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What time do men retire: who can count on an old-age pension, preferential conditions, increasing age. At what age do Russian pensioners retire? At what age can you retire?

However, on August 29, Vladimir Putin, making a televised address to the citizens of the country, ordered to soften the increase in the retirement age for women from 8 to 5 years. Thus, the retirement period for women will increase as a result of pension reform from 55 to 60 years. For men, the originally planned increase for 5 years will remain unchanged (i.e. from 60 to 65 years).

This will be done in stages - the retirement age will be raised from 2019 annually for 1 year, and the final values ​​for men and women (65 and 60 years old, respectively) will be set from 2023. These changes in the law can be illustrated by the following table:

Retirement age - table by year

Year of retirement under the old lawRetirement age under the new lawYear of retirement under the new law
2019 60 + 1 - 0,5 = 60,5 * 55 + 1 - 0,5 = 55,5 * 2019 and 2020
2020 60 + 2 - 0,5 = 61,5 * 55 + 2 - 0,5 = 56,5 * 2021 and 2022
2021 60 + 3 55 + 3 2024
2022 60 + 4 55 + 4 2026
2023 60 + 5 55 + 5 2028

Note:* - according to Vladimir Putin’s instructions dated August 29, 2018 on easing the pension reform, six months earlier the new retirement age (set by an annual increase of 1 year), those citizens whose retirement age according to the old law should have come in 2019 and 2020 will be able to retire - that is, those who at the end of 2018 2 years or less left until retirement.

Thus, the so-called "transition period" when the retirement age increases will be 5 years for men and women. It will affect those Russian citizens who, according to current standards, would have to retire in 2019-2023. Accordingly this is:

  • men born 1959-1963;
  • women born 1964-1968.

Russians born after the specified period (men born in 1963 and women born in 1968 and younger), according to the bill submitted to the State Duma, taking into account the amendments of the President, will retire upon reaching the new established retirement age (65 and 60 years, respectively), reports the portal rosregistr .ru.

It is noteworthy that in accordance with the schedule for increasing the retirement age proposed by the Government, old-age pensions are granted before the end of the transition period should happen in a year, and only in even years - 2020, 2022, 2024, 2026 and 2028. However, in 2019 and 2021, men and women who, at the time the new pension law comes into force, will have less than 2 years left before their old retirement age will also retire ( see table above).

Early retirement in 2019

The bill also proposes to change the retirement period for preferential categories of citizens(the so-called “early-term workers”).

  • For citizens working in the Far North, the retirement age is also proposed to be increased by 5 years for men (from 55 to 60 years) and women (from 50 to 55 years). It is proposed to do this with the same transition period as indicated in the table above for ordinary employees.
  • For teachers and medical workers, the requirements for preferential length of service remain unchanged (the presence of special experience of 25 or 30 years, depending on the place of work), however, retirement itself after receiving this experience it is proposed to defer for 8 years with a transition period that will stretch from 2019 to 2026:

In fairness, it should be noted that the timing of retirement will not increase for citizens entitled to early pensions “due to harmfulness” (lists 1 and 2), as well as for victims of radiation and man-made disasters, flight test personnel and recipients of early pensions for health reasons and for “social reasons” (separate categories disabled people, mothers of many children who raised 5 or more children, etc.).

In addition, Vladimir Putin proposed introducing the possibility early retirement for mothers of many children with less than 5 children.

  • if you have 3 children the retirement period established by the new law is reduced by 3 years;
  • if there are 4 children- 4 years earlier than the generally established deadline.

Relevant proposals must be formalized in the form of amendments to the law on raising the retirement age, which will meet in the State Duma.

President Vladimir Putin in an address to Russian citizens on raising the retirement age from January 1, 2019

August 29, 2018 Vladimir Putin addressed the citizens of Russia. What changes did the president propose:

  1. Retirement age for women will be increased on an equal basis with men and will be 60 years. Minus 3 years from the original proposed option.
  2. Mothers of many children will retire earlier depending on the number of children they are raising. Early retirement is possible if a woman has three children- 3 years earlier, four children- 4 years earlier. In case five or more children— the retirement age will not change and will be 50 years.
  3. They will be able to apply for a pension 6 months earlier citizens who will be the first to experience the new pension reform in 2019 and 2020.
  4. Offered increase the maximum amount of unemployment benefits by 2 times from 4,900 rubles to 11,280 rubles from January 1, 2019.
  5. Introduced concept of pre-retirement age, which will be 5 years. Retraining and support programs for citizens of pre-retirement age will be introduced, including social protection against layoffs during this period.
  6. For employees of pre-retirement age, the employer will is obliged to provide 2 days for free medical examination with maintenance of salary every year with mandatory maintenance of salary.
  7. Pension reform will not affect the small peoples of the North.
  8. During the transition period benefits for pensioners will remain for real estate and land plots and other benefits for pensioners. The age limit for receiving benefits will remain the same regardless of the reform - 60 years for men and 55 years for women.
  9. From January 1, 2019 it is offered start paying a 25% bonus to the fixed payment insurance pension for non-working pensioners living in rural areas with at least 30 years of experience in agriculture.
  10. The regions must decide whether the existing regional benefits will be maintained.
  11. Reduce the length of service that gives you the right to receive early pension for women up to 37 years old and for men up to 42 years old.

New retirement table for men by year from January 1, 2019 after amendments by Vladimir Putin on August 29

New retirement table for women by year from January 1, 2019 after amendments by Vladimir Putin on August 29

New reform of raising the retirement age from January 1, 2019

The existing age limits, after which a person is recognized as disabled, were established by law in the middle of the last century. According to Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the life expectancy of people in the country over the past 25 years increased. Their ability to work also increased. This was achieved thanks to the state program 80+. According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, the life expectancy of the population is 2030 must reach 80 years old, according to the goals and objectives of the program.

The pension reform raising the age began to be developed by the Russian government from the beginning 2018. According to her criteria: there is a negative demographic situation in the state. It is expressed in a significant difference between the number of working citizens paying insurance premiums and pensioners. At the same time, the income of the Pension Fund (PFR) in the near future will not be able to cover its expenses on the payment of pension benefits.

By mid-summer, the corresponding reform bill had been prepared. June 16 it was registered by the State Duma and accepted for consideration. Legal document number - 489161-7 . The new law on retirement age implies amendments to certain articles of regulatory documents governing the deadline for processing payments through the Pension Fund.

The bill provides for the possibility of receiving insurance payments for men after 65 years old. Women will be able to apply for a similar benefit after 63 years old.

The innovations also affected recipients of social pensions. Payments will be made according to the following scheme:

  • After 70 years old for men;
  • After 68 years old for women.

Thanks to the innovation, it will be possible to increase benefits for existing pensioners. The reform will allow for additional annual indexation of pensions by 1,000 rubles. The specified amount must increase each calendar period.

July 19, 2018 bill was accepted in 1st reading. More than three hundred deputies voted for the new law. Just over a hundred spoke out against the amendments. One deputy abstained from voting. Deputies from United Russia voted “for” the adoption of the pension reform. Deputies of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Liberal Democratic Party, and A Just Russia are “against” the adoption of reforms. After discussion, opposition delegates submitted a number of amendments to the new law for consideration. Among them:

  • Organization of a national referendum;
  • Conducting parliamentary hearings.

Latest news: Russian President Vladimir Putin, during his next visit to Kaliningrad, noted that he does not like any of the stated concepts for the development of reform.

Indexation and increase in pensions in 2019

The increase in the amount of payments to persons of disabled age is carried out due to changes in the inflation rate. WITH 2015 This procedure applies only to non-working persons. Increase in cash benefits for working pensioners and self-employed citizens suspended.

The increase in payments occurs through indexation, that is, by comparing the coefficients of price growth and the accrued pension. It is carried out in February and April. In winter, insurance pensions increase, in spring - social pensions.

According to the PFR budget plan, the promised indexation percentage 7.05%. If the increase reaches this level, the average pension will reach 15,000 rubles. At the moment - 14,200 rubles. Indexation affects the main components of payment:

  • Pension point or IPC. The cost of one pension point in 2019 will be - 87.24 rubles.
  • Basic or fixed part of the benefit. The amount in 2019 will be - 5,334 rubles.

The Pension Fund's forecast assumes indexation of social payments in 2019 by 0.4%. If this happens, the main types of such benefits will be:

  • Upon reaching retirement age in 2019 - 5,200.96 rubles;
  • Children with limited health conditions - 12,482.17 rubles;
  • For disabled people 1 gr. - 10,401.96 rubles.

Retirement table under the new pension reform from January 1, 2019 (Old version)

Based on federal law № 400 from 12/28/13 A citizen who meets the following criteria can retire:

  • Work experience from 9 years old V 2018. According to the new rules, insurance premiums must be deducted for each such year.
  • A certain number of SPCs have been collected.
  • The age corresponds to legal standards. IN 2018: Men 60 years old women - 55 years old.
Year ..20 ..22 ..24 ..26 ..28 ..30 ..32 ..34
D.r.m 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1965 1966 1967
D.r.zh 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971

Year - calendar period for processing the payment - 20..; D.b.m - year of birth of a man, which corresponds in the current period for applying for a pension: D.b.b. - for women.

TO 2028 The intermediate stage for men will end. Its length is 10 years. For women there is a longer stage in 16 years old, which is expected to end by 2034

New retirement table in 2018 for recipients of social payments:

Year ..19 ..20 ..21 ..22 ..23 ..24 ..25 ..26
P.m. +12 +24 +36 +48 +60 +60 +60 +60
P.zh. +12 +24 +36 +48 +60 +72 +84 +96

Year - 20.. ; p.m. - increasing the age for men; P.zh. - increase for women. +x - number of months to be summed up.

The table will allow you to find out your future retirement age. For example: in 2019 12 months are added. A man will be able to make a payment in 61 years old woman - 56.

IN 2023 age growth for men will be completed upon reaching a threshold of 70 years old. The duration of the transition period will be 5 years or 60 months.

Women will be affected by a longer transition period - 8 years. During this time, their retirement age will increase from 60 to 68 years old.

Table of increasing the retirement age for men from January 1, 2019 by year (Old version)

As of 2018 The approximate age for receiving pension payments for male citizens is 60 years old. If the new bill to raise this age is adopted, men will begin to retire at 65 years old. To smooth out the process of adaptation of the population to new realities, it was decided to carry out the age increase in stages. For men, this procedure will take 10 years.

Raising the retirement age for men:

G.B. 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963
P.g. 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028
V.p. 61 62 63 64 65

G.B. - year of birth of the potential pensioner; p.g. - year of possible payment; v.p. - age.

Males Born 1963 and younger will receive the right in question upon reaching 65 years old. Promotion will bypass individuals Born 1958 and older.

Table of increasing the retirement age for women from January 1, 2019 by year (Old version)

Currently, women can apply for a pension upon reaching 55 years old. A bill to increase this value is being considered. If it is approved, the corresponding age limit will increase.

Increasing the retirement age for women:

V.r. 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971
V.p. 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034
V.zh 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63

V.r. - the period of birth of the applicant; v.p. - time of circulation; v.zh. - the age of the applicant at the possible time of filing the application.

Starting from 2034, all female persons, according to the generally established scheme, will begin to retire from 63 years old. Innovations will not affect women Born 1963 and older.

Table of increasing the retirement age for teachers and medical workers according to the new formula

For doctors, teachers and artists, the retirement age depends on length of service. For example, doctors receive this right after working for:

  • In rural areas no less 25 years old.
  • In the city - 30 years old.

To receive early payment, a teaching employee must work full-time in state educational institutions for at least 25 years old.

WITH July 2018 The State Duma is considering a bill affecting age limits. It will also affect health workers and teachers. According to the law, these citizens become entitled to benefits upon reaching a certain length of service. But they will be able to apply for real payment no earlier than the end of the deferred payment period. This period is proposed for consideration on the basis of the bill.

Year 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
In. +12 +24 +36 +48 +60 +72 +84 +96

Year - time of possible start of payments; in. - deferment time depending on the date of emergence of the right to a pension; +x - number of months to add.

For example, a health worker received the basis in question in 2019, so he will be able to start receiving funds no earlier than 2020. If such a reason arises in 2020, then not earlier 2022. If in 2021 - not earlier than 2024.

Retirement procedure under the new reform for residents of the Far North (Old version)

Vladimir Putin on August 29, 2018 in a televised address proposed not to raise the retirement age for residents of the Far North.

Due to harsh climatic conditions, certain regions are considered difficult to live in. In order to stimulate demographic growth, increased payments are awarded here. As an added benefit - is declining retirement date.

Among the population of such regions, one can distinguish indigenous and non-indigenous residents. The first category deals exclusively with the tribal sphere of activity: reindeer husbandry, fishing, commercial hunting. Life expectancy for indigenous people is low. Therefore, the age of incapacity for work has been reduced for them. Today it is:

  • 55 years old for men;
  • 50 years women.

The reform being discussed will also affect this category of citizens. If it is accepted, the age limit will increase by 5 years men and 8 years for women. After growth it will reach:

  • 60 years old men;
  • 58 years old women.

For the second layer of the population or for non-indigenous residents who work and pay insurance premiums for this, early retirement is provided. After the reform is approved, benefits will remain, but will be provided with a delay.

Retirement from 2019 by year for residents of the Far North:

For men:

D.B. 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963
V.v. 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028
IN. 56 57 58 59 60

For women:

D.B. 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971
V.v. 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034
V 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58

D.B. - period of birth; V.v. - deadline for obtaining benefits; V. - retirement age.

Who will not increase their retirement age from January 1, 2019

There are a number of people who will be spared the innovations. Among them are certain groups of beneficiaries and citizens employed in industries with special working conditions.


  1. Trustees for disabled persons;
  2. Miners, miners, steelworkers and similar professions;
  3. Visually impaired 1 gr.;
  4. Russian Railways drivers and repairmen, technical staff of mines and quarries;
  5. Legally recognized as having many children;
  6. FSIN employees;
  7. Civil aviation workers;
  8. Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and similar structures;
  9. Chernobyl victims;
  10. Rural machine operators.

Retirement table in other countries

Data from various countries are provided for information. Among them are republics of the near and far abroad.

State Husband. Women
Japan70 70
Norway67 67
Germany67 67
USA65 65
Spain65 65
Switzerland65 64
Armenia65 63
Belgium65 62
Italy67 65
Poland65 60
United Kingdom68 60
Kazakhstan63 58
Ukraine60 55
Belarus60 55
Uzbekistan60 55

State - country; husband. - age of registration of cash benefits for men; wives - for a woman.

According to the information above, the retirement age in other countries varies greatly: from 70 years old in Japan and from 60 years old in the countries of the former USSR - Ukraine, Belarus, and still in Russia.

The legally established age at which citizens can apply for state-guaranteed financial support. The general principles of legal regulation in Russia of issues related to retirement age are regulated in two fundamental documents:

1. Federal Law of December 17, 2001 “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” (No. 173-FZ);

2. Law of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2001 “On state pension provision” (No. 166-FZ).

Retirement age in Russia.

For the first time retirement age in the Russian expanses was appointed in 1932 (that is, still in the USSR). Currently, it is fixed separately for women (from 55 years old) and men (from 60 years old), but will change until 2021. This is due to changes in Federal Law No. 173. Retirement age for women will change in stages, eventually reaching a figure of 60 years.

1) mothers with fifteen years of work experience and having five or more children whom they raised until they reached the age of eight;

2) citizens with a working experience of 20 years or more who became disabled due to injuries received during hostilities;

3) women over the age of 40, and men over 50, who are visually impaired, class I, and have a work experience of 20 years or more;

4) father or mother of a disabled child (provided he is raised up to 8 years of age);

5) citizens working in the vastness of the Far North;

6) people with very rare diseases (in particular, Lilliputians) who have disabilities (from the age of 40 or 45 years).

The recently developed pension reform provides, as part of its implementation, early pensioner status for other categories of people working in underground work, in harmful and dangerous working conditions. Citizens laid off due to layoffs will be able to apply to become a pensioner early.

Law No. 4468-1 regulates some pension features for the category of military personnel. They continue to receive a long-service pension. Military personnel who have served in their position for at least 20 years are eligible. Law No. 173 guarantees early retirement for teachers who have worked in educational institutions for at least 25 years. For ballerinas, early retirement begins with the acquisition of fifteen years of experience on stage. For the flight attendant category - 20.

Retirement age in 2015: briefly about the changes.

The reform of the pension system from 2013 to 2015 is characterized by the presence of many advantages. The most important among them remains the introduction of a savings system. The Russian Federation has managed to create a favorable climate for accumulation.

Size pensions for old-age pensioners, leaving later than the legally established period, according to the new system is calculated using a bonus coefficient. Citizens receive special points for each month from the date of their right to a pension. They are determined based on a fixed salary. A higher premium coefficient guarantees an increased amount of the insurance pension.

Summary of retirement age bonus rates.

Number of full months that have elapsed from the date the right to an insurance pension arose

For a fixed payment

For old-age and survivors' insurance pensions

Retirement age 2016

On September 17 of the previous year, the Russian Ministry of Finance put forward a proposal to continue to increase retirement age in 2016. Having previously carried out the necessary calculations, the ministry announced colossal savings of public funds (620 billion - 1.3 trillion rubles). The government has not yet made a final decision. Social Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets managed to state on air on the RBC TV channel that the government’s plans in the near future do not include making fundamental changes in this direction. , according to the Deputy Prime Minister, there will be virtually no change until 2018. From 2017, changes in retirement will affect only civil servants.

Retirement age in the world.

Having analyzed the legislation of countries around the world, we can conclude that retirement age in most world practices it is set between 50 and 65 years. In Ukraine it is 55 (women) and 60 (men), in Kazakhstan - 58/63, in Israel - 62/67, in China - 50/60.

In Russia, on January 1, 2019, a law on increasing the retirement age came into force. We present to your attention new t tables and schedules of retirement in Russia from 2019 according to the new law.

Retirement tables in Russia from 2019 by length of service, points, years of birth and categories of employees

On January 1, 2019, a major package of amendments to pension legislation came into force in Russia, according to which the retirement age for women is raised to 60 years, for men - to 65 years.

For the first time at this age, women born in 1968 and men born in 1963 will become pensioners in 2028. (see table of promotions by year of birth). However, to become an old-age pensioner in Russia you only need to reach the required retirement age not enough yet.

According to the law, in addition to this you must have:

  • insurance period not less than the prescribed value;
  • the minimum required value of the individual pension coefficient (IPC), calculated in points.

Only while executing simultaneously the three conditions listed above (reaching retirement age, the required insurance period and the amount of IPC), the standards for which also increase annually, it will be possible to apply for an old-age insurance pension.

For example, in the absence of the required minimum period of employment, despite achieving retirement age , it will be possible to count on receiving only a social old-age pension, but the requirements for its registration from 2019 will also become stricter:

  • if by the end of 2018 it was possible to apply for it upon reaching 65 or 60 years of age (for men and women, respectively),
  • then from 2019 these standards will gradually increase up to 70 and 65 years old.

Retirement under the new law

For old age pension Art. 8 of Law No. 400-FZ establishes three mandatory conditions: reaching the established retirement age, having a minimum amount of work experience and IPC. According to the new law, changes will affect only age standards:

  • in 2019 its value will be increased by 6 months - i.e. 60.5 for men and 55.5 for women;
  • then, over the course of several years, the standard will be increased annually until by 2023 it is brought to its final values ​​- 65 and 60 years(see table of retirement age by year).

It is worth noting that the minimum conditions for IPC and length of service will change in 2019 too, but this has nothing to do with the implementation of pension reform. These standards are gradually increasing, starting in 2015, until they reach the final values:

  • by experience - 15 years by 2024 (annual increase by 1 year);
  • according to IPC - 30 points by 2025 (an annual increase of 2.4 points).

One way or another, such tightening of retirement conditions will lead to the fact that every year It will become more difficult to process payments, and the number of new pensioners will decrease. Actually, in order to balance the ratio of disabled and able-bodied citizens, the Government decided to begin implementing the pension reform.

How many pensioners are there in Russia?

The number of older people and their share in the structure of the Russian population are constantly growing. And the process of demographic aging will intensify:

  • if in 2018 the share of the population over the current retirement age is 25.5%,
  • then by the mid-2030s it will reach 30% with the same retirement ages for men and women, according to Rosstat’s base scenario.

By the beginning of 2023, the number of Russians over retirement age will for the first time exceed half of the working-age population - scientifically speaking, the dependency ratio of the elderly on the working-age population will exceed 0.5 compared to today’s 0.45.

Raising the retirement age to 65 for men and 60 for women will correct the demographic balance: the number of people of working age will increase by 12 million by 2036, and the dependency ratio will decrease to approximately 0.33.

How many pensioners are there in Russia in 2018?

If at the beginning of 2011 there were 41.8 million pensioners in Russia, then by 2018 there were 46 million. At the same time, the pension reform directly affects only recipients of old-age insurance pensions - now there are 36.3 million such pensioners.

Retirement age(table by year)

From January 1, 2019 will gradually increase retirement age , having reached which Russians have the right to apply for old-age insurance pension payments. Until the end of 2018, this opportunity is provided to men at 60 years old, and women at 55, but from 01/01/2019 these values will be increased by 6 months.

Gradual will be produced until 2023, when new regulatory values ​​will be fixed - 65 and 60 years respectively.

Retirement age table by year is presented below:

Year How much will the PV increase? PV SVP
2019 + 0,5 60,5 55,5 2019 / 2020
2020 + 1,5 61,5 56,5 2021 / 2022
2021 + 3 63 58 2024
2022 + 4 64 59 2026
2023, etc. + 5 65 60 2028

PV - retirement age; M - men; F - women; SVP is the retirement period under the new law.

It should be noted that the original bill, which provided for a change in the working period of citizens, contained a more stringent version of the reform - every year increase by 1 year(without the right of early registration 6 months earlier in 2019 and 2020), as well as an increase in the retirement period for women for 8 years (i.e. from 55 to 63 years). But during the consideration of the project in the State Duma, an amendment was adopted softening the proposed parameters (it was proposed by President V. Putin).

It is also worth noting that the new reform provides an additional basis for applying for a pension early - such a benefit will apply to mothers of large families with 3 or 4 children. According to the new law, the retirement age for them is set at 57 and 56 years old accordingly (and not 60, as will be provided for women on a general basis).

Retirement by year of birth under the new pension reform

You can determine in what year a Russian will retire depending on his year of birth, as well as how many years of experience and number of pension points he needs to have, using the table below:

Men DR 1 p. 1959 2 p. 1959 1 p. 1960 2 p. 1960 1961 1962 1963, etc.
PV 60,5 61,5 63 64 65
Women DR 1 p. 1964 2 p. 1964 1 p. 1965 2 p. 1965 1966 1967 1968, etc.
PV 55,5 56,5 58 59 60
Standards for: length of service 10 11 12 13 15
IPC 16,2 18,6 21 23,4 28,2 30
Fiberboard 2 p. 2019 1 p. 2020 2 p. 2021 1 p. 2022 2024 2026 2028, etc.

Abbreviations used in the table: 1 p. and 2 p. - the first and second half of the corresponding year; DO - date of birth; PV - established retirement age; DVP - the date of a citizen's retirement.

Thus, from the table presented we can conclude that:

  • In 2019(second half of the year) men and women who:
    • born in the first half of 1959 and 1964, respectively;
    • have at least 10 years of experience and 16.2 points accumulated.
  • In 2020(first half of the year) men and women will have the opportunity to receive payments:
    • those born in the second half of 1959 and 1964, respectively;
    • who have worked officially for at least 11 years and have 18.6 IPC.
  • etc. by year.

A gradual increase in standards will occur until the stipulated final values ​​under the new law- retirement age 65/60 years, 15 years of experience and 30 points.

Experience for retirement

The Government's pension reform since 2019 has not made any changes to the length of service requirements, and all adjustments in relation to this condition began to be made much earlier. Thus, the legislation (Part 2, Article 8 of Law No. 400-FZ) established that in order to retire in Russia it is necessary to have both minimum 15 years of insurance experience. But this value will not be established immediately, but by annually increasing the current standard:

  • Until 2015 to become an old-age pensioner it was enough to have 5 years of work experience.
  • In 2015, when pension legislation changed significantly in Russia again, it was necessary to have at least 6 years of experience. Moreover, it was stipulated that every year this value would increase by 1 year, so in 2016 it was necessary to work for 7 years, in 2017 - 8 years, etc.
  • Total planned increase will continue until 2024 when it is fixed final standard - 15 years.

You can determine how much experience you need to have for a pension, depending on the year of payment, using the table below:

Table: Retirement period in Russia according to the new law
(2018 onwards)

Let us remind you that the insurance period includes periods determined by law:

  1. Periods of work or other activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, if during this time insurance premiums were paid to the Pension Fund(Part 1, Article 11 of Law No. 400-FZ).
  2. Other periods, which, according to Part 1 of Art. 12 of Law No. 400-FZ counted towards the insurance period:
    • child care up to 1.5 years (in total no more than 6 years);
    • caring for a disabled child, a disabled person of the 1st group, or a person over 80 years of age;
    • completion of military service or other service equivalent to it, and others.

Starting in 2019, a new benefit will come into effect, which will be provided to citizens with a long work history - 42 years for men and 37 years for women. It will be possible to issue payments for these persons 2 years ahead of schedule(relative to the new retirement age - at 63 and 58 years old respectively).

How many points do you need for retirement?

In order to receive pension payments, you must also have a sufficient number of pension points (IPC), which are formed from insurance contributions paid to the Pension Fund. Part 3 of Art. 8 of Law No. 400-FZ provides for the minimum required number of IPC in the amount of 30 points.

However, the transition to such a standard is carried out gradually since 2015 according to the following schedule:

  • In 2015 it was necessary to have 6.6 points. Every year the standard increases by 2.4, which means that in 2016 it was necessary to have 9 points, in 2017 - 11.4.
  • The transition period will end in 2025, when the minimum required IPC value is fixed at the level 30 points.

You can determine how many points you need for a pension during the provided transition period using the table data:

Thus, to become a pensioner in 2019, you will need have at least 16.2 IPC. If the pension points are not enough, then he will be able to apply for a pension only after achieving the required indicators. It is worth remembering that they increase annually, and at the same time, the requirements for length of service and age also increase .

Retirement table from 2019 in the Far North

According to the old law, northerners had the right to apply for an old-age pension 5 years earlier generally established period - women upon reaching 50 years of age and men at the age of 55 years. In the new law, this difference will be preserved for them, but it will be taken relative to the new retirement age (that is, taking into account the general increase by 5 years).

Those. standard age for this category of Russians will be increased to 55 and 60 years(for women and men, respectively), while a transition period will also be provided when the period of working capacity will gradually increase until the final values ​​are reached in 2023 for women and men:

Women/men Year of retirement
Year of birth Retirement age under the new law according to old standards according to the new law
1969 / 1964 50.5 / 55.5 2019 2019-2020
1970 / 1965 51.5 / 56.5 2020 2021-2022
1971 / 1966 53 / 58 2021 2024
1972 / 1967 54 / 59 2022 2026
1973 / 1968 55 / 60 2023 2028

For men born 1964-1967 and women 1969-1972 working in the Far North, intermediate values ​​of the retirement age will be established - the “working period” for them, depending on the year of birth, will be increased by 0.5-4 years. For men born in 1968 and later, and women born in 1973, the final value of the retirement dates will be established - respectively 60 and 55 years old.

At what age will teachers and health workers retire?

Previously, for early retirement, doctors and teachers had to obtain special work experience ( from 25 to 30 years depending on the place of work). According to the new law, after the end of the “transition period”, these categories of workers will be able to obtain the right to early registration only in 5 years after acquiring the required experience.

At the same time, the increase will also occur in stages: the deadline for early appointment is annually will be postponed for 1 year(except for the first two years - 2019 and 2020) until the final value is established in 5 years (in 2026).

The corresponding changes provided for in the new law can be illustrated by the following table:

Note: ** - The values ​​are indicated taking into account early retirement 6 months earlier than the stipulated period - such an amendment was proposed by V. Putin and supported by the State Duma.

Thus, for those teachers and medical workers who acquire the necessary work experience between 2019 and 2022, retirement will be postponed for a period of 0.5 to 4 years. If you receive the necessary preferential service in 2023 and later, you will be able to retire early only in 5 years(that is, in 2028 and later, respectively).

Online consultant answers to user questions

Pension for foreign citizens in the Russian Federation in the absence of insurance (work) experience:

  • In 1983 I came from Kazakhstan. All this time I have been permanently living in the Kirov region. I work for a private entrepreneur. He was not officially employed. This year I received a residence permit. In 2017 I turn 60 years old. Will I receive any pension? Where should I go with this question?


  • In this case, you may be assigned a social old-age pension, but you must document the fact of permanent residence in the Russian Federation. It should be noted that the social pension is assigned when men reach 65 years old. An insurance (labor) pension cannot be accrued because you were not officially registered and your employer did not pay insurance premiums for you, thereby violating the law. Thus, by the age of 60 you are not entitled to pension payments. When you reach the required age for granting a pension, you must contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the district Multifunctional Center with all the necessary documents.

Taking into account periods of child care when assigning and recalculating a pension:

  • Good afternoon I heard that with the adoption of the new Law “On Insurance Pensions,” the period of child care included in the calculation of pension payments has increased. How exactly will this recalculation be carried out? Is it necessary to contact the Pension Fund with such an application?


  • Indeed, according to the new legislation, other periods are also counted in the insurance period, which includes the time one of the parents cares for each of the children under one and a half years old, but no more than six years in total. Based on the documents available to Pension Fund specialists in the pension files of citizens, such recalculation was carried out from January 1, 2015 without an application. If your payment file does not contain documents confirming the care of children, then you must contact the regional office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and provide birth certificates for all children. After checking whether the calculation is profitable for you, taking into account the inclusion of such periods in the insurance period, customer service specialists will offer you to write a corresponding application. Payment of the increased pension amount will be made from the next month after submitting all the necessary papers.


Taking into account the parameters of the reform, raising the retirement age will affect almost all Russians who will not yet have time to retire by 2019 according to the old standards still in force in 2018 - 60 years for men and 55 years for women (with the exception of some preferential categories of working citizens, who will not be affected by this reform at all).

New law adopted will not affect in any way for current pensioners, as well as persons who already have the right to receive an insurance pension before the end of 2018. On the contrary - the Government notes that they are the main beneficiaries of the ongoing reform - such a painful change for Russians will allow in 2019-2024. increase pensions annually on average 1000 rubles(that is, indexation will be carried out higher than now - that is, initially higher than the inflation rate over the past year).

The planned pension reform will begin to be implemented on January 1, 2019, but the adopted law still leaves many blank spots for Russians. The fact is that initially only the rules for retirement were announced, adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The extension of the retirement age caused a wave of bewilderment and outright indignation, and Vladimir Putin spoke on central television, proposing a number of measures to mitigate innovative solutions. These amendments were approved and included in the draft law that has now entered into force. As a result, many citizens are completely confused and do not understand how they will retire under the new rules. Let’s try to understand this issue by examining all the current amendments to the law.

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What will retirement look like in 2019?

In general terms, the procedure for assigning pension benefits and access to due rest remained unchanged. In particular, upon reaching a certain age, a citizen needs to contact the Pension Fund, write an application for a pension and provide documents confirming the existence of the required length of service and other grounds.

As part of the ongoing reform, the retirement age was increased: for men by 5 years, for women by 8 years. In addition, the retirement procedure for public sector employees, civil servants and social workers has been revised. However, in order to justify such radical changes, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov made a statement that these measures should increase pensions and the standard of living of older citizens in general. The ultimate goal of the ongoing reform is to increase the level of pension payments to 40% of the average salary in the country. Separately, it was noted that people will feel the benefits of raising the retirement age in January 2019, when the average salary will increase by 1,000 rubles.

However, even this spoonful of honey did not sweeten the bitter pill of the reformation, which was already popularly nicknamed the “pension noose.” Therefore, at the suggestion of Vladimir Putin, some changes were made to the law.

Amendments made

The President proposed the following measures to mitigate the “pension stranglehold”:

  • reduce the age criterion for receiving a pension for women to 60 years;
  • the planned changes for men will remain unchanged, and representatives of the stronger sex will retire at the age of 65;
  • reduce the retirement age for mothers with many children by 3 and 4 years for the birth of three and four children, respectively; if a woman has given birth to 5 or more children, she retires at 50;
  • The period for retirement for pioneers of the reform is reduced by six months: citizens who are due to retire in 2019-2020;
  • increase the amount of benefits for those on the labor exchange: now 4,900 rubles, will be 11,280 rubles;
  • at the legislative level, the status of “pre-retirement” is approved: 5 years before retirement;
  • a set of measures is being introduced to support pre-retirement people: advanced training courses, the impossibility of layoffs, free medical examination, etc.;
  • 25% additional payment to the insurance pension for unemployed pensioners with work experience in the agricultural industry;
  • The right to early retirement will appear for women from 37 years of age, and for men - 42 years of age.
Important! The ongoing reform will not affect small northern nations; the preservation of regional benefits remains at the discretion of municipalities.

Pension registration schedules according to the new rules

Let us consider the procedure for the retirement of citizens of all social categories, taking into account the ongoing reform and amendments made.

What awaits retired men in 2019?

Planned changes for women

How teachers and health workers will retire

This is a special category of employed citizens who have the right to early retirement. To do this, it is enough to work in your specialty for a certain number of years, earning the so-called special experience. Depending on the position held and the specifics of work activity, the special experience for this category of citizens varies between 25-30 years.

Let us note that this right belongs to teachers and medical workers in full, but the procedure for assigning pension benefits has changed somewhat. In particular, it will be possible to apply for a pension 8 years after the required number of years of special service has been achieved. As in the case of extending the retirement age, this measure will be introduced gradually, extended annually by 12 months.

For a more clear example, let's give a table.

It follows that the right to early retirement for these categories of citizens will actually be delayed. Starting from 2026, having earned special experience, a person will be able to apply for a pension only after 8 years.

What awaits citizens who have earned “northern” experience

Having worked for a certain number of years in the Far North or regions with similar climatic conditions, a person is assigned the right to early retirement. Before the reform, men could retire at age 55, and their female colleagues at age 50.

Starting from 2019, this procedure will change, and the age for the “northern pension” will be extended. Based on the provisions of the adopted law, 8 years will be added for women and 5 years for men.

Note that the “northern pension” will also increase gradually, at 2-year intervals. More details about the planned innovations can be found in the table below.

Year of birth (men/women) Retirement age (men/women) Retirement date
1964/1969 56/51 2020
1965/1970 57/52 2022
1966/1971 58/53 2024
1967/1972 59/54 2026
1968/1973 60/55 2028
-/1974 -/56 2030
-/1975 -/57 2032
-/1976 -/58 2034

Here it is necessary to clarify that the retirement age will not increase for all Russians. No changes are planned for representatives of certain professions and certain social strata of the population.

This group includes:

  • workers whose work activity involves an immediate danger to health and life;
  • machine operators working in the agricultural and logging industries, drivers of municipal (non-commercial) transport: tram, bus, trolleybus;
  • rescue workers;
  • disabled people: with visual impairments, group 1, injured in military service;
  • midgets and dwarfs.

In addition, pension reforms will not affect citizens affected by radiation exposure, those living in the Far North, and testers of parachute and aerospace equipment.

Watch a video about the retirement schedule under the new rules

November 14, 2018, 19:27 November 14, 2018 19:27

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