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Astrologer Leocadia Galaktionova where he receives. Dear and secret helpers of the stars: psychics, astrologers, numerologists. Prediction: early marriage and birth of a child

Vera Kupriyanova, psychologist. The general public learned about the spiritual mentor of the secular elite from an interview with Oksana Lavrentieva for SNC magazine. It turned out that Kupriyanova, who for many months, at the instigation of Alena Akhmadullina, served as Oksana’s personal and even staff psychologist, was so upset about the break with the cured patient and the slipping profit (four hundred euros per hour) that she had the imprudence to say a couple of affectionate things about Lavrentyeva to her subordinate. The subordinate turned out to be a sent Cossack with a voice recorder on. The recording, casting doubt on Vera’s respect for the professional code, was kept in the safe of the owner of Rusmoda and finally waited for her finest hour to interview Sobchak. True, Ksenia - a rare case - was not happy about the sensation, because she herself (as, by the way, her friend Ulyana Sergeenko) has been sharing all the sorrows and joys with Vera for many years. To be fair, Kupriyanova, a virtuoso player on the emotional strings of ladies not only with complexes, but also with plump wallets, has helped many: she has an excellent understanding of people. But her emergency psychological help has a side effect: having healed one wound, Vera can pick out another. So that the patient and the elite gestalt closer are never separated.

Klara Kuzdenbaeva, numerologist. The smiling Kazakh woman does not burn incense or lay out the tarot: her instrument is numbers. Clara graduated from St. Martin's with Parsons in numerology, lived at the Sera Jay Dratsang Monastery in the suburbs of Lhasa, and studied the Tibetan number system in the Indian city of Dharamsala. A few years ago, Kuzdenbaeva was invited to Tretyakov Spa to advise Moscow slackers who had been softened by massage with hot oil bags for ten thousand rubles per session. Clara accurately predicted a tapeworm and a quick wedding for one Mercury employee. But now Kuzdenbaeva receives her in her own office. Dry numbers whisper with amazing accuracy about the bad temper of ex-husbands and the whims of the future mother-in-law. More than one or two Tatler heroines believe that Clara is the most adequate of our ratings. However, she also has a weakness - no, no, and even trumping the name of star clients, from Ksenia Chilingarova, Marianna Belchanskaya and Goga Ashkenazi to the ex-president of Kalmykia Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and the rebellious Sergei Polonsky. Apparently, Clarina’s “business correction” did not help the latter. Tel.: 8 903 230 20 81.

Leokadia Galaktionova, astropsychologist. The brightest stars of the highest echelons of power and show business revolve in the Galaktionova galaxy, but only Lolita Milyavskaya openly admits to an old friendship with Leocadia Vasilievna. The others quietly pass her phone number from hand to hand. In her apartment in Izmailovo, Galaktionova practices astropsychology: she consults with the stars, prudently making allowances for human stars. The number of marriages predicted by Leo-cadia is uncountable, as well as divorces. “Very intelligent woman! — grateful clients rejoice. - Doesn’t intimidate, doesn’t command. In addition, Galaktionova always prepares for a session, draws a natal chart, and exclusively by hand. She doesn’t use gadgets out of principle.” So the stars give her their tenderness.

Olga Aristova, astrologer. The well-groomed blonde is married to an Italian, and therefore lives in two cities - Moscow and Milan. She understands wealthy clients even without horoscopes - after all, she herself is crazy about shoes and hats, creams, restaurants on the Cote d'Azur and cheesecakes from Coffeemania. Aristova’s know-how is beauty forecasts: Mercury retrograde calls for giving up meso, the Moon in Capricorn persistently whispers about a new haircut, and the Sun hints that a light orange blossom should be preferred to the heavy aroma of patchouli. Beauty salon owner Lanna Kamilina follows Aristova’s advice, and the result is obvious: it blooms and smells! At the same time, the owner of the colorful Instagram @astrolog_aristova is also skilled in personal matters: many oligarchic wives come to her for the strategy “My husband has a mistress. How do you feel?” However, they say that Olga also removes the crown of non-recoupment from her business once or twice. Contacts: website

Tatyana Borsch, astrologer. One of the most famous Russian astrologers draws up a so-called horary horoscope, which helps answer a specific question. “Will I get married?”, “Will the start-up work out?”, “Should I take a garconniere on Sevastopol Boulevard?” — the same curious designer Alena Akhmadullina and actress Alika Smekhova come to Borsch with these and many other things. By the way, questions starting with “should I take...” are asked most often. Loyal clients know that Tatyana is a great player on the stock exchange and with her apartment in a brand new residential complex on Marshal Zhukov Avenue she has the gift of promptly making the right decisions. Tel.: 8 916 607 66 68.

Ace, Feng Shui Specialist. Tiny Thai girl Ace came to Russia as a child. It was thanks to her that Moscow learned the word “feng shui,” which became wildly fashionable in the nineties and zeros. However, even now there are more than enough solvent people who want to divide their apartment into seven sectors, buy plants without thorns and tie red ribbons to the ceiling beams: take, for example, the wife of power engineer Grigory Berezkin, Elena (why do you think things are going so well for him?). Yes, and Marina Dobrovinskaya, under the condescending jokes of her sparkling husband, calls Ace into the apartment so that she can indicate where to put the work secretary (just not by the window!), and explain why it is necessary to exclude a table with a glass top from the shopping list. Contacts: [email protected]

Lyudmila Rosokha, psychologist, numerologist. A respected psychologist, numerologist and family therapist gives video lessons, consults in person and on Skype, and even takes the most desperate enthusiasts to India to study the ancient Vedic art of harmonizing Vastu energy in the “temples of love” of Khajuraho - that is, in a pleasant distance from the traffic jam on Boulevard Ring, capable of infuriating even the most experienced yogi. Selfish rituals are in particular demand among Lyudmila’s clients: say, “three exercises to unlock the energy of money” or - oh, there’s something to tremble about here! - “your financial karma.” It’s no wonder that Rosokha is feared and respected by top managers of the largest Russian banks. Contacts: website

Svetlana Polishchuk, astrologer. A completely unglamorous appearance coupled with homespun clothes does not prevent this expert on the stars from giving practical advice to both foppish entrepreneurs and brilliant society ladies. As a rule, Svetlana Dmitrievna meets with clients at the Shokoladnitsa on Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, and for a three-hour appointment, even from millionaires like Matvey Brilling, she takes no more than they are used to leaving as a tip - two thousand rubles. Clients pay this little money for detailed instructions, which, of course, must be followed. Polishchuk often advises clients to celebrate their birthday in one place or another in the world. The blond wife of a high-society top manager was lucky enough to have London and Paris. But there are also less elite destinations! So, a company of good Moscow friends spent the whole year carousing, either in Greece or in Turkey - as Polishchuk bequeathed. And what? Everyone was satisfied with the heavenly tour operator: the crocodile was caught, the coconut grew. Tel.: 9 910 403 47 20.

Svetlana Pokrovskaya, family psychologist. One former minister gave out the phone number of the nicest chick with a representative office on 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya to “all his friends.” Since then, the entire government elite has been going to an experienced family psychologist. Difficult teenagers from MES, rich housewives tormented by the reproaches of their spouses, and even the Kremlin husbands themselves pour out their souls to the soft and inviting Pokrovskaya. Svetlana’s portfolio contains many touching reconciliations: she brought together one couple on the verge of divorce in such a way that, out of excess of feelings, she had to have a second wedding. For considerable money, Pokrovskaya regally travels to the Rublevo-Uspensky districts in order to wean her son away from marijuana on the spot, and her daughter away from addiction to VKontakte.

Inga Lozancic, astropsychologist. Another astropsychologist in our rating, a spectacular Eastern European blonde with excellent Russian, consults clients in one of the most beautiful mansions on Povarskaya-Sheremetyevsky. A magnificent reception does not come cheap - fifteen thousand rubles per session. But even the heroes of the blockbuster “Interstellar” never dreamed of such a productive tête-à-tête with the stars: in just one session, Inga found an approach to the obstinate daughter of the owner of a jewelry brand, who made the sky in diamonds for all other psychologists in Moscow. And a famous banker asked the astrologer to “divorce” him from his partners. Inga advised him to take his wife as a comrade. Since then, Mars and Venus have been successfully running the bank together. Needless to say, even the wiring in the bedroom sparks after a busy workday? People make appointments with Lozancic at least a month in advance - that’s exactly how long it takes her to draw up a detailed natal chart. Tel.: 8 968 912 13 08.

“I don’t want to look like a bass woman!”

Photo: Mikhail Korolev

Her nature is a complete element; LOLITA sets the boundaries of her behavior herself. I have always been interested in the numerous PARADOXES in the fate of this bright, talented woman. She is one of those whom life constantly TESTS FOR STRENGTH, but she definitely has the winning gene in her.

Lolita, we decided to do your photo shoot in a classic interior. Is this close to you, or do you like minimalism?
I absolutely cannot live in a modern interior. It seems to me that this is some kind of mental destruction. It probably has something to do with the fact that I have to travel a lot. All hotels today are high-tech, minimalist. Therefore, I want there to be something at home that already has life in it. No, I don’t collect antiques, because I don’t sit on oil money. So, I collect cute trinkets that collectors usually don't need. Here, for example, is a glacier from 1903. When I saw it for the first time, I didn’t understand what kind of unusual object it was. It turns out that they used to be used on trains - they put a glass and served the drink to passengers. I also have a little thing that was used to collect fish bones at lunch. At one time, my grandmother taught me how many forks, knives and spoons should be on the table during dinner, on which side what should be placed. But I forgot all this and eat just fine from the pan. And when I saw this thing, I realized: my grandmother missed such a life.

Do you use this thing?
No. I have one, but there should probably be six of them. This item simply creates warmth in the apartment. I also have a collection of cups. From the point of view of collectors, she is not God knows what. But for me it is very valuable...

I understand you. I also collect cups - with the names of cities.
I'll know what to give you! My collection began with a cup that I bought in an antique store in Saratov. It cost $100, which was a lot of money for me, but I fell in love with this cup. Later, having arrived in my beloved city of Lviv, I again walked through the museums - at school we skipped classes just like that. In one of the museums I saw the service of the Polish king and realized that I had a cup from such a service. My cups are not behind glass; absolutely all of them are used - for example, when guests come.

Do guests come often?
Not now.

I don’t have time or energy for guests. The desire sometimes arises, but passes very quickly. Because I know in advance: this means that now I’m standing at the stove, then, when everyone is eating, I’ll be standing at the stove again, heating it up, serving it, running around with a glass, never sitting down. Then I’ll start cleaning it all up and washing it. And the next morning I still see the guests who stayed overnight.

But listen, there is such a fashionable concept as catering.

I know, but I don't like it. If I lived in the castle named after Maxim Galkin, of course, I would need catering and a number of housekeepers living directly with me in the same area. And I have nowhere for them to live.

Small flat?
No, she's not small. I just can’t stand it when someone stays with me - I can’t, I can’t stomach it. And I haven’t really been visiting lately: I have to wear something decent. I choose those guests to whom I can come in a tracksuit.

Do you love tracksuits so much?

Very! I stopped loving everything evening. When I got better, I could no longer fit into my beautiful, elegant dresses, and my legs could no longer handle heels. And why would I come up with something, go shopping, buy clothes a size larger in order to look thinner? I don't have time for this. Besides, I’m almost fifty, I’ve already been seen in everything, at 41 I was twice the country’s sex symbol. This is quite enough to satisfy vanity and all women's ambitions.

Well, okay, but don’t you have a desire to lose weight?
No. I think this is stupid. I'm not ugly. I have everything: the waist, the proportions, and my face is all right. On the beach, young men still approach, so everything is fine. I was thin most of my life, weighing fifty-six kilograms. I recovered at the age of forty-three. The doctors said that this was how my body reacted to the fact that I hadn’t given it a rest for many years. There was a failure in the metabolic system, in particular, carbohydrates stopped being digested. I eat once. On the day of the performance, this is soup - my director literally pours it into me three to four hours before the concert. And the salad - I can't eat anything else. If I'm at home, I can cook myself a piece of meat, or pancakes, or cabbage rolls.

So you don’t need any diet.
Need not. I decided not to rape my psyche with any quick weight loss. This is very harmful - that's what the doctors told me. By the way, when I weighed fifty-six kilograms, I sang poorly. What’s bad about it, I just didn’t sing: my voice range was small, I didn’t have enough support, I had no stamina, I got incredibly tired during concerts. Now the range is expanded, wide, meaty and juicy at the bottom. And I became less tired during the concert. So I need my weight.

This is cool. In general, you need to be able to love yourself for who you are.
Absolutely! True, I realized this late. For twelve years I went to the psychologist-astrologer Leocadia Galaktionova. Amazing woman, smart. I understood that self-inadequacy was having a bad effect on me. I had a lot of complexes. I always considered myself ugly - thanks to my ex-partner, he did everything possible for this.

Do you mean…
...the one who was with me in the “Academy” duet and with whom I had the longest marriage. It’s not even a marriage in its purest form. It was a working marriage, which is much stronger, more emotional, more functional than just a relationship between a man and a woman. True, I also dealt a couple of blows to his pride - I confess, this happened due to ignorance and inexperience. But he could never have achieved this result if my parents had initially shown great love for me. They simply did not know how to show this love. And now that I have learned to analyze life, I stopped blaming other people, and it became easier for me to communicate. I understand why this or that phrase is said. I don’t do bad things because I know the price of retribution.

As for the parents - a strong confession.
My parents had a very difficult life, they worked a lot and toured. Dad was an entertainer and concert director, he had his own jazz band. Mom is a singer, she sang everything: pop music, jazz, romances. She could have had a great future if dad had not emigrated to Israel. He was one of the thirty-six first immigrants to arrive in Israel. Father knew Golda Meir ( ex-Prime Minister of Israel. - Approx. OK!) - she studied in Kyiv with my grandmother. And when dad left, everyone was no longer interested in showing love to me. There were reasons for this: the family lived in constant hysteria and lack of money, we were bullied by the KGB because we were unreliable. Although the only unreliability of my family was that my dad once read a monologue about the dirty Yalta beaches. For this he was deprived of the title of Honored Artist, as well as a three-room apartment in Yalta - we were about to get it. On top of everything else, Ekaterina Furtseva ( the then Minister of Culture of the USSR. - Approx. OK!) signed an order according to which my father was prohibited from performing with his jazz band. Mom had no choice but to sing in a music hall during the day, and in a variety show in the evenings, in order to support the whole family. And then my father suffered some kind of kidney blockage due to nervousness, and he became disabled. In Israel, things didn’t work out for him right away; he didn’t have much money, although he was given a job in a jazz orchestra on television. He studied Hebrew, then, together with his partner, opened the first Russian restaurant in Israel - Samovar. His partner abandoned him - dad turned out to be unsuitable for any business other than show business. Apparently, I’m the same with him.

Straight out of a movie plot. Did a difficult family situation break you down as a child?
I was little and only as I grew up did I begin to understand what kind of drama was going on with my parents. At the time, I was interested in something else: would dad send me parcels from Israel, would I be decently dressed - that’s all I wanted. I recently re-read my father’s letters consciously. I keep them all: letters, postcards. He described my way to school, birch trees, squirrels. And I thought: what kind of nonsense? I can't stand this road to school! And why squirrels? Much more important was where the chewing gum was in the package. Well, what else could you expect at that time from me, who was in the 4th grade? I didn’t care about their squabbles, I hated what was happening in the family for the reason that they took their irritation out on me. Now I understand them.

They shouldn't have done that, but I understand.
If in childhood there was a lot of love in its most primitive manifestation - with lulling, stroking, with words about what a beautiful, good girl I am, then I would have a different attitude towards the choice of partners in life. For some reason, I always found myself in the position of a woman who says: “Thank you for picking me up! You know, I can do anything: sew, cross-stitch, and, if necessary, whitewash and paint. And I can give myself a drill on March 8th. You sit, I’ll do everything myself! Thank you for being with me!” I made a grave mistake in allowing myself to be treated this way. But my child will not do it. Eva grows up in a completely different world. Why did I read the works of geniuses, listen to the psychologist and other smart men and women?! So that my child grows up self-sufficient and happy.

But your daughter lives at a distance from you - in Kyiv, with her grandmother.
It doesn't matter at all. A child feels whether you love him or not in everything: in your words on the phone, in your touch when you meet. When I come to her, I cuddle her all the time, sleep with her. She knows for sure that her mother loves her. And that mom is not just absent, but earns money - for her life, for her education. She is not interested in things: my grandmother and I rejoice when we manage to persuade my daughter to wear some beautiful dress. She does this favor when mom arrives. And so she has jeans, sneakers, UGG boots. Eve thinks: “Don’t touch me, I should be comfortable.” I’m the same now: long dresses, makeup, make-up - it’s all just on stage. Understand me, people, and don’t touch me! I don’t want to comb my hair, I’ve been standing with this comb, curling irons and hoods for thirty years. Give me a rest, spit and don't pay attention to me.

It's impossible not to pay attention to you! You are loud, bright, emotional.
This is me on stage. And also in corset dresses, very neat, always with a manicure. Before going on stage, I ask my director Edik to see what I look like and go ahead. I trust him absolutely, we have been working together for eight years, he has become a part of my soul. My mother also trusts Edik: if I don’t have time to pick up my daughter after the concert in Kyiv, I ask Edik. My mother trusts him with her child. Moreover, it is Edik who my mother complains about me to. Edik may feel sorry for me too.

What is your relationship with your mother now?
Difficult relationships in the past. I love her and accept her for who she is. She was born during the hungry years of the war. Her mother is of blue blood, her father is a convinced communist and smart. She grew up at the crossroads of historical events. My mother was very worried that her career did not work out. But she had the makings of becoming very popular.

I can imagine how happy your mother is at your success.
Now yes. But when I started performing, my mother said that I sang terribly. She felt she should judge me as a professional. But I wanted her to treat me like a mother. When my parents left, I stayed with my grandmother, my father’s mother. Grandma could fall asleep and forget that I was in the yard. I remember that my parents took all my friends home, and I was sitting in the yard. It's half past ten, already dark. I plucked up courage and entered the dark entrance, where all the light bulbs had burned out. I wasn’t so big that I shouldn’t be afraid... It was moments like these that strengthened me, otherwise I wouldn’t have achieved what I have... That’s why I feel sorry for my mother, I love and respect her. Now she showers all her love on her granddaughter, calling her daughter. I’m not jealous and say that I have two daughters: the eldest is my mother, the youngest is Eva. Mom is like my child, who sometimes needs to be reprimanded. I am calm and happy that I have two children.

Mom once said that you were a terrible singer. And you, apparently, continued to believe in yourself. This is excellent quality.
Recently, Vadim, I noticed: when I move forward, I don’t perceive negative assessments. I started my solo career for the second time at the age of thirty-seven, after my divorce from the “Academy” duo. I approached my colleagues and asked: can I do it? They answered “yes” sluggishly, and behind them they heard: “Downed pilot.” Almost no one believed in me. Unless Alla Borisovna said that I could do it. I started singing again after I got divorced. There was a feeling of absolute freedom and a clear understanding: my piece of bread depends on what I do now. In general, I always married for love. And all my relationships are also for love. Even if the next morning this feeling disappeared. There is nothing wrong with that, I had a lot of love potential. The word “love” for me mainly meant passion, had a physiological background, characterizing the stormy, irrepressible nature of Scorpio. Now everything is much calmer. Love involves more of a spiritual principle than a physiological one.

Has harmony been achieved?
Now yes. If I knew that I would get a husband like Dima, I would meet him at the maternity hospital - he is twelve years younger than me. People are mature and immature, and this does not depend on age. I'm lucky. I got a person who is interested in developing. We have been living together for three and a half years now, and he is constantly looking for new books and attending spiritual lectures.
I want to ask you this. Surely in the family you are the leader and the main breadwinner. Doesn't this hurt your husband's pride?
I like that there is usefulness in him: he feels like a breadwinner and tries. There are simply things that cannot be bought - attention, care, attitude, forgiveness. Dima gives me a feeling of inner peace. He does everything to make me feel comfortable psychologically, mentally, morally. There is no money that can buy this. Dima earns enough to support himself, support his child from his first marriage, and help his parents. We signed a marriage contract, and what I earn is always mine. He gives me gifts like a real man. But I have never evaluated gifts by their cost. On the contrary, if they give me something expensive, it immediately loses its value in my eyes.

Tell me, on what basis can inconsistencies occur with your husband? Surely this happens.
Very rarely, in three and a half years we had a fight five times. Well, we had a fight... Today you sleep in the nursery, and that’s it. So Dimka even sleeps better there! There are inconsistencies. Now he was very upset with me because, while on tour in Belarus, I didn’t go see his mother for at least fifteen minutes. I explained: “Dim, you know that I need to sleep before the concert. Then a rehearsal for two hours, then a concert for two twenty. Then we travel three hundred kilometers, and for me every five minutes of rest is worth its weight in gold.” Dima just can’t understand that before the concert no one exists for me - neither my mother, nor my daughter, nor my close relatives. I forbid everyone to bring me bad information on the eve of the concert. But when the funeral service has finished, then please. He seems to feel it, but he’s still offended. So we had a fight.

For how long?
For one night. We spent the night at the dacha: I went to sleep on the second floor, he stayed on the first. And in the morning I wake up: all the dishes have been washed, everything is clean, and he behaves as if there was no quarrel. And there is no commercialism in this.

A few years ago, you happily told me that you had plastic surgery on your face.
What does “with pleasure” mean? I just thought there was nothing special about it! I didn't change anything fundamentally. Look: not a single scar. My friend, plastic surgeon Andrei Iskornev, once remarked: “You have been painting your eyelids every day for twenty years at work, spending an hour and a half on face makeup. The upper eyelids are tightening, let’s fix this, remove excess eyelid skin?” I say: “Okay, just don’t change the shape of your eyes.” And the next time the makeup took half an hour. I make it easier for people and myself. The surgeon also “revitalized” my lips: while I was under anesthesia, he took some of my natural fat from the chin and pumped it into my lips. I asked if I would look like a female perch. He reassured: “No, I added your own fat.”

Have you done your own lifts?
The same surgeon told me not to come to him until I was fifty. And recently we saw him again. He says: “Listen, it looks like you don’t even need to come to fifty dollars.” Thanks mom!

We recently talked on the phone, your voice was completely hoarse. You say you have to work a lot. Where do you restore your strength? Where is this fulcrum?
If possible, I go to a dacha in Dorokhovo near Moscow. In my non-elite village, I have to do everything with my own hands; there is no housekeeper there. That's when I recover. And when I can’t go to the dacha, I just take a book and start reading - whatever. At such moments I feel that the structure called the soul is nourished and ceases to be depleted.

How do you react when they say: Lolita on stage is vulgar, vulgar, tasteless?
And there are also people who say: Lolita on stage is intellectual, free, passionate and not a fool. And who to listen to? People whom you respect very much in the profession and know that they are objective. Alla Borisovna, for example, makes three apt remarks - not to the eyebrow, but to the eye. But these are such professional remarks! I got carried away by reading biographies of brilliant people. I read and understand: yes, I’m just a seven-flowered flower against their background! These people did such things, subjected themselves to self-destruction. And someone recovered, grabbed himself by the hair and pulled him out. And some didn’t pull it out because they didn’t think it was necessary. And this is a position. As Bunin said, “I’m not a piece of gold to please everyone.” And what's the point of being liked by everyone?

The neighbors - two hundred houses - are grateful to us for our fight against weeds. Walking around the village like this with Dimka, we feel like children. With excitement, like scouts, we note where each neighbor has something edible - lemon balm for tea, sorrel for soup, horseradish for preservation. A raspberry or plum has spread over the fence. And when everything is ripe, we indulge ourselves - we make a living by extorting money. It's so nice to steal some change! There is virtually no damage - we pinch a few leaves at a time, tear the berries and fruits a little at a time, but it’s a lot of fun.

Dimka and I began some kind of normal, measured life. We sit in a Moscow apartment in the evening, play backgammon and read books. We wander through the streets and alleys, looking into other people's windows.

Passers-by recognize me. They react normally, without extremes. They communicate like with a neighbor. I am not perceived as a person from TV. People say hello and start a conversation. I answer. I don’t know how to play inaccessibility, it’s not typical for me. If I want to be unavailable, I don’t leave the house, I don’t answer phone calls. Sometimes people advise me where else I need to go with Dimka: “You know, there’s such an interesting place there...” Recently, based on a tip, we found a “zoo” in the yard near the Garden Ring, where swans, parrots, and ponies live - some man takes care of them. And in another yard, someone planted an amazing garden and put up benches. Created beauty with my own hands...

With the collapse of the Academy duo, I lost the ability to enjoy little things. And next to Dimka, the lost ability returned...

I will never forget how many years ago I was flying home from America: all the passengers were sleeping, and I was invited into the cockpit to look at the northern lights over the Atlantic. It was amazing. At that moment I had never seen anything more magnificent in my life. Today, much smaller things evoke the same strong delight in me - a drop of dew, grass, sunset, birds, insects. I passed by before and didn't notice. I only noticed it when Dimka showed me all this beauty. For his birthday I gave him a camera. And he started filming, finding special angles. I admire his photographs. And this is not the subjective opinion of a woman in love - they are gladly published in various magazines. They often call: “Dima, haven’t you photographed anything new?” Husbands must be taken from Belarus

For many years, psychologist and astrologer Leokadia Galaktionova proved to me one thing: passions are incompatible with marriage.

I couldn't understand it. After each unsuccessful romance, she rushed to her in tears and shouting: “How could he?! How could I?!” And in response I heard: “This is not love. The moment will come when you will meet a normal person with whom you will feel calm.” I didn't understand the word "calm". “Calm” and “boring” were synonymous for me. Calm down - it's zero. Relationships between relatives - brother and sister. It turned out there was nothing like that! This is the relationship between a man and a woman. It all dawns on me late. To understand this, the fool had to be almost 48 years old!

In relations with Dima, everything is very smooth. It started smoothly, life continues smoothly. But every day the feelings come.

They are very deep. I get great pleasure from having him around. He doesn't smell like betrayal. It's simple in a good way. I didn’t believe that such people existed until I met Dima. Now I advise everyone to take their husbands from Belarus. This country is a reserve for real men. They are calm there, with a core. All of Dimka’s friends, his brother and relatives have stable families. I have never heard anyone discuss partying. All the talk is about children and families. It's men, not women, talking about how proud they are of their home!

At the beginning of our romance, I consulted with my astrologer about Dima. She said, "This is your lottery ticket." She never uttered such a phrase in relation to my chosen ones. More often she said: “Now you need this relationship.”

Celebrities often resort to the help of psychics, fortune tellers and astrologers. Singer Irina Dubtsova was predicted to have a quick marriage, TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov the birth of children, and Daria Dontsova the death of a friend. The stars told StarHit about the predictions that came true.

Prediction: early marriage and birth of a child

Now the singer is cool about the predictions of psychics, but in her youth she was not against looking into the future. “From 1999 to 2003, I sang in the popular group “Girls” together with Valya Rubtsova, Lipa and Tanya Gerasimova,” recalls Irina. – We toured all over the country. And then, in one of the cities, a man came up to us after the performance and offered to tell our fortunes. Then I was so interested, and I agreed! As a result, my uncle told me that I would be the first of all to get married and give birth to a child.

At that moment, I didn’t even think about such a thing, and I didn’t plan to start a family early. I laughed and quickly forgot. But a few years later his predictions came true. At 22 I got married, and at 24 I gave birth to a son. For girls this happened much later. I didn’t turn to magicians anymore.”

Vlad Lisovets

Prediction: date of father's death and mother's move

The stylist is surprised at how accurately and often prophecies come true. “Five years ago, one clairvoyant said that my mother would live next to me - practically behind the wall,” Vlad tells StarHit. “He told me that my father would soon pass away.” I was dumbfounded. This really happened... And a year and a half later, my mother moved. It so happened that my neighbors in the stairwell urgently needed to sell their apartment and they offered me to buy it at a bargain price. So I became the owner of another living space. The first thought was to move my mother!

The most amazing incident occurred several years ago during a vacation in Nice. My friends and I went to the salon for a massage. The master turned out to be a Frenchwoman with Moroccan roots. She told many interesting things about me. She said that I help people and in the future I will do this in my own home. And what do you think? A week ago I won a bid to rent a room - a basement with an area of ​​400 square meters... in my house! I plan to open a school there where I will teach the style to ordinary women and men.”

Darya Dontsova

Prediction: Sickness and Wealth

Before becoming a writer, Dontsova worked as a translator from French to Russian at the Russian Embassy in Syria. In 1974, a journalist friend persuaded her to go to a famous fortune teller in the Syrian city of Aleppo. Daria still remembers this meeting.

“First she asked me to look into a cauldron with gurgling muddy water, and then she said that I would have a daughter,” says the writer. “I almost laughed, because at that time my second marriage was falling apart, I was a married woman only on paper. I had a son, Arkashka, and I did not receive child support for him. And I didn’t intend to get married a third time. She then continued: “At forty-five you will become very seriously ill. Everyone around will talk about imminent death, but don’t trust anyone. You live to be 104 years old. After fifty you will become a wealthy woman, material well-being will come to you from your right hand and will not leave you until the grave.”

At that time I was only 22 years old, and I responded to the prediction with a smile. But years later everything came true. I got married and had a beautiful daughter, Masha. And when I fell ill with cancer, I often remembered the words of the Syrian clairvoyant. I didn’t lie about welfare either. What you love brings good income. The prediction for my journalist friend also came true. At first, the fortune teller did not want to communicate with him at all and even asked him to leave the room. But he asked for it. Apparently, she didn’t want to talk - she predicted that he had only three years to live. And so it happened, in 1977 he died of a gastrointestinal infection.”



The Fabrika group has been consulting with astrologer Elena Faikina on various issues for several years now. For example, when in 2014 they were looking for a new soloist for the musical group, it was Lena who helped with the choice. The producer chose Sasha Popova, group members Ira Toneva and Sasha Savelyeva decided to play it safe and asked the astrologer to write a profile for her.

“We received an approving recommendation from Elena, saying that the girl is a good girl, communication with her will be comfortable, her participation will benefit the development of the group! – says Irina Toneva. – And thanks to Lena, we learned that each person has his own special dates on which energy potential is low. Once on one of these days we had a concert. There was a huge stage, but the audience was very far away; there were no screens broadcasting the concert, which interfered with interaction with the viewer. There are many temples and reservoirs in that city. All this, as we know, neutralizes external manifestations of emotions. We were able to rock the crowd that night, but it wasn’t easy.”

Vladimir Soloviev

Prediction: years of birth of children

The host of the “Duel” program on “Russia 1” often resorts to the help of predictors. “I treat this as an additional source of information - seriously, although with a little irony,” Vladimir admitted to StarHit. – At one time, among tons of scammers, I met several interesting people. One of them is astrologer Pavel Globa.

I remember the incident when on December 31, 1999, Sasha Gordon, Pal Palych, and I were traveling on a tourist bus in Paris. They started making fun of Globa, saying that he promised that Boris Yeltsin would resign before 2000, and it was already the 31st... And suddenly they broadcast on the radio that Yeltsin had left the post of President of the Russian Federation. Later, Pavel personally predicted the birth years of my children.

Another person I trust is the clairvoyant Vladislav Nikolaevich, he is devout. Friends introduced us. If I’m late for a plane, I can dial him and ask him whether it’s worth rushing or not? Sometimes he answers: “Don’t worry, the plane will be delayed for five hours,” and sometimes he advises not to go to the airport. I asked him for help when friends had health problems - oncology. He never made a mistake with his forecast.”

Mikhail Grushevsky

Prediction: divorce and birth of a son

Lolita Milyavskaya introduced the parodist to the astrologer Leocadia Galaktionova. The singer used her services for more than ten years. “I came to Leocadia in 2000 more out of interest,” says Grushevsky. “She collected detailed information about the date, time and place of my birth. Then I made some calculations and said that I would have two marriages, I would find real happiness only in adulthood, and I would have a second child. A year later, I got married for the first time, and in 2002, my daughter Daria was born. Being caught up in everyday worries, I didn’t even think about the prognosis. But life showed that Leocadia was right. That's how it all turned out.

I met my true love, my future wife Evgenia, a year before my anniversary. And at the age of 50 he got married, and our son Misha was born. By the way, my wife and I recently visited Galaktionova again. She made a detailed forecast for Grushevsky Jr., and it is slowly coming true. For now I can only say that Mishka plays football, confidently hits the ball and sometimes ends up in an offside position. And also, growing girls, beware!”

Marina Afrikantova

Prediction: winning a beauty pageant

Marina Afrikantova, one of the brightest participants in the Dom-2 project on TNT, was prophesied as a child that she would travel around the world. “My mother told me that when I was three years old, old acquaintances from Ukraine came to our house; they had the gift of foresight,” Marina recalls. – So, they prophesied that when I reach adulthood, I will participate in beauty contests and success will await me. I’ll even take first place in one of them. They also said that my mother would follow me around the world and cry. Then we decided that it was connected with dancing - I studied at the Todes ballet school-studio for many years, but no. Years later, everything came true.

I took prizes in several Russian beauty contests, and also won a competition in New York and received the title Miss World Russian Beauty New York 2014. As for my mother, she really accompanied me. When I won a trip to the Seychelles on the Dom-2 project, she went with me to support me. Mom spent about five months there. Conflicts and tears also happened.”

Lena Lenina

Prediction: business success

It talked about reincarnation and that John Rockefeller in our century was reincarnated into a girl named Elena, that is, into me, and that I would repeat the fate of the famous billionaire - I would earn a lot of money. But in my personal life there will be problems, all men will try to use me. The earthly task of the immortal soul of Rockefeller in my body is to overcome these failures and learn to be successful not only in the material sphere, but also in love.

I read it, giggled and forgot. But today, when I am the owner of the largest network of franchises in Europe - Lena Lenina’s manicure studios, which includes more than 200 salons, I understand that there was truth in the book.

I feel that everything I do in business comes extremely easily. I'm not the smartest person on earth and I don't make much effort, but things are going uphill. It's like luck is always smiling at me. And unlike Rockefeller, I am often happy in love. By the way, an esoteric friend of mine predicted three marriages for me. Allegedly, the third husband, as in a fairy tale, will be smart, kind, rich, but fat. I've already been married twice. So I wait and look around at the well-fed ones.”

Who helps artists make important decisions

Stars rarely admit that they turn to “secret agents” for help. Although many celebrities go to appointments or regularly consult by phone with people who help them make responsible decisions, relying on their gifts and unique abilities. Surprisingly, it is a fact that “strong, brave, successful” people often ask for advice from psychics and astrologers. There are much fewer artists who do not hide their “connections” with fortune tellers than those who go to appointments in secret. In interviews, celebrities, as a rule, scold “fraudulent psychics”, and they themselves give them the money they earn from corporate events and filming.


Fashionable star psychic Alexander Litvin helps with advice to Irina Bezrukova, Alla Dovlatova, Sergei Bezrukov and many other celebrities, bankers, and athletes.

Alexander Litvin and Tatyana Bulanova. Photo: social networks.

Irina Bezrukova said in an interview with Teleprogramma magazine that she is often helped out by Alexander Litvin’s Happy Life Calendar - she uses it and sees good results. With the help of the calendar, the actress knows every morning what color outfit to choose, what not to plan for the day, and what to do. “The winner of the “Battle of Psychics” Alexander Litvin taught me that you cannot talk about plans. Since the energy is eroded, a person, being envious, can send the wrong message that is needed to fulfill the plan,” said Irina Bezrukova.

At Litvin’s meeting with the audience at the Central House of Literary, they included a video message from Sergei Bezrukov: “I called Sasha before filming the film “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive!" He did not give a clear answer as to whether I should take on this job. I was puzzled... As a result, work on the painting was postponed for six months. When I started filming, I called Sasha again and informed him that I was starting to work. He was delighted: “Only now? Great, but if you had started filming six months ago, working on the film could have had a negative impact on your health. But now the danger is over.”

The “wizard” (as celebrities call Litvin) gave advice to the famous producer Evgeny Fridland on the time of conceiving a child. Now the producer has a daughter from his last marriage.


In this area, there is no equal to Klara Kuzdenbaeva. Using numbers, she calculates the future, predicts, warns, and advises. Doctor of Psychology Kuzdenbaeva studied numerology in India: she studied the Tibetan number system and received a lot of specializations in numerology.

Numerology is the ability to interpret numbers and see a person’s destiny from them. Clara calculates a person’s life code by date of birth, and then adjusts life based on emotional and physical periods of ups and downs.

By the way, this is how the numerologist met her husband. Businessman Vladimir Kuznetsov saw Clara on TV, found a phone number and made an appointment. “There was a period of decline in his life, things were not going well. I reassured him, saying, just be patient a little and everything will work out. And so it happened,” said Clara. Vladimir began to court his numerologist - Kuzdenbaeva taught the man numerology and they began to understand each other better. And then they got married.

Among the numerologist's celebrity clients are Alexander Peskov, Mikhail Muromov, Irina Nelson, Nadezhda Babkina (pictured above and below), Alika Smekhova, Roma Zhukov, Ksenia Chilingarova. The reception costs from 15 thousand rubles.


Vera Kupriyanova listened to many of the sorrows and joys of Ksenia Sobchak and other socialites. Sobchak was never shy about visiting Kupriyanova, and even took up psychology herself. In an interview with Elle, Sobchak admitted that psychology classes helped her build a true relationship with her mother: “Psychologically, there is a struggle between one strong personality and another. This is an insoluble conflict, although, I repeat, I love my mother very much... I understand that she drove two hours to meet me, she dreamed of seeing me, and so we met, sat down, and ten minutes later I began to be shocked, and she sincerely doesn't understand why. It all starts the same way: cap, bring some more tea, mom, I don’t want it, bring it anyway, let it sit, you’re probably hungry, more squid. Sometimes I hold back, sometimes I don’t... But I’m learning. In fact, because of my mother, I started studying psychology and have almost received a second higher education in this specialty. Mom is my trainer..."

A consultation with psychologist Anetta Orlova, in demand among businessmen, politicians and celebrities, costs 7 thousand rubles. And fashion psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky 70 thousand rubles.


The most legendary star astrologer Leocadia Galaktionova. Among her clients are representatives of the highest echelons of power, athletes, and artists. Most people hide visits to an astropsychologist, passing on news to each other about predictions that have come true - marriages, divorces and other life disasters.

Lolita Milyavskaya does not hide her long-standing friendship with Leocadia and constantly consults on a variety of issues: “For many years, psychologist and astrologer Leocadia Galaktionova proved to me that passions are incompatible with marriage. After every unsuccessful romance, I rushed to her in tears, and in response I heard: “This is not love. The moment will come when you will meet a normal person with whom you will feel calm.” When the singer met her husband Dmitry, Leocadia told her that this chosen one was “your lottery ticket.”

Lolita introduced astrologer-psychologist Mikhail Grushevsky. He provided Galaktionova with information about the date, time and place of birth, and Leocadia made calculations and predicted 2 marriages for the man, saying that he would find true happiness only in adulthood. And so it happened. A year after the prediction, Grushevsky got married, and a daughter was soon born. At the age of 50, Mikhail married a second time and had a son. With his second wife, Grushevsky was at a reception with Galaktionova, the astrologer made a forecast for their son.

For the first time, the singer decided to speak openly about a topic that was painful for her.

“I wasn’t lying when I said that everything was fine with us,” she says. - Problems, of course, arose. But I retained hope and faith that I could glue all the cracks with superglue. The last thing I wanted in my life was to change anything. After all, I consider Alexander Zarubin my first real husband. In this marriage everything was like in a fairy tale. But circumstances turned out to be stronger than us. A tragedy happened in our lives that we could not survive.”

Nobody cheated on anyone

I got pregnant a year and a half ago. My husband and I were really looking forward to this pregnancy. Six months before it became known that our common baby already existed, Sasha bought an apartment where there were supposed to be two children’s rooms - one for Eva, the other for the second child. Today this room became a guest room... I had some amazing quality things for newborns left over from when Eva grew up: clothes, a cradle, scales, a rocker.

I had a lot of work then! And the doctors began to categorically insist that I take care of myself. After all, I’m no longer 20 years old, but 44, you never know. Sasha was also worried. He didn’t force me to quit my job; he understood that if he gave me an ultimatum, the reaction would be the opposite. He appealed to my mind. But the idea was pointless. Imagine a tank and a soldier with a grenade in front of him. So, of the two of us, I was the tank. Can the tank be stopped? No. You can only throw yourself under it and die... Besides, I had before my eyes the example of my mother, who until the seventh month of pregnancy sang and danced on stage in short dresses. So I decided that I had enough strength for everything. And so it was... four months. And then there was a miscarriage. I was in Kyiv with my mother. I felt very, very bad. Sasha, having learned about my condition, rushed to me... You know, we could have a boy. Son.

It’s scary to remember what happened... Sashka spent two days in the hospital. I quit my job. We experienced the loss of our baby very hard. Both broke. Returning from the hospital, I moved in with myself... And Sasha and I did what we could do - we threw ourselves into work so much that at some point it seemed as if we had completely forgotten about each other’s existence. And when the economic crisis came, Sashka completely moved to the office. There was no talk of any adultery. Nobody cheated on anyone. Absolutely. Journalists took pictures of me on the beach with my bodyguard and wrote that he was my lover. They forgot the rule - look where they hide. I was asked the question: “Are you sleeping with this person?” Believe me, it was easier to answer: “Yes, I’m sleeping! And I sleep with a dozen more. I can't live without it at all. What else should I do every day? After all, I have nothing else to do!” I always took gossip about myself lightly; it only affected my mother. She was worried about her daughter's reputation. And I told her: “Mommy, I’m already in my fifties, finally someone will ruin my reputation. Otherwise, no one has ever called me the “b” word in my entire life. It’s even insulting.”

I still worked a lot. I was wildly tired. I just collapsed from exhaustion. Closed. She didn’t tell anyone what was happening in the family. Only to the closest friends. We could not communicate with Sashka. After those two days in the hospital they didn’t talk even once. At all. But even from a distance, I knew how he felt. Because I felt the same thing - emptiness.

The decision to divorce was made by Sasha. He could no longer officially talk face to face about his desire to separate. I couldn’t pronounce the word “divorce” at all. Sasha’s assistant informed me that my husband had filed for divorce and they were waiting for me at the registry office. I remember that something broke inside... I came alone. Before going out, I pulled on some very simple, almost homey dress; in my opinion, I didn’t even comb my hair. I was very nervous on the way. I was just pounding.

The registry office was not the one where we signed - very simple, similar to a school. Sashka was not there - he flew to Switzerland. I saw from the guys who represented my husband’s interests that they were all worried. And I knew how worried he was... We were separated without his presence. The registry office employee, a nice woman, was very afraid to say something that could cause me pain or inconvenience, and with all her appearance she tried to show that nothing terrible was happening, divorce is not the end of life. And I am immensely grateful to her for her tactful support.

I don’t remember how I signed the divorce papers. It was like I was in a fog. As if this didn't happen to me. When it was all over, they gave me a thin piece of paper in my hands. I got out, sat in the car next to the driver and cried for a long time, I couldn’t stop. But then I got ready - in the evening there was a concert in Luzhniki. An anniversary of some company. I sang for forty minutes. The repertoire was ordinary, but it was especially painful to sing: “I will give my life for you...” At the end of my performance, the audience gave a standing ovation and did not want to let go. I was able to give people a holiday. And they, in turn, fed me with their energy, saved me, breathed a second life.

Marriage contract

Even when we were together, the press discussed the topic of what I would get after the divorce. Everyone went wild and started counting other people's property. But we ourselves raised this topic only once, before the wedding. Then Sasha offered to sign a marriage contract that was very beneficial for me. But I said: “No need. What I earn for myself and what I have will always be enough for me.” But this did not suit him: “You know, if in our life, God forbid, there is a separation, then I guarantee you...” - and named a very large amount... I still said: “No.” As a result, after the divorce, I was left with a studio on Basmannaya, apartments in Bulgaria, which were purchased to take my daughter and mother to the sea, and also a spacious apartment on Taganka, which Sasha gave me for my birthday. My husband wanted our large family to live there... After the divorce, there were framed photographs, wedding DVDs, paintings that were given to us for our wedding... And I still have Sashka’s blue shirt with small stripes hanging in my dressing room, which suited him very well...

We dreamed that when I was fifty, I would leave the stage and my husband and I would wander along the seashore, hand in hand. Or rather, they didn’t dream, but were sure - I even gave my word to Sashka. And my husband often said: “I wish you were fifty!”

In the meantime, I was plowing. There was excitement. I thought, here’s another solo, another solo, another program... One day Sashka sighed heavily and said again: “Well, I wish you were fifty and left this country!” - but this time there was so much melancholy and fatigue in his words... I didn’t attach any importance to this and, as usual, cheerfully answered: “Wait, Sashka, it’s coming soon!” And he sadly answered me: “I don’t believe you anymore...”

He is a smart man. Knew who he married

- I remember it was my next birthday. It coincided with a concert in St. Petersburg. I went on stage - there was a huge number of people, but I was so lonely! Immediately after the concert I went into the dressing room and burst into tears. And then the door opens, and on the threshold I see my husband in a long leather coat. Sasha was so handsome! Still sobbing, I thought: “It can’t be, he just flew off on a long business trip!” And Sashka hugged me tightly: “Don’t cry. Let's take a walk along the shore." I, already calming down, continue to think: “Bastard, no flowers!” - and this despite the fact that only the day before I received a gorgeous diamond set from him. In general, it was in my repertoire: I feel bad, everything is wrong... We walked along the embankment, then stopped in front of a huge glass building. The husband said: “I want to buy it.” I think: “Fuck, it’s my birthday!” And even today he solves his business problems!” I have an internal hysteria - there is no more unhappy woman in the world! We took the elevator to the sixth floor - there was an empty Japanese restaurant there. Sashka asked: “Sit here, I need to meet the owner.” I thought: “Go, go, now I’ll get drunk and feel sorry for myself!” - and offendedly stared out the window at the lead water of the Neva. Suddenly, fireworks soared into the sky from the middle of the river. That day was a holiday for railway workers, and I thought that this splendor was intended for them. “Here are people walking!” - sighed. Suddenly my song “I’ll send him to...” started playing in the restaurant. This surprised me. And it even comforted me a little. I thought: “I haven’t lived my life in vain, so they play my songs.”

And suddenly - something made me turn around - I saw behind me a crowd of people in carnival masks. My friends, girlfriends, colleagues, the film crew of the program “Lolita. Without complexes” - about forty or fifty people. It was my Sashka who collected them all, put them on two planes and brought them to St. Petersburg. We sang, ate, drank, danced and had fun from the heart. And at the end of the evening, a huge cake was rolled out into the center of the hall. Usually stripper girls jump out of these, and this is where my PR manager Kolya Stepanov came from. He was wearing a wig, a white shirt, stockings, size 42 platform shoes - he was dressed exactly like me on the cover of the Neformat disc. It was another drop in the ocean of happiness! Shock, euphoria, unbridled fun, childish delight and surprise - such feelings overwhelmed me that extraordinary evening.

Sasha always flew to me on tour. He flew planes back and forth to stay with me for just one night. And if there was no airfield in the city, I flew to the nearest one, and then got there by car. Happy moments!

I won’t lie, we have had our share of challenges in our lives. But this is all nonsense. A trifle. For example, I could snap. I remember we went to Cher’s concert in the Kremlin. And when we returned home, my husband began to draw something. It turned out to be the set of my new show. “Am I interfering with your oil?” - I asked angrily. He pouted and so did I. But after twenty minutes everything was fine again. Sasha and I didn’t fight at all. We're adults. Besides, I spent so many years cursing! Why ruin your life again? In addition, Sashka was completely conflict-free with me. Once, at the very beginning of the relationship, I heard him raising his voice to his subordinates, and I reprimanded him. It’s me who yells at team members every day! Anyone else in his place would have bucked and advised him to mind his own business, but the wise Sashka calmly replied: “Yes, I’m probably wrong.” We always had companies at home. His, mine. I respect Sasha’s friends madly, but it’s hard for me to be with them - there’s nothing to talk about. I don't understand anything about oil, stocks or company capitalization. One day Sasha asked me to play along with him and wrote out a few phrases with which I was supposed to show off in front of the guests. I honestly taught them for two days. As a result, everything got mixed up. The laughter was wild! I didn't turn out to be smart.

When my friends came to us, a noisy revelry began. Sashka had fun with us. True, at twelve he went to bed, and I continued my vigorous activity. In order not to disturb Sashka, I could take friends in the middle of the night and move to my apartment, since it’s not far away. And at dawn she returned and went to bed. In order not to explain everything to the journalists, who kept a watchful eye on us and periodically tried to find out from the guards whether I was spending the night at home, in the press I called our marriage a guest marriage. But that's not true. Most of the time, of course, we lived together. Sashka reacted calmly to everything. He understood: this is my way of life. He is a smart man, he knew who he married.

When we got married, Sasha began putting money in the nightstand in the bedroom and kept suggesting: “Take it, take it.” But I was shy. Then he made me a credit card, on which he put money. But I haven’t touched the card for about a year. Could not. I'm not used to it. She told Sasha: “Am I going to make you gifts from your own money? I make decent money!” The first time I asked my husband for money was a few months after the wedding, when I needed to refuel the car, but I didn’t have rubles with me, only foreign currency. "Give me a thousand!" - I blurted out, and I felt so embarrassed. But then I got used to it and became a proper wife.

Once there was a report in the press that Sasha gave me a plane. Another lie. Sashka rented a plane on which I traveled during a tour of Siberia. My husband had friendly relations with many business partners. And that one of the businessmen provided him with a plane - absolutely normal human relations for their circle. There is nothing special about the fact that your wife will fly like a white man, and not travel three hundred kilometers in a bus. So no one bought the plane for anyone. Sashka and I wouldn’t need it. Where to fly? We didn't even have a country house. Although we managed to buy a huge plot of land. But it didn’t get to the point of construction. The husband asked: “Are you going to build?” I told him: “Sasha, I can’t do it now - I have a solo album coming up.” He: “That’s it, I understand. After fifty."

Cocaine was for business, not for high

- For myself I am normal, for many I am abnormal. And I don’t care what anyone thinks about me. I have long closed the concept of society to myself. I am internally free. Here I am sitting with you and honestly telling you things about myself that others would hide. I don't see the point in lying. She didn’t hide anything from Sashka at all. True, I was not a naive fool and was always aware of my actions. I knew that I would have to answer for some things. But she did it completely consciously. My husband and mother were the people to whom I honestly reported that I had a problem with cocaine. At a certain point, I no longer had enough energy to work, and I decided that cocaine would add energy to me and become another doping for the job. And then, when bad things began to happen to me - attacks of the deepest black depression, I got scared...

I used cocaine like a little girl. And as an adult, I realized: I’m killing myself. And she began to save. And the first step was a frank conversation with loved ones. I am grateful that they did not give me a spanking, did not call me a drug addict and did not send me to the clinic. Sasha and mom said: “We understand it’s hard for you. This is overwork. We know you won’t do something that will harm all of us, you won’t make your family and child suffer.” And they also said a very important, most important phrase for me: “We love you.” I found the strength to get rid of addiction on my own. I bought a book about drugs. I read everything about them. About heavy ones, about light ones. I studied the problem thoroughly. Probably every person has his own task in life. I think drugs appeared in my life so that today I could competently address people with similar problems and help them. It’s one thing when a man in a white coat threatens you with his finger, and quite another thing when a person who has tried this poison himself and knows what you are risking tells you.

The men were breaking their necks

- It was summer then too. Summer 2003. Our first date. After dinner, Sasha took me home to Lyalin Lane. The entrance was illuminated by a metal antediluvian lantern. Everything was incredibly romantic. I am so pretty, thin, with long hair, in a translucent tiger dress, for which I had to buy special underwear. In general, I really liked myself. She was wearing high heels. The men were wringing their necks.

I hate roses, and Sasha always gave me only them. Roses are brought to our country from Holland, and they wither on the second day. In addition, thorns ruin concert dresses and leave scars on the hands. Sasha knew about my dislike for these flowers both before and during our married life. But giving me something else seemed wrong to him.

I remember how one day Sasha called and asked me not to leave for 20 minutes. Soon the doorbell rang and people began entering the apartment with baskets of roses. The apartment began to resemble the Vagankovskoe cemetery. I managed to think in the spirit of my favorite writer Daniil Kharms: “This is an obituary!” And then Sashka called: “Well, how?!” I told him: “Wow! What's the reason? - “999 roses in honor of the 999th day of our acquaintance.” I was shocked. On the one hand, I demanded romance from all my men. But I can’t call myself romantic. After all, I am the one who always forgets memorable dates. I even remembered the birthdays of my first two husbands solely because they coincided, firstly, with each other, and secondly, with the birthday of my dog ​​Emmanuel - March 22. What can you do: I loved the dog more and couldn’t help it.

And with Sasha I was simply overwhelmed with emotions. I am a woman one hundred percent. Periodically brainless, because the rib of Adam is not supposed to have a brain. I am a man of passions. I need to immediately plunge into love. At some point, I became ready for anything, and my prince suddenly disappeared. After suffering a little, I made a difficult decision: if he calls, I will not answer the phone. Never. I didn't see the point in continuing. Or rather, I was afraid to get hooked. Not to fall in love, but to truly love when you begin to suffer and suffer. I already had a lot of pain in my life... Two months later, my friend Natasha Gromushkina called and offered to have dinner together. True, she warned me that a surprise awaits me. We sat for a long time, had dinner, gossiped, and I was already getting ready to go home. Suddenly the door opened - and I saw a huge bouquet of roses, and behind it - Sasha. He quickly approached and blurted out one long, long phrase: “I realized that without you it’s much worse than with you, marry me, I love you!” In general, the beginning was brilliant and solemn!

By the way, Sashka Zarubin is my only husband whom my mother loved and still loves. And she believes that he deserves better than her daughter... Upon learning of our official separation, mom burst into tears bitterly.

I know what I'll tell my son-in-law

- Today I worry about Eva no less than for myself. I know that for my daughter, the news that Sasha and I have divorced will be a serious trauma. Therefore, I do not initiate her into the current situation. She has never seen a better attitude towards herself than from Sasha.

My daughter is the main miracle in my life. The last time she confessed her love to me. These words really support me. It was two days ago, when I was flying out of Bulgaria, and she stayed there with her grandmother... I never tire of being amazed at how different Eva is and at the same time similar to me, even in the number of moles on her body. When nature creates people like you, gives you a child, exactly like you, you already know what you should warn him against, so that he doesn’t get hurt like you. I work through my mistakes, fall and get up again so that it won’t be so painful for my child to walk on the ground. Eva is still ten, but I have already prepared a phrase for the moment when she comes into the house with her husband. I will tell her: “I will love everyone you bring.” And I’ll quietly whisper in that guy’s ear: “God forbid, you offend her, I’ll cut off your balls!” I will not interfere in Eva’s life, this is the only way she will make fewer mistakes. I didn't make a mistake. Exactly. After all, as soon as a person receives freedom of choice, he instantly finds his bearings. If my mother had not said that she did not like my boys, I would not have had so many marriages. After all, most of them were concluded to spite her...

I won’t deny that I’m very worried

- Even when there was no official divorce, but there were already rumors about problems in our family, potential brides openly looked at my husband. Now that we have separated, there is already a line lined up to see him at the reception. I am aware of this. And I want to warn applicants - my husband is special. Not everyone will suit him. Our communication was reminiscent of a chess game when you finally have an equal opponent. You see, I speak a man's language. The profession makes itself felt. Don’t be surprised: despite the outward lightness and brilliance, I have a male profession, in which only stage makeup is a female profession. My work requires me to have masculine endurance and masculine responsibility. See I don't have a manicure? This is because I was painting a wall in our house in Bulgaria - I didn’t trust the workers. It was easier for me to do the work myself than to explain it to someone. I want to open the eyes of men - there are no weak women in nature. And now an important message for women - you need to learn to play weakness. It is rare to find a man who is able to appreciate strength. My husband Sasha is the only one. Or one in a million. I thank him for appreciating my strength and not irritating him.

I spent part of my life compressed like a spring, with the wrong accents in the family. The fact that a woman should first of all be a good housewife is ridiculous! The truth is that a woman must first be a woman.

It would be better if I didn’t patch holes for half my life and cook borscht, and go to massage parlors! It would be better if she monitored the movement of money, which she herself earned through hard work... Now it’s difficult with me. I learned a lot. And I can no longer be manipulated. The man hasn’t opened his mouth yet, but I’m already bored. And I won’t pretend for my own benefit that I’m interested in him. I have suffered through my inner freedom, learned it, and don’t want to change it for anything. I live the way it suits me. But for others, this life may not be suitable.

I received the most revelations about the purpose of a woman in the family in this marriage. Sashka taught me that a woman should not be a draft horse, she should pamper and cherish herself, and a man should look after her and give gifts and roses. But I would be lying if I said that my previous marriages did not give me valuable life experience. What could we do without it! I took away from them the knowledge that you don’t need to take on too much, it’s better to give as much as possible to the man. And control absolutely everything, but so that he doesn’t know about it. God forbid he notices - there will be an explosion! It is unpleasant for a man to learn about his weakness. Therefore, the ideal option for marriage is to play the fool. I knew these rules, but the image of the fool was a little difficult. Only in my marriage to Sasha I didn’t need to play anything. Only with him I was myself.

We did not allow a single insult towards each other, which happened to me in all previous relationships. You know, I have so many sins! Now I'm ashamed of this. Sometimes you swear like a shoemaker, tell him in a fit of anger everything you think about his family, upbringing, sexual abilities and opportunities - and you yourself kill your relationship. The brakes don't work - you can't stop. Do you think I'm the only one so crazy? Already in adulthood, it became a revelation that many intelligent women behaved just as badly. I didn’t allow myself such things with Sasha. Our marriage was almost perfect. But there are things that are stronger than us...

The divorce from Sasha Zarubin was the most peaceful in my life. Although, I won’t deny, I’m very worried. My husband is an intelligent and well-mannered man, and I am sure he will never leave me without care, he will always lend a helping hand. This marriage is adult. The previous ones were for children, theater and concerts, partnerships, but not love.

We love each other

- Work always comes first in my life. This is my implementation. Singing and creating are most interesting to me. This is how God designed me. My family is never offended that I work hard. My mother did the same. And my grandmother raised me. Now history is repeating itself with my daughter - she is with her grandmother, and I provide for the family. In general, my mother and I have a lot in common. She also went through a divorce. And I can't deny that my parents' divorce had a huge impact on me. Thanks to the fact that I worked so hard in life, I became a walking chapter from a psychology textbook. Analyzing my actions and the actions of my inner circle, I often understand very well why people behave the way they do. But much more than in psychology, I believe in God’s Providence. I'm sure of two things. First, the soul is immortal, second, God himself distributes the souls of children who need to be born to certain parents... Much in our lives is predetermined. I am a million percent sure that I will not remain lonely. And I will definitely get married. This inner knowledge of mine is confirmed by a personal horoscope, which was compiled for me by psychologist-astrologer Leokadia Galaktionova. In ten years of communicating with me, she has never made a mistake. What she does is not quackery, but an exact science. That's why major politicians and businessmen come to her. She talks about the things that will happen and how to make the blow less painful. Six months before the terrorist attack in America, she predicted the tragedy that would occur there in mid-September, and then the crisis. Then I didn’t believe her, I thought: “What a crisis, we are all thriving!” By the way, she also told me about the divorce from Sasha, and as if it were an inevitable thing. She also told me something about our future with Sasha... The past year and a half have been very difficult in my life. Losing a child is scary. But I did it. I told myself: “We need to give it time. You can't force anything. You can’t make any decisions, you need to maintain as much balance as possible within yourself. Everything happens in life. It consists of ups and downs, personal and social, physical and mental, a person is affected by the Moon and hormones that play with age - and we become less tolerant. This must be taken into account." And I took all this into account and decided to take a time out...

Today Sasha and I are not together. I don’t know what will happen to us. I know one thing - we love each other. And I even hope that when I turn fifty, Sasha and I will hold hands and walk along the seashore...

I am a vector-up person. I know everything will be fine. Because bad doesn't suit me.

Vera Kupriyanova, psychologist. The general public learned about the spiritual mentor of the secular elite from an interview with Oksana Lavrentieva for SNC magazine. It turned out that Kupriyanova, who for many months, at the instigation of Alena Akhmadullina, served as Oksana’s personal and even staff psychologist, was so upset about the break with the cured patient and the slipping profit (four hundred euros per hour) that she had the imprudence to say a couple of affectionate things about Lavrentyeva to her subordinate. The subordinate turned out to be a sent Cossack with a voice recorder on. The recording, casting doubt on Vera’s respect for the professional code, was kept in the safe of the owner of Rusmoda and finally waited for her finest hour to interview Sobchak. True, Ksenia - a rare case - was not happy about the sensation, because she herself (as, by the way, her friend Ulyana Sergeenko) has been sharing all the sorrows and joys with Vera for many years. To be fair, Kupriyanova, a virtuoso player on the emotional strings of ladies not only with complexes, but also with plump wallets, has helped many: she has an excellent understanding of people. But her emergency psychological help has a side effect: having healed one wound, Vera can pick out another. So that the patient and the elite gestalt closer are never separated.

Klara Kuzdenbaeva, numerologist. The smiling Kazakh woman does not burn incense and does not lay out the tarot: her instrument is numbers. Clara graduated from St. Martin's with Parsons in numerology, lived at the Sera Jay Dratsang Monastery in the suburbs of Lhasa, and studied the Tibetan number system in the Indian city of Dharamsala. A few years ago, Kuzdenbaeva was invited to Tretyakov Spa to advise Moscow slackers who had been softened by massage with hot oil bags for ten thousand rubles per session. Clara accurately predicted a tapeworm and a quick wedding for one Mercury employee. But now Kuzdenbaeva receives her in her own office. Dry numbers whisper with amazing accuracy about the bad temper of ex-husbands and the whims of the future mother-in-law. Not one or two Tatler heroines believe that Clara is the most adequate of our ratings. However, she also has a weakness - no, no, and even trumping the name of star clients, from Ksenia Chilingarova, Marianna Belchanskaya and Goga Ashkenazi to the ex-president of Kalmykia Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and the rebellious Sergei Polonsky. Apparently, Clarina’s “business correction” did not help the latter. Tel.: 8 903 230 20 81.

Leokadia Galaktionova, astropsychologist. The brightest stars of the highest echelons of power and show business revolve in the Galaktionova galaxy, but only Lolita Milyavskaya openly admits to an old friendship with Leocadia Vasilievna. The others quietly pass her phone number from hand to hand. In her apartment in Izmailovo, Galaktionova practices astropsychology: she consults with the stars, prudently making allowances for human stars. The number of marriages predicted by Leo-cadia is uncountable, as well as divorces. “Very intelligent woman! - grateful clients rejoice. - Doesn't intimidate, doesn't command. In addition, Galaktionova always prepares for a session, draws a natal chart, and exclusively by hand. She doesn’t use gadgets out of principle.” So the stars give her their tenderness.

Olga Aristova, astrologer. The well-groomed blonde is married to an Italian, and therefore lives in two cities - Moscow and Milan. She understands wealthy clients even without horoscopes - after all, she herself is crazy about shoes and hats, creams, restaurants on the Cote d'Azur and cheesecakes from Coffeemania. Aristova's know-how - beauty forecasts: Mercury retrograde calls for giving up meso, the Moon in Capricorn persistently whispers about a new haircut, and the Sun hints that a light orange blossom should be preferred to the heavy aroma of patchouli. Beauty salon owner Lanna Kamilina follows Aristova’s advice, and the result is obvious: it blooms and smells! At the same time, the owner of the colorful Instagram @astrolog_aristova is also skilled in personal matters: many oligarchic wives come to her for the strategy “My husband has a mistress. How do you feel?” However, they say that Olga also removes the crown of non-recoupment from her business once or twice. Contacts: website

Tatyana Borsch, astrologer. One of the most famous Russian astrologers draws up a so-called horary horoscope, which helps answer a specific question. “Will I get married?”, “Will the start-up work out?”, “Should I take a garconniere on Sevastopol Boulevard?” - the same curious designer Alena Akhmadullina and actress Alika Smekhova come to Borsch with these and many other things. By the way, questions starting with “should I take...” are asked most often. Loyal clients know that Tatyana is a great player on the stock exchange and with her apartment in a brand new residential complex on Marshal Zhukov Avenue she has the gift of promptly making the right decisions. Tel.: 8 916 607 66 68.

Ace, Feng Shui Specialist. Tiny Thai girl Ace came to Russia as a child. It was thanks to her that Moscow learned the word “feng shui,” which became wildly fashionable in the nineties and zeros. However, even now there are more than enough solvent people who want to divide their apartment into seven sectors, buy plants without thorns and tie red ribbons to the ceiling beams: take, for example, the wife of power engineer Grigory Berezkin, Elena (why do you think things are going so well for him?). Yes, and Marina Dobrovinskaya, under the condescending jokes of her sparkling husband, calls Ace into the apartment so that she can indicate where to put the work secretary (just not by the window!), and explain why it is necessary to exclude a table with a glass top from the shopping list. Contacts:

Lyudmila Rosokha, psychologist, numerologist. A respected psychologist, numerologist and family therapist gives video lessons, consults in person and on Skype, and even takes the most desperate enthusiasts to India to study the ancient Vedic art of harmonizing Vastu energy in the “temples of love” of Khajuraho - that is, in a pleasant distance from the traffic jam on Boulevard Ring, capable of infuriating even the most experienced yogi. Selfish rituals are in particular demand among Lyudmila’s clients: say, “three exercises to unlock the energy of money” or - oh, there is something to tremble about here! - “your financial karma.” It’s no wonder that Rosokha is feared and respected by top managers of the largest Russian banks. Contacts: website

Svetlana Polishchuk, astrologer. A completely unglamorous appearance coupled with homespun clothes does not prevent this expert on the stars from giving practical advice to both foppish entrepreneurs and brilliant society ladies. As a rule, Svetlana Dmitrievna meets with clients at the Shokoladnitsa on Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, and for a three-hour appointment, even from millionaires like Matvey Brilling, she takes no more than they are used to leaving as a tip - two thousand rubles. Clients pay this little money for detailed instructions, which, of course, must be followed. Polishchuk often advises clients to celebrate their birthday in one place or another in the world. The blond wife of a high-society top manager was lucky enough to have London and Paris. But there are also less elite destinations! So, a company of good Moscow friends spent the whole year carousing, either in Greece or in Turkey - as Polishchuk bequeathed. And what? Everyone was satisfied with the heavenly tour operator: the crocodile was caught, the coconut grew. Tel.: 9 910 403 47 20.

Svetlana Pokrovskaya, family psychologist. One former minister gave out the phone number of the nicest chick with a representative office on 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya to “all his friends.” Since then, the entire government elite has been going to an experienced family psychologist. Difficult teenagers from MES, rich housewives tormented by the reproaches of their spouses, and even the Kremlin husbands themselves pour out their souls to the soft and inviting Pokrovskaya. Svetlana’s portfolio contains many touching reconciliations: she brought together one couple on the verge of divorce in such a way that, out of excess of feelings, she had to have a second wedding. For considerable money, Pokrovskaya regally travels to the Rublevo-Uspensky districts in order to wean her son away from marijuana on the spot, and her daughter away from addiction to VKontakte.

Inga Lozancic, astropsychologist. Another astropsychologist in our rating, a spectacular Eastern European blonde with excellent Russian, consults clients in one of the most beautiful mansions on Povarskaya-Sheremetyevsky. A magnificent reception does not come cheap - fifteen thousand rubles per session. But even the heroes of the blockbuster “Interstellar” never dreamed of such a productive tête-à-tête with the stars: in just one session, Inga found an approach to the obstinate daughter of the owner of a jewelry brand, who made the sky in diamonds for all other psychologists in Moscow. And a famous banker asked the astrologer to “divorce” him from his partners. Inga advised him to take his wife as a comrade. Since then, Mars and Venus have been successfully running the bank together. Needless to say, even the wiring in the bedroom sparks after a busy workday? People make appointments with Lozancic at least a month in advance - that’s exactly how long she needs to draw up a detailed natal chart. Tel.: 8 968 912 13 08.

Celebrities often resort to the help of psychics, fortune tellers and astrologers. Singer Irina Dubtsova was predicted to have a quick marriage, TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov the birth of children, and Daria Dontsova the death of a friend. The stars told StarHit about the predictions that came true.

Prediction: early marriage and birth of a child

Now the singer is cool about the predictions of psychics, but in her youth she was not against looking into the future. “From 1999 to 2003, I sang in the popular group “Girls” together with Valya Rubtsova, Lipa and Tanya Gerasimova,” recalls Irina. – We toured all over the country. And then, in one of the cities, a man came up to us after the performance and offered to tell our fortunes. Then I was so interested, and I agreed! As a result, my uncle told me that I would be the first of all to get married and give birth to a child.

At that moment, I didn’t even think about such a thing, and I didn’t plan to start a family early. I laughed and quickly forgot. But a few years later his predictions came true. At 22 I got married, and at 24 I gave birth to a son. For girls this happened much later. I didn’t turn to magicians anymore.”

Vlad Lisovets

Prediction: date of father's death and mother's move

The stylist is surprised at how accurately and often prophecies come true. “Five years ago, one clairvoyant said that my mother would live next to me - practically behind the wall,” Vlad tells StarHit. “He told me that my father would soon pass away.” I was dumbfounded. This really happened... And a year and a half later, my mother moved. It so happened that my neighbors in the stairwell urgently needed to sell their apartment and they offered me to buy it at a bargain price. So I became the owner of another living space. The first thought was to move my mother!

The most amazing incident occurred several years ago during a vacation in Nice. My friends and I went to the salon for a massage. The master turned out to be a Frenchwoman with Moroccan roots. She told many interesting things about me. She said that I help people and in the future I will do this in my own home. And what do you think? A week ago I won a bid to rent a room - a basement with an area of ​​400 square meters... in my house! I plan to open a school there where I will teach the style to ordinary women and men.”

Darya Dontsova

Prediction: Sickness and Wealth

Before becoming a writer, Dontsova worked as a translator from French to Russian at the Russian Embassy in Syria. In 1974, a journalist friend persuaded her to go to a famous fortune teller in the Syrian city of Aleppo. Daria still remembers this meeting.

“First she asked me to look into a cauldron with gurgling muddy water, and then she said that I would have a daughter,” says the writer. “I almost laughed, because at that time my second marriage was falling apart, I was a married woman only on paper. I had a son, Arkashka, and I did not receive child support for him. And I didn’t intend to get married a third time. She then continued: “At forty-five you will become very seriously ill. Everyone around will talk about imminent death, but don’t trust anyone. You live to be 104 years old. After fifty you will become a wealthy woman, material well-being will come to you from your right hand and will not leave you until the grave.”

At that time I was only 22 years old, and I responded to the prediction with a smile. But years later everything came true. I got married and had a beautiful daughter, Masha. And when I fell ill with cancer, I often remembered the words of the Syrian clairvoyant. I didn’t lie about welfare either. What you love brings good income. The prediction for my journalist friend also came true. At first, the fortune teller did not want to communicate with him at all and even asked him to leave the room. But he asked for it. Apparently, she didn’t want to talk - she predicted that he had only three years to live. And so it happened, in 1977 he died of a gastrointestinal infection.”



The Fabrika group has been consulting with astrologer Elena Faikina on various issues for several years now. For example, when in 2014 they were looking for a new soloist for the musical group, it was Lena who helped with the choice. The producer chose Sasha Popova, group members Ira Toneva and Sasha Savelyeva decided to play it safe and asked the astrologer to write a profile for her.

“We received an approving recommendation from Elena, saying that the girl is a good girl, communication with her will be comfortable, her participation will benefit the development of the group! – says Irina Toneva. – And thanks to Lena, we learned that each person has his own special dates on which energy potential is low. Once on one of these days we had a concert. There was a huge stage, but the audience was very far away; there were no screens broadcasting the concert, which interfered with interaction with the viewer. There are many temples and reservoirs in that city. All this, as we know, neutralizes external manifestations of emotions. We were able to rock the crowd that night, but it wasn’t easy.”

Vladimir Soloviev

Prediction: years of birth of children

The host of the “Duel” program on “Russia 1” often resorts to the help of predictors. “I treat this as an additional source of information - seriously, although with a little irony,” Vladimir admitted to StarHit. – At one time, among tons of scammers, I met several interesting people. One of them is astrologer Pavel Globa.

I remember the incident when on December 31, 1999, Sasha Gordon, Pal Palych, and I were traveling on a tourist bus in Paris. They started making fun of Globa, saying that he promised that Boris Yeltsin would resign before 2000, and it was already the 31st... And suddenly they broadcast on the radio that Yeltsin had left the post of President of the Russian Federation. Later, Pavel personally predicted the birth years of my children.

Another person I trust is the clairvoyant Vladislav Nikolaevich, he is devout. Friends introduced us. If I’m late for a plane, I can dial him and ask him whether it’s worth rushing or not? Sometimes he answers: “Don’t worry, the plane will be delayed for five hours,” and sometimes he advises not to go to the airport. I asked him for help when friends had health problems - oncology. He never made a mistake with his forecast.”

Mikhail Grushevsky

Prediction: divorce and birth of a son

Lolita Milyavskaya introduced the parodist to the astrologer Leocadia Galaktionova. The singer used her services for more than ten years. “I came to Leocadia in 2000 more out of interest,” says Grushevsky. “She collected detailed information about the date, time and place of my birth. Then I made some calculations and said that I would have two marriages, I would find real happiness only in adulthood, and I would have a second child. A year later, I got married for the first time, and in 2002, my daughter Daria was born. Being caught up in everyday worries, I didn’t even think about the prognosis. But life showed that Leocadia was right. That's how it all turned out.

I met my true love, my future wife Evgenia, a year before my anniversary. And at the age of 50 he got married, and our son Misha was born. By the way, my wife and I recently visited Galaktionova again. She made a detailed forecast for Grushevsky Jr., and it is slowly coming true. For now I can only say that Mishka plays football, confidently hits the ball and sometimes ends up in an offside position. And also, growing girls, beware!”

Marina Afrikantova

Prediction: winning a beauty pageant

Marina Afrikantova, one of the brightest participants in the Dom-2 project on TNT, was prophesied as a child that she would travel around the world. “My mother told me that when I was three years old, old acquaintances from Ukraine came to our house; they had the gift of foresight,” Marina recalls. – So, they prophesied that when I reach adulthood, I will participate in beauty contests and success will await me. I’ll even take first place in one of them. They also said that my mother would follow me around the world and cry. Then we decided that it was connected with dancing - I studied at the Todes ballet school-studio for many years, but no. Years later, everything came true.

I took prizes in several Russian beauty contests, and also won a competition in New York and received the title Miss World Russian Beauty New York 2014. As for my mother, she really accompanied me. When I won a trip to the Seychelles on the Dom-2 project, she went with me to support me. Mom spent about five months there. Conflicts and tears also happened.”

Lena Lenina

Prediction: business success

It talked about reincarnation and that John Rockefeller in our century was reincarnated into a girl named Elena, that is, into me, and that I would repeat the fate of the famous billionaire - I would earn a lot of money. But in my personal life there will be problems, all men will try to use me. The earthly task of the immortal soul of Rockefeller in my body is to overcome these failures and learn to be successful not only in the material sphere, but also in love.

I read it, giggled and forgot. But today, when I am the owner of the largest network of franchises in Europe - Lena Lenina’s manicure studios, which includes more than 200 salons, I understand that there was truth in the book.

I feel that everything I do in business comes extremely easily. I'm not the smartest person on earth and I don't make much effort, but things are going uphill. It's like luck is always smiling at me. And unlike Rockefeller, I am often happy in love. By the way, an esoteric friend of mine predicted three marriages for me. Allegedly, the third husband, as in a fairy tale, will be smart, kind, rich, but fat. I've already been married twice. So I wait and look around at the well-fed ones.”

“Chanson of the Year 2019”: all the stars on the main stage of the country

The solemn ceremony of presenting the “Chanson of the Year” award took place on April 20 at the State Kremlin Palace! The main hall of the country was sold out that evening. Many fans of the genre specially came to the capital to attend the concert. After all, “Chanson of the Year” is a kaleidoscope of your favorite artists, original authors, and soulful songs!

Katerina Golitsyna is now not only one of the most beloved performers of Russian chanson. The artist will soon present a completely new project! “The most important news of the last three months is the realization of my long-time dream. This is the creation of a YouTube channel that will present new children's songs. And the channel is called “MultiVarik TV”. I am his producer, I am his ideological inspirer..."

The Ministry of Internal Affairs proposes to confiscate cars from drivers who have been caught driving while drunk twice. This idea is not new and has been discussed at the top more than once. There are not yet enough supporters of such drastic measures. Nevertheless, traffic cops want to toughen the punishment for those who like to ride drunk...

The famous English writer Chesterton once sarcastically remarked: “If we call cabbage a cactus, we will immediately find a lot of interesting things in it.” And if we, suppose, call an outsider a leader, will this make a champion out of a loser? I doubt it, although many people try to achieve fame and glory this way. It’s just that in their business, where they have to prove their worth, they don’t succeed much. The biathletes of the Russian national team decided to “become cacti.” Well, if little happens at a distance and at the firing line...

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