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How do pediatricians recommend treating diaper rash and redness in newborns? How to treat and how to treat diaper rash in newborns

Diaper rash in newborns is a local non-infectious inflammation caused by contact with irritating substances. In infants, the protective layer of skin is loose and thin. Exposure to waste products and friction of natural skin folds leads to its destruction. Diaper rash is accompanied by redness, peeling, swelling, and ulcers. Symptoms appear quickly, sometimes within 2-3 hours after contact with the irritant. Treatment methods depend on the depth of tissue damage and complications.

What does diaper rash look like in a newborn?

Diaper rash in infants is large, bright red spots of a dry or weeping nature. Clinical manifestations are determined by the degree of damage to the epidermis. The main symptoms of the disease include:

  • skin redness;
  • small cracks;
  • getting wet;
  • pustular rashes.

In newborns, foci of inflammation occur in natural skin folds - inguinal-femoral, axillary, intergluteal. In advanced cases, ulcerations form, which sometimes bleed. They are covered with a brown or light gray coating and have a pungent odor.

Causes and stages of the disease in infants

Diaper rash in a newborn is a consequence of prolonged exposure to irritating factors. The main cause of inflammation is moisture and friction of skin folds. Provocateurs of irritation include:

  • contact with urine and feces;
  • skin friction on the seams of the sliders;
  • allergies to hygiene products;
  • irritation from natural fat and sweat.

The epidermis of newborns is easily wounded, so inflammation often results from tight swaddling. Also, hyperemia in the groin area is a reaction to diapers or wet diapers. Redness on the pubis in girls occurs due to insufficient density of the skin's hydrolipid mantle. Even short contact with urine is fraught with maceration (impregnation of the epidermis with moisture) and irritation.

Try to use the diaper only during walks, trips to the children's clinic, or at night. And during the day, when the baby is at home, you can use knitted diapers sewn in the shape of triangles. Of course, this will complicate washing, but your baby’s skin will be healthy.

There are 6 main types of diaper rash in newborns:

  • Diaper dermatitis. Lesions form at the points of contact of the epidermis with wet diapers or nappies. Redness occurs on the lower abdomen, thighs, and between the buttocks.
  • Seborrheic eczema. Extensive red spots are localized in the genitals and lower abdomen. The affected tissues of the newborn become very dense, shiny, and rough to the touch.
  • Intertrigo. Diaper rash occurs due to constant friction of skin folds. Foci of inflammation form under the armpits, in the popliteal, elbow, and groin folds.
  • Allergy ring. Irritation of the anus and intergluteal fold occurs when complementary foods are introduced. Food allergies lead to redness and rashes where the skin comes into contact with feces.
  • Impetigo. When pyogenic bacteria penetrate damaged areas of the epidermis, ulcers form. In newborns, impetigo primarily affects the buttocks.
  • Candidiasis. This type of diaper rash is the result of a fungal infection. Accompanied by red spots, which often form in the genital area.

The severity of the clinical picture is determined by the depth of the damage. Depending on the degree of damage, there are 3 stages of diaper rash:

  • First. Irritated skin takes on a reddish tint, but other symptoms (wetting, erosion) are absent.
  • Second. Microcracks and erosions occur in the affected tissues. When the skin of newborns becomes infected, ulcers form.
  • Third. Hyperemia is combined with tissue ulceration, epidermal detachment, and bleeding wounds.

The damage causes itching and moderate pain, which makes the newborns feel worse. They become restless and whiny, eat poorly and sleep little. With septic inflammation, the condition is aggravated by fever and excessive sweating.

What diseases should be distinguished from

Diaper rash is diagnosed based on clinical manifestations. With bacterial and fungal infections of the skin, pustules sometimes appear. In this case, the inflamed area looks the same as in other skin pathologies. Therefore, in case of advanced dermatitis, a microscopic examination is carried out to determine the type of pathogenic flora.

Diaper rash is differentiated from:

  • pemphigus;
  • scaly lichen (psoriasis);
  • athlete's foot inguinal;
  • erythrasma;
  • skin candidiasis.

The type of disease and the degree of damage to the skin are determined by a pediatric dermatologist, infectious disease specialist or pediatrician. For diaper rash of allergic origin, consultation with an allergist is necessary.

How to treat diaper rash in a newborn

Treatment of diaper rash in newborns is carried out with anti-inflammatory, wound healing and drying agents. For mild skin irritation, drug therapy is not required. Compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regime prevents irritation, redness and swelling. Baths with herbal infusions are useful.

Features of care

How to deal with diaper rash in babies is determined by the degree of tissue damage. In the absence of cracks, erosions and purulent inflammation, it is enough to simply ensure the correct care of the skin. To cope with a dermatological problem, it is necessary to change diapers every 2.5-3 hours and immediately after defecation. Dermatologists also recommend giving the baby air baths for 15-20 minutes every day.

Features of newborn care:

  • Water procedures. You can bathe your baby no more than 2 times a day. After defecation, simply wash the groin area and genitals with baby soap. After water procedures, the folds on the body are blotted with a clean towel.
  • Diaper rash treatment technique. After bathing, reddened areas of skin are treated with an antiseptic. After the product has dried, apply cream or oil. Before using the diaper, the skin folds are treated with talcum powder and baby powder.
  • Change of underwear and bed linen. For several months, thermoregulation in newborns malfunctions. Therefore, they sweat frequently, which causes sweat to accumulate in the folds of the skin. Therefore, pediatricians advise using diapers and baby clothes only from natural, breathable materials. Bed linen should be changed once every 2 days.

Proper care of newborns reduces the severity of dermatitis symptoms. You should not leave your baby wet after urinating as this will cause even more irritation.

During the treatment period, it is advisable to abandon diapers in favor of onesies with external seams, made of cotton fabric.

Pharmacy products

The pediatrician determines how to treat the reddened skin of a newborn. Drug treatment is prescribed only for diaper rash of degrees 2 and 3. The treatment regimen includes drugs with wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and drying properties.

To combat diaper rash the following are used:

  • Panthenol is an anti-inflammatory agent in the form of an ointment or spray. Contains vitamin B5, which accelerates scarring of damaged tissue. It is necessary to apply to clean and dry skin of a newborn up to 3 times a day.
  • Tannin is a solution with wound-healing, antiseptic action. Used in the treatment of cracks in skin folds in newborns 2-3 times a day. With frequent use it causes peeling.
  • Weleda - almond oil for diaper rash in newborns with calendula. Deodorizes, eliminates inflammation and soothes irritated skin. Used for dermatitis, allergies, eczema as a wound healing agent.
  • Bepanten is an anti-diaper rash cream with regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties. Affects cellular metabolism, accelerating tissue scarring. Apply to cracks and erosions after each diaper change.
  • Baneocin is an antimicrobial powder that is used for pustular rashes in newborns. Destroys bacterial infection, accelerating the healing of diaper rash. For impetigo, use up to 4 times a day.

Before applying wound healing ointments, you need to treat diaper rash with antiseptics - Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Chlorophyllipt. When treating localized candidiasis, antifungal drugs are used in the form of ointments and creams. Their components are practically not absorbed into the blood, so they do not cause side effects in newborns. Typically, therapy includes Nizoral, Nystatin, Daktarin, Mikozolon, Ecodax, etc.

Traditional methods

To remove diaper rash in infants at home, use alternative medicine. Decoctions of medicinal herbs are used to treat affected areas on the body. When ulcerations occur, apply lotions and compresses.

The best recipes for diaper rash:

  • Oak bark. ½ cup of herb is poured into 1.5 liters of water. Boil for at least 3-5 minutes over low heat. The strained liquid is added to the bathtub every other day. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes at a water temperature of 38°C.
  • Potassium permanganate. The powder is poured with warm water until a pale pink solution is obtained. Wash diaper rash with the product 2-3 times a day for no more than 3 days.
  • Iodine solution. Add 1-2 drops of iodine to 200 ml of boiled water. Clean gauze or cotton pad is soaked in the solution. The product is used to treat skin folds on the newborn’s body before bedtime.
  • A series. 3 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured into 1 liter of water and boiled for 3 minutes. The decoction, cooled to 38°C, is added to the bath during the daily bathing of the newborn.
  • Vegetable oil. A small amount of oil is heated in a water bath. Sunflower oil for diaper rash is used to treat reddened areas 3-4 times a day.

Children's skin is prone to allergic reactions, so folk remedies are used with caution. If redness or blistering rashes appear on the body, avoid oils, decoctions and lotions.

What are the dangers of diaper rash for babies?

Severe diaper rash in a child is fraught with the addition of bacterial or fungal infections. Illiterate and delayed treatment often leads to:

  • streptoderma - purulent inflammation caused by streptococci;
  • candidiasis - damage to the mucous membranes and skin by fungi of the genus Candida;
  • pyoderma - the formation of ulcers on the skin, provoked by pyogenic bacteria;
  • abscess - abscesses in areas of inflammation caused by the accumulation of pus.

Diaper rash in boys and girls is accompanied by severe itching, burning, and pain. Ignoring the problem leads to neuroticism and mental disorders in the development of newborns.

Severe diaper rash can lead to microbial infections of the skin and spread into the body. At an early age, this can even lead to sepsis. Skin processes lead to disruption of the general development and neuroticism of the child.

With purulent complications, waste products of bacteria accumulate in the body. Because of this, the load on the liver and kidneys increases. In the case of bacterial inflammation, the disease sometimes becomes chronic.

Prevention of diaper rash in newborns

Proper care of babies prevents redness and irritation of the skin. To prevent diaper rash, dermatologists recommend:

  • use diapers, rompers, undershirts made of cotton fabric;
  • change diapers every 3 hours;
  • Apply baby cream to the inguinal-femoral area 1-2 times a day;
  • treat baby's skin folds with powders;
  • disinfect abrasions with antiseptics;
  • do not swaddle newborns too tightly;
  • wash the child after each bowel movement;
  • use diapers only when going for a walk;
  • Dry skin folds thoroughly after each bath;
  • arrange air baths for 10-15 minutes a day;
  • wash children's clothes with hypoallergenic powder.

Experts insist on following the rules for introducing complementary foods. Over the course of a week, only 1-3 new products are introduced into the diet of newborns and the skin reaction is monitored. If spotty rashes are detected, the baby should be shown to the pediatrician. Competent treatment and compliance with preventive measures prevent the formation of cracks and purulent complications.

Intertrigo is an inflammatory process on the surface of a baby’s skin that develops as a result of prolonged irritation from moisture and friction. Excess moisture can appear, for example, due to excessive sweating or untimely diaper changes, when urine or feces irritate the skin. At the same time, inflammation develops in places that are regularly exposed to friction (at the edges of the diaper, in skin folds, in places where the seams of clothing meet).

The main symptom of diaper rash is redness of the skin in certain areas of the body. The edges of the affected area, as a rule, are uneven and diffuse, that is, there are no clear boundaries, the redness gradually turns into normal skin color. The child becomes restless and capricious, sleep in such cases is usually interrupted, since diaper rash is accompanied by a burning sensation and itching of the skin.

It is worth paying special attention to the characteristic localizations of diaper rash - most often these are the buttock and inguinal folds, less often - the areas behind the ears, in the armpits, on the neck, in the lower abdomen. Diaper rash may appear in places where the baby's skin is in close contact with clothing, especially if the baby's clothing has seams and other irregularities.

Prickly heat is an inflammatory process on the baby’s skin caused by blockage (closing) of the sweat glands. It occurs due to increased sweating with slow evaporation of moisture, which is due to imperfect thermoregulation processes in newborns.

Miliaria, unlike diaper rash, is manifested not only by redness of the skin. The main symptom is the appearance of a bright pink, pinpoint rash that rises above the surface of the skin. It is also possible for prickly heat to appear in the form of small blisters with transparent contents. There are white and red prickly heat. In the center of each inflammatory nodule there are small bubbles with cloudy contents. This is the so-called prickly heat.

There is also miliaria alba, characterized by milky white blisters. This indicates secondary infection of the contents of the vesicles with a staphylococcal infection.
If prickly heat is present, the child may become restless, as in some cases it is accompanied by itching.

Miliaria appears in those places where the child sweats most often. Typical localizations of prickly heat can be the neck, chest and back, armpits, inguinal folds, as well as the area behind the ears and the occipital region below the hairline.


The baby's skin has a number of features: it is very thin, with a large number of blood vessels, and forms many folds. Air access to the skin in these places is limited, and it is difficult to dry them, which is why diaper rash most often forms there. Inflammation begins in the depths of the fold and then spreads to the edges.

The baby's thermoregulation center is not yet perfect, so the sweat glands do not work effectively enough. Moisture from the surface of the skin does not have time to evaporate, creating a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria, and irritation occurs in the most sensitive areas of the skin (in folds, in places where clothing adheres), where friction exists. As a result, inflammatory processes such as diaper rash and prickly heat develop.

Excess moisture on the baby's skin can occur in hot weather, when the child sweats a lot, when the baby is wrapped up excessively, or when the child is ill, since he sweats a lot during a fever. Often the cause is non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards for caring for the baby: insufficient drying of the skin after water procedures, poor washing of skin folds, improper treatment of the newborn’s skin.

Under a diaper, the skin often turns red from constant contact with the baby's secretions - feces and urine, which contain substances that irritate the baby's delicate skin, leading to diaper rash. Diaper rash can also be caused by skin friction against the baby's clothes, diapers, or the edges of the diaper.
Diaper rash can appear when there are artificial synthetic fibers in clothes or diapers, which do not allow moisture to pass through well and do not allow it to evaporate from the surface of the skin and contribute to the development of inflammation.

Caution - danger!

If diaper rash or heat rash does not occur in time, the problem can get significantly worse.

The skin normally contains a large amount of opportunistic microflora (microbes that cause disease only under certain conditions). When excess moisture and heat occur on the skin, favorable conditions are created for the proliferation of these microbes. Thus, the number of bacteria and fungi will increase in the affected areas. An attached bacterial or fungal infection worsens the situation. The skin will become even drier, small bleeding cracks and pustules may appear. The inflammatory process quickly spreads to other parts of the body. In the future, it is also possible for the development of weeping microcracks with a putrid odor and even the formation of ulcers that are difficult to treat.

It is worth noting that when an additional bacterial infection is added to prickly heat or diaper rash, the process can become chronic, and treatment can be lengthy. In this case, the child will constantly feel discomfort in the form of a burning sensation, soreness and itching.

How to help a child?

Diaper rash and prickly heat can be easily treated in the early stages. First you need eliminate the causes, which could lead to the problem:

Avoid skin overheating baby. It is worth putting less clothes on your child so that he does not sweat. Start ventilating the room in which the baby is located at least three times a day, and maintain the temperature there no higher than 220C (the optimal temperature for a baby is 20–220C, humidity is 50–70 %).

Necessarily do “air baths”: completely undress the baby and leave him lying down for 1-2 minutes at first, gradually increasing the time he is naked to 15-20 minutes. At the same time, you need to ensure that the diaper on which the baby lies always remains dry. At the earliest stages, this technique allows you to get rid of diaper rash and prickly heat, even without the use of special cosmetics.

The affected area of ​​skin should wash daily, in the absence of contamination - once a day with baby soap.

You should bathe your child more often (up to 4 times a day), especially in hot weather. The baby can be bathed in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). To do this, you can first prepare a 5% solution of potassium permanganate: dissolve 5 mg of potassium permanganate in 100 ml of water, then strain through a double layer of gauze. After this, slowly pour the prepared solution into the baby’s bathtub until the water turns slightly pink. This is done to prevent crystals of potassium permanganate from getting into the water, otherwise the baby may get burned. Such baths can be carried out no more than three to four times a week for 10 minutes (to avoid drying out the skin). You can also add herbal decoctions (chamomile, chamomile) or an infusion of oak bark to the bath when bathing. 100 g of dried grass or oak bark is poured into 1 liter of boiling water, infused in a water bath for 30 minutes, filtered through cheesecloth and added to the bath. They dry the skin and reduce the inflammatory response. The duration of such procedures is no more than 10 minutes 3-4 times a week. At the same time, you need to make sure that the baby does not have an allergy to herbs.

After water procedures you should Dry your baby's skin thoroughly using blotting movements and be sure to remove moisture inside all folds.

Diapers should be changed every three hours, while washing the child under running water without detergents. Changing the diaper is also mandatory immediately after each bowel movement. At the same time, wash the child with baby soap.

After bathing and drying the skin, you should use special protective baby creams for diaper rash (diaper creams). It is worth making sure that the products you use are hypoallergenic.

For heat rash, it is permissible to use baby talc in areas of inflammation. However, in this case, you will have to remove any remaining talc after each use to avoid causing further skin irritation.

In this case, it is imperative to comply rules for applying talc: An adult should first sprinkle talc on their palms and rub it lightly, and then apply it to the baby’s skin. This is necessary to avoid the formation of lumps, which can further irritate the baby's skin.

Necessary eliminate friction on baby's skin on clothes or diapers. Care should be taken to ensure that the seams on the inside of the garment are soft. Also, there should be no tags or hard appliqués on the child’s clothes, which can damage the baby’s delicate skin.

If, after strictly following these standards, there is no improvement within 1-2 days and the skin is still reddened, you should resort to drug treatment. Try using special creams, used for diaper rash (for example, BEPANTEN, DRAPOLENE or DESITIN). These products contain zinc oxide, which dries out the skin, as well as PANTHENOL, which soothes the skin and promotes healing. Despite the safety of these products, it is advisable to consult a doctor before using them.

For prickly heat it can be recommended treatment with disinfectants around the affected area - a 1% solution of salicylic acid or a 1% alcohol solution of boric acid to avoid additional infection of the affected areas of the skin. The inflamed area itself is lubricated with antiseptic solutions (for example, a 1 % alcohol solution of CHLOROPHYLLIPTE). Before using these medications, you should consult your pediatrician; he will determine the frequency and duration of use of the medications.

When should you see a doctor?

A child needs urgent consultation with a pediatrician if:

  • after all the measures you have taken (careful care and hygiene), there is no improvement within 3 days;
  • despite treatment, the number of affected areas on the skin continues to increase, and diaper rash or prickly heat spreads throughout the body;
  • against the background of diaper rash or prickly heat, microcracks in the skin have appeared, which can get wet and emit an unpleasant odor, as well as pustules and ulcers;
  • prickly heat or diaper rash cause severe discomfort to the baby. The child has become too restless, cries all the time, sleeps and eats poorly.

The doctor may prescribe a special treatment for diaper rash or prickly heat, which may include various lotions, suspensions, special ointments (for example, METHYLURACIL or TANNINA), which accelerate the healing of the affected areas and have a local anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect. If there is an associated infection, antibacterial or antifungal drugs are prescribed, depending on the type of pathogen. Normally, bacteria live on the baby’s skin, such as staphylococci and fungi (in particular, Candida), which, if immunity decreases, can become pathogenic and cause disease. And inflamed skin with diaper rash or prickly heat is a favorable environment for their reproduction.


To prevent diaper rash and prickly heat, you should strictly follow all sanitary and hygienic rules for caring for your baby’s skin.

When dressing your child for a walk, you should not overwrap him. Considering that a child just lies in a stroller on the street and most often sleeps, he should be wearing one more layer of clothing than himself. If you think he might be cold, take an extra blanket or blanket with you.

The temperature in the nursery should be 20–22°C, humidity – 50–70 %. In this case, the baby only needs a diaper and one layer of clothing. Ventilate the room more often. This helps reduce the number of bacteria in your home.

Should Every time you change a diaper, let the baby lie naked. In addition to preventing prickly heat and diaper rash, you will also harden your child with this procedure. You need to start with one or two minutes at an air temperature of 20–240C and gradually increase this time to 20 minutes.
Remember that the baby’s skin should not be wiped, but blotted very thoroughly. When drying the skin, pay special attention to all folds and areas behind the ears.

Use special protective creams for diapers. They are applied to clean skin after each diaper change.

Choose your diapers very carefully. The baby's skin should breathe and remain dry at all times. If irritation occurs in the areas where the diaper is attached, the belt should be loosened. If this does not help, you need to change the brand, as the edge of the diaper may be harsh on the baby's skin. It is also possible to be allergic to substances contained in the diaper.

When choosing children's clothing and bedding carefully study the composition of the products. Children's clothes should not contain synthetic fibers. Avoid fasteners located on the back or stomach: it is better if they are located on the side or along the shoulder line.

Laundry should be washed using special means, intended for the care of children's things. When washing by hand, rinse the laundry thoroughly, and when washing by machine, set it to the extra rinse cycle.

Diaper rash may be the first sign of an allergy. The consumption of highly allergenic foods by both the nursing mother and the baby during complementary feeding can contribute to the development of diaper rash. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude highly allergenic foods from the mother’s diet (citrus fruits, strawberries, other red and orange vegetables and fruits, nuts, honey, chocolate) and when introducing complementary foods, carefully monitor the baby’s skin reaction. If allergic reactions occur, the product must be excluded.

If you follow the rules of hygiene and care for your infant, as well as with proper nutrition for mother and baby, you will most likely be able to avoid skin diseases such as diaper rash and heat rash.

What not to do during treatment

  1. You cannot treat diaper rash with several products at the same time, especially if you treat the affected area of ​​skin with talcum powder. Talc in combination with creams forms pellets, which cause additional irritation.
  2. You should not treat the skin during prickly heat with strongly colored antiseptic solutions (alcohol solution of brilliant green, FUCORTIN or IODINE), because if you later have to see a doctor, it may be difficult to make an accurate diagnosis, since due to the coloring of the skin it is difficult to see the entire picture of the lesion , especially the presence of pus.
  3. You should not use fatty creams and oils, because they prevent the evaporation of moisture and retain it on the skin, which can only aggravate the situation. They are only suitable for use on very dry areas of skin.

When the wonderful time of pregnancy ends, a new stage of your life comes - the birth of a child. Many people have no idea what actually awaits them, because no one can explain to you what you will have to face. Yes, they can give instructions during the “pot-bellied” period, but as they say, “until you feel it yourself,” you will not understand.

With the birth of your baby, you will discover a lot of new things. Most often, many “surprises” await a young mother; of course, there are many pleasant moments, the first smile, the first of everyone and the long-awaited word “mom”. And there is no need to prepare for this, but the question arises about the problem of the baby’s hygiene, because his skin is still so delicate and fragile that it can simply be injured by using inappropriate skin care products.

The wrong choice of diapers, cream or powder for a baby's bottom can lead to serious problems. The most important problem is diaper rash in newborns. Most often, diaper rash appears in the genital area, butt and legs. It is this area of ​​the baby that is mainly kept warm under the diaper. No matter how much advertisers tell us about “breathable diapers,” this, alas, is not the case. Pampers consist of absorbent fabric fibers and cotton wool, so they retain heat inside themselves. Thus, the baby’s skin “does not breathe” and diaper rash may appear.

Diaper rash on a baby's skin most often appears in the single area, but this is far from the only place where skin inflammation can appear. A child's skin is very thin, delicate and vulnerable. Blood vessels in children under one year of age are located as close as possible to the skin, and prolonged exposure to moisture can contribute to the appearance of diaper rash.

What is diaper rash?

Diaper rash is a process of inflammation of the skin, which is susceptible to moisture or friction. Basically, such inflammation appears in the groin, on the butt, in the neck fold, under the arms and under the knees. Diaper rash manifests itself as redness, possible rashes, and the child feels itching.

There are three degrees of diaper rash in a baby:

  1. first degree: manifested by slight redness.
  2. second degree: a rash, redness appears on the skin, and microcracks may form.
  3. third degree: redness, rash, pustules, erosions and even possible appearance of ulcers appear on the damaged area.

In case of any such manifestations, you should consult a doctor and do not bring the child’s skin to the third stage.

Causes of diaper rash?

The most common cause of diaper rash on a child's skin is excess moisture, which clogs the vessels of the upper layer of the epidermis. And this mainly occurs from skin irritation with urine and feces; the salt contained in the baby’s excretions irritates his skin. The most common reason is that the diaper was not changed on time. But this is not the only reason for the appearance of diaper rash on the skin.

Another reason for diaper rash in a baby is friction of the skin against clothing items (diaper, etc.). It should be noted that in children with a tendency to allergic reactions, the chances of developing diaper rash are higher than in a child who does not have the predisposition. Also, in overweight newborns, the blood vessels are located very close to the skin and the likelihood of diaper rash is higher.

Treatment of diaper rash

If you notice redness on your child's skin, you should begin treatment. There are two treatment options: folk remedies and medication. But using these two methods will bring greater effect.

When my daughter was 2 months old, we were faced with the problem of diaper rash; as a young mother, I didn’t even quite understand what was happening to my child. I stopped breastfeeding when the baby was 3 weeks old, so consider that Sonya was on formula from birth. I immediately thought that the redness on her butt was due to improper selection of nutrition; changing the mixture, the redness did not go away. Then my husband and I started thinking about diapers; we then used “Happy” diapers.

Here is the result from the diapers:

Before changing diapers, the child, who was completely without diapers for about 2 weeks, smeared his bottom with Sudocrem, Bepanten and Zinc ointment. We brewed chamomile (ordinary pharmaceutical flowers) 2 tablespoons per 200 ml of boiling water and infused it in this water, bathed the child and washed it. Sea buckthorn oil also helped; its properties help nourish the skin with vitamins, heal wounds, and relieve redness. The most important thing in this matter is not to let the usual redness lead to the formation of small cracks and ulcers. When my daughter’s skin began to turn pale and the redness faded, we began to select new diapers; our choice fell on “Yes-Yes”, Polish diapers, the price of such diapers is 750 rubles for 54 pieces - that’s four.

In fact, you should be as attentive as possible with your infant; children under one year of age cannot tell you what hurts them and where. Therefore, you need to spend every morning and evening like this, say, “inspect” the child’s body, monitor the reaction to food, especially when you begin to introduce the first complementary foods.

Treatment of diaper rash with medications

Curing a child from the appearance of redness is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Indeed, due to the negligence of some parents, “self-medication” can cause even more problems. Even a simply incorrect choice of disinfectant cream can cause a strong allergic reaction and an increase in the child’s body temperature.

After seeing a doctor, you will most likely be prescribed to apply several ointments to the area where the diaper rash appears. For example, “Sudokrem” - relieves inflammation and reduces redness on a child’s skin, it does not burn and does not cause allergic reactions, this cream contains zinc, which is known to relieve inflammation. The next reasonable doctor's prescription would be to prescribe an antiallergic drug; for infants this is most often Fenistil in drops, 10-12 drops, 2-3 times a day. Prescribing blood and urine tests to identify any allergen. It is rare, but it happens that babies may be allergic to mother's milk (it contains cow's protein), this can also cause diaper rash in the baby.

A doctor may prescribe bathing a child in water with potassium permanganate, but most likely this will not happen, since manganese is a thing of the distant past. To treat severe diaper rash, the use of “red water” - “Eosin” may be prescribed. And smear the redness with Fukarcin. It should be noted that each child is individual and you should not rely on your neighbor or friend and prove that everything was wrong with her child. Listen to your doctor to avoid harming your child.

Treatment with folk remedies

This type of treatment involves the use of only natural products that do not contain chemical elements. If redness appears on your baby's skin, you can use sea buckthorn oil; it has substances that help heal and restore damaged skin tissue. To treat diaper rash with oak bark - for this you need to brew oak bark in boiling water in the proportions: one tablespoon of bark per 200 milliliters of water, let it brew for 10-15 minutes, strain through a sieve and pour into a bath, where you will later place the child, it is worth repeating this procedure 2 – 3 times a day.

When treating in this way, you can use a solution of eucalyptus as a lotion; you should brew the eucalyptus and make the lotions in the morning and evening. Fold the bandage 3-4 times, soak it in the solution and apply it to the skin lesion for 10-20 minutes. Chamomile and string also have substances that relieve inflammation and have a healing effect. They should be brewed, just like oak bark, and a bath should be made for the baby. There are many more herbs and other remedies that relatives, friends and girlfriends can advise us, but nevertheless it is best to contact a qualified specialist, since medicine does not stand still and there are ways to cure a child from diaper rash much faster and better.

Prevention of diaper rash in newborns

To avoid all of the above, you should follow simple rules of baby hygiene. Of course, no one is immune from diaper rash, but it is better to prevent its occurrence.

  1. It is necessary to ventilate the baby’s skin for at least 2 hours a day, just remove the diaper and leave the baby to “nappy” for an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening, because this is not difficult.
  2. Wash the intestines after each bowel movement, do not leave the child in a dirty diaper or just onesies.
  3. Apply moisturizer or powder before each diaper change.
  4. After taking a bath, lubricate your baby's skin with moisturizer or special baby oil.
  5. Take care of the baby's clothes, children grow very quickly, and clothing that fits too tightly can cause diaper rash.

By following simple hygiene rules, your baby will not develop diaper rash. The skin will remain clean and soft, and mom will be happy. But if the first symptoms appear, then it is better to start treatment immediately without delaying it until the next day. Don’t panic and consider yourself a bad parent, because these are children, and different things can happen to them. May your kids not get sick and be happy and healthy to the delight of mom and dad.

Diaper rash in infants is a common reason why no one sleeps at home. Even the slightest redness in a baby’s soft spot can cause severe discomfort. As a result, children become capricious, sleep poorly, and refuse to eat. An advanced form of diaper rash may be an indication for antibiotic therapy. Following some rules of prevention and baby care will help you avoid unwanted consequences. Every mother needs to know how to treat diaper rash.

A newborn baby is especially susceptible to diaper rash, since his skin is especially sensitive due to age-related characteristics.

At a very early age, the baby’s skin needs careful care with the help of special cosmetics. It is really undesirable to save on them, because healthy skin is one of the factors of health. It is the skin that creates the most powerful protection against harmful bacteria entering the body, and also participates in thermoregulation processes.

In infancy, children often suffer from allergic reactions from diapers, creams (which are not suitable for this particular baby), and even from frequent contact with water. As a result, diaper rash appears on the baby's bottom.

What is redness and what causes it

By and large, diaper rash in infants is an inflammatory process of the epidermis in certain areas (most often the butt, armpit, collar area) that are exposed to irritating factors. These include friction created between the baby's skin and the diaper, as well as excessive moisture (sweat).

Most often, the baby may be bothered by diaper rash in the armpits, neck, inguinal folds, and lower abdomen.

Such skin irritations can vary in severity, ranging from slight redness to the appearance of cracks, small and large ulcers. Naturally, you should not start inflammation and start treatment without delay.

Causes of inflammation

The main cause of diaper rash lies in the disruption of the skin's natural protective mechanisms as a result of prolonged exposure to temperature, physical, and chemical irritants. This leads to the creation of optimal conditions for the proliferation of harmful bacteria. They are the main culprits of diaper rash.

It is very simple to create a suitable habitat for pathogenic bacteria on the skin, which leads to:

  1. Rare diaper changes. Diaper rash often occurs if the skin is in contact with his feces for a long time.
  2. The room temperature is too high.
  3. A child wearing clothes made of synthetic materials.

Also, the causes of diaper rash on the butt can be:

  1. Allergic reaction to the sorbent or diaper material.
  2. Allergies to foods consumed by the mother during lactation.

How to fix the situation

Treatment of diaper rash in infants involves eliminating the causes that cause it.

Diaper rash on a baby’s bottom cannot be “triggered.” In the initial stage, it is much easier to cure it than to begin treating the resulting wounds and cracks.

“Mild” diaper rash often does not require specific treatment. Most often, it is possible to solve this problem by following the basic rules of caring for the baby:

  • Timely and regular changing of diapers or diapers.
  • In addition, it is necessary to give the baby “air baths” at least every 2-3 hours, leaving the baby naked for some time at an adequate air temperature in the room.

  • Bathe the diaper rash area under running water every time you change clothes.
  • Dry the skin thoroughly using a soft diaper with light, blotting movements, without creating additional friction on the skin.
  • After water procedures and complete drying of excess moisture, it is necessary to apply high-quality baby creams to the skin to help heal irritations on the skin. Sudocrem and Bepanten ointments are often used; at the pharmacy you can ask for less expensive analogues.
  • After the activities, the child can be dressed.

As a rule, these measures are enough to cure a baby's skin from mild diaper rash.

Hard case

In some complicated situations, it is not possible to cope with the problem of diaper rash on your own. In this case, you should contact your doctor with a question about how to treat diaper rash? Who, after examining the baby, will give the necessary recommendations.

A visit to the doctor is necessary if:

  1. Skin irritation does not go away for a long time.
  2. The condition tends to worsen.
  3. Against the background of irritation, cracks and purulent wounds appeared.

Most likely, the doctor will write out a prescription for a special “talk bottle” made in a pharmacy, which contains zinc, silver nitrate, and talc. Such products have a drying and antibacterial effect.

What do you need

Every mother should know how to treat diaper rash. Of course, it is best not to make independent decisions, but in each individual case, consult a doctor. But just in case, we have prepared a small cheat sheet.

So, your home medicine cabinet should have:

  • Baby powder.
  • Hypoallergenic baby soap.
  • High-quality baby cream and/or diaper cream, healing, drying cream (“bepanten”, “sudo-cream”).

Before randomly starting treatment, it is necessary to find out the causes of diaper rash. This will greatly save your nerves and money.

If you experience an allergic reaction to a diaper, you should use a different brand. Some pharmacies and children's stores offer to purchase them individually. This is an excellent option that will help eliminate this factor and not “throw money away.”

Need to know

Treatment of diaper rash in infants requires a responsible approach, because they pose a serious problem for the baby. Moms and dads often begin to self-medicate diaper rash on the baby’s skin, not knowing some rules, the violation of which will not lead to achieving the desired effect.

  1. To treat wounds caused by excessive humidity, do not use ointments and oils that will cover the surface of the skin with a film, as this will only aggravate the situation. In this case, the doctor may prescribe a paste containing zinc.
  2. You should not use grandma's starch recipe if your child has irritation on his bottom. Rolling up in the folds of the skin, it forms lumps, which then injure it.
  3. The use of traditional medicine in treating an infant is simply unacceptable without consulting a doctor.

The appearance of diaper rash on a baby's skin, such as irritation on the butt, is quite normal, but it indicates that something is not satisfactory for the baby, for example, the air temperature, a diaper, detergents for washing baby clothes, the diet of his mother, the psychological atmosphere in the family etc.

Diaper rash that you cannot cope with on your own within 1-2 days is a reason to definitely take your baby to the doctor.

Diaper dermatitis or diaper rash is a common problem in newborn babies. The baby's delicate skin is easily vulnerable. Under the influence of various factors, redness, weeping, and itching appear.

Diaper rash makes babies suffer. It is important for parents to solve the problem as soon as possible to minimize the risk of dermatitis in the future. With proper care of the baby, diaper rash rarely occurs in newborns and children under one year old.


Inflammation of the skin occurs when several factors combine. Most often, high humidity causes irritation of delicate areas. If excess moisture is combined with heat, dirt, urine and feces, a severe form of diaper dermatitis develops.

The penetration of pathogenic bacteria or yeast fungi causes the active development of infection, the appearance of pustules and cracks.

Provoking factors:

  • prolonged stay in diapers (the skin does not breathe);
  • tight swaddling;
  • poor child care;
  • high air humidity;
  • uncomfortable temperature, due to which the newborn often sweats;
  • rubbing of delicate folds with uncomfortable diapers, seams on clothes;
  • inappropriate diaper size;
  • improper introduction of complementary foods, mother's consumption of foods that provoke allergies;
  • fungal or bacterial infections;
  • allergy to synthetic components of washing powder, baby lotions, creams.

Important! The combination of several factors is dangerous for the health of a tiny person. In severe forms of diaper rash, the infection penetrates the genital area, sometimes the disease becomes chronic.


The disease is easy to recognize: unpleasant signs appear in certain areas. If you are unsure whether it is diaper rash or other diseases, consult your pediatrician.

The degree of skin damage due to diaper dermatitis depends on many reasons. The stronger and longer the negative factors act, the worse the care of the baby, the sooner the weak signs become more pronounced.

Find out interesting details about symptoms and treatment in children.

What to feed a child with rotavirus infection? Look at the article menu.

Areas where diaper dermatitis develops:

  • inguinal folds, perineal area, buttocks (most often);
  • armpits;
  • neck area.

Understanding that the problem occurs in the folds of the skin will help distinguish diaper rash in infants from other diseases. These areas combine friction, high humidity, high temperature, dirt accumulates, and microbes actively multiply.

Stages of disease development

Each degree of diaper rash in a child has characteristic symptoms. Damage to the skin depends on the strength and duration of the negative factors.

Stages of the disease:

  • first. Areas that have had high humidity for a long time become inflamed and a slight redness appears. Early initiation of treatment quickly relieves unpleasant symptoms;
  • second. Irritation is clearly visible, redness intensifies, and pustules, cracks, and small erosions often appear. The lack of adequate measures provokes the development of the next, most severe degree of diaper dermatitis;
  • third. The redness is pronounced, the weeping occupies a large area, multiple pustules are adjacent to ulcers, from which droplets of blood are often released. The baby suffers: the affected areas itch, there is pain, a strong burning sensation. Sleep is disturbed and well-being worsens.

Diaper rash in the groin folds

Pediatricians often suggest renaming the disease: the name “diaper” dermatitis should be replaced with “diaper” dermatitis. Many mothers use diapers so actively that this useful item in a baby's wardrobe often causes irritation to delicate skin.

Diapers are more convenient, they are less hassle for a young, always tired mother, but in diapers the body breathes better, and diaper rash appears less often. But hardly anyone wants to give up convenience. It is important to prevent inguinal diaper rash, which is caused by diapers.

If you do not properly care for the genital area or do not wash your baby in a timely manner, the consequences can be very severe. Strong friction from a small/incorrectly worn diaper often causes the formation of wounds where harmful germs can easily penetrate. It is difficult to get rid of diaper rash in the groin and skin folds; often the inflammation affects the baby’s genitals.

Methods and rules of treatment

The task of parents is to pay attention to the slight redness of the folds of the skin. At your pediatrician's appointment, ask how to prevent further irritation of the epidermis.

The danger of diaper rash is the rapid transition from one stage to another. With inactivity, slight redness can give way to severe irritation within a few hours. Heat and high humidity worsen the prognosis.

Before starting therapy, the doctor will talk with the parents and conduct a detailed analysis of the symptoms and the duration of the manifestation of characteristic signs. It is important to understand whether it is only poor hygiene or high humidity that provoked skin damage.

If diaper rash in children is a reaction to allergenic foods, a review of the menu is required. In infants, a problem arises if the mother consumes prohibited foods. Artificial children often suffer from allergies to cow's milk.

First degree

  • For the treatment of diaper rash in the initial stage, medications are not needed: proper hygiene measures are sufficient;
  • When bathing, during the morning toilet, thoroughly rinse the folds. Wash your buttocks and groin area with running water and use antibacterial wipes less often. Often it is urine and feces that increase irritation and provoke severe wounds and erosions on the skin of a newborn;
  • check whether the diaper fits well and does not rub the skin in the groin;
  • Change an important wardrobe item every 3 hours. Check the size, change the brand, choose a “breathable” model;
  • provide good air access to the reddened areas: wear diapers less often, leave the baby undressed so that he can move his arms and legs;
  • air baths are a simple, effective method that prevents excessive accumulation of moisture in the armpits, groin folds, on the neck and between the buttocks;
  • powder the folds with talcum powder/baby powder with zinc oxide;
  • treat the epidermis of problem areas with non-greasy baby cream.

Second stage

How to proceed:

  • if you missed the initial stage, you cannot do without medications;
  • on the recommendation of a doctor, treat inflamed areas with zinc-based ointments and creams. Buy an anti-diaper rash emulsion at the pharmacy;
  • Lubricate multiple pustules with brilliant green;
  • special attention to hygiene. Washing after bowel movements and urination is mandatory. Put antibacterial wipes aside for now, use hygiene devices with synthetic components in extreme cases (on the street, at a party);
  • use diapers less often. While the baby is at home, air baths are recommended (make sure that the baby does not catch a cold, check that the arms and legs are warm);
  • When bathing, be sure to add decoctions of medicinal herbs to the water. Chamomile, oak bark, string, sage, and calendula are good for relieving inflammation and healing wounds. A collection of two or three types of herbs gives an excellent effect;
  • remember that oak bark needs to be boiled for 10–15 minutes, the rest of the herbs just need to be poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for 40 minutes. Proportions: a liter of water – a couple of tablespoons of healing raw materials;
  • treat wounds with diaper rash cream. Suitable: Bepanten, Desitin, Panthenol. If the gel is ineffective, replace the drug with another.

Third degree

  • the treatment is protracted, the baby feels unwell due to itching, weeping, wounds and ulcers on the delicate surface;
  • the course is often complicated by secondary infection;
  • Be sure to lubricate problem areas with medicinal emulsions and gels. The drug will be chosen by the pediatrician taking into account the baby’s age;
  • Treatment with ointments and oils is prohibited: a greasy base accelerates the formation of a film, the skin does not breathe, the condition of the epidermis worsens;
  • after the weeping disappears, apply bactericidal compounds and zinc paste to the area of ​​the folds;
  • If a bacterial/fungal infection is detected, the pediatrician will prescribe antimycotic ointments for diaper rash and antibiotics. It is forbidden to choose the drug yourself. If the effect on the pathogen is weak, the bacteria/fungi become accustomed to the action of the drug, and a stronger agent will have to be selected;
  • bathe your newborn with herbal infusions. Kills bacteria, slightly dries problem areas with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (water is pale pink, never purple to avoid burns);
  • Carry out hygiene procedures carefully, lightly blot the inflamed areas. Air baths and temporary abandonment of diapers are required to avoid friction and relieve the skin from a hot, humid environment.

Prevention measures

Follow simple rules, and your baby's skin will always be clean, without redness or rashes. Daily care requires time and effort, but the health of the baby is more important.

Ten rules for preventing diaper rash in babies:

  • keep the skin clean, rinse thoroughly, then dry the folds;
  • put on a diaper only with clean, dry skin;
  • use antibacterial wipes less often: despite the advertising of “naturalness,” synthetic ingredients are still present;
  • At home, put on your baby’s diaper less often: let the little body breathe. Do not wrap your baby up: overheating often causes excessive sweating, redness, and itching of tender areas. Perform air baths regularly, especially for the lower torso;
  • choose a diaper that is breathable and does not irritate your skin. Buy products from well-known companies that are constantly introducing new developments;
  • always keep diaper rash remedies in your medicine cabinet: talc, baby powder, Bepanten gel;
  • Contact your pediatrician in a timely manner. If the rash does not go away after two to three days, see a doctor. Most likely, a fungal/bacterial infection was added to the inflammation;
  • To prevent inflammatory processes, regularly add a herbal decoction to the bath. For 10 liters of warm water, 500 ml of healing liquid is enough;
  • For washing, use special powder, safe baby soap. Buy baby skin care products from trusted manufacturers;
  • if the cause is a food allergy, analyze the diet of the nursing mother or replace the formula with an “artificial” one. Visit an allergist: timely identification of a dangerous product will prevent complications. Sometimes a hypoallergenic diet lasts for years or a lifetime (if you are allergic to the protein gluten).

Diaper rash in newborns most often appears when young parents do not know the nuances of caring for their baby’s skin and methods of treating the disease. Study the recommendations of pediatricians, follow the rules for the prevention of diaper dermatitis. The reward for patience will be the health of the little man.

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