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The color type is deep autumn. Autumn appearance color type: you are irresistible! Celebrity dark autumn color type

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Autumn color type: makeup, hair color and wardrobe

Soft golden autumn gives us the richest, warmest and brightest shades. Men and women belonging to this color type are distinguished by their special warmth and contrast in appearance. Let's take a closer look at the most common characteristics of the Autumn color type.

How to determine the Autumn color type?

Girls of this type are as if kissed by the sun - they emit a warm, soft, golden light and are always pleasing to the eye. Skin tone can be light or dark, but always with a golden tint. There is practically no natural blush, but the skin is often decorated with a scattering of freckles. Hair color always has a coppery tint, be it honey-golden or chocolate. The shade of the eyebrows always matches the shade of the hair.

The color of the iris of the eyes ranges from blue to brown, with splashes or a golden rim; the shade always contrasts with the white of the eyes.

There are 3 variants of the Autumn color type:

- Soft Autumn– light beige skin. The colors of the iris range from blue and gray-green to amber-brown. Unlike the Summer type, the eye color is not watery-diluted, but quite clear. The hair color ranges from wheat-brown to light chestnut, always shimmering with honey caramel.

- Warm or natural (Warm or True Autumn)– the most common type, where there is no particular contrast between the shades of hair, eyes and skin. Hair color ranges from copper-brown to rich red and chestnut. Skin tone ranges from warm ivory to golden beige or bronze, often with freckles. Eyes are brown, olive green, cognac, dark hazel or amber.

- Dark or Deep Autumn– hair color is chestnut, chocolate with a reddish-copper tint. Dark skin of beige or bronze shade. The color of the iris is rich and bright - brown, black, dark green, dark walnut.

To make the difference and characteristic features more clear, we advise you to look at the general photo, which shows representatives of all types at once. Regardless of the shade of hair, skin and eye color, warmth and softness are easily discernible in the images.

Autumn color type: photo

Features of makeup for the Autumn color type

The Autumn color palette contains exclusively warm shades that can emphasize natural beauty and softness. The picture shows the shades that are most preferable for different variants of the Autumn color type. The most optimal are brown, orange, poppy red and dark purple.


The texture of the foundation is as light and transparent as possible. Warm beige and peach products are best suited as shades. The tone is applied in a thin layer, just a little bit. Girls like Autumn can easily do without powder or use a product with a golden glow for an evening out. If you need to use a concealer, then choose one with a yellow undertone.


Unfortunately, girls of this type cannot boast of a natural blush. It is most appropriate to use apricot or peach shades for lighter skin. For dark-skinned beauties, we can recommend terracotta, bronze and brown blush.


Various warm shades are allowed: chocolate, caramel, orange, coral, salmon. You should not get carried away with too bright, saturated tones for everyday makeup, but warm shades of red lipstick are suitable for evening makeup. Cool shades are prohibited.

Eye makeup

Here you should also give preference to warm shades: green, warm brown, bronze, gold, emerald, warm beige, lilac, peach, eggplant, cinnamon or lavender. As for mascara, instead of black, brown will look softer. Green mascara goes well with the look, but the shade may not suit every girl. The eyeliner matches the mascara shade exactly.

To clarify the situation with a suitable palette and choose those shades that suit a specific type of Autumn, we will consider each option separately.

Soft pastel shades dominate Soft Autumn makeup. Shadows are beige, peach, sand, brown. Eyeliner is brown or dark green. The blush is salmon and deep beige. Lipstick caramel pink or peach.

Real Autumn makeup is designed in the purest tones, without the admixture of complex undertones. Eyeshadow – beige, cream and cinnamon colors. Eyeliner – gold or brown. Blush – apricot and coral. Lipstick – warm shades of red and blackberry.

Deep Autumn makeup features the darkest, richest and most muted shades. Eye shadows are in a brown palette, eyeliner is brown or chocolate. Blush - medium to dark brown. The lipstick is terracotta and dark red with eggplant undertones.

As can be seen from the comparative characteristics, the shades may vary depending on the nature and variant of Autumn, but the warm, soft and juicy palette is maintained throughout.

Everyday makeup can be done in a soft beige-pink palette with the addition of lilac shades.

Step 1. Cover the upper eyelid with a white pencil or liner.

Step 2. Apply pink-beige shadows to the entire surface of the upper eyelid, gently blending them.

Step 3. Using a lilac or eggplant-colored pencil, draw the outer corner of the upper eyelid using the “loop” technique - the arrow seems to return along the crease of the upper eyelid. Softly blend the line.

Step 4. Lightly highlight the outer corner of the eye and the lower eyelid with shadows.

Step 5. Apply eyeliner to the outer corner of the eye and apply mascara to the eyelashes.

And another option for bright evening makeup in golden-orange tones.

Step 1. Apply light yellow shadows to the entire surface of the upper eyelid.

Step 2. Apply orange shadows to the outer corner of the upper eyelid and blend them towards the middle. Apply golden yellow shadows to the middle of the eyelid.

Step 3. Blend the shadows so as to smooth out the edges as much as possible.

Step 4. Apply dark brown shadows to the outer corner of the upper eyelid and the crease area and gently blend.

Step 5. We emphasize the upper and lower eyelids with dark brown or black eyeliner.

Step 6. Apply black mascara to the eyelashes.

Makeup color type Autumn: photo

Autumn hair color

By nature, girls of the Autumn color type have hair of different shades, but they always have a reddish, copper tint. If you want to make the image more expressive, you can experiment with honey, red or chestnut tones, but never go beyond the limits of acceptable “warmth”. It is better to avoid lightening your hair, as this will make your hair too brittle and dry. You can see what makeup is best for red hair on our website.

Autumn color type: basic wardrobe

The basic wardrobe colors for the Autumn color type are soft, warm, but quite deep and their palette is extensive.

Girls of the Autumn color type are suitable for multi-layered, textured clothing, complex shapes and straight lines. Their physique, as a rule, is slender and fit, and therefore the clothes do not create additional volume and look great. Country, sports, safari and folk styles are suitable. The best fabrics: tweed, angora, corduroy, velvet, suede, velor, as well as cambric, linen and lace. Any prints look great in clothes, be it animal or plant themed.

It is better to choose gloves, shoes and bags from nubuck or suede, made in a soft brown-red or green palette.

To understand the difference in wardrobe shades between different autumn options, we recommend looking at the photo: the shades and color saturation are different, but they remain soft.

As for accessories, large jewelry, large bags, wide, large glasses with brown frames look harmonious here. It is interesting that such women may not be limited to just one type of jewelry: there may be several wide bracelets, in addition, you can wear rings and earrings with large stones. Costume jewelry should be chosen from wood, leather, ivory, mother-of-pearl shells, tortoiseshell, bronze and copper.

For jewelry, items made of dark gold look good.

Autumn color type in men

The appearance characteristics of the Autumn color type for men are the same as for women. The Dark Autumn man is endowed with dark hair (brown or almost black, but with a soft undertone), dark green and brown eyes and a dark skin tone.

The Soft Autumn man has light brown or brown hair, golden brown, gray-brown or green eyes, a neutral skin tone without pronounced contrast.

Warm Autumn men most often have red hair, and skin with a bluish tint and strewn with golden freckles.

When choosing clothes, you should give preference to dark, rich or muted shades of a warm palette.

You can select shades for a specific type like this.

The wardrobe of a man of the Autumn color type looks like this.

An autumn girl on the street is like a ray of sunshine, even if it’s been raining for a long time in the morning. Golden-copper curls, deep radiant eyes, smooth skin - a beauty! The autumn color type, like spring, is a warm group of appearance. But autumn tones have more redness, which makes those with copper hair look richer and darker than spring girls.

What is autumn?

What is autumn? This is not the wind, “that plays with torn chains,” but the aristocracy of the last warm days, the crimson palette of the maple, unusually deep sunsets, the warm, not scorching, lunchtime sun, and of course, the deep shades of the last flowers and juicy fruits in the gardeners’ baskets.

  • Hair color for the "Autumn" color type: a palette of suitable shades

Autumn color type and skin tones

The skin in this color type is smooth, dense, and has a warm undertone. You are lucky: you very rarely encounter pimples and similar problems. Your hair is fluffy (often curly), manageable and quite thick. Their colors “play” from copper to brown: bronze, red (or even carrot), light brown copper, pure copper and its light shades, golden chestnut, all warm shades of chestnut, as well as reddish dark brown.

Color type "Autumn" and eye shades

The eyes of a typical representative of autumn beauty are noticeable, shining and deep, with golden sparkles. Rarely are they light: say, blue (sometimes with a greenish note), soft amber or yellow-brown, gray with brown notes. But more often they are dark: brown with an amber glow, river green, brown with gold, green or black. The irises of the eyes are often brown. The eyebrows match the hair, but can often be more golden.

Four colors (subtypes) of autumn

Warm (soft) autumn

1. As they say, very pure. Velvety, soft, rich beauty. The appearance of such a girl is not contrasting: her hair, skin, and eyes are created by nature in the same tone and saturation. Example: amber eyes, copper hair and beige-golden skin. What colors should owners of this appearance choose? Khaki and olive; brown (all possible tones); mustard color; yellow with gold; and of course, orange.

Contrasting (deep) autumn

2. Another name is dark autumn. It's almost autumn - and almost winter, Miss November. Such women are characterized by the richness of the last deciduous flowers. The color type is deep, warm, but somewhat neutral. A typical representative of contrasting autumn has bright and dark hair and eye colors, but her skin can be either dark or soft beige. In clothing stores, you should try on items in bright and not dull colors. The following will suit you perfectly: a deep shade of brown (even to black), as well as chestnut with orange undertones; tomato red; emerald.

Bright autumn

3. There is a bright accent in the appearance of such women, but only one. Let's say, you can have soft hair (copper-blond) and skin (slightly tanned) ... And at the same time, piercing eyes that combine green and blue “imps”, or yellow and brown (so-called “kerosene eyes”) .

Bright autumn

4. In such an appearance, everything is again harmonious, and this harmony “plays” with light tones. For example: light brown eyes, copper hair (naturally, a light shade), as well as soft beige skin slightly touched with blush.

Fashionable hair colors and shades

How to choose a haircut according to your face shape

How to choose the perfect hair color

The hair gives the owners of this color type a soft, attractive look. Autumn women are distinguished by their special temperament - they are passionate, bright, decisive, romantic, capable of crazy things. Of course, such character traits are reflected in the entire image of “autumn”.

To understand the features of the “Dark Autumn” type, consider all the color schemes of autumn people.

Color type "Autumn"

“Autumn came suddenly. This is how a feeling of happiness comes from the most unnoticeable things - from a distant steamship whistle on the Oka or from a random smile” K. G. Paustovsky.

The appearance of women with the autumn type combines warm and dark tones. As a rule, an autumn girl has red hair or her eyes can be anything. The main difference between people with autumn colors is their skin tone.

There are three color types of autumn: soft, warm (natural), dark (deep) autumn.

Color type “Soft autumn”

Makeup artists consider it neutral, since this type of appearance is combined with a large number of colors. The “Soft Autumn” color type is reminiscent of the end of summer and the beginning of autumn days; it is rich in warm, smoky shades of the color palette. This type is distinguished by its natural color scheme - there are warm gold colors combined with gray shades in the hair or eye color. Soft autumn is rich and at the same time light:

  1. Hair usually contains gold or red tones. There may also be a warm chestnut or auburn shade.
  2. Eyes brown, blue-green, olive green.
  3. The skin tone must be warm.

Stars such as Mariah Carey and Jennifer Lopez have the “Soft Autumn” color type.

Color type “Warm autumn”

“Warm Autumn” is very bright, rich, dense, deep. It is difficult to confuse it with other color types due to the riot of bright, warm, soft colors and shades. This is precisely the autumn that poets, artists, and great thinkers glorify in their works. Girls with warm autumn colors, as a rule, have character traits such as passion, unbridledness, and love of freedom. “Warm Autumn” is a passionate, warm image, rich in an abundance of bright colors:

  1. with a beige tint, often with freckles.
  2. Brown or green, there are mixed brown-green eyes.
  3. An autumn girl wears red, brown, dark brown or copper-tinged hair.

Among the stars with this color type are Lindsay Lohan, Yulia Savicheva, Miranda Hobbes.

Color type “Dark Autumn”

Girls with this color type are also characterized by warm shades, but their appearance becomes more noble due to the absence of bright colors in the image. This is the autumn that still pleases with warm days and colors, but already reminds us of the approaching cold winds. The “Dark Autumn” color type is nobility, restraint, sophistication.

  1. Eye color is brown, hazel, deep dark green.
  2. One of the main differences between girls who fit the “Dark Autumn” color type is their hair color: brown with a warm undertone, black.
  3. Dark skin color with warm undertones, olive, beige or beige-pink.

Celebrities who fit the “Dark (Deep) Autumn” color type are Keira Knightley, Julia Roberts, Natalie Portman.

The “Dark Autumn” color type requires a special attitude and approach to appearance. Let's consider the main criteria that will help you choose the ideal wardrobe for this type of woman.

Rules for choosing clothes for the “Dark Autumn” color type

Fashion stylists advise girls with this color type to give preference to deep shades in clothes: warm red-brown tones, dark blue, olive or dark green. It is better if the colors are combined, so the image will be more saturated and not boring.

New fashion trends do not prohibit “Dark Autumn” from using bright and light colors in the wardrobe, the main thing is that they are not saturated and do not have cold, white and blue colors. Pastel colors are best - beige, cream, ivory.

The clothing style of autumn girls should be free - it can be safari, country, street, folk style. Women who fit the “Dark Autumn” color type should have a wardrobe consisting mainly of warm, dense fabrics such as corduroy, velvet, and suede.

It is better to complement the image of an autumn girl with voluminous accessories: large bags made of suede and genuine leather, large earrings and rings, beads made of leather, ivory, bronze, copper and dark gold. It is better to choose topaz, amber, and onyx from stones.

Women who fit the “Dark Autumn” color type should have expressive clothing. Gray and cold shades can make the image of a representative of the autumn type boring - dark autumn does not tolerate pallor and grayness.

Wardrobe for all occasions

“Dark Autumn” allows its owner to be different and interesting:

A business suit can be multi-layered, dark brown or dark green, made of thick fabrics. It is better to combine colors in clothes, so the image will not be boring. Clothing should not contain contrasting patterns. You can complement the look with accessories, for example, large bronze jewelry and a dark brown bag made of genuine leather.

Another casual work look: a fitted brown plaid dress with a tapered knee-length hem and beige pumps. Accessories: copper jewelry and dark brown suede bag.

Leisure clothing should first of all be loose. A pullover in neutral tones with a fluffy beige or brown skirt will look harmonious.

An ivory shirt with loose trousers in brown or beige is also suitable for relaxation. Accessories can be selected from ivory or copper. Bag of discreet colors - brown or beige.

A floor-length evening dress in emerald color will look dazzling in the “Dark Autumn”. The look needs to be complemented with dark gold jewelry and a grunge style bag.

Colors that are also ideal for an evening look are gold, deep purple and dark red. It is better to choose beige or dark brown shoes. There should be no black in the image.

Makeup for "Dark Autumn"

If bright colors are allowed in small doses in clothes for autumn girls, then flashy palettes are prohibited in makeup. The autumn color type is already oversaturated with warm tones, so bright shades in makeup make “Dark Autumn” ridiculous and funny. When choosing a suitable image, do not forget that the “Dark Autumn” color type is, first of all, stateliness and nobility. This is what you should start from when choosing decorative cosmetics.

For fashionistas who fit the “Dark Autumn” color type, makeup should be as restrained as possible. Particular preference should be given to matte shades. However, such a girl is allowed to use gold and copper in the shadows or skin tone.

Stylists advise using foundations that match your skin color. You should not darken or lighten your face and try to match another subtype - this is a losing option. Autumn with cool shades in makeup can age the housewife and highlight all the imperfections of the skin.

When choosing a lipstick, you should also pay attention to warm colors: deep red, brown, cream, red-black, copper, orange. It is important to remember that one thing can be bright in makeup - either lips or eyes.

Common mistakes in the image “Dark Autumn”

The main and most common mistake girls with the autumn color type make is not accepting themselves and trying to change. Some representatives of the autumn type try to deliberately lighten or darken their skin tone or experiment with the color palette in their clothes. Stylists and makeup artists do not recommend such attempts to adapt an image to another type, since this color type does not tolerate experimentation.

What to avoid in “Dark Autumn”:

  1. All cool colors should be avoided in clothing, as well as grey, white, yellow, bright orange and hot pink.
  2. When dyeing your hair, you need to choose a dye that does not contain blue pigment.
  3. In makeup, it is important not to overdo it with a black eyeliner pencil. Black eyebrows combined with black eyeliner will make the “autumn” face look heavy and rough.
  4. Contrasting patterns in clothing should be avoided.
  5. Black color is only suitable if it is shoes or a bag. In other cases, there should not be black color. Black inserts on clothing and black eyeliner in makeup are allowed.

“Dark Autumn” is quite rich in color palette, the main thing is to remember two simple rules: autumn is warm and noble.

In conclusion

"Autumn is the second spring, when every leaf is a flower" . Albert Camus.

Autumn is the time when you want to wrap yourself in a blanket and enjoy the riot of colors of nature: green, yellow, brown colors give this time of year a special charm. Girls of the autumn color type, like autumn itself, are distinguished by their special charm. The beauty of “Dark Autumn” is very contradictory and is associated with warmth and comfort, with passion and nobility, with wealth and sophistication, with tenderness and obstinacy.

In this article:

Album of color combinations for the Deep Autumn color type

Approximate shades of hair, eyes and skin of the Deep Autumn color type

The hair is dark: dark brown with golden tints, brown, dark brown - almost black. The overall appearance is deep and rich, even tart. The contrast of appearance is most often medium-high and high.

Skin tans easily. Skin tones range from lighter ivory, golden beige, olive, to darker bronze.

The eyes are usually dark: brown and dark brown (almost black), dark green, dark olive and gray-green.

Typical representatives of the Deep Autumn color type are Aishwarya Rai, Kendall Jenner, Lea Michele, Sofia Vergana, Natalie Portman, Halle Berry.

Seasonal shade palette

The main characteristics of the appearance of Deep Autumn are darkness and depth. Secondary characteristics are temperature and degree of saturation of appearance. The most successful shades will be fairly saturated and warm shades (both light and dark), creating the necessary contrast in lightness in the appearance. These shades include brick red, garnet, pumpkin, tangerine, light salmon, amber, golden, olive and dark olive, warm beige, chocolate, red-purple, plum, sapphire, dark green, the color of green grass.

  • » How to distinguish Deep Autumn from Deep Winter

Soft pastel and cold, dusty tones are not recommended. Unsuitable shades include pure white, light purple-gray, light blue-gray, marengo color, pale red-purple, mauve, shades of pure gray.

Harmonious color combinations

Instructions for combining shades in clothes

The Deep Autumn color is distinguished by high contrast in appearance and a medium-high degree of saturation. Therefore, the best combinations will be combinations of rich light and dark tones. Never use only light shades at the same time.

Suitable shades for eye and lip makeup

The makeup palette for the Deep Autumn color type should reflect the natural character of the appearance: the colors are quite bright and saturated, while being deep and velvety. For eye makeup, a palette in green, purple and brown tones is suitable. Lips will be successfully emphasized by lipstick in a warm and bright shade: coral, terracotta, burgundy, cherry, etc.

Wardrobe for the Deep Autumn color type

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The basis of the wardrobe for the Deep Autumn color type should be both light and dark, rich and deep shades without an admixture of gray. A high degree of contrast in appearance should be reflected in the wardrobe. Avoid small contrasts in clothing. They make the appearance inexpressive and boring.

The autumn color type is considered the brightest among the rest. This is because by nature, an autumn woman has golden or red luxurious hair combined with blue or light blue, emerald, and brown eyes. The appearance of the “autumn” color type is associated with the warmth and brightness of autumn colors.


Most often, women of the “autumn” color type have skin tones of ivory or champagne, as well as red-brown, peach, beige-golden, bronze or olive tones. The main thing is that it does not have a red undertone.

Sometimes the skin tone is similar to the spring color type and is distinguished by the absence of a natural blush. Although there are exceptions in the form of a barely noticeable peach-colored blush.

Skin tone is even and dense. Thanks to this, the skin looks healthy in appearance and is not prone to imperfections. An exception would be freckles, which can either partially or generously cover the face.

Despite the “love” of the sun, such skin quickly “burns” under direct sunlight. This especially applies to blondes with light pinkish-beige skin. Autumn women with darker skin “burn” less often, and the tan looks even, applies well and lasts longer.


Mostly, an autumn woman has dark eyes with golden flecks. Primary colors are brown with an amber tint, green (from light green to dark green, almost marsh green), brown, golden brown, ocher or walnut brown. Rarely - these are blue shades, gray, the color of light amber.

The iris of the eyes is brown and seems to radiate light and radiance. This is probably why photographers love to work with “autumn” women. They are the most photogenic.

Fluffy thick eyelashes and beautifully defined eyebrows, close or identical in color to the hair.


In the “autumn” color type, hair is distinguished by its splendor, volume, and elasticity. Sometimes with a dark brown tint and always with a warm gold, honey or brick tint. Primary hair colors are shades of auburn, red, brown, bronze and auburn.

When gray hair appears or gives a different shade to the hair, it is better for an “autumn” woman to choose paints with red pigments or highlight red strands. But blue pigment in paint should be avoided.

By nature, the autumn color type has curly or simply curly hair, but there are exceptions - representatives with straight hair. Curling irons and curlers are suitable to help them create hairstyles. With their help, they can create lush and voluminous hairstyles. It’s better to forget about short haircuts and strict hairstyles for this color type.

Types and subtypes

The autumn color type, like others, is divided into subtypes and subspecies. There are two main subspecies:

  • Contrasting. This is fair skin combined with bright eyes.
  • Natural. This subtype does not have bright contrasts and the entire appearance as a whole is designed in the same colors.

Warm autumn

Ideal colors for warm autumn are orange, yellow and gold, mustard, olive, brown or khaki. Black, blue colors, hot pink and gray are completely unsuitable for warm autumn.

Deep or dark autumn

This subtype is characterized by the bright colors of late autumn, which turns into winter. In most cases, this subtype has very rich and pronounced pigment in the hair and eyes. The skin is also darker shades of the autumn color type.

It is recommended to choose a bright wardrobe. So, emerald, green, dark and deep shades of brown, sometimes almost black, will fit well into late autumn. What should be left out are clothes in pale, lavender or gray shades.

Soft autumn

Third subtype. It is considered the most moderate due to its mixture of soft summer and autumn palettes.

Soft autumn means light eyes and dull hair. And the skin is a light beige cold tone. To soften the cold, it is better for owners of this subtype to choose a color scheme of neutral shades: from light yellow to yellow, milky, light gray and mustard shades, khaki, light pink and peach.

Dark shades of blue, black and gray, red or fuchsia are not suitable for the third subtype.

Suitable shades

To decide on the main colors in the autumn color type wardrobe, you need to take into account not only subtypes and subspecies. The main criterion when choosing and combining colors will be colors. There are four of them.


Not a bright appearance with a lack of contrast. All colors are the same or similar shade. As an example of natural coloring, this appearance:

  1. Skin - golden beige tone.
  2. Eyes – brown with an amber tint.
  3. Hair ranges from light to dark brown with copper tints.


Bright colors and shades that contrast with each other:

  • Ivory leather.
  • The eyes are gray with brown streaks.
  • Hair is brown, closer to a bronze shade.


In this case, there is one element in appearance that stands out against the background of the other two:

  1. Leather – warm beige leather.
  2. Eyes – in this example, the eyes will be the bright element. They should be a contrasting color to the skin and hair and stand out against their background.
  3. Hair – brown hair with a faint red tint.


All three main elements (skin, eyes, hair) in one light color scheme and spectrum.

  1. The skin is light beige with a natural, barely noticeable blush.
  2. Eyes – light brown.
  3. Hair is light copper color.

Having understood a little about all the types, subtypes, etc., you can move on to the general or basic palette of the autumn color type. First of all, let’s figure out which colors are suitable for a given color type and will look most advantageous.

The base of the wardrobe is rich brown, brick, copper shades, as well as cinnamon color. It is this palette that most successfully shades the skin. In second place will be shades of green, khaki, kerosene, mousey shades of brown and green.

Bright red color is completely unsuitable for the autumn color type, but its muted and softer shades will come in handy. These include salmon, tomato, terracotta, cherry.

Don't forget about purple-blue berry shades - lingonberries, blackberries, plums. Gray colors must be complemented by an admixture of yellow. An example of such a color would be camel.

Cold summer and winter shades are completely contraindicated in the wardrobe of “autumn” women. And also black and white. When choosing shades, the shade of the hair is taken into account. The darker it is, the darker the colors in the clothes.

As a conclusion: brown, green and red shades are suitable for the autumn color type. Depending on the subtype, saturation, contrast and other color indicators may vary - pistachio and olive shades of green, golden beige and dark chocolate from brown.

When choosing clothes, you should pay attention to simpler and uncomplicated things. Glamor, outrageousness, too strict costumes - all this is not at all suitable for bright and sunny representatives of the autumn color type.

As for the print, folklore motifs and animal prints (leopard, tiger) will undoubtedly suit red-haired girls. In this case, such a drawing will not look vulgar.

Creating an image

It is worth highlighting several basic clothing styles for the autumn color type.

  • Country
  • Ethnic
  • Safari

They represent loose-fitting clothing and are best combined with bright folk-style accessories and low-contrast patterns, square shape, layering, massive jewelry, muted colors, and rough fabrics. They can also be combined with each other to create a capsule wardrobe.


In wardrobe fabrics of the “autumn” color type, softness and volume should prevail. It is better to avoid cold glitter and lurex, but you can add lace. The textures of things should be textured, plastic, with high pile.

To create the right wardrobe, choose suede shoes and bags, tweed, wool, mohair jackets or cardigans. Don't forget to include luxurious velvet, velor or corduroy materials. They must be of very good quality.

For the summer season, choose clothes made from natural and natural fabrics - linen, cotton, silk, cambric.


Shoes should attract attention and set accents. It should stand out from the general surroundings, for example, using an unusual shape or pattern.

Ideal materials are suede and nubuck. Not only shoes, but also a bag can be made from them. Bags can also be made of leather with weaving or perforation.

The color palette is based on the already familiar warm shades of brown, red-red, dark beige, gold as an admixture to the main coffee shades, as well as cinnamon and khaki.


The color palette of the print in autumn clothing should still be the same warm and deep. Fantastical, unusual and somewhere exotic patterns will look trendy in a wardrobe of the autumn color type. Pay attention to the leopard, ethical and plant motifs, as well as oriental painting.

Plaid is a must-have in a woman’s fall wardrobe. It doesn’t matter at all what style it will be: checkered, tartan or Burberry branded, the main thing is that it is warm green, brown or red.

Small and blurry prints do not fit into an autumn color wardrobe at all. They erase the expressiveness of the “autumn” look. The same effect is produced by drawings of cool shades.

Jewelry and accessories

An “autumn” woman can and has every right to afford large voluminous jewelry or multi-layered beads. High-quality jewelry made from materials reminiscent of natural ones (wood, stones, shells, turtle, leather, straw) is simply necessary in a wardrobe of autumn colors. Don't forget about fabric jewelry - wicker bracelets, necklaces, earrings.

It’s good if the jewelry is with precious or semi-precious stones. They can be amber beads, earrings or sets with topaz, agate, onyx.

Metals of jewelry should be warm without obsessive shine - copper, brass, bronze. But silver and gold jewelry should be excluded, especially if they are made in a romantic style.

Large scarves and stoles, hats and sunglasses are indispensable accessories for a woman in autumn. For scarves, the same rules apply as for other things, but a hat can be not only felt, but also straw.

When it comes to glasses, most frames should be dark brown or leopard print. In addition, frames in camel, green, amber or khaki shades are suitable for the autumn color type. For a long time now, horned frames have become popular again.

Based on the shape of the frame, you should opt for rounded soft shapes of large or medium size. The size of the frames of glasses, like prints, should not be small.

Glass can be of any shade, including classic black. The main thing is that they fit harmoniously into the frame and the image itself as a whole.


The perfect finishing touch to your look is the right scent. It can be rich, heavy and complex. It should contain notes of the east - coriander, cloves, patchouli, musk.


The main rule when choosing colors for makeup and manicure remains - choose warm shades. Eye makeup of the “autumn” color type is characterized by light green shades, light gray, blue, which can turn into darker tones. Lips must certainly be bright, but warm.

Due to the luxurious and bright hair that attracts all the attention, women of the autumn color type can get by with a minimum of cosmetics. But if makeup is still necessary, then some rules should be taken into account.

Foundations and blushes

As mentioned earlier, the skin tone of the autumn color type itself is dense and even, without any imperfections except freckles, which means that a dense coating is not necessary and you can also do without powder. The foundation should be light and liquid, it should not hide freckles.

If you still need to disguise imperfections, then choose a concealer with yellow pigment.

For fair skin, choose salmon, peach, and apricot shades of blush. For darker skin, blush shades of coral, brown, and terracotta are suitable. If you don’t have blush on hand, bronze-toned powder can replace them.

Eye makeup

Considering that the natural color of eyelashes in the autumn color type is from red to brown, then you should choose mascara in shades that are close to natural. Although in some cases regular black mascara with a green or purple tint would be appropriate.

For everyday makeup, mascara and a defined eyelash line with a pencil are enough. It should be the same tone as the mascara.

For more intense makeup, the ideal color solutions would be emerald, lilac, all shades of green, shades of peach, bronze, cognac, as well as lavender and gold.


Again, only warm shades. Coral, orange with a pink tint, caramel, tomato and chocolate, blackberry and eggplant, creme brulee, carrot shade.

It is better to avoid mother-of-pearl, deliberately pink, lilac shades when choosing lipstick.

Vivid examples

Behind us is a long and detailed description of the “autumn” color type. The color scheme is based on warm shades of brown, shades of green, gold, and orange. This applies to both clothes and makeup. Now let’s look at examples of the “autumn” color type on famous women, dividing them into already familiar subtypes.

Soft autumn

Perhaps the most prominent representative of this subtype is model Gisele Bundchen. She is a manifestation of the attractiveness of “soft autumn”. In addition to the luxurious Giselle, this subtype includes the Olsen sisters, Drew Barrymore and Carmen Electra.

Warm autumn

Warm autumn is characterized by brown-green or marsh eyes and red hair. The most striking example of this subtype in Hollywood was Vivien, the heroine of Julia Roberts in the film Pretty Woman. Roberts herself changed her image several times, but always returned to her natural beauty.

Eva Mendes is another bright star representative of this subtype (skin with a golden tint, brown hair and cognac-colored eyes).

One cannot ignore the popular, mostly due to her appearance, Lindsay Lohan. She never hid the freckles that characterize this subtype.

Jennifer Lopez and Julianne Moore. These actresses prove to everyone that women with an autumn type of appearance look natural and luxurious, regardless of age.

Dark autumn

Dark autumn includes Kim Kardashian, Katie Homes and Natalie Portman.

Owners of bright appearance and dark skin skillfully emphasize their advantages with correctly selected colors of this color type, creating ultra-fashionable images.

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