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Should there be discharge in the early stages? Discharge during early pregnancy. Natural brown discharge

Pregnancy is always wonderful and at the same time exciting. With its onset, a woman experiences a bouquet of indescribable emotions and sensations, and we are not just talking about moments of joy. After all, this state of waiting for a baby also implies a lot of worries, especially in the early stages.

It is very important for the expectant mother to monitor her health, listening to every change occurring in the body in order to consult a doctor in a timely manner and exclude possible pathologies. One of the most common causes of concern is discharge. Their character is somewhat different than in the pre-pregnancy state, which is why it is so important to know what kind of discharge occurs during pregnancy, what is normal and what is a sign of a serious illness.

What kind of discharge should there be during early pregnancy?

Can there be vaginal discharge during pregnancy? What discharge during early pregnancy is considered normal?

It is no secret that with the onset of pregnancy, the female body begins to actively restructure itself due to hormonal changes. It has a special effect in the first weeks: it is under its influence that discharge during pregnancy becomes whitish, watery or clear and sometimes quite thick with a slight yellowish tint.

Such light mucous discharge is normal during early pregnancy, and it also performs an important function in the body. The fact is that at the beginning of the first trimester the placenta has not yet formed, which will have to protect the fetus from various external influences throughout pregnancy. However, nature, as always, provided for everything, and she assigned this important role to secretions. They form a mucus plug in the cervical canal, which closes the entrance to the uterus, thereby preventing infections from entering its cavity.

In addition, discharge at the beginning of pregnancy actively moisturizes the vaginal mucosa, which eliminates the feeling of discomfort in the woman. However, remember that these there should be no discharge a strong odor and a distinct yellow or green color, and you should not experience itching or other unpleasant symptoms during pregnancy.

Before a delay in menstruation during pregnancy, dark hair may be normal in the first weeks. brown or bloody(pinkish) discharge. This happens when the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. During this period, the uterus seems to loosen, and new plexuses of blood vessels are formed, which is why discharge occurs. They do not pose a threat to either the expectant mother or the embryo. At the same time, you should not experience pain, and the discharge itself is short-lived and contains only streaks and specks of red shades and nothing more.

Some of the most common pathologies of the first trimester of pregnancy include the following discharge:

  • brownish (beige) spotting;
  • (pink) discharge during early pregnancy.

As we noted above, short-term discharge with slight echoes of such shades may well be the norm when it comes to the process of implantation of the fertilized egg. However, such signs can be symptoms of various troubles.

Let's look at what they're talking about brown discharge during early pregnancy.

  • Spotting brown or beige discharge (especially after a missed period, when the test shows two confident lines) may indicate detachment of the ovum. You must immediately see your doctor, who will conduct an examination and, most likely, send you to see what condition the fertilized egg is in, and if necessary, hospital treatment under the supervision of specialists may be required.
  • In addition, “daub” can signal such early pathologies as. In the first case, this means that the embryo did not reach the right place and attached, for example, to the fallopian tube or ovary, while the woman experiences pain in the lower abdomen. A frozen pregnancy is a condition when the embryo, for some reason, stops developing. Ultrasound can also help diagnose pathology. If suspicions are confirmed, the woman is prescribed antibiotic therapy and cleansing of the dead fetus.
  • It is possible that such discharge may appear for several months on the expected date of menstruation. This speaks of hormonal imbalance, which can also be a signal of the possible. In this case, it will be necessary, and in case of deviation from the norm, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment measures aimed at raising its level to normal.
  • Light brown discharge during early pregnancy can sometimes appear if a woman has a history of a disease such as. For treatment purposes, it is usually cauterized, but in a pregnant state the procedure is prohibited, and the doctor can offer a medicinal solution to the problem.

A woman is even more frightened by abundant bloody (red) discharge during early pregnancy. And for good reason: almost always this indicates a miscarriage that has actually begun. In this case, the pregnant woman may feel nagging pain in the lower abdomen or lumbar region.

The main thing in this situation is not to panic. Needed immediately call an ambulance and take a horizontal position until the medical team arrives. At the hospital, you will undergo an ultrasound and will also give blood and urine for testing, in particular to determine the level of hCG. Medicine is constantly developing in this direction, and in the vast majority of cases, pregnancy can be saved. Treatment consists of bed rest and taking hemostatic and uterine tone-reducing medications.

The only situation when doctors are powerless is if we are talking about a very rare pathology "hydatidiform mole". This is a deviation that occurred at the moment of fertilization of the egg and consists in the absence of maternal genes. In this case, embryo development is impossible, and the problem requires surgical intervention. Fortunately, this phenomenon occurs extremely rarely.

As in the normal condition, and during early pregnancy, a woman may find yellow or green discharge, they can have a bright color and can foam and bubble. Most often this is a sign of a sexually transmitted infection.

What such discharges are like during pregnancy, and what their appearance indicates, we will consider below.

  • Light yellow discharge during pregnancy. If such discharge is accompanied by itching, but does not have a strong odor, most likely we can talk about an allergic reaction. The allergen may be washing powder or the material from which the laundry is made. The problem of yellowish discharge during early pregnancy can be solved by eliminating the irritant.
  • Bright yellow discharge odorless during pregnancy. If at the same time there is an increase in body temperature and pain in the lower abdomen, then we are talking about inflammation of the appendages.
  • Dark yellow discharge. Such discharge may indicate the presence of staphylococcus and E. coli in the vaginal microflora.
  • Yellow-green, green foaming Discharge with an unpleasant odor during pregnancy signals a sexually transmitted disease.

If you find yourself with any of the listed signs, urgently visit your doctor. The sooner you do this, the greater the chance that the fetus will not be under the harmful influence of harmful microorganisms. After all, until the fourth month, the placenta is just forming, which means your baby is still vulnerable, which requires careful attention to your health.

The doctor will take a smear for analysis and will also direct you to donate blood if we are talking about greenish discharge during pregnancy. Based on the results, you will be offered optimal treatment, based on the characteristics of the gestational age. Pharmaceuticals does not stand still and is constantly developing safer medications specifically for pregnant women.

With the onset of pregnancy, immunity decreases, both in general and specifically of the vaginal microflora. In this state, nothing interferes with the development and reproduction of bacteria that cause or, scientifically, candidiasis.

The greatest likelihood of the disease occurring is in women with a history of chronic thrush. In addition, hormones play an important role in the development of candidiasis: under the influence of progesterone, the vaginal environment changes to a more acidic one.

Symptoms of thrush during pregnancy in the early stages - this is profuse white cheesy (thick) discharge with a sour odor, while itching, burning and redness of the genitals are observed.

You can find many effective remedies against this disease in the pharmacy. Perhaps you have used some of them before and without consulting a specialist. However, now, given your interesting position, it would be right if you consult your doctor. Most often, pregnant women are prescribed Pimafucin or Hexicon suppositories. Treatment, as a rule, is a course of treatment, and it is necessary for both partners to undergo treatment to avoid relapses.

The problem does not require an immediate solution, and alleviate the condition you can by following some simple rules.

  • Eliminate fresh baked goods and sweets from your diet. Give preference to fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as fermented milk products.
  • Use underwear made from natural materials.
  • Avoid intimate hygiene products containing fragrances and artificial additives.
  • Shower twice a day and try to avoid high temperatures.

Thrush at the initial stage is not so dangerous, however, in a situation where the symptoms are severe, infection of the fetus can occur, which entails the risk of detachment of the ovum and miscarriage.

  • The most important - avoid stressful situations. It’s no secret that this is what provokes or contributes to the exacerbation of many diseases, including thrush or the threat of miscarriage. An interesting book, your favorite music, walks in the fresh air - all this will help you take your mind off bad thoughts and get into a positive mood.
  • Pay attention to your. It must contain to ensure effective functioning of the immune system.
  • If suspicious signs are detected, under no circumstances do not self-medicate: This way you can harm yourself and your baby even more. Visit a doctor as soon as possible, and if the situation is critical, call an ambulance.

The appearance of discharge often worries the expectant mother. However, these worries are not always justified. Most often, discharge is a consequence of natural processes that occur during pregnancy. But, there are cases when you should immediately seek help from a medical facility.

All expectant mothers must know what discharge should be like in the early stages of pregnancy. This will allow you to both avoid unnecessary worries and, in the event of pathology, do everything possible to maintain the pregnancy.

The first variant of the norm is discharge, which is the result of hormonal changes in the body. The hormone progesterone increases the volume of natural secretions that moisturize the vaginal mucosa. This discharge is usually whitish or clear. Itching, burning and odor are not typical for such discharge.

The second variant of the norm is discharge produced due to the formation of a mucous plug, which tightly clogs the cervix and protects the child from possible infections. It appears towards the end of the fourth week of pregnancy. This discharge is clear, mucous and odorless.

The third variant of the norm is implantation bleeding. These are minor and short-term discharges that occur after the implantation of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus. They appear 11-14 days after conception and only in 30% of women. They have a pinkish or brown color. The woman should not feel any pain or smell.

The fourth variant of the norm is a reaction to the use of panty liners or cleanser. Such discharge is clear, odorless, but accompanied by itching or irritation. In this case, it is worth changing the pads (exclude scented products) and choosing a less allergenic intimate care product.

The expectant mother should not only know what discharge is normal in the early stages of pregnancy, but also follow basic rules of personal hygiene. Wash your external genitalia twice a day, take a shower, and give preference to cotton underwear.

Since the listed variants of discharge are the norm, prescribing treatment by a doctor, and even more so self-medication, is not required.

Pathological discharge at the initial stage of pregnancy

Knowing which discharge in the early stages is a deviation from the norm will help the expectant mother, if necessary, navigate in time and consult a doctor, which can save both the pregnancy and her own life.

What should attract the attention of a pregnant woman when discharge appears?

  • the presence of pain and deterioration in general health;
  • duration of discharge;
  • consistency of discharge;
  • volume of discharge;
  • color.

In order to be able to determine what color the discharge appeared in the early stages of pregnancy, it is worth using white panty liners.

Red bloody discharge

Red bloody discharge is one of the dangerous symptoms of pathology. Most often, the causes of such discharge are the following dangerous conditions.

  • Threat of miscarriage. Symptoms: scarlet bloody discharge, nagging and aching pain in the lower abdomen, pain in the lower back or sacrum. The successful outcome of this situation largely depends on the timely seeking of medical help by the expectant mother. It is best to call an ambulance and wait for it in a horizontal position. If you miss the moment, then the miscarriage that has begun will be impossible to stop. Moreover, profuse bleeding may begin, which is life-threatening.
  • Erosion, polyps, cervical cancer. Bleeding may occur after intimacy or examination by a gynecologist.
  • Hydatidiform mole is a pathology of the development of the fertilized egg. The danger of this diagnosis lies in heavy bleeding and the possibility of the formation of a malignant tumor.

The true cause of bleeding can only be determined by a doctor using an ultrasound examination, gynecological examination, and a blood test to determine whether the hCG level corresponds to the obstetric stage of pregnancy.

Spotting brown discharge

Spotting brown discharge is also a symptom of dangerous pathologies.

  • Ectopic pregnancy. With this pathology, the fertilized egg attaches and develops in the wrong place (in the fallopian tube - 97%, in the ovary - 1%, in the abdominal cavity - 1%). Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy: brown (sometimes bloody) spotting, pain in a certain area of ​​the abdomen (attachment site), hCG level uncharacteristic for pregnancy (pale second line on the test). The longer a woman does not seek medical help, the greater the danger of ectopic pregnancy. In particularly advanced cases, such a pregnancy ends in death. Therefore, timely medical assistance is very important. Through surgery, the fertilized egg is removed and the bleeding stops.
  • Chorionic detachment. This condition is a direct threat of miscarriage. Symptoms of chorionic detachment: brown spotting, sharp pain in the lower abdomen, weakness. Timely access to a medical facility increases the likelihood of maintaining pregnancy and reduces the risks of complications.
  • Frozen (non-developing) pregnancy. A condition in which the death of the embryo has occurred, but the fertilized egg is still in the uterus. Peeling off from its walls causes spotting and spotting. In addition to them, the symptoms of a frozen pregnancy include the disappearance of signs of pregnancy (swelling and pain of the mammary glands, nausea, the level of hCG in the blood characteristic of the period). This condition is treated by removing the fertilized egg.

Yellow discharge

The causes of yellow discharge are:

  • Inflammatory process of the genital organs of a pregnant woman. It can cause miscarriage or infection of the fetus. To prevent adverse consequences, anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed.
  • Sexual infections (most often chlamydia, ureaplasma). These infections can cause miscarriage. Therefore, it is very important to prescribe effective and timely treatment. But self-medication is strictly prohibited, because... medications should be selected only by a doctor, taking into account the onset of pregnancy. Such discharge is always accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

Greenish discharge

The cause of greenish and, most often, foamy discharge is Trichomonas. The disease it causes is called trichomoniasis. In addition to discharge, symptoms of this condition include itching, burning, pain in the vagina, and an unpleasant odor. Trichomoniasis is very dangerous during pregnancy, because... may cause miscarriage. And only a doctor can prescribe treatment, because... with self-treatment, there is a high probability of using drugs that are toxic to the fetus.

White discharge

Often at the beginning of pregnancy, women encounter thrush (candidiasis). Its manifestation: copious white cheesy discharge, itching, burning, sour odor. Often the cause of candidiasis is physiological immunodeficiency. You should not self-medicate, because... Basic drugs for thrush cannot be used during pregnancy due to their negative effects on the fetus.

If any of the listed pathological types of discharge occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. Don't expect everything to go away on its own. If the discharge is irregular, before going to the doctor, take a photo of the panty liner so that the doctor can determine the type of discharge in the early stages in the photo in front of him. Remember that ignoring the body's signals about the presence of abnormalities can lead to the most disastrous results.

If a woman knows what discharge occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, which of them are dangerous, and which are normal, then she will be able to take care of the successful development of pregnancy and her own health. The main thing is to contact a medical facility in a timely manner and strictly adhere to all the recommendations of the attending physician.

Brown discharge during pregnancy inevitably causes anxiety in the expectant mother. The reason for this concern is easy to understand, because the brownish color of such discharge is given by inclusions of blood. And every woman knows about the danger of bleeding during pregnancy.

Indeed, brown spotting during pregnancy very often indicates various abnormalities and pathologies during pregnancy. However, this does not mean that brown discharge is always a warning sign. In some cases, they are, if not the norm, then absolutely safe, that’s for sure.

Of course, this does not mean that if a pregnant woman discovers brown spotting on her underwear, she should not worry - a lot depends on the accompanying symptoms, the duration of pregnancy, and so on. In any case, the first thing a woman should do is see a doctor. She still won’t be able to make a diagnosis on her own, and the risk is absolutely not justified.

There are many reasons that cause brown discharge during pregnancy. Some of them directly depend on the duration of pregnancy, the rest are not tied to it in any way. And, of course, it makes sense for a woman to know at least the most common of them and understand the mechanism by which discharge appears.

The first trimester is especially rich in the causes of brown discharge during pregnancy. In addition, it is in the early stages that there is the greatest chance that the discharge is safe.

When is brown discharge normal during pregnancy?

In the early stages: 1-2 weeks after conception, it occurs implantation of fertilized egg into the lining of the uterus. During this process, small blood vessels can be damaged, the blood from which is mixed with natural vaginal discharge.

In this case there will be light brown maybe even beige or pink discharge during pregnancy, the consistency of the discharge is creamy. In addition, they will be singular in nature. Another distinctive feature of the discharge associated with the implantation period is that it does not cause the woman any additional inconvenience: it has a neutral odor, does not cause itching, and is not accompanied by pain.

Another important point: at the moment of attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus, the woman most likely does not yet know about her pregnancy, and often writes off spotting brown discharge as a malfunction in the menstrual cycle. This is about being careful about your body. If you pay attention to an unusual phenomenon in time, you can assume that you are pregnant at a very early stage, when other signs have not yet appeared.

One of the reasons why spotting may occur during pregnancy is minor hormonal imbalances pregnant. Such disruptions can trigger discharge around the time when menstruation should theoretically begin. This phenomenon does not pose any danger to the mother or child and does not cause any unpleasant sensations.

In this case, there are also discharges meager, however, they can last a couple of days. Moreover, in some cases, this phenomenon may recur within 2-3 months after pregnancy.

Risk of miscarriage

Unfortunately, this is where the norm ends, and complex and dangerous diagnoses begin. In the vast majority of cases, bleeding during pregnancy indicates a threat of miscarriage. Most often, the threat arises in connection with the detachment of the fertilized egg. Damaged vessels remain at the site of detachment.

The cause of detachment of the ovum is usually a lack of progesterone, a female hormone, the main function of which is to prepare the lining of the uterus - the endometrium - for the implantation of the ovum and maintaining pregnancy until the placenta is formed. If there is little progesterone in a woman’s body or it is not produced at all, the endometrium rejects the fertilized egg.

Discharge when there is a threat of miscarriage can be both scanty and moderate. Typically they also have inclusions of mucus. There are other symptoms: nagging pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, and in some cases, vomiting.

This condition requires immediate medical intervention. Therefore, having discovered brown discharge, the expectant mother should call an ambulance immediately, and then lie down and try to calm down. Any physical activity, and especially anxiety, can only aggravate the situation.

Fortunately, if you seek help in a timely manner, in most cases the pregnancy can be saved. A woman with symptoms of a threatened miscarriage will most likely be hospitalized and undergo additional tests. In addition, measures will be taken immediately to preserve the pregnancy.

Women with abruption of the ovum are usually prescribed medications containing progesterone, such as utrozhestan, and are also prescribed complete bed rest until symptoms subside.

Ectopic pregnancy

Dark discharge during early pregnancy can also indicate a more unpleasant diagnosis: ectopic pregnancy. As the name implies, we are talking about cases when a fertilized egg is implanted not in the uterine cavity, but in the fallopian tube.

The danger of this situation is obvious: as the fetus grows, it can simply rupture the fallopian tube, which will lead to internal bleeding. And this is already a threat to the mother’s life. In addition, after this it will no longer be possible to restore the tube, so an ectopic pregnancy may also lead to a deterioration in reproductive function.

Like most pathologies, ectopic pregnancy causes symptoms other than bleeding. In particular, nagging pain in the abdomen. Usually from the side of the tube where the fertilized egg is attached.

In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, starting treatment on time is no less important than in the case of a threatened miscarriage, although the treatment will be radically different. Unfortunately, in this case there is no question of continuing the pregnancy; it is removed surgically.

Hydatidiform mole

Another extremely unpleasant pathology is called hydatidiform mole. The causes of this complication have not been fully studied, however, it has been noted that the fetus in this case always has abnormalities in the chromosome set. As a result, a theory arose that this pathology occurs when an egg is fertilized simultaneously by 2 sperm, or one, but having a double set of chromosomes. As a result, the fetus either has a triple set of chromosomes: 23 from the mother and 46 from the father, or the number of chromosomes turns out to be normal, but they are all paternal.

Since it is the paternal cells that are responsible for the development of the placenta and amniotic sac, they are mainly affected by this pathology. Instead of the formation of a full-fledged placenta, a benign tumor forms on the walls of the uterus: multiple cysts consisting of bubbles with liquid of various sizes.

This pathology can develop in different ways. Sometimes only part of the placental tissue is pathological. In this case, they talk about partial hydatidiform mole. Most often, the fetus in this case dies in the second trimester, but there is a possibility of the birth of a normal child.

A complete hydatidiform mole is characterized by changes in all tissues of the placenta. In this case, the embryo dies in the early stages. Moreover, occasionally the affected tissue penetrates the muscle tissue of the uterus. In this case, tumor bubbles can enter the blood and metastasize. Usually in the vagina and lungs.

Hydatidiform mole manifests itself bloody discharge, sometimes in them there are bubbles. In addition, the woman experiences nausea and sometimes vomiting. Less commonly, women suffer from headaches and high blood pressure. To clarify the diagnosis, an ultrasound and a blood test for hCG are performed.

An ultrasound will show the structure of the placenta, the condition of the fetus, and the absence of a heartbeat. In addition, the level of hCG in patients with hydatidiform mole jumps several times.

If a woman is diagnosed with this pathology, the fetus and pathological tissue are removed, and in some cases the uterus has to be removed. If the drift can be removed, then it must be examined after that. The fact is that some women develop cancer as a result of this pathology.

After removal of the hydatidiform mole, the woman remains under medical supervision for some time. If everything goes well, then in 1-2 years the woman will be able to give birth again. Fortunately, hydatidiform mole is extremely rare, not more than 1 time per thousand pregnant women.

Causes of brown discharge in the second trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, there are reasons for spotting. Unfortunately, all of them are deviations from the norm, and therefore threaten the condition of the mother and child. And, of course, they need treatment.

Placental abruption

One of the reasons for brown discharge in the second trimester is placental abruption. This phenomenon is dangerous for both mother and child. Firstly, the detached placenta is not able to adequately supply the fetus with oxygen and nutrients. In addition, the mother may experience severe bleeding due to placental abruption.

Most often, this problem is faced by women with high blood pressure and women who smoke. This pathology can be caused by scars on the uterus from abortion or cesarean section, abdominal trauma during pregnancy, or an umbilical cord that is too short.

Detachment manifests itself with bleeding of varying degrees of severity: from spotting to heavy bleeding, as well as nagging pain in the uterus and tension in the lower abdomen. Most often, detachment of a small part of the placenta occurs, although in rare cases complete detachment can occur.

Placental abruption cannot be treated, so it is usually a caesarean section. In mild cases, they try to postpone it until 30-36 weeks, when there is a chance to save the child. If the situation requires immediate intervention, an emergency caesarean section is performed.

Placenta previa

The diagnosis of placenta previa is made when the placenta partially or completely covers the os of the uterus. In this case, the expanding fetus puts more and more pressure on the placenta and can damage the vessels located on it, which provokes bleeding. Due to increased pressure, placental abruption may also occur, but in most cases such complications can be avoided.

Naturally, offering the placenta makes vaginal delivery impossible. The only option left is a caesarean section. In addition, this position of the placenta makes it necessary to more carefully monitor the condition of the fetus, since it can compress important vessels, which will provoke oxygen starvation.

Causes of brown discharge in the third trimester

In addition to the fact that in the third trimester brown discharge may occur for the reasons listed in the previous section, in the last weeks of pregnancy a woman may experience bloody mucous discharge during pregnancy. Most likely, there is nothing to be afraid of in this case.

It's possible that it's just moving away mucus plug, covering the cervix and protecting the baby from infections and other influences from the external environment. Usually the mucus plug comes off a few hours before delivery, although in some cases it happens much earlier.

Causes of brown discharge, regardless of duration

Of course, not all causes of vaginal bleeding are, one way or another, tied to the duration of pregnancy. Some of them can make themselves known at any time. They may be associated with various diseases, structural features of the uterus, and so on.

Cervical erosion

In particular, the reason spotting brown discharge in pregnant women cervical erosion may occur. This problem is familiar to many women, both pregnant and giving birth, and those who are yet to do so. However, during pregnancy, the delicate epithelium of the cervix is ​​especially easy to damage. That is why women often first encounter this problem during pregnancy.

Typically, erosion is asymptomatic, but after rough sex or examination on a genealogical chair, the pregnant woman develops scanty, spotting bleeding. This happens due to the fact that a foreign body disturbs the damaged epithelium.

Cervical erosion in our time is most often treated with cauterization. However, this is not recommended during pregnancy, as the burn can complicate natural childbirth. Therefore, during pregnancy, drug treatment is preferred.

Many women have a question: is it necessary to treat erosion during pregnancy? It is better to cure it, as it increases the risk of developing cancer.

Infections and inflammatory processes

Some infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases and inflammatory processes also cause vaginal bleeding. In this case, the discharge may be accompanied by various symptoms.

This may include unpleasant or specific pain sensations and the like.

It is not at all necessary that a woman became infected during pregnancy. Often, microorganisms that live in the vaginal microflora do not make themselves known until favorable conditions for reproduction arise. During pregnancy, a woman’s immunity decreases, which provokes the development of the disease. In addition, old, poorly treated infections can make themselves felt.

In this case, it makes sense to remind you that at the pregnancy planning stage it is advisable to undergo a full examination and treat all your illnesses. However, if you are reading this article, then most likely it is too late to talk about it.

Any infection during pregnancy is dangerous not only for the mother’s body, but also for her unborn child, so treatment must be started urgently.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to select medications for pregnant women, since some of them, along with the mother’s blood, penetrate the placenta to the fetus. Modern pharmaceuticals have stepped far forward in this regard, creating new drugs that are safer and with more precise dosages.

This makes the work of doctors somewhat easier. Many women worry about this, however, in any case, it is better to be cured than to risk your health and the health of the baby.

Unfortunately, in most cases, brown spotting during pregnancy indicates a variety of pathologies, abnormalities and diseases. Trying to figure out what exactly is happening on your own is not advisable. It is much wiser to meet with your doctor at the first alarming symptoms and find out the exact cause of the discharge.

Even if it turns out that nothing bad is happening to you, no one will blame you for your anxiety. It’s always better to know exactly what’s going on than to be afraid to disturb the doctor once and then have to deal with the consequences of a rash act.

Unfortunately, now many women are looking for answers on thematic forums. This should not be done, since every woman’s body is individual. Therefore, the same external manifestations in different women may indicate different diseases.

An accurate diagnosis can only be made by an experienced physician, and only after additional research. Please note that the more accurately you describe your feelings to the gynecologist, the easier it will be for him to make a diagnosis.


In the article we discuss discharge during early pregnancy. We tell you what they are: brown, yellow, white, pink, bloody, transparent. You will learn which of them are considered pathological and which are normal.

Discharge accompanies a woman throughout her life, and the reasons for its appearance can be varied. If the discharge is clear, odorless and does not cause itching, then there is no need to panic. But if the discharge appeared at the beginning of pregnancy?

Discharge during pregnancy is not always a sign of pathology

While carrying a child, a woman's body undergoes a number of physiological changes associated with changes in hormonal levels and an increase in progesterone levels. Depending on the color of the discharge, the main reasons for its appearance are identified:

  • transparent - considered a normal secretion;
  • slightly brownish tint - in small quantities, such spotting usually occurs on the days of planned menstruation in the first month after conception. The reason to consult a doctor is the presence of aching pain in the lower back and lower abdomen;
  • abundant brown secretion most often means a risk of miscarriage, in some cases accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen;
  • spotting that resembles menstruation is considered the most dangerous, as it indicates placental abruption or.

Discharge rate

Many expectant mothers are concerned about the question of what kind of discharge there should be when carrying a child. Firstly, it is necessary to pay attention to the smell, color and consistency of vaginal secretion - this will allow timely detection of the presence of pathological processes in the body. Secondly, you need to see a doctor when the mucus secreted:

  • Brown color;
  • white curdled;
  • yellow or (purulent secretion).

Types of discharge

Experts refer to pathological discharge as pathogenic secretion, which is caused by fungi or bacteria that can harm the fetus. Such pathogenic microorganisms include the Candida fungus, which provokes the development of candidiasis.

Treatment of this pathology is carried out only under the supervision of a specialist, since most medications for the pathology are prohibited during pregnancy. The presence of thrush can be determined by itching, burning in the perineum, and thick, cheesy discharge with an unpleasant odor.

We will talk about other pathological discharges during pregnancy below.


If they are moderate, odorless and impurity-free, they are considered normal. In some cases, their volume may increase during the expected menstruation, but the secretion should not cause you any discomfort.

Photos of brown discharge during pregnancy


If at the beginning of pregnancy there is a short-term and one-time weak secretion of a light brown color, accompanied by slight pain in the lower abdomen, there is no need to panic. This condition may be caused by the attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterus.

If there is dark brown secretion, you should consult a doctor, as it may mean detachment of the chorion or future placenta.

Infrequent or one-time formation in the 1st trimester may be a symptom of an ectopic, frozen or non-developing pregnancy, in which the embryo dies and the fertilized egg remains in the uterine cavity. Gradually, the placenta peels off from the uterine walls, which leads to the appearance of a dark secretion. In such a situation, you need to immediately contact a specialist!


Often, discharge of this color is a sign of changes in the body of the expectant mother, but provided that they are not accompanied by itching, burning, or an unpleasant odor.

If the secretion is dark yellow, closer to brown, then this is a reason to consult a doctor, as it may be a spontaneous miscarriage.

There may also be signs:

  • candidiasis;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • vaginitis;
  • chlamydia;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • gonorrhea.


Moderate white discharge is not a pathology. At the same time, if they are accompanied by an unpleasant odor, the consistency resembles cottage cheese, and there is redness of the genitals and itching in the perineum, this condition may indicate the presence of candidiasis. This disease requires treatment, otherwise the risk of genital tract rupture during childbirth increases.


Light or creamy discharge during pregnancy in the 1st trimester usually means inflammatory illnesses. As the disease worsens, a woman may experience discomfort in the external genital area, which is accompanied by the formation of milk secretions. The reasons are:

  • gonorrhea;
  • coli;
  • gardenellosis;
  • proteas;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • staphylococci.

Another reason for beige secretion is a lack of the hormone progesterone in the body of the expectant mother. It is necessary for carrying a pregnancy, is responsible for the tone and growth of the uterus, and also reduces the activity of the immune system at the beginning of pregnancy, which is especially important for the body to accept a fertilized egg. If blood is added to the beige discharge, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.


Pink secretion may occur due to:

  • microcracks arising due to inaccurate examination on the gynecological chair:
  • vaginal ultrasound;
  • active intimacy;
  • douching.

Often occur on the days of expected menstruation. They may also indicate attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus.

Sometimes pinkish mucus can be a symptom of thrush. If there is a brown impurity in it, then this condition may be an indicator of placental abruption, frozen and ectopic pregnancy, especially if this condition is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.


They are . They are the most dangerous during pregnancy. May be abundant or sparse with a brown tint. If severe bleeding occurs with acute abdominal pain, you should immediately go to the hospital. Such secretion means both termination of pregnancy and its ectopic course. Slight brown or light brown discharge in the early stages of pregnancy is not considered dangerous for the fetus.

The main factors in the development of this condition:

  • hydatidiform mole;
  • peritoneal trauma;
  • pathologies related to blood clotting;
  • cervical erosion;
  • myomatous nodes;
  • damage due to douching;
  • examination on a gynecological chair;
  • polyp of the cervical canal.

Photo of gray discharge during pregnancy


At the beginning of pregnancy they have a characteristic odor and are accompanied by a burning sensation in the intimate area. These symptoms indicate the presence of sexually transmitted infections, such as vaginitis or trichomoniasis.

Trichomoniasis is dangerous for expectant mothers and requires hospital treatment. With bacterial vaginitis, problems with bearing a child are observed. Therefore, if you notice gray secretion, immediately visit a gynecologist.

What to do

If you notice abnormal discharge, do not wait for it to disappear on its own. Any deviation in the functioning of the body can cause problems during pregnancy or even cause its termination.

Carrying out a vaginal ultrasound, examination in a gynecological chair, taking a smear for infections - these are the main actions that will help identify the cause of pathological secretion. If the disease is confirmed, the doctor prescribes adequate and safe treatment that will not harm either the child or the pregnant woman.

Bloody discharge in a pregnant woman is treated with certain medications, a special diet and bed rest. Therapy for cervical erosion is carried out only after childbirth, using electrocoagulation. But if complications develop, wound healing and anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed.

If there is a threat of miscarriage, then hormonal therapy is prescribed. A frozen pregnancy ends in surgical or spontaneous abortion.

Therapy for foamy discharge is carried out with careful selection of medications, since most of them are prohibited during pregnancy. To eliminate candidiasis, use warm sitz baths with herbal decoctions or medications that are allowed during pregnancy.

Self-treatment and selection of medications is prohibited, as this can lead to complications and termination of pregnancy.

The future mother's attentive attitude to her health is a necessary condition for the birth of a healthy and strong baby. Vaginal discharge, which is normally present in every sexually mature woman, can tell a lot about the state of the reproductive sphere. They provide natural hydration of the mucous membranes, protect against pathogenic bacteria, fungi and other foreign agents. Discharge appears as a reaction to normal physiological processes occurring in the female genital organs associated with ovulation and sexual activity. But many girls do not know how the nature of the contents emerging from the genital tract changes due to a recent pregnancy. Which of them can be considered normal, and which ones should you be wary of or rush to the gynecologist?

What should be the normal discharge in early pregnancy?

In the first half of the normal menstrual cycle, a small amount of secretion is released from the female genital tract. Closer to ovulation, the volume secreted increases. From the moment the follicle ruptures, “spotting” discharge is possible within 2-3 days, which indicates the readiness of the egg for fertilization. A gradual decrease in the amount of mucus discharge ends with menstruation. But what happens to the discharge if your period does not come due to pregnancy.

With successful fertilization, hormonal changes quickly occur in a woman’s body: progesterone actively begins its work, as a result of which the secretion thickens greatly and becomes viscous.

This is necessary in order for a mucous plug to form, more tightly covering the entrance to the uterus for the safety of the fetus. It lasts until labor begins and prevents possible infection.

Viscous, elastic vaginal discharge, resembling the white of a chicken egg in appearance, is normal in early pregnancy.

  • Normal secretions in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy:
  • transparent;
  • sparse;
  • able to stretch out like a thread between two fingers;

does not have an unpleasant odor.

Some girls, taught by stern mothers from childhood to religiously maintain hygiene, consider discharge a sign of “dirt,” and wash themselves frequently and thoroughly with soap. This “policy” does not protect the healthy microflora of the mucous membranes; on the contrary, their protective properties deteriorate. I believe that hygiene procedures are important, but it is advisable to minimize the use of aggressive chemicals (which includes soap). Even if all the rules for maintaining the health of the mucous membranes are followed, natural physiological secretions are not omnipotent. They do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, even when they become denser, so expectant mothers need to take extra care of themselves.

Pathological discharge, its causes and associated symptoms

There are times when discharge should be alarming. The following symptoms are considered harbingers of possible deviations from the norm:

  • unusual color of discharge;
  • reduction in volume (to dryness) or, on the contrary, excessive flow, forcing the use of additional means of protecting the laundry;
  • heterogeneity of mucus contents;
  • unusual smell (which can also be called foul).

In the first weeks following fertilization, the most dangerous discharge is from the genital tract, which at least somewhat resembles the appearance of blood: from pink to bright red. It is worth paying attention to other “unnaturally bright colors”: pronounced yellowness, shades of green, brown, etc.


Bright blood indicates that bleeding is currently active and must be stopped to prevent blood loss.

  • This kind of discharge may appear due to:
  • Threats of termination of pregnancy. Rejection of the fertilized egg from the uterine cavity is accompanied by scarlet-colored bloody discharge and is associated with aching and pulling pain in the abdomen and lower back, turning into cramping pain. This condition is dangerous due to the occurrence of bleeding that threatens the life of the mother and fetus.
  • Pseudo-erosion of the cervix, in the presence of which blood appears as a result of contact with the mucous membrane after intimate relationships, medical examination, and hygiene procedures.
  • Hydatidiform mole is a dangerous condition in which the chorion (the site of the future placenta) turns into a cyst, which always results in fetal death and requires surgical intervention (cleaning).
  • Polyps on the cervix or cervical canal after mechanical impact on them.
  • Worsening blood clotting (a general condition not associated with pregnancy).
  • Blows to the abdominal area.

Scarlet discharge in the early stages of pregnancy requires calling an ambulance

Interesting: a woman’s hormonal system often produces spotting in scant quantities during the first three months after conception “in honor” of the days on which menstruation would have occurred if pregnancy had not occurred. This is a variant of the norm.

Smearing brown

The peculiarity of the so-called daub is that it can indicate both a successful conception and a bad outcome for the embryo. It all depends on the time of appearance of this kind of discharge and its quantity.

This could be implantation bleeding. Brownish spots on the underwear that appear a week or two after the supposed fertilization are a signal that the embryo has attached itself to the uterine cavity, and pregnancy can be considered a fait accompli.

Such bleeding is scanty and does not last long (maximum two days). But most often they appear in the form of a small (pea-sized) speck. There is often no sensation. If a girl is too busy, she may not even notice the slight discomfort in the lower abdomen that appears at this time. The shade of brown varies from light to intense - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

  • But brown discharge can also indicate pathologies:
  • Chorionic detachment. At some point, the implanted fertilized egg begins to be rejected from the mucous membranes lining the uterus. During this, the formed vessels rupture and blood gradually accumulates. Subsequently, it comes out, but since this happens some time after the onset of the pathological process, the blood takes on a darker color. In this situation, with timely medical care, pregnancy can still be saved.
  • Frozen fruit. If for some reason the embryo dies, the fertilized egg is rejected from the uterine cavity, which is associated with dark brown discharge. Unfortunately, this situation cannot be resolved conservatively; surgical intervention is necessary.

Brown discharge is the same blood, but it has already clotted, since the vessels were not damaged immediately, but some time ago


Yellow discharge in early pregnancy may mean:

  • An inflammatory process caused by cytomegalovirus, ureaplasma, chlamydia and other pathogens that were already present in a woman’s body before conception and became more active with the onset of pregnancy, since the immune system was temporarily weakened. Infectious processes, in addition to yellow-colored discharge, cause an unpleasant odor. They are very dangerous for the development of the fetus and can even pose a threat to its life.
  • Beginning miscarriage. It is usually indicated by yellow discharge with a dark tint. The process is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the groin and lumbar region. The likelihood of continuing the pregnancy depends on how immediate the assistance to the expectant mother is.
  • on hygiene products (unsuitable pads, more often scented ones). Also, the appearance of yellowish or beige discharge can be caused by wearing uncomfortable underwear with synthetic components. Often allergic reactions are accompanied by itching and a burning sensation in the intimate area.
  • Inflammatory processes occurring in the ovaries or fallopian tubes. They give a bright yellow rich color to the vaginal secretion. The disorder is often accompanied by nagging or aching pain in the side of a moderate nature and requires serious attention.

Greenish foaming

If the color of the secretion is green, and at the same time the discharge forms small bubbles, which makes them look like foam, you need to sound the alarm. Such symptoms indicate a sexually transmitted disease, namely trichomoniasis.

Trichomonas are the causative agents of an infectious disease (trichomoniasis) that is sexually transmitted.

The condition is accompanied by unpleasant itching or burning sensations in the genitals. The discharge smells bad. The situation is complicated by the fact that drugs for the treatment of trichomoniasis have a toxic effect on the fetus. It is necessary to seek the help of a good gynecologist, urologist or dermatovenerologist, who will prescribe appropriate treatment taking into account pregnancy and its duration.


A whitish tint of mucus in the first trimester of pregnancy is considered normal. But if the discharge curdles, forms lumps, has a creamy structure and smell characteristic of fermented milk products, and the condition is accompanied by itching and burning in the genitals, there is a high probability. The problem is caused by the proliferation of yeast fungi of the genus Candida, which causes a condition familiar to women as.

White curdled discharge may be a sign of candidiasis - the proliferation of fungi of the genus Candida

Transparent, whitish, watery discharge may be an indicator of bacterial vaginosis. This type of secretion differs from a normal one because it has a bad smell. The disease must be treated, as it can trigger labor ahead of schedule.

Video: thrush during pregnancy

What should a woman do if pathological discharge appears in the early stages of pregnancy?

There is no need to panic, but you should not ignore suspicious processes occurring in the reproductive sphere.

  • All strange phenomena and signs associated with discharge must be reported to your doctor, who:
  • clarifies disturbing symptoms;
  • perform a medical examination;
  • will give a referral for analysis of a urogenital smear for flora and the necessary examinations (for example, ultrasound);
  • prescribe timely and correct treatment;

will keep the situation under control.

In case of phenomena resembling thrush (cheesy white discharge), regular monitoring by a doctor and compliance with all his recommendations is necessary. There is no need to try to treat thrush in the early stages of pregnancy on your own to avoid serious complications for the health of mother and child.

  • The signal for immediate action should be:
  • discomfort in the area of ​​the external genitalia in the form of itching or burning;
  • pain in the lumbar region;

pulling sensations in the lower abdomen or side.

These alarm bells indicate that not everything is going smoothly: perhaps harmful microflora is actually multiplying in the body, or there has been a disruption in the physiological course of pregnancy. If the manifestations do not stop, and their intensity increases, this is a reason to urgently contact an antenatal clinic. It is advisable to do this accompanied by close people (husband, relatives, girlfriend), as their help may be needed.

In case of severe pain, scarlet discharge in any quantity or brown discharge in significant volumes, it is necessary to call emergency medical help. Inflammatory phenomena accompanied by yellow discharge, as well as conditions manifested by green bubbling mucous-liquid discharge from the genital tract, also require intensive therapy. Often in these cases it is necessary to undergo treatment in a hospital to prevent pathologies.

Inaction in cases of discharge that signals the presence of problems leads to aggravation of the situation and is dangerous.

Vaginal secretions are a completely physiological phenomenon, but the special state of the body during pregnancy gives them characteristic features. If the appearance and amount of discharge is alarming, it is better to solve the problem together with a doctor. In case of causeless concern, the doctor will dispel your doubts, and if there are reasons, he will help preserve the life and health of the baby and his mother.

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