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Wonderful bonbonnieres in glass jars. Wedding jam is an ideal gift for guests Bonbonnieres in the form of jars of jam

Wedding compliments to guests are small gifts that are customary to give to all those invited or chosen as a sign of respect and gratitude for their help, attention and presence at the celebration. Most often, newlyweds buy honey for their wedding, since sweets are a classic compliment. But the main thing in this matter is not even the product itself, but the beautiful design. A miniature jar of honey as a wedding gift fits perfectly into the wedding atmosphere, makes you smile and feel the warm and welcoming attitude of the newlyweds.

Sweet compliments to guests as a symbol of a happy family life

Honey and jam are the favorite sweets of millions. It is logical to assume that such compliments will please the majority of those invited. Honey itself represents loyalty to tradition, health, and longevity, so giving it during a wedding ceremony is very symbolic. It is not at all necessary to buy expensive compliments, especially if you are planning a magnificent celebration with a large number of guests. But many people can afford honey for a wedding for guests in neat, presentable jars.

The tradition of giving compliments is just gaining popularity in Russia, but many newlyweds have already picked it up and improved it. Initially, newlyweds gave guests bonbonnieres in the form of small boxes of sweets. But later, bonbonnieres began to be called any sweets that are presented to guests as a sign of respect and gratitude for attending the wedding and good wishes or assistance in preparations for the celebration.

When choosing wedding compliments, you need to take into account the theme of the celebration, the time of year and the interests of the guests. In order not to offend anyone present, it is recommended to buy identical surprise compliments. There is no need to single out any guests separately. If you would like to thank someone personally (for example, a godmother, a witness), this can be done after the celebration or shortly before the start of the celebration.

Jam and honey - affordable and original wedding compliments

Jam or honey as a wedding gift as a compliment is the ideal solution. You can choose small 90 ml jars of different types of desserts. We offer you the opportunity to purchase gifts for wedding guests: jam, tea, honey in Moscow and St. Petersburg and other regions. Transport companies will deliver the goods in proper form by the appointed time.

We offer our clients the best conditions for purchasing wedding gifts:

  • always a rich assortment of first-class honey and jam, hand-picked Krasnodar tea, and healthy herbs;
  • when ordering goods from our company, you always receive natural, tasty and safe desserts from trusted suppliers;
  • At the request of the newlyweds, we will brand the gifts: we will put logos or suitable inscriptions on the jars or boxes that will make wedding compliments unique and different from others;
  • our specialists are professionally versed in varieties of honey and jam, so you will never see low-quality or counterfeit goods in the company’s catalogue;
  • a wedding celebration cannot wait, and we never make our clients wait, we always deliver products within strictly specified time frames, understanding how important this is for the newlyweds and their guests.

If you want to order delicious wedding gifts from our company, you can place a wholesale order at competitive prices. Our managers will explain the terms of cooperation and answer any questions that may arise.

Bonbonnieres are needed to express your gratitude to family and friends present at the wedding for their desire to share memorable moments with the bride and groom. Instead of ordinary boxes or bags, you can use an original option - bonbonniere jars with jam, brewed with love especially for the day of celebration.

This solution is good because the gift will definitely be useful to guests in practice, and will not just take its place on a shelf next to other souvenirs. Bonbonnieres “Jars with jam” for a wedding can be ordered from an organization that produces wedding accessories, or you can make it yourself.


Bonbonnieres began to be used in Europe to show gratitude to guests for coming to a wedding. Gradually, this tradition was adopted in other countries, since this is another romantic detail that decorates a wedding and makes it warmer and more comfortable. Jars of jam as small gifts for guests further complement this atmosphere, therefore they are considered one of the best options.

This solution is best suited for autumn or winter, since it is at this time of year that many people take out jam from the cellars for evening tea. In addition, guests will have no doubt that the bonbonniere was made specifically for a wedding, since the berry season has passed not so long ago.

Homemade jam is much tastier and healthier than store-bought jam, so it is recommended to make it yourself.

If the bride has not done this kind of cooking before, she can ask her mother, grandmother or friend for help. Cooking together will not only be a good experience for the girl, but will also allow her to spend quality time in pre-wedding conversations.

The finished jam is poured into sterilized jars, covered with a lid and decorated in the chosen way. To do this, you can use paper, cardboard, fabric, lace, ribbons and any other decorative elements. To each bonbonniere you will need to attach a tag with the guest’s name and surname, as well as a sticker with the designation of the jam, the wedding date and words of gratitude. If you decide that your gift for guests will be edible, there is a simpler option -

“Jam” bonbonnieres can be placed on each guest’s plate in advance to set up a cozy atmosphere for family and friends from the very beginning.

Another option is to arrange them in a pyramid on a separate table so that everyone can take their gift when it is convenient. Also, the bride and groom can give jam to friends and family at the end of the evening during farewell. This will be a manifestation of good manners and respect for guests.

Combination with celebration style

While jam jars are a tempting option for many newlyweds due to their uniqueness and cost-effectiveness, they may not suit every style of wedding. At a classic wedding in the autumn or winter, such bonbonnieres will look appropriate if the design is not particularly solemn and elegant.

As for wedding themes, jars of jam are ideal in combination with bread, bagels, crackers or gingerbread.

Wedding planner

If desired, you can prepare several types of jam, after dividing the guests into groups according to tastes. Such a gift will be more memorable than identical jars.

Elena Sokolova


Using openwork napkins, fabric of a suitable color and twine, you can create an original design for bonbonnieres, and all that remains is to attach stickers and tags.


Sweet bonbonnieres are also suitable for a classic wedding, made in a certain color, for example, raspberry, cherry, peach or plum. In this case, guests are presented with jam from the appropriate berries and fruits.

Bonbonnieres for a “Jam” wedding will look appropriate at a celebration in which the decoration contains berries or fruits (for example, citrus or), especially if the celebration takes place outdoors.

The finished jam is poured into sterilized jars, covered with a lid and decorated in the chosen way. To do this, you can use paper, cardboard, fabric, lace, ribbons and any other decorative elements. To each bonbonniere you will need to attach a tag with the guest’s name and surname, as well as a sticker with the designation of the jam, the wedding date and words of gratitude. This option will look original at a celebration in the style or, especially if you additionally decorate the jar with dried field plants. The same solution can be applied to country or retro themes.

You should not use jam jars at weddings that involve a formal and formal style. For example, This option is not suitable for a vintage celebration, or Chanel. For suitable styles, consistency with the overall design is achieved using the characteristic decorative elements of the jar.

Useful video: master class on decoration

The first video tutorial tells not only about decorating a ready-made sweet accessory, but also about creating its base. Plums are used in the master class, but any other berries and fruits can be used instead.

When making jam yourself, it is worth considering that the difference will only be in the amount of sugar added, because all crops require different amounts. When the jam is ready, the jars are sterilized and filled with sweet mass. After cooling, you can start decorating.

Interesting video: second decor option

If the jars of jam have been ready for a long time, but you want to decorate them in a special way, you can show your imagination by being inspired by the ideas from the master class presented below. It tells how you can make decor for jars of jam using paper, napkins, fabric, mesh used for decorating bouquets, and other materials.

After reading the master class, the bride just has to choose a material suitable in style and color and secure it to the lid with twine, ribbon or a regular rubber band. A card is glued to the jar itself indicating the fruit from which the jam is made and the wedding date.

Creating bonbonnieres in the form of jars of jam is a simple and exciting process that does not require a lot of time and money. If the bride, groom or their parents have a garden plot where they can collect suitable berries or fruits, all that remains is to buy suitable containers and materials for decoration.


The bride will once again be able to demonstrate her thriftiness and hard work, while saving on expensive materials, and family and friends will go home with their favorite sweet for tea. But do not forget about the specificity of such a gift - it will not be appropriate at every wedding, and some guests may not like it. Every girl can make bonbonnieres “Jars of Jam” with her own hands. Guests will certainly appreciate such a gift.

It is much more interesting to make gifts for guests with your own hands. You can plunge into creative work headlong and feel like a real craftswoman. You yourself can choose the color scheme of future bonbonnieres, as well as the design and content. This is the biggest advantage of handmade work - you decide what your wedding accessories will be like.

You can learn how to make stylish bonbonnieres in glass jars on the website. Small glass jars with cork stoppers look very cute and original. You can create a unique decor by decorating the jars to your liking. In today's master class you will learn how to create a mirror effect on a glass surface and make original bonbonnieres with your own hands. All that remains is to fill the jars with sweet candies - and your accessories for guests will be ready.

Such gifts will certainly delight your dear guests, who will appreciate your creativity and desire to create something exclusive.

Materials and tools:

  • silver glossy paint in a can;
  • glass jars with balsa wood stoppers;
  • rope;
  • eucalyptus sprigs;
  • scissors;
  • adhesive tape;
  • wooden gift tags.

Time: 30 minutes.

Detailed instructions:

In our master class we will use special small jars, but you can use any glass containers with a lid. We also chose eucalyptus sprigs for the design, while you can completely choose any plants and flowers to decorate the bonbonnieres.

First of all, we need to paint our jars. To do this, you need to cover them with tape. Cut several pieces of duct tape to create a striped design. A wide ribbon can be cut in half to create narrow strips.

Take strips of tape and cover the jar on four sides from the bottom to the neck. To avoid mistakes, look carefully at the picture. The tape will be removed in a later step, so don't worry about the color. Also seal the neck of your jar.

It's time to decorate our stripes. Take a can of paint and spray it onto the jar. The paint will paint the glass surface a silver mirror color. Allow the paint to dry and apply another coat if necessary.

Once the paint is dry, remove any pieces of tape from the glass surface and neck. You will end up with a beautiful striped design. Fill the jar with sweet candies.

Now is the time to decorate our bonbonnieres. Seal the jars with stoppers. Next, attach small wooden tags to the neck of the jar, on which you can write the initials of the guests using acrylic paints and a thin brush. Place a eucalyptus stem into the hole of the tag. Wonderful bonbonnieres are ready!

Application options

Such nice gifts will only leave a pleasant impression on your guests. Such bonbonnieres are suitable for a wedding in mint color, since eucalyptus and white mint candies are perfect for such a celebration.

You can use a variety of toppings: cookies, candy, even sea salt! Decorate the bonbonnieres with bright plants and flowers, for example, cornflowers or daisies, that will fit exactly into your wedding style.

A wonderful tradition is to give bonbonnieres with sweets inside to guests at a wedding. They can be made from various materials and decorated in accordance with the style of the celebration.

You can get ideas for bonbonnieres on the Internet or come up with a design yourself. This article provides an overview of the most popular types of treat boxes.

Bonbonniere is translated from French as a candy bowl. They can be purchased at the store or made by yourself. Paper bonbonnieres for treats can be made in the form of boxes, bags, and figures.

They should be the same for all guests or vary in shape or color - depending on the gender of the invitee. With the help of small gifts, the newlyweds express gratitude to the guests for sharing the celebration with them.

You can give a compliment before the guests sit down at the table, during the banquet or after the end of the holiday.

Original bags

Paper bonbonnieres in the form of bags will look beautiful. It is very easy to make such packaging with your own hands.

The edges of the bags are cut out with curly scissors. The ornament made using a figured hole punch looks beautiful.

You can decorate the bags with hearts, flowers, snowflakes.

Bags made of decoupage paper, decorated with rhinestones and tied with thin satin ribbons, look beautiful, as in the photo.


Boxes for treats can be made in the form of a classic square or rectangle, triangle, polygon, heart, box.

First, they make a pattern, assemble a box from cardboard and thick crepe paper, and decorate it in the style of the wedding celebration.

Candy bowls made from a music notebook or cardboard covered with newspaper look interesting.

For decoration, paper flowers, ribbons, candies, beads, rhinestones, buttons, feathers, and pieces of fabric are used. In the form of a cake

The layers are placed on cake stands or on top of each other. Such a cake will serve as a decoration for the hall, and after the holiday each guest will be able to take a box of sweets.

Boxes in the form of cake pieces can be ordered or made from thick paper with your own hands.

Figures: bride and groom, carriage and others

For men, paper boxes are made in the shape of the body of a groom in a suit; for women, the box represents the bride in a wedding dress, or vice versa. The decoration of the wedding ceremony will be packaging for treating guests, made in the form of a carriage filled with sweets.

These can be candies, heart-shaped cookies, nuts, etc. Women's and men's shoes are made from cardboard and filled with seasonal fruits. Ideas for bonbonnieres in the form of various figures: candy, bell, house, volumetric heart, crib, etc.

There is a wide selection here depending on the taste of the newlyweds, the theme of the wedding, and the type of filling.

From fabric

Bonbonnieres in the form of fabric bags filled with sweets look beautiful. The fabric is selected depending on the color of the overall design of the room; it can be dense or transparent.

Any available materials are used as decoration. The main thing is that they match the color and size of the packaging fabric.

The bag is filled with various sweets, tea bags and low-fat cookies.

From tulle

Wedding bonbonnieres made of tulle will fit perfectly into any wedding style. They seem to have come off the bride’s dress or veil and want to give a gift to dear guests.

The inside is filled with sweets in bright wrappers. The fabric is translucent and the filling will be clearly visible.

Most often, the packaging is made in the form of a bag and tied with satin ribbons on top.

Made from lace

Make a box of the desired shape from cardboard and fill it with treats. Then they are covered with lace napkins or braid. Decorate to your taste with ribbon flowers, rhinestones, and ornaments.


Brocade is used for antique weddings or to hide the sharp edges of contents.

Thanks to the density of the fabric, guests' interest in the contents of the bag increases. Brocade goes well with satin ribbons a tone darker or lighter than the main shade.

From organza

To make organza bags you will need some ingenuity. The material is soft and transparent so that it does not sag; the bag is made precisely according to the size of its contents. Since the fabric is translucent, its filling should look beautiful and match in color.

The packaging or color of the gift is selected so that it is brighter than organza and stands out against its background.


Large beads and rhinestones look beautiful in combination with silk. These bonbonnieres are used for classic white and colored weddings.

A surprise of any shape will look beautiful in such a bag, and guests will be intrigued by the gift until the moment it is delivered.

Made from linen, burlap

Candy bowls made of linen, decorated with lace in the color of the wedding, look simple and stylish.

Suitable for both classic and themed ceremonies. If the bride knows how to embroider, she can decorate each bag with embroidery. This will be a tribute to the guests.

In the future, they will be able to use the bag to store household small items. Burlap looks rougher, but if you use it correctly, you can make this quality an advantage. The decoration will be appliqués made of lace or linen fabric.

Buttons, ribbons, etc. are used as decoration.

What can you fill the bags with?

As a filling, it can be used as a classic version of sweets. But there is no limit to imagination here. This could be a piece of soap: store-bought or homemade.

Magnets, small figurines, vases, key rings, and notebooks are useful in everyday life. A small towel will find use in every home and will remind you of the occasion.

A living flower in a pot decorated with burlap will delight every guest.

In jars

An interesting idea instead of a standard candy dish is to use a jar. It can be used to pack spices, seasonings, honey, jam, candies, marshmallows, marmalade and seasonal berries.

Jars can be round, square, rectangular. You can’t make them with your own hands, so they choose from the assortment available in stores.

The material can be glass or plastic.

Decoration: inscriptions, stickers, ribbons, lace, and more

They are purchased in a store and decorated with ribbons, artistic painting, and the initials of the newlyweds.

Jars decorated with lace or fabric look original. The lid looks beautiful with fabric glued to it and the neck tied with a bow of braid or ribbon. The jar decorated with lace looks delicate.

The young couple's initials are painted on the lid or decorated with their photograph. An original wish to the guests is written on the label on the side. A jar painted with acrylic paints will be a good memory. You can draw a cake, large initials of the bride and groom, or any other wedding accessory.

Jars of spices covered with a cork lid look original.

What can you put in a bonbonniere jar?

You can put any gift in the jar. It could be a chocolate covered almond, it is considered a symbol of love. Five nuts symbolize health, longevity, fertility, happiness, and prosperity.

As a symbol of the honeymoon, the container is filled with aromatic honey or jam. A jar filled with colored lollipops, candies, marshmallows, marmalade, and marshmallows will look beautiful.

An interesting idea is to fill the gift with spices that can be added to tea: turmeric, coriander, ginger, cloves, nutmeg, etc.

This video will tell you what you can put in a wedding bonbonniere:

Gifts should not be too expensive - it is a sign of attention and gratitude to the guests. When choosing a gift, it is important to emphasize the individuality of the couple and the originality of the wedding celebration and present a surprise that will be remembered for a long time.

Svetlana Rumyantseva August 19, 2018, 11:41 pm

It is customary to come to a wedding with gifts and congratulations. But in the last few years, not only the guests delight the newlyweds, but the couple themselves also say pleasant surprises for the invited people. Among possible compliments, various sweets are often chosen. One such option is jam as a gift for wedding guests. An original and delicious surprise can be a wonderful addition to the overall style of the wedding and will delight you with the possibility of a wide choice of tastes. In addition, guests will be able to preserve memories and later look back fondly on the celebration, especially if the packaging can be kept as a souvenir.

What kind of wedding would this gift be suitable for?

Jam is a universal gift that will be appropriate at any wedding. The treat can be anything, the main thing is to decide on the taste: pear, berries, apples, peaches and even oranges. The jam can be chosen according to the preferences of the young couple or in accordance with the theme of the wedding. The taste of sweetness can be tied to the style of celebration if a natural style, berries, fruits or rustic motifs are chosen. For example, a strawberry wedding will be perfectly complemented by strawberry jam, and the peach color in the design can be combined with the sweetness of any orange fruit.

Design for a gift jar

Jars of jam for a wedding can be decorated in any format. For a natural celebration, glassware decorated with burlap, lace, rope or greenery is suitable. The lavender theme can be supported by glass of the same color or complemented with lavender. For a more glamorous, stylish option, you should choose elegant boxes made of glass or plastic, with gold or white gloss. Each style option can be supported using basic design elements or colors.

Eco-style jam

An additional decoration for such jars will be a label made in the same theme as the main printing. It is better if the stickers are printed on self-adhesive paper, and the labels on cardboard or a thick base.

It’s worth developing the decor and sending the printing to print in advance so that you have time to design each jar!

Each sticker should contain information about the names of the newlyweds, the wedding date and other important memorable moments that the couple wants to leave. In addition, it is worth warning guests about the composition of the sweets in order to anticipate possible allergic reactions in advance.

How and when is the best time to give jam to guests?

Wedding jam for guests can become a separate ritual, an opportunity to decorate your holiday. The simplest option is to prepare a separate table in advance, decorate it in the theme of the celebration and put up a small sign inviting you to take gifts. You can place a book of wishes nearby or put a Polaroid so that guests can not only take sweets, but also be able to leave their wishes and convey congratulations to the couple.

Jars of jam on guests' plates

The second option for arranging gifts is to place the jars in advance among the guests’ seats on a plate or next to it. In this case, the gift will become part of the overall table design, in harmony with tablecloths, compositions, napkins and plates. Taking their seats, the invited people will immediately be able to get their portion of sweets and even try them during the banquet, if they really want to.

It is worth discussing with the host in advance so that he reminds guests about sweet gifts and warns that those invited can take them home

For those who personally want to thank their guests, an option with a separate allocated time is suitable. During the celebration, the host will announce that the newlyweds want to thank everyone present. After which the couple will give a speech of gratitude, and witnesses or coordinators will take commemorative jars of jam to the guests’ places.

Jam from the hands of the bride as a gift

A separate category includes the opportunity to distribute gifts at off-site registration. After the ceremony and the reading of the vows, the master of ceremonies, as a rule, invites parents and other guests for congratulations and photographs. During this stage, the couple can give each person their gift personally. It is especially convenient if there is a person or several people nearby who will promptly bring new portions of jars and serve them. This work is performed by coordinators or witnesses.

In conclusion, I would like to say that sweet gifts are a good opportunity to thank the invited guests and give them the opportunity to take a piece of the wedding with them. Even after the jam is eaten, the invited person may still have a jar that will remind them of the warm, soulful holiday. It is important to remember that the decoration of sweets should be done in the general style of the celebration, and words of gratitude can be presented in writing or verbally voiced by the young couple during the holiday. Only the young decide at what time and in what format to thank their guests, but a gift in any format will be a pleasant surprise and a warm memory for many years.

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