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GTA V added a first-person view to cutscenes. How to play in first person view in GTA V How to play in first person view in GTA 5 on ps3

They regularly give advice on how best to play GTA 5. The advice received directly from the developer himself is especially relevant now, after its release on PS4 and Xbox One. It was when playing on new consoles that the opportunity arose to look at GTA Five in a new way.

In addition to the ability to dive into the thick of things in first-person mode at the press of a button, you have a variety of different settings at your disposal to ensure a comfortable gaming environment, regardless of your preferred angle. In this article, we'll walk you through some of the options available to you and give you some tips on how to set up the game in the way that works best for you.

If you like to use the first-person mode when the hero moves on foot, but when driving a car you prefer a side view, you can set the game so that the camera angles change automatically - to do this, just go to the menu section “Settings”> “Image” and select value "On" "Allow independent camera modes" option. You can do it the other way around, if, for example, you like to keep an eye on the road from the driver’s seat, but want to run and shoot from a third-person view.

You can adjust aiming and camera sensitivity in first and third person mode, and adjust other image parameters. If you turn off first-person animation, the camera will jerk less when the hero is injured. Turning off Camera While Rolling and/or Head Movement options will also help reduce jerkiness. And to take full advantage of GTA V's cover system in first-person mode, go to Settings > Controls and select On. "Third person cover (first person)" option.

The settings menu allows you to adjust many different aspects of first-person mode.

If you're racing or skydiving in GTA Online and using first-person view, press Circle (PS4) / B (Xbox One) to temporarily switch to third-person view. This angle can be very useful in case of an accident involving several cars or when searching for the next control point. But in Free mode, don't count on this trick - instead, you'll just turn on the cinematic camera mode.

By the way, do you already have GTA 5? If not, then you can play GTA Online for free right now with all the additions from Rockstar Games.

Whichever angle you choose, you will have four aiming methods available to you:

  • Aim assist (full): automatic target targeting system with a wide coverage angle, allowing you to switch targets (aim lock is only available in first-person mode);
  • Aim assist (partial): automatic target targeting system with medium coverage angle; the crosshair reticle slows down as it passes over the target (crosshair locking is only available in first-person mode);
  • Free aim support: target guidance system with a narrow coverage angle (crosshair locking is only available in first-person mode);
  • Free sight: “hardcore” option. No aiming support.

I just took out a wild hare with a hand grenade launcher. This is one of the new species of animals that is available in the great state of San Andreas, and I killed it. His charred corpse slowly rolled through the hills of Vinewood, and I felt a little sad. He deserved better, but I have much more serious problems. Somewhere ahead, in a dead end, the sirens of police cars were heard, and a helicopter began to fly overhead. I can't see him, but I can clearly feel his presence, and the cops open fire. I start running, jump over the fence into the parking lot, break into the car, bend down to twist the wires and notice a hole in my forearm, where blood is oozing out.

I've never played GTA like this before. All because of the first person view.

"The view from the face is very impressive"- says Rob Nelson, animation director for GTA 5. - "Certainly we felt that one of the things we could do to give veteran players a new experience was to add a new first-person view."

There's so much new in this version of GTA 5, but Rockstar has gone one step further by not just making a technical upgrade, but giving players a new way to play.

We are all accustomed to first-person view in shooters and action games, but it is impossible to imagine how GTA 5 transforms when switching perspectives. This radically changes the feeling of interacting with this world. This is a new look at the gameplay, both in single player mode and in multiplayer.

Nelson told me that they had the idea a long time ago, but it was only possible to implement it with the release of new generation consoles and the emergence of new capacities. It also required another valuable commodity: time.

“We were always interested in it [first-person view – website], but never had the opportunity to implement it”, says Rob Nelson. - "I don't think we could have implemented it in the previous version of the game because we were very busy with other things. Seriously working on third-person controls and missions."

"On older consoles, we simply didn't have enough memory for animations. We were constantly torn between what we wanted to implement and what we could implement, and then wondered where we could steal memory - sacrifice sound, card or image quality for the sake of animations. We We could put all these atoms together and implement the first-person view at the level we wanted, but we weren't sure that the world would be in the state we wanted it to be in."

Therein lies the rub. To implement the first-person view in the world of San Andreas with its attention to detail, everything needs to be rebuilt from scratch.

Don't forget to wear a helmet

Rockstar's new trailer does a good job of showing the differences between the new and previous versions of GTA 5 - the forests are denser, the streets are busier, there are new cars, pedestrians and animals - but no trailer can convey the feeling when all these elements come together and you start again explore this world.

These are inexplicable sensations. I've played GTA 5 for about sixty hours. I completed the storyline and completed a lot of side missions, and spent a ton of time doing stuff. When I launched it for the first time, I wanted to get on a motocross bike, cross the desert, get on the highway and ride into the city. Arrive in Los Santos, enjoy the light fog while listening to the radio. This was one of my favorite trips. But with a first-person view, when the steering wheel of a motorcycle is in front of you, the sensations are completely different. It's like being a stranger in familiar lands.

Of course, this is a slightly childish way of looking at things, but the world looks much, much bigger. It envelops you from all sides. Now you don't look down on pedestrians, now you are one of them.

"I think it's a different way of looking at the world. A different perspective.", says Nelson, pointing with his finger at what causes such sensations. - "Your view is at the level of the pedestrians, and when you walk next to them, you notice how they look at you from the side. All these things were present in the game before - a lot of small details."

And now there is an opportunity to experience it. Not only have the game's textures been improved, but all signage, in-game television and movies have been remade in HD, so now you can look at it all up close and not get upset.

Let's go for landing!

To create a first-person game and do it right, it's more than just switching the camera. Rockstar North has worked hard on the game to provide the player with an incredible first-person gaming experience.

"Almost everything needed to be changed", says Nelson. - "If you want to do it right, of course. We have a very sophisticated animation system for the third person view, but it is not enough to simply move the camera down and leave the weapons, aiming and shooting systems alone. All these animations need to be done again for the first person view faces because it all needs to be animated in relation to the camera to give the player the right feeling."

Nelson and his team put a lot of work into making sure that the new first-person view not only worked correctly, but also felt right. All the attention to detail that was at the heart of the original GTA 5 shines with new colors when the first-person view is included. When you first open a car door and sit in the driver's seat, you notice a fully designed dashboard - the speedometer and fuel gauge work as they should, and in the most advanced cars, digital displays even show the name of the radio station and the name of the track that is currently playing. Your hero can even bob his head to the beat of the music. And this level of detail works in every car, every boat, every plane; Each vehicle has its own dashboard, so you'll never end up behind the same steering wheel (oh, yes, now you can even slide under the steering wheel if you're being shot at).

When getting behind the wheel of a bike or a helicopter, your character puts on a helmet or special glasses that realistically limit your viewing angle and muffle the sounds of the outside world. All these little things make the first-person view in GTA 5 an integral part of the gameplay, and not just another feature.

The developers have created more than 3,000 new animations

I played through one of the missions entirely from a first-person perspective. The one in which Trevor must ride a motorcycle onto the roof of a moving train, change its route and cause an accident on the bridge. Meanwhile, Michael is waiting for his friend under the bridge. Again, the difference is incredible. From a new perspective, everything looks completely different: the bike seems faster and more dangerous, and the shootout that happens in the second part of the mission is more dynamic.

"There are things that just don't exist in third person: recoil, reloading, switching weapons. We've increased the detail on all the weapons and created the right animations so the bullets come out in the right direction and you see the right muzzle flash. I think that We created about 3,000 new animations just for weapons."

First-person view is also incredibly convenient. The developers have kept the control scheme standard, but you can choose between several pre-configured schemes that make the game feel like a standard shooter. In fact, there are a lot of settings. You can change the level of auto-aim assist, turn off ragdolls and rolls during firefights (they can be nauseating, after all), and force the game to switch to third-person view when moving into cover. It’s also varied: you can play entirely in first-person, in the familiar third-person view, or in a hybrid of the first two.

When rumors appeared that a first-person view might appear in the new version of GTA 5, I was skeptical about them, because for me the original game, like all its predecessors, was interesting precisely in the lives of its heroes - Michael, Franklin and , of course, Trevor. By switching between them, you could look at the world from different perspectives. This was a key element of the gameplay. You could play as Michael and watch black-and-white classic films while drinking scotch, and then visit Trevor, who wakes up with a hangover on the top of Mount Chilliad in some dress.

I was worried that the first-person view would just ruin the whole thing. How can you maintain that strong sense of character if you don't see it from the outside? " This is something new for us"Nelson says. We wanted to preserve the hero feel as best as possible, no matter what character you play as. You can feel his anxiety or hear him talk".

I should have bought a cover

And you can still easily tell if you're playing Michael, Franklin or Trevor. Their personalities were completely intact. The animations that made them so special and different from each other were adapted to work in first person view. Slacker Franklin every now and then cracks his fingers or adjusts the visor of his hat. Michael lights a cigar on the couch at home. When Trevor parachutes down and you look at his arms, you see familiar tattoos and scars.

You can take out your phone. And this is now not just a picture - it is now a three-dimensional real phone. And when you take a selfie, the feeling is the same as in reality.

Unexpectedly for myself, I took a new look at these characters that I had known for a whole year. This view not only makes the game more dynamic, but also creates a feeling of intimacy. For example, when I was running away from pursuit on a high-speed boat from the mission described above, playing as Michael, Trevor was next to me. He spoke to me, looked into my eyes. I was there with him, not looking down on these two.

For me, this new perspective changed my entire approach to GTA 5: the entire world, which had been remade for a whole year, became richer, more impressive.

"There are some things you just can't see from a different perspective. When we started experimenting with it, we saw things we hadn't noticed before. It's just a different way of looking at things."

A popular game from developers from the company Rockstar Games added the ability to watch all cutscenes from a first-person view.

A new modification has been released for the PC version of GTA 5, with which gamers can now not only play in first-person view, but also watch cut scenes. According to the site, the first-person mode appeared in the release PC version of the game. However, many gamers were uncomfortable when switched from first to third person in cutscenes. Enthusiast MrCrazyheat decided to correct this matter by releasing a modification called First Person Cutscenes, which corrects the omission of the developers.

The creator of the modification clearly demonstrated its work in several videos of the game GTA V. As you can see, now in all cut scenes gamers can observe what is happening through the eyes of the main characters. It’s worth noting that the first-person view in cutscenes often turns out to be quite jerky. In addition, in the staged scenes of Grand Theft Auto 5, the lighting often changes - it appears and disappears in certain places. Apparently, the developers thus created the conditions they needed to make the videos look much better from a certain angle.

According to the site, enthusiasts recently added a first-person view to the scene on the couch with Elena in the game Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. Then it was possible to find out that the developers from Naughty Dog did not interrupt the animation of the heroine even in those moments when the camera turned to Drejka, Elena continued to show her emotions.

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