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Bluffed: will Putin and Trump play out the Cold War to its logical conclusion? Written incompletely I don’t fully understand

A sign reading "The Cold War is over..." on the News Corp building in New York after the meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin in Helsinki. Photo: Lucas Jackson/Reuters

The saber dance around the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Reduction Treaty looks staged: both Putin and Trump are equally pinched by these old Gorbachev-Reagan boots. But they dream of different things: Putin wants to “shoe” America, and Trump wants to “shoe” China. Well, and at the same time a little bit of Russia. The problem is that both of them may end up having to go barefoot, and it's fine if only they...

Apocalypse according to plan

The INF Treaty is a symbol of the defeat of the USSR in the Cold War and at the same time evidence of the rather high responsibility of the then Soviet leadership for the fate of both their country and humanity as a whole. Unable to withstand the pace of the arms race, the Soviet Union set a course for rapprochement with the West and the search for compromises, often not the most profitable or fair. The INF Treaty is one of them. At the same time, it was a conscious decision not to risk extermination of one’s own people in a nuclear apocalypse in order to save a political and economic system that had proven to be ineffective and vulnerable.

The fact that Gorbachev chose to leave the people of the USSR the right to a boring and difficult earthly life instead of providing them with a direct entry into heaven can, perhaps, be considered as a manifestation of some higher historical wisdom. It is possible that if he had acted differently, by now the people of Russia would have long ago lived in heaven. Heaven in a hut is still not quite the same thing as heaven in a dugout.

If we summarize various expert assessments in one sentence, we can say that the massive deployment of INF missiles with nuclear warheads in close proximity to the vital centers of the warring parties will inevitably, sooner or later, lead to the spontaneous start of a nuclear conflict, which, in fact, will immediately become its end . The basis will be the fear of the first disarming strike, which, given the presence of such weapons on the warring sides, is truly inevitable. Any suspicion is grounds for planetary suicide, and no one will have time to check the validity of suspicions - in the future, decisions will generally be made by artificial intelligence, which is not particularly sentimental towards natural intelligence.

Over the abyss in lies

Thirty years ago, it was the understanding that the situation was becoming uncontrollable that forced the leadership of the USSR and the USA to sign a treaty that was far from ideal, especially for the USSR. The paradox of today is that the same threats, which have only increased many times due to the improvement of technology, now no longer frighten or stop anyone. On the contrary, the leaders of Russia and the United States are obsessed with confrontation and compete to create chaos, which for some reason seems manageable to them. There are deep and difficult to eliminate reasons for this.

The moment experienced by the developed civilizations of the planet can be defined as the threshold of the next and at the same time one of the deepest structural crises of the capitalist system, caused by very rapid revolutionary technological changes against the backdrop of general humanitarian stagnation (the ethics that guides modern man has not advanced much since Shakespeare’s, and perhaps and more ancient times). This crisis is certainly global in nature and will affect everything that modern capitalism is related to, including America, Europe, China and, of course, Russia.

We are talking, first of all, about the end of the growth economy, and with it the end of the age of oil, metal and much more, without which humanity could not imagine its life over the past several centuries. This could change the map of world leadership beyond recognition in the next few decades, and it is quite possible that the latter, whom no one even thinks about today, will take the place of the former. This is not the first “shake-up” of capitalism, although it may be one of the largest. As a rule, he got out of previous troubles due to the “left leaning”, becoming more and more “socialist” each time. But this was never painless, and was often accompanied by bloody wars, with the help of which the boundaries of the new world were established.

It is the fear of new turbulence, of inevitable and inescapable changes, for which no one is ideologically or psychologically prepared, that is pushing today’s politics into right-wing populism. It is this that is today the global trend for Russia, the USA, and Europe. People instinctively seek salvation from the future in the past, cling to old experience, trying to extract from it what never was and could not be in it, since the world has never before faced such challenges. Seeing an unexpected obstacle on a slippery road, an inexperienced driver suddenly slams on the brakes. At a difficult moment in history, the world found itself hostage in the hands of political newcomers.

The Soviet restoration of Putin in Russia, the Trump phenomenon in America, the crushing Brexit in Great Britain, the “new right” in France, Germany and Austria are phenomena of the same order. They are generated by the “panic attack” experienced by peoples who have seen the limit of the development of modern capitalism. Today politics in general and international politics in particular are fueled by hysteria; this is a policy of “emotional release”, where decisions are made at hormonal rather than rational levels. Lies and bluffs are therefore her trademarks.

Running with your knees back

The leadership of Russia and the United States (and they are not alone) are captivated by the ideological illusion that they can return the “old days” with all their advantages, but at the same time not be burdened with the disadvantages that once ensured the decline of these most desired old times. This is especially striking in Russia, where the course towards the restoration of the Soviet empire, the basis of whose power in the last stages was almost exclusively military power, has long become no alternative for the Kremlin. In practical terms, this means the return of the Soviet triad: the arms race, frontal confrontation with the West around the world through numerous proxy wars and the maximum possible autarky (isolation from external influences).

Historical experience shows that the long-term overlap of these three vectors with each other inevitably leads Russia to resource depletion and chronic scientific, technical and humanitarian backwardness. Today it is not customary to remember how the “opening of borders” in the USSR instantly made entire industries unnecessary and deprived the meaning of existence of hundreds of thousands of highly qualified specialists who had been reinventing the wheel for decades in isolation. Many of them, by the way, subsequently became part of the new business elite - but what could they do if work within the framework of their previous profession turned into profanation?

Thirty years of painful adaptation to existence in the conditions of full-scale competition within the global economy were wasted. Turning its back on the future, the Kremlin is panickingly running back into the Soviet past, which seems to be saving it. Crowds of paid PR people are trying to pass off this political retreat, proudly called a revival, rising from its knees and the Russian spring, as an offensive. But no matter what patriotic flag is attached to this political locomotive, it is just a train captured by deserters fleeing from the historical front line to the deep rear.

It would seem that everything should be different in the prosperous United States, which seemed to emerge victorious in the Cold War. But America, which has taken upon itself the exorbitant burden of the sole world leader, is straining under the unbearable burden. Paix Americana turned out to be a suitcase without a handle - it was hard to carry and it was a shame to throw it away. The irony of history is that the winner, after a while, finds himself in the same unenviable position as the loser, because holding onto a victory is often more difficult than winning. America does not know how to live in a new rapidly changing multipolar and interdependent world and, just like Russia, is looking for salvation in the past. In Trump's famous "Make America Great Again" campaign slogan, the key word is "again"...

Tragic farce of history

In the end, these two columns of “running forward with their knees backward” meet strictly on the line of confrontation between the USSR and the USA, from which both sides once prudently crawled away, giving a chance to survive, including those who today advocate refusal from old contracts. But today there is little chance of repeating the happy ending of thirty years ago. The level of responsibility in making political decisions in both countries has fallen below the plinth. In principle, if not in terms of missiles and warheads, then in terms of the quality of “human material” in the establishment, there is definitely strategic parity between Russia and America today.

According to Hegel, history repeats itself twice - as tragedy and as farce. It looks like we are facing a third case - a tragic farce. Unlike Gorbachev's USSR, in Putin's Russia there is no hint of collective political leadership, mercantile interests prevail over ideological motives and there is no understanding of what a big war really is, which was inherent in the generation of Soviet leaders. Trump, of course, is less free than Putin in making political decisions, but in all other respects he looks like a bad parody of him. These are people of the same type, accustomed to solving problems “in terms of concepts.” They look at the dialogue on limiting nuclear weapons as a “arrowhead” and think that they can replay an unsuccessful game in their favor by puffing out their cheeks well. The main thing is that both do not burst from tension. And the whole world is with them.

(not) hard; c) (not) looking at the pouring rain, tell me (not) leisure; d) (there’s) no point in arguing, (not) a finished story, but just a beginning.
184. In what row are all the words written together: a) (round) daily, (Western) European; b) (iron) concrete, (educational) educational; c) (ancient) Russian, (military) air; d) (brightly ) blue, (wide) screen.
229. Indicate the combined spelling of the word: a) (c) due to illness; b) (c) given sea; c) (c) due to bad weather; d) (c) due to darkness.
150.unchangeable part of speech? a) Deep; b) Amsterdam; c) jumping; d) got it.
139. What conjunction connects the parts of a complex sentence: It was already the spring month of March, but at night the trees crackled from the frost, as in December. a) subordinate; b) connecting; c) dividing; d) opposite.
137. The following is not a qualifying member and does not require isolation: a) hippopotamus or hippopotamus; b) syntax or the science of phrases and sentences; c) metro or subway; d) ping pong or volleyball
152. Find a sentence with homogeneous attributives (no punctuation marks): a) Suddenly, an alarming neighing of a horse was heard in the night. b) Can you imagine a nasty southern town? c) A joyful, festive, radiant mood was bursting. d) The early harsh winter dawn appeared through the dead haze.
153. Find the introductory sentence: a) therefore; b) as people say; c) so; d) in one word.
154. How to correctly continue the sentence: Looking at this picture... a) ... we involuntarily feel sad. b) ... our hearts involuntarily clench. c) ...a feeling of anxiety arises. d) ...the artist was preferred by many. 155. It is not a clarifying member and does not require isolation (no punctuation marks): a) tenor or high male voice; b) wild goat or roe deer; c) the science of language or linguistics; d) circumstance or definition.
158. Find the fourth extra sentence: a) Bats draw low and oblique black zigzags in the air and sometimes almost touch their faces. b) Where the pines are drowsily quiet, dry and soft mosses will settle in a remote meadow. c) She went out to meet Sasha on the veranda, where there was an uncleaned table. d) It was that special evening, which happens only in the Caucasus.
160. In which sentence is the participial phrase used correctly? a) After reading the book, I became interested in learning about the author. b) Watching the comedy, I was overcome with laughter. c) After watching the play, a sad conclusion suggests itself. d) Hearing about the intelligence service, Petya became amused.
161. What sound does not have a voiced-voiceless pair? a) (d); b) (x); c) (f); d) (c).
164. Which conjunction is a coordinating conjunction? a) But; b) that; c) so that; d) because.
166. Find the antonym for the word festive.a) Anniversary; b) everyday; c) gloomy; d) weekend.
171. In what case is it not necessary to isolate the phrase with how? a) In his youth, Chekhov was known as a humorist writer. b) The torches fluttered like fiery beards. c) As an experienced doctor, Shumov did not expect quick improvement. d) In the morning, clouds gray as smoke began to creep in.
172. Which of these circumstances will not be isolated in the sentence: a) looked without taking his eyes off; b) climbs down with his hand leaning on the saddle; c) soared through the darkness; d) rushes, pushing his sled.
175. A circumstance cannot indicate: a) degree; b) image of degree; c) sign; d) place. 185. The emphasis is incorrectly placed in the word: a) Symmetry; b) Agency; c) Beet; d) Expert.
187. How many pronouns are used in the following sentence? They did not imagine what difficulties they would have to overcome on the path that someone showed them at the very last moment.a)5;b)6;c)7;d)8.

Man... It would seem that the meaning of this word is extremely clear. However, this is not entirely true: this word implies not only gender, but also a set of certain qualities. A man should be healthy, handsome, strong, courageous, resilient, and responsible. And a man is one who is able to give himself and a woman incredible pleasure. True, this ability sometimes fails some.

Erectile dysfunction - what is it?

Erectile dysfunction is problems with erections, or, in simple terms, when it’s “not worth it.” Sometimes it happens that there seems to be an erection, but the sexual organ does not fully erect. This is also not the norm. In some cases, the penis gets up, but falls in the process. Any such situation has a negative impact on a man’s self-esteem, and if it is not done regularly, it can even provoke quarrels and breakups. Of course, a loving and understanding woman will do everything to help her significant other cope with the problem, but if the person himself does not want to do anything, you cannot count on the understanding of your wife or girlfriend. Therefore, a man must know why his penis does not always get erect and what to do about it.

How to eliminate physiological causes?

Physiological reasons, of course, require consulting a doctor. If you don’t waste time and contact in the early stages, you can cure everything quickly and without consequences. Even if there is an erection, the penis just doesn’t fully erect, this is still a reason to visit a specialist and undergo the necessary tests. Most representatives of the stronger sex find it difficult to decide to go to the hospital, but they need to realize that this is for their own good.

You can cope with such a factor as excess weight on your own. All you need to do is eat right and move more. If you can’t create the right menu for yourself, you can contact a nutritionist. A trainer at a fitness club will help you choose a set of physical exercises. By the way, many people prefer to exercise in special centers or clubs, because they often lack motivation or time to do exercises at home. But I want to use the paid subscription to the fullest. But if you still don’t have the time or desire for this, you can at least do regular exercises in the morning and walk more during the day.

If the penis does not get erect due to taking medications, then this is also a reason to contact your doctor. Perhaps he will be able to find other drugs that will not cause side effects.

They say you can't tell your heart
And all ages are submissive to love.
First, there’s no better way to say it,
And the second is sometimes controversial...

P.S. These lines are only addressed
one person who thinks
that at 55 years old it’s too late to love.


I have always been amazed at your wisdom
And harmony in the expression of your thoughts,
And these lines are no exception...

And the confirmation of your lines is THIS
great video from YouTube...

You are God's amazing creation
and I wish you only God’s guidance,
goodness and His generous love!

With God's light and warmth, Good Angel

THANK YOU! It's good that you looked
video clip. For many, my lines seemed offensive
It turns out that I offended everyone who was older...
I will NEVER think like that, that’s for sure, even now
I don't think. I just don’t understand the thoughts of my older friends:
Well, what kind of love is it at our age (and they are not even 50 years old
or a little more), then you’ll find out for yourself... I’m sure
I won’t know THIS until the end of my life. People are just tired
lost faith, sometimes - they allowed their souls and hearts
get lazy. And this film has a happy ending. That's how it should be

We cannot be self-confident; we do not know what will happen to us tomorrow.
And love, like a spark, can touch anyone, I agree with you!

I slightly disagree with you.
Yes, we don't know what will happen tomorrow or even
In a minute. THIS is in God's hands, and the ability
love, which He (God) awarded, the Lord
won't take it back. And you know this too. This is completely
does not mean that you will love someone for the rest of your life,
even if you were in a hurry, made a mistake... You will
love them differently (help, care, support,
even living together, finally a good attitude...)
But no one will forbid you to love distant people in your heart,
loved ones, unattainable... A dream. I'm talking about this.
And my neighbor says every now and then: why do I need a burden? For him
There is no love, there is a burden. Yes, there are other examples.
Everyone, of course, judges for himself. I wrote mine
thoughts and about your attitude.

The daily audience of the portal is about 200 thousand visitors, who in total view more than two million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

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    Sandro Botticelli. "Portrait of a young man with a medal of Cosimo de' Medici." 1470 1477. Uffizi, Florence Portrait of an Italian ... Wikipedia

    - - son of Gabriel Ivanovich Ch., publicist and critic; genus. July 12, 1828 in Saratov. Gifted by nature with excellent abilities, the only son of his parents, N. G. was the subject of intense care and concern for the whole family. But… … Large biographical encyclopedia

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    Main article: Axis victory in World War II (alternate history) Cover of the illustrated telegraph form of the Third Reich, March 21 ... Wikipedia

    I Medicine Medicine is a system of scientific knowledge and practical activities, the goals of which are to strengthen and preserve health, prolong the life of people, prevent and treat human diseases. To accomplish these tasks, M. studies the structure and... ... Medical encyclopedia

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