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What to do if your ex-wife does not allow you to communicate with your child. Ex/current wife does not allow you to see your child - what to do

Our life consists of meetings and partings. The latter happens for various reasons, and the most common one is that the marriage has outlived its usefulness. It is difficult to argue with the statement that divorce is stressful for both spouses, that it is almost always accompanied by scandals and division of property. Of course, there are exceptions, but this cannot be called a happy occasion, since no destruction can be happiness, even when the former spouses live better in new families. However, ex-wives most often turn to their ex-spouses for help in everyday matters, either out of loneliness or out of habit. How a man should feel about this is what we will talk about in today’s article.

High relationship or addiction?

Let's start the conversation with the very situation when the marriage has outlived its usefulness. It happens that spouses lose interest in each other. If there are no children in this marriage, if they have nothing to share, then everything is simple: they leave and everyone lives their own lives. However, these are not all the points of intersection between men and women. There are years that they lived together, there are mutual friends. You cannot offer your friends the choice “either me or her,” thereby putting them in an awkward position.

If there was no great resentment during the separation, if you meet your ex-wife on the street and do not feel nervous, if you are not tormented by memories of your life together, then it is quite possible to continue communicating with her, but on a slightly different level. Over time, many ex-spouses are able to maintain friendly relations, or create the appearance of them. Rejoice for the happy life of your “ex” in your new family. Sounds like an idyll?

But, as a rule, in life it happens differently: one of the former spouses wants to quickly forget about living together and not maintain any relationship, while the second looks like a dog in a manger. Now it would be appropriate to recall the film “Pokrovsky Gate”, in which the ex-wife took care of her husband after a divorce, perceiving him as her property. Dear men, if you realize that you have fallen into such a trap organized by your ex-wife, immediately run away and break off all relationships. After all, over time they will turn into a pathological addiction, which will certainly lead to depression. Do not pay attention to requests for help in everyday matters, there are professional masters for this. Remember that you no longer have obligations towards her and you are a completely independent and independent person.

Common children are a connecting link.

Everything that was written above applies to families that do not have common children. If you have children together, then even if you really want to never see your ex-wife, you won’t be able to say goodbye forever. You will have to experience common anxieties and common joys together for many years. In this situation, you must try very hard to build the right relationship, since one of the most important parental tasks is to create the greatest possible emotional comfort for the child.

To begin with, place all the accents correctly. If your ex-wife continues to attack you with calls and requests, you need to understand that this is not only about household help, she wants you to return. If your decision to live separately is unshakable, then you will have to talk frankly with her one day and call things by their proper names. And one should not naively hope that the problem will resolve itself. Every time you agree to help, your ex-wife perceives this as your desire to start over.

What could be worse and more dangerous than false hope? Talk to her calmly and firmly, outline your responsibilities towards the child, as well as your financial contribution to his maintenance. Show her that you are only in a business relationship now. However, do not try to start this conversation immediately after the divorce, when passions are still raging and emotional wounds are still painful. It's better to wait until everything calms down.

What to do if a previous marriage is an obstacle to the current one.

As a rule, current wives get nervous and irritated if their ex-wife calls. Scandals tinged with jealousy begin; a woman feels jealous of her husband’s ex-wife. And she, in turn, blames her rival for the fact that her ex-husband does not want to communicate with her. We can say at least a hundred times that prohibiting a husband from maintaining friendly relations with his ex-wife is a possessive behavior that arises from insecurity in the relationship. The current wife does not directly prohibit it, but it noticeably annoys her. A smart man will make the right choice between the peace of a loved one and a “high relationship” with his ex-wife.

Again, it should be clarified that we are talking about those families where there are no common children. To prevent children, if any, from suffering, you need to dot all the i’s even before creating a new family, and inform your woman that she will have to put up with the fact that you will visit your previous family and maintain at least business relations with your ex wife. If your current wife is sincere towards you and trusts you, she will most likely agree with you.

Similar situations occur in the opposite situation, when your wife continues to communicate with her ex-husband. It would be worthy for a man to show that he trusts his half, at the same time, without hurting his self-esteem. However, it is rare for any man to succeed. You should take a close look at their relationship and make sure that everything that connected them is in the past; they are now, rather, relatives. So don't be nervous. And if you can’t cope with your emotions, then it’s better to tell her about it honestly. A woman, if she cares about you, will certainly make the right choice.

Although they say that life is like a book, however, it is impossible to tear a page out of it. Even if it’s unpleasant for you to remember your family life, or you don’t want to see your ex-wife, and you can’t avoid it, try to build the right relationship with her and don’t give her the opportunity to manipulate you.

How to behave with your ex-wife.

Be sensitive during divorce.

Of course, if people are approaching divorce, then passions are running high, they irritate each other, and their differences are not resolvable. That is, they both reached the boiling point. In such a situation, it is difficult to control yourself and not express out loud your complaints and opinions about your ex-wife. In response, of course, you will receive the same thing, since she also has accumulated dissatisfaction with you. But it's better to speak up if this happens if you remain on friendly terms. If this is not the case, then you can contact a psychologist and talk to him. And put off the conversation with your ex-wife until the passions have subsided, and you begin to calmly relate to each other, to her shortcomings and to your claims and grievances.

This is especially important if you have children together. It should be remembered that the absence of children is not an excuse for offensive words addressed to your spouse or for humiliating her. After all, there was once love between you. If your wife has changed for the worse as a result of your family life, then it is not only her fault, as a rule, two people are to blame.

Don't immediately change one woman for another.

The desire to get even for the insults that your spouse allegedly inflicted on you is understandable. And many men sin by ostentatiously exchanging their old wife for a new one. Moreover, trying to finish off the “ex”, explaining his departure by saying that the new wife is much better than her. And they don’t even hesitate to voice their rival’s merits point by point. Having been married for several years, you, of course, know her pain points and weaknesses well. In this case, it is very doubtful that you will ever be able to make peace with your ex-wife, much less build friendly relations with her. I hope everyone understands that such behavior does not make a man look good; rather, it looks like a manifestation of weakness of character.

To avoid such excesses, go “nowhere”. Even if your future wife does not have housing problems, it is better for you to live alone or with relatives or friends for some time. Psychologists believe that from the moment of divorce to the public appearance of another woman in your life, and even more so, the creation of a new family with her, at least six months should pass. It’s easier for women to accept and forgive the fact that she was abandoned because they “didn’t get along” than the fact that she was exchanged for someone else.

If your new passion does not understand your careful attitude towards the feelings of your ex-wife and demands that you, at a minimum, pay visits to friends and relatives you share with your ex-wife, and go to public places where she can see you. And, as a maximum, immediate wedding, then you should think about her sincerity towards you. It is much more important for this woman to take revenge on her ex-wife for your secret relationship, for the hardships she suffered, than for her man to experience spiritual comfort.

Pay attention to your wife.

This does not oblige you to anything at all. Is it difficult to congratulate your ex-wife on her birthday or Happy New Year, because you congratulate your friends? Or show concern for your common child. You can ask about her child, born in a new marriage, call for no reason, just in a friendly way. You can highlight something good in your former relationship: some of her culinary masterpieces or her homely streak. Or, for example, ask her for some favor. Women have a very hard time dealing with emptiness in their souls. It will be much easier for her to recover if she feels male attention and care. Besides, a phone call is not a reason for her to assume that you have capitulated and want to return. And you find yourself in a winning situation, since your ex-wife will not say unpleasant things about you to mutual acquaintances, and will not turn the children against you.

The most difficult thing here is to clearly explain to your current spouse why you continue to communicate with your ex-wife. You can explain this by the fact that you, as a decent man, do not abandon to the mercy of fate the people with whom you have been associated for many years of life together. But you should remember that under no circumstances should you go beyond the boundaries of friendly communication with your ex-wife.

Beware - female friendship!

It happens that both your wives (former and current) want to become friends, because they have a lot in common - you. As a rule, this can only happen if the ex-wife is no longer single, and she has a man, and she is happy with her life. Where this friendship will lead, how it will affect your new relationship - this is a difficult question, the answer to which depends only on you.

Also, read on the website:

2 fears

There is me and one person quite close to me. And there are 2 of my “cockroaches” that interfere with our mutual understanding and communication. 1) It’s difficult for me to call him by name. I can do it mentally, but not out loud. And by the way …

Girls, I often read posts about ex-wives on air. Which do not allow you to live / prevent you from living / are imposed on you / are boring and so on. Especially if they had children in common from that marriage.

So, you still decided to live with this man. You need him, only him, exclusively him. Of course, in order not to run into exes, it is best to choose men with no past and no “problems” (I now call obligations of any kind “problems,” girls, don’t be offended).

But if this happens... first, accept the fact that he has a past. When we marry such men, we have no idea how much such a past can sometimes influence us. Children from the former family will not go anywhere. And the older they get, the more requests there will be. The best thing you can do is not to interfere. Trust experience. After all, you probably wouldn’t want to live with an irresponsible man. If he does not support children from a previous marriage financially in any way, that’s good for you now. Then, at a difficult moment, he will turn away from you in the same way. This characterizes him as an irresponsible person who has nothing sacred. There’s no point in pushing him to pay. This will not change his nature. This is just a clear signal for you that it is not worth continuing a relationship with such a person.

If the ex does not give the child, does not allow her husband to communicate with him. My advice is this - do not wake up the trouble while it is quiet. Baja with a cart - it’s easier for the mare. Believe me, the man and the ex will figure it out themselves. It didn’t just happen; they created it together. Don't just go there! In my opinion, when your man pays sufficient alimony (not tiny, but normal) and does not have the opportunity to communicate with the child because his ex does not provide it, this is the best option. So that the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe.

If your ex lets you communicate with your child and even forces him on you. Well, here the best deal for you is to sincerely, if not love, then make friends with the child. Whatever motives move your ex, this will be the best position for you. This way you will avoid scandals, quarrels with your husband, etc. “charms” and, without heating up the situation, you will, on an equal basis with your husband, control the situation - both material and time costs. You yourself understand why and for what.

There is another extreme - to succumb to the general belief that you owe everyone everything. And you must be good. This is wrong. Remember - you don't owe anyone anything. Including that child. The more you try to be good, the more people will ride on you. This is usually especially convenient for a man - he is good in front of that family AT YOUR EXPENSE. Therefore, healthy self-love is a must!!! Your needs and your family's needs must come first.

I honestly envy those women who were able to love a child as their own. I haven’t been able to do this yet, but I’m trying.

If the ex-wife has unreasonable claims, she goes too far.

Usually such things are associated with jealousy. Even if such madams are married. It's jealousy anyway.

What can help you? Don’t start making scandals (although this is also useful in limited quantities if all other methods no longer help). Start working not “against her,” but “for yourself and your family.”

If it's a call in the middle of the night. Before making a scandal, take a breath and ask yourself - why do you think they are so obviously trying to piss you off? The answer is simple - so that you quarrel with your husband. This is manipulation. They don’t pay attention to how they react correctly to manipulation.

Arm yourself with a sense of humor, patience and self-love. Don't let your self-confidence drop. Then even a call from an arrogant woman will not make you angry. And then, it’s easier to think with a cool head. And it is easier to resist her machinations. Sorry for her in front of her husband. So that he himself can see the inadequacy of her behavior and her demands. You can bring the same thing that you usually convey through scandal to your husband’s attention through humor and banter. More effective. And it’s healthier to laugh than to yell and make trouble.

A woman may start to provoke you. There are possible options here. If she is an experienced player, then she may well tug on your man's old strings - so that you can see that he is still in her power. It will be very unpleasant for you. Score it. Honestly. Don't forgive, but kill. It is at this moment that you will not be able to do anything. It’s better to wait a moment and do what you need, but later. Do you care about results or immediate pleasure? No matter what she says or does, your man is with you. And if you “straighten his brains” in time - and this may be much later than the incident - she will definitely feel it. And it is your happy family that will be the very revenge that you may have been thinking about.

To be continued....

The topic of a couple's divorce is not limited to just the divorce process. If there are common children in the family, the family relationships of previously married spouses move to a different level. As a rule, minor children remain under the guardianship of only one of them. The desire not only to meet occasionally, but to take a full part in parenting forces former spouses to find compromises that suit both parties. What to do if the mother does not allow the father to see the child after the divorce? How can a father defend his rights legally?

The father's right to communicate with his child after divorce

Article No. 66 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation establishes the right of any parent to participate in the upbringing of children left in the custody of the other party. This is possible if during the divorce proceedings the judicial authorities did not establish any restriction on such joint participation. At the same time, the party that has the priority right to raise the child does not have the right to interfere with communication with the other parent.

According to statistics, as a result of divorce, children most often remain to live with their mother. If she voluntarily agrees to the father’s unlimited participation in the child’s life, then no problems arise. However, such a successful outcome is not always possible. Often, children left with their mother, for various, sometimes far-fetched reasons, are deprived of legal meetings with their father.

If the mother’s desire to prevent the father from communicating with his offspring does not have serious grounds and judicial restrictions, then the father in relation to his children has the right:

It should be noted that the father’s rights in relation to communication and upbringing of children left with his ex-wife are determined by several circumstances related to the following points:

  • the age of the child;
  • physical condition;
  • mother's work schedule;
  • the presence of comfortable conditions for meetings;
  • the child's desire to communicate with the parent.

What to do if your ex-spouse does not allow you to see your child?

If the former spouses are unable to reach mutual understanding regarding the father’s share of participation in raising their common children, then the ongoing conflict will have to be resolved with the participation of the judiciary.

The party that considers itself to be the victim goes to court with a statement of claim. As a rule, judges consider the case from the point of view that creates the best conditions for the child, and only then suits both spouses.

It should be borne in mind that ignoring fair claims from the ex-wife may negatively affect the father's image when it comes to legal proceedings. For this reason, when conflict situations arise, the best solution for either spouse would be temporary concessions to the demands of the other party. Such behavior will certainly be taken into account positively when rendering a judicial verdict.

The father should not take any illegal actions that could cause moral injury to his ex-wife or child, even if the judicial authorities have issued a decree defining the procedure for communicating with the child, but the ex-wife is trying to violate it. The father should not resolve the issue using forceful methods - taking the child away for a while without notifying the ex-wife and, moreover, trying to kidnap him.

Filing a claim

The first point in the legal resolution of a dispute between a father and mother regarding the joint upbringing of children is the preparation and filing of a claim in court for the observance of rights specified by law. In addition to a request for a legal decision, the statement of claim must contain the following mandatory information:

  • name of the judicial authority to whose address the appeal was sent;
  • applicant's passport details;
  • information about the child;
  • date of application.

If the plaintiff has a clear understanding of what should be done after the divorce, and specific proposals for the order and method of communication with the child, this should also be included in the claim.

Evidence showing that the ex-spouse is interfering with the child's ability to see the child should also be provided to the court.

This evidence may include:

  • documented witness statements;
  • recordings of telephone conversations;
  • correspondence between former spouses.

If the consideration of the claim is delayed, the court has the right, at the request of the applicant, to determine a temporary procedure for communication with children. Refusal of a positive decision determining the order of communication rarely happens in practice and only in the presence of exceptional circumstances. The main emphasis in consideration is on preserving the moral and physical health of the child.

Responsibility of the mother for violating the established order of meetings between the father and the child

If the spouses do not reach a mutual agreement and go to court, then in the future they are obliged to act strictly in accordance with the court decision. The procedure for communication between parents and children, determined in accordance with the law, is mandatory for both parties to comply with. The mother, under whose guardianship the child remains, has no right to violate the issued orders and interfere with the father’s communication with him.

Continued misconduct by the mother in violation of a court order may result in a retrial. If the ex-wife puts constant pressure on the child to create a negative image of the father, this may serve as a reason for making a decision that overturns the previous verdict. If there are such facts, they should be recorded, preferably with the help of third parties. The collected evidence base on the plaintiff’s balance and lack of conflict, as practice shows, is the main factor determining the positive result in the consideration of the case regarding the father’s right to communicate with his child.

First, try to negotiate peacefully. Try to explain to your ex-wife that you want to take part in raising the child and will not harm his physical and mental health. If the divorce by court decision or voluntary agreement did not establish a procedure for paying alimony, discuss it with the child’s mother - your willingness to bear the necessary expenses will serve as additional confirmation of the seriousness of your intentions. If your ex-spouse agrees with your arguments, you can enter into a written voluntary agreement establishing the rules for your communication with the child.

If it was not possible to reach an agreement with your ex-wife, you can contact the guardianship and trusteeship authorities with a request for assistance in exercising your parental rights and responsibilities.

Going to court

If attempts to resolve the dispute pre-trial have not led to the desired result, you should contact the district court at the place of residence of the child’s mother. You will need to write a statement of claim to determine the order of communication with the child. When filing a claim, do not forget to provide a receipt confirming payment of the state fee, copies of divorce and birth certificates, as well as any other documents that may serve as confirmation of the facts specified in the claim:
- characteristics from work and place of residence;
- certificate of income;
- certificates from psychoneurological and narcological dispensaries confirming that you are not registered;
- certificate of no criminal record;
- documentary evidence of alimony payments.

The statement will need to indicate exactly how the ex-spouse is preventing you from communicating with the child, and who can confirm the facts stated in the claim. School teachers, kindergarten teachers, and close relatives can testify. Also, the statement of claim must describe the procedure for communicating with the child that you consider acceptable: the place of communication, the frequency of meetings and their duration.

If you have previously applied to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, please attach copies of your application and the decision made. Guardianship authorities may also be involved as a third party.

Once a judgment is entered, your ex-spouse will be required to act in accordance with it. If after this she continues to interfere with your meetings with the child, you can go to court again, demanding the issuance of a writ of execution - then bailiffs will help ensure the execution of the court decision. Also, administrative measures (fine or administrative arrest) or measures of family legal responsibility, including deprivation of parental rights, may be applied to her.

Dissolution of marriage in Russia is a rather complicated process, especially if there are minor children in the social unit. In this case, it is necessary to carefully consider the order of communication and education of children. Otherwise, a man may encounter a situation in which his ex-wife does not allow him to see the child or does not allow him to take him overnight. What to do in such cases? Is it possible to find justice for a spouse? And if so, how to do it? We will try to understand all this and more further. It is worth immediately taking into account that in Russia the courts most often come to the defense of women. And therefore, not every man will be able to “take away” a child, even if we are talking about ordinary meetings.

About divorce

Ex-wife won't give birth to child? This is a fairly common occurrence among divorced couples. First, let's talk about how to properly break up with your partner.

In Russia, to achieve this task, spouses will have to go to court (district or world court). The judge will examine the proposed documents and then make decisions on:

  • determining who the children will live with;
  • the procedure for communicating with the other parent;
  • alimony;
  • division of the common property of the spouses.

If husband and wife want, they can agree on all this peacefully. This requires the formalization of a peace agreement of one type or another. We'll talk about this later.

Documents for divorce

Ex-wife won't let you see your child? Such problems arise very often, and increasingly they are well founded. Before we analyze their decision and the reasons for its occurrence, let us familiarize ourselves with the list of documents for divorce.

If there are minor children, the parties are required to:

  • passports;
  • income certificates;
  • characteristics from the place of work/study;
  • birth or adoption certificates of children;
  • documentation confirming ownership of a particular property;
  • witness's testimonies;
  • materials that can prove deviant or exemplary behavior of a man/woman.

In some cases, judges ask for a certificate from a child psychologist. To be on the safe side, each party can bring a statement about their mental health.

Important: most often in Russia, children are left with their mothers. In this case, men have to pay child support until the child reaches adulthood.

Right to communicate

Ex-wife won't give you two children? What to do in this case? Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to this question. It is not always the case that prohibitions against “taking” a child are unfounded.

In general, according to the law, divorce should not affect parental rights in any way. The baby's mom and dad can and must:

  • support a minor;
  • raise a child;
  • participate in his life.

The parent with whom the children do not live has the right to communicate with them. Accordingly, if the ex-wife does not give birth to a child, this violates. At the same time, the rights of children to communicate with both parents are violated, even after a divorce. Is there any right of control over the spouse?

Peaceful agreement

Actually, yes. There are several options for the development of events, but in Russia it is problematic to get the court to defend a man in relation to children. And there are reasons for this.

How to force your ex-wife to give birth to a child? There is an opinion that if the mother herself does not want to, she will find a reason to create barriers in communication between the children and the ex-husband. For example, children will be always busy in clubs that interest them, will move to another city or country, will find a thousand excuses for not allowing meetings, and so on.

Therefore, it is best to resolve such an issue peacefully. It is recommended to conclude a peace agreement on determining the place of residence and communication of children with the second parents shortly before or during the divorce process.

Thanks to this technique, men will be able to agree on how, where and how many times they can communicate with a minor. If the divorce is carried out more or less peacefully, the father is thus able to “knock out” more time for himself than the judge assigns.

Going to court

Ex-wife won't let you see your child? What can a man do in this case?

If you can't reach an agreement, you'll have to go to court. You can do this even after the divorce. For example, by appealing a previously made decision.

The applicant must have with him:

  • evidence of its full adequacy;
  • testimony that can confirm the fact of causing obstacles in communication with children;
  • certificates from a child psychologist that will indicate the child’s relationship with his father (preferably);
  • statement of claim;
  • plaintiff's passport.

An inspection will be carried out during the court hearing. Sometimes men are not satisfied with their communication schedule with their children, as a result of which they try to slander their ex-spouses. This is a serious violation for which, if discovered, the man faces criminal liability. Therefore, it is not recommended to go to court without real reasons.

Important: the claim is considered within 10 days from the date of filing the petition.

As soon as a man has a court decision in his hands, he can, at the appointed time and under established conditions, take the children and communicate with them. Violation of the relevant schedule may result in serious penalties for either party.

They don’t give it even after the trial

Does your ex-wife prevent you from meeting your child even after legal arguments? If the judiciary sided with the man, can we take more decisive action? Which ones exactly?

It is worth taking a writ of execution and obtaining evidence of causing obstacles in communication with children. The father must contact the local bailiff service with them. What happens after?

The “removal” of the child to communicate with the father will be carried out in the presence of bailiffs. This is how they act according to the law, but for the psychological and emotional state of the child, such a situation is disastrous. You should think carefully before agreeing to this. Is the struggle to communicate with a child worth the effort, nerves and psyche of the child? Maybe you should leave your spouse and children alone for a while, and then try to peacefully resolve the order of communication?


Many men wonder how to force their ex-wife to give birth to a child. By law, a mother may not allow her children to communicate with their father outside of the established communication schedule. Such an act will not be considered a violation. A woman can go to court and complain about the violation by her ex-husband. It is possible that the time and frequency of meetings will decrease due to non-execution of the court order.

Some prefer to go a different route. For example, threats against the spouse and her close relatives. Some people even say that they will kidnap the children and their spouse will never see them again.

Doing this is not only stupid, but also illegal. Threats (including theft of one's own children) are a criminal offense. It is enough for a woman to record them once for the court to deprive the man of parental rights, after which he prohibits all communication or forces him to meet in the presence of his ex-wife and witnesses.

Attempts to kidnap children

Does your ex-wife prevent you from communicating with your child? Some fathers do not threaten, but immediately take action. Let's say they kidnap their own children. Is it possible to achieve communication with minors this way?

No. This is dangerous for children's health and development, and is also an illegal act. It is possible to “steal” a child when the court has established the minor’s place of residence with the father. But even in this case, it is recommended to enlist the support of bailiffs.

A woman who has her children “stolen” has the right to go to court. It is possible that the man will be deprived of even the communication that was previously awarded to him.

The court decision is not on the father's side

Does your ex-wife not allow you to take your child to her home or overnight? As we have already said, such an act is not always illegal. There are a number of exceptions.

For example, small children cannot be taken overnight at all. They must be close to the parent with whom they live permanently. Older children can be taken with you overnight either by agreement with your spouse or by court decision, if there is one.

Accordingly, if the judge did not allow overnight stays or frequent meetings, you will have to come to terms with it. You can try to achieve a positive decision after some time, but, as a rule, there is no result.

Important: the child’s mother can stop the father from meeting with the children if, during the time allotted by the court, the minors remain not with the father, but, say, with the grandmother or the man’s new passion. If there is evidence (including witnesses), this is not difficult to do.

Child's reluctance

If the ex-wife does not want to give birth to a child, it is better to leave her alone for a while and then try to peacefully resolve the problems that arise. Sometimes it happens that the child himself does not want to communicate with his father under any pretext.

When determining the place of residence of children and establishing the procedure for communication with the second parent, the court will take into account the opinion of a child who has reached 10 years of age. Children under this age are often “interviewed” by psychologists who can assess the children’s desires.

If a child does not want to communicate with his mother or father, with whom he does not live, the guardianship authorities will not allow him to do this. They are designed to protect primarily the interests and rights of minors.

Important: if the child cannot justify his opinion, sometimes the court can side with the father and force the child to communicate. Mom, in turn, is able to re-file a claim for a ban on meetings.

Not always a whim

Ex-wife won't give birth to child? As already mentioned, such an act is not always considered a violation. Increasingly, women have reasons for prohibitions.

The thing is that according to the law, the father can communicate with his children, and the children with their parents. It's quite normal. But the RF IC stipulates that such contacts should not pose a danger to the life and health of minors.

Is the father a tyrant who beat his mother? The ex-wife's refusal to have contact with the child is justified. And, if you can’t agree on communication peacefully, it’s better not to go to court - you can be jailed for letting go, and even lose your parental rights.

Is the child complaining about daddy's abuse or that during "meetings" he stays with relatives or daddy's new wife/girlfriend? Then the ex-wife’s refusals also have grounds.

Is your ex-husband harming the child’s health (including psychological health) or failing to comply with child-rearing standards? It is useless to complain that your ex-wife does not allow you to see your child. If she proves the harmful influence of the father on the minor, the man may completely lose the right to any contact with the children, virtually without the possibility of their restoration.

Main reasons for legal ban

If the ex-wife does not give the child an overnight stay, it is better not to sue. The revision of the schedule of communication with a minor does not always change “in the direction” of the man.

Under what circumstances most often will a father not be able to claim contact with his children? Here are the main reasons for legally “causing” obstacles:

  • leaving children with relatives or strangers during communication;
  • the man’s failure to comply with the schedule established by the court or peace agreement;
  • commission of a crime by the father (against his ex-wife, children or relatives);
  • any threats from a man;
  • insulting the child’s mother and the child himself (especially in the presence of minors);
  • failure to fulfill parental obligations (it is understood that the man demands the exercise of his rights, but, for example, does not pay child support and does not fulfill other obligations);
  • the ex-spouse has a criminal record or mental illness;
  • meetings pose a danger to the child in every sense (including a negative impact on psychological development).

How to formalize a peace treaty?

We found out what to do if the ex-wife does not allow communication with the child. As has already been emphasized, it is best to resolve this issue peacefully. Otherwise, prohibitions may occur legally. Especially if the woman prepared in advance for such a turn of events.

Ex-wife won't let you see your child? To draw up a peace treaty, you need to go to a notary. The couple must have with them:

  • certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • documents confirming paternity (if there is a dash in the “father” column in the child’s certificate);
  • passports;
  • an agreement that specifies all the nuances of communication;
  • certificates of birth or adoption of children.

This should be enough. As a rule, it is this arrangement that causes the least hassle.

Ex-wife won't let you see your child? Quite often, men themselves break the laws, but at the same time demand communication with children. It is worth remembering that the courts are increasingly siding with the mother. And therefore, only exemplary fathers can insist on their rights without fear. As a rule, there are no problems with such people. And their ex-spouses do not interfere with their communication with minor children. Ex-wife won't give baby to father? It is possible that her actions are based on the laws of the Russian Federation. All that remains is to justify your point of view.

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