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Impact of low and high temperatures on hair. Cold and your hair

In winter, hair resembles straw - dry, dull, brittle. Not surprisingly, frost outside and dry air indoors literally dry them out. You take off your hat, and your hair almost crackles from static electricity. Stylist Yana Pryadkina talks about proper hair care in winter.

First, your hair needs to be protected. It would seem how cold can harm hair - it doesn’t freeze?.. That’s right, hair is a horny formation, it doesn’t have nerve endings, that’s why it doesn’t freeze. However, hair is 15% water, which is known to freeze in the cold. And as a result, the hair becomes brittle, dull and split. Therefore, letting loose strands over a fur coat, as many young ladies like, is, of course, very beautiful and impressive, but unsafe for the health of these same strands. It is better to hide your hair under clothes, then there is a chance to preserve its beauty and shine until spring.

Another point related to the effect of cold on hair health. From somewhere came the fashion to walk without a hat even in 20-degree frost. It is unlikely that fashionistas are eager to get otitis media with meningitis and, especially, to go bald. Baldness is a very real danger for those who like to show off without a headdress. The mechanism here is simple: cold causes the blood vessels in the scalp to contract, which leads to impaired blood circulation and thus a deterioration in hair nutrition. In addition, to avoid hypothermia of the head, the body is forced to increase the layer of subcutaneous fat. The larger the layer, the worse the blood supply to the hair roots. As a result, the hair, not receiving enough nutrients, dies and falls out.

Therefore, in cold weather, the head must be covered - with a hood or hat. And it is better that the hat is not too tight, otherwise it will interfere with the blood supply to the hair follicles.

Secondly, your hair needs to be moisturized. Typically, the air is drier in winter than at any other time of the year because humidity is lower. The air is even drier in houses and apartments, where in addition to hot central heating radiators, heaters often operate. Often in residential premises the relative humidity drops below 30%, that is, the air is no longer just dry, but overdried. This microclimate turns hair into dull straw. The best way to combat dryness is with moisturizing products: shampoos, conditioners and hair masks, leave-in conditioners and products for hair ends.

An important point is that all these products are applied exclusively to the hair, and not to the scalp, otherwise the “dirty hair effect” is ensured.

With the onset of cold weather, hair becomes greasy, loses its shine, becomes electrified, weakens and needs constant strengthening. They become dry and dull.

Hair in winter is just a nightmare.

Here are some tips to help you save them appearance And strengthen. When going outside in winter, do not forget to put a hat on your head. Not only will it protect you from colds, but it will also protect your hair from the cold. If you don't like wearing hats, at least throw a scarf over your head. And under no circumstances go outside in winter with wet hair. Your hair will freeze from moisture and may simply break.

in winter our hair are most susceptible to stress due to sudden changes in temperature, both indoors and outdoors. You should know that your hair should be washed in winter only in cool water. Since hot water can make them more brittle and weakened. In winter, you need to minimize the use of curling irons and hot hair dryers. When using a hair dryer in winter, you should set it to cool. Choose combs only from natural materials. They will not damage your hair and will massage your scalp easily. Massage can improve blood circulation at the hair roots, as well as strengthen your hair and provide the missing nutrition.

Shampoo to strengthen hair choose one specifically designed for winter care. It is able to restore moisture to the hair, make combing easier and strengthen it. After every hair wash, use conditioner. If you couldn’t find a special shampoo for winter care, then you can choose products for brittle and dry hair. They will make your hair smooth and elastic and strengthen your hair. Wash your hair correctly - the key to success on the way to a dream. Girls, you don’t need to scratch your hair with your nails when washing. Firstly, this is not correct. Secondly, it's unpleasant. Thirdly, the result is dandruff and irritation. I wash my hair exclusively with massage movements, you can even do a scalp massage. Get double the pleasure.

Make it a rule to make masks once a week. During the winter season, our hair especially needs additional care. You can buy a mask in a store, or even better, make it yourself. Agree, the absence of unnecessary components will only be beneficial. As they say, less is more.

Masks to protect hair in winter All masks are used approximately the same way: applied to dry hair before washing your hair. Gently massage the skin and distribute the mask along the length of the hair using a dye brush or foam sponge.

Mask based on egg yolk and vegetable oil. A universal mask, suitable for any hair type, consists of egg yolk and olive oil. Oil requires 2-3 tablespoons or half an eggshell. For better effect, the oil can be slightly warmed. Apply the mixture to the scalp 1 hour before washing, massage with your fingertips, and distribute the remainder over the ends of your hair. Put on a plastic cap or plastic bag and warm your head with a turban made from a heated towel. If you have dry hair, you can replace olive oil with almond or sea buckthorn oil; if you have oily hair, you can replace it with burdock oil. In the latter case, it is advisable to add a teaspoon of cognac to the composition. Vary the composition of the mask by adding 1 teaspoon of honey, lemon juice (for oily hair).

Winter potato mask for dry hair. Boil 3 medium potatoes in their skins until tender, peel them while hot and immediately mash with a fork, adding enough cream to form a creamy mass. Half an hour before washing your hair, apply the mask to the roots and lengths of your hair, put on a plastic cap and wrap your head with a towel. After washing, rinse your hair with water slightly acidified with apple cider vinegar at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 3 liters of slightly warm water.

Potato mask for oily hair in winter. Grate 3 well-washed but unpeeled raw potatoes on a fine grater, add 1 tablespoon of liquid honey and a beaten egg, mix well. If the mass turns out to be liquid, thicken it with potato starch or oatmeal. Apply in the same way as a potato mask for dry hair. Nuance: Wash your hair with lukewarm water, otherwise the egg white will curdle.

Mask against hair loss in winter. Often the cause of hair loss is a lack of vitamins, which can be partially compensated for with the help of a carrot mask. It is suitable for dark hair, but light hair may acquire a slightly orange tint, which will wash off after 1-2 washes. Grate one medium raw carrot on a fine grater, add a teaspoon of oil (olive, burdock, castor), a little strong tea leaves and 1 teaspoon of cream (for dry hair). The mask is used as described above, applied 40 minutes before washing your hair.

Kefir mask. Apply curdled milk, kefir, whey evenly to hair and scalp, cover with a bag and leave on hair for 1.5-2 hours, then rinse. For oily hair, you can add natural yeast to kefir. Dilute them with kefir or yogurt in a 1:1 ratio and leave for 40 minutes. It is useful to supplement any of the above masks with 1-2 drops of essential oil suitable for your hair type, as well as liquid vitamins A and E (they are sold in ampoules in pharmacies).

During the winter cold, hair is subject to severe negative effects. Frost, snow, and temperature changes dry out hair, making it dull, brittle and split. Even luxurious hair often noticeably deteriorates with the arrival of winter - what can we say about hair that was not already shining with health and strength?

But you don’t have to give up and resign yourself to the fact that you will meet the New Year and March 8th with hair that leaves much to be desired. Why deny yourself the desire to be the most attractive and cause the envy of surrounding women and the admiration of men? Moreover, in order to protect your hair in winter, it does not require titanic efforts - you just need to follow a few basic rules.

What should you protect your hair from in winter?

During the winter season, our skin and hair are negatively affected by a variety of factors. Cold reduces the strength and shine of hair, and if we try to protect our hair with a hat, it becomes greasy, lifeless and electrolyzed. The snow that falls on our hair, evaporating, makes the hair dry and dull, and temperature changes, when we go from the cold to a warm apartment and vice versa, damage the hair, completely eliminating its shine.

And it would be fine if it was only a matter of winter weather. But we, despite the fact that our hair is having a hard time right now, does not forget to additionally “kill” it with irons, curling irons, a hairdryer, and there is no escape from coloring! What about winter nutrition, poor in vitamins, but rich in carbohydrates and high-calorie foods?

In a word, in winter we hit our hair on all fronts. Therefore, it is necessary to think carefully how to protect your hair in winter and reduce the negative impact of many environmental factors on our hair.

To understand how to protect your hair in winter, let's start with the simplest recipes - those that you can easily follow.

Firstly, minimize the effect of hot temperatures on hair- this way you can avoid overdrying them. Try to wash your hair not in hot, but in warm or even cool water, and also, do not dry it with a hot hairdryer. If possible, try to avoid curling irons, straightening irons and various “hot curlers” (on New Year’s and a couple of other significant winter dates it is allowed!).

Secondly, forget about hair coloring, varnishing and perm in winter. Such manipulations with hair, even in favorable times, greatly weaken it - what can we say about winter? And does it make sense to do all this if in winter we spend most of our time wearing a hat? But in the spring and summer, everyone will be able to appreciate your new hairstyle!

Thirdly, buy yourself a massage comb made from natural materials– massage improves blood circulation at the hair roots and makes your hair stronger.

Fourthly, watch your diet: more fresh fruits, vegetables, vitamins (especially A, C, E, B). To protect hair in winter, try to limit the consumption of smoked, salty, spicy and fatty foods, and also limit sweets.

Fifthly, forget about rubbing your hair vigorously when washing(if you have ever done this, of course). Not only is this unpleasant, but it also causes dandruff and irritation. Remember: you should wash your hair only with MASSING movements..

Sixth, even if you consider yourself a seasoned person, wear a hat in cold weather– at least to protect your hair in winter. Remember: you can walk without a hat at -5 degrees. If it's colder outside, you need to wear a hat. But do not forget that there is not enough air for the hair under the hat, therefore, When entering a room, be sure to take it off– be it the metro, bus or museum. This way you will protect your hair from the negative effects of cold air and, at the same time, allow it to breathe.

Seventh, to protect your hair in winter, wash your hair with special shampoos, designed for winter hair care and suitable specifically for your hair type. And of course Be sure to apply conditioner to your hair after every wash.

Pay special attention to the ends of your hair, as they are the ones that are most affected by negative factors. Buy special products for the ends of your hair and strengthen your hair in winter.

By the way, it is better to avoid the now common “2 in 1” products, since some of their components tend to remain at the roots of the hair, which can lead to increased oiliness of the hair and loss of volume in your hairstyle.

And the most important way to protect your hair in winter, of course, is hair masks! True, you need to select them in accordance with your hair type - only in this case will they be able to adequately protect your hair in winter. So what masks are needed during the cold season?

Masks for all hair types

The simplest mask, suitable for all hair types, will help protect your hair in winter. This is a mask made from sour milk or kefir. Apply sour milk or kefir to your hair before taking a bath, and after half an hour, rinse with warm water.

Another mask, suitable for all hair types, is made from egg yolk and olive oil. Mix raw egg yolk with 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil and massage the mask onto your hair 1 hour before washing, and to prevent it from spreading, put on a plastic cap or plastic bag. Tie a warm towel on top to insulate your head.

Mask for dry hair

An excellent mask for protecting dry hair in winter would be the same egg mask as in the previous recipe, but instead of olive oil you need to add almond or sea buckthorn oil to it.

To protect dry hair in winter, you can prepare a mask from potatoes. To do this, boil the potatoes in their jackets (3 potatoes are enough for medium-sized hair), peel them before they cool, and add cream until creamy. Apply the mask to your hair, put a plastic cap on top, wrap your head with a warm towel, and rinse off after half an hour. After washing, rinse your hair with water and apple cider vinegar (at the rate of 1 teaspoon of vinegar per 3 liters of warm water).

Mask for oily hair

To strengthen oily hair in winter, prepare an egg mask by mixing raw egg yolk with burdock oil and 1 tsp. cognac (as an alternative - 1 tsp honey or lemon juice).

For oily hair, a potato mask with egg is also suitable. Grate 3 peeled and washed raw potatoes on a fine grater, add a beaten egg and 1 tbsp. honey If the consistency of the mask is too liquid, add a little potato starch. Apply the mask to your hair, put on a plastic cap, tie a towel, and after half an hour, rinse with cool water (so that the protein does not curl).

Anti-dandruff mask

In winter, dandruff often appears and must be combated. Protect your hair in winter This mask will help you against dandruff: mix lemon peel, a decoction of chamomile, sage and calendula (in the proportion of 3 tablespoons of dry mixture per 1 liter of water) and apply this mixture to your head. After a few minutes, rinse off.

And the last recipe on how to protect your hair in winter. Remember that our mood directly affects our appearance and well-being, so be more positive – even on cold and gloomy winter days! Is it possible to be bored in winter - during the season of cheerful holidays, sunny frosty days and warm tea under a soft blanket?

The cooler the water you wash your hair with, the less damage your hair will suffer when you go outside. Temperature changes in winter should be kept to a minimum, and if you train yourself to wash your hair with water at room temperature, then this useful habit will affect not only the shine of your hair, but also the functioning of the sebaceous glands: the hotter the water in which you wash your hair , the more active they are, which means the head gets dirty faster.

2. Add vitamins A and E to your conditioner

We have talked more than once about the benefits of vitamins A and E not only for the skin, but also for the hair. The fact is that they are powerful antioxidants and increase the protective properties of tissues. To make your winter care even more effective, purchase these vitamins in capsules (they are easy to pierce and squeeze out the vitamin in liquid form) and add them to your mask or conditioner. Regular use of balms with vitamins A and E will enhance your hair’s ability to withstand cold and temperature changes. So take action!

3. Switch to winter care shampoos

The priority of winter hair care is nutrition and hydration. It is possible that during frosts you will have to change your shampoo to a more active formula.

In winter, pay special attention to shampoos containing oils - they nourish the hair more actively, and there is no need to be afraid of weighing it down. In addition, choose products with mild formulas that do not contain silicone and parabens: if at normal temperatures these components do not harm the hair, then in cold weather it is better to give preference to products without them.


4. Use smoothing serums

If you don't use smoothing serums for your hair in normal weather, now you may need them. Such products actively moisturize the hair, provide it with protection and make the hair visually smoother and shinier.

5. Drink more water

Moisturizing your hair should come not only from the inside, but also from the outside. We've probably already fed you up with this ingrained advice, “Drink as much as possible,” but, alas, this is especially true in winter. How does water affect our hair? Temperature changes, dry air and heating practically guarantee their fragility, but if you drink enough liquid, your hair will be saturated with moisture from the inside, this is how the human body works. So drink more, and at the same time you will help your skin!

6. Don't go outside after heat styling.

During frosts, we would advise you to avoid hot styling altogether, but if you really can’t wait to curl your hair with a curling iron or straighten it, do it at least an hour before leaving the house: your hair will have time to cool down and will not suffer from a sudden change in temperature.

7. Hide long hair under clothes

Hair freezes just like any other part of the body, although you don’t feel it! If you have long curls and you don’t want them to get damaged during frosts, it’s better not to straighten them out from under your jacket collar, no matter how it looks, but to wrap a scarf over your hair. It's too cold to show off your hair!

8. Load up on cottage cheese

Calcium is an important “building” element that your hair needs. In winter, eat more cottage cheese and other dairy products: the calcium they contain will help maintain the beauty of your hair!

9. Don't wear synthetic hats

Hats made of synthetic materials not only cause static electricity, but also do not breathe and do not warm well. To take care of your scalp and hair along its entire length, choose a hat made from natural materials - wool or cotton.

10. Use thermal protection and oils

Thermal protection can save your hair not only from the hot effects of a hair dryer and curling iron, but also from the cold. After each wash, apply this product over the entire length of your hair; nourishing oils also don’t hurt: they create a protective film, cover the hair scales and help your curls shine even in the most severe frost.

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