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How to get rid of corns on feet
07.12.2023 How to get rid of corns on feet A high stiletto heel and a narrow toe look impressive and attractive on a woman’s leg. But the ladies themselves pay for this beauty with the health of their feet - with corns and calluses, not to mention pain and...
Radonitsa: what kind of holiday is this?
20.11.2023 Radonitsa: what kind of holiday is this? Radonitsa - what kind of holiday is this? When to celebrate it? Orthodox grandchildren often ask when the older generation buys artificial flowers for Radonitsa. In 2019, this day is April 25. Traditions...
Pregnancy with twins: from the first signs to birth
31.10.2023 Pregnancy with twins: from the first signs to birth As a rule, most doctors advise taking maternity leave at the thirtieth week of pregnancy. This is that period of a mother’s life that needs to be devoted only to the baby. This is the time...
The diet will become less caloric
31.10.2023 The diet will become less caloric Health Despite repeated warnings about the dangers of energy drinks, many continue to drink them, especially young and middle-aged people. Millions...
Pros, cons and how to recover from vampirism Stages of vampirism
29.10.2023 Pros, cons and how to recover from vampirism Stages of vampirism How to become a Vampire Lord?
Short form of the name Alina.
25.10.2023 Short form of the name Alina. Alinka, Lina, Alya, Ala, Adya, Lin, Line, Alli, Ali. Synonyms for the name Alina.
Alina, Aliina. Origin of the name Alina.
21.10.2023 Alina, Aliina. Origin of the name Alina. The name Alina is Russian, German, Catholic. The name...
The famous “Shuffle”: five weeks for nutritional re-education
16.10.2023 The famous “Shuffle”: five weeks for nutritional re-education If you want to lose weight without compromising your health or gaining those extra pounds back, then you should definitely read a detailed description of the Protasov diet. The essence of the diet is quite...
Card games: rules and varieties
12.10.2023 Card games: rules and varieties They are the simplest and most accessible for most to understand, they have no confusing moves, everything is quite simple and concise. A very popular game is “playing the fool”, which can be played by two to...