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Congratulations on Accountant's Day of the year. What date is accountant's day in Russia: rules and traditions of an unofficial holiday. Other forms of congratulations

You are the most important accountant,
The smartest, the most glorious,
The best, without a doubt
And all congratulations to you -
May the year be successful
Every report agrees,
In numbers you are in your element,
Happy Russian Accountant Day!

Being a chief accountant is no joke,
In work and in work, without a free minute.
All the numbers, reports, accounts and balances,
How can you not feel dizzy at times?!
But you have the power to curb it all,
Be the first at work and instruct everyone.
The chief accountant is honored in our company,
After all, he boldly moves us only forward.
You and I are confident in the future,
With such a specialist, we are all on horseback!

Congratulations to our chief accountant on his professional holiday - Russian Accountant Day! We wish you iron nerves and strong self-control. Clarity and orderliness in work, well-organized work scheme, ideal summaries and cleanliness in the analyzed documents. Good luck and prosperity to you!

Chief Accountant, accept congratulations!
Well, what can I wish you today?
In calculations so that there is no torment,
Just to count the profits.

Let the work be easy
There's a balance all the time,
Let your soul always laugh
And let your salary and advance payment grow.

Dear Chief Accountant,
I want to wish you out loud:
Lots of happiness, tighter grip,
More zeroes in the salary,
So that my nerves are like steel,
So that you are praised more often.
So that the authorities respect
It gave bonuses.
Let's put it this way: You are our messiah.
Happy Russian Accountant Day!

On accountant's day, congratulate
I want you from the bottom of my heart.
You are the most important accountant,
A professional at work, simply classy!

Let it come together in life
Debit with credit always
And the balance is only positive
It will always be according to fate.

Our chief accountant is what we need,
You are not afraid of any obstacles,
Everyone who comes again to check,
He will disappear from amazement!

Everything in the accounting department is orderly and clean,
Well, the girls are just artists,
We maintain complete order in our affairs,
We do not break rules or instructions!

We wish you better health,
To make it easier to work with a smile,
So that your superiors value you very much,
My husband and children loved me heartily!

The chief accountant is a budget wizard.
Your calculator is like a fairy wand.
Accounting Day is a priority,
We hasten to congratulate you on this fabulous day.

Let the numbers magically stick to income,
Errors do not dare enter into calculations.
Let work and rest be pleasant.
Health, luck, love - all five!

The standard of patience
A steady hand.
A stern look,
Attentiveness -
The bar is high!
At the chief accountant's
Lots of things to do, worries,
Who else is so smart?
Will he make a report?
On a holiday, accountant's day
We must say
How much we respect you,
We value you.
I wish you happiness, health,
Get tired less.
Sometimes, on holidays,
Even dance!

You are the most important accountant,
We sincerely congratulate you,
On Russian Accountant Day
We wish you success.

So that balance warms your soul,
Debit with credit so that it “goes”
So that there is always a budget code
It led you directly to success.

We wish you strength and patience,
Joy and prosperity,
Will give money rain
May it be your favorite calling.

You are the master of reports,
And accounting calculations,
You, our beloved chief accountant,
And today is your holiday!

You exercise control
And check your balances
You will combine debit with credit,
And you give out salaries.

Let there be everything in life,
As in the report - summarized,
Let there be joy as a percentage,
With the award you will not be forgotten!

Since there is no official day dedicated to Russian accountants, the country's chief accountants decided to restore such injustice and still celebrate the holiday. They chose November 21 for this, motivating this preference simply: in 1996, it was on November 21 that Boris Yeltsin signed the state document on accounting. However, many accounting teams celebrate the holiday on other November days - as long as the date does not coincide with a Sunday! Some rightly decided to combine Russian and international holidays by sending and receiving congratulations on Accountant’s Day on November 10th. Moscow chief accountants set their own date for the holiday - November 16. However, the correct approach to setting the date for the celebration would be to congratulate all the women and men of your workforce on November 21. Considering the eternal confusion with the date of the holiday, greet colleagues with cool poems or short comic phrases. It’s better not to joke with the chief accountant and solemnly, in prose, congratulate him (or her?) as soon as you arrive at work.

Solemn official congratulations to the chief accountant on Accountant's Day in prose

November 21, 2016 is a working day, Monday. Start your working day with an official congratulation from your superiors. Let these be solemn phrases in prose. Give the chief accountant flowers, sweets or cognac - choose a gift according to the preferences of the chief accountant, and not at your discretion. Have the entire team sign a large card and give it to the boss. There will probably be a feast at your work on this day - learn a few solemn phrases for toasts and congratulations on Accountant's Day. Some of them can be found here on our website.

We can’t do anything without you. And therefore, today, let me wish you happiness, health, career growth, and also that all your assets match your liabilities! Happy Accountant's Day! Let me wish you a happy and long life, the fulfillment of all your dreams and desires, health, vigor, love and goodness. And, of course, let even the most complex calculation be as simple and clear to you as twice two.

The main incentive in the life of our excellent accountant is the desire to move forward towards the intended goal. For the team, this is a positive professional example. Today, at the solemn moment of the holiday dedicated to you, we would like to wish you to always remain an authority for the team. You deserve not only to make us proud by working in one team, but you are also the pride of our entire friendly team. Let you have as much finance as you have knowledge regarding work. We wish you to be respected among people, to be immune to age, to have an impeccable smile on your face, to avoid illnesses and to always be surrounded by loved ones. Peace, happiness and goodness to you.

Our huge, friendly team today is very happy that a friendly smile does not leave the face of a colleague, a worthy employee and simply a wonderful person all day long. Congratulating you on the Day of the Chief Accountant, I would like to not skimp on kind, sincere wishes. It’s not for nothing that people say that the master’s work is feared, because that’s why the work you undertake ends with a positive result. You are an accountant from God and a man with a capital letter. The fact that our financial company enjoys a high reputation among its competitors is, of course, your merit. On the day of your professional holiday, let me initially wish you financial stability, success in your work, mutual understanding among your employees and superiors. Good luck and good wishes to you, happy holiday.

Lovely congratulations to female colleagues on Accountant's Day. Poems about the best accountants in the country

It just so happens that in Russia the majority of accountants are women. If you work in a very large team, it will be expensive to congratulate each of them with a gift. However, poems for colleagues will be a very pleasant surprise for them. Of course, you shouldn’t memorize poems, especially since, as a rule, no one listens to them to the end. Short, cute poems for Accountant's Day are quite enough. We have prepared for you a small selection of beautiful poems for female accountants.

May life be as soft as silk
And let the road be lined with pearls!
In everything, so that there is always a sense,
Colleague, let the anxiety go away!

On Accountant's Day I say,
That there are no more beautiful girls in the world!
And I say a wish,
May life give you much, much happiness!

How concerned you are about the matter!
The plan is a novel! Report - encore!
Very appreciated in the department
Your professionalism.

And smart and gifted,
And good looking -
Queen of Audit
And company is soul!

You are a good colleague!
Beautiful woman!
Happy Accountant's Day,
I wish you happiness!

May the sea be knee-deep to you,
So that everything works out!
And love so that by all means
I called Vera again!

Kind congratulations on Accountant's Day to a male colleague. Small poems for the holiday of the country's accountants

There are so few male accountants in Russia that on November 21, Accountant’s Day, all the attention of the majority of the female half of the teams will be focused on them. You may also want to join in the congratulations and read short poems to your colleagues for the holiday. You will find them here or in collections of poems in your home library.

Happy Accountant's Day,
And I quickly hurry to you,
To celebrate the glorious holiday!
Wish money in fate!

And we'll raise our glasses,
For your already dream!
So that there is always enough of everything,
I can count for you!

Salaries faithful hourly,
Excellent student at school,
Health to you, golden one,
Our favorite accountant!

How we love the day when
There's a crowd of people at the cash register,
Evaluation of our work -
That bird is in your hands!

Our accountant is darker than the clouds -
The monthly report is on fire.
We can understand her, guys -
The circulation of papers and numbers...

Brain fog, eyes watering
The computer reset the database...
Stop it, our dear accountant,
This feast is in your honor today!

Comic congratulations to the work team on Accountant's Day. Funny cards with poems in honor of colleagues

On the morning of November 21, place bright postcards with funny poems about Accountant's Day on your colleagues' desks. You can sign them with your name or even remain incognito! Let your kind words given to each member of the team become a pleasant surprise for them! Make kind jokes without offending anyone; and gratitude for you will be not only a formal “thank you” and a smile, but also, perhaps, an invitation to a holiday or a picnic after work. Humorous cards and poems with funny congratulations can also be found here.

We were taught black accounting from school, when they said: “We write one, two in our minds!”

Tax Inspectorate about accountants: “And yet they move around!”

The accountant's day has come -
Congratulations together!
Let the quarterly reporting
You really need to submit -

We still wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Get more rest.
And also - live happily,
After all, it is possible.

Short funny congratulations to employees on Accountant's Day. Funny poems in honor of the holiday

Remember what confusion there is always going on even with the very date of Accountant’s Day! In the reports of some employees, there are also sometimes oddities and confusion. Poets especially often joke about such troubles in accounting. Laugh at yourself and congratulate your employees with funny poems in honor of November 21, 2016. Let funny lines become the key to a great mood and further excellent accounting work! You can compose something yourself, but it will be easier to choose humorous verses from our selection.

On a rainy day in November
The holiday is coming
When everyone is an accountant
They celebrate their day.

You, as one of them,
I wish you success.
Let all the income every day
Expenses exceed!

Working days on reports are involved;
The assets include transactions, advice notes, balance...
Ordinary people. As a rule - women.
You are remembered for your salary, and less often for your advance...
Yes, your life doesn’t have a wide range of topics,
But today is your holiday! And that means, friends,
Let's all drink to the accountants, let's -
After all, you simply cannot live without accountants!

Numbers river. A mountain of papers.
Lots of innovations and obstacles.
Who, if not them, will tell
Where was the million born?
Their patience and courage
Everything in the world will be crushed,
And brings good to the people
Their simple but important work;
Because, of course, you have the right
Today drink an accountant!
Well, we’ll insert a word -
We sincerely congratulate them:
Happy Accountant's Day! Hooray!

When choosing congratulations on Accountant's Day for November 21, be sure to take into account the recipient of your poetry and prose. If you decide to celebrate a holiday right at work, cool, funny poems will be a wonderful surprise for your colleagues. For a female chief accountant, it is better to choose official and solemn phrases in prose - it is better not to joke with your superiors! For the minority of your team - men - you can prepare special congratulations, poems for each of them. Short, funny poems and aphorisms about accountants are perfect for a picnic celebration.

There is a date in November
When, having abandoned all matters -
Financial statements and reports,
Let's celebrate your accountant's holiday!

We wish you sincere happiness,
Good luck, joy, peace and love.
So that troubles, sorrows, bad weather do not come across,
On your long life journey.

Accountants, you are the masters of finance!
Our success depends on your wisdom
So let this holiday be an opportunity
Congratulations, thanks from us all!

Forget about debit and credit today
On Accountant's Day, you need to go for a walk,
Have fun, laugh, and with an open heart
Accept all words of admiration from us!

The prosperity of our enterprise, our timely accrued salaries, bonuses, and therefore the good mood of all employees depend on you, dear accountant. Therefore, we wish you success in your work, and for this it is necessary that your superiors always understand you, auditors do not bother you with checks, banks give loans on time, time passes more slowly when preparing quarterly and annual reports, and the numbers always listen to you. Happy Accountant's Day!

On this day, and not only on this day,
Let balance not be a burden to you,
And debit-credit will come together,
And work will only be a joy,

There are many professions in the world
And each has its own character,
And others are attracted by the road
With the sign "Accountant".

You have to be serious
A very smart person
And it’s so menacing to look at everyone,
Like superintendents for the Uzbeks!

There are gods among accountants
There are penny keepers,
Who counts the days, taxes,
Sparing no effort!

Accountant's Day given to them -
The holiday is still great!
The kindest and most desirable,
The wisest, many-sided!

Accountant's Day is a special date! It embodies your knowledge, work and patience. I wish you respectable colleagues and a vibrant personal life. Let the final figure of the enterprise's annual report become the number of happy minutes of your life! Don't count the days you've lived - you have a lot of work to do without it... Love and peace of mind to you!

It’s not for nothing that your holiday was invented, accountant!
Today we hasten to congratulate you!
For a sharp mind, patience, character,
We praise you and value you!

There are only accounting and calculations around
(we are all a little bit of an accountant at heart),
Let this painstaking work
Always brings you joy!

Accountants! We wish to become richer,
Reduce vital and burdensome tax.
May good luck await you in your career growth,
Submit reports on time and without worries!

Who will say - quiet work for an accountant?
But this is only at first glance.
The profit of the enterprise depends on it -
Accountants keep track of all this.
The accountant must do this
So that everyone is happy,
Summarize the calculations into an annual total...
Today is the Day of Accountants of Russia,
And we dedicate our congratulations to them!

Numbers, numbers, a sea of ​​numbers,
Their accountant counts everything.
The documents contain the required code,
Of course he will deliver!

Happy accountant's day, friends!
Congratulations accountants!
And so that it always works
It's easy for you among the reports!

On Accountant's Day we wish
Happiness, joy in everything.
May they remain in balance
Rest is work, work is home.

Happiness will be completely debited,
Let grief go on credit.
And let it be on the personal front
Your life is seething and boiling.

And today, to summarize
Your own accounting,
Let me read it to you
With wishes of congratulations.

You are so beautiful today
It's hard not to notice.
Russian Accountant Day
It should be noted.

Let him wait on the sidelines
Annual report.
I have for you today
Your own special account.

I offer it in a restaurant
This evening
Calculate both debit and credit.
Balance - congratulations!

The entire Russian Empire
Under the name "Accounting"
Happy accountant's day today
Congratulations to everyone.

Don't get sick, don't suffer,
Don't worry too much
After all, in financial matters
You are all docs, just aces!

May your income grow
Let there always be work.
Let your budget grow
Every day, all year round!

Since the accountant is on site,
So, everything will be fair:
The report will be on time
There will be money to report!

Since there are girls like that -
Salary will be on time
We will have a bonus.
The company cannot survive without you!

Let them love you, dear ones,
You guys are so cool:
Both beautiful and smart
Full of charm!

Set aside all your bills
And the reports will wait too!
Congratulations accountant
Happy day, for your paperwork!

And today, instead of all the papers,
There is a bouquet of flowers on the table,
Instead of coffee - a glass of wine for you,
And, of course, a lot of warm words.

We wish that the accountant could
Be happy in life every moment!
We give you a magical congratulations,
May everyone achieve honors!

To the poets of annual reports,
And to composers of postings,
For those who know a lot about programs,
Salaries paying people,

Who cannot live without invoices,
Who ate the dog on the goods,
Whose conscience gnaws at night,
Who counts money in the bank?

Who likes order in orders?
Who couldn't live a day without numbers -
To you, all the boys and girls,
To all accountants, congratulations!

May luck smile on you
And don’t let your relatives get sick
Let the annual report come together
To commas, from “A” to “Z”

To increase wealth,
Count the numbers of the region,
Decompose the economy.
Raise our Motherland.

This specialty was created
It is the beginning of all beginnings.
We're going to the accountant with the answer.
To note the estimates.

We’ll give you congratulations without looking,
For all amounts and zeros.
Let the sun shine for
YOU will be the happiest of all!

You go to work
You keep records all day long:
What and how much came to us,
What has gone where from us.

Is there a profit, where is it?
Shouldn't we buy an elephant?
Maybe change the furniture
Let's all go to the Maldives!

In general, everything is in your hands,
In your smart heads!
Spill some coffee,

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