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Oriental man and Russian woman. Qigong in the big city

An affair with an oriental man seems to many women to be an opportunity to build an ideal relationship. How could it be otherwise if the chosen one looks after you very beautifully and surrounds you with care? Meanwhile, psychologists consider happy marriages at the intersection of different cultures to be a rare phenomenon. How to create exactly this? We tell you together with experts.

It is unlikely that we will surprise you if we say that mutual support, understanding and a willingness to compromise are important for any relationship. However, in the case of an Eastern man, all this plays a decisive role: differences in temperament and cultural traditions can cause serious scandals. To avoid them, psychologists advise not only to be flexible in your partner’s actions, but also not to forget about the subtleties of his oriental upbringing at all stages of relationship development.

What is important to remember

We all come from childhood, and for most southern men it is quite harsh. “Eastern young men are brought up in strictness and respect for women. This leaves an imprint on all subsequent relationships. Therefore, if a Russian woman does not position herself as an easy prey, there will be no frivolities towards her,” explains psychologist Daniil Davydov. What’s nice is that this rule applies to any case - both for an Arab sheikh and for a “Russified” southerner.

From childhood, Eastern men are instilled with another important trait - generosity. Get ready for the fact that during the courtship period, your southern gentleman will give you beautiful gifts, shower you with compliments and surround you with attention. What's the secret? “The so-called candy-bouquet period among Eastern men is a kind of game, a way to show that he is the best candidate for the role of husband and son-in-law,” explains psychologist Daniil Davydov. Passionate and temperamental, they are ready to do a lot for a girl. But let’s be realistic: this particular period in relations with Eastern men is one of the most fleeting.

One should not lose sight of the fact that family is perhaps the main value in the philosophy of southern gentlemen. Moreover, both the one that he is just going to build, and the one where he grew up. However, the latter is sometimes decisive. In a patriarchal Muslim family, by tradition, the parents choose the future wife for their son. Entire rituals are dedicated to this, so there is always a risk that the Slavic bride may be received with hostility by the chosen one’s relatives. And the reason for this is not the bad character of the future mother-in-law or father-in-law. “The fact is that Islamic culture was formed many centuries ago. And for parents, a dissident daughter-in-law is nothing more than a kind of “program failure,” says Daniil Davydov.

But when married to an Eastern man, most women literally feel like they are “behind their husband.” Judge for yourself: he takes upon himself all the responsibilities for financially providing for the family, protects it and is able to make all the difficult decisions himself. “In the understanding of an Eastern man, his sacred duty is to provide for his wife and children to the fullest at all costs. Otherwise, it will be a great shame for him,” notes psychologist Anna Baranova. But there is also a downside: housekeeping, according to southern gentlemen, should be run exclusively by a woman. Therefore, you should not expect him to help you around the house: wash dishes, do laundry, or cook dinner with you. Although, as you know, there are exceptions to any rule.

Rules for a happy relationship with an oriental man

1. Consider the peculiarities of his mentality

The concept of an attractive and interesting woman among European and Eastern men is sharply different. And if in the first case, the usual bright makeup, revealing outfits and “life of the party” behavior that we are used to “work” most often, for an Eastern man, this whole entourage, as a rule, causes distrust. True, if your southerner has been living in a European environment for a long time, then, most likely, he will calmly react to your attempts to “shine” or dominate intellectually. But, of course, any Eastern gentleman will like the combination of modesty and self-esteem in a woman.

Bernard Borderie's film "Angelique and the King" colorfully talks about the benefits of a relationship with an oriental man.

2. Don't criticize his family or religion.

Both are key values ​​for most Eastern men. In the traditions of Islamic culture, parents are sacredly revered, and issues of faith are simply not discussed. Of course, there are exceptions in this case, but in general the situation is exactly like this. Another important point is religion: yours and your joint children. With the first one, everything is quite simple: if you can come to an agreement with your chosen one, there is no need to change him (although your spouse’s family will most likely prove the opposite to you). But with common children the situation is much more complicated: they will most likely be raised in the Muslim faith.

3. Find out the relationship correctly

Conflicts are a normal element of any relationship. But in an alliance with an Eastern man, they are, as a rule, complicated by the increased temperament of the chosen one and the peculiarities of his mentality. Therefore, never sort things out in the presence of his relatives. In the Islamic tradition, a wife who contradicts her husband is a disgrace for him. Therefore, even a minor public quarrel can cause serious condemnation from relatives and cause a blow to your partner’s pride.

In addition, when sorting out your relationship with an Eastern man, watch your emotions - their violent expression will only inflame your partner more, and a minor quarrel can develop into a scandal. The standard “rules” of conflicts that we have already written about will also “work” here.

4. Don't try to make him jealous

Your innocent flirting with another is unlikely to help “refresh” your relationship with an oriental man, but rather “wake up the volcano”! The fact is that your chosen one will most likely perceive frivolous behavior with a stranger as a personal insult. And it will make you doubt your loyalty and honesty.

5. Be prepared to make concessions.

A man in the Eastern tradition is the unconditional head of the family. If you are used to taking the initiative in relationships or being a “mom” for your husband, for a successful union you will have to, if not abandon this behavior, then at least reconsider it. More flexibility and willingness to compromise! And don’t try to change an eastern man: southern partners are very sensitive to such attempts.

Discuss with your partner the morals and customs of his culture, ask how he sees your future together. Gently and delicately hint to him about what you would not like to change. Only by communicating and getting to know each other can you avoid unpleasant surprises. And, who knows, maybe your life together will become more magical than 1000 and one Arabian nights.

The beauty of Russian women is legendary. Russian girls take very good care of themselves and love to visit salons and fitness centers. This is what attracts. Oriental men also pay attention to their exotic appearance - fair skin, light brown hair and blue or gray eyes. In eastern countries this is considered very rare. Women who married representatives of the East and moved to Russia often pay attention to them on the street. Often, Eastern men start relationships with Russians to show off their “wonderfulness.”

Often, Eastern men marry Russians for financial reasons. Russian women do not require marriage dowry, gold or expensive clothes.

Eastern men are famous for their firmness, strength of character and ability to seduce even the most unapproachable representatives of the opposite sex. First of all, they idolize their family, mother and beloved woman.

Distinctive features of an eastern man

A brunette with burning eyes, a bright appearance, a stormy temperament and bold actions - isn’t this the dream of most women? In southern countries, girls feel like queens, because eastern men admire them. Why are they so attractive? As a rule, they are courteous and know how to win a woman, no matter what the cost. Tenderness, attentiveness, care and perseverance are exactly what a girl is looking for in her future life partner.

However, there is a downside to the coin. Don’t forget that men pay attention not only to a woman’s appearance, but also to her behavior. An Eastern man believes that a woman should not only help him in difficult times, but also unquestioningly fulfill his wishes. The beloved must be faithful and give the children a proper upbringing. A woman in the East is the keeper of the family hearth, and a man is a breadwinner and conqueror. For many European women, such submission and devotion to their man is unacceptable, because they want to independently achieve career heights. In addition, men and women in Eastern countries lead separate lifestyles, which also applies to public places. As a rule, oriental girls live in a world closed from men.

One of the main advantages of an Eastern man is discipline. Most Muslims believe in God and believe that the main purpose of life is to fulfill the will of Allah. Faith in God helped develop in Eastern men the ability to control themselves, which helps in many areas of life.

What kind of woman does an eastern man need?

Every man wants to know that he is loved and welcome at home. For an Eastern man, not only comfort in the home is important, but also the fidelity of his wife. An unfaithful wife disgraces her husband and is subject to various punishments according to Islamic law. Eastern men are very proud and respect the opinion of their family. An important wish of a Muslim is a good relationship with his parents. An Eastern man is very powerful and jealous, so the beauty of his woman should belong to him alone, and not attract the attention of strangers.

If your chosen one is of Eastern blood, you will most likely have to forget about short skirts and T-shirts. Your wardrobe should include items that cover your shoulders, elbows, knees and chest. There should be a smart and strong woman next to a Muslim, but he will be the one who dominates the relationship. Think about the fact that family is complete mutual understanding that you need to strive for. Believe your feelings and you will have a strong, long-term relationship with an oriental man.

Video on the topic

The beauty of Russian women has long been admired. Slavic beauties know how to properly take care of their appearance and constantly resort to their secrets. This is why Eastern men often marry Russian girls.

Positive aspects of marriage between a Russian girl and an Eastern man

Foreign suitors are also flattered by the ability to be submissive, economical and flexible. This applies not only to everyday life, but also to the intimate life of a couple. Compared to Oriental women, Russian beauties are more liberated in terms of sex and often dominate, from which they know how to get pleasure.

A marriage with an Eastern man will be quite strong and reliable. The fact is that men from the east are sure that they are the protectors of the family, breadwinners and breadwinners. They will never demand that their wife help them earn money. By getting married, they take full responsibility for their spouse and their children. In addition, such families are rarely low-income.

Foreigners are very generous towards. They allow themselves to give their chosen one expensive gifts and jewelry. Most often, selfish girls fall for this, without realizing the further development of their relationship.

Negative aspects of marriage between a Russian woman and an Eastern man

Almost all Eastern men are against their women working. The wife, in their opinion, should only do household chores, run the household and raise children. In a relationship, the husband will always be the main one. The wife is obliged to help him in everything, not to contradict him and to carry out his will.

A Muslim family with many children requires four, five, or even six children. So a woman should be ready for this too. Moreover, in the event of a divorce, a representative of the fairer sex is unlikely to be able to take her child from the father.

In the east, as you know, families are very large. And the newly-made wife is obliged to treat all her husband’s relatives with respect, whether she likes them or not. Sisters, aunts, grandmothers will now and then actively participate in the development of relationships in your family.

Virginity is a very important indicator for Eastern men and for normal relationships in your future family.

The free independent movement of a Russian woman along the streets of a foreign country is prohibited among Muslims. A woman does not have the right to go to the store alone, meet her friends, or just go for a walk. She must always be accompanied by her husband or an older male relative.

Should Russian girls marry Eastern men?

Like any other human relationship, marriage with an Eastern man has its pros and cons. Such family ties still contain more negative aspects than positive ones, but each woman imagines an ideal relationship in her own way.

If a girl has been raised since childhood and lived according to Christian principles, she is unlikely to be able to become real and get used to other people's traditions and customs.

Whether to marry an Eastern man or not is up to you to decide. However, before such a serious step, you need to clearly weigh all the positive and negative sides of this union.

The burning eyes of Eastern men, their tenderness and temperament rarely leaves any Slavic woman indifferent. Often in a southern country where you are vacationing or traveling, the hot sun begins to burn on your head, a slight intoxication hits you, but your soul contains only feelings and emotions. And especially with such colossal male attention... Well, what can I say...

In southern countries, any girl (woman) feels like a queen, catching the admiring glances of men. And many single girls who are disappointed in men of the “domestic manufacturer”, and women who have been alone for a long time, holding hands tightly, take risks and fall into the whirlpool of beautiful phrases and promises of Eastern men.

“Everything is at your feet, dear! Stars from the sky, stones from the bottom of the sea, be mine!” the men beat their chests. And women deprived of love are overwhelmed by a wave of arrogant and persistent male attention: they feel that they are beautiful and desirable as never before. A real oriental man knows how to love! Ready for action!

Usually, by looking at a woman, first of all, by her appearance (clothing, cosmetics) and behavior, you can immediately see what she is worthy of and men already decide how to behave with her! A girl has the right to control her own body.
Unfortunately, girls forget that Eastern men are suitors by their calling. And yet, they forget that the period of beautiful courtship and stormy nights ends as quickly as it all began. Often, Eastern love ends in tears, broken hearts, and sometimes even destinies. A fairy-tale mirage crumbles like a house of cards. It brings very strong bitterness, and after a while, already in her homeland, the girl understands the banal truth that after a stormy holiday romance, it is she who is hurt, and not the one who remained in a distant eastern country.
An eastern man brings a woman to ecstasy with gifts and caresses. She's ready for anything! But the basic rule of oriental sex is that desire must be mutual and equally strong. No one should please anyone. In bed, everything is done only for the mutual pleasure and joy of the partners. Everything is equal! So, for mutual pleasure, variety and improving the quality of sexual life - the secrets of Eastern love.

This is how a fairy tale called “Eastern Love” begins.
Looking at Eastern men, one gets the impression that in their heads, instead of thoughts, fiery music constantly sounds, and intoxicating wine flows in their veins. They intoxicate, intoxicate with their beautiful phrases, compliments that we have never heard in our lives, they give us the fairy tale we dreamed of, they know how to beautifully present a story about the meaning of life and the fairy-tale love that they saw in our eyes. We look at them with fascination and sincerely believe that this is true. They give something that a European man could hardly give.

We enjoy every minute of this false love that so abruptly burst into our hearts and drove us crazy. Hot Arabs or sultry Azerbaijanis, gentle Dagestanis and romantic Turkmen seem to bring happiness into our lives.

We are sure that there is no reason to leave, you were not appreciated by others, and now everything will be fine! You just have to say the word and you will forever be carried in your arms and loved. They love you! Does it really matter that friends and relatives scare you with “dirty villages” and clogged huts, or say that you will have to “wash villages” all your life? And what is this in human terms? Is it just household amenities, comfort, shops?

What about the soul? If your soul reaches out for a certain person, then you will sacrifice all the benefits of civilization. After all, meeting a dear soul in our lives is a great rarity and great happiness. Which you won’t exchange for everyday comfort. And you will run to preserve your happiness. Next to this person.

But when loving an Eastern man, one must take into account the peculiarities of culture. This is something that has evolved over centuries. The mentality of an eastern man: he should have one wife, and at least 100 mistresses. And how many mistresses he has is none of your business, you will find out whether you have a chance to either be beaten, or listen to tons of “noodles” that there is no one but you. But it’s always worth remembering that an Eastern man will never leave his family for his mistress, even if you have an unearthly passion.

Caucasians also have a very negative attitude towards any hints of contacts with other men, and the contacts are not of a physical nature, but simply stood nearby, looked, God forbid, told a joke. Therefore, 100%, when a close relationship arises, he will try to control and arrange scenes of jealousy. You get tired of explaining that when you said “hello” to your neighbor, you didn’t mean anything by it.

Girls who look at life more soberly and regard oriental tales as fairy tales, believe that for the sake of self-preservation, do not accept his proposals for a trip to his homeland. You don't know him well. The person may have uncontrollable fits of anger, and you will have nowhere to escape. If you want to go somewhere with him, then encourage him to go on a joint trip to a neutral place, anything, but not his native land).

It is clear that you should not flirt with Caucasian men. Even light flirting is perceived by them as a specific call. Therefore, you need to behave with them very carefully and immediately establish specifics in the relationship.

But the most interesting thing is that the attitude of local men towards our tourists is not serious. They often, behind their backs, call Slavic girls “sharmuts”, i.e. prostitutes. They believe that our girls come to the resort not only for new experiences, but also for new love.

Those who have experienced love with Eastern men say that we will not be able to understand each other normally. For Muslims, we will always remain Russian “Natashas” with whom we can only have fun. Even a businessman, always in a suit, a rare intellectual, can preach the values ​​of a market seller of oranges and tangerines.

But what awaits the girl who agreed to connect her life with a stranger? Will a strong resort oriental love be able to survive in a foreign country, where traditions are too strong and the influence of public opinion is great? It is very difficult to decide to accept faith, to submit to all these traditions, prayers (and during Lent, prayers in the mosque occur 5 times a day), the willingness to wear a hijab (and no deep necklines, short shorts and dresses!), and to stay at home.

In general, bride kidnapping is not the most worthy custom in the North Caucasus. A kind of echo of ancient savagery. If the girl agrees, it still doesn’t go anywhere. But when they act on the principle of “saw, liked, stole,” this is not good. A young horseman rapes the bride and arranges a party. Since then, the bride has lived in her husband’s house; leaving for her parents is shameful, so live forever with someone you don’t love.

In the East, men love submissive wives, and you should be prepared for the fact that your place will be in the kitchen. Not everyone can sit at home, give birth to children, cook Arabic dishes, and obey not only her husband, who lives according to Sharia law, but also his mother.

Absolute patriarchy reigns in Caucasian marriages. Men can do anything, women can do nothing. "Wah, malchi, woman, when men talk, right?"
With the opening of the holiday season, men go to great lengths, but if, God forbid, a woman even looks in the other direction - everything is an ax to the head.

Yes, women in the Caucasus are a separate matter. Such patient, silent and submissive people cannot be found anywhere! Another would have long ago hit her husband on a spree with a rolling pin in the forehead, but these guys won’t, they will remain silent, silent, silent.
Here is a bitter truth about children in the East: The woman takes care of the children, but in case of divorce, the father raises the children.

All this is depressing... What about love? He's so unique! Should you believe in love?
Yes, LOVE IS WORTH BELIEVING! You just need to figure it out first (with a specific man) - is he in love or so - the call of the flesh. But since it is not possible to resolve this issue accurately during an average vacation, it is better to spend time on something else.

On the Domashny channel, heroines share their real experiences. For absolutely everyone, moving to an eastern country became a reality; they had to change and establish relationships with their foreign husband and new relatives. Some were severely disappointed, others were quite satisfied. But they have something to tell those of our compatriots who cherish similar dreams.


This is the closest of the eastern countries and the most understandable for us. We go there on vacation, we are superficially familiar with the culture and way of life, the favorable attitude towards us as tourists makes us happy. But what does it really mean to marry a Turkish man and move to Turkey?

1. Türkiye is the most Europeanized state, so it is not necessary to follow strict rules of religion here. But this does not mean that they will not have to be taken into account at all. First of all, in order to be accepted into her husband’s family. But family foundations are an important condition of the Turkish way of life.

2. You will be able to engage in any active activity to which you are accustomed, drive a car and be free to move. But this does not free you from women's obligations - the Turks attach great importance to housekeeping.

3. But in constant confirmation of your importance to your husband, you will not have a shortage. Turkish men are emotional and sensitive, and are also brought up in traditional rules of how to treat a woman. This also means that in conflicts with your husband you will have to be gentler.


Tunisia has stricter rules even for tourists. Compliance with restrictions on diet, clothing and behavior is more important here than in Turkey, since the lifestyle of local residents is largely subject to religious traditions and rituals. What does Tunisia have in store for those women who found love there?

1. Tunisian men are greedy for open beauty, because they are not spoiled by the local ones. Women of this country cover up their appearance and grooms are given the opportunity to get acquainted with the bride’s appearance in detail only after the wedding.

2. The real stories of Tunisian wives who wished to end their marriage are rather unsuccessful and the most painful issue is their children together. The fact is that divorce in the Tunisian mentality is a shame, and men are ready for the most reckless actions when finding themselves in this situation. At the same time, in big cities, civil marriages are a completely normal practice today.

3. If you meet a Tunisian here, he will most likely show a freer character than is accepted in his country. This is due to the fact that young men themselves are tired of the strict rules of their country. But upon arrival, they return to the norms of their homeland.


A country where our tourists are treated favorably, but unobtrusively, which can be found in Turkey and Egypt. If you follow the rules, you can have a great time here, but getting married is a different story.

1. Covered clothing, modest behavior, caution in everything that concerns strangers are the main rules for a Moroccan woman. Any manifestations of femininity - hairstyles, cosmetics, looser outfits - are allowed only in relation to the husband.

2. A Muslim woman has much more advantages in her rights to children during a divorce. But in fact, a man has more opportunities to keep his children. The best guarantee will be any opportunity to maintain a good relationship with your husband even after a divorce.

3. Today, Morocco is in a transitional stage towards expanding women's rights. Therefore, a lot depends on your personal behavior and desire to assert your needs. However, in any case, it is better to look for a way to reach an agreement peacefully.

United Arab Emirates

This country has in a short time transformed from a desert area into a rich and modern paradise on earth. There is a great risk of wanting to stay here forever, especially since the dream of a prince easily turns into a dream of a rich sheikh.

1. The law allows a man to officially have four wives. Few can provide them, but this does not diminish the desire of an Arab man to bring a girl into the house in the hope that she will eventually come to terms with her illegal situation.

2. Real stories testify to jealousy towards our wife that is unhealthy for our relationship.

3. Physical violence against women is punishable by law. Therefore, it is possible to cope with assault, although it is not entirely compatible with family life.


Tourist Egypt is familiar and understandable to us. Russian women are known in Egypt; in this state there are enough examples of successful marriages between Russian women and local men.

1. The main mistake of girls who move to men in Egypt is refusal of property claims. Practice shows that Egyptian husbands are not at all against property insurance. This provides protection to the woman in case of difficulties in the future.

2. If you change religion, getting married in Egypt is quite simple. But such a marriage in Russia will be invalid.

3. In tourist areas you can afford more than if you live after the wedding, for example, in Cairo or other remote places.

Watch the documentary series “Eastern Wives” on the Domashny website.

One of my favorite acquaintances periodically takes me to different actions, such as lectures about eastern women " » , and recently I remembered an article I wrote for one of her projects. About eastern men- why I love and hate them.

I'm publishing it.

Eastern men: pros and cons.

My karmic connection with Dagestan and Islam has led to the fact that half of my notebook is filled with clearly non-Slavic names: Tatars, Dagestanis, Chechens, Armenians, Ossetians, Georgians, Arabs. Many people think that I have Eastern roots, probably due to the manners of behavior copied from my many Caucasian acquaintances. Over the past few years, everything has changed for me - worldview, religion, accent, style, lifestyle, goals, desires and intentions.

According to various statistical data, at least 20-30% in Moscow are representatives of non-Russian nationalities, among which eastern nations occupy a significant share. Is it worth connecting your life with a hot mountain man, and what consequences should you prepare for in this situation?

I will say right away that I do not claim the absolute truth; in my experience, anywhere in the world the ratio of people with a difficult fate and ordinary people is approximately the same, while each national culture has its own specific characteristics, which can be radically opposite, contradict each other and even causing shock to individuals from other traditions.
My conclusions are based on many years of communication with Eastern people, mostly from my social circle: these are people with a good education and a normal intellectual and cultural level, who know how to adequately realize themselves in society.

Among my acquaintances, in principle, there are very few people with working or market professions, so I will not touch on their everyday life - our village men also do not wash every day and drink a lot, and God bless them, this is not my target audience. And my assessments are closer to the Caucasus and a little to the Arab countries than to Central Asia, since my heart belongs to Dagestan.
And one more important point. The behavior of a person living in his homeland is very different from his fellow tribesman who has lived in Moscow for ten years or is already a native Muscovite in the third generation. People tend to adapt to the culture around them, so many rough edges are erased. In this sense, I divide people, for example, into “Dagestan Dagestanis” and “Russian Dagestanis”, “Arab Arabs” and “Russian Arabs” and so on.

Well, let's go.

Eastern men’s attitude towards women is formed on the basis of two historical prerequisites. On the one hand, from childhood boys were taught respect for their mother, the need for a man to take care of and protect his women: be it a mother, sister, daughter, wife or other relative. Many people still have this in their blood; duty is duty. It’s always nice to know that there is someone who will stand up for you, however, I have never had to use this - I try not to provoke such situations, these guys can easily get involved in a showdown, but the consequences can be very serious, their blood is too hot. But one of my combat friends, on the contrary, loved to arrange such checks. “Let’s call them and tell them we have a problem, let’s see how they react,” she said as two psychos were chasing us. In Grozny.

How else does this concern manifest itself? For them, a business meeting and “meeting an aunt at the airport” are equivalent matters; family ties are still of serious importance for many.

On the other hand, the woman in the house always occupied a subordinate position, and the last word always belonged to the man. Among the Chechens, for example, it is still not customary in many families for men and women to sit at the same table. In most families where I lived or visited “there,” such extremes are usually not practiced, but most often the division of responsibilities into women’s and men’s is maintained. Women often don’t work, cook, clean, raise children, and men run around somewhere all day long, can rush home at any moment, and there must be lunch or dinner. One of my friends said this: “Even if the food is on the stove, I won’t take it. When my wife serves it to me on a plate, only then will I eat.” Not all men are so categorical. And among Eastern people, feeding a relative or a guest is a joyful duty; they always do it with pleasure. They always have a refrigerator filled to capacity with something that can be quickly “thrown on the table,” and the problem is more about how to refuse a treat and not overeat than how to leave hungry. Men are used to their mother always feeding and cleaning, so they expect the same from their woman. And in general, a hungry man is an angry man.

They know how to look after you beautifully

Pros. The relationship between a man and a woman is one of the cult points in their lives. In youth, this results in numerous acquaintances and flirting, be careful - they are simply masters in this matter. Eastern girls never agree to meet someone the first time, so “no” for a man who grew up in such an environment never means “no.” They know the golden rule of sales: in most cases, a potential client agrees to purchase only after 5-6 touches. Therefore, they are persistent and do not worry about refusals at all; if he really needs you, this only spurs him on. Not many people know how to woo a woman as beautifully as they do.

They love to earn additional advantages for themselves with loud phrases: “Anything for you!”, “We don’t need to go there, but we’ll take you,” “Only for your sake,” “I chose the best,” “I’ve been looking for this one for three weeks.” berries in the meadow”, “No one else has this in Russia”, etc. And although you understand that in most cases this is, to put it mildly, a strong exaggeration, you are still fooled if they say it sincerely.

Cons. Excessive dependence on sex leads them to unstable relationships and regular search for partners. They meet each other always and everywhere, even a scary old and poor taxi driver will try to hit on a young beautiful person - what if it works? Sometimes it seems to me that the entire modern pickup truck came to us from the Caucasus. There are an incredible number of dating methods practiced there. I recommend that Russian guys who don’t know how to meet girls make a normal Dagestan friend, and in three months they won’t have such a problem.

There, from childhood, girls are instilled with the idea of ​​the importance of family and husband: “Here are gold earrings for you as a gift, when you get married, you will wear them.” Men take advantage of this mercilessly. Very often, already at the first meeting, they begin to sing that they are looking for a long-term relationship - most often this is a complete bluff. Remember the golden words of Torsunov, an Ayurveda specialist, they help maintain a sober mind: “Almost all women strive to find a man who would want to have a family. But there are no such men, it’s not their nature.” “A woman’s desire is the law as long as she is a man’s desire,” this principle characterizes Eastern men in the best possible way.

Honesty and responsibility

Pros. Some people's words are worth more than their lives. If he promises something, he will definitely do it. But even responsible comrades can suffer from the disease of forgetting about their words - of course, they will take you away from the maternity hospital, but over small things they can be very dynamic - it takes three months to install the Internet, drive to the cinema for six months, they will buy a light bulb only after the fifteenth reminder. “Bring it to me,” “I’ll bring it.” “Do it,” “No question.” And I forgot in a second. Maybe it’s my karma, but it’s better to prepare for some independence and patience - some things are really easier to do yourself or you’ll have to push through day after day, that’s normal. When I ask for something important, or they hang me up for too long, I don’t lag behind until they give me a promise to do exactly that right then. It helps with the right people, but you can’t use it too often. And I don’t communicate with inadequate ones, or at least I don’t make myself in any way dependent on them.

For some, this is a typical way to make up for a minor mistake, for example, not showing up for an appointment: “How do you feel about me inviting you to dinner at an expensive restaurant?” - “Wonderful,” - “...but not today.”

Cons. There are things for which I madly love the Caucasus, and there are things for which I cannot stand it. The latter includes the bad habit of constantly lying, promising a lot and then not delivering. Moreover, sometimes he himself offers you some kind of help so strenuously that there is no chance to refuse, even if it was not really necessary, and then they simply don’t answer the phone when you are already tied to this person. While you still don’t know the person very well, you don’t need to zealously believe every word he says, especially suspiciously exorbitant promises - you may be seriously disappointed. And don’t get involved with complete liars - it’s not worth it when you’re not valued at all. It’s one thing to miss a movie because you had to accomplish a great feat in a game called “business,” and another when there’s no business, no love and care, just debts and girls on the side.

Attitude to money

Pros. If stinginess has not corroded the heart, then they love “beautifully, expensively, richly” and give gifts. Even in small things, but they know how to do it very pleasantly and beautifully. If you are truly valuable to a person, then they can make very broad gestures. Sometimes you even have to control your tongue about the fact that you like this or want that, so that a man does not think that he is being “spinned” - they like to fulfill desires. The phrase “I want a black cobra” can immediately result in a call to a friend who works in a serpentarium, “I don’t have enough sandals and a handbag for a new dress” - on a trip to Crocus City, “a friend told me about how great she shot” - in a cheerful evening at the shooting range or in the mountains. “Show-off is more valuable than money” - if you do everything correctly, not for the sake of self-interest and remembering that you have to pay for everything - then you can play at fulfilling your whims, this is useful for our internal happiness within reasonable limits.

I watched several interesting scenes of how Dagestan girls beg for gifts, and do it in such a way that her man was still happy that he had the opportunity to please her. But this still applies to situations of two types: either at the stage of acquaintance, or when the relationship is really a relationship, and the man is not just a way to improve his material well-being, they also did not find themselves in the trash heap.

Cons. There are strong imbalances in spending, as well as addiction to casinos and gambling. And this is very difficult to treat, such comrades are constantly in terrible debt and have absolutely no control over themselves. I advise you to stay away from them.

Increased emotional background

Pros. The ability to openly express your feelings and emotions is good, as it helps to build relationships, even if these are negative manifestations. You know how the other person really feels and you can change your actions, improving the relationship. Many important words spoken with strong sincere emotions go so deep into my heart that I still remember them. “Don’t you dare ever talk about yourself like that again,” they once told me, so that after that I stopped saying disrespectful things about myself, even in a joking tone.
 On “male” issues, on the contrary, they like to be reserved. "What's happened?" — the doctor asked the teenager, pointing to his broken finger, “scratched.”

Cons. In a permanent relationship, you need to prepare for causeless jealousy, scenes, and even possible checks. “Where were you?”, “Who called?”, “Why aren’t you answering the call?”, “What are those male voices around?” (when you walk along a crowded street) - the expression borrowed from Dagestan “to make brains” perfectly suits what they like to do. Interventions into personal spaces - mail, mobile phones, social networks - cannot be ruled out. When my friend was in Moscow, and her future husband was in Syria, if she did not send an SMS with the wish “Good night, habibi,” telephone battles would take place until the morning, asking why she was ignoring him. I have never met Arabs who are better at getting on each other’s nerves; they can’t live without it, like, they don’t love each other then. However, the girls there are not dandelions either: “I have to know what he is capable of for me!”
In the event of family squabbles, you should not drive him crazy - assault or destruction of the premises is not excluded.


Pros. For me personally, a person who follows any spiritual tradition is more preferable. This means that he will constantly develop, strive to purify consciousness and is based on the system of values ​​laid down by enlightened masters and prophets.

Cons. Fanaticism in any field does not lead to anything good. And religious fanaticism is even more so, since such a person firmly believes that he is acting in the name of God. If you come across a more or less religious person, it is better to find out in advance his views on a woman in the family, what actions are unacceptable for him, and what requirements are mandatory. And then it will start - don’t go there, don’t wear this, don’t communicate with these people, and in general, sit at home and raise your children. If this way of life suits you, then no problem, but it’s better to agree on everything on the shore. If you do not agree with any of his views, I advise you to take his word before starting a family that he will not touch this part of your life. However, I recommend having such a conversation regardless of religious adherence - some men may have rigid attitudes that will diverge from your plans (what if someone doesn’t want children or wants ten of them, or goes to live in Senegal, or something else about free love).
 If he is a Muslim, find out his attitude towards polygamy (this is not a joke, I have many friends who have two wives, since Islam allows for four), and also become familiar with your rights and responsibilities. For example, a Muslim can marry a Christian, that is, you do not need to change your religion to marry him, after all, this is a separate issue related to your spiritual path, not the man.

National characteristics

There are as many customs as there are peoples. For example, among Arabs and most Dagestanis, marrying a Russian, especially if she is an example of Islam, is very cool. Getting married in Syria or Egypt is not a problem at all. And Chechen men are unlikely to marry a girl of a different nationality. With Moscow ones everything is simpler.

As a person who has lived in another culture for a long time, I urge you to think several times before deciding to go to live in another place, especially if it is another country. We are too attached to our habits, friends, lifestyle, social status. If some problems begin in relationships (and sooner or later everyone goes through these stages), even unusual everyday problems can blow your mind. Take your time, go visit for a month or two, look around. If you burn all your bridges at home, you may have nowhere to return. I know different stories. If you meet your destiny, don’t be afraid to bet on it. It's worth whatever price you wouldn't have to pay for it.

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