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Dreadlocks for men's hair: photos and features. What are dreadlocks: photo, description. How dreadlocks are made

Modern youth tries to stand out in society by any means. Therefore, teenagers, and older people too, conduct quite bold experiments on their appearance. For example, they weave unusual braids called dreadlocks. It looks very original, and there is no need to comb it!

How to make dreadlocks

— In order to make dreadlocks, take wax, shampoo, artificial hair, a comb, clips and elastic bands, and curlers.

- Do not start braiding your hair until you decide what kind of hairstyle you want to see as a result. After all, there are many ways.

Artificial dreadlocks

You can make “artificial dreadlocks”. Gather the strands (you need to work with an area of ​​about two square centimeters) and braid them. Secure the ends with rubber bands. After completing the weaving procedure, take a strand and remove the fixing elastic band from it. Then divide it into 3 equal strands. After this, add artificial hair to each strand (it should be 3 times longer than the expected length of the dreadlocks). Next, braid your artificial hair and your own hair. Secure the ends with rubber bands. Once you've finished your braid, take the dangling end of your synthetic hair and braid it over the top (starting at the roots and ending at the ends). Secure the tip again with an elastic band. Lubricate the finished dreadlock with wax. Repeat this procedure on all strands.

Twist and tear

There is another method of weaving dreadlocks - twisting and breaking. When you wash your hair, rub your hair in a gentle clockwise motion. When your hair is dry, divide it into strands and apply wax to each of them. Then roll it again with your palms. This method requires monthly hair washing to curl dreadlocks. You will achieve the final result of your hairstyle only after 4 months. During the first month, it is better not to wash your hair or at least not to use shampoos and other detergents. Instead, give your hair maximum rolling treatments. This way they will get the look you were aiming for. In addition, this will allow you to avoid some disadvantages: loose tufts of hair, lumps, “relaxed” places on the dreadlock. It is better to prevent their appearance than to try to get rid of them later.

Twisting with a hairpin

The Hairpin Twist method involves dividing the hair into many thin strands and securing them with clips. Then apply wax to your hair and secure the dreadlocks with hairpins so that the finished curls do not unwind. Use curlers to curl dreadlocks.

Video: how to make dreadlocks yourself

Photos of dreadlocks hairstyles

In Russian, “terrifying curls” (dreadlocks) - this is the name given to this hairstyle in the mid-50s by residents of Jamaica. Of course, the Jamaican Rastafarians were not the inventors of this hairstyle, but it was thanks to them that the hairstyle gained its name and popularity. At different times, dreadlocks were worn by the ancient Germans, Aztecs, Celts, African tribes, Jewish Nazarenes, Islamic dervishes, Hindu sadhus, and Coptic Christians. Although the appearance of dreadlocks can be attributed to primitive society. In the absence of combs and other “accessories of modern times,” the hair of primitive people became tangled, gradually turning into long tangles.

Why are dreadlocks made?

Among Ethiopian and Jamaican Rastafarians, braiding dreadlocks is part of an unspoken agreement between “Rastas” and “Jah” - where, according to legend, with the onset of the end of the world, God Jah will reach out and pull them by the dreadlocks into the sky, saving them from the inevitable death of all life on earth. This is how dreadlocks make them invincible

Others believe that dreadlocks can open up in a person the ability to supersensible knowledge and clairvoyance.

For many fans of reggae singer Bob Marley, dreadlocks are symbols of freedom and peace.

For some, dreadlocks are a way to save time, since this hairstyle requires virtually no maintenance and frequent shampooing.

For representatives of youth subcultures, dreadlocks are a way of self-expression and a form of protest against generally accepted rules and lack of spirituality.

However, for most, dreadlocks are a stylish, shocking hairstyle that allows you to stand out from the gray mass.

Types of dreadlocks

1. Natural dreadlocks - dreadlocks made from your own hair, subject to correction, are worn for a year or more. Such dreadlocks can be unbraided if desired, however, the longer you wear them, the more difficult it will be to untangle your hairstyle. In most cases, you can part with them only by cutting off the “curls.” That is why they are often called “dangerous”.

2. Industrial dreadlocks – natural dreadlocks with a frame made of wire/thin wire. Pros: very unusual appearance and long wear. Disadvantages – sleeping with glands in your head (not comfortable and not pleasant).

3.CE (single ended) dreadlocks - safe (made from artificial hair) dreadlocks with one end, more accurate than natural dreadlocks, depending on the choice of material and color palette, they can be close to the natural hair color or very different from it, often combinations of two or more colors in one dreadlock.

4.DE (double ended) dreadlocks - safe dreadlocks with two ends, analogues in many ways similar to CE dreadlocks, but unlike the first ones they have two ends, due to which a large volume of the hairstyle is achieved. It is recommended to do De on hair over 7 cm long. DE dreadlocks, like SE dreadlocks, last from 2 to 3 months.

5.Ja dreadlocks are another type of safe dreadlocks, unlike the previous ones, they are made in a factory, and not by the hands of a craftsman. These are very thin smooth dreadlocks with a fairly large color palette. Senegalese braids and braids will serve as an excellent addition to creating a hairstyle from dreadlocks of this type.

6.Permanent dreadlocks - curled dreadlocks, look incredibly beautiful, but require especially careful care and the hands of an experienced craftsman.

Should you make dreadlocks out of kanekalon or felt?

Materials for dreadlocks

SE AND DE dreadlocks can be made from various materials; as a rule, the choice is between felt, natural donor hair and kanekalon.
When choosing between felt and Kanekalon, you should consider the disadvantages and advantages of each. With felt it is very hot in the summer, but in the winter you can walk without a hat. The undoubted advantages of felt are the huge variety of palettes and patterns, and besides, felt makes your head itch much less. Kanekalon dreadlocks, in turn, look much more natural and hold up well, even on not very long hair.
On the left in the photo is felt, on the right is Kanekalon.

How are dreadlocks made?

There are many methods for weaving dreadlocks: combing, rubbing with wool, hand braiding, crochet/string braiding. twisting, using a brush, etc. The essence of any of them is to tangle the hair as much as possible, turn the curl into a tangle, then use the felting method to give the desired shape to the dreadlock.

It’s easy to learn how to make dreadlocks at home, but it’s worth considering that this is a very painstaking, albeit simple, job that requires a lot of time and the presence of an assistant. You can use any relevant video as a guide.

How to make safe dreadlocks?

Is it worth getting dreadlocks?

Having heard a lot of gossip about dreadlocks, many salon visitors doubt whether this hairstyle is worth doing, so I would like to dispel some myths:

1.When you get tired of dreadlocks, you have to shave your head bald. This can only apply to natural dreadlocks, since artificial dreadlocks will not harm your hair in any way. Natural dreadlocks can also be untangled, depending on the time of wear, you will need to prepare your hair in advance (from a week or more) for this unpleasant procedure: wash your hair every day with conditioner, use strengthening masks, etc. As a rule, people themselves prefer to stay with a short haircut (you don’t have to shave bald, you just need to wait for your hair to grow back).

2.Good dreadlocks can only be obtained from African hair..

It is easier for people with African hair structure to have good smooth dreadlocks, besides, this is perhaps the only type of hair that can be “braided” fairly quickly using the neglect method (leaved alone and not combed), but this does not mean that it is impossible to braid good dreadlocks from other hair types.

3.People with dreadlocks smell bad and get lice. With proper care there will be no such problems! The presence of dreadlocks may reduce the frequency of washing your hair to once a week, but it does not in any way contribute to the breeding of lice. And if you sometimes wash your dreadlocks themselves with soap (shampoo is dangerous for your dreadlocks, you only wash your hair with shampoo (your hair at the roots)), then there will be no problems with odors.

Dreadlocks, also known as dreadlocks, are a hairstyle rooted in the Rastafarian and Hindu religions. hermit practices. Rastafarians braid dreadlocks with the belief that one day Jah will pull them into the Kingdom of God, and Hindus see in matted locks a kind of protest to the established dogmas of the world. In our country, hairstyles are usually done without thinking about philosophical and religious meanings, in the blind pursuit of fashion and the desire to stand out from the crowd.

Among the brightest fans of dreadlocks in recent years, the world remembers Bob Marley, the man who gave the world reggae. In Jamaica, the singer of love and peace was equated with saints, and Europeans were saturated with his work, adopting the way they dressed and braided their hair.

In different eras, dreadlocks adorned the heads of the Germans and Normans, as well as our primitive ancestors. After all, back then there was no talk about combs and hair balms; the curls themselves fell into tangles, which, in fact, are dreadlocks. Today, weaving them seems to many to be an impossible task, and those who want to change their image line up to see the craftsmen.

The main types of dreadlocks, their advantages and disadvantages

“put on” the curls like a stocking. Dreadlock attachments are woven from Kanekolon, a material that cannot withstand blow-drying and quickly turns into a washcloth. It’s convenient that you can remove your hairstyle without risking your hair, but Rastafarians will definitely not appreciate the “truth” of safe dreadlocks.

Dangerous– a classic, which is dreadlocks made from your own hair, the minimum length is 10 cm. You can do anything with them, but from time to time you will have to braid and unbraid them without harming your hair; it’s easier to cut them off. Rastafari will appreciate the “true”, but get ready for incredibly unpleasant sensations during the weaving process.

Felt dreadlocks are put on in the same way as those made from kanekolon, like covers for hair. They look unnatural, but interesting, and can be easily removed when you get tired of being different from those around you.

Double can often be seen in harmony with the steampunk style, they are woven according to the classical pattern, one part from their own hair, the second from kanekolon, after which they are woven together into a spiral. Girls like them, but they are harder to care for than the classic “Ja antennas.”

Industrial dreadlocks“live” on a wire frame. Most often they stick out in different directions and are supported until the hair grows below the shoulders. They look interesting, which is a plus, but sleeping with them is quite difficult; the frame wire presses on your head.

How to pin up long hair

You can wear dreadlocks however you like, most often they are worn loose until they grow below the shoulders. After which all types of hairpins and knots are used. The knot is the simplest; braided strands are easily tied at the back of the head. “Crabs” and “clothespins” must be used with the utmost care so as not to leave the strands in the “bast.” Another option is sticks, but you need to get used to pinning your hair without piercing the strands.

Methods for weaving dreadlocks

Crochet They are woven by professionals, sometimes using a string instead of a hook. The technology is as follows: the dreadlocks are “dumped” by hand, leaving a free tip. It is this tip that is pulled with a hook through the “felted” part of the “Ja antenna”. Dreadlocks turn out to be quite tight, and last much longer than those woven using other technologies.

Hands, in principle, weaving is done in any case, but the manual method is often called the “woolen” method. In this case, the master puts on woolen mittens, tangles the strand with them until it becomes a dreadlock, and then impregnates the finished work with strong-holding wax.

Combing Dreadlocks are woven using the principle of creating tangles of hair using a narrow comb. Each future dreadlock is coated with wax, after which it is deliberately tangled into an antenna of hair.

Twisting– the method is simple and accessible. All you need is wax and resilient palms. The hair is divided into strands of equal volume. After which each strand is twisted clockwise and well impregnated with wax. You can wash your hair no sooner than after a few weeks, but the hairstyle lasts quite a long time.

Ways to care for dreadlocks

Dreadlocks need daily “rolling up”. To do this, the dreadlock is clamped between the palms and “rolled” from the roots to the tips. This preserves the "Ja antenna" structure. Once a month, at least, the hairstyle is braided at the roots and along the entire length.

As for washing your hair, you will have to rest more often than usual. It is generally not recommended to wash your hair for the first month; you should not wet it in the sea or in the pool either. Further, washing is done no more than once every 10-12 days without conditioners and “soft” shampoos, they spoil the shape of the hairstyle.

You can wear dangerous dreadlocks for the rest of your life, but be prepared to learn how to care for them and regularly braid them. The safe “covers” on the strands need to be removed 2–3 months after weaving, this is necessary to treat your hair and replace the “covers” made of kanekolon or felt with new ones.

A girl with dreadlocks on her head is a clear pendulum that everyone without exception notices. This hairstyle allows you to stand out from the crowd and emphasize your individuality. It came to us from antiquity and still remains at the peak of popularity among young people. In addition to being spectacular, sealed strands save owners from tedious styling and careful care, because most often they do not unravel, and are subsequently simply cut off. However, there are safe dreadlocks that have virtually no effect on hair health and can be easily removed.

Creating a colorful hairstyle at home

Everyone has a rough idea of ​​how dreadlocks are made in a hairdresser. But not every young lady has the required amount of money, especially considering the fact that parents are unlikely to sponsor this radical method of becoming bright. Stylists tracking what happens to curls after wearing tight strands for a long time have developed safe dreadlocks made from artificial materials that are woven into the natural strands. They can be purchased at a specialized salon and attached to your hair. But first things first…

Option 1 – Ready-made dreadlocks

How to make dreadlocks when the woven pieces have already been purchased?

Prepare the necessary materials:

  • shampoo;
  • elastic bands in the color of your native curls;
  • wax;
  • threads to match the hair color;
  • long needle with a wide eye;
  • 40 -60 blanks from Kanekalon.

In addition, you will need the help of a friend or sister, perhaps your hairdresser. One end of the finished product is sealed, and the other has loose artificial hairs about fifteen centimeters long. We will work with them. Weaving dreadlocks occurs as follows:

With this method of creating a hairstyle, you can cut short the hair growing below the line running from the middle of one to the middle of the second ear.

Option 2 – Artificial Dreadlocks

Safe dreadlocks can be created by weaving artificial hair. To create a hairstyle, you will need the same accessories as in the first option, except for artificial dreadlocks. The length of the purchased material must exceed the length of the desired hairstyle by three times.

This installation can be done without outside help. It is done simply:

As you can see, this method is absolutely safe, since your own hair is protected by artificial hair.

For young and perky ladies, we suggest using colored threads instead of artificial hair. Firstly, it is more accessible and cheaper, and secondly, you can get the most incredible color schemes.

Option 3 – Dreadlocks from your own hair

This method is intended for those who want to learn how to weave dreadlocks from their own hair. There are different techniques that minimally destroy the structure of the hairs.

You can make harmless dreadlocks at home like this:

  1. Divide your hair into squares about two centimeters square and secure each with an elastic band.
  2. Release the first piece and create a tight braid from it, leaving no loose ends.
  3. Secure the roots and ends with invisible rubber bands.
  4. Cover the braid with wax and roll it between your palms for a long time to seal it.
  5. Do this procedure with each workpiece.

Those with sparse or thin hair can cheat and get thicker braids if the braids are folded in half and then secured with elastic bands at the roots and ends.

For the first time, the dreadlock hairstyle probably appeared among primitive people who did not know combs and scissors. After all, long hair, if you don’t take care of it, after a while will roll into tangles on its own. Nowadays, fans of Bob Marley have taken note of this hairstyle as a distinctive detail of their image. Now “terrible curls” (this is how the name “dreadlocks” hairstyle is translated) today are worn by boys and girls, pop stars and ordinary people.

Dreadlocks look very expressive, perfectly increase the volume of the hairstyle and certainly make a person memorable. But no one wants to wait several years and walk around unkempt while their hair mats on its own. To get a fashionable and original hairstyle, just go to the hairdresser. And today we will tell you about the types of dreadlocks and how to care for them.

Well-groomed dreadlocks are a sign of style, not disdain for one’s own appearance.

Dreadlock options

  • Jah dreadlocks. This type of dreadlocks is designed for a short time (2-3 months). They can be done on short hair (5-6 cm of natural hair is enough), into which ready-made artificial hair is woven into a braid or figure eight. This hairstyle looks very original, is easy and quick to do, and you can weave dreadlocks of any color. Effective transitions from one color to another are especially popular. This is a safe option for dreadlocks that does not damage your hair at all.
  • De-dreads. These dreadlocks will also not spoil your curls, because a special artificial material, Kanekalon, will be woven into your natural hair. It will help you make dreadlocks of the desired thickness and length. You can choose the shade yourself - from a complete match with your natural color to something bright and extravagant. The period of wearing De-dreads is no more than 2-3 months, but after wearing them, the dreads can be used again. You can also create de-dreads on short hair.
  • Safe dreadlocks. This convenient type of dreadlocks consists of pre-cut cannelons that are attached to your hair. Since the blanks can be of any length and thickness, you can create a large, voluminous and long hairstyle from them. Faux cannelons are very light, so you don’t have to worry about the weight of your new hairstyle. Safe dreadlocks are attached to hair over 5 cm long.
  • Nepalese dreadlocks. This type of dreadlocks is made from felt blanks, which look unnatural, but you will definitely look like a classic Rastafarian. Unfortunately, Nepalese dreadlocks have a significant disadvantage - when wet, the felt has an unpleasant odor.
  • Dangerous dreadlocks. These are real dreadlocks, like Bob Marley. They are made from your hair, and the longer the hair, the better (in dreadlocks it will become 30-40% shorter). The required starting length is at least 15 cm. The master can use crocheting, backcombing, rubbing with wool until it becomes a tangle, or twisting.

Sometimes, to increase the thickness and length of dangerous dreadlocks, canelons, felt, wool and other people's natural hair are woven into the hair. The ends of dreadlocks can be “live” or “sealed”, that is, round, hidden inside. Be prepared for dangerous dreadlocks to remain for several years! Your hair will grow back, so immediately ask your hairdresser to teach you how to braid dreadlocks so that they look beautiful and neat throughout the entire period of hair loss.

Caring for women's dreadlocks

All types of artificial dreadlocks require minimal care: they need to be washed once a week with a mild shampoo or treated with a special spray. There is no need to use conditioners or other hair care products. You should also not dry it with a hairdryer. Dangerous dreadlocks require more careful care, especially in the first month: they should be washed only with water without shampoo (and some experts advise not to wash them at all).

Felt dreadlocks have disadvantages - for example, an unpleasant odor when wet

If you used wool or felt to create dreadlocks, be prepared for the unpleasant smell of wet wool. In addition, you should roll each strand of dreadlocks every day from roots to ends to form them into a tight “sausage”. After a month, you can wash your hair with shampoo, but only in slightly salted water. Under no circumstances should you use “2 in 1” and “3 in 1” complexes, only pure shampoo!

Hair care after dreadlocks

If you have done any kind of artificial dreadlocks, then your natural hair is not in danger. After you remove your dreadlocks, your hair will look exactly the same as before. If you have dangerous dreadlocks, you will only need to remove them at the hairdresser. This is a very painful and lengthy procedure, after which your hair will noticeably thin out.

After dangerous dreadlocks, many simply shave their heads bald. If you are not ready for such extravagant experiments, then immediately start restorative hair treatments - masks, vitamins, special rubs, wraps and other products. But still, for some time your hair will be tangled, frizzy and have split ends.

Hairstyles with dreadlocks

Dreadlocks themselves are already a pretty spectacular hairstyle. Any knots and pinning with original hairpins are perfect. Long dreadlocks look good in a Malvinka hairstyle, in a ponytail, or braided into a wide braid. Special beautiful rings, pendants and other jewelry are also sold for dreadlocks. Dreadlocks, tied at the back of the head in a knot, look very feminine on girls.

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