely because hair conditioner clogs the pores of the skin in this area.

Wash your hat and scarf as often as possible , collared sweater. It's a pity? Don't you feel sorry for the face? All this touches the face and collects dead skin cells, sebum, sweat, bacteria, and dirt for weeks and months. When you start to realize this, it becomes simply scary to touch your face with such things. The same goes for your pillowcase and face towel. I change my pillowcase once a week, and I have long given up reusable towels in favor of disposable napkins.

I wash everything that touches my face more often : makeup brushes, sponges, beauty blenders, powder puff. It’s also a good idea to sprinkle them with chlorhexidine. We wipe our phone, sunglasses, keyboard, mouse with the same chlorhexidine - we constantly touch them with our hands, it’s scary to imagine how much there is. Well, I don’t think it’s worth explaining about cosmetic samples in the store.

Rule No. 4: remove excess fat)))

Matting wipes - a true true friend of those who fight for clear skin.

Everyone loves a matte face, and everyone considers a fat, shiny nose and forehead unattractive. But this is not only unsightly, but also dangerous. Do you remember where acne bacteria live and what they eat? That's right, sebum. More sebum - more food for bacteria - more bacteria themselves. Therefore, I advise you to use a mattifying napkin instead of powder, which essentially only masks sebum secretions. It's simple, it's hygienic, it doesn't damage makeup. And there is no room left for bacteria to live and thrive.

II. What cosmetics should be for problem skin.

Here we will divide the rules into categories of products: washing, toning, moisturizing and treatment.

1. What to wash your face with?

The cleanser must first correspond to your skin type (dry, oily, normal, combination). We do not wash oily skin with light foams for dry skin - they will not cleanse it. We do not torment dry skin with Domestos for oily skin.

Washing for problem skin should:

- good for cleaning pores

- do not dry or irritate the skin

I’ll say right away that those who hope to turn problematic skin into clear skin only by cleansing are terribly mistaken. The cleanser has such short contact with our skin that it is simply stupid to count on it. Well, we have cleaned the skin, and then what? If you do nothing else, sebum will continue to be produced, and exfoliation will still occur at a slow pace. Even good results from washing, in my experience, are only temporary.

So, how do you know that washing has cleaned your pores well? Take a macro photo of the wings of your nose before and 5 minutes after washing your face. If the blackheads have noticeably lightened or disappeared altogether, congratulations, you have found your ideal in cleansing pores. If they stick out on the face as before, alas, the search for the ideal will have to continue.

How to understand that the product does not dry out or irritate the skin? Again, we compare before and after, but we rely more on sensations: if the face is not tight, peeling does not appear, wrinkles are not more pronounced, there is no redness - great. If there is one, we throw it away as soon as possible or, at worst, use it to wash the floors. It will only make our skin worse. The skin is actually smart. You dried it out - it produced more sebum. If it’s too dry - wow, she’ll do her best, you’ll shine like a pancake in just 40 minutes! So we don’t tease the skin or dry it out.

What ingredients are good for problem skin? Let's start with the ones that are not good. I will never buy a cleansing gel from even the most expensive brand if it contains Sodium laureth sulfate or God forbid Sodium lauryl sulfate(better known as SLES and SLS). Even worse Ammonium lauryl sulfate(ALS) and Ammonium laureth sulfate(ALES). Without going into details at the moment, I’ll just say that from my own experience I have been convinced more than once that a cleansing gel with SLS always dries out the skin, always irritates it, and always negates the beneficial effects of other ingredients. I buy washing gels only with mild detergent ingredients, for example, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Decyl polyglucose.

Useful components include:

- salicylic acid(aka BHA, aka salicylic acid)

- fruit acids(aka AHAs: lactic, glycolic, tartaric, malic, citric - lactic, glycolic, tartaric, malic and citric acids, respectively)

- plant extracts: witch hazel, tea tree, calendula, chamomile, pumpkin, tomato and much more

Various ingredients that I can't think of a common name for: birch tar, azulene, panthenol, triclosan, zinc, etc.

It is very good if in the composition you see the absence of aggressive detergent components and the presence of something useful.

2. Lotions, tonics, toners.

Things that many people neglect. But in vain. Tonic, toner, lotion will not make the skin feel special (although some are capable of this), in any case, they will calm it down after washing and bring it into balance before applying other products. Most acne creams and pharmaceutical products are recommended to be applied at least 15 minutes after washing, to dry and calmed skin. Tonic speeds up this process and prepares the skin for the following products.

Basic requirements for tonics for problem skin:

- no alcohol(alcohol dries, and about drying the skin, see above)

- presence of useful components(see again above)

Today's fashionable hydrosols and hyaluronic waters perfectly tone.

How to understand that a toner is suitable: the skin calms down after it, the color becomes more even; There is no feeling of stickiness or film. All! Nothing more is required. If the tonic does more, you are incredibly lucky, grab three more bottles)))

3. What and how to apply it?

The most difficult subtopic. Because sometimes a cream has a good composition, but it doesn’t work. Or the composition is bad, but it works some miracles on the skin. Or he works miracles on everyone, but turns you into a frog. Or vice versa. Therefore, it is most difficult to talk about any rules for long-term exposure agents. But I'll try)

For problem skin in general Light textures are preferred . The gradation of textures from light to dense is as follows:

- gel

- cream-gel

- cream

- ointment

The denser the product, the greater the chance that it will clog pores and only provoke acne. Gel or cream-gel is ideally the only thing that should be applied to problem skin. Well, there are also light serums. At the same time, if two products are applied (and this is possible, for example, in winter I applied both an acid cream and an antibiotic at night), then the rule is: the lightest texture is applied first . That is, first the gel, then the cream. If you apply it the other way around, the gel will penetrate the skin worse or not at all, and therefore will not work. In general, I categorically do not recommend applying the ointment to problem skin.

Another important property of creams that should be avoided is comedogenicity. Comedogenicity - this is the property of the product to clog pores and form comedones. It happens that the cream is good, everything is in it - acids and aloe , and the blood of a virgin unicorn, and the pimples keep coming and going. Read its composition - you will probably find comedogenic components. For me, these include “heavy” oils (olive, sunflower, coconut), vitamin E (if there is a lot of it in the composition, despite all the usefulness, I will not buy the cream), isopropyl myristate and myristyl myristate. They are like a red light: if they are in the composition - fu-fu-fu, out of harm's way. A complete list of comedogenic components can be easily found on the Internet.

So, the requirements for long-term exposure agents are simple:

- light texture

- non-comedogenic

- presence of useful components in the composition

The ideal product is a gel or cream-gel with AHA. There are quite a few of these among pharmacy cosmetics.

I deliberately did not write in this article about masks, scrubs, serums and other more specific products. These are the topics of the future. .

Thank you for your attention! I hope the text is useful.

And according to tradition - goodness and beauty to all!

Problem skin is the most sensitive skin type, which causes a lot of trouble for its owner. Most often, it is very oily and due to excess sebum, there are comedones on it, the pores are clogged with sebum and dirt accumulates in them. If you stop caring for it, it will quickly become covered with pimples and inflammation and begin to turn red. But with proper care, even problematic skin can be clean, matte and look fresh. We will tell you about the basics of care and give useful tips that will help you keep your problem skin in perfect condition.

How to take care of your skin in the morning

Every morning you should start with contrasting face washes. Cool water will help your skin feel fresher and tighten your pores. And if you have a little time, then it’s worth applying fermented milk products - kefir or sour milk, which normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

You need to wash your face with special bactericidal gels that will degrease your facial skin and make it matte.

After washing, toning is required. A toner for acne-prone skin should contain very little alcohol to dry out oily skin. But you should not use a tonic that contains more than 10% alcohol.

Be sure to apply a moisturizer to your face to give your skin the necessary moisture and vitamins. The cream should just be very light and should not contain oils. It’s good if you buy a gel to care for problem skin based on extracts of medicinal plants and with vitamins.

Care throughout the day

If you have problem skin, you should not use foundations - they are all too heavy for the skin and only clog the pores. Save foundation for evening holidays. Throughout the day, you should supplement your skin with wet wipes with bactericidal additives and moisturize with water from a spray bottle.

Evening treatments

In the evening, you need to remove makeup from your eyes and lips - this can be done with makeup remover products. Then you should thoroughly wash your skin with water and soap gel to remove the day's dirt and dust and open the pores. You can cleanse problem skin in the evening using a sponge or a special brush for facial skin.

After cleansing, you need to tone your skin and be sure to apply moisturizer.

Care throughout the week

You should not cleanse problematic skin with scrubs - it is already inflamed and very sensitive. But problem skin will enjoy applying an anti-inflammatory mask a couple of times a week. Masks are usually made from clay, oats, protein, dairy products, mud, that is, from all those products that cleanse pores and give matte and fresh skin.

Twice a month, if you have problem skin, you should take steam baths to help cleanse the pores. Slices of lemon, mint leaves, or drops of tea tree or citrus essential oil are added to the water for steam baths - these products help cleanse, regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands and give the skin freshness and matteness.

The face is the outer cover for every person, because it is the face that we first pay attention to when meeting and communicating with a person. That is why it is so important to keep this part of the body in an attractive and well-groomed form. But sometimes it’s quite difficult to do this, because some people have a lot of skin problems. Caring for problematic facial skin can also be done at home.

Identifying problem skin

For many, the term “problem skin” is immediately associated with a specific skin type, but this is absolutely not the case. Both oily and dry skin types can be problematic. The main distinguishing factor here is the problems that arise with the skin during life.

Of course, identifying exactly problem skin is quite simple, since all the symptoms, as they say, are on the face. But still, with the help of certain problems and rashes, you can easily determine your skin type, and this will make the care process more effective and safer.

Be sure to purchase cosmetic products in accordance with your skin type, since when using products that are not suitable for this item, unpleasant consequences of improper care often occur on your face - pimples, blackheads, blackheads, peeling and other “charms”.

Symptoms of problem skin

In order to know for sure about the presence or absence of skin problems, it is important to competently approach the issue of identifying any symptoms of problem skin. If you notice that you regularly experience 2 or more of the following symptoms in your daily life, then most likely you definitely have problem skin.

  • The problem of pimples, blackheads, blackheads and inflammation on the face worries you very often;
  • The skin has a strong shine that is difficult to hide even with decorative cosmetics;
  • The pores are enlarged (this can be seen with the naked eye);
  • You often suffer from redness and swelling, itching and irritation of the skin;
  • The skin is very flaky even when using a moisturizer;
  • Rashes and rosacea on the face.

If the symptoms really interfere with your normal life, and you suspect that this is a really serious problem, then be sure to seek help from a dermatologist.

Also, some of the listed signs may be symptoms of allergies in the body, so visiting an allergist would not be a bad idea.

Care for problem skin: 3 stages

Proper care for any skin type should occur in 3 stages: cleansing, scrubbing, moisturizing. This is also true for problem skin (which can be either oily or dry). But each type has its own restrictions and rules in all 3 stages, which must be followed to achieve maximum effect.

Dry problem skin: care

The main signs of dry problem skin are peeling, itching and irritation. The main step in caring for dry skin is considered to be moisturizing, but many girls, alas, neglect others - cleansing and scrubbing, although this is fundamentally wrong.

As for cleansing dry, problem skin, it is better to do this in the form of washing with special gels, milk or facial washes. Do not forget that these products should be purchased specifically for dry skin. Under no circumstances should you use soap for washing, especially for dry skin - soap is very drying and “tightens” the epithelium, only aggravating the situation. To wash your face, use special sponges that can be purchased at cosmetics stores.

You need to scrub dry skin very carefully and carefully, as it is very easy to damage. Scrubs should be done no more than once a week. Buy special scrubs for dry problem skin.

You need to moisturize dry skin several times a day with small portions of the product. Buy quality creams for dry problem skin. They work better than conventional creams because they restore the structure of overly dry epithelium.

Oily problem skin: care

If you often experience pimples, blackheads, enlarged pores, and oily sheen, then you have an oily skin type. Pay more attention to cleansing your skin.

To cleanse, as in the case of dry skin, use special foams and gels for washing. Buy products exclusively for problematic oily skin. A special sponge is used for washing. Washing procedures are performed 2-3 times a day, usually after waking up and before bed. For additional cleansing, use lotions and tonics, which should be used to wipe previously prepared and clean skin.

Scrubbing oily skin that is covered with acne is undesirable, since after damage to an individual pimple, the likelihood of a skin infection spreading increases significantly. If acne does not bother you, then scrubbing procedures should be performed no more than 1-2 times a week.

Contrary to myths, it is necessary to moisturize oily skin. For this purpose, special creams are used for problematic oily skin, which help regulate the amount of sebum on the surface of the epithelium.

Additional skin nutrition

Many people, regardless of age and gender, have problem skin. Difficulties include too oily dermis and acne. The skin, unlike other organs, is most susceptible to external factors. Most often, inflammation occurs in the sebaceous glands, which have the unpleasant tendency to become clogged. Combination and oily skin requires an individual approach aimed at eliminating specific problems.

Treatment of acne with ultraviolet rays

  1. Ultraviolet rays disinfect and destroy harmful bacteria. The method is relevant only if you sunbathe at the “right” time. Experts in the field of dermatology recommend sunbathing at 09.00-10.00 and 16.00-17.00 hours.
  2. Before starting ultraviolet treatment, consult a dermatologist. The doctor will give precise recommendations on how much you should be in the sun. Neglecting the advice of a specialist can result in burns. Injuries, in turn, will provoke even greater skin problems.
  3. You should not assume that solarium also has a beneficial effect on the epidermis. This statement is erroneous. Artificial UV light does not heal skin damage or remove pus. On the contrary, it helps to reduce the immunity of the affected epidermis.

Please note that while taking a course of antibiotics, any procedures using UV rays are contraindicated.

Eliminating acne with pharmaceutical products

  1. "Visine." To make a pimple less noticeable, you can resort to simple medications that are designed to relieve inflammation from the eyes (like Visine). Use a cotton swab soaked in the composition and apply the disc to the affected area. Wait 15 minutes, repeat the procedure several times.
  2. Aspirin. Grind 2 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid into powder and mix with drinking water to form a paste. Next, apply the composition to the inflamed areas and leave for 1 hour. To get the best result, experienced specialists recommend carrying out the procedure before bed, leaving the product on overnight. After waking up, the redness will decrease significantly.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide. Mix 20 gr. brewer's yeast with 30 ml. hydrogen peroxide (the concentration of the active substance should not exceed 6%). Bring the mixture to a creamy mass, apply locally to inflamed areas, wait until dry. Remove excess with paper towels and wash off any crusts that have formed in the morning. Chlorhexidine is considered an analogue of peroxide; the technology of use is identical.

Cleansing facial skin from blackheads

Cosmetic patch. It is not recommended to remove acne with your fingers at home. However, if you decide to resort to such an adventure, thoroughly disinfect your hands or wear gloves.

To eliminate blackheads, use a targeted patch. The problem is that it cleanses the pores only superficially, without affecting the lower layers of the dermis.
After the procedure, do not rush to squeeze out acne yourself. Use antiseptics in liquid form (peroxide, vodka, alcohol, etc.), treat problem areas with the product. The composition will do all the work for you: open pores, clean and disinfect sebaceous ducts.

Professional facial cleansing. To carry out a deep and effective facial cleansing, you need to seek the help of a cosmetologist. The first thing the specialist will do is apply a mask that will draw out impurities.

This will be followed by heating the epidermis with steam, releasing ions that disinfect the pores. Next comes a mechanical method for removing comedones using your fingers, without leaving scars on the skin.

Ultimately, the face is treated with high-frequency currents and a restorative mask is applied. Upon completion of the procedure, the pores will expand for several days, then return to their original position. It is recommended to carry out cosmetic cleaning no more than once every 2 months.

  1. During adolescence, many face difficulties regarding the condition of their facial skin. To eliminate discomfort, you need to choose suitable products to care for the epidermis.
  2. Do not accustom your child to cosmetic creams from an early age unless necessary. Otherwise, problems will only increase as you grow older.
  3. All kinds of “adult” cosmetics clog the sebaceous glands of a young body, leading to early wrinkles and more serious consequences.
  4. Choose light herbal infusions for wiping your face. Avoid harsh scrubs, peelings, masks, aggressive tonics (with aspirin, charcoal, etc.).

Traditional methods of caring for problem skin

Therapeutic compositions safely affect damaged areas of the skin, promoting their speedy recovery. All of the masks listed are universal and can be used as needed. The products soothe, moisturize, cleanse and nourish the skin.

  1. Salt and shaving foam. Salt cleansing is used to eliminate acne. Take a cotton pad and soak it in shaving foam. Dip a cosmetic sponge into fine-grained table salt and baking soda (equal proportions). Rub the mixture in a circular motion over problem areas. If your skin is too oily, leave the product on for a few minutes as a mask. Rinse off the product with warm water, then apply low-fat cottage cheese or white clay to your face, wait another 15 minutes.
  2. Starch and yogurt. You will need 55 ml. natural yogurt without impurities, 40 ml. milk, 15 gr. starch. Mix the ingredients until smooth, apply to face, rinse after 20 minutes.
  3. Sour milk. Use kefir or sour milk. Soak a cotton swab in the mixture and wipe the problem skin for 10 minutes. Filtered water with the addition of lemon juice is considered an analogue; the procedure technology is identical.
  4. Daisy and violet. Mix 15 gr. violets, 20 gr. daisies, pour 90 ml ingredients. warm water. The herbal tincture is kept for a day. After the specified time, use the decoction as a wash or wipe your face with it.
  5. Coffee grounds. When brewing natural coffee, do not rush to get rid of the grounds. After cooling, apply it to your face with massaging movements as a scrub. Rub the dermis for 3 minutes, after completing the procedure, wash with warm water.
  6. Cucumber and egg. To prepare the composition you will need 50 ml. cucumber juice, 1 egg white. Mix the ingredients and bring the mixture until smooth with a mixer or fork. Apply the mixture to your face, wait 20 minutes, and rinse off when the time is up.
  7. Cottage cheese and kefir. The milk-based mask copes well with inflammation, thoroughly moisturizes the skin, giving it freshness. You will need 40 gr. cottage cheese, 80 ml. kefir Mix the mixture, apply to face, wait 20 minutes, rinse with cool water.
  8. Carrots and egg whites. The mask copes well with rashes. To prepare it, take a medium-sized carrot and grate it. Add egg white, 15 ml. lemon juice, 25 gr. starch. Stir the mixture until smooth, dilute a little with water. Apply the mixture to your face, wait 20 minutes, rinse off.
  9. Garlic. Grind 4 cloves of garlic into a paste. Apply to affected areas of skin, leave for half an hour. In case of severe burning, rinse with water sooner. Carry out the procedure twice a day.
  10. Nettle and celandine. The product copes well with acne. Take 120 gr. burdock root, 110 gr. strings, 90 gr. nettles, 40 gr. celandine. Grind all ingredients, pour 550 ml. boiling water Wait until it cools completely, meanwhile the broth will infuse. Take the composition orally, 20 ml. 3 times a day for 1 month.
  11. Potato. Take a small tuber, rinse it, peel it. Grate the vegetable on a coarse grater, then apply part of the mixture to problem areas. As soon as the product dries, replace it with a fresh composition. The duration of the procedure is a third of an hour.
  12. Banana and egg. Grind half a banana, add the white of a chicken egg, pour in 15 ml. lemon juice. Mix the ingredients into a homogeneous mass and apply to the face. Wait 25 minutes, remove with water.
  13. Bread. Take 150-170 ml. kefir, 120 gr. rye bread without crust. Grind the ingredients in a blender until a homogeneous paste forms. Apply the product in a thick layer onto your face. Wash your face with cool water after 30 minutes.
  14. Medicinal plants. Collect inflorescences of chamomile, lemon balm, yarrow, string, and make a decoction based on them. Cool the resulting mixture, use a gauze cloth, moisten it, and apply it to your face as a compress. While the broth is hot, you can also use a steam bath by holding your face over the pan for 7-10 minutes. This will steam the pores and cleanse them of sebaceous impurities. This method is recommended to be used strictly for acne; it is strictly forbidden to carry out steam procedures in the presence of ulcers.

Contact a dermatologist, read the specialist’s recommendations, and then use targeted cosmetics and pharmaceutical preparations. Hire the services of an esthetician for a professional cleaning. Make it a habit to cleanse your pores with homemade masks or cosmetic patches.

Video: 3 super products for problem skin

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