Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style


Why do tangles appear on hair and how to get rid of them?
26.12.2023 Why do tangles appear on hair and how to get rid of them? A producer friend of mine spends half her life on set. She has a catastrophic lack of time for anything. He can't even comb his hair properly. It got to the point where she developed a large...
Gel polish for short nails: design ideas, photos, new products Gel polish for short nails
11.12.2023 Gel polish for short nails: design ideas, photos, new products Gel polish for short nails There is a misconception that manicures look unsightly on short nails. It’s especially frustrating if you can’t grow your nails. Covering your nails with gel polish will transform any nail, even...
Selecting accessories for a blue dress
05.12.2023 Selecting accessories for a blue dress Blue color is calm and noble, with many warm and cold shades. Therefore, the dress will suit any woman - blonde, brunette or redhead. It will look like this on everyone...
Funded or insurance pension: what to choose?
30.11.2023 Funded or insurance pension: what to choose? It got its name due to the fact that it is formed according to the insurance principle. In this case, the insured event is the very fact of a person’s retirement upon reaching a certain...
World leaders in rice cultivation
03.11.2023 World leaders in rice cultivation From early childhood, people eat food such as rice. But if, for example, we know almost everything about potatoes, then how rice grows, what varieties there are and in which countries it is...
Interesting facts about tattoos: Snake for mother, anchor for son
24.10.2023 Interesting facts about tattoos: Snake for mother, anchor for son Can tattoos be called exclusively a fashion of our time? Hardly. In fact, tattoos played a big role in the good old days and were done by very important historical figures....
Is it possible to give boiled water to a newborn baby?
23.11.2021 Is it possible to give boiled water to a newborn baby? Does a newborn baby need water? This question worries many young mothers, while medical recommendations vary: some believe that the baby should not be exposed to any additional fluid...
Modern hair care technologies
18.11.2021 Modern hair care technologies Gorgeous hair is not a gift from nature, but the result of constant and correct care for it, since even the strongest naturally curls are due to the negative effects of the environment and...
Test yourself: how well do you know your partner?
07.10.2021 Test yourself: how well do you know your partner? A total of six couples took part in the competition. The lovers had to simultaneously, without seeing each other, answer questions about themselves and their other half as accurately as possible. The winning couple...
Psychology of a five-year-old child
15.04.2021 Psychology of a five-year-old child Features of the development of a child 5-6 years old This period of a child’s life is usually called senior preschool age. At this time, your child is actively exploring the world, relationships between people and is ready...