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Quiz what we know about winter. "Zimushka-winter" (intellectual game). Game - quiz for children of senior and preparatory groups on the topic: Winter

Quiz: "Winter-winter"

Preliminary task:

I invite you to participate in a quiz on the theme “Winter-winter”.

This quiz is a team game. You need to divide into teams and choose captains. Each team must come up with a name and motto and draw an emblem. At the beginning of the game, teams will introduce themselves and receive points for this. The winners will be awarded. We wish you success!

Target: - organize children's leisure time.


Develop the ability to work in teams;

Develop cognitive interest and creativity;

Generalize and consolidate knowledge about winter and its signs;

Develop memory, thinking, imagination.

Competitions for teams:

1. Teams introduce themselves.

Scores: for the emblem: the best emblem -2 points, the rest -1 point

Motto (the consistency of pronunciation and compliance is assessed winter theme) the best – 2 points, the rest – 1

2. Write in 1 minuteon the given piece of paper as many words as possible reflecting winter natural phenomena (snow, frost, icicle, etc.; sled - not suitable). The piece of paper begins its journey from the first desk (write a word - pass it on to the next one). How this competition will be judged:

Points: 1 point for the first team to hand in the slip

1 point for each winter natural word

Additional 3 points for literacy (not a single word error)

3. Quiz questions.

1. What is the “sum” of December, January and February? (Winter.)

2. Why does winter come? (For autumn.)

3. What month, according to folk wisdom, “the year ends and winter begins”? (December.)

4. Which month, according to the Russian proverb, “is the beginning of the year, and the middle of winter”?


5.Which Christian holiday gave a second name to winter holidays?

(Christmas is the Christmas holidays.)

6. At what time of year are carols traditionally sung? (In winter.)

7. What does a joyful greeting sound like when meeting someone you haven’t seen for a long time?

(How many years, how many winters.)

8. What is a “winter” synonym for the verb “beat”? (Mark.)

4. Competition “Fun Ball”.

Children stand in a circle. While speaking poetry, pass the ball to each other. Whoever the text ends with completes the task.

You roll, happy ball,

Hands over quickly.

Who has a funny ball?

He will perform a song (poems, dance, riddle...) for us.

5. Quiz questions.

1.Which small long-beaked bird got its name from its love of swimming in snow and ice-free reservoirs in winter? (Kingfisher.)

2. Which passerine bird can run along the bottom of a river and likes to dive into an ice hole in winter? (Dipper.)

3. Which birds most often have their chicks born in the middle of winter? (At the crossbills.)

4. What birds store food for the winter? (Jay, nutcracker, nuthatch, titmouse - Muscovy.)

5. What are the names of birds that do NOT stay with us for the winter? (Migratory.)

6. His tail is gray in summer and white in winter. Who is this? (Hare.)

7. In what part of the body does the beaver accumulate fat for the winter? (In the tail.)

8.How do ants prepare for winter? (Close the entrances and exits of the anthill.)

9. Why does a hare eat aspen in winter, because it is bitter?

(Aspen bark contains 10% fat. And fatty foods make you warmer.)

10.Where does the water rat live in winter: in the water or in the ground? (In the ground.)

11. How many grains of cereal does a hamster store for the winter? (From 4 to 6 kilograms.)

12.What is the name of the coldest compartment of the refrigerator? (Freezer is a freezer.)

6. Mini sticks.

For this competition, prepare some soft, smooth dish in advance - for example, pudding or jelly. The contestants' task is to eat their portion using toothpicks or skewers as quickly as possible.

7. Quiz questions.

1. How is a hedgehog similar to a bear? (He also sleeps in winter.)

2. Surprisingly, brown bears usually do this very important and responsible task during hibernation. What exactly? (They give birth to babies.)

3.Who wears T-shirts and dresses in winter, and fur coats in summer? (Moth. The hardest life is for a moth!)

4. Fur moths are in charge of closets from May to September. And in winter he does just that. How? (Sleeping.)

5. Does the tree grow in winter? (No, he freezes.)

6. Is it true that firewood collected in winter is more valuable than firewood collected in summer? (Yes. In winter, sap flow stops, so the wood is drier.)

7. What do you call plants that are “the same color in winter and summer”? (Evergreen.)

8. Warm or cold winter promises a large harvest of rowan? (Cold.)

9.What are the names of annual plants that are sown in the fall and winter under the snow? (Winter crops.)

10. Winter wheat can tolerate low temperatures. Which ones exactly? (Up to minus 22 degrees Celsius.)

11. What varieties of apples are not available: spring or winter? (Spring. Winter varieties of apples are late varieties that are stored for winter storage.)

12.What are winter swimmers called? (Walruses.)

13.What is the name of a road laid directly on the snow for driving in winter? (Winter road.)

14.What, according to the Russian proverb, should you prepare in winter: a sleigh or a cart?

(Cart. “Prepare a sleigh in summer, and a cart in winter.”)

15. On the bank of which river was the Winter Palace, a monument of Russian architecture, built? (Neva.)

16.Name the second, “colored” name of the Winter Olympic Games. (White Olympics.)

17. Who is in Russian folk tale“Winter quarters for animals” built a hut? (Bull.)

18. What time of year did Tyutchev call “the evil witch” in his poems? (Winter.)

19.What animal “in the cold” winter time"was the hero of Nekrasov's poem leading by the bridle? (A horse.)

20. Which of the characters from the cartoon “Winter in Prostokvashino” sang at the New Year’s concert? (Mom.)

21. What was the name of the ancient Slavs? pagan holiday farewell to winter?


22. A trace of frost on the cheeks is... What? (Blush.)

8. Telegram to Santa Claus

The guys are asked to name 13 adjectives: “fat”, “red-haired”, “hot”, “hungry”, “lethargic”,


When all the adjectives are written down, the presenter takes out the text of the telegram and inserts into it the missing adjectives from the list.

Telegram text:

"...Grandfather Frost!

All... the children are looking forward to your... arrival.

New Year is the most... holiday of the year.

We will sing for you... songs, dance... dances!

It's finally coming... New Year!

I don’t really want to talk about... studying.

We promise that we will only receive... grades.

So, quickly open your... bag and give us... gifts.

With respect to you...boys and... girls!"

9. Quiz questions.

1. What gets shorter in winter?

A. Weeks. V. Days.

B. Clock. G. Minutes.

2.What do some animals do in winter?

A. In childhood. B. Infuriated.

B. In hibernation . G. Into unconsciousness.

3. When do moose shed their “headdress” – antlers?

A. In winter. B. In the spring.

B. In the summer. G. In autumn.

4. Which of these animals sheds its antlers every winter?

A. Baran. V. Buffalo.

B. Elk. G. Rogach.

5. Which of these animals does NOT hibernate in winter?

A. Brown bear. V. Badger.

B. Marten. G. Marmot.

6. What does the Russian brown bear stock up on before winter sleep?

A. Subcutaneous fat. B. Dried raspberries.

B. Dried fish. D. Patience.

7. Which of the listed birds in central Russia does NOT fly away for the winter?

A . Goldfinch. V. Starling.

B. Nightingale. G. Swallow.

8. . Which clocks start ticking faster in the cold?

A . Sand. B. Solar.

B. Electronic. G. Mechanical.

(After all, grains of sand decrease in volume in the cold.)

9. Which berry bush does NOT shed its leaves in the winter?

A. Malina. V. Currant.

B. Lingonberry. G. Blackberry.

10. What name for ice cream comes from the name of the northern people?


10. There are Christmas trees

We decorated the Christmas tree different toys, and in the forest there are different kinds of fir trees, wide, low, tall, thin.

Now if I say

" High" - raise your arms up.

“Low” - squat and lower your arms.

“Wide” - make the circle wider.

“Thin” - make a circle already.

Now let's play!

(The presenter plays, trying to confuse the children)

11. Summary of the lesson.

Drawing of a comic New Year's lottery.

  1. For your kind eyes, a coloring souvenir. (Coloring)
  2. I hand over your winnings with confidence, put them to use. (Sheet of paper)
  3. Since you got a candy, it won’t be bitter, it will be sweet. (Candy)
  4. Comrade, believe, hope and wait, your winnings are ahead.
  5. Hit the ground with your heel, there’s no point in getting angry! Instead of gingerbread, crackers will come in handy on a hike. (Crusk)
  6. Toilet paper straight from the department store. ( Toilet paper)
  7. You thought that there was no happiness, oh, what an eccentric you are, so buy yourself some candy with the nickel you won. (nickel)
  8. This item will definitely come in handy in drawing. (Pencil)
  9. Don't be bored in the evenings - drink aromatic tea. (Tea)
  10. If you want to be strong, like a gin, get it, you are a vitamin. (Carrot).
  11. Don't drip on your neighbor and win a napkin. (Napkin).
  12. Happiness fell into your hands, you got two potatoes. (Two potatoes).
  13. To look cool, we give you a limousine. (Children's car).
  14. Yes, the lucky ticket is yours, keep it up (Pencil).
  15. You got this soap to wash your hands cleaner. (Soap).

Awarding the winners. Thank you for your active participation.

Self-analysis of the quiz “Zimushka-Winter”

Date: 12/17/2014

Contingent: 1st grade

The event was held with the aim of broadening the horizons of children; development cognitive activity and individual abilities of students within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard. To implement the assigned tasks, a quiz form was chosen. Using ICT. Everyone knows that some people perceive most of the information through a visual analyzer, while others hear it. In order to convey information to each child, it was offered in the form of slides, in the form of poems, proverbs, and riddles.

Such an event arouses in the student the desire for new knowledge, curiosity and inquisitiveness to learn new things. Develops creative initiative and creativity junior schoolchildren, develops visual and auditory memory, promotes activation and creative self-expression of schoolchildren.

Thanks to an event on this topic, first-graders enriched vocabulary. Exercises to develop speech, directly related to the topic of the lesson, allowed me to demonstrate my ability to construct sentences and communicate politely.

During the event, a friendly, warm atmosphere was noted.

To organize the interaction of students with each other, it was proposed to help with answers, supplement the answerer, and correct him.

I think that the event corresponds to the general educational tasks And age characteristics studying.

Scenario: "Quiz game "Hello Zimushka-Winter"

for children preparatory group "

Required material: snowflakes white and blue color, instant board; 2 bitches over the shoulder New Year's cards, cut into 2 parts according to the number of players; 2 glue sticks, a set of subject pictures where the pictures are in words that contain the sounds [A], [M], 2 sheets with a drawn tower and a fortress, consisting of squares.


Good afternoon We are pleased to welcome you to our quiz game: “Hello Zimushka-Winter”

Two teams will play today:

Team with white snowflakes (takes their places)

Team with blue snowflakes (takes their places)

And the support group of each team is children.

Let's greet the participants of the game again.

Guys, a quiz is not just a game, but a competition game.

Therefore, we need a strict and fair jury. (selected by a jury of representatives of the administration and parents)

Listen to the rules of the game:

· The game consists of 5 rounds. Each round consists of 2 questions: the first for the team, the second for the support group.

· The mark for the correct answer will be snowflakes, which the jury members will place on the team field. Whose team will score more snowflakes, she will be considered the winner.

· The team receives 1 point-1 snowflake for each correct answer and 1 point for an additional question when the support group answers.

· I ask each team a question in turn. The second team is silent.

· Team members can consult before responding.

· Any participant chosen by the team can answer the question.

· If a team does not answer a question, the right to answer is transferred to another team.

· The answer must be clear and concise.

Leading: Guys, do you agree with the rules?

We have chosen the jury, read the rules, let's start the game!

The task of the first round is “Guess the riddle!”: you need to guess riddles about winter and its phenomena, explaining how you guessed it.

Leading: Riddle for the team of white snowflakes

He lay down in white fluff on the forest,

Covered the whole earth with a blanket,

And in the spring he completely disappeared. (snow)

Leading: What did you guess? (child justifies his answer). Well done, your answer counts. Next riddle.

She is fluffy, silvery,

But don't touch her with your hand:

It will become a little bit clean,

As you can see in the palm of your hand. (snowflake)

Leading: Riddle for the team of blue snowflakes snowflakes

White snakes

They flew over the ground.

They crawled along the roads

And there were snowdrifts. (blizzard)

Does everyone agree that it's a blizzard? What words helped you solve the riddle? And this answer counts. Next riddle.

I wasn't raised

Made from snow

Instead of a nose cleverly

Inserted a carrot. (snowman)

Leading: And now riddles for the support group:

So that autumn doesn't get wet,

Not soggy from water

Turned puddles into glass

Made the gardens snowy. (freezing)

I'm as transparent as crystal

I hang from the roof in winter.

I'm just very, very sorry

That in the heat I quickly melt (icicle)

Leading: Well done guys, you are good at solving riddles. The jury gives the floor.

Leading: And so, the task of the second round

Game "Postmen"

In front of each team, at a distance of 5-6 meters, there are halves of New Year cards. The “postman” runs up, gives part of the postcard from the bag and finds half of it on the table, collects it. Then he runs back and hands over the bag. The next one runs, etc. The team whose mail finds its addressee faster wins the game.

Word from the jury:

Leading: We move on to the third round: “Winter Warm-up”.

Leading: What I'm talking about is what you show. Warm-up for the team with white snowflakes.

“We are not afraid of powder-

Catching snow, clapping your hands

Hands to the sides. At the seams

There will be enough snow for us and for you.

Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth

Let's breathe deeply, and then

March in place, slowly

How nice the weather is"

Warm-up for the team with blue snowflakes.

"We are now dreamers:

We hit the enemy

Swing your arm, throw

A snowball is flying straight towards the target

We are walking through the snowdrifts

Through steep snowdrifts

Raise your leg higher

Make way for others"

The jury presents the results of the “Fun Warm-Up”

Host: what winter fun and entertainment do you know? Now we will see how you can build snow towers and fortresses. “Captains Competition” is announced

Quest “Building a fortress”

On the shelves there are sheets with a drawn tower and a fortress, consisting of squares, pictures and a glue stick.

Leading: To build a tower, you need to take only those pictures whose names have the sound [M], and to build a fortress, only those pictures whose names have the sound [A]. Be careful.

Leading: and while our captains complete the task, fans earn points for the team.

Task for fans “Guessing Game”

Leading: The fans of the white snowflakes team perform first. I'm reading a poem, and you need to add the missing word.

It's snowing outside

Holiday coming soon...(new year)

The needles glow softly

The coniferous spirit comes from….(Christmas tree)

The branches rustle faintly

The beads are bright (glitter)

Beous and rednose

Under the branches of Grandfather... (freezing)

And decorating the top

It shines there as always

Very bright, big


Leading: Well done, you guessed all the words, and now a task for the fans of the blue snowflakes team. Listen carefully and be sure to answer. If I say it’s true, say “yes,” but if it’s suddenly not true, say “no.” The boys and I will play interesting game. I’ll tell the kids what we decorate the Christmas tree with.

“Multi-colored firecrackers?

Blankets and pillows?

Cots and cribs?

Marmalades, chocolates?

Glass balls?

Are the chairs wooden?

Teddy bears?

Primers and books?

Are the beads multi-colored?

Are the garlands light?

Snow made from white cotton wool?

Satchels and briefcases?

Shoes and boots?

Cups, vicks, spoons?

Are the candies shiny?

Are tigers real?

Are the cones golden?

Are the Christmas trees radiant?

Leading: Well done! We completed the task, and now the jury has the floor.

Leading: The captains completed their task. They are taken to the jury for evaluation.

Leading: In the sixth round, the team and support group will take part together. I will read the questions one by one. If a team cannot answer, fans help it.


1. What time of year does winter follow?

2. What time of year comes after winter?

3. Name the winter months in order.

4. What happens to reservoirs?

5. What are ice and snow made of?

6. How is it different? loose snow from sticky?

7. What winter sports do you know?

8. What holiday occurs only in winter?

Summing up.

Teams are awarded certificates and sweet prizes.

Quiz for children “Winter”

1. The name of the month that begins the new calendar year.

2. What in winter longer night or day?

3. What is winter precipitation called?

4. Continue the proverb: “Two friends are …”.

5. What color is hard ice?

6. What is the name for housing made of ice among the Eskimos?

7. What is crust?

8. How to make life easier for wintering birds?

9. What will happen to the birds if you stop pouring food into the feeder?

10. Do birds hibernate?

11. What happens to the fur of squirrels, foxes and hare when winter comes?

12. Guess: a white lump hid in a haystack.

13. Which tree is the odd one out and why: pine, larch, spruce?

14. At what air temperature does snow begin to melt?

15. Which of the phenomena does not apply to winter: blizzard, thunderstorm, blizzard, snowfall, ice?

16. What time of year is the cleanest air?

17. Why is February unusual?

18. Will you be able to make a snowman out of fluffy snow?

19. Which plant is a symbol of the New Year holidays?

20. What magical object does Santa Claus always carry with him?

Answers: 1. January. 2. Night. 3. Snow. 4. Blizzard and blizzard. 5. Greenish. 6. Igloo. 7. Dense snow crust. 8. Hang up the feeders. 9. They will die while waiting for food. 10. No. 11. It becomes thicker and changes color. 12. Hare. 13. Larch. Sheds needles. 14. At 0. 15. Thunderstorm. 16. In winter. 17. Different number of days. 18. No. 19. Spruce. 20. Staff.

Quiz “Nature in winter”

1. Is it possible to say that winter air is the cleanest?

2. For what reason does the soil in the forest freeze not as deeply as in the field?

3. Name the date of the winter solstice.

4. Continue: “A lot of snow...”.

5. What object is the origin of the word “blizzard” associated with?

6. Why do hares take refuge under spruce trees in winter?

7. Does the cold or hunger of the approaching winter frighten migratory birds?

8. How many months do hedgehogs, badgers and bears sleep?

9. In summer, snakes like to lie in the sun, and in winter they...

10. What trees are in winter time give the most food to birds?

11. Where do newts winter?

12. Why do crossbills hatch their chicks not in the spring, but in the winter?

13. Is a snowflake “born” from a drop of water or an ice crystal?

14. What does a moose lose every winter?

15. Do beavers hibernate in winter?

Answers: 1. You can. 2. It is covered with a layer of fallen leaves and a thick layer of snow. 3. December 22nd. 4. Lots of bread. 5. Broom. 6. It’s warmer and safer there. 7. Hunger. 8. About 6. 9. Are in a daze. 10. Pines and spruces. 11. On land. 12. In winter there is food. 13. From an ice crystal. 14. Rogov. 15. No.

Developmental tasks on the topic “Winter”

1. What happens in winter?

a) It is snowing.

b) Birds are flying.

c) Crossbills are born.

d) The bear is looking for a den

d) Trees creak while sleeping

e) Collect mushrooms.

g) Snowdrops appear.

h) Puddles freeze.

i) The squirrel stores nuts.

j) Ice drift.

k) Insects are sleeping.

2. Which holidays are winter?

a) International Women's Day.

b) Defender of the Fatherland Day.

c) Children's Day.

d) New Year.

d) April Fool's Day.

f) Christmas.

h) Maslenitsa.

i) Cosmonautics Day.

j) Day of Knowledge.

k) Valentine's Day.

3. “Yes-No”

Does leaf fall begin in winter?

Does the mole sleep in winter?

Does the ice crust crack on the water?

Do birds build nests?

Is everything covered in snow?

Are insects waking up?

Is February the second winter month?

Does the sun shine less often?

Are the nights long in winter?

Is crust a crust on the snow cover?

Quiz for older preschoolers “Winter-winter”

Goal: to summarize children’s knowledge about winter.

Objectives: create a joyful mood, enrich vocabulary on the topic "Winter" , cultivate the ability to act in a team, a sense of collectivism.

Materials and equipment: pictures on the topic "Winter" , pictures with images of birds and animals, easels with sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, scarves (blindfolds), sticks, pucks, skittles, medals for awards.

Two teams of 6 children each participate in the quiz.

The quiz is conducted by a teacher and a psychologist in the form of "Winter-Winter" .

The quiz is evaluated by a jury from the teaching staff of the kindergarten. Each jury member receives a score sheet.

The hall is decorated with children's drawings and applications on a winter theme.

Quiz progress:

The teacher welcomes the children, guests and jury.

Educator: “Today we have a thematic quiz. And you will find out the topic when you guess the riddle-poem" .

A child reads a poem.

Winter beauty comes in a white fur coat, She steps like a queen, There is fringe on her hat.

The sparkling outfit is decorated with snowflakes. She waves her handkerchief - Snowflakes will fly.

Children guess: "Winter!" .

Character Appearance "Zimushka-Winter" . Her greeting to the children.

Zimushka-Zima invites children to randomly pull cards with the names of two teams out of a basket. "Snowflakes" And "Snowmen" (Whoever pulls out which card will be a member of this team).

Zimushka-Winter announces the start of the quiz. For each competition won, Zimushka-Zima gives the team "winning ball" .


1) Competition "Do you know winter?"

The teacher asks questions about winter to each team in turn. (6 questions each). The team that answers the most questions wins.

Examples of questions:

a) What are the winter months? (December, January, February)

b) Name winter holidays? (New Year, Christmas, Defender of the Fatherland Day, baptism)

a) The most famous New Year's round dance song? (A Christmas tree was born in the forest...)

b) Which tree is a symbol of the New Year? (spruce)

a) Name the very first month of the year? (January)

b) What is the shortest winter month? (February)

a) What does a bear do in winter? (sleeping)

b) Which forest dweller dries mushrooms on a tree for the winter? (squirrel)

a) Who has a carrot instead of a nose? (at the snowman)

b) What is the name of Grandfather Frost's granddaughter? (Snow Maiden)

a) What winter fun do you know? (snowballs, skis, skates and sleds)

b) Who draws winter patterns on the window? (freezing)

2) "Name the Bird"

Presenter: In the fall, migratory birds flew south, but we still had wintering birds. The task for the teams was to select wintering birds in the picture and place them on a branch.

A game is played with the fans while the players choose birds "Say a word" .

3) Physical education minute "Funny Hockey Players"

Sports competition. A row of pins is placed in front of each team. A child with a stick in his hand must pass the puck past the pin, after which he returns to the team and passes the stick to the next player.

4) "Puzzles"

Assignment: you need to put together a puzzle of 8 parts on the topic « Winter views sports" . Each team completes the task at a separate table.

5) "Riddles"

Host: The most enjoyable and easiest task is solving riddles. The cheerleader can help their team.

1. The cold weather set in, the water turned into ice, the long-eared gray bunny turned into a white bunny.

Who can say, who knows, When this happens? (winter)

2. Who whitens the clearings with white. And he writes on their backs with chalk. Sews feather beds, Decorated all the windows? (winter)

3. Guess who the gray-haired housewife is? Will the feather dusters shake - over the world of fluff? (winter-winter)

4. I was not raised, I was blinded from snow. Instead of a nose, they cleverly inserted a carrot.

Eyes are corners, Hands are knots. Cold, big, Who am I? (snow woman)

5. I ride him until evening, But my lazy horse only carries him down the mountain. And I always go up the hill on foot, and I lead my horse by a rope. (sled)

6. Wooden horses run through the snow, but don’t fall into the snow (skis)

7. I have two horses, two horses, They carry me across the ice, And the ice is hard, stone. (skates)

8. Who is buzzing in the chimney in winter? (wind)

9. As if across the sky from the north, a gray swan swam. A well-fed swan swam, threw down - poured

On the fields, lakes White fluff and feathers (snow cloud)

10. It froze yesterday. There were midges. And from this midge the yards turned white (snow).

6) "Young Artists"

Opposite each team is an easel with a sheet of paper. Children are blindfolded and given markers. Assignment: Each team must draw a snowman. One by one, the children approach the easel. Each child draws a certain part of the snowman: 1st - the bottom ball, 2nd - medium ball, 3rd - top ball, 4th - bucket on head, 5th - broom, 6th - carrot (and eyes, mouth). After finishing their work, the children take off their bandages and, together with the jury, cheerfully evaluate their work.

Summing up.

The jury announces the results. Players of the winning team are awarded medals. Regardless of the results, all participants receive sweet prizes.

Winter quiz with answers for primary school

Author Lyapina Vera Valerievna primary school teacher MBOU secondary school No. 47 Samara city district
Description This material can be used by teachers primary classes and educators for extracurricular activities dedicated to the winter season for primary school students.
Target Focus on a healthy lifestyle.
-Show children attractiveness winter months.
-Introduce children to healthy image life.
-To develop an aesthetic attitude towards Russian folk customs;
Preparation Children find material about history winter fun in Russia and other countries.


Winter fun
Alexandra Xandra
Winter has come to us,
She brought the cold with her.
Children's laughter is heard,
Winter has a lot of games.

Ice saucer shine
It will be a joy for everyone.
And putting on my skates,
Cut all the circles.

The boys have hockey
It's more fun to be on a team.
The washer is a black spinning top.
The fans are waiting for a goal.

What kind of snowballs
Are the kids rolling together?
There are carrots and coals.
The guards of Winter are standing.

Gorka in a white fur coat
A visit is waiting for you.
Take the sled and hurry
Ride along it with the breeze.

Winter battle for everyone;
Two teams, snow and laughter.
And snowballs are flying around.
We are all winners.

Two ribbons spread evenly,
Two shiny snakes.
These are signs of skiers,
They are visible in the distance.

White fluff flies from the sky,
Softly falls around.
Like someone upstairs
I remembered the old game.

A miracle is expected in the New Year
Adults and children.
In the center the Christmas tree is lit,
It makes the skating rink shine.

Santa Claus is hurrying in his sleigh,

Time won't allow you to be late.
The clock strikes twelve times.
A year ago I took my first step.

Winter has a lot of fun,
Learn to appreciate them early.
And then in response Winter
Will give you years of fun.

1.What is the name of one of the most famous Russian games, when two armies fight?
(Take snow town)

At Surikov's painting

Siberian winter blush
On the faces of brave Cossacks.
Here is an ardent-hearted Krasnoyarsk resident,
What flies dashingly on a horse.
Breaks to the screams of the audience
Ice shell - no wall!
And the loose snow seems to melt
Under the wild onslaught of the lads.
Siberian prowess blush
So fresh on the faces of the Cossacks.
2.What could the besieged take in their hands for defense?


poured buckets of snow on enemies)

3. When teams were divided by gender, what were women supposed to do and what were men supposed to do?
(Women defended the fortress, and men attacked)

4.What was the name of the person who gave the command to start and finish the assault?

5.What other sport was also called “Taking the Town”?
(Retrieving prizes from pillars dug vertically into the ground)

6.What prizes could there be?
(Cuts of matter


7.Why were the pillars doused? cold water?
(To make it more difficult, so that it would be difficult to climb. In the cold, the pole would become covered with ice and become slippery)
8.How was the winner celebrated?
(Rubbed with snow)

9.How was the harness used to frighten horses when they rode sleighs in the old days?
(Metal plaques, multi-colored threads, paper flowers, scraps of fabric and fringe)

10. How did the skaters dress up?
(In your best clothes: honey fur coats and hats, embroidered shirts and sundresses, shawls, new felt boots)

11.Who rode in the morning, and who in the late afternoon?
(The youth were riding in the morning, and married couples later in the evening)

12.What did you use for skiing down the mountain?
(Sleds, matting, skins, ice cubes, rollers, wooden troughs)

13. Why are skates called that?
(The first skates had a horse head on the front)

14.What were the first skates made of?
(From animal bones)

15.Who improved the design of skates?
(Peter the first, he rigidly connected the blade to the shoes, nailed the skates directly to the boots)

16.Where was the first public skating rink opened in Russia?
(In St. Petersburg in the Yusupov Garden)
At the skating rink
Evening. The music is playing.
The skating rink is full of kids.
The elegant spruce shines,
The lights are burning all around!
We cut with sharp skates
Silvery smooth ice,
And sparkles with lights
Round dance of white flakes.

17.Why is the game called “King of the Hill”?
(At the top of the snowy mountain stands the “Tsar”, an experienced wrestler, whom young fighters are trying to push down)

18. What game in the old days resembled bandy?

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