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The girl said that I was good. The girl says that we are just friends: what to do?

How to behave with a girl who does not know how to behave around you, in those moments when you do not know how to behave with her. And how to sleep with her when she makes excuses.

So, you met a girl. She smells wonderful and looks just like you would want to look if you were a woman. And then the moment came when your embrace brought you to you. You are sitting on the sofa, aiming for three five-year plans ahead. Mentally, you, happy, are already the first to run to the shower. And at the turning point, when you are ready to remove everything unnecessary from her, she says “no.” Such a short and such an unpleasant word.

A woman is a strange and contradictory person, sometimes overly calculating, and sometimes expecting a wedding even at the end of a dirty film. Therefore, no one can explain why you sometimes encounter such an ending. Something clearly defying the logic of earthlings stops her just before sex.

Why did she come to you and torture you both with kisses for three hours if she did not have far-reaching bad intentions towards you? So what should you do now? Stop trying? What if she gets offended? Women are so...

So, what not to do when they tell you no?

1 Use force
In no case! Even if you think she'll like it. Until you have her notarized signature in your pocket saying she'll like it, don't try to use force, threats, or the "threatening gestures" that are so often mentioned in rape reports, although most of the time it was never found out. what was meant by this term. Keep in mind that in a fit of passion, you may not even notice her resistance if the girl you come across is fragile and timid. So it would be completely useful to ask if she is afraid of you, if you are doing something that frightens her, etc. (By the way, such questions may well provoke the girl further, even if, from her point of view, there is no danger in you more than in a teddy bear.)

2 Stop all attempts to move on
Practice shows that in most cases, “no” may well turn into “yes,” at least in our politically incorrect and masculine-chauvinist regions, where the male sex is not taught from kindergarten to be afraid of any demonstrations of sexual harassment. Perhaps Anglo-Saxon women really mean “no” when they say “no,” but in our latitudes, 90% of living citizens would not have been born if their dad had actually listened to what their mother said. How to understand that her “no” is firm and final
Having said the word “no”, she stands up, buttons herself up and demands to call a taxi. Or, if for some reason she suddenly has nowhere to sleep, she asks you to give her bed linen, once again emphasizing that she is going to sleep on this sofa alone.
If, after her “no,” she continues to sit, gently holding you by the ears, stretching out her lips and dreamily half-closing her eyes, then you will have to deal with the problem further.

3 Try to argue with a girl, explaining why she is wrong
Even if you have the eloquence of Disraeli, believe me, you will not look convincing in this discussion.

Why can a girl say “no”, although, in principle, she herself would not mind getting to know you better and sleeping with you - ways to deal with this
1 She’s having “these days” The vast majority of girls, who don’t even refuse sex during their period, believe that excessive bloody drama is inappropriate for the first time. So she will first see what you are willing to do for her company, and then she will come up with something along the way.

Your actions.
You can simply ask about it affectionately and passionately, immediately assuring you that such a turn of events will not scare you. Without calling a spade a spade, of course. Something like, “If you can’t do it today, then I’ll be very, very careful and careful...” might work well.

2 She has some kind of disorder with her underwear, hair removal, pedicure, self-tanning, etc.
Women are very demanding of themselves, so lack of confidence in their perfection may well become the reason for a completely categorical “no”.

Your actions.
Try inviting her to spend the night at your place - just, ahem, in a friendly way - and show off all the richness of your bathroom and wardrobe. Leave her alone with a long, clean men's shirt, razors and scissors in the bathroom, bottles of fragrant foam and other benefits of civilization. It may very well be that a completely different person will come out of the bathroom - ready to continue the banquet in your company.

3 She's Afraid of Appearing or Feeling Slutty
Yes, she's not what you might think. She is a moral person who values ​​herself highly. And don’t think that if you stretch out your hand, it will run to your bed! I didn't attack those guys! And in general, she knows what men say about lax girls - believe me, you won’t have to say that about her!

Your actions.
Her limbic brain, which controls desire and sex, wants to continue, but her neocortex, full of all sorts of social circuits, advises abstaining. Help your limbic friend win with a glass of something alcoholic. This usually helps to emancipate even very strict moralists. (But you better limit your consumption, because if you still manage to cope with this endless foreplay, you will still need a sober mind and good physical shape.) While she is tormenting her Margarita, rummage through your memory - we hope, during the past meeting her, didn’t you accidentally blurt out some disrespectful nonsense about easily accessible girls or something like that? Did you call any overly masculine actress or singer offensive names? If you made such a tactlessness, eat
now its bitter fruits are in the company of an unapproachable example of chastity.

4 She just likes you for now and wants to kiss you, but she doesn’t want sex with you yet Yes, women are not like us in this regard. It is completely incomprehensible to us how one can want kisses, caresses and hugs - and not want sex. To better imagine a woman's feelings, imagine that you are petting and squeezing a fat, fluffy cat. That is, you like to stroke and squeeze her, but, I would like to believe, you are not ready for more, are you? Women sometimes treat us the same way.

Your actions.
Continue your exercises on the couch and pray that the voice of nature in your partner will wake up, yawn and go see what is going on there in the end. And keep the following pickup tips in mind.

A dozen ways to speed up the process of seducing a girl
1 Don't be shy about saying something romantic. Yes, the idea that a woman loves with her ears is a terrible banality, but that doesn’t stop it from being true.

2 Do not neglect word games aimed at frankness. Invite her to chat in the format “I have never...” or “Truth or Dare.” Your openness will work like a foot massage for her subconscious.
What kind of games are these?
Truth or Dare is a game in which partners take turns asking each other to either truthfully answer any question, or perform any action at the request of the guesser. It sounds stupid, but sometimes it's quite fun to play.
I never - this is a game when partners take turns talking about what they don’t like, don’t do, etc. In theory, this should help to get to know each other better and demonstrate openness.

3 It is best to talk to her, maintaining a sexual mood, in a low, hoarse, exciting voice. If you don’t have this, it’s your own fault, you should have rehearsed. Leonard Cohen and Tom Waits are excellent examples of baseness and raucousness.

4 Eyes. Eyes, eyes and more eyes. Eye contact as a species has been one of the most effective methods of seduction since the days of Australopithecus.

5 A woman won't feel sexy if you don't show your passion. Hold your breath so that your heart beats faster, breathe heavily and moan dully.

6 Make sure the room is warm. At temperatures below 24 degrees, women of our species experience a decrease in sexual excitability.

7 Agree with everything she says. For example, she says something like: “Stop it, you’re in too much of a hurry, we shouldn’t do this...” And you confidently answer: “You’re right, we shouldn’t do this, it’s so terrible...” So you you turn off her logical thinking, which creates all mental protests. And then, how can she argue with someone who agrees with her?

8 Play with her physical attraction to you during foreplay. American psychologists call this “two steps forward, one step back.” Increase your persistence when she doubts, and hold yourself back when she is already hot and ready for anything. Her subconscious, embarrassed by your step back, will take this as a challenge and increase her passion.

9 Pay attention to the cold areas of her skin: they may well be the reason for her restraint. Carefully look for them throughout the body and try to warm them with your hands or breath.

10 When you start to undress her, don't do it with both hands, always keep one hand in contact with her. It’s better to let her take off her clothes herself under your strict guidance. Your touch will give her confidence in you and in the awareness of her actions.

11 Even though you want to look at everything in detail, bright light is now your worst enemy. The second enemy is cold fluorescent lamps, from which everything around becomes so deathly pale. A small lamp with a warm colored lampshade (orange,
yellow or peach) - ideal lighting for a seduction scene: these shades give the skin a pleasant, even color and create an intimate atmosphere.

12 Keep a box of chocolates or chocolates nearby, even if you are a hereditary diabetic. No matter how absurd it may seem, it is difficult for a woman to resist temptations at such a moment, and her secret love for sweets will endear you to her even more. A dish with fruit will also not be superfluous.

In case of emergency!
All efforts collided with the impenetrable feminine principle? It's time to play "freeze". Freezing is a tactic that women practice on men all the time. We do something that a woman doesn't approve of. In response, she reacts emotionally, turns her back to you and says nothing, except for some short phrases. This twist and turn manifests itself in many situations, from ordering the wrong dish at a restaurant to her reluctance to name your daughter the way you always wanted. Thus, she arranges a “freeze”, making you feel depressed as long as they communicate with you so coldly.

It's time to adopt this unique female experience of manipulation and play “freeze” with an intractable girl in your home. Stop all attempts to approach her, including verbal ones. Just lie down or sit next to her and look at the ceiling. You seem to be thinking about something more important than a capricious, overheated beauty. Try not to look into her eyes. You can go into another room to pet the kitten, go to the kitchen to make a cocktail, or go to the bathroom to shave. Take the magazine. Turn on TV. Do everything so that the girl is bewildered by your unexpected change of activity.

The sudden contrast between your passionate embrace and the sudden drop in temperature is like an icy shower for her. The fact is that girls are hypersensitive to the “freezing” of emotions on your part. The woman immediately begins to doubt herself, analyze and think about why you are so cold to her and what she can do to bring back the old you, which she still liked more. The main thing is not to let her quickly “unfreeze” you. If you talk to her, do it in a monotone voice, as if you are bored, and answer briefly, in the spirit of “okay” and “uh-huh.” And don't react when she touches you. Be emotionally and physically strong: don't smile, don't show any sexual interest. Very quickly she will ask you what is wrong. Say that it’s hard for you to show emotions without receiving any response to them, and withdraw into yourself again.

The last thing a woman wants to feel around a man is to be emotionally overwhelmed by the fact that she made you aroused. Therefore, in nine cases out of ten, she will soon take active action herself. And here you must prove yourself. In order to emphasize the contrast between cold and hot, the finish line of the “freeze” should suddenly turn into a passionate assault. This change in you will inevitably lead to good old fashioned great sex.

More opinions
Sergey F., 32 years old, Moscow
I had a problem. When a girl came to my house, she plopped down in a big
comfortable armchair. And it was very inconvenient to approach her in this chair with all sorts of nonsense. I threw out the chair and started the sofa. Since then things have progressed. My advice: it’s much easier to pester a lady on a sofa than in an armchair.

Barney, 28 years old, St. Petersburg
It's always a little difficult to get your first kiss right. I came up with a technique called “attack from the rear.” I have a good view from my window at home. I invite the young lady to them
to admire her, I approach her from behind, hug her and - forward. This maneuver is much more delicate than suddenly attacking while standing face to face.

Dima Khodok, 30 years old, Moscow
The main thing is not to stop talking, not to turn into a witty seducer
into a puffing and snuffling subject. When it comes to kissing and all sorts of hugging and undressing, I still continue to ask questions like “Are you pestering me?”
“What is this, your leg? Hm!" And one more thing: never undress first!

Hello, dear readers! Today I will reveal women's secrets. Girls are very difficult to understand. We already speak different languages. When one of a couple tries to hide information, it is not at all easy to understand the situation.
Today I will try to tell you how to understand that a girl doesn’t need you.

Many women are afraid to break up with their boyfriend and do everything to be abandoned. It is much more profitable to look like a defenseless victim of a “scoundrel” than to take on the courage and... Especially if they lasted more than two months.

However, there is another situation when, for other reasons, for example, he does not know how things can be different. She was accustomed to a certain model of relationships that she saw in her family. This scheme is completely unsuitable for a young man. He is convinced that he is no longer needed. In fact, people are just...

Heart puzzle.

How to understand the situation?

Have you met yet?

One of my acquaintances has been corresponding with a girl on VKontakte for 6 months now, and every time: she’s pregnant, then she’s giving birth, then she has to go film the beatings of her ex-husband. He just throws up his hands and says: “I don’t understand, is she playing with me or what?”

Some girls, through chatting with fans, increase their own self-esteem, prove that they are not a failure and can. They have no desire to move on; they are satisfied with everything as it is.
The best way to find out the truth is to stop communicating for a while.

Under no circumstances should you disappear silently or suddenly. Explain your action: “I am not happy with this state of affairs. If you ever get ready to meet, you can call me. I don't want to chat anymore. I have more important things to do."

A woman who values ​​relationships will definitely find a way to prove her affection: she will explain the situation or try to make concessions and meet. She is afraid of losing a potentially loved one. Not necessarily now, maybe in a week she will find a way. If not, you were right, the girl was just playing with your feelings.

The main thing is to be persistent; the situation should not return to normal without changes in your favor.

If you feel that you cannot cope and cannot find answers to important questions, together we will analyze the situation and find a solution.

Don't live together

The most obvious sign that a girl no longer needs you is that she has no desire to spend time together.

Situations are also individual, sometimes a girl may simply have other priorities. For example, preparing for an exam, competition, or getting stuck at work. If she values ​​the relationship, she will most likely tell you about it.

If they begin to hide something from you, this is a sign of reluctance to be together and a frank conversation will help to sort this out.

Why do we love you?

Personally, I really don’t like it when they say about men and women: “registration, sex” and so on. With such thoughts you humiliate yourself. Every person is good at something. Agree, we would call a man strange if we heard: “My girlfriend is with me only because I am incredibly handsome, smart and charming.” Now you are doing even worse by prioritizing things.

Your woman is wonderful. I am sure she is able to find another person with an apartment, a car and other benefits of civilization that will complement his good qualities. The same goes for you. Is money really all that a woman can be around you for? I'm afraid that such thoughts can plunge me into... They are dangerous.

Why do you feel like a girl is not dating you because of yours? If you are not satisfied with the relationship in some way, try to figure it out rather than look for external sources. Do you lack care, love, affection, alone time? Talk to your significant other about this. She may not even be aware that you are unhappy.

I can recommend you the book by Carl Rogers " Marriage and its alternatives" It tells in great detail how to learn to coexist together, develop and everyone to take their place in a couple. It will come in handy even if you decide to break up.

At least make every effort to improve them and become happier. If it doesn’t work out with this one, you’ll find another one and this knowledge will help you build a new love correctly.

If you are not satisfied with the personal qualities of the person who is nearby, do not try to blame him. Admit to yourself honestly that you want to break up because you think the girl is cold, angry, and not feminine enough.

You are beautiful. The fact that you have achieved success is a plus, a bonus, an advantage over other males. Only princes hide their property so that the young lady falls in love with them, and not with wealth.

Think of walruses fighting for females and territory. How would you react to a male who loses on purpose so that someone will fall in love with him?

Remember the book " Pride and Prejudice", the main character of which claimed that she fell in love with Darcy after she saw his estate. Of course it was a joke. He used his fortune to help the girl. , but a means. Something that helps make someone else happier.

Never allow yourself or others to think that money is your main quality. There is a lot to love about you. Do not humiliate yourself and your woman with such thoughts. Solve real problems.

Sign up for a Skype consultation with me, we will look at the problem together and find the most acceptable solution.

With this I say goodbye. Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter and learn more about love and relationships in the book by Carl Rogers.

1. Women almost always know what a man's answer to their question will be.
2. When a woman says: “How funny.” This means that now it will not be funny for you.
3. Not every girl who says, “You're great,” means that she wants to have sex.
4. If you play poker with a girl, play only for stripping.
5. Good women are not easy to get, and nothing good ends with girls of easy virtue.
6. If a woman gets irritated by any of your minor mistakes, it’s not the mistakes that make her angry, but you.
7. Just because a girl is beautiful doesn’t mean she’s stupid.
8. A man should know that many, if not any, omissions can be resolved by your declaration of sympathy or love.
9. The first step should come from you, you should not be uncomfortable, ashamed or anything else, these are the right actions of a man. Call her, write or visit her.
10. Be the kind of man you would want your future daughter to date.
11. If your relationship with a girl goes to hell, leave her first, don’t waste your time. Don’t forget to part with her as carefully as possible, because there are already enough bitches among women.
12. Man know that if you deceive a woman, she may forgive, but will never forget.
13. If a girl tells you about her problems, it doesn’t mean that she’s a whiner and complains, it means that she trusts you.
14. Don't call her "baby" or other endearing words before you're in a relationship or anything like that. Otherwise, she will decide that you call all girls that.
15. Don’t forget to express admiration or compliment the girl.
16. If she responds to your messages or SMS promptly enough, it means that she is at least interested in you.
17. You don’t need a lot of money to make a woman feel special.
18. Girls don't like guys who are too nice, a man must have balls and she must feel it.
19. You should know that she will ask you the same question 1000 times to see how your answers change. Girls love checking out guys.
20. Never underestimate a girl's mental abilities - it will be worse.
21. They also need a guy at night, just like you need a girl.
22. If her breast size is less than 2, this is not a reason not to date her. After all, she is still growing!
23. If you see a girl constantly doing duck lips in a photo, she usually gives it on the first date. We checked.
24. A girl playing sports is probably the best thing that can happen to you in bed; she is unlikely to disappoint your expectations.
25. Every time she cries because of you, there might be someone who will make her smile.
26. Pregnancy and illness are not a myth - protect yourself and her.
27. Don't be afraid to date and kiss a girl in briquettes, she may be worth it more than others.
28. You should know that men's eau de toilette acts on women as a weapon of mass destruction. Of course in normal quantities.
29. If you can’t make a woman happy, don’t bother someone else.
30. Not every girl can be conquered, try the next one.
31. Two words over the phone or text: “Good morning” can make her think about you all day.
32. Don’t force her to be ready in 15 minutes, but know: girls who get ready and dress in just 5 minutes exist.
33. Never compare her with others; at the very least, she should be 300% better. Also, never talk about your exes, much less in a bad way.
34. If you forgive her, then do it quickly and decisively.
35. When a girl says that she is cold, congratulations, it means that you are slow and should have hugged her 5 minutes ago.
36. Don’t joke around with a girl, she may not forgive you.
37. Don't tell your friends the details of your relationship with your girlfriend, especially when it comes to sex.
38. Women always notice a gentleman and his attitude towards them.
39. Don’t make a problem out of little things, you should be a solution to problems, not a source.
40. A woman will never say that she wants to have sex. If you wait for her, there will definitely not be sex. If you just sit and talk about higher matters, don’t be surprised that she will soon get up and leave.
41. You should know the secret of warm rain! If it starts to rain, kiss her, even if you have never kissed before. It's all about romantic films.
42. Playboy, you can chase after 100 girls and not be successful with them, but you can date one and the other 99 girls will dream about you.
43. If you want more than one-time sex with a girl, then the second time you need to have quality sex during the first.
44. Man, know that girls don’t wait more than 15 minutes and you shouldn’t check it.
45. If you come to visit a friend, bring ice cream, cake, chocolate or a piece of cake.
46. ​​If a girl says: “Everything is fine, don’t worry.” Then most likely she is not doing well and it’s time for you to start worrying.
47. Girls are always right, even if they are wrong. I hope you understood this phrase correctly.
48. Don’t try to fully understand a woman, it won’t work anyway. We are too different. It's like a magician's secrets. If you know them, then you will no longer be able to believe in fairy tales and miracles. Do you need it?
49. Women do not like to wait; they are conquered by the impatient.
50. Love always requires sacrifice, be prepared for it.

If a woman says 'no' once, it means she is hesitating. If it’s two, it’s traded.’ This popular aphorism was, of course, invented by men. But where does all this feminine multi-layeredness actually come from? If you want, agree, if you don’t want, don’t agree, why bother? However, it’s only so simple for men. In the women's vocabulary there are still such concepts as ‘I don’t know’, ‘maybe’, ‘more likely yes than no’ and other equally vague phrases. So what does the lady want to convey to the thick-skinned male consciousness with her significant refusal?

1. Be more energetic!

That is, push yourself, run, show persistence in your erotic aspirations. All living nature lives according to these laws: a cat runs after a cat, a hare after a hare, an ostrich after an ostrich:

And so the question arises, why are these same female hare cats wagging their tails in front of the starving faces of males, if they don’t seem to even think about anything like that? They also think about how, simply by their “breaking” they give the males the opportunity to “work up an appetite”, become extremely aroused, and only then carry out the most effective fertilization. In our case, even if there is no talk of any fertilization, the legacy of our ancestors makes itself felt. Instinct, so to speak, where can you get away from it? If your man has no desire to be a winner, then you don’t have to take on this role at all.

2. You won’t get rid of me so easily

This is when a lustful male is quite suitable for a long-term relationship. Excessive compliance can lead the applicant to unnecessary thoughts. ‘If she agreed with me so easily, then she agreed with others too:’. What about the others? With others it may be completely different. However, male logic is not able to overcome this election. For some reason, they are confident in advance of our irresistible craving for adultery, and therefore they need constant assurances of fidelity and devotion. So leave all these newfangled things with “quickie sex” and let the applicant “on the trail.” And so that he does not lose interest in the 'hunt', throw him a variety of baits from time to time.

3. Something is missing

“Not a set” can include anything: bad breath, a bad habit of snapping your fingers, the terrible “Bunny” treatment, a long list of past victories, a bad reputation, a wrinkled shirt. In general, there is something to work on. Only the man himself will never guess about it. Therefore, stop sending signals into the abyss and speak more definitely, but in such a way that he understands and is not offended. For example: “I really like it when a man is neatly dressed,” while persistently looking away from his dirty cuffs. Or in response to the killer smell of ‘Chypra’: “I don’t think this floral scent suits you, but the Armani range would be just right for your masculine appearance.” Difficult, but enjoyable. Maybe next time you won’t have to refuse.

4. In principle it is possible, but not now

Well, the lady is not ready for sex at the moment, but there are probably good reasons for this. Just don’t try to make the “entire list” public. Let him attribute your refusal not to banal PMS, but to a subtle mental organization. Let him think that behind your persistence is not the lack of a condom, but your innate pride and shyness. Men like to endow us with all this poetic nonsense, so don’t stop him from deifying your image.

Men's opinion:

‘You can find out when a woman’s ‘no’ is a veiled ‘yes’. You need to look a woman in the eyes - they will say more than any words. I always look long and hard at the lady I like and she quickly loses ground.’ (Oleg S., military man, 25 years old).

‘But I once had a puncture, when I was young. The girl on the train tried for a long time to turn off my clumsy advances. I insisted, at first she kindly refused, then more irritably. No, in order to immediately fall behind, I continue. He became so insolent that he tried to kiss her. So she hit me on the head with her purse as hard as she could. And in the bags there are canned sprat for grandma. But I still achieved my goal. Blood began to flow, she got scared, and together they went to their grandmother: In general, we’ve already been married for seven years.’ (Sergey K., economist, 28 years old)…

Do you doubt what her looks and smile mean? Follow these steps and you will determine if she really likes you.

1. Start a conversation with her

Talk to her about nothing - it will help you learn some things that will be useful in the future. All girls are different, so be careful, pay attention to the little things. Listen to her voice: if she is shy, then the tone of her voice may be slightly higher than usual, or she begins to fidget with her hair (stroking it, twirling it around her finger), adjusting her clothes.

Another sign that a girl likes you is that she laughs at boring and stupid jokes. (Just don't use jokes like this as a test, otherwise you'll look like a Comedy Club host).

Perhaps she won’t look you in the eyes and will giggle with or without reason (at least you managed to make her laugh, but it’s not a fact that you can count on more) in this case, read “Make a girl fall in love with you? Nothing could be easier! «

2. Not all girls act like girls.

Some people don't behave the way girls should behave, so don't joke about it. If she likes football, then appreciate it. Don't think she's crazy.

3. Pay attention to whether she is flirting

Although sometimes it is very difficult to understand whether this is really so. A girl can flirt with a guy even if she considers him her friend. And if you don't understand it correctly, it will be a disaster. Obviously, many girls do not want everything about them to be clear from the first minute; some flirt just a little, while others have a blast.

In any case, don't flirt with everyone. And with other girls in her presence. Even if she sees you hugging another girl or another girl hugging you, she may make a hasty decision that she is not interested in you. Figure it out betterHow to Understand Body Language .

4. Pay attention to whether she touches you more often than is usual with friends (maybe she constantly tries to touch you)

If she has excuses for this, you may have it right. But, again, don’t think that she’s not attracted to you if she doesn’t want to touch you all the time. Maybe she's too nervous. Take the first step yourself - touch her.

5. Pay attention to the way she looks at you.

If she likes you, then she either looks intently into your eyes, or vice versa - she immediately looks away as soon as you notice him. Both of these definitely indicate that she likes you. If she looks away, then she is just nervous, perhaps waiting for you to make the first move.

If a girl looks into your eyes, then she is confident in herself and, perhaps, is ready for decisive action. If you suddenly looked at a girl and received a stare in response, then she is definitely not indifferent, even if after a second she turns away and looks in a different direction. Pay attention to whether her eyes sparkled when she saw you or heard your name.

6. Take a closer look at her friends

If you see her friends looking at you and giggling, it means only one thing - she told them about you. If her friends are a loud bunch, you'll hear "(Your name), (her name) likes you!" It is possible that in this way they are making fun of her. When she's chatting with friends and someone approaches, the conversation can be abruptly interrupted.

It's obvious they were talking about you. If she likes you, and she told her friends about it, then they may come up to you and talk about something like this: “Which of these girls would you go on a date with?” Who do you like the most? Who is the most beautiful? And everything like that.

If one of them listed several girls, and that one is one of them, it is possible that she asked her friend to talk to you, so to speak - to test the waters, and maybe even find out what you think about her.

7. Look at your beauty's behavior in different situations

For example, you are in nature, and suddenly she complains that she is cold. It is quite possible that she is expecting some action on your part, hoping that you will offer her your sweater. This is a very caring thing to do, especially if you want to show a girl that you like her.

And if she likes someone else, she will be very disappointed that you were the first to offer her your help, but at least you will understand her train of thought. Sometimes a girl can pretend that she doesn't know how to do something. Here's your chance to come to her aid! It's entirely possible that she only asked you to see how you would behave.

8. Smile at her

Just it should be a natural smile, don’t make faces. If she smiled politely back, or frowned and turned away, then mentally say goodbye to her. It's obvious she's not interested in you. And if she sincerely smiled back, openly and joyfully, and then continues to look at you, it is clear that she is interested in your special one. If she smiled and then turned to her friends and mingled with the crowd, she might be curious and excited at the same time.

9. If you talk to her on the phone, pay attention to whether she starts the conversation first

If it seems to you that she is looking for an excuse to say goodbye and hang up, then this means that you are carrying on the conversation. She will respond as needed, but may appear bored. And do what she says! She'll think you're sweet and very sensitive if you do this, but don't forget point number 5.

10. Try to understand her

Girls like to say what they think. Listen to what worries her, listen as if she is telling you something very good.

11. Pay attention

If you don't listen, the girl will understand it very easily.

12. Patting

If she playfully pats you on the shoulder or above the elbow, then she definitely likes you.


Follow the clues. She leaves them everywhere, you just need to know where to look. If you want to make sure whether a girl likes you, pay attention to some of these:

  • Her lips: If she kisses you on the first date, then she definitely likes you.
  • Her hair: if she starts playing with it, twirling curls on her finger when you are near or entering the room, then this is a good omen. So she's nervous about meeting you.
  • Look: jealous of how much she likes you and how good an actress she is. She can give you a long look when you are not watching her, or look briefly.
  • Reaction to presence: if you saw her walking towards you along the corridor, then her gaze is already turned to you. And she's probably smiling.
  • Questions: if she often asks about your relationships with girls, about the types of girls you like - this is intelligence, she wants to know if she can meet your needs.
  • Touching: if she tries to touch you, slap your hand, then she loves you. If you pretend that the blow was very hard and she laughs, then she likes you. If she starts to worry, you are just her friend.

If you find out that a girl loves you, don't treat her like she's an alien or like she's sick with bird flu. This will hurt her and hurt her, so be careful. Don’t ignore her and don’t give her cold feet, because it may happen that you will like her too, but it will be too late. In addition, such a trick will ruin your reputation among girls.

Chat with her friends. They can reveal a lot of valuable information if you ask the right questions.

Don't flirt with girls' friends. This could lead to a quarrel between them.

If a girl says that a guy is like a brother to her, this is not a very good sign. Usually girls do not perceive their real friend as a future partner. But sometimes it can simply mean that the girl is embarrassed. If she says that you remind her of her brother, that you are a true friend to her, this will not automatically mean that you don’t have a chance.

If she tries to hug you, hug her, don’t even try to push her away if you’re shy. You could really hurt her.

Girls like to know that they are in love, so if this is the case, just go and tell her about it!

If a girl jokingly calls you her boyfriend, then there can hardly be any doubt that she likes you. But there are also hidden pitfalls here - if you are good friends with her, then this really could be just a joke.

If a girl is shy, she will deny everything if she is not sure that you like her too. So if it closes, don’t lose hope! Make some effort to become her friend so that she will trust you. If she goes for it, it means there is interest. If not, then don't take it to heart. There are a lot of pretty girls around!

If you go to class or the cafeteria and see her trying to walk next to you or waiting in the hall for you to show up, then she likes you. Perhaps she will walk close to you with her friend so as not to seem intrusive.

If you like a girl, but you hide it so that no one will guess about your sympathy, stop suffering from nonsense and choose a different tactic - girls hate this behavior and quickly lose interest.

Give subtle hints about what attracts you to her. If she stops talking to you or starts to avoid you, then she doesn't need your sympathy.

She may talk about herself to see your reaction, to check what traits you like. If she does this, compliment her, show her that you are really interested in this.

Do something nice for her, something that will benefit her and like her, for example, give her a CD with an interesting film. Pay attention to her reaction - if she makes a pleasant surprise for you in response, then she is not indifferent to you.

If she asks you to help her with something (possibly you and another couple), then this is a signal that she hopes to continue dating.

Attention - possible errors!

Girls may try to play Othello and start flirting with your friends to make you jealous. Be careful with such twirlers. If you really like her, give her enough attention and then leave her alone - this will show that you are interested in her, but you give her a choice. But keep in mind that she can sneak away, but it’s unlikely that everything will be fixed.

Don't ask directly if a girl likes you. The girl will be uncomfortable and may tell lies. In short, keep such questions to yourself.

Be careful. If the girl doesn't really like you, your tricks will lead her to think that she likes you. This can lead to misunderstandings and resentment. She will try to introduce you to someone, or sometimes she will simply say: “Look how Katya/Marina/Olya looks great today.” All this so that you leave her alone. If you notice such signs, try to remain calm and change your behavior. You will try again a little later to please.

Don't get carried away with gifts, especially in the early stages of a relationship.

Don't try to impress in every possible and impossible way if you already know that she likes you. This is starting to get annoying.

If you're flirting with her friends, don't be surprised if you find out she's flirting with your friends.

Don’t be too soft and compliant, not all girls want to see a mumbler next to them.

When talking, look her straight in the eye - girls like it. Plus, you can mention in conversation how beautiful her eyes are, and if you also remember the color of her eyes, she will be pleasantly surprised.

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