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Vinegar solution for hair proportions. Benefits of apple cider vinegar for hair. Apple cider vinegar for hair. Rinse

The use of vinegar to rinse hair after washing goes back centuries. Owners of long braids washed their hair with alkaline solutions, which remained on the hair, disturbing the texture of the hair shaft. Acetic acid was an alkali neutralizer. After rinsing, the hair became smooth and silky. But what to rinse your hair after washing and what are the best products for such a procedure are indicated in detail

Why do you need to rinse your hair with vinegar?

Shampoos are used to wash hair. But the use of vinegar remains relevant. This is a cheap and effective scalp and hair care product if you follow the conditions for its use.

The main properties are the normalization of the acid-base balance of the scalp.

Thanks to this quality, the following problems can be solved:

  • get rid of greasy hair;
  • dandruff;
  • itching.

A positive result is achieved within 14–21 days.

Main conditions:

  • regularity;
  • maintaining proportions;
  • application of the desired type.

If these requirements are not met, the effect will be the opposite: dry, brittle hair.

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The video shows a description of the hair rinsing procedure:

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Benefits and harms

There will be harm from rinsing only in one case: if the wrong vinegar is used and diluted in the wrong quantities. With the right approach, your hair will look healthy, soft and shiny.

Which one is suitable for rinsing?

Vinegar for food purposes is produced in two ways:

  1. method of chemical synthesis from gas, oil and forest products;
  2. oxidation of alcohol-containing products by acetic acid bacteria.

Synthetic has no aromatic properties. There is a persistent smell of acetic acid.

Food natural is the result of microbiological synthesis under the influence of acetic acid bacteria in products containing alcohol. In addition to this acid, they contain valuable elements, thanks to which they are used in cooking and medicine. You may also be interested in information about

There are several types of natural product:

  • spirit vinegar;
  • apple;
  • balsamic;
  • wine;
  • malt;
  • whey;
  • rice.

But the difference between a rinse and a hair conditioner is indicated in great detail

Alcohol vinegar obtained by oxidizing ethyl alcohol with acetic acid bacteria. It contains aldehydes, esters, and alcohols, due to which it has a unique aroma.

It is easy to purchase in any store and continue to use

Apple contains 60 organic compounds, which include vitamins B, C, E. In addition to acetic acid, there are 4 more similar compounds, including malic acid. Enriched with micro- and macroelements, enzymes. Apple vinegar has a mild, pleasant taste. Used in cooking and medicine.

Before use, you should accurately measure the dosage, otherwise the consequences may be bad.

Balsamic(based on grape must) is the most expensive of food vinegars. Its preparation takes several years. The main use is cooking.

Wine– a product of fermentation of white or red wine. It has a sweeter taste compared to others. Rich in flavonoids and antioxidants. Widely used in traditional French and Italian dishes.

This vinegar is one of the most effective to use.

Homeland of malt- England. Made from sprouted barley grains. Not available in Russia.

Rice- the result of fermentation of rice water. Used in Chinese cuisine when preparing rice dishes.

Whey obtained from whey. Produced in small quantities.

Synthetic food vinegar is not suitable for rinsing, as it contains only acetic acid.

Food grade vinegars made from natural products are used for washing hair. The following vinegars are relevant for Russian conditions:

  • alcoholic;
  • apple;
  • wine.

Apple and wine products can be found on sale or prepared yourself.

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It is important to remember that apple cider vinegar and wine vinegar must be stored at the appropriate temperature and lighting to preserve their valuable qualities.

Table alcohol vinegar should have a clear consistency. Apple and wine have a rich color. Store the product at a temperature not lower than 5 and not higher than 15 degrees. in a dark place in a glass container with a well-closing lid.

How to breed

Food vinegar is an aqueous solution of 80% vinegar essence, brought to a concentration of 3-15%. For rinsing you need 9% vinegar.

For 1 liter of water add 1-2 tbsp. l. vinegar or 15-30 ml. In the case of a higher or lower percentage of acetic acid, it is necessary to adjust the amount of rinse aid in the solution.

Synthetic can be used to preserve the coloring pigment on the hair after the dyeing procedure.

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The video contains detailed instructions on how to dilute vinegar for the procedure:

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At least once in her life, any woman has faced the problem of dull and lifeless hair. And what do we most often do in this case? That's right, we run to the store and buy chemicals that supposedly should help solve this problem. And now, it would seem, everything has become fine with the strands and your hair already looks good. But after some time the problem returns again.

And what’s most interesting is that each time the effectiveness of cosmetics purchased in a store gradually decreases. Of course, you can try to look for other better remedies to solve this problem, or you can use folk remedies.

Today on the Internet you can find a huge number of reviews regarding the use of vinegar for rinsing hair. You can see a huge number of both positive and negative reviews on the Internet. So today we will try to figure out whether such a folk remedy is suitable for hairstyles.

Benefits of rinsing hair with vinegar

As we have already said, vinegar is most often used for hair to give it shine. Moreover, with proper use, you can also get rid of dandruff and excess oil problems. Also, rinsing your hair with vinegar can make your curls more manageable. As for the nature of this phenomenon, everything is explained very simply: the constant use of chemical shampoos leads to the fact that the alkaline component dominates in the structure of the rods. This is what causes the appearance of weakened, dull strands with dandruff.

And in order to restore the PH balance and normalize the alkaline environment in each hair, acid is used.

Attention! The product should be natural and not synthetic, otherwise you may burn your scalp.

When rinsing hair with a solution of water and vinegar, the following types are best used:

  1. apple. It perfectly heals your curls for the reason that it contains macro and microelements such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, beta-carotene, and fiber. The use of apple solution helps restore damaged curls, restores their shine and silky structure. Also, with constant use of this product, dandruff gradually disappears. In addition, apple product has relatively low acidity, so it goes well with essential oils. So you can even add a few drops of some essential oil to the rinse water. This way, this procedure will become even more beneficial for your hair;
  2. wine. This variety is recommended for use if your stems are falling out intensively. Considering the fact that the wine product contains a fairly large amount of potassium, its use can definitely solve the problems of loss. Since the weakening of the roots of curls occurs precisely due to a lack of potassium in the body.

In general, it will take you approximately two to three weeks to get your head in order. It is also not recommended to use this product constantly. And in order to avoid addiction and the occurrence of allergic reactions, you can rinse your hair with vinegar intermittently. For example, you can wash your hair with this product for three weeks, and then pause for two weeks.

Contraindications for vinegar hair rinse

Despite the fact that the benefits of such a procedure are very great, it also has several contraindications. So it is not recommended to use a solution for locks if your curls are dry or damaged. The reason for this contraindication is quite simple: it dries out our curls, and if they are already dry, then nothing good will come of such a procedure, and you will only worsen the condition of your hair. Therefore, in this case, such hair care is not suitable and you should look for some other traditional medicine recipes.

It is also worth remembering that if you decide to wash your hair with vinegar, you must protect your eyes. After all, getting even a diluted solution into the eye can cause severe irritation. But you and I have no use for this.

During the procedure, you also need to monitor the condition of your scalp. If after applying the product you experience an itching or burning sensation, you should immediately rinse the vinegar from your strands with plenty of water. And if you don’t do this, then, despite how beneficial vinegar is for our curls, you may well get a scalp burn.

And one more thing: never use a concentrated product, otherwise the consequences will be quite dire. This product should be diluted with water in the following proportion: several teaspoons per liter of boiled water.

Recipes for rinsing hair with vinegar

The easiest way to use a curl solution is to simply rinse. To do this, you dilute vinegar according to the proportion that we described a little earlier and simply rinse your curls after washing. If the hairs are not dry or damaged, then you can not rinse off the vinegar and simply blot your curls with a towel. If the curls are dry, then after this procedure you should definitely rinse the strands with plain water.

This recipe can also be supplemented with a variety of herbal infusions. For example, adding chamomile decoction will give your curls a beautiful golden color. And by adding rosemary infusion, you can make the dark color of your curls more saturated.

Attention! Under no circumstances should rosemary infusion be used by girls with light-colored hair, as in this case you may slightly change the color.

If you want your curls to be more voluminous, you can replace regular water with sparkling water. During the rinsing process, the bubbles will slightly lift each hair, and the volume will be quite good.

Now for those who want to speed up hair growth. In this case, you can mix water with apple cider vinegar and a few drops of peppermint essential oil.

At the same time, your curls become softer and more manageable. And how they smell after using such a rinse. As you can see, today we answered the question: is it possible to use a hair rinse with vinegar.

And if you follow all precautions, then using such a folk remedy can bring quite a lot of benefits to your hair. So mix, experiment and enjoy gorgeous curls! Good luck!

Rinsing hair with vinegar has been an effective hair care method since ancient times.

This method is still relevant today; it allows you to give your hair a radiant shine, counteract the appearance of unwanted odors, normalize the fat balance, neutralize alkalis, get rid of unwanted color and perform a number of other useful tasks.

Among the components that make up natural mouthwashes, vinegar takes pride of place.

Only herbal decoctions or solutions containing freshly squeezed lemon juice can compare with it.

This product contains a significant amount of acetic acid. It is made from natural raw materials, including alcohol.

The process is realized through microbiological synthesis through the activity of special bacteria.

The sour, very specific smell of vinegar is familiar to all culinary enthusiasts.

For the purpose of cooking, a product containing from 3 to 15% acetic acid is used. For cosmetic purposes, natural vinegar of the same concentration is used.

Edible vinegar is a completely natural product, as it is made from fruit raw materials, wine materials, whey, malt and other natural ingredients.

An interesting fact is that vinegar, in retrospect, is akin to wine. Scientists claim that five thousand years ago in Babylon vinegar was produced from the processing of dates.

This product does not currently belong to the “exotic” category.

The range of uses of vinegar is very wide: it is used in cooking, canning, in the production of detergents and cleaning products, in the production of mayonnaise and sauces, in pharmaceuticals, in crop production, in the treatment of various diseases and in other fields of activity.

The properties of vinegar have not gone unnoticed in the cosmetics industry.

Such attention is quite justified, because many thousands of years ago women used the product to improve the quality of their hair.

As part of mouthwashes, vinegar can:

  • tone the skin;
  • effectively clean the structure;
  • neutralize the effects of alkalis;
  • counteract unwanted odors and dandruff;
  • stimulate the appearance of shine;
  • act as an analgesic and blood circulation stimulant.

Also, the use of vinegar in cosmetics counteracts the appearance of fungal diseases, promotes wound healing and normalizes fat balance.

Reviews from women indicate that the optimal proportion in a vinegar rinse is: 1-2 tbsp. l. product per 1 liter of water.

However, the concentration may vary depending on the goals. For example, if it is necessary to “wash off” the shade after using a tonic, then a solution in a concentration of 1:5 is needed.

This increased acidity is due to the fact that baking soda is usually used to correct color, and a particularly acidic solution is needed to intensify the reaction.

You should also take into account reviews from women regarding neutralizing the effects of hard water.

Rinsing with a vinegar solution is the only reliable way to get rid of the negative effects of tap water on your hair.

Many women prefer to make a vinegar rinse based on mineral water.

Another interesting fact is that vinegar helps restore keratin and has a positive effect on the condition of the surface layer of hair as a whole.

The result of using a vinegar solution is hair that is easy to style, silky strands, surprising with shine and a healthy appearance.

Rinsing your hair with vinegar will be especially useful for those with oily hair, as the product very effectively normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.

When styling, hair is more manageable after using a vinegar rinse.

Despite the fact that the strands look crumbly, they can be easily modeled into pronounced curls.

If your hair feels too silky, you can use a natural leave-in conditioner after rinsing.

For example, a recipe for a homemade conditioner: you need to mix jojoba oil with water (or herbal decoction) in a ratio of 1:5 and spray it on your hair using a spray bottle.

Vinegar Rinse Recipes

You can enhance the effect of vinegar on your hair by adding other active ingredients.

For example, you can use the following recipe: steam 50 g of bay leaf in boiling water and add 1-2 tbsp. l. vinegar. Laurel stimulates growth, and vinegar creates the necessary environment for this.

Also, vinegar can have an even more positive effect on hair if parsley, chamomile, dill, black or green tea, thyme, nettle and other herbs or plants are included in the rinse recipe.

A recipe that suggests combining vinegar with lemon is nonsense.

The proportions of vinegar in relation to the part of water should be established experimentally, because all people and their hair have individual characteristics.

However, reviews from women indicate that it is necessary to adhere to the average ratio: 1 tbsp. l. product per 1 liter of water.

The proportions may vary depending on the type of hair: for dry hair it is recommended to use less acidic solutions, for oily hair – with a higher concentration.

There is an opinion that the smell of vinegar lingers for a long time. In reality, it only appears on wet hair; when dry, it is almost invisible.

To give the vinegar-water solution a pleasant smell, you can add a few drops of essential oil.

When using a hair dryer after rinsing with vinegar, it is advisable to use a cool air stream.

Vinegar promotes shine and can highlight hair color.

To enhance this effect, dark-haired women can add rosemary to the water-vinegar rinse, and blondes can add chamomile.

Adding herbal decoctions increases the value of the rinse, since hair can be treated at the same time.

For example, burdock, nettle, and sage help strengthen hair follicles and thus counteract hair loss. Nettle can also get rid of dandruff and excess fat.

Vinegar is one of the most effective remedies against hair loss. It is part of many masks and compresses designed to solve this problem.

There are also recipes for rinses that are used along with medicinal masks that include vinegar.

Why rinse your hair with vinegar, is it useful? Let's figure it out. Without exception, all industrial shampoos are created on an alkaline basis. Soap, which many people use to wash their hair lately, has the same base, fearing sulfates in liquid detergents.

Alkali has a rather negative effect on the scalp.– causes flaking and dandruff. Natural vinegar is used to neutralize alkali. What else is it useful for?

  • Natural vinegar contains many vitamins, microelements and acids that hair needs.
  • Removes alkali residues after shampooing and can replace hair conditioner.
  • Reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Reduces the amount of dandruff.
  • Leaves curls super soft and shiny – even after the first use.
  • Reduces itching.

Vinegar baths are very useful for colored hair. Rinsing your hair after coloring fixes the color, and with regular use, the frequency of coloring can be halved.

Composition and benefits of apple cider vinegar

Natural apple product is extremely beneficial for health. Traditional healers use it to treat a lot of diseases - from hypertension to obesity. Apple cider vinegar is also beneficial for hair, as it contains more than twenty beneficial substances, such as:

  1. Acids– lactic acid, vinegar and apple juice, which have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, reduce itching, and relieve dandruff.
  2. Vitamins E and A– strong antioxidants that prevent premature skin aging.
  3. Vitamin B1– it improves blood circulation, which in turn enhances nutrition of hair follicles, prevents premature hair loss, and makes curls healthier.
  4. Magnesium, calcium, silicon and iron, which strengthen the hair, smooth out the scales, making the curls smoother, flowing, and dense.

It is hair baths with natural apple product that provide the maximum healing and cosmetic effect for curls - thanks to the presence of vitamins and microelements that are not found in ordinary table vinegar.

Can I use a regular dining room?

Regular table vinegar will give a little - it will restore the acid balance of the scalp, will slightly soothe the itching and reduce the amount of dandruff.

If your hair has recently been dyed and you want to fix the color, but you don’t have an apple or natural wine product on hand, you can use a canteen. The main thing you need to pay attention to is that it should be clean and the foam should quickly settle when shaken.

It is worth paying attention to the expiration date. You need to dilute table vinegar with more water than natural vinegar.

Is there any harm from such rinsing?

With a well-chosen and properly diluted product, the rinsing procedure for almost any hair type will only bring benefits. If you take too high a concentration, you can dry out your hair., they will become thin and weak, and the scalp will turn red and begin to peel off - that is, the effect of the procedure will be the opposite of what was expected.

Do not rinse your strands with vinegar directly on the day of hair coloring or perm. The procedure may have a different effect on dry, very thin curls - it may dry them out, so the concentration should be less and the procedure should be carried out less frequently - once every two weeks.

Important! Close your eyes while rinsing! Even diluted vinegar can cause severe burning and an allergic reaction if it gets into the eyes and mucous membranes!


You should not carry out the procedure if:

  • there are open wounds on the scalp, cuts, abrasions, deep scratches;
  • hair was dyed or permed that day;
  • hair is too dry;
  • are allergic to acetic or malic acid.

In all other cases Rinsing with vinegar will only give a positive effect.

How to dilute the product correctly and in what proportions?

Let's consider how to dilute natural apple, wine or rice vinegar to rinse strands after washing. It is recommended that the proportions for rinsing curls after washing are as follows: half a glass of product per liter of prepared warm water.

Table vinegar, unlike natural ones, is synthesized artificially, and its acidity is much higher than that of apple or grape vinegar. To rinse your curls you need to slowly pour 1 tbsp. l. product in 1 liter of water, and then rinse your hair very thoroughly so that no unpleasant odor remains.

It is necessary to dilute vinegar carefully, being careful not to inhale the vapors. and make sure that the pure product does not come into contact with the skin, especially if there is damage to it - cuts or abrasions.

Step-by-step instructions for the procedure

  1. Prepare a basin, ladle and towel.
  2. Dilute vinegar depending on the type according to the instructions above.
  3. Wash your hair as usual, after combing your curls.
  4. Rinse your hair, scooping the solution with a ladle, for 10 minutes.
  5. Rinse your head with cool water, dry your hair with a towel, and comb gently.
  6. Enjoy beautiful, healthy, flowing locks.

Home Recipes

To enhance the effect of using vinegar, it can be combined with herbal medicine, that is, dilute the product in a decoction of herbs.

To strengthen strands

Recipe with nettle leaves:

  • two liters of water;
  • a packet of nettles for tea;
  • half a glass of apple cider vinegar.

Brew nettles in a glass of boiling water, cool, squeeze, pour the resulting solution into warm water, carefully add vinegar.

Recipe with burdock roots:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 15 grams of burdock roots;
  • half a glass of apple product.

Grind the roots, pour a glass of hot water, boil in a water bath for 14-20 minutes. Leave the solution until it cools completely, dilute it in a liter of water, pour in the vinegar. Rinse your hair according to the instructions above.

Both recipes help strengthen curls, thicken the hair structure, accelerate growth, make hair shiny and smooth, and stop baldness.

To get rid of dandruff

Recipe with cabbage leaves:

  • 1 l. water;
  • 200 grams of chopped cabbage leaves;
  • a third of a glass of apple product.

Soak cabbage leaves in boiling water, let steep for 2-3 hours, strain. Add vinegar to the resulting infusion, stir, and rinse your hair. To get rid of dandruff you will need only three or four procedures.

Recipe with birch sap:

  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1/2 cup birch sap;
  • 2 tablespoons industrial vinegar.

Mix all the ingredients carefully, rinse your hair, and wrap your head in a towel for a couple of hours. This procedure can not only quickly get rid of dandruff, but also accelerates hair growth., compacts them, makes them very smooth.

For shine and hair growth

Let's take the following components:

  • chamomile – 20 grams;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • a tablespoon of vinegar.

Brew chamomile with boiling water, cover the container with a lid, and leave for 20 minutes. Strain the resulting broth and dilute with warm water., carefully pour in a spoonful of vinegar.

This rinse is especially good for blondes, as it adds shine to the hair and makes it a tone lighter. In addition, the procedure strengthens the hair and makes it very dense and smooth.

How often can the procedure be done and when will the results appear?

The procedure can be carried out for oily hair - once a week, for dry and normal hair - once every two. The result will appear after the first use - the hair will become soft, flowing, shiny, smooth and silky in appearance.

After two or three procedures, dandruff will disappear, after a couple of months of regular procedures, hair will fall out much less, the scalp will become healthier, and gray hair will decrease.

Vinegar rinses can be done regularly, without interruptions, since in the absence of contraindications they have only a positive effect on the hair and scalp.

Thus, the use of natural apple or wine vinegar has the most positive effect on curls - it makes them smooth, healthy, shiny, helps reduce hair loss, treats the scalp from dandruff and relieves itching. Moreover, the procedure, with due precautions, has a minimum of contraindications and is suitable for hair of all types.

Useful video

Let's watch a video about using vinegar to rinse hair:

Vinegar for rinsing hair - a direct path to beautiful, healthy hair. Rinse method and useful tips.

Vinegar can be found in every home, where it is widely used for culinary purposes. Natural, unfiltered vinegar has numerous beneficial properties.

But in this post I want to talk about how you can use vinegar for your hair.

Having learned for the first time about rinsing hair with a solution vinegar, I took it as a joke. But, seeing how my friend’s hair began to shine, and then my mother’s stories that my grandmother often rinsed her hair with vinegar in her youth, pushed me to experiment.

The result was not long in coming. My hair became soft, silky and shinier than ever. For over a year now, vinegar has been one of my hair's best friends, and I'm glad I finally plucked up the courage to give it a chance.

Rinsing your hair with vinegar is a simple, inexpensive, natural method of caring not only for your hair, but also for your scalp. And as everyone knows, healthy hair starts with healthy skin.

A little about hair

The cuticle (the outer layer of our hair) covers and protects the hair shaft. The cuticle is made up of overlapping layers of long scales. It is by the condition of the cuticle that you can determine the condition of the hair.

If the cuticle is “healthy”, not damaged and its scales lie flat, then the hair looks smooth. When the layers of the cuticle fit tightly together, light is reflected from the cuticle and this gives our hair shine.

When we wash our hair with shampoo, the cuticle, or rather its layers, open. And when the layers of the cuticle are open and do not fit tightly together, our hair becomes stiff, brittle and easily tangled. And instead of reflecting light, hair absorbs it, leaving it looking dull and lifeless.

Vinegar and its benefits for hair

Vinegar is rich in vitamins C, A, B1, B6, minerals Potassium and Iron, as well as alpha-hydroxy acids.

Vinegar has alkaline pH properties. Hair is weakly acidic (4.5-5.5), its pH is very close to the pH of diluted vinegar.

Shampoos and hair dyes have an acidic pH, which disrupts the normal slightly acidic pH balance of the scalp and hair. You can read what is contained in regular care products, be it cream or shampoo.

Wonder why your hair becomes tangled and stiff after shampooing and why you need to use conditioner? Shampoo disrupts the natural pH balance of the hair, and conditioner restores it.

Rinsing your hair with vinegar helps restore the pH balance of not only your hair, but also your scalp.

Here's how a vinegar rinse can help your hair:

  • washes away plaque from the scalp and hair itself and closes the cuticle. The result is shiny, easy-to-comb hair.
  • has a tonic effect and increases blood circulation in the scalp.
  • may help with hair loss. It nourishes the hair and creates a healthy environment on the scalp for hair growth.
  • restores damaged hair by restoring the protective layer (cuticle), which is damaged by frequent hair washing, blow-drying, and coloring.
  • Acetic acid cleanses the scalp of buildup from shampoo and styling products, as well as dead cells.
  • prevents split ends.
  • has antibacterial and antifungal effects. The acids and enzymes contained in vinegar destroy bacteria, which is one of the causes of many scalp and hair conditions such as dandruff, itchy scalp and hair loss. This bacterium clogs the hair follicles, resulting in a dry crust that leads to itching and flaking.

How to rinse your hair with vinegar?

  • Dilute 1/4 cup of vinegar (I prefer apple cider vinegar) per 1 liter of water. Oily hair usually requires more vinegar, while dry hair, on the contrary, requires less. So, take a little time to determine the amount of vinegar that is ideal for your hair.
  • You can rinse your hair with vinegar either instead of conditioner after shampoo or after conditioner. Which is what I do. After this, do not rinse your hair with water.
  • Don't worry about the vinegar smell, once your hair is dry it will go away.
  • If vinegar gets into your eyes, it will sting, so be careful.
  • The frequency of rinsing with vinegar depends on your hair and how often you wash it. On average, 1-2 times a week will be enough.

You can also add brewed herbal infusions and/or essential oils to the vinegar solution.

For herbs:

Brew 2 tablespoons of herbs to your taste (I like chamomile, horsetail and oak bark) in 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew for at least 2 hours, then add 1/4 cup of vinegar and rinse your hair.

For essential oils:

Add a couple of drops (do not overdo it) to the already prepared vinegar solution. I like lavender, orange and tea tree.

On a personal note, I would like to add that rinsing with vinegar, in addition to adding shine to my hair, helps me fight excessive oiliness at the roots of my hair. If before I needed to wash my hair every day, now I can easily go through 3 days and my hair will look “fresh”.

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