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Crochet vase. Beautiful openwork vase: crochet Crochet vases patterns with description

A beautiful lace vase will decorate your home. At the same time, even completely inexperienced craftswomen can knit it.


OK. 22 cm in diameter

You will need

50 g cotton yarn No. 10 for crochet (100% mercerized, combed, carbonated cotton; 285 m / 50 g) beige; hook No. 1.5


Instead of the 1st p. of each circular row, perform the number of vp indicated in the diagram. Before the station b/n at the beginning of the circular row, additionally knit 1 ch. Finish each circular row with 1 connection. Art. or 1 p/st. into the corresponding starting loop. If necessary, go to the beginning of the next circular row using the connection. Art.

Perform the 1st–20th circular rows once, while starting from the 7th row, complete the pattern in each row by analogy.

Getting the job done

Make a chain of 6 vp, close it with 1 connection. Art. into a ring and knit in the round according to the pattern.


Stretch a napkin over a bowl of a suitable size, moisten it with starch dissolved in water using a brush and let it dry.

I have been meaning to knit a lace vase for a long time. Attached is a master class and description.

For the vase I used pink linen threads from Kamtex (Moscow) 100 g/360 m and hook No. 2. White yarn mercerized cotton is a little shiny. She used transparent silver beads at the tips of the stylized petals.

I chose linen because the yarn seemed to me to be quite coarse and hold its shape better.

The knitted vase was conceived a long time ago, but it only came to fruition now. The main idea was for it to have curling petals on the bottom and interesting ruffles on top. The walls themselves are made in the form of a fairly simple mesh cage.

Work begins from the bottom. The diagram is attached below. The central circle on it is an amigurumi ring from which 3 lifting air loops are first knitted ( VP), then an arch of 2 VPs, 1 double crochet ( CCH) and repeats until the end of the circuit. The row is closed in a circle by a connecting column ( SS). There is no need to completely tighten the starting ring right away.

The photo below shows what knitting the last pink row of the bottom looks like. Long arches of air loops are the basis for future white petals. taken from

When the last pink row is tied, you need to use connecting posts to return to the DC of the penultimate row. For these DCs we will begin to knit the body of the vase itself. First, 3 VP lifts, then 1 SSN, then an arch of 2 VPs, again 2 SSNs, an arch of 2 VPs, 2 SSNs and so on. Please note that now we will knit in the opposite direction relative to the initial direction, so that the front side is outside the vase.

An example in the photo below. taken from

Repeat (arch of 2 VP, 2 DC) until the row ends, at the end we close the row into a circle using a SS.

Next row (second row of the body). We move with the help of 2 sl sts to the next arch from the place where the previous row ended in order to create a checkerboard pattern of the cell. Then 3 VP lifting, 1 SSN, arch of 2 VP, 2 SSN, arch of 2 VP and so on, by analogy we knit a couple more rows.

I threaded beads onto a white thread using a needle before starting to knit them. taken from

In the first pattern, white knitting is marked in green. We tie a thread into any single VP of the last pink row of the bottom and then 1 VP of lifting and a single crochet ( RLS) into the same loop of the pink row. Next, we immediately go into a long arch of air loops and knit into it first 17 dc, then 1 ch with a bead from the thread, again 17 dc. Then RLS in the next single VP of the pink row and 17 SSN 1 VP 17 SSN in a large arch.

The bead remains on the wrong side, but the shape of the petals is such that they twist and the beads end up on top. taken from

At the end we close the circle with a connecting post. We cut off the white thread, fix it and mask it.

We continue to knit the walls of the vase with pink threads to the desired height. If you finish lower, you can make a flowerpot, a candlestick, a basket, or a pencil holder. I knitted a vase to a height of 17 centimeters. taken from

The finishing touches come with ruffles. The diagram will be shown flat, but in reality everything falls in large waves.

Using connecting columns, we move to the nearest arch of 2 VPs by analogy as the previous rows, but the new row will be different - 4 VP lifts, 2 double crochets ( СС2Н), arch of 2 VP, 3 СС2Н. The next part in the next arch of the previous row is 3 СС2Н 2 VP 3 СС2Н and repeat until the row ends. The circle is closed with the help of SS and the working thread is transferred to the nearest arch.

Now 4 VP lifting, 13 СС2Н in the same arch of the previous row, and then 14 СС2Н in each subsequent arch of the previous row. Let's close the circle.

3 VP lifting, 1 VP and 1 SSN in СС2Н of the previous row. Repeat *1VP 1 DC*, closing the circle.

We transfer the working thread into the arch from 1 VP of the previous row and 3 VP of lifting, 2 VP, 1 SSN into the next arch of the previous row. Repeat *2 ch 1 dc*, close the circle. taken from

Then we transfer the thread into the arch, 1 VP of lifting, 3 VP, 1 RLS into the next arch of the previous row and knit new arches of 3 VP also in a circle until the end of the row. This is the last pink row. We attach the white thread to things 3 arches earlier.

Using white threads, I also knitted a series of arches of 3 ch, like the last pink one, in the process connecting the “petals” together. And the last white row is simply 4 sc in each white arch.

In the diagram below, red arrows show the connection points of the “petals”. The knitting order is from left to right, first down the loop, then up. taken from

It turns out pink with white trim, all this “fluffy” vase in waves and curls. The ruffles turn out to be quite heavy, and to starch without a base, I think you may need to make them smaller (reduce some of the rows, for example, or replace CC2H with CCH), otherwise it may not be possible to support the weight of the ruffles on the thin base of the walls without additional support. taken from

I put the base inside the “pipe”.

I took a very thick folder and cut out a piece of a suitable size from one of the sides. For me it is approximately 20 by 23 centimeters. One side of the rectangle is the height of the future vase without taking into account the lace part of the ruffle (20 cm), and the second circumference of the tube slightly overlaps.

I took a container that was suitable in size - a tall tin beer can or a plastic mineral water can. I wrapped the rectangle around the container so that it moved freely, not tightly, and wrapped it with tape, tightly in 2 layers, so that it would not come unglued later. taken from

Since the waves were all falling apart on the sides and there was no attachment for the “pipe” in the center, I attached a new thread to the middle of the top part of the 2nd row of the one indicated on the diagram for the ruffle, i.e. to the same place where the row *...CCH VP CCH VP...* was knitted. I knitted 3 VP rises, then DC in each subsequent loop. Using 6 middle dcs out of 14 dc2hs, which form a kind of fan. Demonstration in the photo below. taken from

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Then I went through another row with single crochets, tightening the loops tighter and the last row also with single crochets, but knitting 2 together at the places of transition from one ruffle to another. You will get 1 in 2 sc, 4 sc, 1 in 2 sc, 4 sc and so on until the end of the circular row. taken from

Then fasten all the threads, disguise and cut off the tails.

After all the long efforts and sophistication it turns out crochet lace vase as in the photo below.

The diameter at the bottom is about 6 cm, at the top (excluding ruffles) about 7 centimeters. The result was a vase of the most popular size.

You may ask how to use it? In general, there are 2 ways - put a suitable container inside or heavily starch it. In the first case, you can safely place any flowers; in the second, you can create a composition of artificial, knitted, paper flowers, dried flowers, and even beaded flowers. taken from

Questions, comments, bug reports and your contributions are welcome, good luck! taken from

Openwork knitting brings back memories of my grandmother from a cloudless childhood. Her house was decorated with all kinds of knitted things. Snow-white openwork throws on the pillows, delicate curtains on the windows, starched napkins and original vases - all the products were connected with the soul and, probably, that’s why the house was always cozy, warm, beautiful and very calm.

I suggest you add a piece of coziness to your home by crocheting an openwork vase.

For knitting, white “Iris” yarn and a hook No. 1.5 are used. The finished vase will need to be starched; for this you will need starch, water and suitable utensils to fix the shape of the napkin.

We will knit according to this pattern.

Description of work.

We collect a chain of 8 chain loops (v.p.), close it into a circle with a connecting post (connection stitch).

1st row.
We make 3 ch. lifting and 11 double crochets (dc. s/n) in the ring. At the end of the row - connection art.

2nd row.
Knit 5 ch. (3 vp rise and 2 more vp), * 1 tbsp. s/n in a double crochet from the previous row, 2 ch*. We repeat from * to * (rapport) in each column of the previous row 10 more times. We finish the row with the connection st.

3rd row.
3 v.p. lifting, 1 unfinished st. s/n, tied into the arch of the previous row, then 5 vp, * 1 unfinished st. s/n in the same arch, tied together with 1 unfinished art. s/n in the next arch of 2 ch. previous row, 5 ch* Repeat repeat 10 more times. We finish the row of connections.

4th row.
3 v.p. lifting, 4 tbsp. s/n in the arch of the previous row, 2 ch, * 5 tbsp. s/n in the arch of the previous row, 2 ch*. Repeat rapport 10 more times. At the end of the row - connection art.

5th row.
3 v.p. lifting, 12 tbsp. s/n (1 in each column and arch from air loops of the previous row), 2 vp, * 13 tbsp. s/n (1 in each column and arch of the previous row), 2.c.p. *. We knit rapport 5 more times. At the end of the row - connection art. and 1 more connecting loop at the top of the column of the bottom row.

6th row.
3 v.p. lifting, 10 tbsp. s/n (one in each column of the previous row), 3 vp, * 11 tbsp. s/n in the columns of the bottom row, starting from the second column after the arch of 2 vp, then 3 vp *. Repeat rapport 4 more times. At the end of the row - connection art. and another connecting loop along the top of the knitted row.

7th row.
3 v.p. lifting, 8 tbsp. s/n in each column of the bottom row, 3 ch, 1 single crochet (dc) in the middle of the arch of the bottom row, 3 ch. * 9 tbsp. s/n in each column of the previous row, starting from the second column after the arch from vp. bottom row, 3 vp, 1 tbsp. b/n in the middle of the arch of the bottom row, 3 ch*. Repeat rapport 4 more times. At the end of the row - connection art.

8th row.
3 v.p. lifting, * 6 tbsp. s/n in each column of the bottom row, 3 vp. 1 tbsp. b/n in the middle of the arch of the bottom row, 3 vp, 1 tbsp. b/n in the middle of the next arch of the bottom row, 3 ch*. Repeat the rapport 5 more times. At the end of the row - connection art. and another connecting loop along the top of the knitted row.

9th row.
3 v.p. lifting, 4 tbsp. s/n in the columns of the bottom row, 3 vp, 1 tbsp. b/n in the middle of the arch of the bottom row, 3 vp, 1 tbsp. s/n in the middle of the next arch of the bottom row, 3 vp, 1 tbsp. b/n in the middle of the next arch of the bottom row. *5 tbsp. s/n in each column of the bottom row, 3 vp, 1 tbsp. b/n in the middle of the arch of the bottom row, 3 vp, 1 tbsp. s/n in the middle of the next arch of the bottom row, 3 vp, 1 tbsp. b/n in the middle of the next arch of the bottom row.* Repeat the rapport 4 more times. At the end of the row - connection art. and a connecting loop along the top of the knitted row.

10th row.
3 v.p. lifting, 2 tbsp. s/n in the columns of the bottom row, 3 vp, 1 tbsp. b/n, 3 v.p., 1 tbsp. b/n, 3 v.p., 1 tbsp. s/n, 3 vp, 1 tbsp. b/n, 3 v.p., 1 tbsp. b/n, 3 v.p. * 3 tbsp. s/n in the columns of the bottom row, 3 vp, 1 tbsp. b/n, 3 v.p., 1 tbsp. b/n, 3 v.p., 1 tbsp. s/n, 3 vp, 1 tbsp. b/n, 3 v.p., 1 tbsp. b/n, 3 ch* Repeat the rapport 4 more times. At the end of the row - 2 connections. Art.

11th row.
3in.p. rise, * 3 ch, 1 tbsp. b/n in the middle of the arch of the bottom row, 3 vp, 1 tbsp. b/n in the middle of the next arch of the bottom row, 3 vp, 1 tbsp. b/n in the middle of the arch, 3 vp. 1 tbsp. s/n in the column of the bottom row.* Repeat rapport 11 more times. At the end of the row - connection. Art. and 2 more connecting loops, moving the knitting 2 loops back.

12th row.
We knit all the columns in the row in the middle of the arches of the bottom row. 1.v.p. rise. *3 vp, 1 tbsp. b/n in the middle of the arch of the bottom row, 3 vp, 1 tbsp. b/n, 3 v.p., 1 tbsp. b/n, 2 vp, 4 unfinished st. s/n on one base loop, tied together in the middle of the arch of the previous row, 5 ch, 4 unfinished sts. s/n, tied together in the middle of the arch of the bottom row, 2 vp, 1 tbsp. b/n, 3 v.p., 1 tbsp. b/n, 3 vp* Repeat the rapport 5 more times. We finish the row of connections. Art. and make 2 more connecting loops, transferring the knitting 2 loops back.

13th row.
1 v.p. rise. In a row all st. we knit b/n in the middle of the arch of the bottom row, and st. s/n - in the large arch of the bottom row.
* 3 ch, 1 tbsp. b/n, 3 v.p., 1 tbsp. b/n, 3 v.p., 1 tbsp. b/n, 3 vp, 4 unfinished st. in the same column of the bottom row, 1 vp, 7 tbsp. s/n in the large arch of the bottom row, 1 ch, 4 unfinished sts. in the same column of the bottom row, 3 vp, 1 tbsp. b/n, 3 v.p., 1 tbsp. b/n *. Repeat rapport 5 more times. In the last rapport, instead of the last st. b/n we knit the connection. Art. and two more connections. st., transferring knitting back.

14th row.
1 v.p. rise. In a row all st. we knit b/n in the middle of the arch of the bottom row, and st. s/n - in the column of the bottom row.
* 3 ch, 1 tbsp. b/n, 3 ch, 1 tbsp. b/n, 3 ch, 1 tbsp. b/n, 3 vp, 4 unfinished st. in the same column of the bottom row, 2 vp, 1 tbsp. b/n, then alternate 1 vp. and 1 tbsp. b/n six times, 2 vp, 4 unfinished st. in the same column of the bottom row, 3 vp, 1 tbsp. b/n.* We knit rapport 5 more times. In the last rapport, instead of the last st. b/n we make connection. Art. and go back 3 loops.

15th row.

* 4 unfinished st., 3 ch., 1 tbsp. b/n, 3 v.p., 1 tbsp. b/n, 3 v.p., 1 tbsp. b/n, 3 v.p., 4 unfinished sts., then alternate 2 v.p. and 1 tbsp. s/n seven times, then 2 ch* We knit rapport 5 more times. At the end of the row - connection art.

16th row.
3 v.p. rise. In a row all st. we knit b/n in the middle of the arch of the bottom row, st. s/n - in the column of the bottom row, 4 unfinished sts. - in the same column of the bottom row.
* 4 unfinished st., 3 ch., 1 tbsp. b/n, 3 v.p., 1 tbsp. b/n, 3 v.p., 4 unfinished st., 2 v.p., 1 tbsp. s/n, then alternate 3 v.p. and 1 tbsp. s/n six times, then 2 ch* We knit rapport 5 more times. At the end of the row - connection art.

17th row.
3 v.p. rise. In a row all st. we knit b/n in the middle of the arch of the bottom row, st. s/n - in the column of the bottom row, 4 unfinished sts. - in the same column of the bottom row.
* 4 unfinished st., 3 ch., 1 tbsp. b/n, 3 v.p., 4 unfinished st., 2 v.p., 1 tbsp. s/n, then alternate 4 vp. and 1 tbsp. s/n six times, then 2 ch* We knit rapport 5 more times. At the end of the row - connection art.

18th row.
3 v.p. rise. * 4 unfinished st. in the same column of the bottom row, 4 unfinished sts. in the next similar column of the bottom row, 3 ch, then we knit 18 double crochets, distributing three columns in each arch of the bottom row, and picot (3 ch, 1 connecting stitch in the 1st v.p.) after each column.

We've finished knitting. We cut the thread and pull it out of the loop, hiding the tip in the knitting.

Now you need to starch the vase so that it holds its shape. For rigid fixation, take 2 tbsp. starch per 1 liter of cold water. From the required amount of water, pour a little into the starch, diluting it to the state of thick sour cream. Boil the remaining water, remove from the heat and pour the diluted starch into the hot water, mix well.
Dip the knitting into the cooled but still warm starch solution and soak the threads well. Then we take it out, remove the excess starch and put it on a suitable form. I had a small salad bowl that was suitable, I pulled the bottom of the vase over it, and laid the edges on the table surface. Carefully straighten the product and leave to dry.

The delicate openwork vase is ready.

The vase can be used for its intended purpose or as a basis for decorative decoration, for example, by placing Easter eggs in it.

You will find how to knit such openwork Easter eggs.

I wish you creative inspiration!

Elegant vase

Made from very beautiful, shimmering yarn.
Placed on a glass vase and gathered according to its shape. It makes a very elegant vessel for flowers or holiday decorations. The scope for imagination is given by the fact that you can use a vase of any circumference and height. The most important thing is to choose the right yarn. This pattern uses metallic silver yarn (the traditional color for a silver anniversary) with sparkles and beads for a more elegant and formal look.
Here are several options for this model:
50th Anniversary: Use glittery gold yarn and fill the vase with roses of different colors.
Birthday: Knit a vase in the birthday girl's favorite color and fill it with her/his favorite flowers.
Christmas: Make a red vase and fill it with spruce branches.
Valentine's Day: Pink vase with pink and white roses.
St. Patrick's Day: Green vase with carnations on green stems. Halloween: Black and orange vase with autumn flowers.

Case for vase

For those who love to knit. These sweater covers will not only decorate your vases, but will also bring comfort and warmth to your home.

Case for a small bottle.
You will need: 500 g cream wool yarn; knitting needles number 4.

Elastic band 2/1: alternately knit 2, purl 1.
Facial surface: faces. r. - persons p., out. r. - purl p.
Basic pattern: knit according to pattern A.
Braid pattern (the number of loops is a multiple of 3). 1st row: * Purl 1, cross 2 stitches to the left (knit the 2nd stitch, passing the right knitting needle behind the first loop, and, without removing the knitted loop, knit the 1st stitch, remove both loops) *, repeat from * to *. 2nd row: knit according to the pattern. Repeat 1st and 2nd rows.
Row with holes for the cord: k1, * 1 yarn over, k2 together*, repeat * to *; In the next row, knit all stitches purl.
Knitting density: 22 p. and 32 r. = 10 x 10cm.
Job description: cast on 55 stitches, knit 10 cm with the main pattern and 2 cm with a 2/2 elastic band. Then turn it down in faces. d. 1 p. in each pair of 2 purl. and knit with a braid pattern. After 15 cm from the cast-on edge, knit with an elastic band of 2/1; after 17 cm from the cast-on edge, decrease all purl. p. and knit faces. satin stitch After 18 cm from the cast-on edge, knit a row with holes for the cord and then knit faces. satin stitch After 23 cm from the cast-on edge, bind off all the loops. Sew a side seam; prepare the cord and thread it through the holes.

Case for medium bottle.
You will need: 500 g of beige and some cream wool yarn; knitting needles No. 5; hook number 3.
Elastic band 2/2: alternately knit 2, purl 2.
Facial surface: faces. - persons p., out. r. - purl p.
Purl stitch: knit. r. - purl p., out. r. - persons p.
Main pattern (braid): knit according to pattern B.
Pearl pattern (even number of loops): alternately knit 1, purl 1, shifting the pattern in each row by 1 stitch.
Knitting density, main pattern: 20 p. and 28 r. = 1 0 x 10 cm.
Job description: cast on 20 sts and knit as follows: 4 sts with pearl pattern, 2 sts purl. satin stitch, 8 p. mainly with pattern, 2 p. purl. satin stitch, 4 stitches with pearl pattern. After 26 cm, close all loops. Cast on 68 stitches along the long side of the knitted strip, knit 21 cm with an elastic band of 2/2 and 3 cm. stitch, bind off all stitches. Sew a side seam. Using a cream thread, crochet a chain of air. p. 50 cm long and thread it through the loops of the 1st row. 2/2 elastic bands, tie a bow.

Case for a large bottle.
You will need: 500 g cream wool yarn; knitting needles number 5.
Elastic band 2/2: alternately knit 2, purl 2.
Elastic band 1/1: alternately knit 1, purl 1.
Facial surface: faces r. – persons p., purl: r. - purl p.
Main pattern (diamonds): knit according to pattern C.
Knitting density, main pattern: 20 p. and 28 r. =10 x 10cm.
Job description: cast on 51 sts and knit with a 2/2 elastic band, at a height of 3 cm and 5 cm add on the faces. side in each pair of 2 purl. 1 purl each (= 2/3 rib, then 2/4 rib.) 6 cm from the cast-on edge, knit in the main pattern. After 12 cm from the cast-on edge, decrease 2 stitches inside each diamond (2×2 stitches together purl), knit 4 rows. and decrease 1 more point at a time (2 remaining stitches together, purl). After 1-7 cm from the cast-on edge, decrease 1 p. in each pair of 2 knits (2 p. knit together) and then knit with a 1/1 elastic band. After 23 cm from the cast-on edge, knit 2 cm. stitch and bind off all stitches. Sew a side seam.

If you are a beginner needlewoman, this is the master class for you! A great example of knitting for beginners is how to turn an ordinary jar into an elegant craft for the interior.

Materials for knitting vases

For the future vase, you can use any bottle or jar of a suitable shape. We will be tying a small jar of French mustard.

For knitting, it is better to choose a thick and stiff thread so that the knitted fabric holds its shape and lies on the base in even rows. The thickness of the thread should be approximately equal to the thickness of the hook head. (you can read about how to choose the right crochet hook).

How to make a knitted vase

We start knitting from a chain of air loops. We knit a chain of the same length as the circumference of the base of the bottle, and add another 5 - 6 reserve loops. We close the chain into a ring and knit single crochets in a circle from each loop of the previous row.

We knit without lifting loops at the beginning of the row so that the line connecting the rows is not visible on the vase. The step that is obtained with this method of circular knitting at the beginning and end of the fabric will be hidden under the edge teeth.

After 3-4 rows you need to put the knitting on the bottle to make sure that it fits in diameter, sits tightly on the base and does not slip.

If the knitted bottle fits too loosely on the base bottle, it is better at this stage to unravel the knitted rows and remove a few loops in the initial chain.

In places where the bottle narrows or expands, we make a decrease and, accordingly, an increase in width.

To narrow the fabric, we pass (do not knit) one loop of the previous row through an equal distance. The number of such decreases depends on how sharply the bottle narrows.

To expand the fabric, we knit two stitches from one loop at equal distances.

Knitting for beginners: the stage of decorating the edges of a vase

When our knitted cylinder is even with the edge of the bottle, we finish the circular knitting, making a half-column.

We knit a lifting loop and knit another circle according to the pattern:

  • *1 single crochet 1 single crochet 1 single crochet* from every second stitch of the row

We close the row with a half-column, cut the thread and hook it under several rows from the inside of the knitting.

We tie a new thread to the tip that was left at the beginning of knitting, and make relief teeth at the bottom according to the same pattern. We close the edges of the row with a half-column and bring the rest of the thread inside.

Decoration of a knitted vase

We knit multi-colored circles from thin threads (you can use floss) according to the pattern:

  • We close a chain of five air loops into a ring
  • Rounds 1, 2: 2 single crochets from each stitch.

Sew the circles with threads of the same color.

The elegant vase is ready. As you can see, it’s not difficult at all. You just need a little imagination and a little patience.

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  • crochet vases
  • crocheting vases for beginners
  • download patterns of crocheted vases
  • crochet vase for beginners

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