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Types of the East European Shepherd breed. Dog age. East European Shepherd: how long do they live?

The ancestor of the East European Shepherd is the German Shepherd, brought to Russia in the 20s of the 20th century. Over the time that has passed since then (which is approximately 70 years) through the selection process, the East European Shepherd has acquired its own distinctive character traits and appearance, unlike its fellow German. There was a period in the history of the VEO breed when they completely disappeared from cynological kennels, and German Shepherds came in their place.

Currently, there is a trend towards increasing interest in this breed. This unpretentious, reliable service breed has been proven to serve people for years. VEOs are distinguished by their enormous efficiency and are perfectly adapted to the climatic conditions of Russia.
The East European Shepherd is very loyal to one owner with all his heart. They are smart, brave, efficient, courageous and resilient. They are very easy to train, as they have enormous canine intelligence. Dogs of this breed can adapt to almost any situation and circumstances. They love children very much. VEO needs daily long walks and physical activity.

History of the breed

The history of the origin of the East European Shepherd developed at the beginning of the 20th century. The homeland of this breed is Russia. The purpose for which a number of Soviet breeders created this dog was in the ranks of the army and the national economy.

Even before the Great Patriotic War, the need arose in the USSR to create a dog that would be able to serve in various climatic conditions of a huge country.

The prototype for VEO was the German Shepherd. As a result of competent selection of pairs, long-term selection, taking into account the climate conditions of the country, Soviet scientists bred a new breed of “domestic” dog.

It is as follows: they are taller, larger, harmoniously athletic, with a balanced nervous system and, finally, good health.

The VEO population grew from year to year. During the Second World War, dogs of this breed made an invaluable contribution to the course of military operations.

In 1976, the BEO standard was introduced. But VEO did not exist as an independent breed. It remained a variety of German Shepherd.

During the collapse of the USSR, there was a decline in the popularity of the “domestic” shepherd dog. The general crossing of the German Shepherd and VEO began. But female East European Shepherds gave birth to puppies that looked like themselves, and not like the much-coveted German Shepherd. Such incest played to the benefit of VEO. A number of transformations took place: the soft back and “high rear” disappeared, the structure of the limbs improved. But despite this, the attitude of breeders was generally skeptical towards this breed. And the East European Shepherd breed was on the verge of complete extinction.

Thanks to the brave lovers of this breed, it was possible to preserve its existence. In 1991, the VEO Association of Breeding Nurseries arose in Moscow. And in 1999, the General (unified) pedigree book of VEO matings appeared. The largest population of dogs of this breed was in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Officially, the VEO standard was adopted by the Russian Canine Service in 2002.

Breed standard

Height. Well defined, moderately long withers, which slightly exceed the height at the rump. For males, from 66 cm to 76 cm. For females, from 62 cm to 72 cm.

Weight. Males weigh from 35 to 60 kg. Females weigh from 30 to 50 kg.

VEO's temperament is characterized by self-confidence, balance, a pronounced active-defensive reaction, and distrust of strangers.

Color. Black, black with a slightly lightened mask.

In VEO, the head is approximately 40% of the height at the withers, it is proportional to the body, with rounded cheekbones, and massive. The forehead is rounded. Wedge-shaped muzzle. The lower jaw is well developed. Straight bridge of the nose, slightly hump. The pigmentation of the nose is black.

Scissor-shaped, large teeth (42 in number).

The length of the body at the withers is 15% greater. Wide, long, strong back. Moderately tucked stomach. Saber-shaped tail.

Limbs. The fore and hind limbs are straight and parallel. Muscular, slanted shoulders. Plumbly set, straight forearms. Elbows strictly directed back. Springy, strong, moderately long pasterns, located at a 20-degree angle. The hind legs are moderately extended. Muscular, wide, sloping hips. Unobtrusive, rounded knees. Dry hocks. Set vertically, strong metatarsus. The pads and claws on the paws are dark in color.

Wool. The undercoat is well developed. Straight guard hair, medium length, tight, hard.

Disadvantages of the breed: even minor deviations from the standard are considered unacceptable.

Maintenance and care

This breed of dogs is distinguished by the fact that they can live in any conditions, i.e. house, apartment, enclosure. The main thing is that VEO has its own place. It should be located so that the pet does not disturb anyone, and nothing interferes with it. There must be bedding - soft, easy to clean. If the dog will live outdoors, then a booth should be built. Which needs to be insulated. Lay bedding according to the season. If, in addition to the booth, an aviary is planned, then it should be approximately 9 to 11 square meters. meters.

Bowls for drinking and food should be different. A tripod is used under the bowls so that the dog eats and drinks without bending over, otherwise problems with appearance will arise in the future.

Required equipment: everyday leash up to 2 meters; everyday collar: flea collar; choke collar; iron and leather muzzle; leash for ; harness

For pastime and fun: many, many toys.

Try to keep your dog clean. Pay attention to her, not only in terms of communication, but also maintain the animal’s hygiene. Wash VEO as needed - 1-2 times a year. In summer, let her swim in ponds, this is very useful for strengthening ligaments. It is recommended to deworm an adult dog in spring and summer. You also need to pay great attention to caring for your dog’s teeth - cleaning and giving him special “treats” from pet stores to chew on.


It's no secret that proper, balanced nutrition is the key to a healthy, strong dog. And VEO is a large dog and the process of raising and feeding is not an easy task.

The basis of the basics is food of animal origin (offal, animal meat, cottage cheese, fish, eggs, milk). Serve everything raw, fresh and of high quality. The dog’s diet must include such substances as: proteins, water, fiber, carbohydrates, fats, microelements, vitamins.

Feed at the same time;

Thick consistency and warm food;

Maintain a state of rest after eating for 2 hours;

Clean and fresh water at any time of the day or night.

P.S. 2 programs about VEO

The East European Shepherd was developed in the Soviet Union. The breed is not recognized by the FCI, so it is little known and unpopular outside its homeland. In appearance and in character, VEOs resemble their closest relatives – German shepherds.

The East European Shepherd was developed from the breed in the 20s and 30s. When breeding it, special attention was paid to strength and endurance, which are decisive when choosing dogs for service in the army and police. Despite the name "shepherd", the dog was never used for herding.

In 1904, German shepherds began to be imported to Russia, which were used as ambulance dogs in the Russo-Japanese War. Later, around 1907, they began to be used in the police service. After the First World War, the attitude towards everything German was negative, the Soviet Union needed dogs with the characteristics of German shepherds, but the knowledge to breed their own breed was not enough, and the existing population was degenerating as a result of illiterate breeding work. Only in 1924 did more or less targeted breeding of “Easterns” begin after the creation of public organizations for service dog breeding, departmental schools and service nurseries. Unfortunately, there was nothing special to work with; the livestock was very small and was not renewed due to the impossibility of buying dogs in other countries for foreign currency. Many VEOs were lost during wartime.

The East European Shepherd is a Soviet line of German shepherds, which were infused with the blood of huskies, mastiffs and some other breeds.

The influx of new blood and the restoration of the population began after 45 thanks to the import of trophy dogs from Germany. Under the influence of climatic conditions and as a result of targeted selection, its own type was formed. Army General G.P. Medvedev, who headed the council of dog handlers, called VEO a “patriotic dog” and suggested that clubs in large cities legalize the name East European Shepherd. In 1964, the type was approved by the Federation of Working Dogs, and in 1976, the East European Shepherd was officially recognized as a separate breed with its own standard. Active work to improve the breed continued until 1990.


The East European Shepherd is successfully used for security, police investigations, and also as a search dog and border guard dog. Representatives of the breed have proven themselves to be excellent in military service and at work in police stations. Sometimes VEOs are used as guide dogs. In addition, they are excellent friends and companions. High intelligence, good flexible character, strength and extreme endurance ensure the versatility of their use.

Video review of the East European Shepherd dog breed

What should an East European Shepherd look like according to the standard?

The East European Shepherd is a moderately elongated dog, above average and large in stature, strong build with strong bones and developed muscles. Sexual dimorphism is well expressed. The preferred height for males is 66-76 cm, for females - 62-72 cm.

The head is proportional, massive, and has the shape of a slightly pointed wedge. The length of the head is 40% of the height. The skull is flat with a slightly noticeable longitudinal groove. The forehead is rounded. The stop is noticeable, but not sharp. The muzzle is wedge-shaped. The bridge of the nose is straight or with a slight hump. The lips are dry and fit tightly. The nose is black and large. The bite is correct, the teeth are completely complete. The eyes are medium-sized, oval, set obliquely, dark in color. The eyelids are dry and tight fitting. The ears are shaped like an isosceles triangle, erect, of medium size, pointed.

The neck is moderately long, located at an angle of 45° to the horizon. The withers are well defined. The length of the body is 10-17% greater than the height. The back is strong and wide. The loin is slightly convex and short. The croup is rounded with a slight slope. Unlike the German Shepherd, the Oriental does not have such a pronounced slope of the topline. The chest is wide, long, oval. The depth of the chest is 47-50% of the height. The abdomen is moderately tucked. The tail is saber-shaped and reaches to the hocks or slightly below. In a calm state it is kept lowered, in an excited state the last third is curved upward. The forelimbs are straight and parallel. The length of the front leg to the elbow is 50-53% of the height. The hind limbs are set moderately extended. Parallel when viewed from behind. The hips are long, wide, and set at an angle. Paws are oval, pads are dark. Dewclaws should be removed.

The coat is dense, thick, of medium length, consisting of straight, hard hair and well-developed shorter undercoat. On the back of the thighs and shoulder the spine forms moderate fringes. Shorter hair covers the head, ears and the front of the legs.

Several colors are allowed:

  • Black with a mask on a lightened background (from silver-gray to rich fawn);
  • Black solid;
  • Pronounced zone-gray and zone-red colors are allowed, but undesirable.


East European Shepherds are very brave and courageous dogs; they are practically devoid of feelings of fear and cowardice. An incredibly strong-willed and courageous character provides them with self-confidence. VEO are loyal friends and life partners; they show devotion and respect for their owner from an early age and retain it until the end of their lives. When properly raised, they get along well with other animals in the house and are friendly with children. Can be a tireless partner in games and travel or a reliable partner in work, energetic and curious, but at the same time quiet and inconspicuous when needed.

VEO has a very good character and a loyal heart. These dogs are balanced, self-confident and distrustful of strangers with a pronounced active-defensive reaction.

VEO has an innate protective instinct and a developed sense of territoriality. In addition, these dogs are able to think and make decisions independently in the absence of the owner. It will be difficult to get into the area they protect. In reviews of the breed, owners repeatedly emphasize the high intelligence and devotion of East European Shepherds, as well as their unpretentiousness and ease of training in any direction.

Content Features

Endurance and the ability to adapt to any living conditions make the East European Shepherd dog suitable for living in any conditions, be it a private yard, kennel or apartment, but it should always have close contact with a person. When keeping Eastern European dogs in an apartment, it is necessary to provide them with a sufficient amount of physical activity and walks in the open air. It is also worth remembering that puppies are very active and constantly chew on something, especially during the teething period, so they should have a sufficient number of toys. It is important for VEO to provide a complete, balanced diet. This can be either natural food or ready-made food above the premium class.

The structure of the coat changes depending on the season. In winter, a thick undercoat grows, and in summer it is shed. Spring shedding is the most abundant; during this period, a fuminator will be a useful thing. In dogs that live in apartments, seasonal shedding is less pronounced.

Physical activity is the key to the proper development and good health of a dog. East European Shepherd training can be divided into two parts: general physical training and special. General includes strengthening and healing the body. First of all, this is trotting, swimming, and long walks. Some dogs have weak extensor muscles of the hind limbs and, as a result, a weak push and shortening of the step; to correct this deficiency, special training is used: towing or running uphill. Intensive training should be increased gradually. Exercises and number of cycles are selected individually

Education and training

East European Shepherds are highly trainable. Their extraordinary intelligence allows them to make independent decisions in difficult and unexpected situations. The East European Shepherd is smart and disciplined, she learns with great pleasure and loves to work, but when she gets tired of training, she will be lazy and not follow well-known commands.

Even an inexperienced dog breeder can handle raising and training VEO.

When training an East European Shepherd, the main thing is to instill in it restraint and tolerance, which will allow it to remain calm towards its relatives and felines. It is also important to control distrust of others and territorial instinct.


The East European Shepherd has a very bushy coat that requires proper weekly grooming. Only careful combing with a comb will provide it with glossy shine and beauty. In the off-season, the dog is brushed every day. The ears are cleaned as they become dirty, for some dogs once a week, for others less often. With sufficient physical activity and walking on asphalt, the claws wear down on their own.

Health and life expectancy

German shepherds gave the Eastern European a whole bunch of health problems, and the problem was aggravated by illiterate selection of inexperienced Soviet dog handlers. Modern breeders do their best to prevent dogs with problems from being bred, but some problems and hereditary diseases cannot be completely eradicated:

  • Dysplasia of the elbow and hip joint;
  • Tendency to volvulus;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Intervertebral disc diseases;
  • Dermatological diseases;
  • Aortic stenosis;
  • Hormonal dwarfism;
  • Eye diseases;
  • VEO are sensitive to intestinal equatorial infections.

Choosing a puppy

The East European Shepherd is a very common and popular breed. On the one hand, this is very convenient, since potential owners are provided with a huge selection of puppies of different colors and origins. But on the other hand, the breeding of the breed, or rather the reproduction, is often carried out by people who are far from cynology, and even more so from selection. The character and working qualities of a VEO are difficult to spoil by improper pairing, and it is easy to develop health problems. From the above, a simple conclusion follows: it is better to buy a puppy in nurseries or from a competent breeder through breed clubs.

A guarantee that the dog has a balanced psyche and good working qualities will be a diploma of working tests, without which VEOs are not allowed for breeding.

VEO puppy price

The price of an East European Shepherd is greatly influenced by the geography of the kennel and the merits of the producers. So dogs with a pedigree can cost from 7,000 to 30,000 rubles. Puppies without documents usually cost up to 5,000 rubles.


Photos of puppies and adult dogs of the East European Shepherd breed. The photographs clearly show what VEOs of different ages, genders and colors look like.

The East European Shepherd is a working dog, specially bred as an improved version of the German Shepherd.

East European Shepherd: frontal photo.

East European Shepherd: photo with a ball in its mouth.


The country in which the breed was bred is the Soviet Union. Purposeful selection work, which began in the second half of the twenties of the last century, began with the creation of a special nursery. The breed that served as the basis for the selection of the East European Shepherd is the German Shepherd. It should be noted that in the Union exclusively purebred German shepherds were used for this work.

Breeders needed to develop a breed whose individuals would be more versatile and hardy dogs than the “Germans” and would differ from them in their behavioral reactions. They could also be used for the needs of the army and the national economy in various climatic zones throughout the country. And this work was successfully completed by the dog handlers.

In nineteen sixty-four, a standard was approved that established the requirements for individuals of the breed, and twelve years later its second edition was adopted. In the newly created Russian state, the breed is recognized by various cynological organizations. The breed has also gained fame internationally: it is recognized by organizations such as the UCI and IKU. But until now the breed has not received recognition from the FCI - the International Federation of Cynologists.

East European Shepherd in the snow.

Photo of an East European Shepherd.

Character of the breed

Devotion to the owner and focus on him is the fundamental characteristic feature of the behavior of individuals of the breed. Unquestioning submission to the will of the owner, willingness to sacrifice oneself and boundless courage for his sake. The East European Shepherd is a confident, balanced dog. She has strong nerves, therefore she does not show excessive aggression even towards strangers and does not show her power and strength unnecessarily. However, the instinct of a protector and guard forces her to instantly react to any threatening situation.

Individuals of the breed do not strive for independence and do not even try to dominate in relationships with the owner; they never show unforced aggression towards other pets. These shepherds are friendly, disposed towards children, play with them with pleasure and are not capable of offending them. All these wonderful character traits of dogs of the breed, determined by genetic heritage, need to be reinforced by proper education and training. Otherwise, the dog acquires character traits that are not characteristic of the East European Shepherd.

East European Shepherd and girl.

East European Shepherd with a puppy.

Description of appearance

The dogs of the breed are represented by large-sized individuals: the height measured at the withers varies for males from sixty-five to seventy-five centimeters, for females from sixty-one to seventy-one centimeters. Weight varies from thirty-six to sixty-one kilograms for males and from thirty-one to fifty-one kilograms for females. Although the bones are large, the dogs do not have a coarse body build. Its length exceeds the height at the withers by an average of fifteen centimeters. The muscles are well developed and have a prominent appearance. Gender is easily determined by appearance, since males are much more massive and larger than females.

The head is proportional to the body, quite massive and moderately long, has the appearance of a not particularly pointed wedge, and is located on a muscular, powerful neck. The eyes are almond-shaped, dark, of medium size, set obliquely. Nose with a black nose. The ears are set high, erect, triangular in shape and medium in size.

Photo of an East European Shepherd.

East European Shepherd with a wheel.

Cool photo of the face of an East European Shepherd.

Dogs of this breed have a rather hard, close-fitting coat. The guard hair is medium length, straight. The thighs and forearms are covered with relatively long hair, and the rest is covered with medium length hair. The thick undercoat is well developed, but does not extend beyond the outer coat. Individuals of the breed have the following color: saddleback or black with a dark-colored mask on a light background, the color of which can range from pale gray to fawn. Gray-zoned and red-zoned colors are possible, but not desirable.


Origin: USSR

Usage: dog for service in law enforcement agencies, dog for home protection, pet and family friend

Color: completely black or with a dark mask on a light gray to fawn background.

Dimensions: height: for males - 65-75 cm, for females 60-73 cm; weight: for males - 37-60 kg, for females - 30-55 kg

Lifespan: about 12-14 years old

The East European Shepherd is a strong, hardy, active and athletic dog that will become an excellent friend for the whole family, protector and guard.

She is distinguished by her intelligence and intelligence, ease of communication, and devotion.

This breed is extremely easy to care for; all it needs is attention and exercise with its owner, and it will reward you with a cheerful disposition, activity and hard work.

History of the breed

The East European Shepherd is a young dog. Its breeding began on the territory of the USSR.


The East European Shepherd is a strong, resilient, but at the same time very attached to its owners dog that happily follows various commands and loves walks.

  • Intelligence. Previously, the East European Shepherd breed, like and, was used exclusively as a service dog that served in the police, guarded borders and important government facilities. Nowadays she is often kept as a pet. Do not forget that you need to constantly work with the East European Shepherd, set different tasks for it and develop its intelligence. She loves active pastime and will be grateful to you.
  • Friendliness. This breed will become a devoted friend for the whole family, it loves children, and dotes on its owners. Of course, everything depends on upbringing, but the East European Shepherd dog picks up everything on the fly, is easy to train and understands the owner’s requests and commands the first time.
  • Similarly, such a dog quickly gets used to its owner and has a very difficult time withstanding even short-term separation. This is exactly the pet that will happily wait for you, often follow you, and happily wag its tail.
  • Performance. East European Shepherds are hardy, hardworking, and have been proven through years of faithful service to humans. Training an East European Shepherd is easy if you teach the puppy to follow the owner's commands from childhood. Such a pet will need to be walked often, devote a lot of time to it, and constantly invest energy in its mental and physical development. In return, you will receive a smart, hardy and loyal dog that can perform a number of tasks and just be a good friend.


Initially, the East European Shepherd breed was bred to work in law enforcement and security.

Now she is bred both to participate in exhibitions and as a devoted family friend.

Despite its size, this dog can even live in an apartment, along with others, the main thing is that it has its own place and large bedding.

For those dogs that will live in the yard of the house, it is worth building a booth or enclosure.

Often those who are just planning to get a dog wonder how a German shepherd differs from an Eastern European one.

In addition to the fact that the latter are more hardy and resistant to harsh climatic conditions, they are also larger, taller, have good health and a balanced nervous system.

How to choose a puppy

Very often, when choosing a puppy and wanting to buy an East European Shepherd, many future owners mistakenly buy German Shepherds or half-breeds.

Therefore, if you want VEO, you should contact a special kennel of East European Shepherds, where you can find out the pedigree.

As a rule, East European Shepherd puppies can cost from 5 to 15 thousand rubles.

It is important to familiarize yourself with all the documents, find out about the health of the puppy and its parents, and whether the latter participated in exhibitions.

If you find out about the sale of an East European Shepherd for 550 rubles, you should think that most likely you will be offered a pet whose pedigree is not known or has some shortcomings.

Features of care


The East European Shepherd breed is easy to care for and does not require.

All she needs is enough walks, regular visits to the vet and hygiene.

It is worth washing your dog 1-2 times a year if necessary. In the summer, it is worth taking your pet to a pond where he can swim, this will be useful for the ligaments.

It is worth brushing your pet several times a week, and during shedding - every day, with the help of.

It is also important to check your teeth regularly, give your dog special food that he can chew, and clean his ears every 2 weeks.


The East European Shepherd will need frequent walks from an early age.


The East European Shepherd is a hardy breed, so it rarely has health problems.

Characteristic diseases

Although representatives of this breed are not susceptible to eye diseases like eye diseases, they do have some ailments:

  • gastric volvulus;
  • joint diseases, arthritis;
  • The East European Shepherd is a hardy breed, so it rarely has health problems



    As a rule, the female is brought to the male for mating.

    She needs some time to get comfortable in a new environment, but a male who is on his territory, as a rule, immediately becomes interested in a new acquaintance.

    It is important that the mating is between representatives of the breed without similar disadvantages.

    East European Shepherd dog: a hardy protector and a loyal friend

    The East European Shepherd is a hardy and hardworking breed that will become a reliable guard for your home and a devoted family friend. She is easy to train and loves her owners.

It has been very popular with us for a long time. Films, TV series, books, stories, photos by Veo, the memories of employees - all this brought to the fore the intelligence, intelligence, obedience, devotion and incredible courage of dogs of this breed. But is this really so?

In our country, until recently, Orientals prevailed over all other breeds. People took these because they could easily master many professional areas, although its main purpose was faithful service to man. Veo, This dog with an excellent psyche, a stable nervous system and a sanguistic type of character.

If the dog’s nervous system is not damaged from puppyhood, if the owner competently approaches the upbringing and maintenance of this pet, then as a result the owner will have a calm, balanced pet.

Veo dog will not bark in vain, even unforeseen situations do not make her nervous, a dog of this breed is self-possessed at any time, is confident and unquestioningly follows the owner’s commands.

Other animals living with veo shepherd, they are perceived by her quite peacefully, this one does not express aggression, it can play with children for a long time or calmly sit nearby. A striking feature of this breed is its strong attachment to humans. Only when the owner is nearby is this dog truly happy.

This breed tolerates loneliness very poorly, although the pet can easily wait for its owner as long as necessary (for example, waiting from work). If her person is next to her, then the pet tries in every possible way to attract his attention, although importunity is not characteristic of the veo. She wants and knows how to work, she can easily learn even very complex tricks.

The appearance of the Eastern European is harmonious. There is hardly a person who denies the beauty, strength, dexterity and intelligence of the Oriental. Compared to the “Germans,” Orientals are larger, which is why Veo puppies mature a little later.

Description of the Veo breed (standard requirement)

VEO is expected to have a lean body structure, well-developed muscles and a strong musculoskeletal system. Males veo noticeably larger in size than females, that is, all representatives of this breed have a well-defined sexual type.

Height, weight and other body parameters must meet the standards confirmed by the Union of Cynological Organizations of Russia. So the height at the withers of males should be from 65 to 76 cm, and for females from 62 to 72 cm. The weight of males should be from 35-60 kg, and that of females 30-50 kg.

The head of the Oriental is elongated, a short muzzle is not welcomed and is considered a disadvantage. A small head is not allowed; there are clear parameters - the size of the head must be at least 40% of the height of the shepherd at the withers.

The eyes are black or brown. The teeth are strong, healthy, without defects, Veo has 42 teeth. The ears are triangular in shape and erect. Other ear shapes are not permitted.

The body is flexible, harmoniously developed, and has a slightly elongated shape. It's with strong bones. The back should be straight and not arch - this is an indicator of insufficient physical development.

The chest is deep, reaching down to the elbow of the foreleg. Moving dog veo easily, without straining, movements are not constrained. The coat is black, black or zonular in color.

Owners who wish to show their pets at shows should be aware that there are some factors due to which the dog may not achieve excellent diplomas or, even worse, the dog may be removed from the show and not allowed to be bred.

Many of these factors can be corrected with exercise, but there are also some that cannot be corrected. And yet, even with such deviations they can work great or be pets.

Care and maintenance of veo

Care and maintain shepherd veo not quite difficult. The main thing is regularity and patience. The Oriental's luxurious coat requires combing, but you should not constantly wash and bathe your pet.

The owner must ensure that the dog has a place, proper feeding, timely walking and training. The place should not be in a draft, not next to a radiator and, preferably, where the traffic of residents is not too high.

Proper feeding is ready-made, purchased food or food cooked only for a shepherd dog, with well-balanced ingredients. Feeding your pet leftover human food can lead to serious illness.

VEO must be walked at least twice a day. It must be remembered that it is not enough for an animal to just satisfy its physiological needs; a long stay in the air is necessary for the health of the pet. Walks should be long, with games, training, and sufficient physical activity.

It is better to train under the supervision of a specialist. Easy commands can be learned independently, however, it is the dog trainer who will be able to advise how, when and with which command to introduce the pet in order to ensure their obligatory execution.

Price and reviews from owners about the Veo breed

The color of the Veo is not at all rare among outbreds, so it is too easy for an unknowing buyer to confuse a purebred Veo puppy with a mongrel. Because of this, it is highly recommended to purchase puppy veo exclusively in trusted nurseries or responsible breeders. It is better if the owner chooses the baby with a dog handler. When choosing, you need to ask to see your parents and present all documents.

By the time puppies go for sale, ideally, they have already been treated for fleas, helminths, and have had their first vaccination. Also, the puppy must be microchipped or branded. Therefore, it is worth asking for the puppy’s veterinary passport, which indicates the date of vaccination and other procedures.

It is very important that the puppy is healthy, for this you need to examine the eyes, ears, the belly is clean, the baby must be playful, mobile and active. Price VEO available, you can find a puppy for 10,000, although it is very difficult to say specifically.

It depends on how rich the pedigree is, on the breed qualities and even on the region where the pet will be taken.

But, I want to say, no matter how much this one costs, it will be worth the money spent. Owners of Orientals write only positive reviews about their pets. Many owners have tested the Oriental as a working dog and, according to them, a more perfect and versatile veo for serving humans has not yet been invented.

It’s hard to disagree with them, because the Eastern European is a dog whose reliability, endurance, devotion and intelligence have been tested for decades.

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