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Women's grievances. About grievances and the offended! Resentment towards men and women's health. Aphorisms. Psychological techniques and correct reactions to those who offend

Whatever you say, female nature is such that it cannot do without conversations and discussions with men. Whoever is in pain talks about it. And we always root for you, our dear men. And all the talk is only about you and about you. It seems like the same thing has already been discussed 10 times. We lament, complain, boast, rejoice, cry 100 times, but we cannot live without this topic. Sometimes we get sick of our thoughts and they still bother us. And who else to talk to if not your best friend. You can express everything that hurts to her, and find mutual support in her words.

So today we couldn’t avoid discussing the topic of relationships. And to be more specific, we accidentally touched on the topic of grievances. Why do men offend us and why are we offended?

As my friend told me, grievances are our unfulfilled expectations. Is this true? In my opinion, this is true. But the reasons for these grievances go much deeper. We are offended by those words with which we agree deep down in our souls (for example, doubts creep in, what if I really am fat). This means you are unsure of yourself, listen to other people’s opinions without having your own.

Let us list the common reasons against which resentment against a loved one arises.

  • Most often, grievances arise due to misunderstandings and understatements. In this case, the woman needs to specifically ask the guy what he meant by the offensive words, in her opinion.
  • It also often happens that we misinterpret a man’s words, then we carry out additional processing, twisting, and make-believe operations in our heads, and then we begin to make claims against the man. 🙂 And he sits there, poor thing, and won’t understand what his fault is. It seems like you didn’t say anything offensive, and didn’t actually want to offend, but now apologize without knowing why.

“So he still offended and doesn’t know what to apologize for!” - the ladies are indignant. The man begins to justify himself, to explain more clearly what he meant. And only then do we forgive him and say: “Well, I’m sorry, but I thought you meant...”.

“Think less and think more,” sounds an aggressive response from your “offender.”

What is this connected with? Why do many women like to think things through?

  • Of course, this is primarily due to the complexes that are clearly inherent in her.
  • Secondly, women are more likely to give in to their emotions, which are difficult to control. A woman is more neurotic than a man.
  • Thirdly, reluctance to accept a man’s lifestyle and thinking. We do not accept and even reject his lifestyle, attitude to reality, values, desires of a man, since they are radically opposite to ours. We don't want to measure ourselves against his worldview. This is a fairly common problem that causes partners to separate. Your idealizations about family, children, marriage, and everyday life do not at all correspond to his idealizations.
  • Fourthly, women are often offended by the lack of attention from a man. Any slightest inattention or distraction of a man from a woman will immediately be reflected on the girl’s face in the form of pouty cheeks and lips :))

It's time to part with your fears and complexes through self-improvement

Not all women, including men, are able to perceive reality. Many people distort the truth and reality, passing the information they receive from the outside through the prism of personal pessimistic attitudes, fears, anxieties, and desires. The ability to see the real facts of events, their logic, and the ability to come to correct conclusions are given to a “self-actualized” person.

A “self-actualized” person wants to deal with what is at hand, with real events and phenomena, and not with his own desires, fears, and prejudices. They are not afraid of the unknown, they are attracted to it, they do not see a threat or danger in it. Uncertainty, doubts, fears subject most people to torment, but healthy people are driven to action.

Healthy people live in harmony with themselves, perceive their nature and the nature of other people. They don't get offended by trifles.

“The intermediate link between monkeys and civilized people is us.”

I wish there were more healthy people. Stop having complexes, blaming yourself, being ashamed, being offended. And for this you need to develop yourself. Then our needs, our thinking, relationships with people, animals, children, and nature will change. You shouldn’t remake someone to fit your worldview. I think that everyone perceives nature as it is. You don’t make any claims to the tree, why it is like this, to the snow, to the rain. And man is a part of nature.

How to deal with grievances?

  • Learn to perceive reality and evaluate yourself without exaggeration or understatement, based only on real facts. You must have your own opinion on everything.
  • Don't be offended by your shortcomings. Accept them. Then you will not be offended by those words that contain true facts. You know about them, you accept them. Constructive criticism is only for your benefit.
  • If they are trying to slander you, then you don’t need to communicate with this person. Then you shouldn’t be offended by the deceiver.
  • Women, if you are not satisfied with something in a man’s behavior, tell him directly so that he does not have to worry about what he has done wrong again. Knowing what action offended you, he will be happy to explain to you why he did or said that.
  • Sometimes you still need to put yourself in the shoes of the person who offended you. You will understand why he did it. Or you will understand that his action is not worth your nerves.
  • If you are not satisfied with the person himself, his inner world, interests, way of life, think about whether it is worth linking your destiny with him. Should he impose his thinking, change it if he is not ready for it?

All neuroses and resentments are caused by dissatisfaction either in love or in respect, recognition, and security. I wish every woman to be at peace, first of all, with herself. And for this you need to look for ways to realize your desires.

It is generally accepted that women are most often offended. The phrase “I came up with it myself - I was offended by myself” is almost a catchphrase. However, if we take a closer look at the phenomenon of resentment, we will be convinced that it has no gender identity. Both women and men can be offended. And as practice shows, a touchy man in the modern world is not at all uncommon. Let's talk about it on this page

So what is resentment?

Resentment is a feeling when you have been unfairly, undeservedly caused grief. It is closely related to the feeling of being passed over, pushed into the background. Of course it hurts. The expression of resentment often has the character of a call: “Look at the pain you caused me! Feel remorse and regret it!” In this address one can clearly read the aggression that resentment always contains.

Aggression can be directed inward (“How could I allow myself to be treated like this!”) and outward: the desire to punish, restore justice, and inflict a proportionate wound. This is the essence of resentment, if viewed under the gaze of psychology. It turns out that it doesn’t matter who is offended: a man or a woman, because their feelings will be similar. However, their behavior strategies and reactions will vary greatly.

How is a woman offended?

Women in our society have an invaluable right to express their emotions and not be shy about expressing their feelings. And the offended person is simply supposed to throw out the negativity on the tormentor. Often women have better developed internal contact with themselves, and they are better able to recognize what exactly they are feeling. Finding yourself offended and being able to convey this information to your partner is the most effective way to at least partially get rid of unpleasant feelings.

It is possible that the insult serves the function of manipulation and is not sincere. In this case, the woman needs to establish control over the behavior of the other, for example, make him guilty.

How is a man offended?

A man, unlike a woman, traditionally should be more restrained and patient. All the stereotypes imposed by society, such as: “A man never cries,” encourage him to keep his feelings inside and not throw them out. It turns out that the woman will not even know that she has committed an action that is unpleasant to her partner. An unexpressed experience can simmer inside for a long time and break out in the form of a storm of negative emotions, which will lead to the destruction of close relationships in a couple. From this we can conclude that it is better not to offend a man. But how to do this? Try to avoid moments that could provoke humiliation.

What can offend a man?

Criticizing a man’s sexual abilities or comparing him with another (former) partner;
negative statements about his hobby;
ignoring his questions or the habit of leaving his questions unanswered;
bad reviews about your partner’s loved ones (his mother, sister, girlfriends);
devaluation of his (even inappropriate and useless) gifts - he sincerely wanted to please his woman!
accusations that he is not reliable or independent enough;
an attempt to give him advice at a time when the chosen one is busy with business.

Unfortunately, this list cannot be completed, since there are a huge number of reasons for being offended. For example, a husband may be upset that he washed the car (finally it looks like a means of transportation, not a wreck!), but the wife did not celebrate this important event and did not praise it. Or a young man invited a girl to the cinema to see a film, which after the screening she criticized to smithereens. The reason can be anything.

It is important to remember that resentment can be caused by any situation that threatens your partner's self-worth and makes him feel left out or left out.

Negative consequences of resentment in close relationships:

1. Constant touchiness is annoying. It seems to a woman that she is building a relationship not with an adult, but with a five-year-old child.
2. The occurrence of frequent grievances is a marker that not everything is good in life and in relationships. This is a problem that needs to be solved, not avoided.
3. You may feel misunderstood and unappreciated. Then why continue such a relationship?
4. Unexpressed and unprocessed resentment can lead to various psychosomatic diseases.
5. The desire to strike back: to hurt the one who dared to offend.
6. The risk of developing strong negative feelings towards your partner: from irritation to hatred.

Hatred becomes the point at which the relationship must end sooner or later. Despite the saying “From love to hate there is only one step,” true love and hatred are incompatible.

What do we call hatred?

This feeling is based on acute rejection, hostility and disgust. It becomes clear that the person you hate should not be in your life. And he must disappear from there as quickly as possible. Hatred can be called the other side of love. These are absolutely two different poles. Actually, this is why intimacy with a person who arouses hatred in us is impossible. And without intimacy it will not be possible to build harmonious relationships.

Hatred is not the cause of resentment, but is its consequence. In general, hatred will always be a consequence of thoughts and actions that create a discrepancy between our perception and existing reality. Who is to blame for this feeling? Partner? Or the man himself?

We have to admit that the person himself bears responsibility for the origin of destructive aggression. After all, he actually admitted that his resentment grew into a negative feeling: “Only I am responsible for everything that happens in my life. If something arose that I hated, only I let it into my life.”

If the situation with the emergence of hatred towards a partner after a strong offense is repeated, then the problem must be solved. And, unfortunately, the simplest solution - changing your partner - will not be the most effective, since the same thing may happen again in the next relationship. Ideally, it is necessary to work through the main points in which negative feelings appear with a specialist, since a man’s resentment towards a woman as a cause of hatred can further destroy even the best relationships.

How to deal with male resentment?

We see that frequent touchiness can cause serious damage to any close relationship. Nevertheless, every person regularly encounters manifestations of resentment. Of course, we won't be able to get rid of it completely, but we can take steps to help reduce the risk of its occurrence.

If you have the feeling that your partner is offended, try to solve the problem immediately, do not put it off until later, clarify the situation.
It doesn't matter whether you feel guilty or not, explain your motivation, what you wanted to do and why you did it that way. Most likely, you did not intend to cause pain.
Try to remember what your partner reacts to and try to avoid similar situations.
Try to create close contact: hug your man, tell him that he is very dear to you.
In any case, conduct a constructive dialogue and maintain control over your own emotions.
Sometimes it’s enough to just wait, giving the other time and distance. This is enough to calm down and think everything over (especially when the offense is trivial).
Be patient and remember the warm feelings you truly feel for this person.

As you can see, resentment can and should be dealt with. This work may not be very pleasant and sometimes boring (“Why should I treat him like a crystal vase?!”), but a good, warm relationship is worth it.

How easy it is to allow yourself to be offended: to pout your lips, frown and silently look at your offender... Think about whether you too often use offense as a weapon to achieve any goals? A psychologist will help you understand what resentment is, why it arises and how to deal with it.

My cat, being still very small and stupid, when he was offended by something, conveyed this information to family members by writing in the shoes of the offender. Thus, we certainly identified the culprit.

Then the thoughts began: what exactly is the guilt? Analyzing the cat’s behavior could take a lot of time, because he could not tell us directly about the reasons for the dissatisfaction.

In general, if the guesses turned out to be correct, the rest of the shoes could be saved, and if not, then... But this is a very sad story.

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Photo gallery: Women's resentment against a man

Sometimes it seems to me that many people behave the same way as offended cats. And those with whom they are offended are very similar to the owners, who are lost in conjecture and shove tasty morsels to the cat in the hope of making amends for their incomprehensible guilt.

Why do people get offended at all? Why are women more prone to this particular reaction, and what does this lead to?

Let's look at some of the causes of resentment and find out how effective this behavior is.

Reason No. 1: disappointed expectations

When you were counting on something, but for some reason you didn’t get it, it’s time to be offended.

Maybe the offender doesn’t even know that you are claiming something, but this doesn’t matter, because the one who managed to be offended first is right.

For example, you are sitting in a restaurant, and your opponent is carefully looking at the menu, or, even worse, talking to someone enthusiastically.

You begin to be intensely silent and make an offended face. Most likely, after a while the offender will begin to ask:

What's wrong with you? Did something happen?
“No, everything is fine,” you will answer, pointedly turning away from him.
- But I see something happened!
- Don’t you realize it yourself?
- Did I offend you in some way?

Hooray! The long-awaited attention has been received, you can begin clarifying the relationship!

So, women love to be offended, because offense entails a feeling of remorse and guilt in the offender. And in order to make amends for this guilt, according to the script, he must do something good.

The question arises - why not just ask for what you want? Easy to say!

What woman in her right mind would ask a man to love her more, care about her more, and ultimately pay attention to her because she's bored when he talks on the phone?!

For example, Larisa was always offended by her boyfriend with a certain frequency.

If the relationship became smooth and calm, Lara would be overcome with melancholy and with it fear - what if she fell out of love?

She always needed to control the relationship, and in situations where control was lost, Larisa began to act.

When the unsuspecting victim informed Larisa that he could not spend the evening with her because of work, she immediately took offense at him.

Each time the same story was repeated - she did not want to talk to him, turned off the phone, and if the unfortunate man still managed to find her, she said that she was very busy and stopped talking.

The guy sincerely could not understand what was happening. He began to feel guilty and sent Larisa flowers as a sign of reconciliation.

Having received flowers, a gift and the humiliation of a fan included, the girl calmed down and forgave the “scoundrel.”

Once, during another insult, the young man behaved unconventionally. He did not call or seek meetings. Larisa got worried.

The girl suffered, but the thought of calling the guy herself seemed terrible to her: “If I call him, he will think that he really needs me.”

I wonder, why date a person who is not needed? What if he also doesn’t want to show that he needs her? This is not a relationship, but just a puppet show!

In general, Larisa was not going to ask herself all these useful questions, but continued to be offended. As a result, the guy disappeared from her horizon forever, ceasing to sponsor and feed Larina’s grievances.

The reasons for such grievances lie not only in the desire to receive moral or material compensation.

In fact, Larisa is so self-centered that any distraction from one’s own person is already perceived as an insult .

It really doesn't occur to her how she can think about anything else. People cannot have problems and concerns other than her person!

It must be said that some ladies manage to keep a man on the hook for a long time using a similar method of manipulation.

By the way, men with an exaggerated sense of duty and guilt get hooked. Often they inherit such a bouquet from their mother, who behaved in a similar way.

The poor guys simply don’t understand that there could be any other relationship. It is easy to recognize such a “mom”: if she needs something from her son, and he is busy with his own affairs, she immediately has a heart attack or a nervous breakdown.

If he is on a date, then she will call her son several times an hour in order to find out how he is doing and complain about not feeling well, not forgetting to add how bad she is alone.

Reason #2: inability to express feelings

This type of resentment is quite common. Think about it: if we directly ask someone for something, we are constructive, but if we try to force a person to do something by any indirect means (and often without really expressing our true desires), then we are resorting to manipulation .

And we do this because we are not confident in ourselves and are afraid to show our true feelings.

It was very difficult for Zoya to find a common language with her boyfriend’s friends. She could not join in any conversation because she did not share their interests at all.

She generally wanted to be the only center of his attention, because it made life easier for her. Do you think she ever told him this directly? Never! Why embarrass yourself so much!

Instead, she, having discovered the first signs that Mikhail - that was the name of her young man - was enthusiastically involved in the conversation, began to tug and ask him for something. For example, buy her ice cream.

He didn’t want to be distracted and offered her to buy it later or buy ice cream herself - especially since the tent was two steps away. Zoya, naturally, immediately took offense at such rudeness.

After which Mikhail stopped all conversations with friends and completely concentrated on sorting out his relationship with Zoya.

Instead of directly saying that she felt uncomfortable in the company of Misha’s friends and asking him to help take part in the conversation, Zoya chose to attract the attention of her beloved with the help of resentment.

It is much easier to say “You don’t love me” and be offended than to explain what exactly you didn’t like in your loved one’s behavior, what kind of manifestations of love you expect from him.

Reason #3: Low self-esteem

Frequently solving problems using the method of resentment may indicate low self-esteem.

A person - instead of asking about something - begins to think and cherish a grudge, often from scratch.

For example, Asya is a plump girl; she has long ago gotten it into her head that men like thin people.

Therefore, when her boyfriend Sasha pays attention to some skinny passerby, she immediately gets offended.

All Sasha’s assurances of eternal love have no effect on Asya. “You don’t want to upset me, so you’re lying!” - she answers.

If you have low self-esteem, with the obsessiveness of a maniac, in any situation you will look for reasons to confirm it and, accordingly, for new offenses.

It is very difficult to communicate with such people, because you never know what they might be offended by next time. . Even a compliment can cause deep resentment in them.

Reason No. 4: fear of being a “black sheep”

Fear of conflict, fear of being misunderstood also pushes a person to passively resolve issues of concern.

It’s very easy to take offense: it doesn’t require determination or emotional maturity at all.

Such people carry grievances within themselves and accumulate them over the years. . And if the right situation arises, all these “riches” spill out in the form of real hysteria.

Should resentment be used as a “weapon”?

Unfortunately, having once received positive reinforcement of his resentment, a person begins to use it as his constant weapon, and relationships turn into real manipulation.

Of course, it is very pleasant to receive what you want (for example, attention, confirmation of love, a new fur coat or ring), but it is not at all pleasant when sincerity and trust leave the relationship. Frequent grievances indicate an inability to communicate with a partner.

If resentment turns into a normal reaction of your body, then people often begin to lie to you or remain silent.

They do this because they are afraid of offending you. This is how mistrust grows between people. And love dies in such an atmosphere.

Therefore, before you get offended, try to take the other person’s side and find out the reasons for his behavior.

Be specific - learn to explain to your partner what exactly upset you in his behavior - because in this way you give him the opportunity to change everything.

Do you want to feel offended and can’t find someone to blame? Appoint!

One of the main mysteries on our planet is female resentment, the root causes of which can be infinitely far from the final “product”, and seem completely illogical to representatives of the male half of humanity.

Even the strongest, smartest and most powerful man, capable of understanding the mysteries of nature, conquering icy peaks and bravely fighting wild animals, will succumb to a woman’s resentment in an unsuccessful attempt to understand its cause...

Pundits all over the world have studied a huge number of sciences for thousands of years, but the only science has remained unsolved - the logic of women's grievances.

A woman’s resentment pops up unexpectedly and at what seems like the most inopportune moment, and immediately begins to acquire conjectures of her own making, and as a result, the whole story takes on the shape of a creepy thriller. Ignored my wedding anniversary, forgotten my mother's birthday, didn't notice my new hairstyle, and immediately started snoring after sex. One day of women's thoughts - and the wrong purchase of bread results in a huge scandal with tears and hysterics. As they say, “if only there was a reason!”

It is not worth it, hearing all conceivable accusations addressed to you, to strain and cut the Gordian knot of the absoluteness of female displeasure. Just understand that women's grievances are a kind of emergency system that notifies you of malfunctions.

The whole point is that the sensual and emotional “layer” of a woman instantly perceives any change in the situation, and the defense begins to collapse, reacting to any “irritant”. It seems that the series of grievances is endless - all because any woman creates relationships and emotions in the family, and catches the slightest fluctuations in moods, and feels any pain more subtly.

By expressing grievances, a woman intuitively builds relationships and provides comfortable security. Centuries-old evolution has not changed anything to this day: women lead the process of implementing its rules in order to create the most comfortable zone for themselves and their family.

But sometimes lack of attention, constant grievances in society (at work, in a store, at home) involuntarily result in a chronic form of grievance - the so-called “victim”. Unfortunately, more often such women are subject to the usual complex of guilt before others - a woman carries this condition throughout her life like a banner. The opportunity to get rid of this scourge exists, but the woman herself will have to accept that all this is her merit, and not someone else. This is not bad if such a “victim” is ready for changes and at least looks through the crack at his fears and worries. In this case, a personal psychologist can become a life jacket, who will lift the veil of secrets and the root causes of such a woman’s life.

I won’t list for a long time what women are offended by - it’s impossible. But I hope that you got the main thing - a courageous shopping trip, the warmest possible meeting with your unloved mother-in-law, taking out the trash, admiration for a new dress, a calendar of dates on your phone - and, of course, a vital piece of time for “blowing off steam” (crying, being offended).

Don’t clog your memory with grievances, otherwise there may simply be no room left for beautiful moments.

Just remembering a situation that happened to a man, which now lies like a heavy burden of resentment on the soul, makes you feel bad. And the harder you try to forget, the more emotions overwhelm you. Feeling resentful towards a man does not allow you to live normally. He has been an ex for a long time, the relationship ended a long time ago... But the resentment towards the man remains with you.

Why do thoughts about the past gnaw so caustically, holding tightly with their tentacles? They are strangling. A lump in the throat, which appears periodically, treacherously takes away the air, and with it the strength.

Today, the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan accurately answers the question about the nature of grievances in any of their manifestations.

Why there is resentment against a man is understandable. But you can figure out how to get rid of it in this article. We will not describe the stages of the formation of resentment, this will not give anything. It arises both suddenly and accumulating inside us.

Psychology of resentment towards a man

Resentment is just that: resentment. More precisely, a feeling of resentment and injustice towards you. Anything can happen: betrayed, left a pregnant woman, stole a large amount of money, beat, verbally humiliated. If there is a grudge, there is already a reason to sort it out.

The notorious “forgive and let go” flows like a river from the lips of psychologists, from articles about resentment, from girlfriends, mothers, and friends. They suggest “learning to forgive.” If it were so easy to forgive and let go, no one would have problems associated with resentment. Nobody would be offended by anyone. Everyone would live happily. Alas.

Sometimes they scare us with inevitable psychosomatics and ineffective treatment with pills. Of course, there is a connection with health, but I still want to prevent problems in the future and understand how to cope.

There are tips to make fun of a man, to present your ex-man in an indecent manner. "Apply" a sense of humor to him. Every offended person has most likely tried this. Positive results are doubtful.

How to get rid of feelings of resentment towards a man

The answer is simple and easy to understand. See for yourself.

There are eight vectors, eight mental properties of a person. Each has its own characteristics. Firstly, by understanding and recognizing these characteristic properties in people, we treat the “offenders” themselves differently. Because we begin to understand that a person, be it a man or a woman, in a given situation behaved in accordance with his inherent properties. I couldn’t do otherwise. The irritation goes away. Touchiness ceases to influence our lives and its manifestations are greatly reduced.

Secondly, if we have an anal vector, it means we have a strong memory and are specially focused on the past. We do not like lies and injustice; we are honest by nature.

Feelings of resentment and guilt are unique to us. Any distortion in the area of ​​“truth-deception” is a knife in our hearts. And until justice comes, we will continue to walk around with resentment and wish harm to the offender. Revenge is the simplest form of leveling out the situation; it is born unconsciously in response to a dishonest act.

And that's not all.

There is a visual vector. The sensitive area is the eyes. They are able to distinguish many shades of color, see and feel more subtly, sensitively and comprehensively. “Any mole will be made into an elephant” - this is what they say about people with a visual vector. The offense is small, but it is seen as the tragedy of a lifetime. Otherwise they cannot see.

What to do? How to deal with the monster that interferes with life.

It’s easy to imagine what a person with anal and visual vectors looks like. Resentments multiplied a hundredfold due to the ability to see problems larger in scale than they actually are.
Moreover, you once had a close, trusting relationship with a man, there was even love. The emotional attachment that remains in your memory, mixed with resentment, does not let you go.

When forced to interact with your ex, it is important to avoid attempts to manipulate feelings of guilt and resentment on your part. And don’t let a man do this to you. It won't lead to anything good.

Feeling only constant annoyance and, perhaps, anger at all men, we are unconsciously afraid of history repeating itself and find all sorts of tricks to avoid the birth of new relationships. Not on purpose. Simply - fearing a repetition of the pain. And so the resentment presses, and then there is also the fear of repetition of suffering and regret.

Resentment towards a man will not allow you to calmly create a new harmonious relationship. You may not even notice how constant resentment towards the man you broke up with will extend to relationships with the opposite sex.

How to overcome resentment? The psychology is this: start correctly using the properties given by nature in life. Correct - that means for the intended purpose. This will give liberation from a negative state, because there will be no need to keep the past in your head.

We often hear that you need to start with yourself. That's right. Few people give specific and effective recommendations. There is only one step left to knowing yourself. Get acquainted with the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan. It will give you a full understanding of yourself and others.

Many women have tried life without offense and now feel great. They understood their ex-men, and the resentment dissolved. Here's what they say:

“...At the time of the first free lecture, I was “nursing” with a severe resentment towards a man, from time to time it simply overwhelmed me, and the state was terrible, but after the first lecture the resentment went away, the “incomprehensible” actions and words of the man became clear, what motivates him, and even after Yuri’s story, on the very first day I realized that my resentment, as they say, “isn’t worth a damn” in the eyes of that man, because of whom I was... so upset, worried so much... What? So funny! In general, I laughed at myself for a long time, almost the entire first lecture - until the morning!
Next came the second one. Which sealed my achievement. This is such a relief!..”

“...Unfortunate love and terrible emotional dependence on one person brought me to the training in System-Vector Psychology. And also depression and a feeling of hopelessness, resentment towards parents and one’s unfortunate lot….
...I got rid of my love addiction, realized that that man was not urethral, ​​as I first identified him from the articles, but skin-visual-sound. And that love is fear brought out, and it ends when there is no visual connection with the object of love. And indeed, everything passed. Moreover, I no longer suffered from the fear that I had missed my true destiny, my chance in life. In fact, there are a lot of such chances walking around the planet, it’s enough to choose the right one)))) ... "

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