Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style

Hair care at home (masks, peelings, etc.). How to tidy up your hair. own experience. added

Very often I see requests for help with hair care here, I constantly write comments and advice, since I take special care of my hair. And in order not to pound on the keys again, I decided to write all my achievements here. All methods have been personally tested by me and suit my hair. If you have a different type, you can develop your own based on my recipes.

What also prompted me to write was reading an article on MayJane. Something about secrets oriental women. The author is clearly off topic. He gives recipes that he definitely hasn’t tried on himself, otherwise, where there is an egg in the composition, it would be indicated that only the yolk is needed. When using a whole egg, when washed off, the white will cook and cling to the hair - do not tear it off. The same goes for the banana recipe. It is imperative to remove not only the skin, but also the top astringent layer of the fruit, again, so that the pulp does not stick to the hair.

So, episode one: washing your hair.

I have tried a huge variety of shampoos from different companies. From inexpensive to very expensive. But I still haven’t found the ideal shampoo among this variety. I tried washing my hair with organic shampoos, natural soap, ordered individual natural shampoo. It's not the same. I started looking for ways to wash my hair without using shampoo and soap. I tried washing with dry mustard, soda (I didn’t yet know that soda is used as a means to get rid of hair, so be careful with it), herbs, and egg yolk.

None of the above worked for my hair until a few months ago when I found another simple and, as it turned out, simply wonderful remedy. Rye flour. The most common one. I buy it at MAGNET for 35 rubles, it’s also in FIVE, maybe in DIXY too, I haven’t looked. For my shoulder-length hair, I need to dilute 4 tablespoons of flour until the thickness of liquid sour cream. The shampoo is ready! I apply it to wet hair and massage thoroughly but gently. In general, I carry out all manipulations with my hair carefully! I wash it off, rinse my hair in a basin, changing the water a couple of times, that’s all. Even my oily hair is washed perfectly! The volume is gorgeous! I highly recommend it. I stopped using balms! Previously, washing my hair without conditioner would have been unacceptable for me! Yes, the method is more time-consuming, but the benefits for hair are 100%. The cost of the procedure is a pittance, the benefits are undeniable, and there is no harm. If you have time, you can leave it on your hair longer as a mask, for example, while swimming, brushing your teeth and performing other procedures.

For those who want to improve their shampoo, I will list possible additives: essential oils, ground herbs, dry mustard, clay, herbal infusions, fruit and vegetable juices, honey, ground citrus peels (in one of the next “series”, I’ll tell you how I make them), sea ​​salt, coffee, ground tea (any), whey, herbal juices (nettle, burdock root).

WITH wet hair We handle it with extreme care. Apply ONE drop of oil to the split ends, rubbed between your palms. Preferably jojoba or coconut. You can use a special serum. I have dry oil from SALERN, gifted for my birthday. Delighted with it! Jojoba, for example, is now not a problem to buy at the pharmacy. Don’t scratch with a comb right away! Gently squeeze with a towel. If possible, dry without a hairdryer. If a hairdryer, then at low or average temperature. Well, comb it carefully, don’t tug! If long, then the ends first, rising higher as you unravel. Otherwise, some bang their heads against the wall - their hair splits, falls, etc. (I’m not talking about young mothers), and they themselves abuse their poor hair as best they can!

If the topic is interesting, I will continue the “series” for your attention!

Has this ever happened to anyone: we wake up in the morning and see in the mirror dull, disheveled hair, flaky lips, a pimple on the nose, bags under the eyes... And often we don’t have enough time to properly put ourselves in order. What to do? You." - you ask. In our article we will share with you several simple and useful tips about how to “Get Beauty” in just 5 minutes!

1. how to put it in order unruly hair?

Do you know next situation? We wash our hair in the evening, before going to bed, and hope to wake up beautiful, but what do we see in the mirror in the morning: our hair bristles and stands up, just like the fashion of the 80s. Nowadays, however, such an extravagant hairstyle is hardly in fashion and certainly will not appeal to your work colleagues. What to do when there is absolutely no time left to re-wash and style your hair? Only if you have 10 minutes left, we know how to help you! First of all, stop panicking and follow these tips:

You will need half a glass of water: just wet your hair a little, strand by strand. After this, measure out half a teaspoon almond oil, rub it between your palms and apply to hair light movements, while simultaneously putting unruly hair into a hairstyle. The styling method depends on the structure of your hair: if it is naturally curly and unruly, then apply oil to each curl to straighten and “outline” it. If you have straight hair, then start styling from the roots and “Walk” through each strand. You'll see: just a little patience - and the problem with the clutter in your head is solved!

And finally, a few words about “Prevention”: to prevent this problem from happening in the morning, try to wash your hair every other day. Make sure the water is not too hot, because the water high temperature, is known to damage hair. We also advise you to use hair conditioners with almond, coconut or argan oil extract after washing your hair. Try to dry your hair in kind, but if you really don’t have enough time and have to use a hair dryer, do not turn on the high temperature setting so as not to damage your hair.

2. what to do if a pimple appears on your face?

A classic story for every woman's morning nightmare. You look in the mirror and see that there is an unpleasant and quite noticeable pimple on your nose, forehead or cheek, which inappropriately attracts attention to itself. Of course, we all don’t like to realize that our skin is imperfect and that nothing can be done, because we have to go to work soon and there is no time to apply cream or other medicine. What can be advised in this case, if in a few minutes we have to run out of the house? Don't worry, there is a very simple remedy. First of all, wash your face thoroughly with neutral soap to clear the skin of bacteria. Then add to a teaspoon lemon juice a few drops apple cider vinegar. Apply the resulting mixture to the damaged area of ​​the skin, that is, on top of the pimple.

Leave this mixture for 3 minutes, but no longer, because otherwise vinegar and lemon can have the opposite effect and dry out the skin. Wash your face thoroughly again and dry with a clean towel. Now you can apply usual makeup. If you have a red pimple on your face, it makes sense to use a tinting pencil with green tint because this color will help hide redness. After this, apply the usual tone on top (remember that foundation should be moisturizing. You see, it’s not difficult at all!

3. how to get rid of bags under the eyes in 5 minutes?

Bags under the eyes are a common thing, and each of us has experienced such a nuisance at least once. Insomnia, fatigue, overwork - and here they are, these unpleasant swelling under the eyes. But this spoils your appearance so much, and you look broken and tired. What to do? To moisturize the skin under the eyes and improve blood circulation in this “Problem” area of ​​the face, first of all place it in freezer two small teaspoons. Leave them there for a few minutes, during which you can do your usual morning preparations: get dressed, comb your hair, brush your teeth, have breakfast or pack your bag before going out. After 4-5 minutes, take the spoons out of the freezer and apply them to the bags under your eyes several times at intervals of 20 seconds. You'll see: cold spoons will soothe the skin under the eyes and improve blood circulation. Getting rid of bags under your eyes is actually easier than you think!

4. What should I do if I urgently need hair conditioner?

Many women are familiar with this problem. Do you have dry, brittle hair that is clearly lacking life and shine? In the morning they look dull and dull, and you don’t have time for careful styling because you’ll be leaving the house soon? So you'll need water, coconut oil and an empty spray bottle.

To prepare our conditioner, you will only need half a glass of water and one tablespoon of coconut oil. Some recipes recommend adding a little aloe vera, but this mixture is usually more difficult to stir. It's better if the water is a little warm, not cold, because otherwise the coconut oil will never mix properly. Add water, coconut oil (if desired, also aloe Vera) to the bottle, shake well and mix... the conditioner is ready! Using a spray nozzle, you can apply it to your hair. You'll see: such a natural conditioner will soften your hair, give it silkiness, shine and vital energy, as well as the pleasant aroma of coconut oil.

However, remember: the conditioner, the recipe for which we have described, suitable for girls with dry and brittle hair, but if you are the owner oily hair, then it is undesirable to use tools based natural oils: in this case, their effect may be exactly the opposite.

5. dry and cracked lips: what to do?

How unpleasant it is: dry, cracked lips! But this happens very often, especially in autumn and winter, during frosty or windy weather, and also when there is a lack of vitamins. Every woman wants to have beautiful, soft and sensual lips, and not painfully chapped and covered with a thin crust. It sounds incredible, but just 5 minutes will be enough to get your lips in order. Are you interested in knowing how? We are with you now a woman's secret let's share.

To begin, apply a thick layer of moisturizing lip cream to your lips. After this, apply a generous amount of sugar on top of the cream: you may not know that it has amazing exfoliating properties. Apply sugar to lips using cotton pad soft massage in a circular motion to activate blood circulation. Continue the massage for 3 minutes.

Now you can wash off the sugar and cream from your lips with warm (even slightly hot) water, without stopping the circular massage movements. Such simple procedure will not take much of your time and will help get rid of dead cells and scales: you will see how soft and smooth your lips will become and what an even, pleasant tone they will acquire! Now you can safely leave the house, because the problem has been solved. However, do not forget to repeat the procedure in the evening (before bed) to consolidate the results.

We present to your attention 5 quick and effective ways that will bring you closer to a million-dollar hairstyle.

1. The ideal solution for damaged and brittle hair, of course, will become salon treatments. Choose those that give immediate effect. For example, keraplasty - saturation of hair with protein identical to natural. This procedure restores structural damage, gives the curls the necessary density, makes them stronger and more elastic. Important: after keraplasty you can only use sulfate-free shampoos, otherwise the effect will quickly fade away.

2. Dry, porous, dull hair will benefit from goodness. professional humidification. There are a lot of treatments that give the desired effect - choose according to your taste and budget.


A deeply moisturizing ritual can easily (and even should) be combined with coloring. Then the color will last longer, and the hair will maintain elasticity and smoothness.

3. When it comes to home care, modern products are quite capable of quickly transforming damaged curls. Choose those that contain keratin, protein and amino acid complexes. They restore and thicken hair well. Products based on seaweed, plant extracts, and natural oils are good against dryness and split ends. To get the effect as quickly as possible, use the mask twice a week, and the rest of the time - mild shampoo and air conditioning.

4. If you have long hair, be sure(!) to apply leave-in product to the ends. This can be a light restorative spray, a primer with a moisturizing effect, a drop of oil (you can use products with dry oils).

Another important point- thermal protection of hair. Use a special spray or styling product with appropriate properties even during regular blow-drying, this will prevent dehydration and loss of shine.

5. In addition, pay attention to products with a wow effect. In season New Year's parties It’s useful to keep cosmetics on hand that give a very noticeable and very quick result (though usually before the first wash). First of all, these are serums, primers and other styling products with silicones.

They instantly smooth the surface of the hair, remove frizz and split ends, add intense shine and maximum well-groomed appearance. Such products are washed off with plain water. Well, what about without hair gloss? The most convenient ones are in the form of sprays. You need to spray them after hairspray, at the very end of styling for shine and beauty of the hair.

Each of us has to spend a considerable amount of time, effort and money on self-care every day. Proper nutrition, makeup, wardrobe, fitness...and, of course, many are aware that hair care is one of the most important conditions maintaining beauty appearance. But is the price and brand of shampoo used and the frequency of visits to the beauty salon really so important? Stylists assure - to maintain hair in perfect condition These simple and accessible methods will help.

1. Avoid exposure to high temperature

Well, let's be honest with ourselves - from time to time we all have to arm ourselves, if not with tongs, then with an ordinary hair dryer. Experts advise, if possible, to avoid contact with various irons, hot rollers and other “harmful” devices. Instead, it is better to use special cosmetics(straightening balms and masks) or soft curlers(loxes are ideal for this - you will get bouncy curls without sleepless nights and damaged hair). In cases where you cannot do without hot metal, apply special heat protection before use. protective equipment(sprays, masks or creams) that will protect the hair structure from overheating.

2. Use satin lingerie

You will be surprised, but cotton is adored by the majority for its comfort and durability. bed sheets- one of the main enemies of an ideal hairstyle and the reason for the morning dissatisfaction of many representatives of the fair sex in the morning. Yes, by replacing cotton with satin or satin, you will save yourself from the need to straighten your flyaway hair and save precious minutes.

3. Cleanliness is the key to health

We have all heard about the dangers of modern cosmetics, especially shampoos - every purchase is accompanied by a long study of the composition and the pursuit of naturalness. Many people even try to wash their hair as little as possible, seriously believing that this will help reduce exposure to chemicals (after all, there are already too many of them in our suffering environment!). But stylists do not advise following this example - you must determine for yourself optimal frequency washing. Thorough rinsing in combination with a shampoo that suits you is the key to not only beauty, but also healthy hair.

As for the frequency of washing, dermatologists advise following this rule: if you live in an urban environment, increased level air pollution and humidity, wash your hair as often as possible (ideally daily). Residents rural areas(or for those who live in very dry climates) it is preferable to do this every few days. Mixed type hair (prone to oily at the roots and dry at the ends) require individual approach– in this case, you determine the frequency of washing yourself, taking into account the correctly selected products.

4. Don't forget to hydrate

Many people underestimate the importance of conditioner balms. But they are necessary not so much for the hair as for the scalp, the condition of which directly determines its appearance. After all, you use moisturizing creams or face masks, don’t forget to moisturize your skin during the shower, and take care of the skin of your hands when choosing optimal remedy? By providing your scalp with a sufficient amount of moisture (to do this, just remember to apply balm after each wash), you will forget about split ends, dryness and provide additional color durability to your colored hair.

5. Stay true to your preferences

A common misconception is that you need to constantly change hair care brands. As an argument, the same thing is repeated: “First the hair must get used to it, but then the shampoo must be replaced, since the effect will weaken over time.” That is, first your hair needs to be “trained”, and then gradually “weaned off”...Experts categorically disagree with this dogma - just find the shampoo most suitable for your hair type and forget about the existence of other brands. Of course, if you constantly experiment with color and length, no one has the right to prohibit you from looking for and trying new options. But once you find what really suits you, don't let go.

6. Eat right

External influence will not provide half the success if you do not eat right - shine, volume and growth are determined primarily by diet. The main " building materials" For healthy hair are iron, zinc, proteins and fatty acids– include in your diet as much as possible more products containing these useful substances. Try not to exclude meat (especially chicken) and fish from your menu - vegetarianism has no effect positive influence on the condition of the hair.

7. Take vitamins

Even the most balanced diet needs addition. Vitamin supplements will help you keep your hair beautiful and healthy - consult your doctor, who will select the optimal complex of vitamins, microelements and amino acids, taking into account individual characteristics. Also don't forget about natural herbal teas and supplements plant origin.

8. Avoid overexposure to sunbathing

We all know what irreparable damage prolonged exposure to the sun can cause to unprotected skin. You will be surprised, but your hair is subjected to even greater challenges. Stylists recommend applying protective conditioners (most convenient option– in the form of a spray), which provide reliable protection against the effects of three negative factorssun rays, wind and salt water. To enhance the effect, protective products should be applied to damp hair and used after each bath.

9. Choose the right comb

Combing your hair plays a big role important role in ensuring their healthy appearance. Use brushes from natural materials, avoiding metal (they can damage the scalp and hair structure) and plastic ( static electricity) combs.

10. Trim your hair regularly

This is not about a radical change in image - regular cutting of the ends (1-2 cm) every 6-8 weeks will ensure healthy growth and prevent their delamination. It may sound absurd, but this method is simply necessary for those who want to grow long hair. This way, you can protect your hair from brittleness and dryness.

11. Wash your hair with warm water

Make sure you select correct temperature for washing your hair - avoid hot water. Warm water will wash away all the dirt. accumulates on the hair, but does not deprive it of volume. Rinse off the conditioner cool water– it will ensure perfect cleanliness and “fix” the balm on the hair, making it shiny and light.

12. Measure in everything

The more shampoo, the better? Are you sure? Well, this is one of the most common hair care mistakes. Do not apply large number shampoo (previously whipped into foam) on the roots of the hair - it is in this part that it accumulates greatest number contaminants that you need to get rid of. Avoid getting conditioner on the root part - apply the product from the middle of the length and pay special attention to the ends.

The health of your hair is in your hands. Provide them with the correct and regular care by choosing the right cosmetics and following our simple and accessible recommendations. Excellent results guaranteed!

Nowadays, care damaged hair at home becomes incredibly relevant. This is due to many reasons: we are talking about a large number of factors, as well as their combination. The beauty of hair can be threatened by excessive use of a hairdryer, frequent coloring, metabolic disorders, too much addiction to diets. Perm can weaken strands, and hard water containing chlorine can make them dull. The wrong shampoo can worsen general condition hair, illness - lead to disruption of the nutrition process.

A few rules for handling damaged hair

Most of us live in unfavorable environment from an environmental point of view. Aggressive impact environment continues almost constantly. Ultraviolet, sudden temperature fluctuations, high humidity, city air with a high content of substances hazardous to health - from all this, curls are unlikely to be strong and beautiful.

Therefore, it turns out to be quite natural excessive dryness or increased fat content, severe loss hair, slow growth, weakness, fragility, split ends. The situation can be improved with proper care.

There are several rules that will help deal with the problem. First you need to exclude all metal objects. No metal combs, they will only ruin the hair structure.

Hairpins, hairpins, bobby pins - all this can and should be replaced with wooden analogues. At the same time, the problem of electricity accumulation in the hair will go away, which is harmful both for your hair and for your well-being. The latter is especially true for people suffering from migraines.

Next, if your hair is already damaged, you shouldn’t harm it even more. Therefore, eliminate or minimize drying wet strands with a hairdryer on a hot setting. This dries out the curls and causes stress. Curling irons and flat irons can be used no more than once every few weeks. Do not skimp on fixing varnishes, gels, mousses and other similar products. The harm from cheap cosmetics is simply invaluable! In a large number of cases, hair begins to fall out precisely because of improper handling.

Selecting shampoo and washing your hair

Damaged hair, like any other, needs proper cleansing.

Residues of conditioners, masks, lotions or simply dust should not linger on the strands for too long. This is harmful and also prevents the masks from acting in the right direction. For example, before applying nicotinic acid to your hair (a fairly popular method of hair restoration), you need to thoroughly understand the cleansing. Most restorative masks, for example, are applied only to thoroughly washed hair.

If your hair has been severely damaged, it is best to choose a mild, nourishing shampoo with a neutral pH. You should choose the appropriate balm for it. But you should avoid using conditioner; too many care products can negatively affect the condition of your hair. Professionals call this cosmetic fatigue. And keep in mind: sometimes you need to give your curls a break from any manipulation other than the main ones.

You should also not wash it too often. It's better to stay 2 times a week on average. The optimal amount to maintain hair in normal condition, but not overload it too much. And remember: it is important to consider how shampoos, conditioners, balms and masks combine with each other.

Traditional recipes for hair care

Rinsing with lemon juice will help restore the natural shine of your hair. This is a fairly common practice. But you need to keep in mind that we are talking about strands that have already suffered. Therefore, you need to be careful with such products and dissolve lemon juice in water before applying it to your hair.

Masks with gelatin give quite a good effect. They are affordable, the simplest ones contain only mild shampoo and a few spoons of this product, diluted in warm water. This option helps to provide at home reliable protection for hair. And this can be done quite quickly and easily.

Don't underestimate the importance essential oils. The corresponding jojoba and burdock oils give very good results; linseed oil is suitable for many, especially since it acts quite gently. If you wish, you can mix 2 basic ones, you will get a wonderful cocktail! But it’s better not to abuse them.

They are in great demand at home available masks. They are made on the basis cosmetic clay, honey, egg yolk, which helps weakened hair quite well. Honey is often replaced with a few drops of propolis when possible. But a cosmetologist will give you specific recipes.

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