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Citrine and amethyst, which is more expensive? Citrine is the stone of the Sun. Emotional support for a person

Citrine is a beautiful semi-precious mineral that has a number of healing and magical properties. The crystal received its name because of its inherent lemon color, from the Latin - citrus. In nature, there are different shades of gems: from light yellow to rich amber. Citrine is a stone that is a talisman for different zodiac signs. He gives good luck in business, wealth and a sunny mood every day.

Description of the stone

Citrine has an interesting history and a controversial reputation. In the Ancient world, only the most prominent classes wore jewelry with it. Yellow citrine was called “philosophical” and belonged to sages, politicians, teachers and other public figures. During the Middle Ages, royal crowns were inlaid with stone. The crystal helped merchants sell their goods profitably and quickly get rich.

In the modern world, citrine stones are loved by scammers and cheaters. Wearing a talisman supposedly helps them carry out their cunning adventures safely.

Citrine crystals are rare in nature. They are mined in Brazil, Spain, Madagascar and the Urals. Artificially made stones are more often found on sale. To obtain a similar yellow tint, quartz and amethyst are fired. But you can also find natural gems that have powerful energy and the ability to heal a person.

The magical power of the mineral

Citrine stone has special magical powers. Like all yellow minerals, it carries light, positive, solar energy. It charges with optimism and gives strength for upcoming achievements.

In addition, golden gems contribute to the enrichment of their owner. But this is not the entire list of important magical properties of the stone. To whom citrine is suitable, you can find out by getting acquainted with a list of all its miraculous qualities:

Medicinal properties

The solar crystal actively affects the physical condition of a person. The healing properties of citrine stone increase immunity and fight various ailments:

You need to know that for the most effective and safe treatment, it is better to combine medications and alternative methods. In case of serious illnesses, you should never refuse the help of doctors.

Who can wear the jewelry?

The talisman helps leaders and politicians to be persuasive. It protects workers in creative professions from losing their muse and gives consistently high performance. For entrepreneurs and traders, it attracts a large number of buyers.

The pebble has a particularly beneficial effect on those who are engaged in manual labor. For example, tailors, restorers, watchmakers, jewelry workers.

If someone has gone through a difficult stage in life, the stone will help him recover and start over with a clean slate. When planning to work on a new project, you can buy citrine as a talisman, then all your ideas and plans can be realized in the best possible way. The pebble helps to fulfill your most cherished desires.

For those who are engaged in spiritual development, the yellow gem will become a reliable assistant in the process of cleansing karma. A single person can wear citrine to bring a meeting with their soulmate closer.

For people with a dependent character, the talisman will give them confidence in their abilities. It will teach you how to manage your own life independently and not shift responsibility to others. The person will no longer require constant care and will begin to care more about others.

There are also contraindications for whom it is undesirable to wear citrine. If you have a tendency towards aggression, you need to abandon such an amulet. The fire stone will further ignite the flames of anger, which can lead to bad consequences. You should not interact with the mineral and those who like to gossip.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

It is no secret that it is better to choose gems after first familiarizing yourself with the recommendations of the horoscope. For people born at different times, completely unique magical properties of the stone appear. According to your zodiac sign, citrine can be worn by almost everyone:

Talismans and amulets with crystal

You can purchase citrine as a separate stone, a piece of jewelry with it, or a figurine. The enchanted stone is placed in a small fabric bag, which you can always carry with you or put under your pillow for a restful sleep.


To attract luck in business, a citrine ring is worn on the little finger. To master the art of public speaking, the ring is worn on the index or middle finger.

Politicians, public figures and bosses can decorate their chest with a pendant with a solar crystal to increase their influence. For any zodiac sign, the property of a citrine stone in the form of a pendant is its ability to bestow confidence. This crystal is associated with the solar plexus chakra, so medallions on long chains or beads are very effective.

To reveal her sixth sense, a girl can wear earrings with a beautiful yellow mineral.

The following stones will enhance the miraculous energy of citrine: pomegranate, pearls, carnelian, exotic jade and mysterious hyacinth. It is better not to combine citrine with zircon, opal, or tourmaline in one piece of jewelry.

Use in everyday life

Citrine placed in a wallet along with money or in a safe will give wealth to its owner. The talisman will also save your acquired capital from unreasonable spending.

A magic stone will influence a person’s life, even if you just keep the amulet in your own home. According to Feng Shui practice, for enrichment you need to place items with citrine in the southeast. A citrine money tree will fit perfectly into the interior of any apartment. If in addition to citrine, amethyst is present in the composition, then financial success will never leave the owners of the home.

Real gem or fake

It is important not to be deceived when buying a crystal, because the artificial mineral will turn out to be an ordinary shiny pacifier. Real citrine will have these properties:

Regarding the care of citrine, you need to remember several important rules. Since this stone is quite hard, it is kept separate from other decorations so as not to damage them. The crystal darkens from exposure to the sun, so it is better not to wear it to the beach. Chemical solutions have a bad effect on it; when washing dishes or the floor, such decoration on the hands is removed. The magic stone does not need energetic cleaning; to wash away ordinary impurities, use soap and running water, then wipe it dry.

When wearing a citrine amulet, you cannot plan anything bad. You need to have pure thoughts, otherwise you will face retribution. Citrine will bring good luck to all those who believe in its power and take action to improve their lives.

Attention, TODAY only!

There is a lot of quartz in the world. And there is little citrine, a yellow variety of the mineral. That is why (compared to the cost of the best examples of transparent rock crystal) it is quite high. The properties of citrine, both physical and esoteric, have a significant influence on the formation of demand for the stone.

The proven and alleged capabilities of the gem are intertwined in the most bizarre way. Are there many stones in the world that can carry a red wine tint with an overall straw tone of color? Or, on the contrary, to surprise the connoisseur with the crystal transparency and purity of the lemon shade, absolutely not stained by any color impurities?

An interesting feature: the fashion for citrines does not change from year to year, but depending on the taste preferences of a particular area. It has been noticed that in the hot regions of southern Europe, the Mediterranean coast of Africa, the Asian tropics and subtropics, consumers try to buy citrine with a rich color, wine-colored, cabochon-cut.

In countries with temperate and cold climates, it is more difficult to find a buyer for such citrine (the stone variety is “Madera”). But in great demand are gems whose color is barely noticeable and appears only in the shine of polished edges.

Citrine is quartz. Physicochemical properties of citrine

  • Chemical formula - SiO2.
  • Crystals are large, well-formed aggregates.
  • Color - lemon, yellow. golden brown.
  • Transparency - transparent.
  • The syngony is trigonal.
  • Cleavage is absent.
  • The shine is glass.
  • Hardness on the Mohs scale is 7.
  • Density - 2.65.
  • Light refraction or refractive period is 1.55 - 1.56.
  • The fracture is conchoidal.
Despite the numerous deposits, they are rarely found in nature. In this regard, citrine is often falsified: heating ordinary smoky quartz to a temperature of 500˚C (in some cases, half the heating is sufficient), as well as intensive irradiation of a quartz massif with the “hard” part of the electromagnetic spectrum leads to the appearance of thick yellow shades in the color of the stone.

High-quality, naturally occurring citrines are transparent and lightly colored. And although heated quartz is aesthetically very expressive, natural gems - due to their rarity - are valued higher.

Varieties of Citrine

Being a colored quartz, citrine is silicon dioxide, SiO2, well known to mineralogists. The color of the stone is determined by the concentration of impurities, most of which are ferric iron. Individual atoms of the citrine crystal lattice can be replaced by aluminum, lithium and hydrogen ions.

Fluctuations in the levels of internal energies of the elements that make up the mineral determine the depth of their interaction with electromagnetic radiation of the visible spectrum. The consequence of the change is a change in the wavelength of light passing through the stone.

Thanks to the “responsiveness” of quartz to physical influences, we have countless chemically identical citrines with different optical properties.

When evaluating citrines, jewelers classify them as ΙΙΙ or ΙV class stones. The fourth class of semi-precious stones includes opaque citrines, suitable for the manufacture of decorative materials and simple crafts.

Yellow translucent quartz, which has inclusions of foreign materials branched into the rock mass, are called moss citrines and, with proper expressiveness, are valued quite highly.

However, only those citrines that are similar in quality and color to topaz are considered truly valuable. The cost of the stone depends on the color saturation. Yellow and greenish-yellow gems that do not have physical defects are recognized as the highest grade.

Medicinal properties of citrine

Citrine heals. Wearing jewelry with citrine inserts normalizes the functioning of the higher nervous system. A brightly colored gem is especially effective for improving well-being in a depressed, depressed state of mind.

In the complex of lithotherapeutic effects on the human gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system, citrine plays an important role. According to specialists, the mineral helps defeat diseases associated with infection of internal organs.

Magic of stone

The stone willingly shows its power, helping a person in any of his endeavors. Its effectiveness increases if the activity of the owner of the gem is social in nature. Citrine successfully helps to establish relationships with people, resolve financial issues, and distribute resources in the most rational way.

However, there is an important condition for business people to benefit from wearing citrine. In business, a stone helps only when it adorns a ring worn on the little finger. A gem worn on the middle and index fingers is more conducive to mastering the art of oratory.

Citrine, heated by the heat of the body and “transmitting” the speaker’s heartbeat, makes it possible to attract the attention of the public and convince the broad masses of listeners that the speaker is right. A citrine pendant on the speaker’s chest is the first assistant in speeches.


Jewelry with citrine can become a talisman for a person whose professional activity involves performing delicate and precise handwork. Surgeons, jewelers, sculptors, and stuntmen will find a friend and assistant in citrine.

Summer zodiac signs, as well as Libra and Aquarius, can count on the co-direction of their aspirations and the vector of action of citrine. Citrine will not interfere with other zodiac symbols, excluding Taurus. For him, the yellow mineral can become a tempter. In some cases, Capricorns and Sagittarius may not feel the positive effect of the talisman - however, the stone will not become a hindrance.

Which zodiac sign suits citrine jewelry?

Citrine is the gem of speakers and leaders. The Slavs noted: “He speaks like honey flows,” therefore, having decorated his everyday things with honey-gold mineral, a teacher or politician will be given the attention of others, and every word he says will be perceived as the truth. Sagittarius will be especially convincing if he wears a pendant or signet ring on his index finger with this mineral.

The solar energy of citrine does not quite suit the signs of the fire element. However, a friendly Sagittarius can wear a gem as a talisman, which will help him not react so painfully to all sorts of prohibitions and restrictions. Scorpio can also tame his impulsiveness with its help.

Many people associate citrine with success and career growth, which is why many famous personalities wear it, regardless of their zodiac sign. With the help of this piece of jewelry, a Virgo woman will emphasize her charm and modern style to those around her, and it doesn’t matter whether she wears earrings, a brooch or a ring with this yellow stone.

A ring with citrine is an indispensable attribute for powerful women. Leo will always give preference to honey-colored jewelry, highlighting its uniqueness and sparkle in the eyes.

Gemini women are intuitively drawn to jewelry with citrines, as it symbolizes home comfort and the sunny smiles of their neighbors.

Aries also loves them for their classic elegance and youthful freshness. Also, the keeper of the family hearth - the woman of the constellation Aquarius - will be grateful for a gift with citrine. He will remind her of the happy moments of family life. Don't be surprised if she tries on this jewelry several times a day; it warms her soul and helps relieve stress.

Gemini sees the reflection of a child’s smile in this stone, and Virgo sees her own. He is changeable, like her, but he always resembles the sun’s rays and the warmth of her soul, attracts attention and is dangerous with a “burn”.

People who work mentally and are creative people love peace of mind, but require constant clarity of thought. For the same reason, Pisces, who are not naturally attracted to leadership, but need protection from negative energy and violence, are ready to wear jewelry with citrine. Take a closer look; their cufflinks or small brooch emit a barely perceptible light yellow tint of the mineral.

Fake jewelry is common. But if you received a gift from the USA, Brazil, Madagascar or Spain, it is genuine citrine, since it is most accessible and popular in these countries. In Russia, stone is also mined in the Urals, but it has a greenish or brownish tint, and accordingly costs a little less.

Citrine is a yellow variety of natural quartz. It differs from ordinary quartz only in color. The color of citrine stone can vary from lemon to golden brown, depending on the amount of impurities in the gem. The color of citrine depends on the amount of ferric iron in its chemical composition - the more iron, the darker and more saturated the shade.

What color is citrine and characteristics of the stone?

There are specimens that have only a barely noticeable sheen of yellow, but there are also those that, having a straw color, in some lighting give off a tint of red wine.

The photo shows that the color of citrine almost always has a pronounced warm tint, regardless of its variation, which can change over a fairly wide spectrum. Minerologists usually classify this crystal as class ΙV gemstones. These nuggets received this definition due to their rarity. In fact, real citrines with a natural, pronounced color are quite rare, and their prices are accordingly.

However, there are also counterfeit stones - smoky quartz, which has been processed by heating up to 500˚C or treated with a hard spectrum of rays, receives a very rich “citrine” color. Such stones may be cleaner and more transparent than natural ones, but they are still valued much less. Heat-treated amethysts and smoky quartz turn into lemon, orange, wine, honey, gold, amber or tan citrines.

There are regions in Africa where amethysts, due to landslides or washing out by rivers/rains, begin to peek out from under the ground. After lying on the surface for ten years under the scorching sun, such amethysts lose their purple color and turn orange. However, such citrines are quite rare, so on the market almost all crystals with a reddish or deep orange tint are artificially heated.

The properties of natural citrine stone are usually very uniform - it is a large, transparent crystal with a pronounced shape.

You can also see from the photo that natural citrine stone may have opacities, networks of cracks and inclusions of opaque quartz. According to its physical properties, the crystal is particularly durable. It is hard enough to scratch glass. But at the same time, the nugget still lends itself very well to processing.

The name comes from the Latin word citrus, which means lemon yellow. They learned to distinguish yellow quartz from yellow topaz and began to call it citrine relatively recently, around the end of the 18th century. The old name for citrine is saffronite, or safronite, has been known since ancient times. It is believed that the stone received this name because of its “saffron” color. Those nuggets that are distinguished by a rich sunny orange color are also called “Madera” due to some similarity with the color tints of wine.

Natural citrine is a fairly rare stone. Most yellow quartz in modern jewelry are heat-enhanced amethysts or smoky quartz. It is almost impossible to distinguish natural citrine from refined citrine.

Citrine is found in hydrothermal formations and sometimes in sedimentary rocks. Citrine deposits are known in Brazil, the USA, Spain, France, Scotland, Russia (in the Urals), Kazakhstan, and also on the island of Madagascar. Small deposits of crystals have also been found in Poland. Among all the above-mentioned countries, the record holder for citrine production is Brazil. But the peculiarity of Ural and Kazakhstan citrines is their unusual yellow-wine color, which is not found in other countries.

Technical characteristics of citrine

Chemical composition:




Fe3+, (Al Li)4+, (Al H)4+

Color in daylight:

Lemon, yellow. golden yellow.

Color under artificial light:

Golden brown, brownish yellow.

Glass shine.

Hardness index:

Trait color:

Transparency level:


Density indicator:

Refraction value:



How much does citrine cost: price of stone per carat in jewelry

The cost of citrines is low; these are inexpensive gems. A top quality stone will cost the buyer from $1 to $35 per carat. A citrine stone, which has a price of $35 per 1 carat, should be distinguished by such properties as maximum transparency, similarity in color to topaz stone, and the absence of visible defects. Some jewelers, on the contrary, value the minimally visible color of a nugget more. How much a citrine stone will cost also directly depends on fashion trends in a particular region at one time or another.

Citrine did not become popular in Europe and the New World until the beginning of the 20th century. However, in the 30s of the last century, the production of citrine from amethysts and smoky quartz was put on stream, and jewelry with citrine began to be in great demand. It is difficult to visually distinguish citrine - quartz - from yellow. Therefore, jewelers began to massively use citrines in inexpensive jewelry, calling them “golden topaz.”

Today, jewelry with citrines belongs mainly to the economical segment. For jewelry, only high-quality citrines are usually selected, without clouding or cracks, and having the highest possible transparency.

Typically, this nugget is used in pendants, rings, brooches and earrings. Stylists believe that citrine looks best in a gold frame, this suggests their natural color. In such cases, for good transparent stones, they choose a combination cut, as well as a diamond cut. There is also a type of cut called flat. It is usually used to process low-quality crystals that have clouding and other external defects. Cracked crystals and cloudy stones with inclusions are processed cabochon.

An interesting fact: the fashion for citrines does not change from season to season, but depending on the tastes characteristic of a particular region of the globe. For example, in the south of Europe, the Mediterranean coast of Africa, in the Asian tropics and subtropics, the buyer tries to choose citrine with a thick color, wine shade, and cut using the cabochon method. But in those places where the climate is more severe, such gems (the “Madera” variety) are valued much less, and the demand for them is very low. But those citrines, whose color is barely noticeable and whose transparency is maximum, are incredibly popular here.

Who the citrine stone is suitable for depends on the color properties of the individual specimen, since stylists select this or that piece of jewelry for a person, based primarily on the person’s color type. People with dark skin and a warm color type are most suitable for bright citrines, which are distinguished by warm and rich colors. For those who have a cold color type, stones with minimal color manifestation are suitable.

Although citrine is not an expensive stone, it still requires special care, like most precious crystals. It is believed that it should be kept in a separate closed box. Nothing will happen to very hard citrine if it is stored with other jewelry, but it can scratch any jewelry very easily, especially if it concerns jewelry with gems that do not have such a high hardness coefficient. This stone can be cleaned with a cloth and running water.

Magical and astrological properties of citrine stone for zodiac signs

According to the Jewelry Industrial Council of America and the British National Association of Jewelers, citrine is the second most important birthstone for the month of November (the first, the main birthstone for November, is topaz), that is, it is suitable for Scorpios and Sagittarius.

Among those who are suitable for the citrine stone, such bright signs as Aries and Leo will also be especially positively influenced. For them, a nugget will bring exceptional luck and success in all endeavors. The properties of citrine stone have a rather positive effect on the zodiac signs Gemini and Libra, bringing them new opportunities for development and acquaintances. The nugget has a very neutral effect on most other signs. This means that you should not be afraid to take your favorite citrine jewelry if the buyer’s sign does not belong to the element of fire. The stone will not have any negative effects on its owner.

Astrologers say that citrine helps to get maximum practical benefits from traveling and making new acquaintances. Also, by attracting good luck to its owner, it helps him achieve material well-being. It is believed that specimens that have the deepest golden color have the greatest power to attract money. Astrologers advise people doing business to wear citrine jewelry to work. In this case, a person will always be able to objectively assess the situation, invest their savings correctly, or effectively complete any important transaction.

Most often, astrologers give the citrine stone the unambiguous meaning of a “solar nugget” that has absorbed the energy of the star closest to Earth. Thus, the owner of the stone can count on positive influence from his newly minted star patron. The sun helps a person get rid of depression, drowsiness and insomnia, apathy. It normalizes the life cycles of the one who wears citrine. Also, the astrological meaning of the citrine stone is attributed to the ability to awaken a person’s passion for creativity, restore order in the head and give a person confidence in their abilities. If you leave the nugget stored near household savings, its energy will effectively contribute to adding family wealth. Also, a crystal located in the house will have a positive effect on relationships between relatives, creating a warm, family atmosphere among them.

The magical properties of a stone such as citrine also include the ability to have a positive effect on the luck of gambling people and even save them from risky situations. In the event of an unfortunate situation, the nugget will help its owner to control himself and not lose his temper, which can lead to negative consequences. Also, citrine does not accumulate negativity and does not need energetic cleansing, which is very valuable.

It is also known that citrine can positively influence the human psyche and restore brain function. With its help, diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, and allergies are cured. The stone also removes toxins from the body and has a positive effect on the functioning of the endocrine system.

Among quartz minerals, citrine is distinguished by its rare variety. The chemical formulas of quartz and citrine are the same, despite this fact it is important to know about their differences. After all, the yellow, fairly bright mineral attracts, beckons, and has a number of positive magical and healing properties.

The miner has a lemon color due to admixtures of aluminum and iron. The name translates as “lemon yellow” stone. Its external characteristics differ from others due to its strong, bright surface shine. This is truly a “sunstone”.

When drops appear, or the presence of darkened areas, the cost of the stone is significantly reduced.

In Ancient Rome it was considered the philosopher's stone. To this day, the belief about the peace of mind that the stone brings has survived. Its properties are known in the field of adding charm, adding confidence, and eloquence.

It is known that the ancient Greeks allowed the use of the mineral only by orators or noble personalities.

It is also interesting that in the Middle Ages this mineral served as protection against insomnia, or night terrors. Its use contributed to the clarity of a person's thoughts, greater brain activity compared to the skills that the person originally possessed.

Magic properties

Solar energy has a positive and generally good effect on the human condition. The following properties of citrine stone are distinguished:

  • promotes the rise of strength, victory over depression;
  • jewelry, a ring with a citrine stone, is worn on the middle and index finger. This helps to properly master the art of oratory and concentrate attention;
  • It is generally accepted that the yellow tint actively attracts money. Wear jewelry on your little finger to enhance your status in the business sphere;
  • magic of this kind brings a harmonious, prosperous atmosphere into the house;
  • protects from negative energy from prying eyes;
  • enhances brain activity, logical thinking;
  • for speech defects, it is worth using a healing mineral;
  • The possible development of a couple of psychological abilities when using the stone is also positive. It is precisely these magical properties of the stone that contribute to the fact that amulets and special amulets are often made from it.

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