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What to give your future mother-in-law - consider various options for pleasant gifts. What to give to a girl's parents

Men should not be given socks and underpants, and women should not be given dishes and scarves. Why? Explanation - in ancient beliefs

Photo: Evgenia GUSEVA

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“My wife promised a gift for February 23rd. I just don’t have the patience to find out what color the socks will be this year!” This is an anecdote from life. Lovely ladies often prefer to leave their imagination to hairstyles and do not bother with gifts for strong-sexed people on Defender of the Fatherland Day. That’s why they present men with standard “gentleman’s kits” - socks, underpants, shaving foam. And whoever gives his husband socks risks receiving a set of frying pans on March 8th! Isn't it time to break this “vicious circle”? Moreover, folk signs suggest that such gifts do not bode well. For those who listen to the wisdom of their ancestors, we decided to remind you what gifts, according to the beliefs of different peoples, should be avoided.

1) Clock.

Such a gift is not honored in many countries. The Chinese especially don't like him. They believe that the donated watch counts down the time until the death of a person. Our superstition about watches is not so gloomy, but still unpleasant: they say that a watch as a gift promises a quick quarrel.

2) Knives.

Among European peoples, it is considered a bad sign to give any piercing or cutting objects as a gift. Supposedly they will bring misfortune to the house. We have the same interpretation of this gift from Western countries. But in Latin America, for example, a cutting object symbolizes the desire to break off any kind of relationship with the “gifted”. Meanwhile, in the Caucasus and the Middle East, giving weapons is in the order of things. And such gifts don’t bother anyone there...

3) Socks.

It is believed that it is better for a woman not to give her husband socks, as he might leave home in them. However, some wives use this sign for their own benefit - they incite mothers-in-law to give socks to their sons so that their husbands get out of the influence of their mothers.

4) Handkerchiefs.

This sign is characteristic only of Orthodox countries. They believe that giving a handkerchief is a sign of tears.

5) Books.

Some people say that a book is the best gift. And some people think that only if it is a gift to yourself. Or, at worst, an unmarried friend or relative. The main thing, according to popular belief, is not to a loved one. According to signs, giving a book to your significant other means breaking up.

There is also a belief that books should not be given to married couples. Allegedly, this can provoke discord and betrayal in the family.

6) Pearls.

The sign came from Ancient Greece, where pearls were considered the tears of sea nymphs. Now superstitious people say that pearls as a gift are a harbinger of tears.

7) Mirrors.

There are many superstitions associated with mirrors in different cultures. It is not for nothing that they are often used for fortune telling. Therefore, it is believed that donated mirrors can bring trouble to the house.

8) Dishes.

The most important thing here is not to inadvertently give away cracked or chipped dishes. Allegedly, this can “break” the recipient’s life. In this regard, I would like to remember the tradition of breaking dishes at a wedding. It is believed that newlyweds do this in order to leave all the troubles outside the new family.

If you still decide to give the dishes, then you need to put something inside. For example, a coin. Otherwise, they say, empty dishes can bring lack of money into the house.

9) Bird figures.

It is believed that figures of any birds can bring anxiety and fussiness into the house. Therefore, if you decide to give some figurines, it is better to do without birds.

10) Empty wallet, bag or suitcase.

These gifts are only good if they are filled with something. It is recommended to put a coin in your wallet, and at least some candy in your bag or suitcase.

11) Animals or plants.

If you decide to give someone a cat, a dog (a parrot and others like them) or a flower in a pot, then be sure to ask for a “ransom”. Symbolic, of course. Let it be a small bill, for example. Otherwise, according to legend, the “living gift” will not be able to find a place for itself in the new house - supposedly it will look for a way to the previous owner.

12) Slippers.

The belief regarding slippers remains mainly in rural areas. There it is believed that giving slippers means a long illness or even death. Superstitious people have a particularly bad attitude towards white slippers.

13) Amber jewelry.

They say that such a gift for separation.

14) Caskets.

Superstitious people believe that if you present a box to someone, the recipient will subsequently hide his thoughts from the giver.

15) Hair combs.

It is believed that such a gift will help others find out your secrets.

16) Gloves, mittens and scarves.

There is no clear explanation for this sign. They just say that such gifts can cause conflict between people.

17) Tie.

It is believed that a tie “ties” the wearer to the giver. There are even many love spells with ties. Therefore, you can only give a tie to a very close person.

18) Knitted items.

This sign applies only to unmarried girls. It is believed that giving your loved one something handmade before the wedding is a sign of treason.

19) Underwear.

It is believed that underwear given by a wife to her husband can push him to cheat.

20) Chains.

If the donated chain suddenly breaks (and no one is insured here), then according to legend, this can lead to a severance of relations with its donor.

21) Towels.

It is believed that such a gift can bring illness to the recipient.

22) Pectoral crosses.

There is a belief that crosses can only be given at baptism. Otherwise, the person supposedly transfers to the recipient part of his “cross” - his worries, illnesses, adversities. Meanwhile, the church refutes such superstitions and does not oppose the gift of crosses under any circumstances.

23) Cosmetics for shower and washing.

There is a version that because of the gift of shower gel, someone can “wash away” from your life.

24) Candles.

There is a superstition that candles are given for funerals. Alas, if you believe in omens, then you should refuse cute decorative candles as a gift.

25) Alcoholic drinks.

And this sign may have been invented by the Ministry of Health... There is a version that gifted alcohol can take away the health of the recipient. And here, unlike many previous points, you can grasp at least some logic!

It is worth noting that almost any sign can be bypassed. To do this, you just need to ask the recipient for a symbolic “ransom” for the gift. Even a penny will do! And then it will no longer be a gift, but a purchase. But “gift signs” don’t work on her.


Unfortunately, good gifts are accepted less than bad ones. But some of them can be taken into account.

1) Pillows.

Paired pillows received as a gift promise home harmony and contentment for the whole family.

2) Carpet.

It is believed that a carpet as a gift will bring good luck to the recipient in all endeavors.

3) Tablecloth.

A gifted tablecloth will strengthen the friendship of the giver and the recipient.

4) Sunglasses.

If a man gives such a gift to his wife, it is believed that she will argue with him less. Because he will look at the world through his eyes.

5) Handle.

It is recommended to give writing utensils to bosses. They say that he will listen more to the donor.


Signs associated with the method of giving

1) There is a version that money cannot be given after sunset. Allegedly, this promises a need not for the recipient, but for the giver himself. If there is a need to give money in the evening, it is advised not to pass it from hand to hand, but to put it on the table for the person to take.

2) It is not good to over-give gifts. And not only from an ethical point of view. According to legends, when regifting, the “energy of a thing” changes for the worse.

3) You should not give gifts across the threshold. It is believed that one must definitely enter the house.

4) You cannot give any gifts before a person’s birthday. If you have to congratulate someone in advance, you can wrap a gift and give it to the birthday person with the condition that he unpacks the gift on the holiday.

5) As for flowers, the main sign here is to give them in odd numbers. And lovers are also not advised to present bouquets of yellow flowers. This supposedly leads to separation.


Concluding the conversation about signs, I would like to especially emphasize: the above are simply interesting elements of the cultures of different peoples. And first of all, ours, of course. There is no scientific basis for all these signs. Therefore, to believe them or not is a purely personal matter. Most modern people consider omens to be a relic of the past. And we are sure that the main thing is to give a gift from the heart! Perhaps yes - this is really the most important thing, regardless of whether you believe in omens or not.


And what should not be given according to the rules of etiquette?

Some gifts should not be given not because of superstition, but for reasons of decency:

1) One of the main rules of etiquette in terms of gifts is to always remove the price tags from any gifts. Otherwise, the recipient may get the impression that you wanted to emphasize the value of your gift.

2) It is also considered bad form to give hygiene products and cosmetics to someone. Firstly, you may not guess the recipient's preferences. And secondly, this can be regarded as an unpleasant hint of untidiness.

3) It is also rude to give books with your own signature on the cover (only if you are not the author of the work). When presenting a book, do not dirty it. Better yet, add a signed greeting card.

Do you believe in signs associated with gifts? We are waiting for your comments!

For decades now, various jokes have been written about the relationship between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law. The most basic reason for many disagreements is the so-called war for a husband and son - a common beloved man. It has been established that sometimes the cause of divorce is a failed relationship with the mother-in-law.

It is necessary to prepare for meeting your mother-in-law, because it is from the first impression that future relationships are formed.

The meeting must be thought through and planned in advance, because if the acquaintance is unexpected, then everything may not go at all as expected. Preferably? so that your loved one sets the date and warns your mother about it in advance. After that? Once the date is set, you need to talk with your husband, find out from him the interests and preferences of his parents. It is very good to prepare a small gift for your mother-in-law for the first meeting.

So what should you give your mother-in-law?

To get acquainted, a gift for your mother-in-law should not be too expensive, so as not to inadvertently arouse suspicion that you are a spender. Be sure to consult with your boyfriend about his mother’s tastes, preferences, and habits. If you have a dacha and love to dig in the garden, you can choose something for the dacha: for example, a comfortable chaise lounge chair for relaxing after a hard day. If you don’t have a dacha, interior decorating kits are a good choice, and if this gift is also useful around the house, then that’s absolutely wonderful. Ours, for example, has developed ones that will look great on the refrigerator, and at the same time also decorate the interior. It can also be a set of candles or decorative napkins for the interior. You can choose an intellectual gift for your mother-in-law - for example, an art album or a good book. The gift should not be familiar, that is, in no case should it be tights, underwear or a nightgown; it is better to choose neutral, but useful and functional gifts, for example, with the help of a young man, you can choose and give to your future mother-in-law with a design that suits the occasion.

The most important condition when communicating with your mother-in-law is that everything should be moderate in appearance. Every mother-in-law dreams that her daughter-in-law is well-groomed, takes care of herself, but at the same time, so that she does not look provocative. When choosing clothes, pay attention to the fact that the outfit is feminine, but discreet. There is no need to overuse cosmetics. You can tint your lips a little and, if desired, a little eyelash, this will be enough.

During conversations, you shouldn’t be too clever or, God forbid, use foul language. It is better to remain silent or smile slightly. And it’s better to let your boyfriend talk about your merits, but not you yourself.

Be prepared to accept criticism; in any case, you cannot do without it. Be prepared to answer a lot of questions on a variety of topics. The most important thing is not to take it all too seriously. Show your modesty as much as possible. Do not get into arguments with your mother-in-law, listen to her carefully and with interest. If you really want to, you can consult with her about any questions, try going to the theater or just take a walk together. Do not be intrusive; if the mother-in-law does not want to get closer, it will be impossible to change anything in this case.

It is very difficult, without communicating closely, to guess with a gift to your daughter-in-law. Especially if your choice fell on jewelry, cosmetics, perfumes and the like. Therefore, if you are not sure, it is better not to take risks. There are many other things. Also put aside clothes: skirts, dresses, blouses; it’s not easy to guess the size and taste.

What can you give to your daughter-in-law?

You can't go wrong with a gift by choosing household items. Here you need to choose something that suits the style of your daughter-in-law’s home. Quality items are always useful. Remember one more rule, which states that a gift should not be cheap.

It’s better to give one beautiful oven mitt than a set of low-quality kitchen towels; you’ll spend about the same amount of money on both.

Bed linen, kitchen and bath towels, oven mitts, napkins - all this can be given as a gift, either by buying it in a store or making it yourself. If you don’t know at all, a modern form of presentation will come to your rescue - a certificate. Choose a store, buy a beautiful card from it and give it to your daughter-in-law. And she will decide for herself what to spend it on. This is indeed a very convenient option.

It is very easy to choose a gift if the recipient has a hobby. Then you can go to a specialized store according to your daughter-in-law’s hobby profile. But be careful, people who have been passionate about something for a long time are usually very knowledgeable about their paraphernalia, and they already have most of the tools and equipment, so it’s better to donate consumables.

Another good option is that you can give your daughter-in-law a new hobby. Try choosing a starter set, such as scrapbooking or embroidery tools, she might like it and become seriously interested in it.

Remember that gifts can be not only material. The best gift for a young mother from a sister-in-law, mother-in-law or other relatives of her husband will be free time. Let your daughter-in-law go for a walk, visit her friends, sit in a cafe, and sit with your grandchildren.

Your daughter-in-law will appreciate such a gift and will probably be very grateful to you.

You don’t have to choose a gift alone, but involve your son in this activity. He probably knows his wife very well and will help you with your choice, and maybe he will tell you something that you haven’t even thought about. After all, two heads are better than one. In any case, a gift is always nice. Don’t be afraid that your daughter-in-law will be picky about the gift, because all people value attention, and not just material values.

We sometimes love our grandchildren more than our children, we spend more time with them, pamper them, worry about their health and success, help them sort out their first problems... Often it is the grandparents, and not the always busy parents, who know all the secret dreams and child's wishes. And, of course, a gift to a grandson from a grandfather should be unusual, bright, and memorable.

What can you give to your little grandson?

It is best to give a child under three years old beautiful, high-quality toys, the choice of which is now quite large - all kinds of cars, rolling horses, sets of multi-colored cubes or pyramids, balls. The main condition is that all this must be made from safe environmental material. Children's books with large, colorful pictures can also be a good option. Clothes for the baby or care products should not be considered as a gift to the child - he is not yet able to appreciate them. It is better to buy such things after consulting with your parents.

Three to five

This is the age when a child begins to become intensely interested in everything that surrounds him. Most often, his main desire will be to take apart the gifted toy and see “what’s inside it.” An excellent gift can be construction sets like Lego, which you can assemble together with your grandfather, various transformers, puzzles, puzzles. Moving toys - cars, trains, airplanes - will be interesting, even to grandfather himself.

Help in the development of a child can come from kits that imitate tools for various professions (doctor,). If you want to give a soft toy, it is better to choose one that can move and make sounds - growl, bark, meow. Many children like toys that create the image of their favorite cartoon or fairy tale characters. But the main requirement remains the safety and environmental friendliness of toys.

Children love to draw, and drawing also develops creativity. You can give your child a set of watercolor paints or colored pencils, or coloring books. In addition, a large box of plasticine would be a good gift. A good help for preparation will be colorfully designed educational books, a set of cubes with letters, and children's abacus.

Remember that toys, even the most wonderful ones, cannot replace your warmth and attention for a child. Try to choose a gift in advance. Be sure to take into account the child’s character, his age, interests, and hobbies.

What to give to a schoolchild?

At this age, when choosing, you need to take into account, first of all, the interests of the child. Boys are usually active, full of energy, and many attend sports clubs. In this case, a good choice would probably be a bicycle, roller skates, a soccer ball, a wall bars or a gym membership.

A new computer game or music CD could be a great gift. Your grandson will certainly be pleased with the gift of a tablet or a modern phone model; e-books are very convenient for schoolchildren. It's also time to think about a personal computer.

If you want to give some clothes or accessories, be sure to take into account the wishes of your grandson - in middle and high school, children already want to look stylish and modern. It’s better not to buy things to suit your taste, but to go to the store together.

Depending on the interests of the young man, a good idea might be tickets to a movie or a concert, a couple of hours at a bowling alley, or a trip to a foreign resort - such gifts will give a lot of impressions and will be remembered for a long time.

The grandson is already quite an adult

Giving a gift to a “big child” is a complex and responsible matter. If you are not very confident that you can make the right choice, give your grandson a gift certificate for a certain amount.

When entering the family of their significant other, girls wonder what to give to the parents of the young man at the first meeting and during all subsequent visits. Indeed, inappropriate gifts can ruin the relationship between the future daughter-in-law and mother-in-law, so it’s worth preparing in advance.

Try to select gifts for the parents of your future husband together with him. Of course, there are men who do not understand their mother’s tastes at all and do not delve into the intricacies of their father’s hobbies. You will have to rely on your intuition, observing some nuances in choosing gifts for your mother-in-law.

Presents for the first meeting

If you are preparing to visit their home for the first time, careful consideration must be given to the young man's parents. However, in such a situation they will not judge you harshly. The main thing is to put your soul into the gift.

The safest thing to do is to base your decision on the hobbies and tastes of your potential father-in-law and mother-in-law. For example, you could give your mom a potted houseplant, a set of needlework thread, a colorful cookbook, or a piece of fiction by her favorite writer.

Dads can most often be pleased with a box or a stylish lighter, cufflinks, or a watch.

If you want to give a gift to both parents at once, bring something made by your own hands. For example, cookies or pie. Flowers and a bottle of wine go well with this gift. Of course, if the guy's father and mother drink alcohol.

If you were unable to find out from your lover what his parents like, rely on your hobby. Bring them something that will remind them of you. A hand-knitted blanket or shawl for your mother, slippers for your father, an embroidered panel on the wall or hand-painted dishes.

Gifts for family holidays

When choosing gifts for the parents of your future husband, consider the occasion. For a birthday, it is necessary to divide gifts into women's and men's. For a wedding anniversary, you can give one general gift.

You can present your potential mother-in-law with expensive perfume (if you know her taste and if she has no allergies), cosmetics, beautiful accessories - gloves, a hat, a bag, a purse, jewelry. The gift does not have to be expensive, the main thing is that it is individual.

Be sure to remove the price tag from the box and accompany the gift with at least a short note on a bright card. This way you will show respect to the groom’s mother, and your gift will not be official.

Choosing a gift for dad is a little more difficult, so call a guy to help. To emphasize your almost family ties, give your future father-in-law an item of clothing, for example, a pullover or scarf, perfume, weapons, fishing equipment, or a car accessory.

On the groom's anniversary, you can present a family album, already filled with photographs from their youth, images of your chosen one as a child and you with him. This will subtly highlight your connection to their family.

Relations between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are not always cloudless. If you have not yet gotten married, but are going to live with the mother of your future husband in peace and harmony, you need to find the key to her heart with the help of a good relationship. The right gift, chosen with attention and care for the mother-in-law, will not go amiss.

Original gifts

If the tastes of your future mother-in-law are not yet very well known to you, but you want to make a good impression on her, it is advisable to choose neutral gifts that are at the same time original and unusual. An excellent choice would be a personalized gift - a tea set with monograms of her initials, an elegant tea spoon with engraving, or an expensive scarf with an embroidered monogram.

Most women will love a luxurious bouquet of chocolate flowers made to order in a good confectionery shop.

A flower in a pot is suitable as a gift for your mother-in-law, who loves house plants, but do not give large flowers. The ideal option is an exquisite white rose, a bright and delicate violet or a luxurious and sophisticated orchid.

For your mother-in-law's jewelry, you can give an elegant decorative box decorated with mother-of-pearl, rhinestones and carvings. Among other decorative items, it will most likely be pleasant to receive an expensive original vase or an elegant forged candlestick, which will add a little novelty and your presence to the interior of her room. For lovers of cute feminine little things, a branded powder compact, a business card holder, or, if the mother-in-law smokes, an expensive ladies' cigarette case would be a good gift.

We win the favor of the mother-in-law

To win the favor of your future mother-in-law, give her tickets to a new play, film or unique exhibition, taking into account her tastes. Go to an event with her to get to know each other better and chat in a relaxed atmosphere. If your mother-in-law takes care of herself, give her a membership to a good fitness club.

The new mother-in-law will also appreciate a gift certificate to a beauty salon, beauty supply store, or, if she loves to read, a bookstore.

Ask your man what color his mother prefers and choose a shawl or stole in that color scheme. You can also purchase cozy sofa cushions with beautiful patterns, cotton terry towels or home textiles - an expensive holiday tablecloth, napkins for table setting, and so on.

Be sure to give your gift with prepared words that will help you make a good impression on your mother-in-law. Try to be sincere, friendly and smiling - the peace of your future family life and even your relationship with your husband may depend on this.

Quite often, there is a need to choose a gift for one or both parents of a girl. This can happen, for example, in the case of an invitation to a family celebration or for some other reason. In order not to attend the holiday empty-handed, it is best for a man to carefully prepare and choose a suitable gift.

But, girls, especially if this gift should be given at the first meeting, that is, when meeting her parents? This question worries many young people. After all, you want, first of all, to make a good first impression and not spoil everything with an unsuccessfully chosen gift or simply the absence of one. In this article we will look at the questions - what do girls usually give to their parents in such and similar cases and how to properly give a gift to the parents of your chosen one.

A gift for parents can be a piece of furniture

There are quite a few options for such gifts, because such gifts can be quite original and exclusive and intended for each of the parents, separately, or for both at once. The second option is noticeably preferable, because in this case, the girl’s parents will have to choose only one gift when they meet.

Any original piece of art related to decorating the interior of a room can be used as a gift for sharing. This option will be quite appropriate in any case, because the furnishings play an important role in any home and a profitable, tastefully selected item for decorating your home will be an excellent reminder of your warm feelings in family relationships.

Among the most common solutions are a variety of beautifully designed paintings, exotic figurines, African masks and other original and expensive gift items that complement the style of the room and make it more comfortable. A Chinese tea set made of real porcelain can be a win-win option. Such an elite gift is unlikely to find use. This gift, expensive in every sense, will decorate the evening tea parties of the girl’s parents and will definitely be appreciated by them.

Gift for an important date

A gift can be selected for a specific situation in the life of a family, so that it is as appropriate as possible and is sure to find its application. If you need to choose something for a specific event, for example, an anniversary or birthday, then it would be quite appropriate to give the future mother-in-law a bottle of good, rare, collectible Portuguese port, and for the father-in-law a box of elite Cuban cigars of a famous brand.

When choosing a gift for a girl’s parents, you should, of course, focus on their interests, tastes and preferences. After all, if they like to visit a bathhouse or sauna, it would be quite appropriate to present on the occasion some accessory for such activities (except a broom). An example would be a Viking bath cap (with horns) for the father-in-law, and a huge terry towel for the mother-in-law. In addition to the joy directly from receiving a gift, the girl’s parents will probably find such items useful and, using them, will remember the giver.

Rare photo as an anniversary gift

If the moment you meet the girl’s parents falls on their anniversary, their wedding anniversary, and this event is a convenient opportunity to meet, then the choice of gift should be especially careful. An anniversary gift should be more expensive or at least more original than a gift for a regular acquaintance.

If you focus on the originality of an anniversary gift, then first of all you need to think carefully about what exactly might please these people and how you can surprise them. You can give a beautiful family photo in a vintage frame for your anniversary. However, the girl must choose a suitable family photo, and the donor’s task is to properly design such an original gift. Alternatively, you can ask the artist to draw a portrait from this photograph, which will make such a gift more original and valuable in the eyes of the girl’s parents.

An anniversary gift may be less original, but in this case it should be expensive. It’s very good if you manage to choose a gift so that it is both original and at the same time expensive, exquisite, and rare. It’s clearly not worth saving on such an important event as an anniversary. After all, you will only give something on the occasion of meeting someone once. So why not make this event as memorable as possible and present something unusual.

Flowers are a must-have addition to a gift

Do not forget that a gift to a girl’s parents is only half the battle in such an important event as meeting them. It is important to note that, regardless of the specific item chosen, you should show your gallantry and good manners by giving flowers to its owner when visiting a house. And as they say in the famous film “Just don’t fuss. Ice cream for the children, flowers for his woman.” You need to arrange the bouquet beautifully in advance. It is better to do this directly at the flower shop. In addition to flowers, you can also buy a small cake.

Hostess gift for the kitchen

A kitchen accessory can be a good gift. We are, of course, not talking about pots and pans, which you probably already have, but about simple stylistic products, like a beautifully made set of rolling pins and cutting boards with hammers for beating meat. In addition to functional benefits, such products will bring a lot of aesthetic pleasure to their owners and can be useful in other cases, which makes them a truly universal gift.

Sweets and alcohol as a gift

A completely different situation can be observed in cases where the donor knows little or does not know the girl’s parents. In such a case, it is better to choose a variety of sweets and other gifts that can complement the family tea party. When choosing an alcoholic drink as a gift, you should ask the girl about the tastes of her parents, which will allow you to choose the best option that everyone will definitely like. Any alcohol, except vodka of course, goes well with good, expensive sweets in a beautiful box.

Gifts and souvenirs

Is giving souvenirs banal and stupid? It all depends on what kind of souvenirs you buy. A souvenir as a gift in itself is a good option, which is quite capable of pleasing the girl’s parents. It is important to pay due attention to choosing the style of the future product so that such a gift fits harmoniously into the interior of the recipient’s home. In addition, the souvenir should, if possible, be original and memorable, so that, against the background of numerous other details of the home interior, it will always attract the attention of its permanent residents and guests.

It is best if the souvenir is rare, overseas, brought by you from some distant country. And always, when explaining how you ended up in this country, say that it was an important business trip abroad, and not some kind of entertainment trip, with no one knows who. Of course, such a keepsake should be appropriate and not turn out to be any kind of surprise or “pig in a poke.” Although it often happens that a cat is preferable, since it also becomes a member of the family and thus distracts the attention of your girlfriend’s parents, preventing them from indulging in sad thoughts about the fate of their daughter...

Don't forget about the wrapper and accompaniment

A lot of attention should also be paid to the design of a gift before giving. If it is intended for a woman, it is worth considering proper packaging, as well as an accompanying card, which is best filled out yourself, showing creativity. Alternatively, it may contain a poem, a beautiful congratulation or other wishes. If problems arise with writing something like this on your own, it is advisable to purchase a ready-made postcard, which will somewhat reduce its value in the eyes of the recipient, however, it will save the donor from unnecessary hassle. Many incomparable congratulation options for filling out postcards can be found on the Internet.

Gift for future mother-in-law

As a gift for a future mother-in-law, there can be a beautiful and stylish blanket, shawl or cape that can warm you up in the cold and give its owner a kind of chic. In addition, the patterns of the cape can distract the mother-in-law from sad thoughts about her beloved “kidnapped” child from her mother’s care. If you have information about your mother-in-law’s favorite film, for example with Van Damme, Chuck Norris, Steven Seagal, or about your favorite musical performer Philip Kirkorov, Nikolai Baskov, then you should definitely find, buy and give her DVDs with these films and pop concerts of the above-mentioned performers ...

What to give to the head of the family?

When choosing a gift for your beloved's father, it is best to ask for a specific list of his hobbies, since men are somewhat more practical when it comes to gifts. If he is interested in fishing, a wonderful gift could be a set of spinners, wobblers and baits, all kinds of hooks or other universal fishing accessories that will definitely be used. The same applies to cases where the girl's father is interested in hunting. As a universal gift, perhaps a banal mug with an interesting inscription or style, as well as a gift version of a flask for alcohol.

Also, such souvenirs as a beautiful large machete knife in a gift case made of buffalo leather are always appropriate, because its everyday use while hunting or fishing will remind the recipient of you. If your future father is a big boss and enjoys alcohol, then he will certainly appreciate an elite set of three large bottles of Hawaiian rum, packed in a wooden kickbox with the manufacturer's emblem burned into the front. Thus, the issue will immediately become resolved.

The most important words when giving gifts

No matter how elegant and appropriate your gift is, do not forget that the most pleasant gift for any parent will be words about their daughter. Be sure to thank your future relatives, probably, for such a wonderful daughter who melted the ice, an entire glacier, in your heart and made you experience the most passionate and wonderful feelings. After all, it was they who gave birth to her, then raised her and also raised her well.

Now you know exactly what to give a girl’s parents when they meet, or at least you are on the right path to the most profitable solution to this rather difficult, and in some cases extreme, task.

Choosing a gift, let's sum it up...

In any case, no matter what you think, choosing a gift for your girlfriend’s parents is not a simple task and requires taking into account small, medium and key factors that influence its choice. These include the interests of the girl’s parents, their worldview, way of thinking, as well as specific needs for various kinds of objects.

It will be quite convenient to give gifts on some significant date, such as the twenty-third of February or the eighth of March. But it is important to remember that any gift, regardless of its value or purpose, can be given just “for show”, or it can be given for real and sincere feelings.

Only in the second case, the gift will be perceived positively by the girl’s parents and will make the right impression about the giver. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all whether the gift will be expensive and valuable or, on the contrary, it will be immediately drunk, eaten and smoked with the son-in-law, since the greatest importance in giving gifts to the girl’s parents is the attention and respect shown to them...

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It's never easy to decide what to give your future or current mother-in-law for her birthday. This choice can significantly affect the relationship not only between the daughter-in-law and the husband's mother, but also between them and the man. This, in turn, will affect the relationship between spouses.

The situation is complicated by the fact that many women are not on very good terms with their mothers-in-law (as well as men with their mothers-in-law). In addition, they are often unsure that their husbands’ mothers will respond with love to their warmth. A bad gift will only complicate communication, but a gift chosen correctly can change the situation for the better.

Gift for mother in law

It is important to choose the right gift for your mother-in-law - the mother of your spouse and grandmother of the children you share with him. If a girl is preparing to marry her lover and is just meeting his mother, she definitely needs to make a good impression on her.

At first meeting

Making the right choice in such a situation is very difficult: the girl and the boy’s mother are still strangers, and the latter cannot always tell about the interests and hobbies of his mother. In order not to waste money and at the same time not to upset the person dear to your future husband, you will have to find out as much as possible about the guy’s mother.

Selection factors

There are several factors that should definitely be taken into account when choosing a gift for your date.

To get this information, you may have to do a little research: ask your man as much as possible about her character, habits and hobbies, look at photographs, talk to other people who know her.

For a birthday

If the day you met the mother of your future husband coincided with her birthday, it is better to give her something not very expensive and neutral. In any case, it is worth presenting your future mother-in-law with a box of chocolates, a bouquet or basket of flowers, as well as a bottle of light alcohol.

In general, the choice of gift depends on the woman’s hobbies. For example, a lover of indoor flowers can be presented with some exotic or simply unusual-looking plant. If the mother of the future husband loves to cook, she will be happy with a set of dishes made of fireproof glass or silicone, a set of spices, or an originally designed set of elite teas or coffees.

Current husband's mother

The mother-in-law's gift should be original, but in moderation. It is better to postpone dizzying surprises and unusual ideas until your spouse’s birthday, and it is enough to simply show his mother love, respect and honor.

It is very important to show your mother-in-law that the gift for her was chosen carefully and with love. If you buy any ordinary thing, you should think about how it can be presented. To do this, you can attach a hand-signed postcard to the gift and say a few warm words when presenting it.

Here are just a few gift options for the mother of her husband:

If the mother-in-law is preparing to celebrate an anniversary, the solemn atmosphere and attention from loved ones will be more important to her than the value of the gifts. It is best to celebrate such an event in a restaurant or banquet hall with the most significant people for the birthday girl. It is very important to come up with an original holiday scenario, decorate the room and choose suitable musical accompaniment.

Former mother-in-law.

Divorce from a spouse does not always become a reason to sever ties with his relatives. If the separation from your ex-husband was not painful, you can maintain a warm or at least neutral relationship with them.

To show respect for the ex-spouse’s mother, it is enough to give her an inexpensive symbolic gift: a set of food delicacies or luxury tea, an interesting book, a subscription to a magazine or newspaper that the ex-mother-in-law likes, a set of jars for cereals or baking dishes. If a woman is interested in something, you can give a gift directly related to her hobby.

Making a cake

A cake is one of the most interesting gift options for the birthday of the husband's mother. On the one hand, this is an opportunity to show your culinary talent, on the other hand, to show ingenuity.

When preparing such a surprise, it is better to adhere to several principles:

Decoration options

Below are the options for decorating a mother-in-law birthday cake:

Whatever the gift to the mother-in-law, when presenting it, you should definitely say a few warm words to the mother of the chosen one. If this happens at the first meeting, the foundation of a trusting relationship between the future mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will be laid. If a gift is given for a birthday, it will be regarded as a sign of care and respect.

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