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"Neighbor's Day" A ceremonial celebration for residents of the neighborhood on the street. Open Day “Good afternoon, neighbors!” in the Central City Children's Library

Celebration of Sadovaya street, Komsomolsky lane, Substation

1. Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!
Dress up properly
Come join us for the holiday!
To look at the guests, the people of honor,
Check out the street performance!
Listen to good songs,
Yes, taste delicious dishes!

2. Honorary elders, family,
Youth and children!
Good health, good morning to you all!

1. I hasten to tell you - hello,
To wish you good health!

2. I hasten to tell you good things -
To wish you new happiness!

1. I hasten to tell you joy,
Good luck, success and luck!

2. And everyone, friends, wish you
Good mood!

1. We are sure that everyone is in a good mood because today we have a holiday that has already become traditional - it is a street holiday.

2. 2.Hospitable hosts will greet guests on Sadovaya Street, Komsomolsky Lane, and on the street. Substations.

1. Step aside, people, good people!
Give us a place with a single bridge, and send a word of welcome to our guests, invited and welcome guests.

2. The head of the village council, E.I. Petrova, congratulates you (congratulations from the head of the village council administration).

1.Thank you, E.I. for your kind words, and we want to remind you all that there is an iron law on our holiday: gloomy, gloomy people are not allowed to enter.

1. There is no nicer corner in the world,
than the one where you were born,
Where I grew up, matured and sometimes cried,
seeing a wounded bird covered in blood.
No matter what troubles happen,
no matter what times come,
We know for sure what will always accept us,
our side from childhood.

2.Dear friends, today the owner of your street will be a woman who was born on Sadovaya Street, went to school along it, and found her soul mate. Now she is a wife, mother and her children are growing up on this street. This is Nadezhda Valova.

1. We know Nadya Valova as a pretty, energetic, cheerful woman. She is the soloist of our folk choir. Together with her husband Alexey, they are raising a son and daughter. This year Nadezhda celebrated her 35th birthday.

2. Her mother lives next to her, Lyubov Timofeevna Khramtsova, who raised three children and now has 6 grandchildren. In July, Lyubov Timofeevna celebrated her big anniversary; she turned 60 years old. We congratulate her on her anniversary, and the best gift for her would, of course, be a song performed by her daughter.
(1. song “Red Currant”)
(the owner of the street tells a story about the residents of Sadovaya Street)
1. Congratulations to Baeva Vasilina.
Vasilina, you are turning 8!
In the morning the birds chirped loudly about it.
Your first school autumn is behind you,
And preschool children rush to you for advice.
Grow up, good one, mom and dad’s beloved daughter.
Gain your mind easily, with passion.
Be as beautiful as the sun, brighter than a flower!
We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! (a gift is presented)
2. Sodovaya Street is rich in anniversaries and birthday people this year. So Alexander Ivanovich was born on August 12 exactly 60 years ago.

1. Six dessiatines flashed by so quickly.
Respectable age, what can I say.
But, we repeat again and again,
Any age to live and love!

Lane Komsomolsky.
1. Dear fellow villagers, dear guests! Now the hospitable hosts of Komsomolsky Lane are waiting for us. This lane is small, 8 men, 9 women and 2 children live here. Everyone knows each other very well.
2. And the first to meet us are the Altapkin family of Vasily Dmitrievich and Raisa Anatolyevna. The couple are famous entrepreneurs. They started small, and now their business is well established. They have an adult son and daughter who live and work in Barnaul. There were two significant anniversaries in their family this year. Vasily Dmitrievich turned 55 years old in June. We congratulate him from the bottom of our hearts and wish him to remain as cheerful, perky and healthy for many more years. So that everything in his life is perfect.
And on July 31, the friendly married couple of the Altapkins celebrated their 30th anniversary of marriage with a “pearl” wedding.
1. Thirty years of common springs
Your rings did not tarnish.
Thirty years sliding into autumn
How the moment flew by.
Thirty years in one breath -
Unity of lips and hands.
2. Thirty years of understanding
And a single heartbeat.
Not cooled by snow and wind
Tenderness, love union.
This day spins like a waltz -
All in a tangle of old feelings.
( “White Dance”)

2.We wish all the best to the residents of the lane. Komsomolsky and continue our way to the street. Substation.
1. Yes, it’s good when good neighbors, friends and just good people live nearby. It’s so nice to treat your neighbors to your delicious pies and have a cup of tea with friends. And we wish you all, dear friends, good neighbors.
St. Substation.
2. Our dear guests, now we are on the ter. Substations. We are warmly welcomed by the residents of this area.
(tells a story about the residents)
Dear friends, thank you for your warm welcome, and we once again congratulate our esteemed heroes of the day: Valentina Fedorovna Tereshina, Galina Kimovna Valova, Sergei Vasilievich Anisimov. We wish them good health, family comfort and warmth, happiness, good luck and all the best. And this song will be the best gift for you.

( “There beyond the outskirts”)

Sadovaya st.
1. And now we will continue our journey along the street. Sadovaya, and tells a story about the residents of his native street N. Valova.
Congratulations to Vitaly Tereshin.
When you're 30, everything can still happen!
So serene are the flashes of dawn.
Let the heat of a bird fly into your house at night,
And the heart will illuminate with good light,
And he promises you for 100 years
Have a happy life without worries and troubles.
Congratulations to the Valovs (young family)
1. Children are our future, the flowers of our lives. But there are few flowers on your street - only 14.
2. Yes, it could be more. Young families should consider raising the demographics of their home street.
1. Still, the good news is that not all young people leave their native village. For example, Pavel Valov decided to return to his homeland again, and changed the city to his native village. And not alone, but with his young wife.
2. And now their daughter Dashenka is growing up in their family. She will turn one year old on October 8th. And she is our smallest resident of the street. Sadovaya. We wish her to grow up big and healthy, to the delight of her mom and dad.
(a gift is presented, congratulations from the head)

Congratulations to the centenarian.
1. On the street Wonderful people live on Sadovaya, only 97 people, not so few. There are young people, there are also older, sedate people. Of course, special gratitude on this holiday to the oldest resident of the street. Sadova - Olkhovskaya Tatyana Illarionovna. She turned 89 years old this June.
(congratulations from the head, a gift is presented)

Congratulations to Lukyanenko G.F.
2. Such is female nature
Every age is a blessing.
30, 40 and any years
We must accept it gratefully.
We wish you goodness and happiness without end.
So that there is a heart without interference,
Any work was possible
Everything was a success!

Congratulations to A.S. Kimaev
1. We wish you Albert Stepanovich,
So that the heart beats rhythmically,
So that the years slow down.
So that you never know troubles
Health was enough for a century.
And always remember that:
Every age is precious in its own way.
Life is good at every age
If only I had health and strength,
And my soul would be young.
Congratulations on the 45th anniversary of the Mironovs T.P. and A.N.
2. Sadovaya Street knew many different events, but the most important human value always remained family. Happy is he who is happy at home.
1. Dear friends, on Sadovaya Street there lives a wonderful married couple, the Mironovs, for whom this year is an anniversary. On August 2, Tatyana Petrovna and Anatoly Nikolaevich celebrated their 45th anniversary of marriage.
2. Dear anniversaries!
Never be discouraged, keep up the good work
May the new anniversary be even brighter for you!
(6. song “A Stream Flows”)
Congratulations to the Galitsky family
1. The strongest married couple on your street is the Galitsky family. They have been together for 46 years.
You have lived together for more than one happy year.
Everything was in your life: joy, anxiety.
The temples have already turned white from worries,
But they all walked along the road together.
Congratulations from the head, gifts.
1. Dear friends! Our holiday has come to an end. Thank you to all our guests, thank you too, good people, residents of our village, for your skill and for the fact that you know how to have fun and work. Yes, the holiday today was a success, it was fun, friendly, interesting, it couldn’t have been otherwise:
2. After all, the sun alone shines above us,
One heaven and one earth.
We are all yours, Novoyarki, dear children,
One huge family.
We are all rural residents.
( “Villages”)


holding a regional event

“Good neighbors make cheerful friends!”

Date: 05/28/15

Time: 18.00

Venue: district of municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 86"

Presenter: teacher-organizer Kunitsyna Yu.M.


(Before the start of the event, funny songs are played.)

The minus of the song “Wonderful Neighbor” sounds.


How can I not have fun?

Don't be sad about various troubles.

Settled in our house

A wonderful neighbor.

Good afternoon dear friends! Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday together with you - Neighbor's Day!

Everyone has neighbors - people, animals, countries, planets... And in order not to forget that we all live close and, in essence, are neighbors, World Neighbors Day was founded in 2000 by the Frenchman Athanas Perifan, which is celebrated in 30 countries. This is a joyful and noisy holiday for large groups of true friends living on the same staircase, on the same street or in the same yard.

The creative teams of your neighborhood give you their smiles and sunny mood. Meet us! Modern pop dance group “Naughty Girls” of the Municipal City House of Culture “Zvezda”. Head: Yulia Garmatnaya. Dance "Umbrellas".

Dance "Umbrellas".

At our celebration there are:

    Deputy of the Saratov City Duma Margarita Sergeevna Kozlova

    Director of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 86” Vasilyeva Larisa Anatolyevna

The floor is given:





A wonderful good tradition is being born in the Leninsky district - “Yards of Good Neighbors” will be awarded annually.

(Fanfare sounds.)

This year this title was awarded to you. Full house “Yard of Good Neighbors” is awarded


The festive program is continued by the dance ensemble “Lada” from the “Horizon” theater. Dance "Fiesta".

Dance "Fiesta". Performed by the dance ensemble "Lada" at the theater "Horizon".

Presenter : Russian proverbs say: “A close neighbor is better than distant relatives. I can live without my brother, but I can’t live without my neighbor. They invite you to a neighbor’s house for a fun... conversation.

Blitz interview “Tell me about your neighbor.”

    Tell me, is the proverb “One for all and all for one” a proverb about your neighbors or not?

    Do you know by sight all the neighbors of your building?

    What are your neighbors' names?

    Do you say hello to your neighbors?

    Have you ever made requests to your neighbors? Which ones?

    What qualities should a “Good Neighbor” have?

    What action could you thank your neighbor for?

    Is there a tradition in your yard of giving each other food?


    Do you live peacefully with your neighbors?

Presenter: How beautiful is the world in which there is no place for quarrels, and everyone lives in harmony and joy. Dasha Boyko, a student of class 6 “B” of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 86” gives you a song called “Let the world be beautiful.”

Song " Let the world be beautiful."

Repeat game “Hug your neighbor”


You, we, you, me!

Together we are one family!

Hug your neighbor on the right!

Hug your neighbor on the left!

You, we, you, me!

Together we are friends! (tasks: wave to your neighbor, kiss your neighbor, wink to your neighbor, shake hands with your neighbor, smile at your neighbor)

And again the dance ensemble “Lada” is on stage. Dance "Ogonyok"

Dance "Ogonyok" Performed by the dance ensemble "Lada" (single theater "Horizon").

Presenter: Let's remember the good old days when all the neighbors gathered in their yards. Young people organized incendiary discos right on the streets. Both adults and children danced. Let's revive this good tradition and organize a dance marathon. (The melodies of the countries of the world sound - gypsy girl, dance of little ducklings, lambada, Russian dance, apple, lezginka, rock and roll).

Dance marathon.

As a gift to all dancing couples, the kind and beloved dance of our grandparents “Waltz” performed by students of class 6 “A” of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 86”.

"Waltz". Performed by students of class 6 "A" of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 86".

Presenter: And now a dance gift from the young and cheerful generation. We meet 11 “A” class of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 86”.Flash mob . Dance with us!

Flash mob. Performs 11 “A” class of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 86”.


Congratulations to all neighbors

And we wish with all our hearts,

So that in peace and harmony

We lived as a big family.

Happy holiday! Happy Neighbors Day! Make friends with your neighbors, visit each other and be happy in our beloved country of Russia.

Song "Russia". Performed by the ensemble "Harmony" (MOU "Secondary School No. 86").

My neighbors and I are friends
With them we are one family:
We help each other
And we solve all the problems.

Congratulations to all neighbors,
We wish them health.
So that you can live comfortably,
Let's continue to be friends!

On Neighbors Day I suggest
Gather everyone over a cup of tea
To improve relationships
And joint congratulations.

We will live without conflicts
And be friends with your neighbors,
Don't harbor grudges or anger
And visit each other!

You are the closest and dearest to us,
Although we are of course strangers by kinship,
But in difficult times, all hope is on you.
Our neighbors saved us from troubles more than once.
In fun and celebration,
In problems and sorrow
You are always in a hurry to support us,
It’s like our whole life is in the palm of your hand,
With people like you, we can no longer be broken.

They live near us
Wonderful people -
Our good neighbors,
We love them very much
Let's congratulate them on Neighbors Day,
Let them not know grief
To them health and patience
Let's wish you neighborliness!

Happy Neighbors Day!
I wish you happiness and peace,
Let joy live in the house,
Respect and comfort.

Happy and successful days
And cozy, warm nights,
Let it work out for you
It will be bright every hour!

Happy Neighbors Day!
We are very friendly with you,
Because I know for sure
That everyone needs neighbors!

I can go to you for salt
Or ask for matches -
Give everything, it’s not difficult for you!
This is how you should be!

I wish all my neighbors
Peaceful happiness without end,
So that there is peace in the house,
May you enjoy your day off.

To reliably and calmly
It was summer and winter
So that the neighbors don't make noise
Day and night behind the wall.

Good neighbors are better than relatives,
It is impossible to live today without them.
There is wind music, and here is a hammer,
Laughter in the middle of the night or a doorbell ringing.

It's great to live in peace with neighbors,
Visit each other for dinner,
Neighbors, relatives, I congratulate you
And I wish you great neighbors in life.

There are a lot of people in the world,
But we are especially lucky with you,
How nice it is to have such neighbors,
With whom it is cozy and warm,

After all, life has become more fun with you,
You are the best guys on the planet,
We congratulate you with all our hearts
Happy Day of Kind and Responsive Neighbors!

Happy Neighbors Day to all of you!
May everything be great for you,
May the sun shine on you throughout your life,
Be incredibly happy!

May you always have a desire
Say to everyone with a smile: “Hello!”
May all your expectations be fulfilled,
May every neighbor be kind to you!

Everything must start with preparation. You need to set up a stage in the central square of the village, decorate it and everything around it with ribbons, balloons, posters, and flowers. You can make a themed event (color design) depending on your budget and imagination. It is better to schedule this celebration for the evening (17-18.00). Notify all village residents in advance about the upcoming event. It would also be a good idea to organize several play areas for the youngest village residents. You can also install sales tents, barbecue grills and tables with drinks. The scenario may also be suitable for celebrating the village’s birthday.

Props: certificates of honor, gifts for participation in competitions, cards with letters or fruits, colored towels, baskets with vegetables and fruits, a set of toothpicks, tape and scissors, cake.

Characters: Presenter, presenter, music and dance groups, village residents.

The presenters appear on stage.

There are villages in our country,
You can't find them on the map,
But friendship and hope live in them,
The days here are filled with happiness!

The air here is special,
The most delicious bread
The rivers here have clean water,
It smells of grass, hay, flowers,
It’s like your soul freezes here!

The people here are kind and very welcoming,
They will feed you, give you something to drink, and always help you,
Here women, girls, are the best,
Beauty lives in these parts!

There is no fuss here, no city worries,
Here everything goes as usual,
Hardworking people live here,
Here happiness, goodness lives in every home!

Good evening to you nice people! We are glad to see each of you at our event! Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday - Village Day.

The harvest has already been harvested, the land has been prepared, and you can go on winter vacation.

From the bottom of my heart I want to wish you prosperity, fertility for your land, happiness for your homes!

And also, so that each year is more productive than the previous one!

Now, with great pleasure, I will give the floor to your chairman, who probably has something to say.

(The chairman comes on stage and makes a solemn speech)

The village is full of talents,
Such beautiful, sonorous voices,
Sometimes they sing so sweetly
People come from the cities to listen to them!

(A female group, preferably of an older generation, comes on stage and performs a song that every resident of the village knows)

So sincere, sincere, beautiful,
So harmonious, thank you,
It's like you inspired me
And for the song, we owe it to the years!

In the meantime, the artists are preparing,
I want to ask you questions,
About the village, about your home, the region,
You must give all the answers!

What are you thinking about? People have come to relax!

So they will test their knowledge and relax at the same time!

2 people are selected from the crowd. Everyone is asked questions, whoever answers the fastest and most wins. The winner is awarded a symbolic prize and a certificate of honor: “The main expert of the village.” Each question is given 5-10 seconds.
Props: symbolic prize and certificate.

Approximate list of questions (there may be others):
1. In what year was your village founded?
2. Who was the first village head?
3. How many people live in your village?
4. Main attraction?
5. Were there any celebrities in your village, if so, who?
6. Which plant predominates in your area?
7. What is your village famous in the area?
8. What does the name of your village mean?

(It is better to ask questions from a knowledgeable resident from whom you can get accurate answers)

Listen, what a great guy you are, what a great idea! I have learned so many new things about this picturesque region that now I simply have to look and see everything in person!

While you are preparing for the upcoming trip, I will invite the dance group (name) to the stage, which simply cannot wait to congratulate the residents of this glorious village!

(The group enters the stage)

Well, they lit it, well done,
I would start dancing myself
It's just a shame I can't
At school I only learned the waltz.

Don't be sad, don't be discouraged,
Show yourself in others
Learn to make pies
Not for yourself, but for the soul!

I can bake pies
But you need to eat them later,
And I take care of the figure,
Believe me, I want to be slim!

Oh, just think
Happiness does not lie in being slim,
This is not where our wealth lies,
And in the wisdom of the years lived,
Which, alas, can no longer be returned!

You're right, I agree with you
And I bow to the older generation,
And I wish you health, goodness,
So that trouble does not knock on your door!

Now I want to invite you to the stage,
Now award the award of honor,
The person who is young at heart,
The one who threw aging away!

(The oldest resident of the village comes up to the stage. He is presented with a certificate: “Honorary Centenarian”, flowers and a symbolic gift. You can conduct a short interview, ask a few questions about the village)

Question options:
1. Since what year have you lived in this village?
2. What is your most vivid memory associated with the village?
3. Your wishes to your beloved village?

With every new resident, with every new story, I fall more and more in love with this village!

And this is not surprising, because such energetic, cheerful, extraordinary people live here!

You also forgot to add melodic ones!

But we’ll check this right now!

2-3 residents are invited to the stage. Each of them listens to a song through headphones. The task is to show this song without words. The order of auditions and performances is determined by drawing lots. The one who gets the most correct answers wins. At the end, a certificate of honor “Melody of the Village” and a symbolic prize are awarded. Song display time is 15 seconds.
Props: certificate, prize.

Options for songs to listen to (you can take others):
1. I got drunk and drunk;
2. Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked;
3. Oh, viburnum;
4. A stream flows, a stream runs;
5. And someone came down the hill;
6. We are neither stokers nor carpenters;
7. The girls are standing on the sidelines;
8. And I’m not a witch at all;
9. And I recognize my dear one by his gait;
10. Oh, in vain, aunt;
11. Music connected us.

Now a miracle will happen
Congratulations will be read to you,
Those who are much younger
Who fills the days with happiness!

(Children come up on stage and read)

(Tells some interesting fact about the village and the harvest)

I wonder if our residents can dance as well as they do the harvest?

So let's check it out, shall we?

(Perky music is turned on and a short dance break is announced)

I want to invite you to this stage,
I'm a rising star
Friends will give you a song,
A little happiness and goodness!

(A singer/singer comes on stage and performs any song)

Do you know what I heard about this village?

And what?

Women with magical powers live here!

Come on? Witches or what?

No, stupid, isn’t that what you’re thinking about? Here live women with the most unique culinary skills in the country.

Come on?

I’m telling you, yesterday I ate local borscht, I thought I’d swallow my tongue!

We need to check this urgently!

Cooking quiz game.
3 women are invited to the stage. Each person receives a card with a letter (the same). The task is to name the dishes starting with the specified letter one by one. The order of answers can be determined using an interesting draw (for example, whoever is the first to name the main ingredient of the chosen main dish will answer first, etc. You can simply draw matches). Whoever names the most will win (for repetition - elimination). The winner is awarded a certificate of honor “Recipe Expert” and a symbolic prize. Instead of letters, you can also depict a fruit or vegetable on the cards, then you will need to name the dishes that contain the specified component.
Props: cards with letters or fruits/vegetables.

We talked about so many delicacies that I really wanted to try it all myself! But we continue!

So that our people don’t get bored,
So that people don't freeze,
We will dance with you,
Smile, light up!

(Dance break 10-15 minutes)

And we continue our holiday. And now I want to direct my attention to the male half of the population. I wonder if strong men live in this village?

So, what are you up to?

I thought I'd check it out!

4 men are selected. Everyone receives a wet towel (a dry one if it’s cold outside). The task is to tie the strongest knot on the towel (or several knots, depending on the size of the towel). After the knots are made, the participants exchange towels with each other and a new task appears - to untie the knot in 1 minute. Whoever completes it first will receive a certificate of honor “The Main Strongman of the Village” and a symbolic prize.
Props: colored towels.

I was always surprised how friendly people are in rural settlements. These are not just neighbors, but one big family that is very supportive of each other.

And this is truly amazing, since many city residents do not even know who they live next door to.

And I would really like to test your cohesion once again!

2 teams of 5-10 people each are formed. Each team receives a basket of vegetables and fruits (pumpkin, apples, plums, potatoes, garlic, onions, grapes, cabbage), a set of toothpicks, tape and scissors. The task is to make a Harvest Spirit from the received materials. Time to complete: 5 minutes. The winner is determined by applause and given a birthday cake.
Props: baskets with vegetables and fruits, a set of toothpicks, tape and scissors, cake.

Thank you, dear residents, for your attention, presence and good mood.

We really enjoyed spending time with you. But, unfortunately, time passed quickly, evening came, the barbecue was ready, and it was time for us to say goodbye.

Finally, I would like to wish you all good luck and bright impressions!

Thank you for your hospitality, participation and warm welcome! Until next time.

Don't forget about the musical accompaniment and

Liman village, children's model library
On International Neighbors Day, specialists from the children's model library held a promotional event “Letter to a neighbor: “I want to tell you about the library...” on the central alley of the village of Liman. This game involved residents and guests of the village: both children and adults. The unusual form of the event attracted the interest of fellow countrymen; the guests expressed a desire to go to the library. We looked at the book exhibitions, mini-museum, and book collection with interest.
With. Caravan
On May 27, workers of the House of Culture and Library of the village. Caravannoe prepared and held a festive program “Neighbors Day” with the goal of creating warm, friendly relations between neighbors. The event took place in the courtyard of apartment building No. 1 on Sovetskaya Street, in which residents of the building and their neighbors took part. Librarian Tolstova N.A. spoke about the origin of the holiday, when and how it began to be celebrated in Russia and in particular in the Astrakhan region. Since this holiday falls in the spring-summer period, everyone present was invited to guess riddles, sing songs about flowers, and remember stories from the lives of their neighbors. Cultural workers sang the song “Wonderful Neighbor.” The purpose of the event: to create warm, friendly relations between neighbors.

With. Yandyki
Workers of the House of Culture and the library invited their neighbors - employees of the administration, store, and kindergarten - to “Neighborhood Gatherings”. The guests came with their treats, and a tea party was organized. They talked about the origin of the holiday, about friendship between neighbors. For many, this holiday was unexpected, but everyone enjoyed their time with their friends and neighbors.

With. Zenzeli
On May 27 at 16.00 cultural and library workers from. Zenzeli organized and held a festive event “All the neighbors come to visit us” for the village residents. Leading events Krayushkina G.G. and Mangutova N.S. greeted fellow villagers. We opened the program with a flash mob and the song “If we are friends.” The children were able to express themselves in the game program, participating together with adults in the following games: “Pair Potholder”, “Jump Rope”, “Die Hard”, “Cinderella”, “Kvass from a Ladle”, “Fishermen”, “Dance on One Leg” and etc. Between the competitions, Nellia Sagitova, Maxim Zhitkov, Natalya Mangutova and Arina Bakaeva, who presented the audience with their new songs, delighted the audience with their wonderful singing, and of course the audience rejoiced at the breakdancing performed by Vadim Dubrovin. Children and adults who took part in games and competitions were awarded sweet prizes. The celebration ended with a film screening of “Eight First Dates” and a disco. Warm spring weather and a festive atmosphere gave everyone present a lot of positive emotions and a great mood.

With. Zarechnoye
Residents of the village of Zarechnoye on Kolkhoznaya Street celebrated Neighbors Day cheerfully and amicably.
The announcement of Neighbors Day was posted in advance. Many reacted to this with undisguised irony. And those residents who are used to communicating, not being isolated one-on-one, came at the appointed time with a good, kind mood. The village residents prepared responsibly for the event: they treated them to hot dishes, salads, pastries, and compote sweets. The atmosphere of solidarity and unity made it possible to feel like members of one large team, where everyone’s opinion is taken into account. The younger generation congratulated the older generation of residents of Kolkhoznaya Street with kind words and memorable gifts. They sang songs, danced, played fun games, and competitions were held, the winners of which were given small souvenirs. Everyone made their contribution to the creation of the holiday, and it turned out to be sweet and sincere. Celebrating International Neighbors Day will become a good tradition not only for residents of Kolkhoznaya Street, but also for all residents of the village of Zarechnoye.

With. Olya
On May 27, cultural and library workers from. Olya prepared and held the festive event “Neighbors Day”. The event was opened by presenters Shatskaya T.N. and Fedyashina L.V. During the evening the program included competitions, games, jokes, and dancing. The evening had a friendly, cheerful atmosphere. The event ended with a traditional tea party.

Peschanoye village
On May 27, cultural and library workers from. Peschanoye Barkalova V.M. and Chavychalova E.V. We prepared and held festive gatherings in honor of Neighbors Day. Traditionally, many farmsteads were put in order on this day. Residents removed overgrown grass, and some planted flower beds right on the street. After all, everyone wanted to look no worse than others. And in the evening, the neighbors gathered for a gathering “At a Neighbor's Conversation,” where they discussed many issues of rural life that concern everyone.
The village needlewomen shared the secrets of their skills and demonstrated their handicrafts. And then Russian folk songs were sung for a long time near a smoking samovar over a cup of tea.
With. Kryazhevoye
May 27 at the House of Culture. Kryazhevoye for residents of the village. Kryazhevoye and Sudachye hosted “Neighbors Day” gatherings, prepared by cultural and library workers. The holiday program included charades, competitions, games, quizzes, and mini skits. The event ended with a festive tea party.
With. Privet Spit
On May 27, cultural and library workers on the square near the House of Culture held a festive event “Nowhere Without a Neighbor,” dedicated to Neighbors Day. In the competition program, the streets of the village competed for the title “The most friendly street in the village of Biryuchya Spit 2016.” Participants prepared the name of their teams, a motto, a business card for their street, a dish and a musical number. The Mira Street team won the competition program. The holiday ended with a friendly tea party.

With. Fishing
May 27 for Neighbor's Day in the village. In Promyslovka, a yard festival “Smile from neighbor to neighbor” was held, where cultural workers together with library workers visited the family of Nadezhda Genadyevna Raguzova, she invited her neighbors I.V. Lukins to visit. A large tea table was set, at which they said that they had been friends for a long time and they had their own traditions of getting together - these are Easter holidays, New Year, birthdays, and they also like to sing songs with children. Cultural workers spoke about the traditions of this holiday, congratulated the families and gave gifts.
With. Flow-through
On May 28, residents of the village. Protochnoe with a cheerful, friendly company celebrated the Neighbors' Day holiday "If we are friends." The presenter told the story of the holiday. At the festival there were games, competitions, quizzes, everyone remembered and sang the song “My Neighbor” together. Neither children nor the elderly were left unattended. This relatively young holiday has attracted a lot of attention. Many examples of celebrations appeared, people began to actively communicate with each other, and the holiday gained popularity and provided an opportunity to get to know neighbors better, relax a little, discuss common problems, create and strengthen good neighborly relations, overcome loneliness and simply learn neighborhood news. The holiday ended with an open-air disco.

With. Yar-Bazar
On May 27, the club in the village of Yar-Bazar hosted a competitive game program “How to not have fun now,” dedicated to the celebration of World Neighbors Day. At the beginning of the event, the head of the Kamyshovsky Village Council, A.S., congratulated all those present. Gatipov. The presenters spoke about the history of the holiday. The dance group “Romashki” delighted with their dance, M. Eltonsky read the poem “Motherland”, and the participants of the drama club “Laughing-ka” made all the guests laugh to tears by playing a sketch about the neighbors “Teremok” in a modern humorous interpretation by artistic director O. Badmagoryaeva.
In honor of the celebration of World Neighbors Day, a vote was held among villagers in Yar Bazar for the friendliest neighbor and friendliest neighbor. A total of 99 people voted. Diploma of “The Friendliest Neighbor” from the administration of the Kamyshovsky Village Council A.S. Gatipov awarded N.A. Chernikov. The villagers voted for her very unanimously and without hesitation. But the “Most Friendly Neighbor” diplomas were awarded to two men, I.P. Gres and O.B. Mikhailova, because they received the same number of votes. And then everyone happily played the games “Magic Hats”, “Choose a Place”, “The Most Dexterous”, etc. They acted out the skit “Santa Barbara”, finally learning how the series of the same name ended. And both young people and old people took part in the “Newspaper Note” competition with pleasure.
With. Kamyshevo
On May 27, the workers of the House of Culture with. Kamyshevo, together with employees of the rural library, held a competitive and game program “Our Friendly Country Celebrates Neighbors Day”, dedicated to the celebration of International Neighbors Day.
The event participants, married couples, happily answered questions prepared for them and participated in various competitions. Everyone who came to the celebration was able to communicate in a relaxed atmosphere, discuss the latest news, and just have fun. The entire holiday took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

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