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Time is fun and useful. How to have fun and usefully spend your free time? Leisure with your beloved

During the winter, we usually spend the weekend at home, sitting at the computer and eating various goodies from the refrigerator. As you have already noticed, there are no benefits from such weekends, only boredom and blues. Let's not mope, but rather consider several interesting options for spending the weekend that will not only bring you a lot of pleasure, but will also be beneficial for yourself.

1. Take time for your “nest.” Work takes up almost all our free time, preventing us from completing all household chores in a timely manner. A day off is a good time to get your home in order. Don't just stop at dusting and sweeping carpets. Make a little rearrangement. It will add freshness to your rooms and give you pleasant pleasure.

2. Engage in your transformation. On weekdays, we are used to spending a minimum of time on our appearance. And appearance, as you know, requires special attention. So, on your day off, why not treat your face and other parts of your body with rejuvenating and nourishing masks made by yourself? Quite a useful and entertaining activity.

3. If you are an avid homebody, occupy yourself with your hobbies. By the way, a hobby can often bring some profit. Knitting, sewing, soap making, writing articles, nail extensions are not only a hobby, but also an additional source of income. So don’t waste your weekends on stupid forums, look for your hobby and it could very well bring you good extra income.

4. If you adhere to an active life position, then the previous ideas will probably not inspire you. Well, we also have a couple of ideas in store for lovers of outdoor activities. A trip to the skating rink will not only bring you pleasure, but will also thoroughly stretch your body, tired from work. What about those who can’t skate? Whatever! Go to the shooting range, shoot paintball (in real life, of course), visit the pool or sauna, bowling or billiards. And then relax in a cozy chair and watch a collection or some funny video on the Internet.

5. If you start preparing for the weekend in advance, you can gather your friends and rush out of town for a couple of days. It’s great if, not far from the city, you have forests and recreation centers where you can, wrapped in a blanket, warm yourself by the fire, watching the picturesque snow-covered landscapes. Here you can light a bathhouse and enjoy a barbecue with a glass of something strong. Such weekends, naturally, do not happen often in our lives, but pleasant memories of these rosy days will warm the soul for a long time.

Annabelle Woolmer

Cook from the cradle: How to spend time in the kitchen fun and useful

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© Annabelle Woolmer, text and photographs, 2016

© John Woolmer, illustrations, 2016

© Hannah Bennett, poem, 2016

First published by Vermilion in 2016.

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© Publication in Russian, translation, design. Alpina Publisher LLC, 2017

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* * *

With thanks to my mom for everything she taught me, to Eve and Zoe for their enthusiasm, and to John with love


A good dose of fun A few spoons of common sense A pinch of imagination A little preparation A little childish spontaneity A handful of order A glass full of love

Cooking method

In a large bowl, stir the preparation and order until smooth. Then, using small spoons, forks and fingers, whisk together common sense, imagination and childlike spontaneity until the mixture is colorful and full of enthusiasm. Mix the love and fun in a separate bowl, then slowly pour into the colorful and energetic batter. Pour the mixture into a simple but cute mold and place in the oven. Use this recipe regularly as your children grow, and remember it until you have grandchildren, and then start cooking it again. Hannah Bennett

About this book

It seems like just yesterday I found myself in a small apartment with my thirteen-month-old daughter in my arms, almost without toys and without a car. I was quickly running out of ideas for entertainment, and then I decided to start baking with her.

We sat on the kitchen floor and recreated my favorite childhood culinary masterpiece: chocolate chip cookies. She mixed the dough, kneaded it in her hands and, of course, licked the bowl. For half an hour my daughter was happy; She was just as happy when the cookies arrived. Of course, then everything had to be washed (mostly her), but it turned out to be not so difficult. Result? Happy mother, happy child. At that moment, I thought that I need to cook with her more often.

This is exactly what I did in the months that followed, especially after her sister was born, because we spent precious time alone with each other while cooking. She became more and more interested, and when she turned two, I had a constant “helper” in her person, who perked up every time I went into the kitchen. However, I had a family to feed, and with a small child in tow, I didn't have enough time to do just the fun of baking cakes and cookies.

To teach children to beat with their fingertips, I asked them to imagine that they had to “tickle” the butter into the flour. We use our own term: “tickle fingers.”

I bought cookbooks for children and looked online to see if there were dishes that my daughter could cook herself for the whole family. But I found either snacks made more for fun, or children's food, or something that at her age there was no way she could do without outside help. Most of the recipes were quite long and involved unsafe procedures, such as cutting raw meat, using sharp knives/graters or oven-broilers. The recommendations indicated that these actions should be performed by an adult, but I considered that all this was not applicable in practice. Most likely, my daughter will get tired of waiting, or she will get upset and start shouting: “I myself, I myself.”

Having bought my fifth cookbook for children, I gave up and decided to come up with my own recipes. I collected dishes that required only actions that a child could perform: selecting, stirring, kneading, beating, brushing, pouring, covering, squeezing, tearing off pieces - and excluded everything that she could not repeat on her own. I kept the recipes very short by reducing the number of ingredients and steps. I felt relaxed because my daughter was happily completing all the fun tasks, almost without asking me for help.

The more independence and control I gave her, the more skill and enthusiasm she demonstrated. Then I realized that she was showing a curiosity about food that I had not noticed before. My daughter was so happy and so proud that she cooked “everything herself” that she began to eat foods and dishes that she had never even wanted to try before. If she didn’t cook the food herself, she was interested in what I was cooking, she was intrigued by unusual combinations, she stopped being afraid of new things and refusing them.

The secret to successful cooking with very young children is simplicity.

I don't remember a time when I didn't know how to cook. This was a process that constantly happened in our house. I'm by no means a cooking expert and I'm still learning, but my mom gave me the basic knowledge on which everything else is built; I will always be grateful to her for this, and I would like to pass this knowledge on to my children. You may think that starting to cook with 18-month-olds is too early and therefore dangerous. But I didn’t hatch this plan: I just tried it. However, now that I have seen all its benefits with my own eyes, it begins to seem to me that this was not such a crazy idea. Isn’t it strange that almost all of us draw, make various crafts and sculpt with plasticine with small children, but at the same time the very thought of preparing food with them, using almost the same skills, seems something amazing to us. The purpose of this book is to make cooking as simple, accessible and not scary as possible, especially for those who themselves do not feel very confident in the kitchen.

Cooking with kids

I believe that cooking at a very young age has had a positive impact on my children's lives:

"Thanks for the food"

For them, food is not something that magically appears out of nowhere, and they can simply accept or refuse it. When children are directly involved or at least aware of what is happening in the kitchen, they become interested in the results.

“Can I try it?”

I am convinced that cooking increased their interest in food, and therefore their desire to try new things. And this, in turn, allowed us to create a more pleasant atmosphere during the meal.

"I can do this!"

When I watch my two-year-old daughter pour flour into a bowl without spilling anything, I realize how much benefit cooking brings to the development of a child's attentiveness and dexterity.

"I did it myself!"

Children really like it when they do something themselves and everyone can enjoy the results of their work. We always put on a whole performance praising the one who was the “little cook,” and our children should give thanks in the same way for the food that the adults have prepared.

“Cooking is fun!”

It's always difficult to find time to have fun together. I know that I always promise to get the kids paint, but then a week goes by and nothing happens. Cooking with little ones can certainly take a lot of time, but by involving them, you can combine business with pleasure when you would otherwise have to do it alone.

The secret to successful cooking with very young children is simplicity. There's a chance that the process itself will make you nervous, but that's more likely to happen if you try to cook super-complicated recipes or don't think things through properly. Simple recipes and tips from this book will help make cooking as easy and straightforward as possible. However, using understandable recipes does not mean that the food will be tasteless. Anyone whose mother, like mine, was an excellent home cook knows that food can be both simple and truly divine.

Useful tips

In the modern world, a person feels like a squirrel in a wheel. Many people live by stereotypes and habits established in society.

However, be that as it may, even the busiest person has a little free time during the day.

Have you ever thought about how many interesting things you could do if you used your free time profitably?

Here 10 great ways to spend your free time.

© Aleksandr Kichigin

This, of course, sounds strange, but why not? Every person is free to decide what to do and how to spend your free time. However, many of us devote too much time to work, which negatively affects our health and rhythm of life in general.

But the human body needs time to restore strength after physical or mental stress. He cannot constantly work for wear and tear.

Therefore, at least sometimes allow yourself the so-called “doing nothing”, enjoy the feeling of complete physical and mental relaxation. Try not to think about anything. Know that a state of complete lightheadedness has a healing effect.

Remember! It's okay to do nothing when you have free time during the day.

© DanilNevsky

Healthy and restful sleep– this is the most useful state that a person needs. Therefore, approximately 30% of a person’s entire life is in this state. As numerous studies have shown, it is Most diseases occur due to lack of sleep.

Therefore, for the normal functioning of the body, it is extremely necessary to get a good night's sleep, which is what you need to do in your free time from work. In this case, the duration of night sleep should be at least 8 hours. We should not forget about the healing daytime sleep.

Benefits of sleep:

  • Recuperation
  • Restoration of nervous system cells
  • Prevention of diseases such as apathy, depression, chronic fatigue
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Accelerating the healing process.

© Billion Photos

Even short meditation throughout the day, clearing your thoughts and consciousness can make a big difference. After all, it helps to look at the problem from the other side, and, therefore, solve this or that issue more competently.

It is better to indulge in reflection in a calm and relaxing environment, and not, for example, while driving a car, since in such a situation you need to fully concentrate on the process of driving a car (although if you are a passenger, then you have an excellent opportunity immerse yourself in the power of fantasy).

Take a short break from work to focus on some pleasant illusion.

Feel the warmth in your body. Imagine how the oxygen you breathe restores every cell of the body, improving the functioning of the muscular and nervous systems. These thoughts will help restore mental and physical balance.

It should also be noted that positive thoughts attract into our lives favorable events and changes.

© Sergey Nivens

Music is the best way to pass the time and feel a surge of pleasant emotions. Today, electronic technologies make it possible to listen to music almost everywhere and always. If you are one of the passionate music lovers, then do not deprive yourself of pleasure listen to your favorite music.

Such a pastime can inspire and motivate a person to be productive.

Each song or melody carries a certain sign, experience or information. Try listening to the positive vibrations of live music.

By the way, it has long been proven that soft classical music can have great healing effects on the human mind and body.

Reading books has always been a smart and rewarding way to spend your free time. The human brain is like a theater, as it is full of numerous thoughts and images. With the help of a book, you can plunge into the world that is described in a story or story. You will be able to feel the atmosphere of the era described in the book.

Besides, Reading is a great way to develop your mind, which all successful people know, in whose lives, despite the lack of time, there is always a place for reading their favorite book. If you still think that reading is an old-fashioned way of self-development, then you are seriously mistaken.

And don’t think that books are too bulky and inconvenient to use, because now almost all phones support applications with which you can read any books, not to mention an e-reader, which is extremely convenient for reading and storing many books in electronic form .

© AndreyPopov / Getty Images Pro

There is always a free minute for a few simple exercises. This is the best thing you can do for your body.

There are quite a few types of gymnastics. One day you can set aside time for breathing exercises, in the other - gymnastics for the eyes, this is especially true for office workers who spend the whole day at the computer.

Know that exercise increases blood flow to muscles and organs. Even five minutes of exercise will make you feel better and lift your spirits.

© Yuganov Konstantin

Sometimes very useful to get rid of everything old and unnecessary things, and each of us has a lot of such things.

Putting things in order– an excellent way to combat negative emotions and even depression, as proven by numerous studies. Yes, yes, it is ordinary housework that helps to distract from obsessive thoughts.

Psychologists say that by parting with old things that remind us of some event (even a joyful and bright one), we say goodbye to the past and thereby open the way to a new bright future.

© studioroman

If you want not only to spend time usefully, but also to receive a charge of positive energy, then be sure to organize meeting with friends. A walk in the park together, a game of volleyball, or just a friendly get-together in a cafe will definitely do you good.

© Alena Ozerova

It just so happens that in the pursuit of wealth and social status, we often forget about ourselves and those little joys that make life more interesting and fulfilling. But in vain!

Ordinary going to the hairdresser or spa– a great option to relax after a hard week of work. Men won't give up visiting a bathhouse or sauna.

What is New Year? Christmas tree, gifts, visits and many, many extra calories eaten at night. And if you add a few more days of vacation next to the refrigerator... Even the most ideal forms begin to float with fat.
However, not everyone will agree to spend their precious holidays with dumbbells in their hands. We offer alternative ways to maintain your figure.

What to do on a walk in the cold

Skiing, skating, snowboarding, making snowmen, playing snowballs, sliding downhill on a cheesecake and just a long walk with the dog are great ways to cheer up, have fun and burn extra calories along the way. We offer several options for active entertainment in descending order by the number of calories burned. For comparison, the energy value of one chocolate bar is about 550 kcal.

Snowboard and alpine skiing

Calories: 650-750 kcal/hour (in the absence of a lift)

Muscles involved: calf muscles, thigh muscles, core muscles.

To get on a board or ski, you don’t have to fly to Sochi - there are areas for extreme sports in many large cities. The slopes are divided into sections according to difficulty levels - pros ski at the top, and beginners at the bottom. A full set of equipment, from skis to special clothing, can be rented at the rental office. For those taking their first steps in extreme sports, experienced instructors conduct classes at each site. Therefore, almost anyone can take up snowboarding or alpine skiing, regardless of gender, age and physical fitness.


Calories: 400 kcal/hour

Muscles involved: gluteal, thigh, abdominal muscles, arm muscles.

Many of us mastered graceful steps on a skating rink, or at least skating in circles to music, in childhood. There are figure skates in almost every home. You can ride alone, in a group of friends, or even with your child - special support equipment in the form of animal figurines are provided for children's learning.

Snowball fight

Calories: 400 kcal/hour

Muscles worked: pectoral, gluteal, arm, leg and core muscles.

Everyone loves snow fights - both children and adults, the main thing is a cheerful company. The game trains accuracy, reaction speed and endurance. You can play for fun, or you can play for fun - for example, the losing team is busy in the kitchen.

Cheesecake ride

Calories: 300 kcal/hour

Muscles involved: gluteals, calves.

For rides, you only need two things: an open snow-covered slide without dangerous obstacles and “transport”: an inflatable “cheesecake”, a sled, a cardboard or a piece of linoleum. When we rush down a mountain at high speed, a powerful surge of adrenaline and happiness hormones - endorphins - occurs in the body. Therefore, sliding downhill not only allows you to cheer up, but is also a good prevention of depression.

Modeling a snowman

Calories: 250-350 kcal/hour

Muscles involved: obliques, abdominal muscles, gluteal muscles, leg muscles.

All children love to make a snowman. Well, or a snow woman... If you have kids in your family or just cheerful and spontaneous friends, feel free to go to the nearest park to roll snow globes! This creative activity is good for the waist and buttocks: frequent bending and squats are useful in the fight against cellulite and excess folds.

Walking the dog

Calories: 200 kcal/h

Muscles involved: leg muscles, abs, obliques.

An hour-long walk with your pet, playing with a stick or ball, or a short jog with your dog in the forest or park helps burn about 200 extra kilocalories, that is, almost half a chocolate - a good activity for the New Year holidays.

Let's save the result

Along with the loss of calories during an active walk, we work up an appetite. Therefore, to maintain slimness, it is extremely important to keep the desire to eat too much under control.

Capsules will help with this difficult task. Taken before meals, capsules with water form a hydrogel that partially fills the stomach. There is less space for food, and the feeling of hunger recedes, which allows you to get enough of a smaller portion than usual.

Contains 0 calories, does not interact with body cells and is not addictive. Having fulfilled its function, it is completely eliminated naturally.

Keep your hunger under control without stress or harm to your health!

Summer is definitely not a boring time of year. Provided that you have the desire and opportunity to spend time in the summer in a fun and useful way. Even if you're just carving out weekends and find yourself working hard during the summer, there are plenty of fun and amazing things you can do during those summer days off. You can visit the beach, a water park, a fair, a concert, organize a party or go to a barbecue, start playing sports outdoors, and finally eat plenty of ice cream with your children. Below you will find some tips to help you have a fun and productive time during the summer.

In the article:

Visit the beach this summer

The beach is the best thing to spend time in the summer. Especially if you have a vacation ahead of you, and the children have already started their summer holidays. You can choose a rocky or sandy beach, go to the Black Sea coast, or still try to find a country with good places for a beach holiday for a reasonable price. On the beach, you should enjoy the sun and get a wonderful tan, which you can later show off to your colleagues, and when it gets too hot to sunbathe, just dive into the water to cool your hot skin.

A beach holiday is also good because it allows you to spend more time with your family without being distracted by your current routine or work-related problems.

Water park or swimming pool - both options are good in summer

If there is no way to get to the coast, then choose a water park or swimming pool. You can also go to the water park with the whole family and spend the whole weekend there. Not only your children, but also you will get pleasure from riding water slides. The main secret is to get rid of all the problems that are gnawing at you, at least for the duration of your stay at the water park.

You can find a swimming pool in one of the fitness centers in your city, however, this pleasure is relatively expensive. However, if in winter you were still wondering whether it makes sense or not to enroll in a fitness center with a swimming pool, the summer heat may become an additional argument in favor of such a choice.

Summer: concerts as a way to kill boredom

In the summer, large cities host a wide variety of events, including concerts. You can track such concerts in your city, purchase tickets for one or more and go enjoy the voices of your favorite artists or the music of your favorite bands.

Barbecue as a type of summer holiday

Shish kebab is a traditionally favorite dish of many of us, no matter what doctors say about the carcinogenic danger of this method of cooking. Shish kebab is not only grilled meat, but also communication with friends and family, and summer is the best time to hold such “shish kebab parties.” The advantage is that you can do this at your dacha or in the forest area closest to your home (the main thing is that you do not forget about fire safety, but enjoy this type of summer vacation). If all this is too difficult for you, order pizza and cold drinks from the nearest cafe and invite your friends to share them with you.

Summer is time for a family picnic

Why not go on a picnic with the whole family? It's almost like a barbecue party, but all the food (light sandwiches and snacks, drinks) can be prepared at home in advance and taken with you to the outdoors. You will only need to choose the right place for a picnic so that you can admire the city landscapes or natural beauties, and getting to this place would not be too difficult.

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Ice cream is the ultimate summer treat

Who doesn't love ice cream? We eat it even in winter, and even in summer... You understand! In hot weather, this delicacy provides coolness and is amazingly tasty in itself. You can buy ice cream and eat it in peace at home, or you can go with your whole family and children to a specialized ice cream cafe. Believe me, no one will be against such a delicious summer holiday option!

Volunteer this summer

Every summer something happens somewhere. Even if it’s not in your city, but if you want, you can always find a place and event that requires volunteers. As practice has shown, even age restrictions can be avoided. If you don't have anything particularly busy for the coming summer, what could be better than providing selfless help to others? Try it! You'll love it!

Exercise outdoors in summer

If you have been constantly visiting the gym all year, then moving your exercise to the open air is a very good idea. On sunny summer mornings, get up early and start jogging in the park or doing yoga if yoga is something that interests you. It may be difficult for you to start exercising in the morning, then you can try moving such activities to the evening. And in the summer you can ride a bike, rollerblade and find many other ways to increase your physical activity.

Fairs and tents are another option for summer adventures

In the summer, many cities are visited by mobile amusement parks, traveling circuses, zoos, and mobile exhibitions. This is another great chance to have fun with your children and loved ones by visiting one of these places. Here you can go on various rides, take part in competitions with prizes, eat sweets, get a temporary tattoo for yourself, face painting for your child, and so on.

Summer is the time for hiking and camping

Summer is the perfect time to go hiking and find new adventures. If you like a less energy-consuming, but more democratic form of recreation, then choose camping. Just take care in advance about the necessary gear and equipment to feel independent and autonomous.

Author of the article : Dinara Safieva, "Moscow Medicine"©
Disclaimer : The information presented in this article on how to spend time in the summer is intended for informational purposes only.

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