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Short riddle about the number 7 for children. Children's counting rhymes with numbers. Loved you for no special reason

One, two, three, four, five,
We learned to count.
Well, then we don’t know
Maybe we can do the math together?
Six – we love to eat candy,
Seven - we help everyone,
Eight - we will not abandon our friends in trouble.
Nine - we study for five,
Ten - finished counting.

The cuckoo walked past the net,
And behind her are small children.
Everyone shouted: -
Remove one fist!

Like in our hayloft
Two frogs spent the night.
In the morning we got up, ate cabbage soup,
And they told you to drive.

Look at the sky, the stars are shining.
The cranes shout: - Gu-gu!
I'll run away. One, two, don't be a crow,
And run like fire.

We're going to play.
Well, who should start?
One, two, three -
You start.

Sidor is sitting on a bench,
He hammers and hammers three kopecks,
Wants to make three rubles
And buy yourself a horse.

One, two, three, four,
Who doesn't sleep in our apartment?
Everyone in the world needs sleep,
He who does not sleep will go out.

One, two, three, four,
I was taught to read and write:
And read and write,
And ride a horse.

A bunny jumps on the wall
And winks at me.
Jumped to the picture
Lingered on the shoe
Dancing on the ceiling
Hidden in the corner.
So he hid in the crib.
He plays hide and seek with us.
One, two, three, four, five,
We'll go look for him.

An orange was rolling
Named Malvinka,
I didn’t study my lessons and
I got a two.
And then I went for a walk,
I got the number five!

You are a hamster
And you are a ferret.
You are a little bunny, jump and hop.
You are a fox.
You are a marten.
You are a craftswoman beaver.
You are a hunter...
Oh, trouble!
Run away in all directions!
(How many animals did you count?)

One, two - the ducklings walked,
Three, four - we went home.
The fifth trudged after them,
The sixth man ran ahead
And the seventh fell behind everyone,
Frightened, he squealed:
- Where are you? Where are you?
- No food!
We're nearby... look for it.

A jackdaw sat on the fence.
The counting begins:
One, Two, Three, Four, Five!
I will count all the guys
Yulia, Misha, Sveta, Kolya,
Petya, Ira, Vitya, Olya...
If I get tired of counting,
I'll stop for a moment:
I'll be quiet, I'll take a break
And I’ll start counting again.

Nine, eight, seven, six,
Five, four, three, two, one!
We want to play hide and seek.
We just need to find out
Three, six, nine -
Get some sleep!
The sun has risen for a long time,
It's time for us to go for a walk!

The centipede's legs hurt:
Ten whine and hum,
Five are limping and in pain.
Help the centipede
Count the sore legs.

One, two - blue!
Three, four - the sun in the world!
Five, six - there is a river!
Seven, eight - let's take off our shirts!
Nine, ten - we tan for a whole month!

One, two - mace.
Three, four - hooked up.
Five, six – there’s nowhere to eat.
Seven, eight - we mow hay.
Nine, ten - weigh the hay.
One, two - head.
Three, four - they sewed a fur coat.
Five, six - eat porridge.
Seven, eight - we carry spoons.
Nine, ten - knead the dough.

Once - the referee blows his whistle
Two – the athlete with the ball is standing
Three - we mow the sedge with an oblique.
At four, we carry hay.
Five - the gate in the garden creaks.
Six - on the leaves of the snail.
Seven - the grasshopper fell silent in the bushes.
Eight - the shepherd was tending the sheep.
Nine - evening comes
Ten – Sasha falls asleep

I decided to count crows:
One, two, three, four, five,
Six is ​​a crow on a post,
Seven is a crow on a trumpet,
Eight - sat on the poster,
Nine - feeds the crows...
Well, ten is a daw.
That's the end of the counting!

The number 7 is very unusual in the history of Russian culture. Fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, poems and riddles were written about her. Modern authors come up with new stories and even puzzles to make it more interesting for children to study this figure. In methods of teaching mathematics for a teacher who goes to class in 1st grade, a photo, picture, presentation are used. They can be downloaded from our website for free.

Photo pictures

Verbal aids

In lessons for children who are in 1st grade, you can use verbal aids to study mathematics. They can serve as proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters, poems, riddles where the number 7 is mentioned.

Proverbs, sayings and riddles

Proverbs, sayings, riddles are genres of oral folk art. The number 7 in them is an unusual number. It has always been associated with the motif of the harmony of the universe. For example, proverbs such as “Measure twice, cut once” indicate that the number 7 was revered as a self-sufficient number. Repeating an action seven times means achieving good luck in it. Riddles for the number 7 are mainly related to the days of the week: we also have seven of them. You can download the riddles on the website.

Of course, there is no time to devote a lot of time in mathematics lessons to the fact that the number 7 represents a certain ideal, and there is no time to delve into history. But raising children in the national spirit is simply necessary. To do this, use proverbs and sayings. These are edifying genres of folklore, containing all the folk wisdom. If you tell proverbs and sayings appropriately in your lessons, children will take it for granted, and then they themselves will begin to quote them. Proverbs and sayings dedicated to the number 7 will also be associated with the perception of this number as harmonious, expressing the consent of man and the world around him. You can download proverbs and sayings on our website.


No matter what grade the child goes to, it will be useful for him to listen to poems about the number 7. This number is present in many modern authors, but the best can be called the poems of S. Marshak. Poems in a math lesson not only make children more interested. Poems in skillful hands develop children's memory, instill a love for their native word, and it is with the help of words that we turn to any science. A teacher who is preparing an open lesson for an elementary class can use poems about the number 7 to diversify the lesson and attract the attention of children and guests. In children's development centers you can learn simple poems about seven by heart with children. The more you offer to children, the more you will receive from them. You can download poems by modern authors about the number 7 on our website.

It will be interesting for children to solve puzzles. It is puzzles that develop logical thinking and ingenuity. Without developed intelligence, it will be difficult to solve the puzzles. Puzzles about the number 7 can contain an encrypted word or the appearance of the number itself. You can download interesting puzzles for children here.

An interesting question for children may also be: what does the number “seven” look like? Let's think about what the children might answer. She looks like a poker, an old woman, a hockey stick, etc. What would you, adults, answer? What does the number seven look like?

How to write a number correctly?

Visual and video aids

As a visual aid, no matter what grade the child goes to, photos with objects or animals, pictures where you need to count something or someone can be used. You can make a humorous photo of the number 7 using computer programs, combining the number with interesting objects or phenomena. You can invite each of the children to take a photo (or demonstrate existing ones) of those objects that are very similar to the number 7. See with what pleasure the children will accept this idea. The photo can also be used if a teacher who is going to a lesson in an elementary class is preparing a presentation. You can also download photos and presentation on the website.


  1. Proverbs, sayings, sayings and poems about

The presentation is simply necessary for a full-fledged lesson and the development of the children. Most children have a visual memory, and presentation promotes maximum learning. However, it must be built wisely. A presentation is not just a collection of slides: they must be structured methodically. This means that you must be able to explain your choice of slides at any time. To ensure that your presentation is successful, we suggest that you use a presentation dedicated to the number 7, which can be easily downloaded from our website.

Video materials

Coloring pages

Let's get acquainted with the number and number "7", we use various didactic materials to get acquainted.

Didactic material on mathematics.

Number "7"

Funny poems

Number seven - crane - Came to visit us. She took seven flowers with her,

A rainbow lit up in the sky.

Seven nights and days in a week.

We have seven things in our portfolio:

Blotter and notebook.

A pen to write with,

And an elastic band to make stains

Cleaned it up carefully

And a pencil case and a pencil,

And the primer is our friend.

I can easily take it away

From seven and three and five.

But take it away from Sanka

I can't sled.

V. Lanzetti

Over the forests, over the river, the Seven-Color Bridge in an arc. If I could stand on the bridge,

I could reach the stars with my hand.

There are seven huts in the village,

Seven porches, seven old ladies,

Seven puppies, seven smokes,

Seven pugnacious roosters

They sit on seven fences,

They don't look at each other.

Seven tails spread.

Each tail is seven colors.

A. Stroilo

Seven is like a sharp scythe,

Mow, mow, while there is dew.

G. Vieru

She has one leg

And even she without a boot!


They don’t drive you with a whip, They don’t feed you oats; When you plow -

Pulls seven plows.


What kind of birds fly, seven in each flock? They fly in a string,

They won't go back.

(Days of the week.)

The flock, seven rams, protects us from snowstorms.

(Fur coat.)

The sun ordered: “Stop,

The Seven Color Bridge is cool!”


Seven guys on a ladder

Songs started playing.


There are exactly seven of these brothers. You all know them. Every week around

Brothers walk after each other.

The last one will say goodbye -

The front one appears.

(Days of the week.)

Fun puzzles

The ants live together and don’t scurry around idle. Two carry a blade of grass,

Two carry a blade of grass,

Three carry needles.

How many are there under the tree?

Five crows sat on the roof,

Two more arrived to them.

Answer quickly, boldly,

How many of them arrived?

One evening to the bear

Neighbors came to the pie:

Hedgehog, badger, raccoon, oblique,

A wolf with a trickster fox.

But the bear couldn't

Divide the pie among everyone.

Help him quickly

Count all the animals.

An elephant, a mother elephant, two baby elephants were walking in a crowd to a watering hole. And three tiger cubs met them

They walked home from the watering hole.

Count quickly

How many friends did you meet?

Uncle hedgehog entered the garden

I found ten ripe pears.

He gave three of them to the hedgehogs,

The rest are for bunnies.

(How many pears did he give to the bunnies?)

At the edge of the forest on a spring day

Under the curly leaves

To Snow White on her birthday

The forest people gathered:

Dwarf Quiet, Beardless,

Wise, Red and Grumpy,

Bully and Silent.

How many people were there?

V. Usacheva

  Our Masha got up early and counted all the dolls:

Two Matryoshka dolls on the window,

Two Arinkas on a feather bed,

Two Tanyas on the pillow,

And Parsley in a cap

On an oak chest.

(How many are there?)

Squirrel, hedgehog and raccoon,

Wolf, fox, baby mole

There were friendly neighbors.

They came to the bear for a pie.

You guys don't yawn:

Count how many animals there are

  Mama squirrel for the kids Collected a dozen pine cones.

I didn’t give it all away right away,

She gave me one of everything.

For the eldest - spruce,

Middle - pine,

For the youngest - cedar.

(How many cones does the squirrel have left?)

To the bear on his birthday

The forest people gathered:

Hedgehog, wolf, raccoon, badger,

A hare, a moose, a little fox - a friend.

Count quickly

How many guests were there?

  Grandma Mila loved animals,

Every morning she caressed and fed:

Cat, cow, sheep, pig,

How many animals does grandma have?

in the family?

Fishermen are sitting, guarding the floats.

Fisherman Korney caught three perch.

Fisherman Evsey - four crucian carp.

How many fish are the fishermen

Dragged from the river?

  Grandmother Nadya lives in the village, has animals, but doesn’t keep score.

I'll call them guys,

A cow, a calf, two gray geese,

Sheep, pig and cat Katusya.

(How many animals does grandma have?)

V. Drozdova

A flock of black grouse was flying,

She sat down in a grove;

Two by two they will sit on a tree -

One tree too many.

They will sit down one by one -

One extra black grouse.

(Answer: 4 black grouse and 3 trees.)

Proverbs and sayings

  • Seven troubles - one answer.
  • Seven do not wait for one.
  • Measure seven times, cut once.
  • One with a bipod, seven with a spoon.
  • Seven Fridays a week.
  • Too many cooks spoil the broth.
  • Onion from seven ailments.

Tongue twisters

  • Seven waxwings sat and whistled.
  • We sat in seven sleighs ourselves.
  • Stepan has sour cream, curdled milk and cottage cheese, seven kopecks - tuesok.

Physical education minute

How many green Christmas trees?

Let's perform so many bows (7).

How many circles do we have here?

We will do so many jumps (7).

How many knitted balls.

Let's clap so much (7).

Graphics tasks

Task 1. Divide the ducklings.

Seven ducklings in a pond quarrel all the time. How to divide them into three lines to stop quarrels?

Task 2. Find the circles.

Find 7 circles in each figure.

Task 3. Help Snow White find the way.

Snow White decided to give a treat to the seven dwarfs who were working in the forest. How to get to the gnomes without going to each one twice?


7 i

In this section you will find poems about autumn for primary schoolchildren. All works are easy to read and remember. The poems are small in volume, but bright and imaginative in content. Also on our website you will find a selection of poems about autumn for kids and for children 4-6 years old.

Poems about autumn for grades 1-2-3


The leaves are falling, falling
It's leaf fall in our garden.
Yellow, red leaves
They curl and fly in the wind.

Birds fly south
Geese, rooks, cranes.
This is the last flock
Flapping its wings in the distance.

Let's take each basket in our hands,
Let's go to the forest to pick mushrooms,
The stumps and paths smell
Delicious autumn mushroom

(M. Evensen)

It's autumn, friend

Someone painted yellow
Painted the forests
For some reason they became
Below the sky.

Burned brighter
Rowan tassels.
All the flowers have faded
Only fresh wormwood.

I asked my dad:
- What happened suddenly?
And dad answered:
- It's autumn, friend.

(N. Antonova)

rustled underfoot

rustled underfoot
Leaves with yellow sides.
It became damp, it became bare,
We need to get ready for school.

I barely write notebooks
Posted in my portfolio
Among the rowan berries,
Maple and aspen leaves,

Acorns and russula...
And, probably, Olezhek,
My desk neighbor will ask:
“What is all this?” “It’s autumn”...
(T. Agibalova)

Autumn is approaching

It's gradually getting colder
And the days became shorter.
Summer is quickly running away
A flock of birds flashing in the distance.

The rowan trees have already turned red,
The grass has become withered,
appeared on the trees
Bright yellow foliage.

In the morning the fog swirls,
motionless and gray-haired,
And by noon the sun warms
It's like being in the hot summer heat.

But the wind barely blows
And autumn foliage
Flashes in a bright dance
Like sparks from a fire.
(I. Butrimova)

Summer has passed

Summer, giving away warmth,
It got boring and went away.
The wind tore off the leaves
And he scattered it under his feet.

The sun hid behind the clouds,
The gray day was boring with rain.
And for some reason he cries, cries -
That's how bad it is.
Let's ask him.
The rain will answer: - It’s just autumn...

(V. Gvozdev)


The birch trees unbraided their braids,
The maples clapped their hands,
The cold winds have come
And the poplars were flooded.

The willows have drooped by the pond,
The aspen trees began to tremble,
Oak trees, always huge,
It's like they've become smaller.

Everything calmed down, shrank,
It has drooped and turned yellow.
Only the Christmas tree is beautiful
By winter she looked better.

(M. Sadovsky)


Autumn was blooming at the edges of the colors,
I quietly ran a brush across the foliage:
The hazel trees turned yellow and the maples glowed,
In autumn purple only green oak.
Autumn consoles:
- Don't regret the summer!
Look - the grove is dressed in gold!

(3. Fedorovskaya)

Summer is ending

Summer is ending
And the sun doesn't shine
And he's hiding somewhere.
And the rain is first grade,
A little timid
In an oblique ruler
Lines the window.
(I. Tokmakova)

autumn wind

Someone is walking at the gate -
It will hit a branch
Then he will collect blades of grass
And he will throw it up.

Then it will begin to bend the mountain ash
At a packed dacha,
So I started blowing on the puddle,
Like hot tea.

And he doesn’t freeze without a coat
On a chilly blue evening...
This someone is nobody
He is the autumn wind.
(L. Derbenev)


Somewhere behind the autumn clouds
The crane's conversation fell silent.
On the paths where summer ran,
The multi-colored carpet lay down.

The sparrow became sad outside the window,
The houses became unusually quiet.
Along the autumn carpet paths
Winter is coming unnoticed.
(V. Orlov)

Autumn has come

Autumn has come
It started to rain.
How sad it is
What the gardens look like.

The birds reached out
To warm regions.
Farewell is heard
The screech of a crane.

The sun doesn't spoil me
Us with your warmth.
Northern, frosty
It blows cold.

It's very sad
Sad at heart
Because it's summer
Can't return it anymore.
(E. Arsenina)

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the lush decay of nature,
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold,

In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath,
And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,
And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.
(A.S. Pushkin)

On the road, on the path

On the road, on the path
The forest has lost its leaves.
Spider on a web
He got into my collar.

The nights have become darker
And you can’t hear the woodpecker’s knock.
More often the rain wets the branches,
There will be no sound of thunder.

In the morning already in a puddle
The first ice appeared.
And the snow lightly circles,
Know the frost on the way, it's coming.
(L. Nelyubov)

Autumn miracle

It's autumn, bad weather.
Rain and slush. Everyone is sad:
Because with the hot summer
They don't want to break up.

The sky is crying, the sun is hiding,
The wind sings pitifully.
We made a wish:
Let summer come to us again.

And this wish came true,
The kids are having fun:
The miracle now is Indian summer,
It's hot in the middle of autumn!
(N. Samonii)

In October

The gray day is shorter than the night,
The water in the river is cold,
Frequent rain wets the ground,
The wind whistles through the wires.

Leaves fall into puddles,
The bread was put away in the bins,
Before the winter cold comes
Houses are insulated.
(G. Ladonshchikov)


Autumn days,
There are large puddles in the garden.
The last leaves
The cold wind swirls.

There are yellow leaves,
There are red leaves.
Let's put it in a wallet
We are different leaves!

The room will be beautiful
Mom will say “thank you” to us!
(O. Vysotskaya)

Published by: Mishka 05.09.2018 09:59 24.05.2019

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The administration of the site “site”, represented by the Yargunin family, cordially congratulates you on the holiday - International Family Day.

We all know that the family is a unit of society, which was, is and will be an indicator of the development of society and the state as a whole.

The well-being of families determines the healthy development of the country. And this is the health of the nation, low crime, demographic and economic growth, etc.

Now it's time to combine all these topics into one - family.

Dedicated to all families of the planet:

Happy International Family Day!

Family is important! Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!

I want my friends to say about you:
How nice your family is!


At home

It's raining continuously outside,
And the house is warm and light.
And it’s possible for brown showers
Calmly look through the glass.

Here you can hide from the heat,
Escape from a frosty day.
To a good native place -
It just pulls me home.

A. Barto

Family is a word that will tell us a lot.
The family will show us the path of life from birth.
And every moment, no matter what the moment was with her,
There are no more magical, dearer moments.
Family is with us always and everywhere,
It means a lot in every destiny.

In the family circle

We are growing together as a family
All your roots are in the family circle,
And you come into life from family.
In the family circle we create life,
The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

What could be more valuable than family?

What could be more valuable than family?
The father's house greets me with warmth,
They are always waiting for you here with love,
And they send you off on your way with kindness!

Father and mother and children together
Sitting at the festive table
And it’s interesting for five of us.

Parents are wiser in everything
And mom is closest to everyone, dearest.

Love it! And appreciate happiness!
It is born in a family
What could be more valuable than her?
On this fabulous land
Who's playing?

A. Shibaev


Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family means trips to the country in the summer.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family means a lot of housework.
Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive away grievances and quarrels,
I want my friends to say about us:
How nice your family is!

Loved you for no special reason

Loved you for no special reason
Because you are a grandson,
Because you are a son
Because baby
Because you are growing,
Because he looks like his dad and mom.
And this love until the end of your days
It will remain your secret support.

I'm taking care of mom and dad

I'm taking care of mom and dad
Dad complains:
- Something
I'm tired of work...
Mom too:
- I’m getting tired,
I can barely stand on my feet...
I take a broom from dad -
I'm not a slacker either,
After dinner, dishes
I’ll wash it myself, I won’t forget, -
I'm taking care of mom and dad,
I'm strong
I can do it!

O. Bundur

His family

Vova has a D with a minus -
Unheard of!

He did not move at the board.
He didn't pick up chalk!
He stood as if made of stone:
He stood like a statue.

How will you pass your exams?
The counselor is worried. —

Your family, father and mother,
Reproach at a meeting
The director will be there in person!

We have a good twenty five
And three excellent families,

But by your family for now
The director is unhappy:
She's raising a student
Doesn't help the school.

So what does my family have to do with it? —
He says sighing. —
I get deuces -
And suddenly the family is bad!

He would have endured reproaches
I wouldn't show it
But there is a question about family -
He won’t hurt his family!

They will reproach mom:
"We have a good twenty-five
And three excellent families,
And you alone are a bad mother!” —
The director will tell you personally.

Vova sadly looks into the distance,
A stone lay on my heart:
I felt very sorry for my mother...
No, he will pass the exam!

He will tell his mother: “Don’t be sad,
Rely on me!
We must be transferred
To a good family!”

A. Barto


Sunday is lucky!
Sundays are so needed!
Because on Sunday
Mom is making pancakes.
Dad washes the cups for tea.
We wipe them together,
And then we as a family
We drink tea with pancakes for a long time.
And a song pours through the window,
I'm ready to sing myself,
It's good when we're together
Even if there are no pancakes.

O. Bundur

And the sun plays (with its rays on the river),
And the cat plays (with a ball on the porch),

And Zhenya plays (Zhenya has a doll),
And mom plays (in the theater on stage),

And dad plays (on a copper trumpet),
And grandfather (playing with his grandson in the hut).

And the grandmother washes her grandson’s diapers.
Grandma is probably playing with laundry?

About love

Mom looks at dad
Dad looks at mom
And the day is the most weekday,
Not Sunday
And outside the window there is no sun,
And the blizzard
It's just how they do it
They're just
They love each other very much.
From this love
Both light and easy.
Me with my dad and mom
So lucky!

O. Bundur

Father and mother and children together
Sitting at the festive table
And together they are not at all bored,
And it’s interesting for five of us.

The baby is like a pet to the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything
Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,
And mom is closest to everyone, dearest.

Love it! And appreciate happiness!
It is born in a family
What could be more valuable than her?
On this fabulous land.

What is family?

What is family? I'll tell you a secret -
This is mom and dad who are dearer than anyone else in the world!

These are walks with them, trips to the sea,
This is brother and sister, the one with whom I am in a quarrel.

These are grandparents, pies and sweets,
But of course, that’s not why I love them!

What is family? This is my happiness!
Where I am always needed, where there is kindness and participation,

Where they understand me and wait for me in any weather.
I love you more every day, year after year!


What is comfort?
So filled the house? –
This is when they sing
A song before bed.

What is comfort? –
This is pie, milk,
This is when they get up
Joyful and easy.

What is comfort? –
This is diffused light
This is when you get tired.
If there is no one.

What is comfort? –
This is when the family
This is when they live
Dad, mom and me.

O. Bundur


Grandma will tell me a fairy tale
And make a sweet pie
And give me a little yarn,
So that I could run with the cat!

And my grandfather will give me a plane,
He will bring nails, a hammer,
And it will be ready early
We have a birdhouse and a scoop!

And dad will take you fishing,
He will tell you about forest herbs...
We're close, waddle a little
Let's go past the mushroom firs.

We'll pick mushrooms at the edge of the forest,
Let's find an intricate root,
In a forgotten forester's hut
We'll drink tea with raspberries...

And mom, bending over the crib,
He will sing a calm song,
On tiptoe he will go out furtively
And good dreams will come!

And the wind rushes through the windows,
I think I haven't slept for a long time:
Well, how can I answer this?
I just love them so much!

M. Takhistova



Family is a strange word
Although not foreign.
- How did the word come about?
It's not clear to us at all.
Well, “I” – we understand,
Why are there seven of them?

No need to think and guess,
All you have to do is count:
Two grandfathers
Two grandmothers
Plus dad, mom, me.
Folded? That makes seven people

– What if there is a dog?
That makes eight “I”s?
- No, if there is a dog,
Out comes Vo! - family.

M. Schwartz

On Family Day!

Family joy
Happy faces!
I wish all families
Glow with love!

May families be cheerful
Children's laughter sounds
Kind and joyful
Holiday for everyone!

Love flourishes
Around the Earth!..
Peace to your home
And in every family!

E. Morozova


It's very important to me
I really need it
So that the whole family
I was getting ready for dinner!
Grandfather will lay it out
What I learned from the newspapers
Adjusting my glasses
What did you dry?
Sage bunches...
Dad and Mom -
About important work
Brother - about fishing,
Football, hiking...
And about the test
Today I...
It's evening outside,
And in the house there is FAMILY!

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