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I don't know what love is... “Irina Miroshnichenko. I know what love is." Documentary

I have always been interested in whether there is love in the world at all... So that without betrayal, so that it is mutual... And now I am already a certain number of years old (just the age when they say that it’s time to get married), and I still don’t know the answer to this question. I used to think I knew. It happened to be such a mistake.

We met B in social network. I was in a relationship. Due to my age, I did not perceive them as something serious and therefore allowed myself the freedom to go for a walk with B. When I saw him, honestly, it took my breath away. The thought ran through him: “This is not for life, but having a blast with him is just the thing.” Tall blond with arrogant blue eyes. But most of all, I liked his hands. Nothing really caught my attention during the walk. I remember it seemed to me that he loved himself too much. At parting, they didn’t agree on the next meeting and I thought, “It’s good that I won’t see him again.” Who, who, but this person is clearly not my type.

A week passed, I was safely dating my boyfriend, and then the phone rang. B called and wanted to meet. One more walk. Meaningless, resulted in 3 years life together with scandals, unprotected sex and all the ensuing consequences. And all because I fell in love. He realized this in the first months. And then it began - he took advantage of the fact that I would not go anywhere, and allowed himself a lot: drinking, communicating with girls, scandals, insults... What about me? I am a fool in love, I endured everything.

If you had asked me then what love is, I would have answered that it is torment, that it would be better to never experience it than to suffer like this. You are with a person who doesn’t care about you, who is with you only because he knows that few people will tolerate him, but you will. You love it!

It’s true what they say, the first impression is the most correct. He turned out to be a terrible tyrant, jealous and a drinker. It even got to the point of assault...

I'm used to this attitude. I didn’t care how or what... But, over time, I began to let go.

A meeting with one person decided everything. My salvation. Sip fresh air in a poisoned metropolis. What did you bribe with? He communicated with me as a person, as a person, as a girl. After 3 years, I had already forgotten that this was possible. We had nothing. It didn’t go further than a cup of coffee in a cafe, but everything changed. I realized that there might be a different attitude towards me. Radically different, good... And I burned out. Love has passed. I felt smooth. I had the strength to break up and not renew the relationship. This was the fifth attempt. Everyone, including B, didn’t believe that I was capable of this. Capable! I’ve been single for a year now, but it’s better to be alone than with a tyrant who takes advantage of feelings.

I don’t know what love is, but I really hope that I will still be able to find out!

Beautiful, stylish, audience-favorite actress. She is still recognizable, as energetic as she was at the beginning of her film career. The film crew literally ran after her. And it’s okay that health is no longer the same, the main thing is the desire to be in the whirlpool of events. And so every day: bright makeup, favorite hat - and go!

We took a ride with the actress on a steamboat along the Moscow River past the main capital attractions, because the actress is a native Muscovite. We attended the opening of the MIFF - Irina Miroshnichenko is a regular and honored guest here. Miroshnichenko does not let in and nightlife. Together with the actress, we ended up at a party as part of the festival, and the next day she had a rehearsal for the premiere performance. She is also preparing to celebrate her anniversary on the stage of her native Moscow Art Theater. But this is not enough for her! The actress manages to conduct classes with students at the Mikhalkov Academy.

Irina Miroshnichenko grew up in a nine-meter communal room on Tverskoy Boulevard. The parents adored their daughter. Despite her modest capabilities, her mother dressed her up as best she could, sent her to learn French from the age of six, and daily inspired the girl that she should become a famous actress.

By the end of school, Irochka was raving about the film “The Cranes Are Flying” and, having drawn arrows for herself, like Tatyana Samoilova’s, she went to enroll in the Moscow Art Theater School. And I did! When freshman Miroshnichenko was invited to act in a movie, she immediately agreed, despite strict ban rector “It will work out somehow,” Irina thought. But it didn't work out. The whole country saw the film “I Walk Through Moscow,” and whoever played Nikita Mikhalkov’s sister did not go unnoticed. Miroshnichenko got off with a severe reprimand. In our film, Nikita Mikhalkov, telling how their scenes together were filmed, admitted that at that time he was even in love with Miroshnichenko. But no response.

The fact is that already in her first year, 28-year-old playwright Mikhail Shatrov began to court Irina. He went with her to performances and easily introduced her to the luminaries of the theater: Arbuzov, Okhlopkov. And when he came to his parents to ask for her hand, Irina agreed to marry him without hesitation. She was only 18 years old. The marriage lasted 12 years, until Miroshnichenko fell in love on the set with Lithuanian director Vytautas Žalakevičius. Miroshnichenko was euphoric! Here he is perfect union, like Orlova and Alexandrov, Fellini and Masina. She left Shatrov, and Zhalakevicius abandoned his wife and child. But the marriage with Vytautas turned out to be short-lived. Irina did not tolerate her husband’s bad character and left, deciding that she would make a career herself, without his help. But something happened that almost destroyed everything...

In the winter of 1980, Miroshnichenko flew along Garden Ring in your foreign car. The mood is great: the day before, the entire star cast of the Moscow Art Theater rescheduled their favorite play “Old New Year"on film. The film was shot in two weeks! Irina was sure that the film would be a success, and she was not mistaken. That day she also went to celebrate the Old New Year with friends. She braked sharply at a traffic light, and at that moment there was a full speed ahead A Volga crashed into it. The actress suffered a concussion and spinal injury.

Miroshnichenko spent three months in the hospital. And when I checked out, I received offers to shoot three films at once: “You Never Even Dreamed It,” “The Hat” and a Hungarian television film about Elena the Beautiful. The doctors tried to persuade the actress not to rush into work, but she did not listen to them. She came to the set of “You Never Even Dreamed It” straight from the hospital, without even having time to dye her regrown hair roots “blonde.” In the scene where she arrives at school, the resourceful actress came up with the idea of ​​wearing an elegant hat. Since then, by the way, she has fallen in love with hats - they are beautiful, and can help out in difficult moment. We arranged a meeting between Miroshnichenko and her partner in the film “You Never Dreamed of” Evgeniy Gerasimov, and the actors remembered how the film was filmed.

Spinal problems kept making themselves felt, the actress went for injections. But one unfortunate doctor made an unsuccessful injection, and the actress found herself almost completely immobilized. At this time, the editor-in-chief of Magyar Television Anna Berec hurries her to the shooting of a Hungarian film. Having learned that Miroshnichenko is seriously ill, Anna persuades her to get to Budapest by any means - and there they will help her. Three months of procedures, stretching, thermal baths, injections - and a miracle happened. The actress stood up and kept her word - she starred in the fairy tale “The Crystal Kingdom”, where she played Elena the Beautiful.

During the filming of the fairy tale, Miroshnichenko fell in love with the Hungarian violinist Albert Kocsis - he amazingly played “Csardas” in one of the restaurants. At the end of filming, Miroshnichenko flew to Moscow and never met with Kocsis again. But something turned upside down in her - and either his music or the emotions she experienced influenced Irina Petrovna so much that she suddenly began to sing. And he still sings to this day.

Today Miroshnichenko has not acted in films for a long time, but she is busy in the theater three or four times a month. But Irina Petrovna never gives up and does not feel sorry for herself, like many of her retired colleagues. She leads healthy image life. Organizes song evenings. She is not embarrassed to admit her mistakes, for example, that she never decided to have children. “I thought I would be young for a very long time. What stupidity! Before I knew it, everyone... and the train left.” Because of this, her third marriage to the handsome actor Igor Vasiliev broke up. He asked her to give birth to a child for five years, but without waiting, he left for someone else. Miroshnichenko never married again after that. But he’s in no hurry to “write off” himself. The actress says: “The main thing is to stay modern man, follow fashion, see what is happening around, go everywhere, and, if possible, match the appearance. Which is what I do. At least I try."

I know what love is... it cannot be sucked out of your fingertips, but it can grow from tenderness, from the warmth of caring hands, from the flowing light from loving eyes. You just need to treat it with care and have patience, because the first feeling that should be higher than love, which precedes love, is friendship. Friendship is selfless, pure, ideal. When you can fall in love with a person today and tomorrow and no matter what happens, on any day of the week or time of day - then such love will be eternal, devoted and nothing will destroy it, not distant countries and cities, not the envy of others, not petty everyday life. Because friendship will make love unattainably high in its flight through life..
© Natalia Kozyutinskaya, 2014

– “After all, the first feeling that should be higher than love, which precedes love, is friendship... friendship will make love unattainably high in its flight through life...”

It turns out that love is the very filling of our life, its inner content, soul. And friendship is the direction of our movement through life, these are those with whom we go through life together, although, perhaps, we live our whole lives in one place, our spirit, our spiritual mental development. With whom the same direction of thought. Family members are friends if we think alike, we think in the same direction, although in different ways. In rest and work there is the same spirit of creativity and similar aspirations.

And the main prerequisite for all this movement and filling is communication with each other. And love is tested not by separation, but cohabitation, that is, side by side. Whoever you communicate with the most is the one you become friends with. Life sometimes throws people into disarray different sides, for a while, for a distance, friendship, like a cobweb, curls up. When we meet, he appears again with joy... Of course, if the joy of meeting is mutual, it sometimes disappears old friendship, because views, worldviews, and lines of thought have changed.

As Chekhov A.P. said, “falling in love shows a person what he should be.” When we like a person, we fall in love, and this is the first prerequisite for friendship... Thank you, Natasha, your work says it beautifully and wisely, maybe you’re right. I didn’t really understand what love was, and I didn’t even try to understand, I’m so lazy.

– Thank you, Irina, you’re right! I myself find my view controversial, but I wanted to show that love does not die when people are initially friends. Although I also cannot understand what love is. After all, when there is friendship, you don’t seem to feel it.. It manifests itself when a person feels very good, then I can tell everyone nearby that I love him and it doesn’t matter whether he is a man or a woman.. That is. love in a global sense. There is a kind of love when it is impossible to live together.. and the further it goes, the better, the stronger it is.. this is when there is love, but the characters are not compatible.. well, if duality coincides, then duals at close range do not irritate each other, but on the contrary, it results in a joint rise in spirituality, physical strength and intellectual. Each one covers the other's rear.

Very kind and wise people over time they become dual to everyone... I know that every person can find their soul mate and become happy. Love is multifaceted, it has many faces. After all, the main thing in our life is to find an understanding interlocutor, with whom it will not be boring for the rest of our lives... Of course, I’m being a little disingenuous, I caught myself thinking that a woman without a man, like a man without her, will probably not be able to lead full life... but what are friends for?

Co-authors: Natalia Kozyutinskaya, Irina Petal
Time of birth: 10/31/2014 - 11/12/2014
Place of birth: “I know what love is..” (Natalia Kozyutinskaya)
Birth address:
Add. poems: Anna Handel “Time does not heal”

You know, time doesn't heal...
Other people are treating us...
I won't notice the running time.
I'll notice when they wake you up

My detached soul
wings have grown again...
And I might be chickening out at first.
After all, the heart is covered with dust...

And replace the pain with emptiness
It didn’t work right away...
And someone, pierced by an arrow,
wants it to sing again...

And the notes have long been forgotten,
stolen by quiet sadness...
And it seems they are set free
she will never let go...

But it only seems... A miracle
always comes unexpectedly.
And people treat us from people...
And time only hides wounds...
© Anna Handel, 2016

She knows he loves her
Sarah Schlesinger

She doesn't doubt his feelings
She knows he loves her. He keeps it
Heart in its fiery Casket and
Only on his territory does he allow
Another to admire his diamond,
Which he so lovingly fixes
With your tenderness and passion.

In her loving eyes there are exciting rays
The stars of hyacinth nights are reflected,
Spent in their sweet intoxication
Secret meetings, when in the radiance of the moon
Silk they enjoyed the fragrant whirling
Dancing Love. She absorbed and preserves it
Greedy, hot breath in its blooming
A heart that sings only about what is desired, and listening
Night, silver pipes represent him
Lips kissing and kissing countless times
Caressing her... His Tenderness and ardent passion
Embraces her heart, causing a strong flame and
This fire burns throughout her fragile being,
Growing constantly... And her lips want to satisfy
The emerging thirst for an unquenchable hunger for love and
Steal your kisses and caresses from the blue nights...
She cries and laughs, but can no longer escape
From this magical labyrinth of unbridled feelings;
From her lovely, inflamed breast bursts and
A groan rises as high as they can
Rise the heavens of love, which have built their enchanting
A castle in her romantic heart.

Her wild diamond succumbed to the Master's magical cutting
And only in his hands will he shine with the most mysterious
Light of Love.
Sarah Schlesinger.
"Drink Nectar".2019.
© Sarah Schlesinger 2019

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