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DIY beeswax lip balm. DIY lip balm without wax

An article about the benefits of various substances for the skin of the lips. Top 3 recipes for caring lip balms at home.

Store-bought lip balms are inferior in effectiveness to homemade ones. By preparing the product yourself, you will be sure of its natural origin, shelf life, and the absence of harmful additives. The lip balm is prepared quickly; this procedure does not require any special skills. The ingredients are available in natural cosmetics stores and pharmacies. The main thing in this matter is your desire to truly protect the skin of your lips from wind and frost, to make it elastic, soft, and well-groomed.

Ingredients for making lip balms

Beeswax - the basis for natural lip balm

Beeswax will serve as the base for your natural balm. The wax melts well, making it easy to combine with other ingredients, and also hardens well.

In addition, the product of the hard work of bees has a rich set of positive properties:

  1. The lips are covered with fragile and sensitive skin. They have virtually no sebaceous glands, and the capillaries, on the contrary, pass very close to the skin. This is why in cold, windy, frosty weather the skin of the lips suffers first. Peeling, and sometimes real bleeding cracks - this is the result of a negligent attitude towards your lips. Wax is a unique substance for the regeneration of lip skin cells, so it is indispensable when there is a blizzard or bad weather outside.
  2. Wax is a bactericidal agent.
  3. Possessing anti-inflammatory properties, wax makes the skin of the lips smooth, juicy, and healthy.
  4. Who hasn’t experienced pain from dry and chapped lips? Beeswax, which is part of homemade cosmetics, softens painful sensations.
  5. Like the best balm, wax nourishes and moisturizes the skin, making it extraordinarily beautiful.
Making lip balms

Important: There are recipes without wax, for example, based on Vaseline, but, according to reviews, wax balms are easier to prepare and store.

The balm should be saturated with active ingredients - vegetable and essential oils, vitamins, honey.

  • Cacao butter In density and color it resembles ordinary bar soap. It remains this way at room temperature, and when heated to 40 degrees it turns into a thick, colorless liquid. The substance contains fatty acids, linoleic and arachidic acids, thanks to which it perfectly moisturizes the skin of the lips and promotes its elasticity. Balms with the addition of this oil perfectly solve the problem of chapped and dry lips. The oil stimulates the regenerative functions of the body, as a result of which damaged skin heals faster.
  • Shea Butter, also known as shea butter, not only wonderfully moisturizes the skin of the lips, but also prevents its subsequent dehydration. The substance heals cracks on the lips. A special property of the oil is its ability to prolong the youth of lips. By covering the skin with the thinnest film, shea butter creates real protection from mechanical damage and weather conditions.
  • Almond oil- a real storehouse of useful substances. Vitamin E gives the oil the ability to stop skin aging and protect it from ultraviolet radiation. Thanks to its vitamin A content, the oil prevents lip dehydration. B vitamins are essential for thin and delicate skin. They stimulate cell renewal, accelerate wound healing, and prevent dry lips in windy weather.

Active ingredients of lip balm
  • Instead of almond, you can add any other vegetable oil - sea ​​buckthorn, olives, avocado, jojoba, wheat germ oil etc.
  • Balm containing honey will be a real godsend for those with dry, flaky, cracked skin. Even if you do not suffer from such troubles, honey products will moisturize your lips for a long time, making your skin fresh, elastic, soft and smooth.
  • Added to balm vitamins in liquid form, you will saturate the product with their beneficial qualities. Will be especially useful for lips vitamins E, A, Group B. Can be applied multivitamin complex type AEVIT.

IMPORTANT: Active components heal wounds, care for them, fight dry skin, provide protection from adverse factors - in short, these are the substances that make the balm useful for your lips.

A few drops of essential oils added to the composition will make your balm even more effective. Essential oils soften and nourish the skin.

Some of them have their own characteristics. For example, mint extract visually enlarges the lips and makes them seductively swollen. This effect is achieved due to the property of mint to stimulate blood flow in the upper layers of the skin. Lemon essential oil has a similar effect. Melissa returns the natural color to the lips, making them look bright and juicy. Lavender acts as an aid against herpes.

Homemade Lip Balm Scents

However, when choosing essential oils for your balm, decide which scent will be most pleasant to you. After all, plant extracts give a strong aroma. Just 3-4 drops of oil are enough to make the cosmetic product smell fragrant.

  • Cloves, cinnamon, mint and ginger extracts have a very strong aroma. They also have the property of warming the skin, so adding such extracts should be done with caution.
  • If you love citrus fruits, lemon, lime, and grapefruit oils will suit you. But orange gives both a refreshing citrus smell and sweet notes.
  • Vanilla and lavender extracts are a choice for those who prefer soft and unobtrusive scents. These oils combine well with others, both in terms of smell and beneficial properties.

IMPORTANT: Be careful when adding flavorings. Just a few drops are enough for the balm to acquire a pleasant scent. If you overdo it, you will create an overly rich and even repulsive aroma.

Natural lip balm colors

Prepared with beeswax alone, your balm will have its color. If you want to make the product brighter, use natural dyes, which will also make the balm even more effective due to its healing properties.

  • Sea buckthorn oil will give the composition a delicate carrot tint. Be careful with the dosage as overdoing it will result in a garish orange color. 2-3 drops are enough for one serving.
  • Scarlet berries will make the balm red accordingly. Bring the vegetable oil you plan to use in the composition to a boil and boil the berries in it for 1-2 minutes. Once the oil is the color you are happy with, strain it.
  • Also use natural food powders for coloring. They should be added during the thickening phase.

Recipe No. 1: Chocolate lip balm


  • beeswax - 1 tsp;
  • cocoa butter - 1 tsp;
  • shea butter - 1 tsp;
  • almond oil (or any other vegetable) - 1 tsp;
  • cocoa powder - 1 tsp.

Chocolate lip balm

Bring the wax and cocoa butter to a liquid state by holding them in a container over steam. It is better not to use a microwave oven to heat solid oils, since during this procedure some of the beneficial properties of the substances are lost.

Add the remaining ingredients to the liquid oils and mix the mixture well with a wooden spoon. You can also use a wooden ice cream stick. At this stage, add vitamins, essential oils and dyes if desired. Cocoa powder gives the balm a chocolate color and smell, but you can do without it. Then the product will turn out colorless and without aroma.

Use a small container with a lid or an empty lipstick tube to pour the mixture into to set. First, cool the composition and only then place it in the refrigerator to harden.

IMPORTANT: To quickly harden the balm, you can put it in the freezer for 5 minutes. However, experts advise freezing it in the refrigerator.

In winter, you can carry this balm with you. In summer, store the product in the refrigerator, as the waxy structure allows it to quickly melt when high temperatures Oh.

Recipe No. 2: Honey Lip Balm

Honey lip balm


  • beeswax - 2 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tsp;
  • bee honey - 1 tsp.

This remedy will have an effect only if you use natural bee honey without additives.

Bring the wax to a liquid state over steam, add a teaspoon of vegetable oil (almond, olive, jojoba, etc.) and a teaspoon of melted honey. Mix all ingredients thoroughly with a wooden stick. Lastly, add dyes, flavors and vitamin complexes. Remember that you should never bring substances to a boil.

Pour the liquid mass into a container with a lid or an empty container left over from hygienic lipstick. Allow the mixture to cool and place in the refrigerator to harden.

Recipe No. 3: healing lip balm with sea buckthorn oil and vitamins

How to make a healing lip balm with sea buckthorn oil and vitamins


  • beeswax - 1 tsp;
  • shea butter - 1 tsp;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - 1 tsp;
  • AEVIT – 5 drops.

IMPORTANT: Instead of the AEVIT complex, you can add 2-3 drops of vitamins A and E - substances that are indispensable for the lips for any problems.

Melt the wax in a container over steam, add liquid oils to it and mix the ingredients well. When the mixture has cooled a little, pour liquid vitamins into it and mix again. Pour the mixture into a container and place it in the refrigerator to harden.

Video: DIY lip balm

Hello friends!

As you've probably already noticed, winter has arrived.

Not my favorite time of year, but what can I do, I live in my favorite country, which is located quite north.

So, my lips were the first to notice the onset of winter! I'm lazy, and I forget to use lipstick before going out, so in every jacket and fur coat (and also in my bag) I always have a jar or tube of balm or hygienic lipstick :)

That's why today - a special "winter" balm.

It is clear that a balm for the winter season should be different from a “summer” balm. In the summer, we need the balm to remain in the bottle and not leak anywhere.

In winter, it is absolutely necessary to be able to spread it on your lips even in the most severe frosts!

I decided to make a balm with a consistency similar to ointment or Vaseline. I like this form for winter balm - you don’t have to pick it out with your nails, if it’s frozen in your jacket or bag - just apply it!

Let's use beeswax and castor oil, which together work synergistically to make a wonderful ointment. Let's combine this with the caring properties of shea butter and we get a wonderful balm!

The balm recipe is very simple:

  • 20% beeswax

  • 58% (or any liquid)

  • 1% vitamin E

  • 1% (you can do without it)

  • optional for color

As I said, it's very simple!

Weigh all ingredients and place in a water bath

Melt everything to a liquid consistency

If desired, add mother of pearl and fragrance.

When adding fragrance, keep in mind that lips are very sensitive places and not all fragrances and essential oils are suitable for this purpose.
In addition, most fragrances and esters are bitter, which is not very pleasant when it comes to a product for the lips and oral cavity.

Check the consistency of the balm. The easiest way is to keep the knife in the refrigerator for a while and dip its tip into the future liquid balm.

The mass on the tip of the knife will quickly harden and you can easily check if you like this consistency!

Pour into jars

That’s it, your DIY winter lip balm is ready!

I picked it up on purpose to show the texture.

It is soft like ointment or Vaseline. And even in severe frosts (I tested it in the freezer - 18 degrees) it does not freeze too much and is easily spread on sponges.

The balm combines regenerative, restorative, protective and nourishing properties (wax, shea, castor oil). Plus, your lips will have a nice shine!

Love and cherish yourself.
Happy creativity!

Dryness, small wounds, chapped skin on the lips are not uncommon in frosty, windy and even the hottest weather. This disease causes many problems and unpleasant sensations, which are very difficult to get rid of.

A homemade balm made with your own hands will help moisturize your lips. You can find all the necessary ingredients at home or in a pharmacy, and use small clean jars left over from a previously used cream or balm as containers.

The recipe for a natural, harmless lip balm is very simple and accessible to every woman.

To prepare it, stock up on the following ingredients:

  1. Solid ingredients are used as a base - beeswax, shea butter, mango butter or cocoa butter.
  2. Basic oils for intense hydration - a little jojoba, grape seeds, avocado, olive or vegetable oil, coconut, almond, etc.
  3. Natural additives - liquid honey, vanilla, aloe juice or gel, glycerin, etc.
  4. Liquid oil vitamins, such as A or E.
  5. Essential oils - mint, rosemary, carrot seeds, tea or rosewood, citrus fruits, etc.
  6. Dye for color.

Do not forget that the essential oils that you can include in the balm have certain healing properties and affect our skin in their own way. Thus, carrot seed oil helps restore chapped lips and smooth the skin, and tea tree oil has antiseptic properties, making it effective in the fight against herpes.

To ensure that your balm leaves a pleasant, delicate color on your lips, add a piece of your favorite bright lipstick, food coloring or concentrated juice from berries or vegetables that have a rich color. Raspberries, currants and beets are perfect.

Finely chopped fruits and vegetables need to be boiled for a couple of minutes, strained and diluted in base liquid oil. If you want to get a more saturated color, boil the juice for some more time to evaporate some of the excess moisture and make it more concentrated.

Food coloring will allow you to give your lip product almost any shade, from the most subtle to the insanely bright. They are added little by little to the finished composition, gradually bringing the balm to the desired shade.

The lip balm recipe is notable for its simplicity, and the process itself takes no more than 15 minutes. You can use this ready-made product to lubricate your lips, face and body every day, provided you do not add saturated dyes to it. In addition, it is suitable for women, men and small children.

First of all, you need to grate the solid base on a fine grater or chop it with a knife. Next, you need to melt it in a water bath until liquid. Place the bowl with the base on a work surface, put the base oil in it and stir thoroughly.

The proportions of solid and liquid components should be 1 to 2, and they can be mixed and combined with each other in various combinations.

If desired, you can add various natural additives such as honey and aloe juice or a liquid vitamin complex to your homemade balm.

At the very end, essential oils are added, which will give the cosmetics a pleasant aroma or taste, as well as food coloring. Mix the finished mixture again and transfer it to a small convenient mold to harden.

If the mass does not work out the first time, the mixture can be heated in a water bath and the required amount of certain ingredients can be added. To thicken, add a little more hard oils or wax, and to soften, add a drop of liquid oils.

The finished caring balm should be stored in a cool place and it is advisable to use it completely within six months. The home remedy feels pleasant on the lips and is prepared only from natural ingredients, making it the best winter “helper”. It is also recommended to use it before using it to exfoliate the skin from dead particles and help the beneficial ingredients penetrate deep into the cells.

Sea buckthorn balm


  • Cocoa butter - 1 tbsp;
  • Shea butter - 1 tsp;
  • Sea buckthorn oil - less than 1 tsp;
  • Almond oil – 0.5 tsp;
  • Vitamin E – contents of 2 capsules.

According to the recipe, melt the solid butter in a water bath, add all the liquid ingredients to it and mix thoroughly.

Due to the presence of sea buckthorn oil in the composition, the finished balm acquires a reddish tint. Because of this, it is not recommended to apply the balm in a thick layer and apply it carefully outdoors.

Chocolate-vanilla balm


  • Cocoa butter – 1 tbsp;
  • Natural beeswax - less than 1 tsp.
  • Shea butter – 1 tsp;
  • Sweet almond oil – less than 1 tsp;
  • Vanilla essential oil – a couple of drops.

Bring solid oils to a liquid state using a water bath. Next, carefully pour in the liquid ingredients, mix and pour into small molds.

Honey Lemon Balm


  • Natural beeswax – 1 tbsp;
  • Olive oil – 1.5 tsp;
  • Liquid honey – 0.5 tsp;
  • Vitamin E – contents of 2 capsules;
  • Lemon essential oil – a few drops.

Mix melted wax with liquid oil, add bee honey and add a drop of essential oil to give the mixture a rich citrus aroma.

Balm mint and chocolate


  • Beeswax – 1 tbsp;
  • Cocoa butter – 1 tbsp;
  • Shea butter – 2 tbsp;
  • Almond oil – 1.5 tbsp.
  • Coconut oil – 1.5 tbsp;
  • Glycerin – 1 tsp;
  • Chocolate without additives - a few pieces;
  • Peppermint essential oil – about 15 drops.

Melt cocoa butter and natural wax in a water bath, add dark chocolate and stir thoroughly. Next, add the remaining oils and mix again until smooth.

All that remains is to add the essential oil. The mixture can be beaten one last time with a mixer and poured into molds.

Balm with tea tree oil


  • Beeswax – 1 tsp;
  • Almond oil – a little more than 1 tsp;
  • Cocoa butter – 1 tsp;
  • Oily vitamins E – contents of 3 capsules;
  • Glycerin – 0.5 tsp;
  • Tea tree essential oil – 10-15 drops.

Melt beeswax and cocoa butter as usual, add liquid ingredients and essential oil. Whisk thoroughly and distribute into jars.

Girls (okay, boys with soft lips too), get ready! Now I will teach you how to do DIY lip balm.

This was my first experience making any homemade cosmetics, and I liked it so much that now it’s a disaster for anyone who tries to stop me! I plan to learn how to make soap, sculpt massage tiles and make body creams.

While I was sick, a complete disaster happened to my lips. I don’t know if it’s a cold, or just autumn, vitamin deficiency and other decay, but my lips became dry, cracked and urgently needed help. Store-bought balms didn't help at all: some were sticky, others were greasy, and others instantly evaporated from the lips.

As you know, whoever seeks will find.

We should ask the Universe some question, for example, "Where the fuck is my million bucks?"“How to help dry lips,” as we immediately get the answer. In my case, the answer came from a friend in the form of a message on WhatsApp - “I’m coming to you to buy something? By the way, let’s prepare some lip balm!” At that moment I was enjoying Shabbat and watching another episode of The Good Wife. I answered something like, “Well, I don’t know, we’ll think about it,” without much interest. And then I thought, “Why not?”, I stopped the series, Googled it and realized that it was much easier and more fun than it seemed.

So, I'm telling you. To prepare a nourishing lip balm we will need:

  • Honey, 15 grams

  • Beeswax, 20 grams

  • Coconut oil (or any carrier oil), 40 grams

  • Essential oils (10 drops). I took lemon, mint, lavender and lemon balm.

  • Jars for balm (from old balms, creams or special ones for home cosmetics)

All the ingredients are very simple and will not be difficult to find. Wax is sold in some pharmacies, shops with natural products or honey. Coconut oil can be bought in Ayurvedic and Indian shops or on the Internet (I ordered 100% organic coconut oil on iHerb and eBay). You can read everything about essential oils in my posts ( and ). If you do not have 100% essential oils, do not add pharmaceutical substitutes. The balm will still be delicious-smelling and healthy. You can add any honey - with linden the color will be softer, with buckwheat it will be darker.

Method for preparing the balm:

1. Melt the wax in a water bath. To do this, put a large saucepan with water on the stove, and a smaller saucepan in it, into which we place the beeswax.

2. When the wax is completely melted, add coconut oil.

It can be replaced with another base oil - cocoa, peach, grape seed, jojoba, avocado, shea, almond, wheat germ, or you can make a mixture of several oils. Next time I'll try taking cocoa, shea and adding dark chocolate. I'll tell you later what happens)

3. Reduce heat to low, add honey and mix thoroughly with a whisk until smooth. As soon as we remove from the heat, the mixture will begin to harden, so our jars should stand nearby and obediently wait.

4. Add essential oils. I added 3 drops of lavender (heals wounds, nourishes, cares), 3 drops of lemon (refreshes, softens, treats various ailments like herpes), 2 drops of mint (many expensive lip balms contain this oil, it has a positive effect on blood vessels, visual making lips fuller and brighter), 4 drops of lemon balm (if you don’t mind its specific smell (something between lemongrass and citronella), lemon balm is a real gift for lip skin care. Melissa oil heals small wounds, saves lips from wind and cold , restores natural pigment and restores their brightness).

You can choose any other oils to suit your taste.

5. Pour into jars. We watch how the mixture quickly hardens, and after 5 minutes we try to apply the finished balm, we rejoice and write thank you to Asya.

The balm turns out to have a pleasant warm color, with the smell of honey, coconut and citrus. It mattifies the lips, does not have a greasy sheen, is not sticky, lasts a long time and has a sweetish (but not cloying) taste. It feels very good on the lips. I made a double volume, so my friend and I had enough, and my mom and sister still had some left over.

This balm can also be used to smear dry elbows, knees and other parts of the carcass that need intensive care.

Now you know how to entertain yourself on cold winter evenings, and what to give to girls you know for the holidays. And I, as a renowned salesman, will open my own production Asya&Katya*poo*color*lip*balm, and will sell it at a price of 8 tanks apiece, like Burt's Bees with beeswax and honey. Its composition is poorer than ours, and in the states they adore him.

That's how things are) Tender lips and honey kisses to everyone!

The problem of caring for delicate and sensitive lip skin remains relevant in any season of the year. In winter, lips are exposed to the adverse effects of cold and temperature changes; in summer, they become chapped and suffer from aggressive ultraviolet rays and dry air. The reason lies in the complete absence of sweat and large quantities sebaceous glands in this area of ​​the skin. Perhaps someone will wonder why you need a self-prepared balm when you can use ready-made products. But there are some nuances in this issue, which we will talk about.

What is it needed for

Most often, hygienic lipstick or a special cream is used to moisturize and nourish. But not everyone resorts to these means because they contain carcinogenic substances. For example, Moah and Mosh mineral oils are potentially dangerous. The first is known for its mutagenic qualities, the second can harm the human body. Paraffin and petroleum jelly, which manufacturers prefer to use as a cheap alternative to wax, can cause occlusion, a condition where the skin stops breathing.

The best solution may be homemade lip balms. This is an effective method of solving the problem without the use of chemical ingredients, making it possible to use high quality natural ingredients. You will need knowledge of recipes, preparation, use and storage rules.

Benefits of Home Remedy

People who care about their health and appearance should always be fully prepared. Suddenly you run out of funds, or you are away from home, for example, at the dacha, and forgot to take your favorite cosmetics with you. Moreover, extra talent has never hurt anyone. Knowing a couple of good and effective recipes will help you make your own balm without unnecessary worries, going to stores and looking for the right product. Such balms have a number of undeniable qualities that make them more useful and effective in comparison with ready-made cosmetics.

Choosing naturalness

The first plus is that they truly nourish and moisturize. The main advantage of a homemade balm is its naturalness. There are well-known folk recipes for such remedies. If desired, they can be made colorless or colored in different colors, light or heavier in consistency, homogeneous or using several components.

Current security

This method of solving the problem of caring for your lips should be of particular interest to those whose bodies have an allergic reaction to the artificial components of finished cosmetics.

Someone may be allergic to honey, another to apricot oil, etc. If you have doubts about a specific ingredient, you must first conduct a susceptibility test. To do this, apply a small amount of the component to the elbow bend. If itching, redness or swelling appears within 24 hours, you should not include this ingredient in the balm. You can make a custom balm by choosing a composition that is safe for you.

The absence of carcinogenic saturated mineral oils in such a product eliminates the risk of accumulation of toxic substances in the body. Also, homemade balms are not addictive; their daily use will not cause harm to the body.

Simplicity and ease Despite such obvious advantages of homemade balms, they are not used very often. Most girls believe that preparing balms is a troublesome task. But here they are wrong. The recipes are simple, the ingredients are available, the time required is short, and the payoff is great.

The main thing is to start; if you prepare this product yourself a couple of times and see the results of use with your own eyes, you will understand that there is nothing complicated about it.

You just need to follow certain technological rules to avoid unpleasant consequences.

You need to have basic knowledge of the basics of making balms with your own hands, decide that you can do this task, and try to prepare the product following the rules. If you are economical, take care of your appearance and health, then homemade balms are just for you.

Save money

The next obvious advantage is that homemade remedies you prepare yourself will reduce your expenses on store-bought cosmetics. You can spend the money you save on something else. After all, balms and creams from well-known brands from the beauty and health industry are expensive for consumers.

Products from little-known companies raise doubts among buyers about the manufacturer’s integrity in complying with safety and quality standards. The ingredients for homemade balms will cost you half, if not less, the amount you will spend on ready-made care products. Agree that even minor savings can lift your spirits.

Most people who have experience making their own lip care balms share their recipes and secrets for obtaining an effective product.

The main advice from those who make their own cosmetics is to correctly determine what you need the balm for.

Your lips are chapped and cracked – you urgently need a healing agent. It is recommended to include honey, which has excellent healing and restorative properties, as well as various oils and vitamin complexes in the formulation of such products.

This product is recommended to be used after an illness, when the condition of the skin of the lips after the aggressive effects of drug therapy leaves much to be desired.

There are balms with purely cosmetic properties that add shine. Experienced home “perfumers” advise experimenting with ingredients. For example, for a balm with a sweetish taste and aroma, take vanilla and lavender oil. Cloves, cinnamon or ginger will add a spicy smell.

According to reviews, such balms warm well during the cold season. To give the product a certain color, it is recommended to use only natural dyes, for example, sea buckthorn oil, red berries. You can use ready-made food coloring. They must be added to the mixture at the thickening stage, after which the mixture must be thoroughly mixed.

The reviews contain positive recommendations for such exotic oils as shea, avocado, mango, jojoba

. But there is also an opinion that simple castor or sunflower oil has the same beneficial properties. Most often, reviews about them are positive, the emphasis is on the effectiveness and safety of the self-prepared mixture. Recipes

  • Making handmade balm seems like a troublesome and difficult task only for beginners. But you are not an amateur who will apply banal Vaseline to your lips and think that this has provided care for your delicate skin. This beekeeping product contains esters, fatty acids, and polyhydric alcohols. The main advantage of wax is its bactericidal properties, so it is indispensable for inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes. Wax is the main component of balms; it creates a solid consistency of the product. It must be heated exclusively in a water bath; this rule is mandatory and has no alternative. This way the unique beneficial properties of this ingredient are preserved. If it is overheated, the quality will deteriorate significantly until salts form. Place the wax in a container, place in a water bath over low heat and melt until liquid.
  • Choose only reliable ingredients. It is recommended to purchase wax at specialized sales points, for example, at a pharmacy or from a beekeeper whose products you trust. Honey is known for its undeniable nutritional and healing properties, but only if it is 100% natural. Therefore, take proven, high-quality products. Other components, such as glycerin, oils, flavors, solid and liquid vitamins, are purchased at pharmacies.
  • Maintain the correct proportions. Take less wax and the liquid will simply spread; use more wax and the mixture will become too thick and hard. The same rule applies to oils and vitamin supplements. Going overboard with the quantity means negating the efforts spent; the balm will not bring the effect you expect. Exact adherence to the dosage is a guarantee that you will receive a truly useful and effective care product.
  • Strictly observe the order of the components added. Solid oils are added after the wax is melted, liquid oils are added at the very end after removal from the heat. If several types of oils are used, then the recipe indicates which ingredient should be mixed first, and which one should be added after it. Vitamins, flavors and dyes (natural, of course) are added last. Violation of order can reduce the beneficial qualities of the finished product.

The above rules mainly concern the main ingredients. You can choose the remaining components as you wish, giving scope to your imagination.

Try your hand at making chocolate, coconut and honey balm. Cook with olive, apricot, shea butter, and cocoa.

The more care products you try, the more chances you will have to choose the best and easiest option that suits the skin of your lips. Below are recipes for common remedies that are easy to prepare. Try them out in the future, perhaps you will be able to prepare your own unique balm.


  • beeswax – 20 g;
  • honey – 20 g;
  • lemon oil – 5-6 drops;
  • castor oil – 2 teaspoons. spoons;

Add oil to the melted wax and stir for 3-5 minutes. Remove from heat, pour in honey, stir, pour.

"Vitamin mix"

  • beeswax – 20 g;
  • cocoa butter – 1 table. spoon;
  • liquid vitamins – 3-4 drops;
  • shea butter – 1 teaspoon. spoon;
  • sea ​​buckthorn or other oil – 1 teaspoon. spoon.

Melt the solid ingredients with constant stirring, pour in sea buckthorn oil, then shea butter, mix again, add vitamins, mix and pour into molds.

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