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Diet of Kim Protasova description by week recipes. The famous “Shuffle”: five weeks for nutritional re-education. What to do if a breakdown does occur

If you want to lose weight without compromising your health or gaining those extra pounds back, then you should definitely read the detailed description of Protasov’s diet.

The essence of the diet is quite simple - to remove extra pounds without causing harm. It is designed for five weeks and allows you to start the process of losing weight without putting the body into stress mode. This is followed by exit and smooth recovery.

The diet is based only on healthy foods, but fast carbohydrates and fats are practically excluded.

  • In the first weeks, you can consume low-fat dairy products, and then there is a transition to meat and poultry.
  • The foods you can eat while on a diet contain a lot of protein. This leads to the fact that the extra pounds disappear, but the muscle mass remains.
  • The diet allows you to get rid of cravings for sweet and unhealthy foods, removes fluid from the body and does not cause hunger attacks due to fruits and vegetables.

To successfully lose weight, you must adhere to the principles of this diet:

  • The duration of the diet is five weeks, but you can add 30 days to exit.
  • At first, you are allowed to eat only raw vegetables and drink fermented milk products. Moreover, their ratio is as follows: for 30 grams of “milk” - 70 grams of vegetables. And per day there should be at least a kilogram for women and two kilograms for men. You are allowed to eat apples, but only green ones and no more than three. There are no restrictions on vegetables, only potatoes are prohibited and beets are undesirable.
  • After 2 weeks, you are allowed to eat 300 grams of lean meat, poultry or fish, but the amount of dairy drinks will have to be reduced.
  • If you decide to drink yogurt, it must be natural, without additives.
  • There is also a limit on salt - no more than three grams per day, but other spices can be used.
  • You need to drink at least two liters of water per day.
  • There should be at least five meals a day, but in small portions.
  • The amount of fat is strictly limited - only 30 grams per day and these are healthy fats from lean foods.
  • It is advisable to take vitamin complexes along with minerals to avoid their deficiency.

Monitor your condition carefully. If you suddenly feel unwell, you should give up the diet and visit a doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages

Kim Protasov's diet, like any other, has its disadvantages and advantages, which you should definitely familiarize yourself with before starting the process of losing weight.


  • There are no strong restrictions or feelings of hunger.
  • The craving for unhealthy foods and sweets disappears.
  • It is possible not only to lose weight, but also to build muscle mass if you exercise.
  • Metabolic processes and gastric microflora will improve.
  • It will be easier to control your appetite.
  • Your mental state will improve, bowel problems will disappear, and your libido will also increase.
  • The results will last a long time.


  • At the beginning of the diet, it is forbidden to eat hot food, and this may not have a very good effect on the pancreas.
  • Fatigue and weakness may appear due to a sharp decrease in the amount of carbohydrates.
  • You will have to eat a lot of vegetables, so it is better to stick to this diet in the summer.
  • Complete abstinence from alcohol for a designated period.

Prohibited products: list

The diet in this diet is not very varied, you will have to get used to it.

Therefore, the list of products that are strictly prohibited is quite impressive.

  1. Conservation.
  2. Any alcohol.
  3. Vegetables are not raw.
  4. Pickles and smoked meats.
  5. Sweets, sugar and substitutes.
  6. Sausages.
  7. Crab sticks.
  8. Dietary supplements, except vitamins.
  9. Juices from packages, milk, cocoa.
  10. Milk drinks with additives.
  11. Mushrooms, legumes, cereals, soybeans.
  12. Honey, vinegar.

Detailed description of the diet by week

That's the most important thing. Protasov's diet consists of three periods and five weeks.


  1. It takes 1-2 weeks, called adaptation. During this time, you begin to get used to eating, cravings for sweets disappear, and up to 2.5 kilograms of fat are lost.
  2. Period from 3 to 5 weeks. The process of active weight loss is underway. You can remove up to five more kilograms.
  3. And the last stage is the exit. Only when it passes will it be possible to fully evaluate the result.


In the very first week, you are allowed to eat only raw vegetables, without any heat treatment, and fermented milk products, for example, natural yoghurts or cottage cheese. You can treat yourself to green apples, but only in the morning. But you can eat a lot of vegetables at any time of the day. One boiled egg is also acceptable.


The second week is no different from the first. The same as before is acceptable. The most important thing is not to overuse milk; there should be less of it than vegetables. If possible, skip the egg.


This week you are allowed to eat some meat, for example, lean chicken, turkey or beef, but not more than 300 grams per day and not fried. Dairy products are declining.


As before, the basis of nutrition is raw vegetables with a small amount of meat. The difference is that the active phase of weight loss begins.


It is allowed to eat the same things as at 3-4 weeks. The amount of dairy products is reduced by three times, but you can add a little millet, oatmeal or buckwheat.

Sample menu for every day

Pay attention to the daily food intake. So, in the first week there should be about one and a half kilograms of vegetables, a little more than 500 milliliters of dairy drinks, one boiled egg, three green apples are acceptable and two liters of water are required.

What you can eat in the first week:

Day of the weekBreakfastSnackDinnerSnackDinner
MondayApproximately 200 milliliters of kefir and baked cottage cheese.Chamomile tea and apple.Beetroot soup with kefir.Sliced ​​raw vegetables, any natural juice.A glass of kefir, a little curd mass, apple slices.
TuesdaySalad with Chinese cabbage and cucumbers.Tea without sugar or substitute.One boiled egg, shredded cabbage.Vegetable smoothie, apple.A glass of yoghurt and cottage cheese.
WednesdayVegetable salad.Kefir drink with apple slices.Vegetable salad, cottage cheese balls.Green tea with cinnamon and apple pieces.Cheesecakes and some yogurt.
ThursdayStuffed egg.Carrot juice.Tomato juice and vegetable salad.Natural yogurt and apple.Cottage cheese casserole, kefir.
FridayEggplant salad, cottage cheese.Hard boiled egg.Vegetable salad.Kefir and apple.Cottage cheese and salad.
SaturdayYogurt without additives.Tomato juice, apple.Tea and salad.Kefir.Vegetable salad.
SundayCottage cheese and a glass of yogurt.Apple juice.Egg and vegetables.Raw carrots.Vegetable salad.

Sample menu for the second seven-day period:

MondaySliced ​​vegetables, egg.Yogurt, curd mass.Kefir and vegetables.Apple or juice.Tomato juice, cottage cheese.
TuesdayKefir, cottage cheese.Apple.Vegetable okroshka with kefir.Carrot dessert.Natural yogurt and cottage cheese.
WednesdayVegetable salad, egg.A glass of natural yogurt.Tomato juice, salad.Baked applesCottage cheese
ThursdayHerbal tea, apple.Yogurt.Salad, okroshkaA drink made from kefir, apple and cinnamon.Green tea, vegetable salad.
FridayCottage cheese, kefir.Vegetable salad.YogurtCottage cheese with apple.Salad, kefir.
SaturdayA glass of fermented milk drink without additives.One fruit, a glass of natural juice.Any vegetable salad and one egg.Green tea, a little cottage cheese.Salad from any vegetables without heat treatment.
SundayCottage cheese and a glass of yogurt.Not black tea and one apple.Salad, okroshka.Apple with cottage cheese.A cup of tea, some raw vegetables.

Sample menu for the third week:

  • Breakfast: herbal tea, a little cottage cheese.
  • Snack: any salad made from raw vegetables.
  • Lunch: pieces of chicken fillet baked in the oven.
  • Snack: a glass of natural apple juice.
  • Dinner: buckwheat, baked fish, some vegetables.

Sample menu for the fourth week:

  • Breakfast: tomatoes, tuna.
  • Snack: apple, cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: chicken cutlets, vegetable salad.
  • Snack: juice, one egg.
  • Dinner: kefir okroshka with herbs and vegetables.

Sample menu for the final stage:

  • Breakfast: casserole.
  • Snack: fruit and a glass of liquid yogurt.
  • Lunch: mixed vegetables, baked fish.
  • Snack: a glass of unsalted tomato juice.
  • Dinner: oatmeal with apple.

How to properly exit Kim Protasov’s diet?

The last and no less important stage of this diet is the right way out. The period lasts the same, five weeks. You need to eat right, observing the amount of fat - it should not be more than 35 grams per day.

In addition, there are other nuances that must be observed. At first glance it seems difficult, but after a few weeks of preparation you will easily cope with it.

  • We remove fermented milk drinks and start consuming low-fat dairy products instead.
  • We introduce healthy fats in the form of three tablespoons of olive oil and a small amount of nuts.
  • Be sure to count all incoming fats from meat, poultry and fish. In total, no more than 35 grams should be consumed per day.
  • It is allowed to eat porridge, for example, oatmeal or buckwheat, but only a little. And cook them only in water, no milk, butter or spoons of salt.
  • Instead of three apples, you can now only eat one, but other fruits are introduced. In principle, any, except for the most high-calorie ones - bananas, avocados and grapes.
  • In the eighth week, you can pamper yourself a little and start eating dried fruits. First of all, dates, dried apricots, raisins, prunes, but not in chocolate and just a little, as they are very high in calories.
  • In the fourth week of leaving the diet, you can finally process vegetables, for example, bake, boil, stew and even fry, but without oil and preferably on a non-stick coating.
  • In the last week, you can start preparing light vegetable soups with the addition of lean meat and poultry.

But even after leaving, it’s still too early to relax. In the next two months, you should give up heavy foods. Do not eat pasta, bread, mushrooms, rice. They need to be introduced gradually so that the body can get used to it, adapt and react correctly.

How long does the diet last?

5 weeks, continuously.

Is an exit required?

Yes, at least 2 weeks. Ideally, the same duration is 5 weeks. This is a special period when we will return to a balanced and rich diet based on proper nutrition.

How many kilograms can you lose during a diet?

On average from 5 to 12 kilograms. There are stories about losing 20 kilograms in 5 weeks.

We don’t think that we need to focus on such enormous and dangerous rates for health. Moreover, the author himself constantly emphasizes that “10 kilograms per week is the lot of the unfortunate from the cholera barracks” (God forbid, it won’t be said about us!).

The main message of Kim Protasov:

“You will lose as much weight as it will benefit your body.” The method leads to healthy slimness without starvation and dangerous overexertion of willpower.

How does weight loss happen?

An important feature of Protasov’s diet is intensive weight loss in the last 2 weeks out of 5, and even the most significant weight loss at the end of the period.

Adequate physical exercise is advisable (walking, stairs instead of the elevator, exercises at home, usual workouts in the gym, if you exercised before losing weight).

How to lose weight for a long time on the Protasov diet?

After dieting, you need to develop your own healthy diet that will allow you to stay slim. This means taking into account calorie content and menu composition, as well as maintaining regular physical activity.

It is much more pleasant to lose weight once than to push kilograms back and forth. This is the only way we can maintain health, without which there can be no long-lasting beauty.

Principles of the Protasov diet in questions and answers

In 5 weeks of losing weight we will go through several stages. The products they have in common are raw vegetables and fermented milk products as the basis of the menu on any day (cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt).

What is the fat content of cottage cheese and dairy products? And how important is this?

We need 5% fat content for cottage cheese and 2.5-5% for drinks. This promotes the absorption of nutrients, primarily calcium and fat-soluble vitamins. It also reduces the glycemic index of dairy products.

Low-fat milk against weight loss on Protasovka!

Can milk with additives be used?

No! No sugar or fruit in cottage cheese and yogurt. Only natural product. We give preference to grainy cottage cheese, and whenever possible we make drinks at home using sourdough. Don't want to cook yourself? We choose a reputable brand with live bacteria (for example, TM “Activia”, we repeat - without sugar and additives!).

Drinking regime: what liquid and how much to drink?

  • Clean drinking water - 2 liters per day.
  • Let's allow green tea and coffee up to 2-3 cups a day - without sugar or cream!
  • We refuse sweeteners.
  • Milk is acceptable, but up to 1.5% fat, not often, no more than 200 ml per day.

Number of calories and weight of servings?

We never reduce caloric intake below 1200 kcal per day. It is better to stay in the range of 1200-1500 kilocalories per day. Or calculate your basal metabolic rate (BMR):

VT (kcal) = 9.563 x weight + 1.850 x height (cm) – 4.676 x age + 655.1

The words “any amount” and “at any time” often appear in the description of Protasov’s diet. Generous epithets are possible because with an abundance of raw vegetables and fermented milk, people cannot eat very many foods in a day. Moreover, the time and frequency of eating are not strictly limited - you can eat as soon as you feel hungry.

We would like to add that it is better to divide your meals into 4-6 meals and follow the regime. At the same time, focus on protein for breakfast and dinner (cottage cheese, 5%). But if you really want to eat, then in the first days do not deny yourself food at inopportune hours.

What about salt? Is it possible to salt food?

You can't skip salt! You should limit yourself to an average of 3 to 5 grams per day. This is 1 incomplete teaspoon. We remember the amount for the future: it is optimal for healthy physiology.

Do I need to take supplements with vitamins and minerals?

It is highly advisable to take a complex drug throughout the diet.

Will you feel unwell in the first 3-5 days?

“Carbohydrate withdrawal” is possible on Protasovka in the same way as on any other diet that limits fast carbohydrates. However, according to numerous reviews, pronounced problems akin to fainting or the inability to work do not happen.

Why is it so important to completely give up sugar and sugar products?

One candy is as bad as 10, if we focus not so much on calories, but on restructuring metabolism. An insulin surge is guaranteed even with a teaspoon of sugar in coffee. The low-carbohydrate period is interrupted - metabolic processes in favor of weight loss are disrupted - the body needs to start restructuring for weight loss all over again.

Protasov's diet: weekly menu

What do we eat in the 1st and 2nd weeks?

  • Raw vegetables, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt 5% fat are the foundation of the diet.
  • Additionally/optional: 1 chicken egg and 3 green apples.

Approximate proportion for permitted products:

  • 1400 g of vegetables + 600 g of fermented milk products + 1 egg + 3 apples + 2 liters of water - standard menu for the first weeks.

We use products in any combination. For example, dip vegetables into pieces into yogurt. Cut tomatoes and eggs into rings and pour kefir over them. Sprinkle vegetable salads with yogurt dressing with cottage cheese. We eat cottage cheese with a sauce of herbs and kefir, and beat the kefir smoothie with leafy greens, cucumber and bell pepper.


Only green apples are allowed. All other varieties are not.

What do we eat in the 3rd, 4th and 5th weeks?

  • We leave as a base - vegetables, 1 egg, 3 green apples.
  • We slightly reduce cottage cheese and fermented milk drinks.
  • Add your choice of 1 product daily: moderately fatty meat, or fish, or poultry.

Method of preparation: boiled, steamed, stewed or fried, but without oil.

By weight - 300 grams. Here is the approximate amount of raw product you will need:

  • Beef, veal - 450 g
  • Chicken breast - 420 g
  • Fish - 350 g

Canned meat and fish are acceptable, containing only water, salt, meat/fish.

Sample menu with meat/fish:

  • 1400 g of vegetables + 300 g of meat + 300 g of fermented milk + 1 egg + 3 apples + 2 liters of water.

Delicious recipes according to Protasov

No detailed description of the diet would be complete without recipes. Each recipe will delight us with its ease of preparation and juicy, rich taste.

Redechny salad

Cut tomatoes (250 g), cucumbers (250 g), radishes (or Daikon radish, 200 g) into your favorite size. Finely chop available greens (dill, parsley, spinach, wild garlic). Combine the ingredients and add kefir as a sauce. You can sprinkle with cottage cheese or cut an egg.

We continue to gradually replace cottage cheese and fermented milk with meat, fish, poultry and seafood.

1 more week (10th):

You can add dried fruits and boiled vegetables, and use light (second) broth in soups and stews.

Pros of losing weight according to Protasov

1) Psychological comfort.

In the first 2 weeks there is no strict restriction on the number of products, so there is no psychological discomfort. If you have failed diets in the past due to an obsessive desire to “chew something,” Shuffle is perfect for you. Chew cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage and peppers while dipping in yogurt.

The author himself insists that losing weight is not fasting! Fasting means slowing down your metabolism and forcing your body to store every calorie it receives. Therefore, “Eat!” - the first and loud call of the creator of the methodology.

2) Combating hyperinsulinism.

Carbohydrate metabolism is normalized, hyperinsulinism, the scourge of our contemporaries, recedes. This is due to the composition of the products: there are no samples with a high glycemic index among them.

3) Easy absorption of products.

Raw vegetables contain substances that facilitate their absorption. On this diet, the pancreas can rest a little.

4) Additional detoxification due to intestinal cleansing.

Active intestinal cleansing is carried out due to the abundance of fiber from raw vegetables and pectin from apples. Plant foods also contain a lot of vitamins and minerals.

5) Beneficial protein and calcium.

Protein and calcium are substances that promote fat burning. And they do it in full with the dairy menu items.

Disadvantages of the technique

A relative disadvantage is frequent flatulence and a feeling of a “full stomach” in the first week. Especially for those whose previous diet was poor in dietary fiber. This slight discomfort means active cleansing of the intestines, which subsequently helps in weight loss. It goes away in 5-7 days. By the third week, many followers note a reluctance to eat anything other than foods on the diet list.

The second possible problem is too low calorie intake in the first two weeks. You can avoid this if you estimate the calories you eat and strive to get to the Basic Metabolism, which was mentioned above in this article in the “General Information” section. On average, for women, ER fluctuates around 1300-1500 kcal/day.

Even if you love vegetables and dairy and easily tolerate restrictions, you should not significantly underestimate your daily caloric intake. This slows down your metabolism and interferes with weight loss. It will come faster.

Direct contraindications for the Protasov diet:

  1. Casein and lactose intolerance;
  2. Inflammatory diseases of the stomach, duodenum and intestines;
  3. A strong dislike for cottage cheese, fermented milk drinks and raw vegetables.

We will be glad if you have no questions about Protasov’s diet. The detailed description above is based on the creator’s book and personal experience with this weight loss technique.

Thank you for the article (49)

The origin of Kim Protasov's diet is surrounded by mystery. There are several versions of the appearance of the “shuffle”. According to one of them, this nutrition system was named after the journalist who recorded and published the diet. Another (the most popular) claims that Kim Protasov is an Israeli nutritionist, who is the direct creator of the diet. Measures of investigation and research into the issue invariably lead to a dead end - in Israel they have never heard of either Dr. Protasov or a journalist with that name. Perhaps for the first time in history, the creator of an information product wished to remain in the shadows and not receive a well-deserved reward. Unlike, by the way, Robert Atkins, who made a fortune on his diet.

Kim Protasov's diet spread like lightning in Russia and penetrated into the consciousness of all those who are losing weight. The mysterious doctor Protasov promised impressive results without fasting or restrictions. What is hidden behind the fashionable nutrition system and how well the results live up to expectations - these and other questions will be discussed in the most scrupulous manner below.

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Protasov's diet - description of the “phenomenon”

The most pleasant news that anyone who intends to learn more about the “shuffle” encounters is the statement that you can eat at any time, even after 12 at night. Moreover, you can eat it in any quantity. On this optimistic note, the introductory part of the diet ends.

For 5 weeks, you can eat, with few exceptions, only vegetables and dairy products. At the same time, the fat content of the latter should not exceed 5%. Each week of the “shuffle” has its own specific features.

Week 1

You can only eat raw vegetables, dairy products (up to 5% fat) and one (!) boiled egg.

Week 2

The second week is hardly different from the first. Perhaps the desire to eat that same egg will disappear - and great! The body has adjusted to a healthy mode of functioning, it feels good and easy.

Week 3-5

Vegetables and dairy products must be accompanied by an impressive piece of fried meat (up to 300 g) or fish. Thus, from the 3rd to the 5th week, the diet of a person losing weight consists of: raw vegetables, cheeses and dairy products, eggs, meat or fish. The amount of dairy products should be reduced slightly. The most intense weight loss begins in the last two weeks.

Throughout all weeks, you must drink at least 2 liters of water per day; tea and coffee (without sugar, of course) can be consumed in any quantity. The diet includes a fruit bonus - 3 green apples daily.

You need to leave the diet carefully; for this, Kim Protasov gives the following recommendations:

  • In the first week after completing the 5-week marathon, you need to add a little vegetable oil (but no more than 3 teaspoons) to vegetable salads, and reduce the fat content of some of the milk.
  • In the second week, one of the three apples is replaced with any fruit (unsweetened and non-starchy).
  • A little later, any porridge (2 tablespoons of dry cereal, boiled in water) is added to the morning meal.

Leaving the diet can last up to five weeks, you need to focus on your well-being. You should refrain from eating rice, baked goods and other foods with a high glycemic index for at least two more months.

Protasov's diet - obvious and hidden results

What does a person who decides to lose weight this way get as a result? Promised benefits:

  • good metabolism
  • getting rid of cravings for sweets,
  • the desire to eat junk food disappears,
  • getting rid of fat tissue while building muscle,
  • good bowel function,
  • getting rid of allergies,
  • strengthening the immune system,
  • loss of up to 12 kg of weight.

Weight loss will depend on the individual needs of each body. Dr. Protasov says that everyone will get rid of exactly the amount of kilograms that is necessary and useful for them.

It should be understood that in the presence of a number of gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, ulcers, duodenitis, etc.), such an abundance of coarse fiber will lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

During the first two weeks, the consumption of fats is almost completely eliminated, which will invariably affect the condition of the skin. It would be wisest to start the diet immediately from the third week, when meat is allowed. However, once you remember the most radical nutrition systems, such as a raw food diet, you feel less inclined to criticize the “sheltering”.

It is obvious that the choice of products in this food system is quite thoughtful. Vegetables provide the body with vitamins and fiber. Dairy products - milk protein, lactose, calcium. But this harmony is only an appearance. In fact, it is quite difficult to gain the minimum required 1200 kcal with such a meager diet, not to mention the fact that there will be a clear lack of fat. But in the last two weeks, the amount of these fats may well go off scale.

And the promised redistribution of fat mass into muscle mass borders on fantasy. No diet without physical activity can do this. So maybe it’s not without reason that the author of this diet is hiding from people?

What does Protasov’s diet menu look like?

It is certainly possible to lose weight on this diet. And this is primarily due to its low calorie content and long duration. What might the indicative menu look like?

Protasov's diet: menu 1-2 weeks

Breakfast: vegetable salad dressed with yogurt; green tea.

Second breakfast: salad with apple and cottage cheese, dressed with yogurt, you can add cinnamon and vanilla.

Lunch: cold vegetable soup (in a blender); vegetable salad with egg, kefir, herbs and garlic.

Afternoon snack: dried peppers stuffed with cottage cheese and chopped vegetables; freshly squeezed juice (vegetables-apple).

Dinner: vegetable salad dressed with cottage cheese; apple.

Protasov's diet: menu 3-5 weeks

Breakfast: casserole of cottage cheese, eggs and apple with cinnamon.

Second breakfast: vegetable salad with apple, seasoned with lemon juice.

Lunch: cold vegetable soup (for example, okroshka).

Afternoon snack: salad of tomatoes, herbs, cottage cheese; boiled chicken.

Dinner: boiled chicken; cabbage salad with apple, seasoned with kefir.

It is quite obvious that Kim Protasov’s diet, the menu of which at first glance does not differ in variety, is at the first stages a formalized example of a vegetarian diet. Those losing weight made sure that the process of losing weight was as tasty and nutritious as possible, and began to create real culinary masterpieces based on the recommended products.

Protasov's diet: recipes

Here are a couple of examples of recipes that we liked:

  • A mixture of grated cheese, herbs, garlic, lemon juice and yogurt is spread on tomato slices.
  • Cheese cheese, egg, celery, sweet pepper, tomato are cut into small pieces. Add red onion pickled in lemon juice to the salad. The mass is seasoned with freshly squeezed tomato juice.
  • An apple sprinkled with cinnamon is baked in the microwave.
  • Roll any dietary meat generously in spices and bake without oil in the oven.

To make sure that Kim Protasov’s diet is an exciting journey into the world of cooking, you need to go to numerous thematic forums. The abundance of recipes will amaze even the most seasoned culinary master.

Protasov's diet - reviews from those who have lost weight, expert opinions

Kim Protasov (if such a character existed at all), whose diet became a phenomenal success, was well versed in psychology. Nobody likes to be undernourished and stop at “125.5 grams”. Shuffling allows you to “gobble” to your heart’s content, that is, as many bowls of salad as you like. Another thing is that you can’t eat too many of these basins. The problem is this: after completing the diet, the stomach of someone who has lost weight from these basins expands significantly, and out of habit, the person begins to eat a lot. And if this “lot” does not consist of vegetables, then a disastrous result will soon reveal itself.

You can, of course, eat little by little so that the size of your stomach remains the same. But eating a little bit of vegetables means missing out on a significant amount of vitamins and minerals.

Experts do not criticize such a system, because it is quite balanced with a reasonable approach. Fats, proteins, carbohydrates - it contains all the necessary building components. It can really improve your health, remove toxins and even help you lose weight. Protasov’s diet is no worse, and even better, than many diet offerings on the “market”. However, even she will not be able to insure every single person from the rapid return of kilograms back.

“I’ve always been a heavy-set girl, I tried to keep my weight at 65, but after giving birth I gained almost 75. Shuffling helped me lose 11 kg, although I was on it for much more than 5 weeks. She ate not only raw, but also boiled vegetables. However, I always wanted to eat.”

“Last year I sat on it and lost 8 kg. Then, the truth corroded again. I’ll be sitting down for the shuffle again...”

“I was on a diet strictly for 10 weeks and did not allow myself any deviations. The first days, of course, were terrible, then I started looking for delicious recipes on the forums - and off we went! In 10 weeks – minus 10 kg. After a diet, I try to eat only healthy foods.”

Obviously, losing weight on a “shuffle” will not be completely painless. However, almost all reviews indicate that the diet has an effect. Another thing is that the result needs to be maintained in the future. However, keeping oneself in check is the credo of any strong person. And a strong person will always find a hundred and one ways to get rid of excess weight. And it doesn’t matter what this method is called.

In the article we discuss Protasov’s diet. You will get acquainted with the basic rules and features of this diet, find out what foods are allowed to be consumed, how to prepare dishes according to the Kim Protasov diet, and what contraindications there are for it.

Description of the Protasov diet

This diet is a special nutrition program for active weight loss, which was developed by Israeli nutritionist Kim Protasov in 1999.

Basic principles of the diet

  • meals according to a specific plan, designed for 5 weeks;
  • reducing the consumption of fatty foods (animal and vegetable fats);
  • exclusion from the diet of fast (simple) carbohydrates - sugar, baked goods, starch, pasta, etc.;
  • eating large amounts of fiber and high-protein foods;
  • consumption of “allowed” vegetables without restrictions;
  • mandatory exit from the diet, lasting 5 weeks;
  • maintaining water-salt balance throughout the diet - unlimited fluid intake throughout the day;
  • refusal of salt and carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

Benefits of the diet

  • getting rid of extra pounds in a short time;
  • normalization of metabolism in the body;
  • getting rid of toxins and waste;
  • increased intestinal motility and normalization of stool.

Description of the diet by week

The first week - daily consumption of fresh vegetables in unlimited quantities, low-fat cottage cheese, fermented milk products or low-fat cheese, as well as no more than three apples and one boiled chicken egg per day.

Second week - the list of products is saved.

Third week - add lean red meat, poultry and fish to the daily diet - no more than 250-300 grams per day, and also reduce the consumption of fermented milk products and cheese by about a third.

Fourth and fifth weeks - list of products from the third week.

Diet features

  • Drink at least 2 liters of fluid throughout the day. This can be clean drinking water, green or black tea without sugar or artificial sweeteners.
  • Cottage cheese and cottage cheese should have no more than 5% fat content.
  • Dairy and fermented milk products - no more than 1.5% fat, but it is better to choose low-fat products.
  • Yogurt should not contain additives in the form of berries, fruits, muesli, or starch.
  • Use no more than 15 grams of vegetable oil per day.
  • You can eat food at absolutely any time of the day.
  • If you can’t find low-fat cheese on sale, you can limit yourself to eating cottage cheese.
  • Consume vegetables mainly raw; you can also steam or lightly boil vegetables.
  • It is better to start eating according to the Protasov system during the harvest season - from mid-summer to early autumn, when you can purchase ripe seasonal vegetables.

Allowed foods on the Protasov diet

Below is a list of vegetables, fruits and other foods that are allowed on the diet:

  • Vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, radishes, white and red cabbage, carrots, bell peppers, eggplants, turnips, pumpkin, beets, celery, asparagus, leafy vegetables, herbs, as well as onions and garlic.
  • Freshly prepared vegetable juices or smoothies.
  • Of the fruits on this diet, you can only eat green sour apples.
  • Lean meat and animal products: chicken, turkey, veal, beef, rabbit, horse meat, chicken or quail eggs.
  • Fish and seafood: cod, river pike, pollock, flounder, tuna, chum salmon, river and sea perch, pike perch, scallop, shrimp, squid.
  • Low-fat dairy and fermented milk products: cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt, sour cream, kefir, fermented baked milk, skim milk.

Prohibited foods on the Protasov diet

Products that are prohibited on this diet:

  • Starchy vegetables - potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, celery root and parsley, etc.
  • Cereals and legumes.
  • Dairy and fermented milk products with a fat content of more than 5%.
  • Soft types of cheeses, processed cheese.
  • Fatty meats - pork, lamb.
  • Smoked meat and fish, sausages.
  • Fast food.
  • Pickles and marinades.
  • Butter, margarine.
  • Sugar and its substitutes.
  • Baking, bakery and pasta products.
  • Yeast.
  • Purchased concentrated vegetable and fruit juices, lemonades.
  • Nuts and any snacks.
  • Alcoholic drinks.

Menu for every day

Below is an approximate daily diet according to the Protasov diet for each week. The ingredients in the dishes from this menu can be changed at your discretion, the main thing is that they comply with the list of permitted products and comply with the nutritional rules established for each week.

For the first week

  • cottage cheese or cheese;
  • salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and radishes, seasoned with sour cream;
  • 3 green apples;
  • zucchini and carrot spaghetti;
  • green or herbal tea.

For the second week

  • yogurt or cottage cheese;
  • salad of raw beets, carrots and leafy vegetables with 1 tbsp. olive oil;
  • 3 green apples;
  • steamed zucchini and asparagus;
  • boiled chicken egg - 1 pc. or 3 boiled quail eggs;
  • green or herbal tea.

For the third week

  • salad of leafy vegetables, celery and grated cheese;
  • yogurt or kefir;
  • boiled chicken or turkey fillet;
  • 3 green apples;
  • baked pumpkin;
  • green or herbal tea.

For the fourth week

  • cottage cheese;
  • cucumber and egg salad with sour cream and herbs;
  • steamed fish with broccoli;
  • vegetable smoothies;
  • 3 green apples;
  • green or herbal tea.

For the fifth week

  • boiled chicken egg - 1 pc. or 3 boiled quail eggs;
  • fermented baked milk or kefir;
  • boiled beef with Chinese cabbage salad;
  • 3 green apples;
  • carrot or beet cutlets;
  • vegetable smoothies;
  • green or herbal tea.

How to cook fish on the Protasov diet

While following this diet, you should not eat foods fried in oil. Give preference to steaming meat and fish. However, if you have non-stick cookware that can be used for frying without using oil, you can cook the fish in it. Below is a recipe for frying fish.

You will need:

  1. cod fillet - 400 grams;
  2. onion - 1 pc.;
  3. carrots - 1 pc.;
  4. low-fat sour cream - 2 tbsp.

How to cook:

  1. Wash and remove excess moisture from the fish fillets using a paper towel.
  2. Chop carrots and onions into thin rings.
  3. Heat a frying pan and place the fish on it.
  4. Add about 3 tablespoons of water to the pan, cover the fish with a lid and simmer for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Pour sour cream into the pan.
  6. Place onions and carrots on top of the fish and close the lid.
  7. Simmer the fish with vegetables until cooked.


Calorie content per 100 grams of product is 71 kcal.

Carrot cutlets on the Protasov diet

Carrot cutlets can be steamed or in a slow cooker. To prevent the cutlets from falling apart during cooking, you can add flaxseed flour, which does not contain fast carbohydrates and is rich in fiber.

You will need:

  1. carrots - 700 grams;
  2. skim milk - 100 ml;
  3. chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  4. flaxseed flour - 4 tbsp.

How to cook:

  1. Wash, peel and grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  2. Add raw egg, milk and flaxseed flour to the carrot mince and mix.
  3. Use your hands to form cutlets of the required size.
  4. Carefully place the cutlets in the steamer container in the middle compartment.
  5. Cook the cutlets for 15-20 minutes.


Calorie content per 100 grams of product is 59 kcal.

Quitting the diet

In order not to harm your health and consolidate your weight loss results, a gradual and competent exit from the Protasov diet is necessary.

Scheme for exiting the Protasov diet

  1. In the sixth week, you must maintain the same diet as in the fifth.
  2. From the beginning of the seventh week, add fruits to your diet. The exceptions are bananas, grapes, exotic fruits and dried fruits.
  3. During the eighth and ninth weeks, gradually add dried fruits to your daily diet, increase the number of meat dishes and reduce the consumption of dairy products.
  4. From the beginning of the tenth week, eat broths or light vegetable soups and gradually, in small portions, introduce familiar dishes into your diet.

Kim Protasov's diet results

If you strictly follow all the rules of nutrition and exit from this diet, you can reduce weight by an average of 8-10 kilograms. Noticeable results of the diet are usually observed from the fourth week. In addition to losing weight, the diet helps cleanse the body of toxins, improve metabolism, increase intestinal motility and normalize stool.

Minus 10 kg.

To more actively lose weight on the Protasov diet and consolidate the results for a long time, you need to lead an active lifestyle - take walks, do morning exercises, and do not sit at the computer for a long time. However, during the diet you should refrain from active physical activity in the fitness room.

Minus 5 kg.

Reviews from doctors and those who have lost weight about the diet

Alla Andreeva, nutritionist, Moscow

Any short-term diet for weight loss is stress for the body. In order to reduce the risk of developing negative consequences, it is not enough to simply go on the Protasov diet and quit it. This diet also needs to be entered correctly. 3-4 weeks before starting the diet, gradually reduce your intake of fatty foods, sugar, salt and baked goods. This rule will help you achieve better results from your diet and minimize harm to the body.

Christina, 39 years old

I sit on the “shuffle” at the end of every summer, when you can buy the freshest and healthiest vegetables at the city market. During all five weeks I eat vegetables only in raw form. Instead of store-bought apples, I use apples grown in my own garden. The diet helps me lose 5-7 kilograms at a time.

Maria, 28 years old

The Kim Protasov diet became my next experiment this year in the fight against excess weight. Pros - I lost 4 kilograms per course and felt a strong surge of energy within a month after the diet. Cons: Eating green apples every day made my stomach swell.

Valentina, 41 years old

A very comfortable diet! Given my habit of constant overeating, the “shuffle” turned out to be just a treasure. In 5 weeks on the diet, I lost 6.5 kilograms. This is a record for me. But the most important thing is that the process of burning excess weight also occurred while leaving the diet - minus another 4 kilograms. I recommend to everyone!

Contraindications to the Protasov diet

Despite the fact that the Kim Protasov diet is considered moderately gentle and safe for the body, it is nevertheless strictly contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • erosive and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including a history of;
  • acute heart failure;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • serious metabolic disorder;
  • diabetes of any type.

It is also not recommended to adhere to this diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding. All necessary nutritional recommendations during pregnancy or breastfeeding can only be obtained from your attending physician.

What to remember

  1. This diet is aimed not only at active weight loss, it also helps to normalize metabolism.
  2. A competent way out of the diet is necessary. If the recommendations are not followed, you can harm the body and not get the desired result.
  3. The diet involves reducing fat intake, but you should not completely exclude foods rich in fatty acids from your diet.
  4. Kim Protasov’s diet does not have officially confirmed medical studies. If you have any chronic diseases, consult your doctor before using the diet.

Hello, dear readers of my blog! Today I want to bring to your attention one of the most effective diets. Its name, as usual, is in honor of the author. Mysterious author. But the diet gives results, and for many this is the most important thing. But who invented it, how it happened, is another question. Protasov’s diet – detailed description and reviews, that’s what we’ll talk about today.

Nobody knows who is the author of the diet, which has been troubling minds since the era of the USSR. There is a version that it was created by someone Kim Protasov. He published its principles in 1999 in one of the Russian-language Israeli newspapers. At that time, the article had a revolutionary effect, as it rejected the most important postulates of all known diets. In an ironic form, the author urged not to make a cult out of food. This approach attracted the attention of many and the diet gained many followers.

But no one knew anything about Mr. Protasov. But one day another article appeared. In it, a journalist from Israel said that she took a pseudonym in order to publish culinary recipes for a newspaper column. Ganna Oganesyan became Kim Protasov and, not knowing what to write about, she spoke about in an article about diet. The source of information was Ganna’s friend, who at that time was eating exactly according to such a system.

What's the point

Like every diet, “shuffling” has its own individual characteristics:

  1. The basis of the diet in this diet is vegetables and dairy products.
  2. The revolutionary thing here is that instead of fasting, the diet suggests not denying yourself meals. You can eat as much as you want and when you want.
  3. There is a list of permitted products. We will discuss them a little later.
  4. The duration of the diet is five weeks and each week has its own principles. We will also talk about this in more detail.
  5. No salt - this is Kim Protasov’s recommendation. This rule avoids swelling and improves the general condition of the body.
  6. The mechanism on which the method is based is that proteins and fiber cleanse the intestines and normalize blood sugar levels. This helps reduce appetite and reduce cravings for sweets.

It should be noted that within five weeks the body receives amino acids and energy, which has a positive effect on muscles, all organs and promotes the resorption of fats.

Authorized Products

Dairy products should have a fat content of no more than 5%, but not low-fat. We buy natural fermented milk - without sweeteners, dyes and starch.

Water balance- daily at least two liters every day. This includes:

  • drinking still water;
  • coffee and tea without sugar/sweet substitutes;
  • freshly squeezed juices - not from fruits, but from vegetables.

Additionally you can:

  • apples - only fresh and only green;
  • egg - 1 chicken or 4-5 quail per day.

Prohibited Products

All alcohol is also prohibited.

Diet of Kim Protasov - description by week

First week. At this stage, you are allowed to eat raw vegetables in any quantity. You can prepare vegetable puree, salads or smoothies. You can afford cheese and a boiled egg - only one per day. No more than three green apples during the day.

Eat according to the proportion: for every 30 g of fermented milk, 70 grams of vegetables are allowed

Daily consumption rate:

1400 g vegetables + 600 g fermented milk products + 1 egg + 3 fruits + 2 liters of water

Although the diet says that you should not eat heat-treated vegetables, I would recommend adding variety to your diet. With a large amount of raw vegetables, constipation, bloating or exacerbation of gastritis may occur. Do you need this?

  • Instead of boiled eggs, make a low-milk omelet or steam soufflé. In this form, eggs are easier to digest by the body. I know from myself that I cannot eat more than 1 boiled egg a day. But I love omelette with vegetables :)
  • Follow the “50/50” rule. Divide your daily intake of vegetables. Eat half of it raw, steam the rest or bake in foil.
  • Cheese can be replaced with homemade cheese. She is less fat.
  • You can cook cottage cheese casseroles, cheesecakes in the oven, or make homemade cottage cheese.

Second week. The nutrition of the first week smoothly transitions into the second. The body gradually gets used to the products and regimen. You can skip eggs and reduce your cheese intake. Gradually, you can replace apples with other fruits (except mango, banana and avocado).

In the first 2 weeks, excess water will leave the body. This is approximately 2-3 kg. And then the weight may rise. And here we need to include physical exercises. At least just a simple walk. By the way, I wrote about how many calories are lost when walking.

Third week. You can add 300 grams of fish, lean meat and poultry to your usual diet. They can be boiled, stewed, baked in the oven, steamed or fried, but without oil. This can be done on a grill pan with a non-stick coating.

The consumption rate formula has changed to:

1400 g vegetables + 300 g meat + 300 g fermented milk + 1 egg + 3 apples + 2 liters of water

This week you can diversify your breakfast with oatmeal on the water. Pour one or two tablespoons of cereal with the required amount of boiling water. Let it sit for 15 minutes. And the oatmeal is ready. You can add healthy fruits.

Fourth week. All foods that could be cooked and eaten in the first, second and third weeks are transferred to the fourth. To diversify your diet, you should combine different combinations for every day. For example, vegetables and fish or meat and vegetables.

Fifth week. The diet ends with a week during which you can consume absolutely all foods from the permitted list.

Menu for every day

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the sample menu for the week. You can use my suggestions or create a menu yourself. Focusing on the first week, it will be easier for you to think through your diet for the entire period of the diet.


  • Breakfast: 120 grams of cottage cheese and a green apple.
  • Dinner: Creamy cauliflower soup, Greek salad.
  • Afternoon snack: One boiled egg.
  • Dinner: Zucchini and tomato casserole with garlic and herbs.


  • Breakfast: Green apple, yogurt.
  • Dinner: Cabbage soup with chicken broth.
  • Afternoon snack: Freshly squeezed carrot juice with celery.
  • Dinner: Curd casserole, fermented baked milk.


  • Breakfast: Oatmeal with water, hard cheese.
  • Dinner: Salad of arugula, cherry tomatoes and carrots.
  • Afternoon snack: Kefir okroshka with cucumber and herbs.
  • Dinner: Cauliflower and broccoli stew with spices.


  • Breakfast: Cheesecakes, kefir.
  • Dinner: Zucchini soup.
  • Afternoon snack: Green apple.
  • Dinner: Salad with carrots and garlic, baked chicken breast.


  • Breakfast: Smoothie made with spinach, cucumber, green apple and water.
  • Dinner: Steamed fish with salad of radishes, cucumbers, boiled egg and dill.
  • Afternoon snack: Cottage cheese, fermented baked milk.
  • Dinner: Baked eggplants stuffed with tomatoes, bell peppers and cheese.


  • Breakfast: Salad of tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers.
  • Dinner: Gazpacho.
  • Afternoon snack: Vegetable sandwiches (cheese slice, tomato, lettuce, cheese slice).
  • Dinner: Fish soup.


  • Breakfast: Omelette, coffee.
  • Dinner: Chicken cutlets, beet and garlic salad.
  • Afternoon snack: Green apple puree.
  • Dinner: Pumpkin puree soup.

Quitting the diet

The “exit” stage is no less important than the active five weeks of the diet itself. At this stage, the effect is consolidated. Gradually, it’s time to return to a place where variety and choice reign. Tips for a smooth transition to your usual diet:

  • Add vegetable oil when cooking vegetables. Olive, flaxseed or camelina are better. But, no more than three teaspoons in one day.
  • Replace green apples with other fruits of approximate size. Just don't start with grapes and bananas. It could be kiwi or an unsweetened pear.
  • For breakfast, cook cereals, but for now only with water.
  • It's time for nuts. You shouldn't abuse them right away. It's better to start with almonds.

It all has to stretch for two weeks after five on a diet.

  • Replace dairy products with fish and meat.
  • Prepare soups with stronger broths and introduce vegetables not only from the permitted list.
  • If you are not yet accustomed to such a diet and you are drawn to “forbidden” foods, try to wait. For a month, do not include pasta, baked goods, potatoes, or any processed foods that contain white flour in your new diet.
  • Bring snacks with you to work. Weight loss cocktails are good for this.

Many diet habits can be left as healthy eating principles and try to stick to them as much as possible. For example, giving up sweets, starchy foods and white flour

Protasov's diet - reviews and results

So that you make the right decision and understand what awaits you, I suggest reading the reviews of those who have tried the diet on themselves. You will find out what the result is, as well as what pros and cons are encountered in practice.

Ksyusha: I’m on the Protasov diet and so far I’m happy with the results. They already exist, and what’s more, they are not found on any other diet. I'm in my second week. There is no desire to “break loose” and it is generally easy to cope when this approach is the basis. I recommend to all.

Zhanna: I made it through my five weeks. We passed easily. Lost almost 12 kg. For some reason, in the first weeks the weight came off slowly, but in the last two everything went smoothly and the arrows on the scales were very pleasing.

Irishka: I tried the diet twice and lost 5 kg. But leaving the diet did not follow the rules. I lost it and the weight quickly returned.

Lera: Two days were enough for me. I was so hungry that I decided to quit the diet before I even started. Vegetables don’t make you feel full, and I don’t like fermented milk products.

Anna: Not enough hot food, which is harmful to the stomach, especially during cold periods. I think you should monitor the body’s reaction. The diet suits some people, but definitely not others.


From all of the above, you have to draw your own conclusions. Because each of us is unique and each of us has our own reaction to diets and foods. Shuffling has its advantages, especially for lovers of dairy products and vegetables. There are disadvantages for those who cannot live without fried in oil or cannot tolerate casein. My advice is to look for your diet, study the information and choose only your own.

Well, if it’s difficult for you to cope with giving up junk food on your own, but you really want to change your diet. Then pay attention to Galina Grossman’s video training dedicated to getting rid of food addiction. Moreover, it is now heard completely for free!

By the way, I recently read that scientists have discovered an interesting feature. It turns out that if you lose weight not alone, but with someone, then the result of weight loss is 50% higher. It turns out that the expression “together is easier” works. Therefore, let’s unite together against extra pounds and give them a fight back :)

And I say goodbye, dear readers! Share the article on social networks, take care of yourself and do not forget, before starting any diet, it is better to consult with your doctor. How will the results be, write your reviews about the Protasov diet. Let's discuss it together. See you again! And in order not to miss the most important things, subscribe to updates :)

Sincerely, Olga Sologub

Kim Protasov’s diet is very popular today. The menu allows you to eat permitted foods as much as you want, whenever you want, which is the main advantage of the Israeli nutritionist’s method. We bring to your attention a description of Kim Protasov's diet week by week.

Protasov's diet - 10 weeks

Many people mistakenly believe that the Protasov diet lasts 5 weeks - that’s how long it will take you to lose 10-12 kg. An important point of each weight loss system is the logical conclusion of the diet. Therefore, Kim Protasov suggests another 5 weeks to consolidate the results.

You can eat all permitted products in any quantity and at any time of the day. It was this permissiveness that attracted thousands of fans to the side of Protasov’s diet. You will create the weekly menu yourself from all the components that are on the list. This way, you can organize your own meals and prepare delicious dishes from the products.

This weight loss technique is recommended not only for those who are overweight. To improve the health of the body, it will not be harmful for any person to follow the Protasov diet once a year. The week-by-week descriptions that we have prepared will become your guide to losing weight and cleansing your body for the next 10 weeks.

Protasov's diet - menu for the week

Each week has its own set of permitted products. The peculiarity of the technique is to reduce carbohydrates, especially fast ones, with an overall balance of Protasov’s diet. The menu for the entire period includes the following products:

  • all types of vegetables;
  • dairy products with 5% fat content;
  • Tea coffee;
  • apples;
  • boiled chicken eggs;
  • lean meat (poultry or fish);
  • 2 liters of drinking water daily.

Protasov diet - 1 week

The list of permitted products includes:

  1. Any vegetables. Eat them raw, boil them, stew them, and make salads from them. The only limitation is do not use vegetable oil when cooking. It will be prohibited until week 6 of the Protasov diet. Week 1 recipes are mainly vegetable salads. You can season them with lemon or low-fat yogurt. Many vegetables, when chopped, release juice, which will be enough to dress the salad.
  2. Cottage cheese and cheese with 5% fat content.
  3. Chicken egg - one per day, optional as an additional component.
  4. Green apples - optional, up to 3 pcs. in a day. This is if carbohydrates and fiber are needed.

Protasov's diet - first week menu for 1 day:

  • Breakfast: fresh salad with low-fat yogurt.
  • Lunch: green vegetable salad, 200 ml kefir.
  • Afternoon snack: green apple, cottage cheese 5%.
  • Dinner: salad of boiled vegetables (pumpkin, carrots).

Protasov diet - week 2

During the second week, completely follow the regime and diet of the first week. The exclusion of fast carbohydrates, heavy and fatty foods is one of the advantages of the Protasov diet. The first week only accustoms your body to eating light food. In the second stage, you already feel the results. This means several lost kilograms and extraordinary lightness of the body.

Protasov diet - week 3

A little meat and fish is introduced into your diet, no more than 300 g per day. Choose lean poultry and fish. Remember that their weight decreases when cooked, so to get 300 g of fried meat, add 400-500 g of raw product to the frying pan.

Also reduce your intake of dairy products. Don't forget about your drinking regime. In addition to tea, coffee, liquid contained in vegetables, you should consume 2 liters of ordinary water per day.

Protasov's diet - menu of the third week for 1 day:

  • Breakfast: light salad of fresh vegetables with the addition of an apple.
  • Lunch: a portion of fried lean fish, vegetable salad with cheese and eggs, 5% yogurt.
  • Afternoon snack: green apple.
  • Dinner: a portion of fried poultry without skin, fresh white cabbage salad, an apple.

Protasov diet - week 4

Your menu is not updated with new products. You continue your usual diet, your body gets used to the foods you eat and begins to actively burn fat. It is during this period that the most intense weight loss occurs.

Protasov diet - week 5

Your weight loss process is entering its final stage. Continuing to eat already known foods and dishes, you do not feel hungry, but only lightness from the lost kilograms and healthy food. Many people note that at 4 and 5 weeks their body does not even require a chicken egg, limiting itself to only an apple from additional products.

Protasov's diet - menu of the fourth and fifth weeks for 1 day:

  • Breakfast: a couple of slices of 5% cheese, a cup of unsweetened tea or coffee.
  • Lunch: a portion of fried poultry without skin, a salad of fresh vegetables with low-fat yogurt.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese 5%, green apple.
  • Dinner: salad of fresh vegetables with the addition of an apple, a glass of kefir.

Exit from the Protasov diet - 6-10 weeks

The further menu also does not require strict restrictions on the amount of food consumed per day. Kim Protasov identifies several rules, following which you can be sure that the lost kilograms will not return.

  1. Exclude 5% dairy products. Consume low-fat or low-fat milk, kefir, and cottage cheese.
  2. Eat not 3 green apples a day, but just one. Instead of apples, introduce other fruits into your diet.
  3. For breakfast, prepare yourself oatmeal porridge. Buckwheat, millet, and oatmeal are good options. If desired, cook porridge with low-fat milk, but consume no more than 1.5 glasses of milk per day.
  4. When preparing salads, use vegetable oil. The optimal rate of vegetable fat is 40 g per day. Try to replace all animal fat with it.
  5. Legumes and nuts are allowed.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Every person who wants to lose excess weight is looking for a suitable way to get rid of unnecessary pounds. Among the variety of methods for losing weight, Kim Protasov’s diet stands out. “Shuffle,” as it is also called, allows you to lose excess weight without starving yourself, without significant dietary restrictions, and the lost kilograms do not return after completing the diet.

The essence of Kim Protasov's diet

The essence of this diet is to radically reduce fat consumption. Preference in food is given to low-fat or completely low-fat foods. Energy will come to the body from protein foods and foods containing. Particular attention in the process of losing weight is paid to water balance. Without drinking enough water per day, weight loss will not occur. Therefore, carefully monitor your drinking regime while losing weight according to Kim Protasov’s system: drink less than one and a half liters of purified natural water per day.

The author of the diet, Israeli doctor Kim Protasov, when drawing up his weight loss method, focused on protein, which he recommends consuming at least 80 grams per day. Protein is an important substance involved in the construction of muscle tissue. If there is an insufficient amount of protein products in the diet, a person’s memory deteriorates, they feel unwell, depressed, and tired.

But not only protein should be present in large quantities in the diet when losing weight. It is necessary to include complex carbohydrates in the diet menu. When they enter the body, the digestive system works hard, it spends a lot of energy on processing and assimilation of food, due to which fat reserves are burned.

Detailed description of the diet

Kim Protasov’s diet is conditionally divided into two stages:

  1. the first two weeks – the body’s mood for weight loss;
  2. from the third week until the day you quit the diet (lasts as long as you need to achieve your desired weight) - maximum loss of extra pounds.

The basis of the diet at the first stage of weight loss according to Kim Protasov’s system consists mainly of raw vegetables. Absolutely any vegetables are allowed in unlimited quantities. The advantage of this weight loss technique is that you do not need to adhere to a strict meal schedule and count calories. On a diet, you only need to eat permitted foods at any time of the day. The author recommends creating a menu so that a third of the vegetable diet consists of white cabbage; it is allowed to be consumed both in its pure form and to make salads for weight loss.

In addition to cabbage and other vegetables, the basis of the diet at the first stage should be fermented milk products with a fat content of no more than 5%: cottage cheese, low-fat varieties of hard cheese, unsweetened Greek yogurt, kefir, low-fat fermented baked milk. Also, once a day the menu includes one boiled chicken egg and no more than three medium-sized sweet and sour apples. To enhance the taste, finely chopped greens are added to weight loss salads, but not salt. Drinks (tea, coffee) should be drunk without adding sugar, which should be completely excluded from the menu.

At the second stage of the diet, compiled by nutritionist Kim Protasov, lean meat, poultry, and fish are added to the list of permitted foods. Meat products should be prepared without adding oil or salt. Give preference to boiling, stewing or grilling. A serving of a meat dish should not exceed 300 g. The amount of fermented milk products at this stage of the diet is slightly reduced, no other changes are made to the diet.

List of prohibited products

Absolutely all types of baked goods are strictly prohibited during the diet according to Kim Protasov’s system. It is forbidden to eat dishes that contain flour. You will have to completely eliminate all processed foods and fast food; they will not provide any benefit to the body, but will only harm your figure and disrupt your diet. Dishes with gelatin and soy should not be consumed during weight loss. In addition to the above products, the following are prohibited during the diet:

  • avocado;
  • sugar;
  • store-bought yoghurts with additives;
  • juices in packages;
  • sweets (cookies, chocolate, candies, etc.);
  • milk with fat content more than 1.5%;
  • peas;
  • beans;
  • sugar substitutes;
  • mushrooms;
  • alcohol;
  • cereals;
  • potato.

Sample menu by week

For the first and second weeks of the diet, the following menu is suitable:

  • Breakfast: 150 g of cottage cheese mixed with low-fat sour cream and grated sour apple. Unsweetened coffee.
  • Snack: apple, boiled egg.
  • Lunch: shredded white cabbage with tomatoes and cucumbers. Dress the salad with low-fat Greek yogurt. 50 g low-fat hard cheese. Tea.
  • Afternoon snack: apple, 50 g cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: grate fresh cucumbers (5-6 pieces) on a fine grater, mix with chopped herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro). Pour low-fat kefir over the vegetables and stir.

So that the diet menu is new every day and does not get boring, when losing weight according to Kim Protasov’s system, choose different vegetables for preparing salads and other dishes: bell pepper, stalked celery, arugula, chives, beets, carrots, etc.

For the third week and until the end of the diet, the following menu is suitable:

  • Breakfast: boiled egg and salad with fresh vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes) and herbs, dressed with Greek yogurt. Unsweetened coffee.
  • Snack: salad based on boiled chicken fillet with sweet peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes. Season the dish with low-fat sour cream and herbs.
  • Lunch: boiled low-fat fish (250 g), cabbage salad with lemon juice.
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat kefir with apple.
  • Dinner: bell peppers or tomatoes stuffed with low-fat cottage cheese with herbs, garlic and yogurt. Unsweetened tea.

Recipes with photos

Salad with celery


  • petiole celery - a bunch;
  • fennel – 1 pc.;
  • sour apple – 1 pc.;
  • parsley, cilantro - a bunch;
  • juice of half a lemon.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Cut celery and fennel into thin slices.
  2. Chop the apple into slices.
  3. Finely chop the greens.
  4. Mix the products, season with lemon juice. Serve as a breakfast dish.

Kholodnik with beets and kefir - suitable for the lunch menu


  • large young beets;
  • low-fat kefir – 70 ml;
  • boiled chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • dill, parsley, green onions - a bunch.
  • garlic, if desired - 1-2 cloves.


  1. Peel the raw beets and grate them on a fine grater.
  2. Mix the vegetable with low-fat kefir.
  3. Add finely chopped herbs, onions and crushed garlic to the food to taste.
  4. Before serving, add half a boiled egg to the soup dish.

“Shopski” salad with cottage cheese – for the evening menu


  • yellow bell pepper;
  • one large cucumber;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • a small head of onion;
  • low-fat cottage cheese – 100 g;
  • lemon juice - a couple of tablespoons"
  • olives – 5-6 pcs.


  1. Cut the onion into half rings, pepper into strips, tomatoes into slices, and cucumbers into slices.
  2. Mix the products, season with lemon juice and place on a plate.
  3. Place cottage cheese and olives on top of the salad.
  4. If desired, add your favorite greens to the salad: dill, green onions, parsley. Serve the dish for dinner.

Chopped chicken cutlets - an option for the lunch menu


  • chicken fillet – 500 g;
  • onion - a small head;
  • one egg;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • greenery.


  1. Grind the chicken fillet into small cubes.
  2. Grate the onion on a coarse grater.
  3. Mix meat with onions, add raw egg, crushed garlic and chopped herbs.
  4. Form the minced meat into cutlets of the desired shape.
  5. Place the cutlets on a baking sheet lined with parchment.
  6. Bake the dish at 180 degrees for about half an hour.

How to get out of a diet correctly?

Kim Protasov's diet consists not only of following a special menu during the first few weeks of the diet, but also of the right way out of losing weight. To prevent the lost weight from returning, you need to properly return to your normal diet. Once you reach your goal weight, gradually begin to introduce other foods into your menu. So, at this stage it is allowed to season the salad with vegetable oil (preferably olive oil). Instead of butter, sometimes use nuts or olives in dishes to increase the amount of fat in your diet, but the daily dose of fat should not exceed 35 grams.

In addition to the already boring apples, eat other fruits, mangoes or dried fruits, but not bananas, as they contain a lot of sugar. Throughout all the weeks of weight loss according to Kim Protasov’s system, cereal dishes were prohibited. When leaving the diet, include porridge in your breakfast menu, preferably oatmeal or buckwheat, boiled in water. Vegetables can already be not only raw, but also boiled. Leaving the diet can last two months - as long as the body needs to adapt to the previous diet.


  • Kim Protasov's diet is contraindicated for people with any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The fact is that a large amount of cabbage in the diet can cause bloating, flatulence, pain and cramping in the pancreas.
  • The diet is also contraindicated for those engaged in mental activity. At the first stages of losing weight, meat products and dishes made from them are prohibited, which provokes weakness, a feeling of fatigue, and poor concentration.
  • This diet is also prohibited for people who are allergic to dairy products, since Protasovka has a large number of fermented milk dishes on the menu.

The Protasov diet, first published in the emigrant press, has enjoyed enviable popularity for many years - with relative ease of adherence, it is easily tolerated and gives not only a noticeable, but also a long-lasting effect. It’s best for Russians to start the “shuffle,” invented in hot Israel, in the spring or summer, when fresh vegetables are cheap and plentiful. According to the promise of the mysterious author of the diet, everyone will lose “as much as needed” on it.

Three green apples a day are responsible for the fruit component of Protasov's diet, providing a controlled amount of pectin, a carbohydrate of plant origin. Pectin acts as a powerful sorbent, removing traces of heavy metals and toxins from the body.

Diet of Kim Protasov detailed description

Duration: 5 weeks (and 2 weeks for a competent exit from the diet);

Peculiarities: a diet based on fiber and protein, low in carbohydrates and fats;

Price: low, especially during the harvest season;

The result of the Protasov diet: from minus 5 to minus 20 kg;

Additional effect: normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, getting rid of irresistible cravings for sweets, detoxifying the body;

"Shuffle" not suitable for: those who suffer from allergies, lactose intolerance, gastritis, as well as diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract and irritable stomach syndrome. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. Before starting a diet, you should consult your doctor!

Protasov's diet - a gift from an anonymous well-wisher

Kim Protasov’s diet, now also known as “shuffle”, “came” to Russia from Israel. In the late nineties, an article signed by Kim Protasov appeared on the pages of one of the Russian-language newspapers published in Tel Aviv at that time. Under the heading “Don’t make a cult out of food: a skinny cow is not yet a gazelle,” the ironic but sensible author outlined an original scheme for a new diet for weight loss, which Russian Israelis liked so much that they began to cut out or copy the note and send it by mail to relatives in the former USSR. Since then, this article has appeared as a detailed description of Protasov’s diet.

Years have passed since then, but the army of fans of the Protasov diet is only growing: they organize communities on the Internet and thematic meetings in reality. They are not embarrassed that the very fact of the existence of Kim Protasov as a real person has not been confirmed by anything.

Protasov’s diet has become part of the national culture of losing excess weight, and perhaps the absence of an author speaking on television and releasing new books can only benefit it. The five-week menu, presented many years ago, has not undergone any changes or comments - and continues to work without failure, allowing those losing weight to change both their diet and their lives for the better.

Protasov's diet: captivating features

Kim Protasov's diet is based on the principle of a cunning device. The average daily menu on this diet provides the body with approximately 1200-1500 calories of energy. The diet consists of a large amount (non-starchy vegetables and allowed fruits), as well as protein (the first two weeks, protein comes from dairy products and boiled eggs, later meat is added).

In addition, in some cases, the volume of portions on the Protasov diet is not limited. This makes the task of losing weight easier both psychologically and biochemically: protein is not only absorbed slowly and with energy costs, but also slows down the absorption of carbohydrates from vegetables and fruits. The result is a uniform flow of sugar into the blood throughout the day, a comfortable feeling of fullness and insurance against insulin surges that provoke outbreaks of hunger.

This principle is typical for any diet, and the advantage of the Protasov diet in this series is also that it includes a large amount of fiber in the menu, which reduces the load on the kidneys (overload of the excretory systems is one of the main risks of protein nutrition plans!).

According to reviews, the Protasov diet is becoming a real salvation for passionate sweet tooths who have decided to deal with a troubling habit: within five weeks of the diet, the body weans itself from “outbursts” of sugar that make you reach for new candy and begins to enjoy healthy, juicy, minimally thermally processed food. Changing eating habits becomes the key to long-term preservation of the results of the diet.

Duration of the Protasov diet

The dietary plan proposed by the mysterious Kim Protasov is designed for five weeks of the actual weight loss program and two weeks of consolidating the result and exiting the diet (but if desired, the “exit stage” can become a new eating style and last for a lifetime).

Each week has its own rules, which are important to follow in order to count on results. Protasov’s diet can be divided into three stages: vegetarian, with the addition of meat and consolidating.

Disadvantages of the Protasov diet

The Protasov diet is most comfortable to follow in the warm season, when the choice of fresh vegetables is large and the cost is low. In addition, in spring and summer it is physiologically easy to eat mostly raw food and drink a lot of water.

Some who lost weight on the Protasov diet in winter noted that they experienced bouts of chills and a noticeable lack of warm food - cereals, soups. Be sure to take this point into account when making your final decision.

Drinking regime on the Protasov diet

It is advisable to drink at least 2 liters per day. About half a liter of water can be replaced with green tea without additives. Water not only stimulates intestinal motility and promotes the timely evacuation of food debris from the body, but is also an integral part of the proper absorption of proteins.

Without the electrostatics of hydrogen bonds, protein synthesis is impossible: when forming a protein molecule, water provides its structure not only with flexibility, but also with a stable state. Therefore, only in the company of a sufficient amount of liquid, protein in the diet will be beneficial.

You also need to drink correctly - often, but in small portions (30-50 ml), otherwise the body will not have time to absorb the water and will begin to excrete it.

Coffee on the Protasov diet is allowed, but without additives (sugar, honey, milk, cream).

You can (and should) also drink kefir, but drinking it while drinking is equivalent to food rather than liquid, and the volume of fermented milk drink you drink does not reduce the need for plain water.

Five rules of the Protasov diet

  • 1 When choosing fermented milk products, monitor their composition: it should not only contain sweeteners and dyes, but also starch, thickeners and other chemicals.
  • 2 Do not use sweeteners and try to avoid “small sins” in the form of candy, cough drops, cookies, etc. Even such a tiny indulgence can agitate insulin triggers, as a result of which you will face an attack of hunger and.
  • 3 In the active stages of the diet (first and second), do not strive to consume exclusively low-fat foods: healthy fats are necessary for the normal functioning of the body and even stimulate weight loss.
  • 4 Watch out for hidden salt: choose lightly salted varieties of cheese and do not overuse soy sauce, which is believed to be allowed on the Protasov diet. Excess salt contributes to water retention in the body and provokes heart disease.
  • 5 Listen to your body: as a rule, after surges in blood sugar are smoothed out, your appetite naturally declines. There is no need to eat everything prescribed if you don’t want to.

The first stage of the Protasov diet: vegetables and dairy products

This diet is valid in the first two weeks of the Protasov diet. The volume of vegetables and dairy products is not limited, but it is important to monitor their ratio; vegetables should prevail (the proportion for orientation is 2:1, for two parts of vegetables - 1 part of dairy). From dairy products, you should choose those whose fat content is around 5%: kefir, homemade cheeses, natural yogurt without additives.

At the first stage of the Protasov diet, it is necessary to choose non-starchy vegetables - parsley, dill, celery tops, leafy vegetables, various types of onions, white and Chinese cabbage, paprika, eggplant, bamboo shoots, cucumbers, green beans, zucchini, okra, asparagus (not Korean!), artichokes. You can eat them in any form, but minimal heat treatment is desirable, or, in extreme cases, steaming.

You are allowed to eat three green apples and one egg per day. It is recommended to eat apples not as a snack, but at the same time as one of the main meals - this fruit has a relatively high glycemic index and, if eaten separately, can provoke a feeling of hunger.

The second stage of the Protasov diet: plus meat!

At the end of the full second week of shuffling, the menu undergoes changes: 300 grams of lean animal or poultry meat is added to non-starchy vegetables and dairy products, and it is also possible to eat fish fillet. Attention, 300 g is the weight of the product in its raw form! Meat can be baked without fat, grilled, steamed or boiled.

With the introduction of meat into the menu, it is advisable to reduce the amount of dairy products by approximately one third. One egg and three apples retain their positions. The duration of the second stage is three weeks (full third, fourth and fifth). Judging by the reviews, qualitative changes in weight occur mainly in the third week of shuffling.

The third stage of the Protasov diet: there is a way out

Exiting the Protasov diet is no less important than the first two “active” stages. It is at this stage that the effect is consolidated, and those losing weight gradually return to the world of “big food”, increasing the variety and calorie content of food consumed, but avoiding the breakdowns that are often fraught with incorrect termination of the diet.

So, at the end of the fifth week on the shuffle you should:

  • reduce the fat content of dairy products and start adding high-quality vegetable oil (linseed, olive, camelina) to salads in a volume of about 3 teaspoons per day;
  • start having breakfast with porridge (with water), adding nuts;
  • Replace two out of three apples with any other fruit of similar volume or weight (but not bananas, dates or grapes).

These replacements and additions should be carried out gradually and spread over two weeks (sixth and seventh). Once completed, you can go further and:

  • continue to replace dairy products with meat or fish;
  • start introducing light vegetable and weak meat broths into the menu;
  • Gradually switch from low-fat dairy products to regular ones.

For the first two months after completing the main stages of the Protasov diet, it is highly advisable not to include pasta, potatoes, baked goods and any products made from white flour in the diet.

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